LOL: This man is so strong!

Chapter 484 Artifact collision!

After the game, all members of TSM came to the interview stage to accept interviews from the e-sports media.

Let’s review this game, say some dirty words, and look forward to tomorrow’s MSI finals.

Of course, some media people also focused their cameras on SKT.

"Faker, how are you feeling now?"

"What are your plans next?"

In front of the camera, the big devil did not become timid because SKT was swept. His words were still tough:

"SKT doesn't want to lose, and I don't want to lose either."

"We have to prepare for the summer season. The 2019 season is not over yet. We will return in the S season!"

Someone from the media asked in a troubled manner:

"Do you want to defeat TheKing in S9 and get back everything that belongs to you?"

The big devil paused for a second and nodded heavily:

"I'll beat him!"


Some people say that as a loser, it is obviously a bit harsh to say harsh words to defeat The King, who is at the peak at this time.

Some people also say that the big devil has a strong desire to win, which is his character.

Others say that if you understand their entanglements in the past few seasons, you can understand how eager the big devil is to defeat Brother Wolfberry. After officially facing off against Brother Wolfberry, the big devil who once amazed people has not been able to win a game against him until now.

It is precisely because of Brother Wolfberry that the Big Devil became the second person in the alliance. The position of the first person was once within reach, but now it has become an insurmountable mountain.

Whether it's SKT's post-game interview or TSM's post-game Q\u0026A in the interview room, these are all small episodes.

The vision of the audience in each competition area is focused on the finals.

On the night of May 18, Li Hao was lying on the hotel bed.

He opened his phone and found many messages of support from his good friends.

For example.

"What a boy, I'm surprised to be able to reach the finals this year under such circumstances! You must have been playing me back then." - Clearlove7.

"Brother, you can play the finals with peace of mind. I have already helped you with the things you asked me to do. When you win the championship in the finals, you can take me to a higher level when you have time. Ya'er said, I fell to the master. I have already competed with you. The water friends said that we will find a Tongtian generation double row later." - PDD.

"Brother Hao, come on for the finals, go to work and watch your competition." - Miqin.

"I believe you can win and congratulations in advance." - Chris.

"Come on for the final, the canyon without you is really as lonely as snow." - TheBug.

"I'm very excited to commentate on the game tomorrow. Brother Hao will be fine!" - Wang Duoduo.

"Brother Hao, my cooking skills have improved greatly. I had the idea of ​​going to Los Angeles to see you before. I arrived at Hongqiao Airport three times and returned to the base three times. I was very hesitant. When you return to China, I will personally cook a big meal for you. , Come on for the final, I will win with you!" - Ezuo Kiro.

"Meow~~" - ice cream.


Looking at the messages one after another, a smile appeared on Li Hao's face unconsciously.

He remembered scenes from the past, and there were many warm scenes.

He is even more nostalgic for his hometown across the sea.

The love for Sangzi is becoming more and more overflowing.

However, the 2019 season is not over yet.

And at this Mid-Season Championship, something very opportune happened for Li Hao.

May 19, 2019.

At around two o'clock in the afternoon, players from the TSM team and the G2 team were already waiting backstage at the Taipei Basketball Arena.

The on-site staff came to the backstage and explained the entry procedures to them again.

The audience was very active and entered the venue early. Together with some pre-match activities organized by Riot Games, the entire venue was extremely lively!

Compared with the semi-finals, the final stage is more grand, and the performers who need to appear are all preparing behind the scenes.

The commentary booths in each major competition area are already filled with facade commentators from the competition area.

Judging from the real-time barrage in the comment area, a large number of online viewers have been waiting for it for a long time.

As it approached three o'clock, the Taipei Basketball Stadium went dark.

On the big screen, the golden numbers started from 60 and jumped downwards.

When the number reached 10, all the tens of thousands of spectators who came to the scene today started counting down.

"10, 9, 8"

"3, 2, 1!"


Amid the excited shouts of the audience, background music boomed.

It is worth mentioning that the atmosphere of the finals at the Taipei Basketball Stadium was very successful and the venue was utilized to the extreme.

AR special effects cooperate with the prelude to mobilize the atmosphere of the scene.

Sara Skinner, a well-known pop rock singer and producer in Los Angeles, took the stage. This girl put on a powerful voice and her voice was full of penetrating power!

The theme song of the 2019MSI event is called "Bring Home the Glory", sung by Sara Skinner alone.

The Chinese translation means "Triumph Return Home"!

The world focuses on you

Right and wrong, let others judge

Show your spirit and make your name known to future generations.



you can have it all

Return home with glory

The melody of the song is beautiful and majestic, which is similar to RISE in the S8 Global Finals.

When the song started playing, the audience in front of the screen and in the audience got excited.

The LPL audience and commentators were even more excited when they saw the Chinese lyrics!

In the commentary box, Wang Duoduo grabbed the C seat of the senior colonel and shouted loudly:

"Returning home triumphantly, Riot begins again!"

"We know that the theme songs of Riot Games in recent years have a strong meaning every time."

"And these meanings, starting from A Song of Ice and Fire, are closely related to Brother Hao."

"I feel that Riot has once again made a prediction. After Brother Hao wins glory in the LCS, he will soon return to the LPL! Return to his hometown!"

"This time, nothing can stop it!"

"Our God is coming back!"


Wang Duoduo is worthy of being the top player in the LPL. Even if it is some predictions, he dares to speak out boldly.

But these words resonated with LPL players.

The fateful showdown between NA and EU is full of topics.

However, the appeal to LPL players is not as great as imagined.

After all, comments like ‘Europe and the United States are fishing for pussy’ are still rampant today.

However, the reason why LPL fans are so concerned at this time is precisely because of Li Hao's existence.

Compared with the craziness and excitement of Hao's fans, passers-by and the audience are also looking forward to seeing whether Li Hao can continue his e-sports myth!

Regarding this theme song, everyone already has that thought in their hearts.

When the e-sports poet took the lead in shouting such a voice in front of the camera, it immediately ignited the audience's expectations!

Brother Wolfberry is back, this is what many LPL fans want to see now.

In particular, IG fell to Msi and LPL was absent from the finals. This made the LPL audience who had dominated the World Championship for three consecutive years feel disappointed.

It flourishes and then declines, which is in line with the laws of nature.

But more people believe that it was all caused by wrong decisions in the 2018 winter window.

Otherwise, the glory of LPL will still continue.

In the barrage and real-time comment area:

"LPL teams, please don't do anything in the winter window of 2019. I beg you to mess with me~!"

"The LPL is in chaos now and needs God to restore order!"

"Brother LPL Wuhao, eternity is like a long night~"

"Fist's predictions have always been accurate, and this time will be no exception. I believe Brother Hao will return with greater glory!"

"I am a fan of ten years, and I wish to witness the birth of MSI's three consecutive championships!"


At the commentary table, Miller and the senior colonel also echoed Wang Duoduo's words.

On the big screen, Chinese characters and music blend and collide.

When Sara Skinner sang the last line of "Bring Home the Glory", the prelude to the final ended.

Jessie, the female host of the LMS home field, took over the stage.

This girl started hosting interviews in LMS in S7 and is now the star of the LMS. In addition to her good looks and hot figure, when Dianlang was eliminated in S8, the young lady’s tears made the men of LMS even more moved.

"Welcome to the Taipei Basketball Arena, this is the venue for the 2019 MSI finals!!"

Jessie shouted at the top of her lungs.

The audience was very generous and responded with huge cheers.

The young lady didn’t talk nonsense and just followed the procedure:

"First of all, let us welcome G2 Esports from the European LEC region~!"

"Welcome them!"

After the G2 players enter the venue one after another.

She read in Chinese:

"On the road: Wunder!"

"Jungle: Jankos!"

"Middle: Caps!!"

The Dane always has a smile on his face, and he is the hat king that the audience is familiar with.

The director knew the plot very well, and the camera seemed to flash towards Caps' feet.

Today, the hat king put on the lucky shoes that he has worn for ten years.

Although the hole in it is already 5 centimeters, Danes believe it will bring them more good luck.

Whenever a tough fight comes, Caps wears it.

In the eyes of others, it is just a pair of broken shoes.

But in the eyes of the King of Hats, he was the closest comrade-in-arms in another sense!

Of course, a certain shoe king from LPL who loves shoes would naturally smile disdainfully.

When the host introduced Caps, the cheers on the scene were obviously louder. He is the number one mid laner in Europe and has a great reputation.

"Bot lane: Perkz!"

"Assistant: Mikyx!"

"Substitute support: Promisq"

"Coach: Grabb"

After the introduction of G2, Jessie smiled brightly and stretched out her hand towards the player channel on the right to greet:

“Next, let’s welcome Team SoloMid from the North American LCS region!”

When the TSM players entered the field, the cheers were even louder!

"On the road: Bjergsen!"

"Jungle: Bengi~~!!"

On the stage, Benji, who had gained a lot of weight, had his hands behind his back. He tried to make a more fierce expression to make himself look more powerful, but it also added a bit of joy.

Although the current stupid chicken does not have many flashy operations, and the game is not very C except for playing Clid, the audience still likes him quite a lot.

Of course, nothing like last season's popularity.

After helping the right person, the stupid chicken showed higher value by relying on his own consciousness.

In addition to the honor of having two S crowns, Benji has become the only jungler to assist two brothers Li this season. This is definitely the only honor in the league world.

By God's side, Benji also has an aura that many junglers envy.

The audience at the scene gave a great response, and there were also fans of Stupid Chicken waving his avatar up and down in their hands.

The most terrible thing is that the director cut part of the camera to the forefront of the auditorium.

Two very familiar guys, although they were very low-key, they were still captured by the director.

The horse racing coach and the big devil are sitting in the audience.

The other two members of the Iron Triangle came over to watch the 'Good Brothers' game after they were eliminated.

"Tsk, tsk, full of brotherly love!"

"Xingxiong, we are here to supervise your battle today. You have to work hard!"

"Xingxiong, let's keep going with our glory!"


In the high-energy spectator group, Sika and Sun Yalong laughed loudly while imitating bucking a horse and talking to Guapi.

General Sturgeon said inappropriately:

"Could they be here to see a good show? If TSM is eliminated and these two are caught cheating, then the friendship between the brothers will capsize."

"No, no!"

"It must be a brotherhood."

"I also stand for brotherhood!"

That's what they said, but their expressions were very mean.

This scene of screen cuts and cheers also gave Miss Wanwan some time to prepare.

Before shouting out the next ID, Jessie took a deep breath, managed her expression to the best, looked at the man in the C position in the middle of TSM, and shouted with her loudest voice:



Jessie tried her best, even though it was not as exciting as the Roaring Emperor, but it still made the ID linger in the sky above the Taipei Basketball Stadium, and the lingering sound was endless!

Fans all over the world once again witnessed the powerful influence of the man on the stage!

The only king in the league e-sports world!

Taipei Basketball Stadium, an extremely crazy moment to enter.

Many of the tens of thousands of spectators who came to the scene have been waiting for this moment.

Many people stood up from their seats, put their hands to their mouths and cheered the loudest.

No matter you are a wild card player, a local from Wanwan, an LPL person, or an LCK person.

At this moment, he seemed to belong to the world, supported by everyone, and became a unique symbol!

The comment areas and barrage areas of each competition area are also in a state of excitement.

Both the director and the presenter stopped what they were doing. It seemed that the opening ceremony of the final should be suspended at this time.

The number one player in the league is not only a title, but the various achievements and honors behind it make professional players feel numb when they see it.

Absolute domination!

The lighting engineer at the scene worked very hard to fill up the lineup and bring down a beam of light.

In the light, with a hint of smile, Li Hao waved to the swaying flag at the scene.

Just like the sentence in the theme song "Bring Home the Glory":

——The world focuses on you.

This scene made the Haobui people in the commentary booths of each competition area grab the microphone one by one, and their words continued to flow, like a river hanging upside down!

Some people are praising the past, some are praising the present, and some are predicting the future.

Many teams' managers and capital behind them all stood up after seeing this scene. They really couldn't sit still.

In the Snake Team base, Chief Snake, Zuo Wu and Chris also jumped into action in an instant.

In front of Zuo Wu and Chris, the big snake kept slapping his head.

Zuo Wu and Chris were not surprised by this scene.

This season, this is not the first time that Orochi has been slapped on the head.

Some people also talked privately, saying that Da She always stared at Brother Hao's previous seat in a daze, and sometimes cried.

Tsk, those should be tears of regret.

Orochi said to Zuo Wu who was aside:

"If you have time, I really hope you can go to Los Angeles three times like you did to Incheon."

Both Zuo Wu and Chris understood the subtext of this sentence.

Orochi always misses Brother Hao. Brother Hao is our treasure. Our Snake team cannot live without Brother Hao.

After finishing her meal, Miss Jessie continued to shout:

"Bottom lane: Doublelift~!"

The North American Big Brother's momentum is not comparable to that of Li Hao, but he still has a large number of fans and received a great response from the audience.

"Auxiliary: aphromoo!"

"Jungle substitute: kakao!"

"Coach: SSONG!"

After the introduction of the players from both sides, the opening ceremony of the 2019Msi finals officially ended.

The players sat down on the player seats one by one and began to debug the equipment.

At this time, the troubleshooting director scanned the contestants' seats of both sides and showed two special shots.

One shot, it's Caps' lucky shoes.

The European hat king’s ten years of skill and lucky shoes are quite metaphysical and contain European secrets.

And another shot made the DNA of the majority of Hao fans move.

On Shi Yizhong's desk, there is an ordinary thermos cup!

For a moment, the LPL barrage and comment area exploded!

"It's broken! G2 is finished!"

"Quan Quan Hao! This is Quan Quan Hao!"

"Emperor Wolfberry has brought out the league's number one artifact again. This is going to suppress G2 to death!"

"I heard that you have many tricks? Just use divine weapons to suppress them!"

"The shoes born from the hat king's foot odor for ten years also have a certain degree of divinity, but I'm afraid it can't stop Brother Hao. I have seen the horror of the thermos cup and the secret of suppressing the LPL. In the past, LPL mid laners would be stunned when they saw it. Tremble!"

Someone laughed: "It's so exciting, it's like a collision of artifacts!"

PS: Good night book friends, please update on time before 23:59 tomorrow night.

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