LOL: This man is so strong!

Chapter 497 LCS Texas Special!

"With a familiar rhythm, TSM has won four consecutive victories, and the summer split is still their stage!"

In the LCS commentary box, Riv looked at Smith aside as he spoke:

"In the game against CG and TL, TSM's state was completely different. What do you think is the biggest change?"

Smith didn’t have to think at all:

"The change is of course The King."

"If you combine TSM's messages in the training game, it is not difficult to interpret The King's intention. TSM has an overall assessment of the intensity of CG. The King allows other players to get more opportunities when leading TSM to adapt to new tactics. But , CG and TSM will fluctuate. LirA, Huni and others were in very good form yesterday, which means TheKing must stand up again."

"TL's strength is more stable, and TSM has also seen through the intentions of Jensen and others. The King has taken the initiative from the beginning and took over TSM's rhythm again."

"Although TL is stronger than CG, once TSM starts the mid-season championship mode, it will be very difficult for them to face them."

Smith continued to talk tirelessly:

"These two games just illustrate a point."

"The 'TSM speed' and 'new LCS speed' that LCS players are talking about so much are actually TheKing's speed."

Many viewers nodded, basically acquiescing to Smith's point of view.

Riv said:

"The money-stealing mid lane AD card will be a new idea. Although this routine has appeared before, in the hands of The King, this model is more perfect, and Drizzt's special system is brought to the extreme."

"The incredible speed of farming allows him to take over the game in the mid-term."


"But before playing this routine, mid laners need to think carefully. Not everyone can play A as smoothly as The King. In the S7 finals, he was able to go to the AD position and crush Bang."

"Hahaha, the key is to be familiar with the routines, and if they are implemented according to The King's standards, the alliance will not find anyone else."


During the handshake after the game, the emperor was more generous than expected.

With a smile on his face, he sincerely congratulated Li Hao on winning the Msi Dynasty.

But in the subsequent conversation, Teacher Dakai immediately revealed his true purpose.

He asked about the relevant details of the game.

Stealing money flow cards was not a secret, so Li Hao didn't hold anything back and helped Jensen clear up his doubts directly and in detail.

Perhaps impressed by this magnanimity, Teacher Dakai looked at Li Hao with an expression of admiration in addition to a hint of gratitude.

On June 11, during the match between TL and Fox, Mace Emperor learned and sold, and also played money-stealing cards.

FOX mid laner Yusui's Akali is very good at eating, and she was really crushed by the King of Mace.

What shocked the audience was that Mace Emperor's card also achieved a super-god record!

"I understand! My dear, Mr. Dasheng understands!"

"Why are you going against Brother Hao? Wouldn't it be nice to get the bonus?"

"Turn Brother Hao's tricks into your own trump card. This is the path of a master teacher!"

Someone joked:

"What a great teacher, it's just E-sports Adu."


What’s even more surprising is that Jensen said in an interview after defeating FOX:

"That's right, my card ideas are completely derived from The King, and the equipment and runes are exactly the same."

The Mace Emperor smiled proudly:

"You will find that even the super-god records are the same. We are all the best card users."

Reporter: "Is stealing money flow cards your trump card now?"

Jensen: "Of course, I have put him in the arsenal. If you don't want to be dominated by my Drizzt, it is best to provide me with a ban position, but that is actually useless. I have developed many killer weapons."

At this point in Jensen's interview, some sensible audience members had already shouted "Zerath" in the audience.

Teacher Dakai’s words are honest enough.

He didn't borrow Li Hao's tactics, but copied them.

However, being able to copy Legendary also arouses people's deep thinking.

In addition to Jensen's own strength, will stealing money cards be the answer to the version?

The LCS team was thinking about this issue and implemented it immediately.

What made the audience unable to hold their breath was that the third week of LCS was extremely exciting!

North America's mid lane suddenly entered 'card playing mode'!

The Dharma Kings are all showing off their card skills.

At first glance, I thought I was entering a Texas Hold'em poker session.

Wings of Hope in North America, CLG German mid laner PowerOfEvil smiled sternly: "Jensen can get bonuses, of course I can too."

PowerOfEvill’s money-stealing card record: 6/1/9.

Result: Win!

Evaluation: Bankrupt version of The King.

FLY Living Fossil King P: "I was playing cards when I was in EG in 2014. Drizzt was my specialty. The King gave me a good idea."

King P’s money-stealing card record: 1/7/6.

Result: Defeat

Evaluation: The bonus itself is a beggar’s version of the Mace King, the P King is still the P King.

C9 Belgian mid laner Nisqy (spreading his hands): "Why should I play cards? Because everyone is playing. As an LCS mid laner, we know what the audience is expecting. If they don't even dare to play cards at this time , you are behind this era.”

Nisqy’s money-stealing card record: 2/6/4

Result: Win!

Evaluation: If you win the game, I recommend giving Sneaky a try.

Not only the LCS audience, but also the audience in other regions were laughed at what the French kings did in the third week.

Many Dharma Kings hurriedly took out their cards, and their card skills were poor. They were the type who would be scolded by their teammates when they came to the table.

There are even more weird ones, such as OPT mid laner Scarlet.

The game reached 15 minutes, and Scarlet immediately called a timeout.

Having a problem with your keyboard or mouse?


Scarlet: "Why doesn't my Stealing Omen steal?"

"BUG! This is a BUG!"

After ten minutes of inspection, the technical team came to the conclusion:

"There is no BUG, ​​it's entirely your fault."

Poor, weak and helpless Scarlet continued to play, and his black face continued.

OPT lost to CG, and Scarlet was almost expelled from European countries.

Your face is too dark to be European!

Someone suggested to Scarlet that he could go to Europe and borrow ten-year lucky shoes from the Hat King to wear.

I'm afraid only the Cap King's ten years of athlete's foot can suppress his bad luck.

On June 16, OPT ushered in the second game of the week, and their opponent was TSM.

On balance, OPT does not have a card.

What they didn't expect was that TSM would come up with Card Master again.

Brother Crown still didn't play, and substitute Scarlet still started.

Scarlet understood that this game was very crucial for him, so he played his most skilled hero, the mid laner Evergreen Clockwork Demon.

However, in the first wave when the minion came online and Scarlet and Li Hao were consuming each other, he somewhat broke his defense.

In the commentary box, David shouted:


"Money bag!"

"The King stole good things as soon as he came. Unlucky Scarlet, in the game against CG, he stole two false eyes in the whole game. Look at The King, his stealing omen was working from the beginning .”

"Scarlet must be very envious, how much he longs to have a money bag of his own."


David's voice changed and he shouted again:

"God, The King stole it again!"

"Another money bag!"

"This is God!"

David laughed loudly: "The King's divine hand reached into Scarlet's pocket, and the most valuable things could be taken away at will."

"This is the consequence of not pulling cards, and Scarlet's conservative selection of clockwork hardly prevents The King from taking money from him."

"Look, TheKing started cutting cards again~~"

David imitated in a mean voice:

"Scarlet, come here quickly and let me see what other good things you have on you."

"If you have hidden golden blessing bags, you'd better hand them over. Yes, in that case, I can kill you less times. If you don't believe it, you can ask Jensen, he will be very cooperative."


Today's partner with David is Aldridge, a newcomer to the LCS casting world.

He found that as David kept talking, he could no longer keep up.

However, this is normal.

North American Supernova Haochui explained that everyone is very strong, but the newcomers are still far behind them.

But at 3 minutes and 58 seconds, Aldrich and David were in sync for the first time and screamed in unison!

"what is that?!"

"What did The King steal again?"

"OH! That's right, it's a skill mixture, that kind of thing!!"

"This is the item with the lowest drop rate. Maybe it won't appear in many games. Now, The King stole it from Scarlet."

"This means that the card has the ultimate move earlier!"

Aldrich couldn't help but said:

"Scarlet's luck has been spent on this one."

"That's right."

David opened his mouth and laughed:

"His luck went into falling."

"Maybe we should call him Santa Claus."

On the big screen, when the camera turned to TSM, the man in the mid lane smiled happily.

And, he apparently shared this with his teammates.

Stupid Chicken and others all knew how unlucky Scarlet was yesterday, and now they all laughed regardless of the occasion.

The flesh on the stupid chicken's fat face was shaking.

There was something wrong with Scarlet's mentality. He changed his mediocre style of play and became stronger, wanting to exchange blood with Li Hao.

The stupid chicken came after smelling it.

At 4 minutes and 23 seconds, the excavator came around from F6 and caught him. In conjunction with Li Hao's yellow card, Scarlet, who was standing in the front, died suddenly on the spot.

At the beginning of 5 minutes, under the horrified eyes of the OPT players, Card activated his ultimate move to support the bottom lane.

Arrow's Lucian and Big's Lux were both killed.

The collapse of OPT came faster than expected.

Although DHOKLA's Sword Demon cooperated with Meteos' jungler Silas to catch Bilson at the top, after Li Hao's card officially started the rhythm, OPT's minor repairs in the jungle were no longer enough to make up for the situation.

TSM's linkage is much faster than OPT.

Clockwork's disadvantages are getting bigger and bigger, and he can only go to jail in the middle.

The bottom lane was severely damaged and he died three times in 10 minutes.

This caused Silas to lose the lower half of the jungle, and he could only go to the middle to suck Scarlet's blood from time to time.

The game had just reached the early 20 minutes, and the audience had not had enough to watch, and the OPT high ground was pushed away.

TSM didn't fight the baron, and went directly to the OPT highland to gather.

At this point, they are under great pressure to defend their super soldiers.

The game ended at 21 minutes and 36 seconds, and TSM won their fifth consecutive victory of the season.

Li Hao's cards are amazing again!

Scarlet, who was operating the clockwork, was extremely frustrated.

His performance was terrible and he lost this opportunity.

Brother Crown is about to return, and Scarlet may never have a chance to appear again.

At least that was the attitude of the coaching staff before they arranged for him to play.

As an unknown substitute, Scarlet only played two games in his career.

The last game was against CG, and this one is against TSM.

After losing against CG, Scarlet actually didn't look forward to TSM's game that much.

Because he knows very well that, let alone actually facing off against The King, a newcomer will get scared when he sees this ID, and the chance of winning is pitiful.

There are many players like Scarlet in the league.

After the coaching staff makes mistakes, most of them will leave the professional arena.

Opportunities are limited, there is no way to prove one's worth, and the club will not keep anyone.

However, what Scarlet never expected was that

Facing TheKing's fiasco today doesn't seem like a bad thing!

The LCS audience was originally unfamiliar with him.

But now, everyone knows that there is such an unlucky guy.

The ID of TheKing, in the current LCS, is a traffic universe, with crazy North American audiences. Some people regard him as a superhero, and some regard him as a god.

With such a huge exposure, Scarlet was traced back to the huge contrast between the two games, and instantly appeared in the background world!

Then, the audience will wonder: Will Scarlet be so unlucky in the next game?

These concerns are values.

In fact, except for Crown Brother, no one else on the OPT side has received as much attention as Scarlet has accumulated in this game!

So, when Scarlet returned backstage, he was confused.

The uniform team suddenly became much more friendly.

Someone put an arm around his back and told him to keep trying.

Someone else smiled and said: "Scarlet, you are so unlucky."

After the confused Scarlet figured out what happened, she felt a burst of ecstasy in her heart.


I was saved by TheKing! I have another chance!

He lit up the cursed land of the LCS, and even more so my career!

Scarlet was originally a little jealous of Li Hao, but now he was so moved that he wanted to cry.

"Woooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooo yeah, I love The King! I'm a loyal Hao fan!"

"Thanks to God Haotian, I will have a new career!"


Scarlet is indeed lucky. In this game, he contributed a lot of gold blessing bags, skill mixtures, fake eye drops, and a lot more.

If Mace Emperor's warehouse is filled with a bunch of junk, then Scarlet's warehouse is filled with a bunch of gifts.

In the forum here in the LPL region, Scarlet became famous in one battle!

"I'm in tears. Scarlet was fighting against CG. She was so embarrassed that she reported theft. It turned out that she was just accumulating luck. In the next game, all the contributions will be made to Brother Hao!"

"A data emperor concluded that among all the games where Brother Hao used the Stealing Omen, Scarlet had the most money stolen. In more than 8 minutes, Clockwork sent out three golden lucky bags in a row. I was dumbfounded!"

"Giving gifts on the field, right? Scarlet has figured it out this time."

"Scarlet: The alliance is not about fighting, it is about human relations~!"

"The hand of God combined with a well-stocked warehouse resulted in today's miracle of theft."

"Scarlet successfully used the back door and can be crowned emperor!"


Scarlet contributed a large number of gold blessing bags and stolen items, which were valuable, and was called the King of Wealth.

The big guys in Tieba and forums are also having fun with new things.

The Dharma Kings showed off their card skills one by one, and it has been made into a spoof video similar to a poker game.

If you choose different Dharma King characters, the quality of the cards in your hand will be different, and different characters have different card-playing skills.

For example, when you choose King P, a bunch of bad cards will automatically appear in your hand.

If the character draws "Emperor of Sun and Sky", he will be bombarded with cards in one hand and can easily play high multipliers and springs.

Everyone had a great time playing, whether it was mini-games or videos, there were a lot of comments and likes.

Some people even suggested to Happy Landlords to create a "Brother Hao" character, and said they would buy it up.

The LCS poker game didn't go forward. In the last game of the third week, there was an old Pharaoh who acted maverick and turned a blind eye to the money-stealing cards.

This person is none other than Froggen from the GGS team!

The most terrifying ice bird in the world!

Throughout the third week, the only North American mid laner who did not use a card was Froggen.

If you were snatched away by your opponent in the last game, it would be normal not to choose.

In the last game, your opponent didn't steal it, so you didn't do anything artistic or have fun, right?

GGS ultimately lost the game.

The reporter pointed the microphone at Froggen. Everyone wanted to know why he dismissed the North American mid laners when they were looking for answers and inspiration for the version?

"Froggen, money-stealing cards will affect these versions. Maybe after more lineups are developed, they will be banned. Why don't you pay attention?"

Froggen shook his head calmly: "NO."


Froggen: "My mouse pointer stopped on Drizzt. I also want to show everyone my card. It must be good."

"Then why isn't it locked?"

Froggen glanced at the reporter as if he were looking at something evil:

"The one I just faced off with was TheKing, and he chose Akali."

PS: Good night book friends, please update on time before 23:59 tomorrow night.

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