LOL: This man is so strong!

Chapter 503 How disrespectful to God!

Obviously, the cheers at the Los Angeles Esports Arena have little to do with the G2 lineup.

The scene that was close to boiling and the restless audience were just because of Li Hao's incredible performance and data.

Silas yesterday and Silas today exaggerated the atmosphere of the European and American competition to the extreme!

The spectators who came to watch the game never imagined that they would see such an exaggerated scene.

Whether it is a North American audience or a European audience, at this moment there is no distinction between EU and NA. They just want to celebrate a pleasing performance.

Although no one could hear what was being said in the players' box, it could be seen from the expressions of everyone in TSM that they were very happy and laughing with each other.

The unrestrained smile G2 showed at the beginning of the game because of their lineup did not disappear, it just moved to the faces of everyone in TSM.

The European Kings had a strong mentality. Despite the tragedy, they did not express a trace of their inner frustration when shaking hands with everyone in TSM. Everything was as before.

Miss Sjokz invited Li Hao to the interview booth.

The head star's big eyes were full of curiosity. She pushed aside her long golden hair and asked excitedly:

"TheKing, how did you do it? In two games, you got 50 kills! This is a crazy event that has never happened in the league!"

Facing the camera and the enthusiastic scene, Li Hao talked and laughed calmly and responded calmly:

"I have a good group of teammates and a good group of opponents."

"My teammates provided me with comfortable space and good opportunities, and G2's lineup also made it easier for Silas to play. I didn't feel too many restrictions throughout the game."

"G2 is a team worthy of admiration. They are active, positive, and full of passion. Even if they are at a disadvantage, they do not stay under the tower, but continue to look for opportunities."

It sounded like he was praising the European emperors, but everyone understood the subtext of Shi Yizhong.

If G2 doesn't have a strong head, it's impossible for him to get so many kills.

The star of the show smiled mischievously and asked, "Then what does The King think of G2's lineup?"

"Free, romantic, unconstrained, and full of imagination."

"This is the art of G2, which is refreshing. The combination of Zed + Cat deserves to be studied by more teams. They may exert different powers in a more suitable lineup. This requires a lot of games to test."

"From an innovation perspective, G2 is at the forefront of the league. I admire them very much. They have also injected new elements into the entire league."

"If there were more teams like G2, the game would be more exciting and interesting."


EU backend.

The King of Hats touched his chin, thoughtfully, "Is he really praising us?"

Yancos nodded: "Of course."

"He wishes all teams were like us."

"If you can score 26 kills on your opponent, you will definitely want to meet the same opponent again."

Ah P said as if he had been there before: "This is The King. He is always so cunning. Don't expect him to say anything nice."

After Ah P finished speaking, he looked at FNC mid laner Suan Huang:

"FNC hasn't played against TSM yet, Nemesis, you can't wait."

Before the Sour Emperor could respond, Bibabu with the explosive head said:

"I am very sure of that!"

"Nemesis was furious with The King in the spring split. He is not afraid of the number one player in e-sports. Plus, he is in great form now. This is a good opportunity to face The King!"

"am I right!"

Bibabu patted the Sour Emperor on the shoulder with excitement.

It's not that Bibabu is eccentric, that's what he thinks in his heart.

In the Spring Split, besides The King, how many people openly dissatisfied with The King?

In the European division, there are many loyal European fans who support Nemesis.

Courage, desire to fight, strong mentality, and arrogance can support a majestic body.

In the LEC, those who dare to publicly confront The King clearly have similar elements.

Listening to Bibabu's words, the muscles on Suanhuang's face and the corners of his eyes twitched.

I watched Silas yesterday, and then I watched today’s brace.

Sour Emperor could only use the word "pervert" to describe Li Hao.

Farke, I have never seen such a perverted player!

The Slovenian was very upset inside, but the atmosphere was heightened to such an extent by the people next to him. He was also a shameless person, and it was impossible to be cowardly.

The dead pig was not afraid of being scalded by boiling water, so the Sour Emperor simply smashed it. While his body was trembling slightly, his whole body became manic!


After a sneer, he clenched his fist in front of his chest:

"That's right, I wanted to teach The King a lesson during the spring split!"

Sour Emperor said "lesson", not "challenge".

Such words surprised even Hat Emperor.

How brave!

How disrespectful to God!

The people around him reacted like this immediately.

But when they came back to their senses and thought about their own camp, they suddenly felt that the Slovenians were awesome!

The way they looked at the Sour Emperor was a little different.

The latter's slightly trembling body seemed to be trying his best to suppress his excitement and crazy emotions!

It is conceivable that once you meet The King head-on, there will definitely be a big explosion!

It turns out that Nemesis has been accumulating such ambitions, and he really underestimated him.

No one knows what happened in the EU backstage for the time being.

After the short interview, the intense schedule of the competition continued.

At 2:30 pm, C9 faced OG.

European art continues, and OG has come up with a weird lineup, including Neeko, Digger, Qinggangying, Qinnu, and Tam.

On C9's side, the selection of top, middle and bottom players is very formal.

I thought C9 could win the game, but OG gave him a chance, but C9 didn't work!

In just 24 minutes and 51 seconds, OG reached the gate of C9 with a head ratio of 24:5.

The middle and lower highlands of C9 were all destroyed, and the incisor tower was demolished, leaving only the bare crystal hub.

The European emperors did not go to the A crystal, but only fought with C9 in front of the spring.

Kold's excavator scored a superb record of 9/0/9.

At the beginning of 25 minutes, three people from C9 were killed. Shanzi Ma and Kenan fled back to the spring, and OG broke the old crystal.

At 3:30, TL faced G2.

This is exactly the same as the BP of the previous game.

EU team, continue to organize flowers.

G2: Top laner Olaf, jungler Pike, mid laner Lucian, AD Zoe, assistant Bard

TL: Qinggangying, Prince, Nicole, Wheel Mom, Guanghui

G2's art is art, but the operation in the game is really top-notch.

TL failed to defeat G2's art like TSM, but was tortured by art.

At 24 minutes, Perkz Zoe pulled the flying star from a distance and instantly killed Nicole, who was half-healthy.

G2 followed the trend and moved forward. The prince wanted to guard his front teeth and wait for Qinggangying to come back, but as soon as he left the house, he was stopped in place by Bader's big move.

G2 removed the front teeth, and when Qinggangying came back to kill Bard, he pushed away TL's crystal.

At 24 minutes and 25 seconds, G2 won a big victory with a head ratio of 18:4.

OG and G2, who were beaten by TSM, met the other two LCS teams and showed what a beating was.

For a moment, the slogan EU\u003eNA was shouted out again.

At this time, Kim Sang-soo backstage at NA shook his head helplessly.

He whispered to Li Hao:

"Brother Hao, there are only two games in the future. The possibility of NA winning BO1 is 0. We don't have to fight for BO1 anymore."

"In the next game, TSM can let themselves go."

Maggiola also came over and said:

“I recommend load management.”

"Brother Hao will have a rest in the next game."

Several TSM uniforms around him were nodding.

It's obviously not worth it to waste Li Hao's energy for a worthless BO1.

The intercontinental competition schedule is tighter than the usual regular season. Of course, TSM must pay attention to Li Hao's health.

Li Hao had no opinion on this.

After that, he heard Jin Xiangxiu and Kagui whispering softly.

In a single round-robin BO1, it doesn't matter even if C9 and TL are lagging behind, because the European and American competition is just a competition between the two divisions, and there is no early elimination.

At most, it will affect the BP side of tomorrow's final.

However, if these two lose their legs in the finals, TSM will lose BO5 even if they win two games, which will be uncomfortable.

The two of them just beeped quietly, and judging from the attitudes of the people around them, they didn't seem to care much about it.

Close to 4:30, EU backstage.

Bibab said excitedly:

"Nemesis, let's begin!"

"Let's have a good fight with TSM!"

"The game you are most looking forward to is here!"


The Sour Emperor's body was 'excited' to the point of trembling slightly.

From his weird expression, everyone around him felt that Nemesis was going to do something big.

Both Mao Huang and Ah P were a little surprised.

Nemesis, this guy, actually has the consciousness to stand up to The King!

Could it be that he has some unique skills that he has not used even once in so many games in Europe?

When the FNC team arrived at the players' bench, Sour King's originally tense face suddenly relaxed.

He blinked and took a closer look at the ID of the mid laner on the opposite side.

Pilsen? !

What about placing orders?


TheKing actually took a break!

After seeing the row of IDs clearly, Suan Huang finally smiled from the bottom of his heart, but quickly hid his smile.

In fact, he was so excited that his body was shaking.

Such an action was caught by the jungler Dan.

Dan patted Bibab:

"Nemesis was disappointed he didn't see The King."

Bibabu touched his forehead: "What a terrible thing."

"Nemesis, but it doesn't matter. We will meet them in the finals tomorrow. Then let TheKing feel your anger!"

The Sour Emperor crossed his arms and said coldly:

"It can only be the."

Combining the Acid Emperor's recent outstanding performance with his current attitude, Ou Chengdu gave him a high look.

Unconsciously, Nemesis has become a lot more mysterious in everyone's hearts.

"Go ahead, knock this TSM down first!"

"In the face of us, you dare to let The King rest, then you must pay the price!"


FNC did not play art, but TSM on the court let themselves go.

Kaka selected Lee Sin as top laner, which stunned the LPL audience.

The Korean monk actually asked Bibabu for alms on the road.

You learned this from spending so much time looking after the water fountain? !


Look at stupid chicken, how professional!

Enter jungler Evelynn.

Just choose the widow, stupid chicken did something even more outrageous.

After entering the Summoner's Rift, the stupid Evelynn showed off her dog tags.

And his dog tag turned out to be the "EDG" team logo!

"Bold! EDG + Widow, implying Qi-chan, right?"

"Seven~Seven~! Seven, Seven, Seven!!"

"It's so funny that the stupid chicken is causing trouble. Where are the fans of Guodian? Why don't you recruit the stupid chicken to play with the big tree?"

"Showing the EDG team logo is an old tradition. Faker and Wolfberry were both showing off the EDG team logo before, which made me laugh."


In team voice:

"Xingxiong, what's your idea?"

Kagou asked with a smile.

The stupid chicken rolled his eyes: "This is all the bad taste of wolfberry."

"The more I show off my brand, the less I can treat him to a meal."

"You know, that can save a lot of money for King Sejong. I am very frugal and usually don't spend much Korean won. But the few meals I treated him to, the wolfberries were draining my blood."


NA is destined to lose BO1, so it's not surprising that TSM suddenly failed.

At the same time, the TSM uniform staff can feel the long-lasting atmosphere in the team.

Taking this opportunity to end his winning streak is not a bad thing, as it can make the next challenge to the World Championships easier and more relaxed.

However, FNC did not have such thoughts in this game.

Under the "encouragement" of the Sour Emperor, they fought with all their strength.

TSM was at a disadvantage from the beginning, especially Big Brother.

His Zoe was much worse than Ah P just now, and the hit rate of his skills made Li Hao, who was watching the game backstage, unable to bear to stare.

However, the show was quite effective and the audience burst into laughter after watching it.

At 10 minutes into the game, a team battle broke out between the two sides in the lower river. In this wave, Sour King's mid laner scored a double kill, and Bibabu's Sword Demon scored a triple kill. The two harvested the battlefield and defeated TSM. Wave ACE!

The team's voice was full of FNC's cheerful discussions.

2 for 5, after this wave, TSM is already at a huge disadvantage.

In the subsequent waves of competition, FNC also exposed its flaws due to its aggressiveness, but TSM failed to seize the opportunity in time.

Zoe from Big Brother is truly an entertainment bureau.

In small-scale team battles, TSM has been suffering.

The stupid chicken cooperated with Kabo to kill the jungle spider on the opposite side, but this kind of small repairs could not fill the big loopholes.

At 26 points, TSM's two highlands were broken, with a head ratio of 9:28 and an economy that was more than 14,000 behind.

This is almost the game in which TSM has fallen behind the most since the spring split.

Although Li Hao did not play, everyone understood that this was TSM's entertainment game.

However, it is enough to make FNC proud.

In any case, they helped TSM break through for the first time and gave them their first defeat.

Bibabu's sword demon cut off 10 heads in the whole game, and his record was amazing.

The Acid King scored 8/1/5, which is also amazing.

Sjokz interviewed the two after the game.

When asked about his mood after the game, Bibab said to the camera:

"I'm happy to win against TSM, but also full of regrets."

At this moment, both the audience and Sjokz, who was holding the microphone, were all curious.


"Why are you sorry?"

Bibabu looked at the Sour Emperor and said proudly: "I feel sorry for Nemesis!"

"You don't know that Nemesis has wanted to fight The King for a long time. He has strong belief, absolute motivation and awareness, and also has extraordinary state and preparation!"

"Whenever he thinks about fighting The King, Nemesis will be so excited that he trembles with excitement! He is so eager to fight!"

"If anyone can defeat The King, I believe that my good brother, Nemesis in this state, must be one of the most likely!"

The afro in the camera spreads his hands with a look of helplessness:

"It's a pity that The King is taking a rest. This is something we didn't expect."

"At that time, my good brother sighed repeatedly. This was the game he had been looking forward to."

Bibabu didn't notice that the corners of the Sour Emperor's eyes were twitching as he continued to tell.

At this time, he wanted to give Bibab a Valkyrie dive, and then stuff the explosive package into Bibab's mouth, "Go to hell, Explosive Head!"

The audience was shocked!

When Nemesis faced off against TheKing in the spring split, it felt like he had eaten a lemon.

Didn't you expect that his true emotions would be so violent? !

Extremely eager to face off against The King? ! ! !

Darling, anyone who dares to speak openly like this now must have a lot of trouble!

Facing the number one player in e-sports, who can’t weigh things up?

But, Nemesis, he dares! He absolutely dares!

If he usually talks less, his good brother Bibabu cannot be so clear!

Think about it again, Nemesis is in really good shape recently and is qualified to fight.

In front of the camera, Nemesis did not deny Bibab's words. Instead, his face was expressionless and seemed to have a bit of a chilling air!

Combined with Shi Yizhong's fighting posture, Suanhuang actually gives people a tough feeling.

At this time, the audience's curiosity was aroused.

Sjokz couldn't wait to hand the microphone to the Acid King.

"Nemesis, is that right?"

The Sour Emperor took a deep breath and said calmly: "Yes."

After he finished speaking, he looked at Bibab and reached into his pocket.

I didn’t bring the watermelon knife.

At this time, Nemesis could only continue speaking, otherwise everyone would call him a coward.


Where does my regret come from?

TheKing takes turns, I’m obviously very happy! !

Bibabu grabbed the microphone:

"We will wait for tomorrow's final, and the regrets will eventually be made up for~!"


In the picture, Bibab is smiling confidently.

The Sour Emperor had no expression, he was calm and heavy.

With one skill and two super talents, FNC does have enough capital.

In the NA backstage, Kabo laughed:

"No, Nemesis actually declared war on me in a serious manner~!"

The stupid chicken was shocked: "What's going on?"

"Did Nemesis drink fake wine?"

Li Hao laughed: "Tomorrow's final will be very interesting."


At 5:30, after G2 defeated C9, EU won the BO1 single-cycle victory.

After that, LEC and LCS had a final 2v2.

Perkz and Mikyx won another victory with the combination of Syndra and Karma.

In the entire European and American competition, only the finals are left.

PS: Good night book friends, please update on time before 23:59 tomorrow night.

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