LOL: This man is so strong!

Chapter 504 The cage shrouding the EU!

On the evening of June 28, the discussion on the LCS forum was very lively.

As the European and American competitions continue to progress, in addition to the artistic performances of several teams that keep everyone entertained, North American players have also come to understand a truth.

This year's Msi victory allowed the LCS to surpass the LEC in terms of momentum for the first time, giving people the illusion that NA has crushed EU.

But in European and American competitions, the vast majority of cases are

When the NA team meets the EU team, it will be broken at the first touch.

The only exception is when The King is present.

In the BO1 confrontation, The King only appeared twice and scored a terrifying 50 kills! Brutalizing the LEC team.

Any team that dared to play art in front of this person was severely punished.

And beyond that?

NA didn’t win a game!

That night, Roderick, the famous LCS esports commentator, posted such a tweet.

"The weakest NA has been exposed to the most painful scars. We can't even cope with European art, and our opponents' weird combinations can make us helpless. EU gives me the feeling that they can play whatever they want, while NA is cautious. , invested more energy and thinking, but the correct attitude cannot hide the fact that the skills are inferior to others. The major change in TSM comes from TheKing, the influence of the league's number one player once again exceeds our imagination."

"If we now select the most valuable operator for the LCS in 2019, it must be Reginald. The weak NA needs a shot in the arm. In despair, we see hope from TheKing. He has become NA's fig leaf and Optimus Prime. Ordinary existence, I can’t imagine the 2019 season without The King, it would be a nightmare for the LCS.”

"Thank you TheKing. I hope God's light will continue to shine, leaving some seeds of brilliance for LCS, guiding those who come after us out of the fog and escaping from the eternal darkness of the dome."

Roderick did not sugarcoat the LCS, but instead spoke about the current situation of the European and American competitions in a very real way.

Some people think he is too sad, because the gold content of the intercontinental competition is not high.

But more people praised him.

It is worth mentioning that the entire LCS division has no objection to Roderick's description of The King.

For example, when many e-sports fans gathered to discuss this issue on major foreign forums such as "Gotfrag" and "NGA", they all had similar arguments.

"With or without The King, TSM are two completely different teams; with or without The King, the LCS is two completely different divisions."

"The legendary player is The King."

"I like The King, and many of my friends do. I am at Florida State University, and now my friends who play in the league have established the "The King" tribe. He has such appeal."

"It's unimaginable that I would be so fascinated by an e-sports player. Watching The King's career is like watching a great and romantic e-sports life. He is a fan."

"I am Brazilian, in Madagascar. If you have been to Brazil, you will know how popular TheKing is in CBLOL. Among the 10 professional players, 9 are his fans, and the other one is a loyal believer. The bosses put TheKing's The poster for winning the championship was posted in the club, everyone worked hard for it, and he influenced the entire Brazilian e-sports!"

Many people expressed similar emotions on the forum:

"The King is shaking up the e-sports world."

On the night of June 28, Riot Games, which is always paying attention to the situation of the alliance, naturally felt this turmoil.

Ryze and Tryndamere had a long conversation.

Moreover, early the next morning, after Ruiz arrived at the Southwest Coast Headquarters, he met with some of the best operators in the LCS.

After the conversation reached a certain level, Riot secretly conducted the next phase of the deployment.

Relevant personnel contacted several old friends who had cooperated with Thomas Lyte Company.

Thomas Lyte is the world's most well-known manufacturer of trophies and medals. They have been responsible for producing trophies and medals for dozens of events such as the English FA Cup, World Rally Championship, ATP World Tour, etc.

The Summoner's Cup in the League of Legends S competition was created by this group of people.

Riot's next move is related to Li Hao. Of course, they are still paying attention to this season, which will determine whether the subsequent strategy will be launched.

At that time, the ID of TheKing will be raised to a higher level, allowing him to leave a deeper mark in the LCS division.

Riot headquarters is eager to get to this point, and they are paying close attention to developments.

At nearly 1 o'clock in the afternoon, the Magic City Studio changed people again.

The hosts became Zhao Junri and Gugu, giving these newcomers more opportunities.

After some familiar opening remarks, thanking partners and cooperative media such as Tuwan and Wanjia Esports, they also introduced the topic to today’s game.

The live broadcast is synchronized with the domestic match commentary live broadcast room. The images on both sides are interoperable and the director can be switched freely.

Zhao Junri said:

"Everyone has predicted the outcome of today's match. We can clearly see that the vast majority of people support the EU."

"However, compared to previous years, the probability of supporting NA has increased several times, at least in our country."

Miss Gugu was dressed sexyly. The clothes that resembled a bellyband and a breastband were hung around her neck. Zhao Junri, who was standing by her, did not dare to look directly at her. She smiled:

"Yes, for example, I will support NA this time. After all, Brother Hao is in the TSM team."

"However, judging from the previous BO1, EU's overall performance is obviously better than NA."

"This is still based on EU's art of playing. If they play well in the finals today, NA's winning rate will be lower than expected."

Zhao Junri glanced at her and immediately looked away:

"NA still has a chance."

"TSM will have the opportunity to play in at least two games. In these two games, as long as NA has hope, I believe Brother Hao will not take a rest, then the chance of winning will be great."

"In the remaining three games, as long as C9 and TL are not completely defeated like BO1, if we win any one of them, we can take the initiative to the LCS division."

"Today's EU team is still under pressure."

They were about to continue their analysis when they suddenly heard the noise from the audience.

"It's time, the teams participating today have entered the venue!"

"Both sides have submitted their battle forms."

"Because of the BO1 victory, EU has a certain advantage."


At one o'clock in the afternoon, the first two teams in the finals entered directly.

On the LCS side, the C9 team was sent.

The LEC sent FNC.

Even in the finals, the lineups of both sides were still relatively unrestrained.

FNC took the initiative to choose the blue side, crocodile, spider, card, fan mother, and wet nurse.

Dan was put on the bench, and Bochet and Bibab joined forces to form the Desert Spider!

There is no doubt that C9's top lane weapon was very uncomfortable.

FNC once achieved a head-to-head ratio of 5:1 in the early stage, with all advantages in economy and resources.

The Sour Emperor is still reaping the benefits, and the AD cards copied from Li Hao have become his most powerful weapon.

In this game, Acid King's development is very good, leading C9 mid laner Niisqy by a big margin!

He also played the tactical effect that the mid lane AD money-stealing card should have.

Because he was facing Sword Girl, he was forced into a few waves by the C9 midfielder. Sour King's record was not as luxurious as his teammates.

However, the FNC uniform team is very satisfied with him.

The Acid King's several key waves of flying support directly accelerated the pace of FNC's game and did not give C9 a chance to delay to the late stage.

At 25 minutes and 9 seconds, due to several waves of FNC rushing to the tower, the head ratio became 12:10, but FNC still led by more than 10,000 gold!

The gap between the defense towers is too big, FNC broke through the C9 bottom lane high ground!

At 25 minutes and 53 seconds, FNC pulled the baron buff in the bottom lane.

Seeing that the highland tower in the middle was about to be destroyed again, C9 decisively broke away from the group.

Bibabu's crocodile resisted a lot of damage, and when it was turned up high and the nanny's blood increased, it blocked the forefront of FNC like a god of war.

However, in the face of the five-man C9 fire, the Crocodile still couldn't hold it back.

FNC was the first to reduce their numbers, and C9 was able to hold on to this wave and continue to delay the game.

Unfortunately, they made a wrong decision.

In order to expand the victory, C9 continued to pursue.

At the first moment, their skills did not improve. FNC's fan mother also came from the middle, and FNC completed the counterattack.

Three phases, Nash's Fang, artillery, attack speed boots, the card master with the best equipment in the game harvested the endgame in this wave!

Acid King scored three kills, then flew R to the front teeth and pinned the Leopard Girl with a yellow card. He made a quick basic attack without any pretense, and with the sound of cards being dealt, he killed Blaber again!

The appearance of a wave of false four kills made the FNC player bench excited!

The Slovenian also showed a proud smile, and he himself felt a little swollen.

It went so well!

In this European and American competition, he has increased his worth!

Many European and American audiences are surprised.

As expected of someone who dares to challenge The King, Nemesis is really capable.

For a time, everyone was even more looking forward to the possible contest between FNC and TSM!

With the card's false four kills, the game was finalized.

C9 only has one auxiliary barrel left, and it is a dream to defend FNC with the Baron Buff.

Zeyzal was very conscious. Apart from throwing a bucket, he simply stayed in the spring and did not come out.

FNC crushed Crystal Hub and won its first win in the LEC division!

Judging from this game, there is no difference at all between today, yesterday, and the day before yesterday.

EU versus NA, after excluding The King, it was so easy.

After the LCS lost the first game, they immediately played TSM's trump card.

At two o'clock in the afternoon, TSM played against OG.

In BP, OG does not dare to be careless. Their lineup has no problem, but in terms of ban, the restrictions on TSM on the blue side are obviously not enough.

TSM: Jace, Digger, Silas, Piano Girl, Gem

OG: Sword Demon, Spider, Ice Girl, Wheel Mom, Cat

European audiences were confused.

Not to break Silas?

In the first two games, TheKing scored 50 kills!

Aren't you afraid?

The OG mid laner is really not afraid of the nuclear bomb duck.

After being defeated last time, he had a little psychological shadow.

However, the operations of FNC, Sour King, and Bibabu forcibly lifted the backbone of EU.

It’s just The King, is it that scary? !

Even Nemesis is not afraid of me. I am a nuclear bomb duck. Is it even worse than Nemesis?

In fact, it doesn't matter to release Silas. After all, he is a hero who has just been weakened and his shield has been cut off. Nuclear Duck has teleported in this round. As long as the line is stable and the support is good, it will be fine.

At the beginning of the game, Nuclear Duck still thought so.

However, as he continued to play, Nukeduck discovered something was wrong.

After a rest, TheKing seemed to no longer feel as oppressive as before.

Online, this Sylas is much more wretched than when he was playing Yasuo.

The Norwegian is still too young and has simple ideas. Standing on the first floor, he speculates about Li Hao on the fifth floor.

The slightly radical ice girl fell into Li Hao's trap!

Ice Girl successfully drained her blood and was healthier than Silas in terms of blood volume.

Even, staring at Li Hao's health bar, Nuclear Bomb Duck had the bold idea of ​​calling the jungler to kill him.

What happened to God?

Gods will also fall!

Just when the Norwegians were thinking wildly, the game reached 3 minutes and 42 seconds, and everyone in the EU backstage watched the excavator coming towards the middle.

But the spider on OG's side is still fighting in the jungle from a distance.

After the excavator reached the middle, the stupid chicken dug a tunnel to the middle without even thinking about it, and directly hit it with a top jump!

Nuclear Duck's reaction was adequate, but he wanted to save his skills and didn't press Flash.

Seeing that the stupid chicken had succeeded, Li Hao pulled E to the side to avoid the soldier between him and the ice girl.

The second section E pulls on the ice girl.

Nuclear Bomb Duck's seemingly healthy health quickly turned into a serious disability under the attack of TSM's midfielder.

At the last moment, the Ice Girl flashed and escaped into the F6 area despite Silas's ignition.

After Li Hao looked over, he found that F6 was still there.

He marked the signal, and the stupid chicken understood it immediately.

A ground cannon drilled into the ground and hit six birds.

The six "Just Causes" in the wild monster camp were furious and hurt the ice girl.

Combined with the ignited damage, the nuke duck can be killed just in time!

At that moment, the nuclear bomb duck on the player bench collapsed!

And the audience at the scene was so excited.

Many people laughed when they saw the Ice Girl being chased by six birds, basing their happiness on the pain of the nuclear bomb duck.

Nuclear Duck also communicates with Kold in the team.

Why are Six Birds still here?

Kold said that he should seize the time to catch six birds.

Six birds is not the key. Silas gets the kill and saves the flash. This is the key.

Just one and a half minutes later, Li Hao went to the top lane and used the saved flash on Sword Demon.

Cooperating with Bilson, TSM's midfielder forced his way over the tower to kill the Sword Demon.

After Li Hao flashed out of the tower, there were only 5 drops of blood left!

At this time, who dares to say that five words are not enough? We're locked!

The thin and almost invisible health bar made many people in the EU backstage jump to their feet and shout Fake.

After winning the thrilling game, Silas officially took off.

After stealing Ice Girl's ultimate move, Li Hao and Benji came to the bottom lane, and Kold's spider came to support them in time.

But TSM didn't hesitate and jumped directly over the tower!

The ice girl's TP was on the return line, and this wave was beyond her reach.

In the frozen mausoleum, the shielded Wheel Mom was trapped under the tower, and the cat climbing frame was knocked over by TSM's concentrated fire.

The cat came to the spider again, and the excavator carried the tower and swapped with the spider. With the remaining three people from TSM taking turns to carry the tower, the cat's head was taken away by Silas.

Rampage's prompt sounded throughout the canyon as everyone in OG was shocked.

The tapioca was so delicious that after more than 6 minutes, Silas was so fat that he couldn't even read it.

Some LPL teams looked at it and shook their heads.

OG used such a relaxed attitude to play the game with TheKing, which was like giving away a meal.

In the next 15 minutes or so, the people backstage at EU became confused.

Wild laughter kept coming from the man's mouth.

Looking at the swinging chains and listening to the clanking sound of the chains, many members of the uniform team felt terrified.


"Continuous killing!"

"Nothing can stop this killing machine!"


In European studios, Coster occupies the C position, both in terms of position and voice.

Haochui Ding criticized:

"OG, please be serious. You are facing the number one player in the league and the most powerful e-sports player on the planet. Is this your attitude?!"

His scolding tone was recognized by Charles and Bauer on the side.

Charles said with a horrified expression:

"It's like watching a horror movie. Silas is like a murderous maniac with a chainsaw, and OG can't stop him."

"In this game, I'm afraid another 20 people will be killed!"

"I should wash my eyes. I can no longer understand league games."

Bauer asked Coster:

“Neither Enchantress nor Akali has been banned, so why does TheKing continue to choose Silas?”

Coster smiled and said:

"It's so easy to explain."

"In The King's view, the EU region cannot break free from the cage he has set! His chains will strangle the EU that wants to take off."

"That's what Silas exists for."

Some in the audience nodded.

When they looked at the big screen again, TSM had already attacked OG's front tooth tower.

Silas, crazy 25 kills! !

This is TheKing’s third game in this intercontinental competition, the third game with 20 points or more!

Throughout Snake's three-year dynasty, The King in the 16, 17, and 18 seasons did not achieve such a kill record.

Coster muttered a terrible truth:

"Perhaps The King in 2019 is the most peak existence!"

"TSM, you're in luck!"

The Los Angeles Esports Arena burst into cheers. TSM defeated OG, and the European and American competition finals entered into a 1:1 tie.

The next game is the top priority.

The game between TL and G2 will affect the subsequent process.

However, from a BO1 perspective, the gap between TL and G2 is very large.

Both sides understood the importance of the game, and G2, who had the right to choose sides, took the initiative to choose the blue side.

The blue side won the previous two games.

As long as G2 can win, TSM's efforts will be in vain.

However, with the outside world generally optimistic about G2, this game was a big upset.

Teacher Omu, Teacher Okuai, and TL, the two teachers suddenly became brave!

Thirty-three minutes into the game, Mr. Oki's Captain was 6/1/6, and Mr. Ouchi's Yasuo was 9/5/5. The two became the pillars of TL, leading the team to overthrow G2! !

At 18:10, TL took 34 minutes and 12 seconds to crush G2's crystal hub!

TL's victory made the NA backstage cheer!

What a surprise!

a big surprise!

Now, NA leads EU 2:1!

In the next fourth game, NA sent TSM directly without even thinking about it!

And in the EU backstage.

Instead of being scared, some people were excited.

For example, FNC’s Bibabu!

Afro hugged the Sour Emperor who was sitting on the bench with an expressionless face from behind.

He said enthusiastically and energetically:

"Nemesis! Nemesis!!"

"The opportunity has come! Our opportunity has come, and so has your opportunity!"

"NA can only send TSM, we are finally going to collide with TSM!"

"Save EU, in the next game!"

"Let the history of e-sports start from the next game~, hahahaha~!!"

The Acid Emperor backstage remained expressionless.

But in the eyes of others, his face is deep and mysterious.

The more this happens, the more unusual it is.

Many people think that maybe

Nemesis can really do something!

PS: Good night book friends, please update on time before 23:59 tomorrow night.

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