LOL: This man is so strong!

Chapter 483 Crying and understanding the commentary box

"Congratulations TSM!"

"Yes, congratulations TSM!"

Miller said excitedly: "Brother Hao has reached the MSI finals again! We know that starting from the 2016 S Championship, as long as Brother Hao participates in the World Championships, he has won all the championships."

"If such a record can still be performed in TSM, it will be another miracle of this season."

"That's right!"

The doll was in a excited mood and said excitedly:

"If Brother Hao Msi wins another championship, it will be another three consecutive world championships!"

"What kind of dominance is this?!"

The King player on the side was filled with envy: "It is very difficult to be a world champion. First, you have to break out of the competition area, and then you have to fight your way through so many strong teams in the world. Even a championship is hard to come by. The feat of consecutive championships like The King's will probably not come easily in the future." No one can copy it."

"Do you think TSM has a high chance of winning the championship in the future?"

"Pretty big."

"Judging from the G2 semi-finals, they have prepared a lot of tactics, but compared to IG, TSM is more adaptable to G2's routines because they often encounter tricks in LCS games and will have more preparations."

"Moreover, TSM's tactical reserves this season are amazing and are not inferior to G2."

"Coupled with the strength of The King, I think TSM has a better chance of winning."

The three people in the commentary box expressed their opinions directly, and saw the scene of Faker lying on the keyboard under the camera.

"SKT was swept, which was a big blow to the big devil."

"Yes, SKT waited hundreds of days and nights for today's comeback. However, they failed to take away what they wanted to take away most in Taipei. The biggest rivals and good brothers of the past were all in their way. In front of them, SKT was completely defeated."

"This scene reminds me of the classic painting from the 2017S. SKT lost to Snake in the Bird's Nest Finals. When leaving the field, the camera showed the back of the Big Devil. He suddenly looked back, with infinite nostalgia and frustration in his eyes. Perfection is hard to come by for this legendary player who is obsessed with winning."

"Yes, the path of a professional player is like this. Some people succeed, and some people fail."

Brother Haier kept talking to each other. At this time, Doinb on the side was a little silent.

He looked at the big devil and seemed to see a trace of his own shadow.

Compared to the ‘loser’ like the Great Demon King, wouldn’t his golden player be even more of a failure?

Sitting in the commentary box at this time, not being able to compete in the world arena is already the biggest failure.

In the LPL competition area back then, Doinb also experienced the taste of the ID "TheKing".

Therefore, as a professional player, Doinb also sympathized with the Big Devil and felt the sadness that can only be experienced by losers in e-sports.

In the Taipei Basketball Arena, the LCS spectators who came from afar were completely crazy.

Whenever a camera is given, they will do various celebration actions in front of the camera.

Fans dressed in alliance cosplayers twisted and danced, enjoying the current atmosphere.

In the North American commentary box, Riv shouted loudly:

"Guys, finals!"

"This is the LCS Finals!"

"The moment we have been waiting for has finally arrived. Season after season, the LCS audience is always a marginal spectator in the finals, because our team is completely incapable of getting to that point."

"And today, all that will change!"

"The North American Galaxy Battleship led by The King sailed across the sky above Taipei, sweeping SKT, and will play the song of the LCS's first MSI finals!!"

"Guys, if you love league e-sports, please don't miss it. Tomorrow, we will witness this historic moment together! TSM, the traditional giant of the LCS, will take our will to the final battlefield this spring!"


Riv roared as loud as he could, his voice almost roaring, making his voice sound hoarse by the end.

David and Smith kept applauding and looked at the TSM players who were celebrating in the player stands with smiles on their faces.

"A special season, special moment, the LCS is entering the next phase."

"The incomplete MSI finally has the imprint left by LCS."

Smith said sincerely:

"As a result, we have a more comprehensive understanding of TheKing. He has enough strength to bring the LCS out of the quagmire and redeem a region that was originally extremely weak in the World Championship."


Over at the European commentary booth, Coster was already talking loudly:

"The rise of the LEC took several seasons, and every step we took was difficult. Only in the 2018 World Championship did people see the signs of our official rise."

"At that time, the North American team was nothing and could only accompany them in the World Championships."

"And now?"

"They can sweep SKT! Msi has not lost a single game so far, and they have swept all the way to the finals! This alone has surpassed the LEC."

"The rise of the LCS has no foundation. It took a big step to get ahead of us, just because they have The King."

"Those doubters should take a closer look at how much influence the league's No. 1 player has on the game!"

Charles on the side also agreed with Coster’s point of view, but he also supported G2:

"I see the championship look in G2. The configuration of this team is very different from previous European teams."

"We saw from the game between TSM and SKT that we must not give in when facing this TSM. G2 has always been very tough, which is an important reason why they beat IG."

"Facing TSM, G2 still has a high chance of winning."

"Ball, what do you think?"

Ball laughed and said, "I think it's about 50-50."

"I will really enjoy this finals, the collision between LEC and LCS, which has never happened before."

"It's hard to believe that the 2019 season will be like this."

"Coster, what do you think?"

"I think we need to dig deeper into history."

Coster said: "G2 is not afraid of TSM, but they will be very afraid of TheKing."

"As long as I associate G2 with The King, I can't forget the Pentakill Sword Demon who rushed into the G2 crowd like a god descending from heaven!"

"Caps, as Europe's mid-lane hope, has made considerable progress this season, but he still needs more training before he is the best in the league."

"If G2's coaching staff had not prepared sophisticated tactics, their winning rate in the finals would be less than 30%."

Coster's words made many LEC viewers panic.

Judging from the serious look on his face, it didn't look like he was talking or joking at all.

The audience at the scene and in front of the screen followed the director's lens and saw the TSM players walking towards the SKT players' bench.

When Khan and Clid shook hands, they both looked listless, as if they were discouraged.

Especially when Clid shook hands with Benji and met SKT's former jungler, it was quite embarrassing for Clid.

Three games, three excavator games, except for some famous background scenes, Clid has achieved nothing.

"Establish Clid and go to Nanxiang for training. This excavator technology is not good!"

"Stupid chicken (laughing): Is this how you drive the excavator I left in SKT? You might as well raise pigs!"

"I suggest Clid change his ID and call him Blid from now on. Only SKT's excavator with the surname B has an internal smell."

"The stupid chicken must be secretly happy now, because Faker's cooperation with his current boss is not as good as before. His predecessors usually have this mentality."


While everyone was chatting, Li Hao and Benji came to Faker one after another.

This handshake is completely different from the group stage situation.

In the knockout round, there is no back-and-forth, everything is final.

When he saw Benji and Li Hao, except for the fact that his eyes were a little red, the Demon King couldn't see anything unusual in other aspects. He would never allow himself to show his cowardly side in front of these two people.

"Xianghe, just cry if you want. It will be much better if you cry."

"Seeing you holding it in your heart makes me feel even more uncomfortable!"

The good brother Benji held Faker's hand and came up with a burst of comfort and persuasion, seeming to be ready to offer his broad shoulders.

The big devil glanced at Benji with a knife-like look, and then quickly withdrew his hand.

Li Hao smiled and scolded:

"Xingxiong, what are you talking about?"

"Sang Hyuk is stronger than you think. It's just a defeat in the knockout round. He has experienced it many times before. Sang Hyuk will not waver in this matter."

Listening to what they said, the flesh on Faker's face twitched, and he glanced at the table, wishing he didn't have a watermelon knife, otherwise he would definitely kill these two bastards.

In the high-energy viewing group:

"Here we go, the small theater after the game."

"Hahaha, looking at it like this, Brother Hao seems to be stronger than Faker on and off the court, and combined with the stupid chicken, it's hard for Faker to stand up to him now."

Sika smiled with a puffy belly: "Clid on the side wanted to interrupt. Faker was weak alone, and the opponent's midfielder and jungler were linked together. As a jungler, he had to help, but he found that he couldn't interrupt because the stupid chicken would ask when he turned around. He said: What kind of champion are you?"

General Sturgeon used his expertise and guessed:

"Maybe they were discussing what to eat after the game and what to order?"

The audience burst into laughter, and many water friends said: "You have to order the food, General Sturgeon. After all, you are a professional counterpart."

Li Hao immediately stopped joking and patted Guapi's shoulder affectionately:

"Xianghe, there will be a chance next time."

"S9, this is the next world arena. I hope we will all be there then."

Li Guapi took a breath and responded: "Yeah."

"At that time, I will take back the victory!"

His eyes swept over Li Hao and Benji, "I will stay at the scene for the next finals. If you lose to G2, I will treat you to dinner."

When he mentioned the words "lost to G2", the big devil had a faint smile.

Li Hao secretly cursed that Guapi was holding back his bad intentions and wanted to see them overturn in the gutter.

"It's just right for you to leave a day later. Xingxiong and I discussed that if we win against you, we will send you to the airport."

“Hope you’re doing well this summer.”

Guapi nodded, did not refuse, and said yes.

The stupid chicken didn't say anything more. He faced Faker with a simple and honest smile on his fat face.

Under the camera, the Big Devil and Benji hugged each other, and then shook hands with Li Hao again.

Such a scene moved many old viewers.

"Former brothers, having a conversation after the game in this way, I believe they have a lot to talk about, about past games, about various things that happened in the team, this is an unforgettable experience in their careers. And this A hug at the time once again allowed the alliance to witness their friendship, adding a touch of warmth in the tragic moment of the big devil."

"From S3 to S6, there are so many stories about this pair of midfielders. We onlookers can recall so many classics."

After the baby finished speaking, Miller also said:

"The two former Li brothers have also been entangled in the World Championship for many seasons, until today's S9. This directly runs through the two league eras."

"It belongs to SKT's era, and it belongs to Brother Hao's era."

"In this flowing time, the deepest imprint of the three people was left."

"Although the Big Devil has always lost to Brother Hao, they are also friends off the court."

"Faker burst into tears in Taipei earlier. Brother Hao, the big brother, came up and patted him on the shoulder. He should be comforting him."

"Rivals are also friends. The league not only has e-sports, but it is also exciting because of these contents!"

"I believe that fans who truly love the league will enjoy this scene."


The LPL commentary team was in a great mood, as was the LCK commentary booth next door.

An exaggerated scene appeared. When South Korea's roaring emperor Quan Yongjun saw the post-game footage, he shouted in the studio:


"We almost created a dynasty with SKT!"

His eyes were red, and his words were filled with tears: "That was such a memorable era, and it carried the most glorious history of LCK!"

"The people who are blocking the LCK now, the people who are destroying the dream of the dynasty, are right in front of me."

"They are entangled together and have a strange connection. This is the special feeling given by the current alliance era."

"The King is a respectable and powerful opponent, but I believe that our Faker will cheer up, and our new generation in the LCK will take over the next one, and they will bring new hope to the LCK."

Looking at Quan Yongjun with tears in his eyes, Jin Dongjun on the side was also infected.

"elder brother!"


Jin Dongjun shouted twice, also crying, with the same tearful eyes.

"You are right, we will defeat TheKing, and the LCK will cheer up!"

“Let us not be dismayed, but build a new kingdom upon the ruins!”


The scene that happened in the Korean commentary box was later forwarded, and many people lamented that they showed their true feelings.

Just like when Snake won the championship in S6.

The harsh winter has finally passed, and the warm sunshine shines directly on the earth.

The light at dawn is so sacred and bright.

In the LPL commentary box back then, there were the same cries. The old commentators and e-sports seniors were all excited with tears in their eyes.

Of course, there are many people making fun of me in the forum.

After the first battle, The King beat Faker to tears and the LCK commentary box.

There is only one person in the history of e-sports.

This added a new dimension to the semi-finals at the Taipei Basketball Stadium, making it memorable for those who came after.

When Benji and Li Hao left the SKT player bench, the Big Devil stood quietly, watching them go away.

Steve, the on-site photographer, captured a classic photo.

In the picture, Faker is holding an e-sports chair, wearing an SKT jersey, and staring towards the stage.

Flags were fluttering at the scene, and the flags of TSM and TheKing were tumbling.

The two people with "The King" and "Bengi" printed on their backs only have two silhouettes, one high and one low.

TheKing walked straight forward, while Bengi had a slightly side face, as if he was looking back at Faker.

After this picture was posted, many fans saved it and even made it into photos and posters.

Photographer Steve is also a league enthusiast because the photo was widely disseminated. He said this when interviewed about "the mood when he took this photo."

Steve: "Yes, this is a scene that makes me crazy. I am very happy to record it. I was extremely excited at the time and my heart was beating fast. I was afraid of missing that moment. Fortunately, I succeeded. "

"You can see the bond, the friendship, the tragedy, the glory, and a mysterious king."

"I can't guarantee whether they will appear in the World Championship again in this way. Maybe there is only this opportunity, and I have to seize it."

"My favorite e-sports player?"

"Haha, of course it's The King!"


When TSM accepted the cheers and applause of the audience on the stage, the coaching staff and team members of G2 backstage were all watching this scene.

"SKT was swept out of the tournament faster than we expected."

"It's a pity that I didn't get to see more of TSM's tactics."

"Tomorrow, we will have a decisive battle with TSM!"

Everyone was talking about it, and Coach Grabb asked with a smile:

"Caps, are you ready?"

Everyone looks at Caps. Everyone knows that in this round of finals, he has the heaviest task!

The king of European hats is fearless:


"I'm looking forward to tomorrow's game."

As he spoke, the hat king showed a smile, which made the entire G2 backstage burst into cheers.

PS: Good night book friends, please update on time before 23:59 tomorrow night.

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