LOL: This man is so strong!

Chapter 498 The skin of pressure touches the pressure itself

Froggen's words made many media people at the scene laugh. The first ice bird himself laughed. This was completely a scoring question.

Playing cards in front of The King's assassins is just asking for trouble.

In this game, Froggen chose Phoenix. With his deep understanding and proficiency in his native hero, he didn't have any big problems online. He was almost single-killed in the early stage, but Froggen flashed under the tower and turned into an egg. In the hands of Li Hao Miracle survival.

Some GGS fans shouted, excited for Froggen.

In the LCS division, I can be proud of being able to compete with The King to this extent in the mid lane.

However, the other players in GGS were out of shape in this duel, and all sides were at a disadvantage.

In addition to the players themselves, GGS also lags behind TSM in terms of version understanding.

After more than 8 minutes, there was a line kill in the bottom lane, and the senior brother got first blood.

The stupid chicken was caught after more than 1 minute. The senior brother scored twice and got Deftly's head again.

Lucian is very fat, and TSM's lineup is biased towards the early and mid-term, which makes GGS unable to fight head-on in the front and keeps losing resources.

At 12 minutes, near Dalong Pit, GGS could not hold back and irrationally chose to take over.

Akali and Lucian each scored double kills, and GGS was defeated!

The Rift Herald was placed in the middle, and the first middle tower that Froggen had been defending for a long time was directly pushed, and the second middle tower was also bulldozed.

The middle door was wide open, and there was no tower behind the ice bird. After all, he could not escape Akali's Ninja Scythe.

In the next 4 minutes, Ice Bird died twice in a row, and Froggen gave up struggling.

The game lasted less than 25 minutes, and GGS, which had a pretty good record in the early summer split, lost quickly.

That's why Froggen showed that expression when faced with reporters' questions.

I've barely managed to keep my life as an ice bird, so you still want me to choose cards for fun?

Eat or not eat fried cakes~~

After TSM defeated GGS, they won six consecutive games in the summer split and firmly occupied the top spot in the LCS.

Many viewers found this scene very familiar.

In previous years, Snake's record in the LPL was the same.

All teams that have TheKing as their eldest brother are the first in the division.

In the past, some people could attribute the reason to the team as a whole. The Snakes' lineup is indeed very good.

But now, being able to lead the oldest living fossil team in the league to a complete victory over MSI, many doubts have been dispelled, not to mention that this is still a North American team that people think is not very good.

On June 20, there was no competition in the LCS division. Each team took a break while summarizing their game experience from the previous week.

Most bored North American viewers, in addition to watching game replays, will also focus on the live broadcast.

At 9 o'clock in the evening on the 20th, viewers watching Twitch discovered the fun.

Yassuo is a Twitch anchor. His experience is very similar to Tyler1. He started live streaming in 2016 and has always been tepid.

But in the past two years, it has suddenly emerged.

It currently has 1.3 million followers, and tens of thousands of people watch high-intensity online live broadcasts every day. It is one of the major anchors in the Twitch Alliance section.

Just like his ID, Yassuo is the main player of Yasuo.

In the game that just ended, his Yasuo not only performed well, but also came back to win the game, which made the atmosphere in the live broadcast room very hot.

After entering the BP interface at 9 o'clock, Yassuo selected Yasuo again and said happily to the camera:

"My hand feels very good now. We should give our opponents more pressure, so let's change the skin."

"Hahaha, yes, you all understand me."

"Yasuo's most oppressive skin is naturally the champion skin from the S7 World Championship, The King!"


In front of the camera, Yassuo, with his hair curled up on his forehead and a beard on his chin and cheeks, was very excited and raised his voice several decibels.

As he spoke, he had already selected the skin with all the special effects.

Seeing the little fishman chosen on the other side, Yassuo was not worried and instead laughed:


"Could it be Adrian who uses Fitz in this segment? He is a Fitz lover."

"Last time I teamed up with Adrian and gave him the mid lane position, and his Fizz became the sixth man on the opposite side, but he gave me a hard time."

"If it is really Adrian, I must teach him a lesson today!"

Yassuo is full of confidence and has a smile on his face.

In the live broadcast room, someone said:

"Haha~ I was there during that game, and Fitz met a brilliant desert emperor."

"I hope it's Ed, that would be fun~"

"No, Ed's game has already started. This is a brand new opponent."

"The King's skin will bring good luck~"


The audience chatted and the live broadcast room was relaxed and lively.

However, when the game entered the loading interface, the man who was calm in front of the screen suddenly stood up from the bench without taking off his headphones!



"Is this true? Damn it, I'm hallucinating, please help me see it!"


Yassuo yelled in the live broadcast room and even put his hands on his hair and scratched his head. He was extremely excited.

The tens of thousands of viewers in the live broadcast room also saw clearly that the ID of the little fish man opposite was clearly "The King"!

That’s right!

Not a single letter is correct, and there are no extra characters.

This means that it is not a high imitation account!

My lord!

It’s The King himself!

This crazy ID has a terrifying weight in the current alliance world.

In the LCS division, many viewers regard this ID as synonymous with "victory", "miracle", "myth", "redemption", etc.

The coming of God is no joke!

The live broadcast room split instantly.

The exaggerated number of barrages are scrolling below!

"The King! It's really The King! A rare match!"

"God! You invited God Haotian~!"

"Poor anchor, you are about to face off against someone who is No. 1 in the US server, No. 1 in the Korean server, No. 1 in the Chinese server, No. 1 in the Canyon, the strongest king in the history of the league, a double and triple dynasty in the mid-season S, with trophies everywhere, and honors The number one e-sports player in one! Hahaha (laughing and crying), Yassuo, cheer up~!"

"Yassuo: I'm going to use The King's skin to increase the sense of pressure to intimidate my opponents."

"The King: A cutie using my skin."


The barrage was moving one by one, and many North American viewers were gloating and waiting to see the good show.

As for Yassuo himself, he didn't recover for a long time.

He shook his head, took out a beautifully framed photo album hanging in front of the computer, and kept shaking it in front of the camera. The person in the photo album was the scene of Li Hao winning the championship.

"My God!"

"My idol of all time, hanging in front of my computer desk, how crazy, I met him for the first time in ranked."

"I successfully reached the King Division with Yasuo because I watched a lot of The King's game videos. He gave me a lot of inspiration!"

"The King's little fish man, I'm about to face him!"


Yassuo kept talking and said to the audience in advance:

"You have to understand that there is a professional fisherman in LMS, he is Westdoor, and his fishman has always been ranked first. However, I have watched TheKing's fishman, and after that, Westdoor is not the number one in my heart. A fish man."

"My heart is beating very fast now, for various reasons."

"Before the game officially starts, I must consider one thing. The next duel will be the most difficult one in my entire gaming career. I will face unprecedented challenges!"

Yassuo is worthy of being an old anchor. The game has not even started yet, but he has already thrown the blame thousands of miles away.

If a professional LPL commentator were to describe this wave:

"I met The King. It's not a loss if I lose this time."

"I even showed off my skin in front of The King and even made a small profit."

Yassuo probably has this mentality.

Not only Yassuo recognized Li Hao's ID, but also several other people in the game.

Yassuo was surprised to find that one of his players with an ID named Toom cried in the chat interface as soon as he arrived:

"We met The King in the last game and the game ended in 23 minutes."

"I'm so lucky to have met again in this round."

"But it's still on the opposite side (crying faint)."

Toom complained again: "We still have Yasuo in the middle~!"

After Yassuo saw it, he wanted to complain, ‘What happened to Yassuo? ’, but I didn’t feel confident, so I just pretended not to see it.

Because everyone he sends can also be seen on the other side.

So, a player on the red side whose ID is Spirid cheerfully replied:

"Man, thanks for the effort."

"Because I'm with The King on both sides."

"I continue to experience Bengi's feeling. It's wonderful to assist such a mid laner."


The eldest brother of this group of people praises people in front of others, and they are so shy that they probably can't stand it long ago.

But Li Hao has already adapted to it, because when he played ranked in the LCS, this was the norm.

Compared with other servers, the strength of the US server is very average.

Therefore, in the King's Game of the US server, if he didn't encounter professional brothers, many of them would be random kills.

The title of the league's strongest leg has long been familiar.

Bang has played a lot of ranked games recently and has been chasing points. He obviously wants to grab the first place.

Li Hao took some time to suppress him.

As usual, I said hello to the players lined up.



In the TSM base, the senior brother brought a cup of hot water. After Li Hao took it, he sat next to Li Hao.

On the screen, the match is in progress.

Both Yasuo and Murloc have reached level three.

The killing line has arrived!

Sure enough, the little murloc in the picture took advantage of Yasuo's last-ditch attack, and passed through with a Q. He chased A and electrocuted him and lit it on fire. He was going to die!


The Gale Swordsman blew out a strong wind, the distance was very short, and the little fish man had almost no time to react.

However, Fizz's spirituality pole vaulted and his spirituality avoided the strong wind. Yasuo couldn't blow the murloc, so he lost the chance to counterattack.

If the Murloc shoots his next E, Yasuo will definitely die!

Following the next action on the screen, the North American senior brother in the base stood up excitedly and shouted:


"Good prediction!"


Two flashes intertwined in the screen. When reading the frame, the little murloc was the one who flashed first. When the magic water wave was sat up by the murloc, Yasuo bumped into it after the flash!

In the live broadcast room, a certain Yasuo's screen turned gray on the spot.

In front of the gray screen, there was a stunned face.

he shouted:

"Why are the predictions so accurate?"


"He's a monster, he knows what I'm thinking!"

In the live broadcast room, tens of thousands of viewers watching the game from Yasuo's perspective felt suffocated.

Yasuo uses the most luxurious skin, and the little fishman has no skin at all.

But from this little fish-man, waves of substantial oppression emanated.

"God! This is The King!"

"He was so confident that he was sure that Yassuo would hit his flash and successfully kill him."

"Although I guessed the final result, I was still shocked."

"The King is indeed an ID that can make kings tremble in fear. It is easier to use than any other skin."

"That's right, I was shocked when a copycat version of TheKking appeared last time. That's why it was so powerful!"


At 5 minutes and 46 seconds, a big shark emerged from under Yasuo's tower in the middle lane. The little murloc sat on it and came out through Yasuo's body.

Then, Yassuo's screen turned gray again.

The jungle excavator was watching from the sidelines but did not help.

Inside the base, Li Hao smiled.

Regular customers, I’ll charge you 300 yuan this time.

After two waves of solo kills in the middle, Yasuo's game was over.

At 25 minutes and 9 seconds, the game ended.

A super live broadcast effect that made North American players laugh appeared.

In the settlement interface, Yassuo looked at his data.


This is a bloody record that he has never seen in all his years of live broadcasting, a Waterloo-style super defeat!

Not to mention kills, not a single assist was received.

After playing Yassuo for so many years, Yassuo has never felt so frustrated and aggrieved.

In the settlement interface, TheKing's ID has turned gray. After saying hello, he left.

A King's Rank, for TheKing, is naturally uneventful, just a small episode during a few days off.

However, what it brought to Yassuo may be an unforgettable experience.

Yassuo's mentality is really broken.

He acted timid in front of the audience at the beginning, in order to lower everyone's expectations of him. If he played well, the audience would definitely be surprised.

Therefore, Yassuo's heart is hot and he wants to take action.

Now, his fiery mental arithmetic was completely cool.

In front of the camera, Yassuo, who was in an explosive mood, held the exquisite photo album of Li Hao's championship and buried his head.

"Wow wow wow~~!!"

The audience was instantly confused

The anchor let out a loud cry~!

I don’t know if it was the effect of the show or if I was really beaten to tears.

However, after being stunned, everyone in the audience burst into laughter.

In the live broadcast room, the original 1.3 million followers suddenly increased to 1.31 million, 1.32 million, and 1.33 million.

"What happened? What happened to the anchor?"

New fans have questions on their minds.

Someone came up and comforted him:

"Anchor, it's okay to fall out of love. Cheer up and life must go on."

"Yeah, we can't live in the past."

The veteran audience member smiled and explained:

"The anchor wanted to use the skin to create a sense of oppression, so he used the skin of Trance, and successfully invited the god himself. Then the hero with unique skills was beaten by the god to a super high performance, and his mentality exploded, so he cried."

"His tears splashed on The King's winning photo frame. What a tragic scene it was."

"Yasuo, don't cry. We support you. Next time we face The King, let's work hard to create an assist (laughing)!"

Facts have proven that the harder the anchor cries, the happier the audience becomes.

Yassuo took out a lot of paper towels, wiped them and threw them on the ground, leaving them all over the floor.

Later, viewers who entered the live broadcast room had new misunderstandings.

Perhaps because he noticed that the number of followers was increasing, Yassuo cried for a long time, during which he also received many tips.

TSM base Li Hao was chatting and laughing with his senior brother Benji. He didn’t know anything about Yasuo’s affairs at the first time.

However, enthusiastic LPL viewers immediately moved the scene on Twitch to domestic post bars and forums.

for a while

"Want to play games? I play Yasuo and do damage." This series of expressions has a new material.

Someone photoshopped Yassuo's profile picture and made a moving picture.

The dog tags appeared with a "dong" sound above his head, and then a shocking record of 0/9/0 appeared.

This incident also reached the live broadcast room of Master Yasuo Lang, the number one god in the national server.

Facing the questions from water friends, Master Lang said naturally:

"Against Brother Hao? Then why are you playing Yasuo?"

"I, Lulu, am having a good time."

In an instant, there were 10,000 barrages and 8,000 words of cowardice.

On June 23, the LCS ushered in the fourth week of the summer split.

This is the week before the Intercontinental Championship, and TSM will face C9 at 5 o'clock in the afternoon.

Belgian mid laner Nisqy chose Zoe to play against Li Hao's Silas. Zoe was very easy to play against Silas, but Nisqy was severely educated by the stupid Scorpion.

In this game, C9 performed very well in the top and bottom lanes.

Therefore, even though Nisqy collapsed, the two sides fought hard for 40 minutes.

During the ancient dragon team battle, the stupid chicken snatched the ancient dragon from Svenskeren in a panic, which brought TSM's momentum to its peak!

Sneaky's Varus had the best development, but was killed by Li Hao's Silas!

C9 put a lot of effort into killing Silas, and the big brother's wheel mother was ignored and hit all the output.

TSM won the team battle with one for four. The remaining barrels were unable to defend and were waved to end the game.

C9 fans feel sorry. If the Belgians had been stronger, they might have won this game.

TSM has won 7 consecutive games and is about to complete the feat of winning the first round of the summer split!

LCS players are paying more and more attention because this is a new record for the LCS Summer Split!

PS: Good night book friends, please update on time before 23:59 tomorrow night.

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