LOL: This man is so strong!

Chapter 539 I will take action!

In the TSM player table, the senior brother was so depressed that he slapped the mouse with his hand.

He didn't expect to be struck by Beryl's brilliance.

As an opponent, DWG knows its senior brother very well.

When this person selected Kai'Sa and Xayah in this World Championship, he liked to position himself in the triangle grass. After some research, DWG realized this.

What made the Korean audience even more excited was that DWG once again showed its preparedness.

At 1 minute and 01 seconds, Wheel Mom and Sion came out of the spring after returning to the city, one facing up and the other down. Xu Xiuze and Canyon followed the river to the TSM Liukun wall.

Canyon turned on scanning and accurately photographed the jewelry eyes inserted at the corners of the wall.

Including Li Hao, everyone in TSM became alert.

"Brother, I have done a lot of homework on DWG."


Li Hao reminded: "Bingquan, don't underestimate these young people. When you are on the road, you must be prepared to guard against ganks. Niu Guli is not that easy to deal with."

"I understand, brother, I will be careful."

Li Hao was also communicating with Bilson and others, and spoke out to comfort his senior brother.

Now entering the semi-finals is already a huge success for the senior brother.

Doublelift is certainly not that fragile.

At 1 minute and 07 seconds, Xu Xiu on the big screen probed the grass behind F6 for Q, then inserted his own jewelry eye.

On TSM's side, the people who originally invaded the DWG blue zone have returned to the middle lane.

Li Hao continued to pin signals in the red zone.

He signaled his teammates to gather, and the red buff would never let him go.

With all the personnel in place, they are worthy of being a level 1 regiment.

At 1 minute and 21 seconds, Xu Xiu, who was dangling in the grass in the middle road, saw Death Song coming with Jace.

Li Hao reached out and clicked away the zombie guards left by Canyon's row of eyes, adding 1 yuan.

Bilson tentatively fired a shot at the grass behind the red buff. Canyon reacted very quickly. He controlled the prince to walk back and twisted away the skill.

At this time, the soldiers in the middle have been handed over.

Xu Xiu came to the middle from the river, got to the line one step ahead of Bilson, and blocked Jace's retreat position.

When DWG was inserted into TSM's red zone, they also saw that their personnel were well organized.

Despite their youth, these guys handled this critical match quite calmly.

Prince level 1 is very weak, Niu Guli pinned the signal online, and did not see Qinggang Ying.

TSM takes too much care of Death Song.

Therefore, this red Buff must not be snatched.

Lux and Wheel Mom withdrew from the grass next to the red buff and walked down the road.

DWG made decisive and successful decisions this time. All three paths were launched first before TSM.

Moreover, Wheel Mom's head has been transformed into a long sword, which increases its early attributes.

Except for Canyon's jungle time being slightly delayed, DWG started extremely successfully.

The bottom duo helped, and Li Haohong opened.

The most comfortable way for Death Song without getting stuck is to use Q twice and A once, which can pull wild monsters and maximize damage.

Let the bottom lane help with a few hits, and then QQA will pull away.

According to the current version, after the red buff is wiped out, the stone is brushed. Li Hao uses punishment on the big stone, and then uses a single Q to quickly kill the big stone. After the three hit stones are Q together, all the stones will die, while moving to F6 QQ small stones while walking.

The director cut the shot into a split mode so that the progress of the junglers on both sides could be compared.

It is not difficult to find that Death Song's jungle clearing efficiency is much higher than that of the current prince.

For F6, on Death Song's side, try to hit as many Kun as possible in Q.

On the mini-map, the prince's vision is exposed.

Canyon started red at 2 minutes and 25 seconds, with a blue buff at his feet.

According to the speed of the prince clearing the jungle and the time it takes for him to return to the jungle, it can be judged that the prince directly activates double buffs.

After Li Hao entered the blue zone, he considered that Canyon might come to harass him. In addition, he did not have much mana, so he ignored the three wolves and directly activated the blue buff.

The blue buff was taken away, and Li Hao took a look at the top line of troops.

Kali suffered a loss in health, and his last hits were not as much as Nigulli's.

However, the troop line is relatively close to your own defense tower.

Syndra in the middle is still online.

In such a situation, the prince would not dare to invade the wild area, and Death Song was not afraid of a fight.

There is no need to go back and brush the three wolves, just go to the Demon Swamp Frog and brush the three wolves again to save time.

In this wave, Li Hao had cleared all the wild monsters and was ahead of the prince in terms of experience.

DWG has the third-line advantage, and Canyon can't find the rhythm to catch people. If he plays against Li Hao, it will be very bad for him.

After killing a circle of wild monsters, Li Hao immediately returned to the city without going to see the upper river crab.

Fill up the reusable potion, buy one or two real eyes and add a murder ring.

Go out and head straight to the lower river.

At this moment, the Korean audience is happy.

Except for the jungle position, TSM's three lanes of CS fell behind.

Especially in the bottom lane, Wheel Mom costs 19 dollars, while Kai'Sa only costs 10 dollars, which is just over 3 minutes.

Under the poke of Wheel Mom and Glory, the TSM duo was in trouble.

While the commentators were analyzing the situation, a terrifying scene suddenly broke out in the lower river!

Prince, who came from the blue zone after returning to the city, happened to see the river crab passing by in front. Canyon naturally used EQ to knock it away, preparing to control the river crab and provide more vision support for the bottom lane.

At this time, Li Hao was inserting a real eye into the grass in the middle of the river and moving towards the lower half.

This happens to be a close encounter with Canyon!

"Q punishment!"

"Brother Hao grabbed the river crab and was directly upgraded to level 4!"

"The mid laner is heading towards the river to support, and Canyon just handed over his skills. It's so embarrassing!"

"The level is still one level behind, and I can't beat him at all!"


Death Song raised his hand W to slow down, and Canyon moved toward the grass behind the blue zone, trying his best to move away from Li Hao's Q skill.




Desolation spread, and magical sound effects continued to sound.

On the prince's body, blue numbers of 120 and 120 kept popping up, which were the damage caused by Death Song's Q skill.

"The blood falls quickly!"

"Jace has no skills, otherwise the prince will die immediately with one shot of support!"

"Red Buff slows down at level A, Brother Hao is still chasing, Canyon doesn't dare to look back!"


"Hit again!"

"This Canyon is going to die!"

"I want to stick to the wall, Canyon wants to dodge, this wave is a blast!"


In the player box, Bilson was anxious to death, and his skills had not improved yet.

On the other side, Xu Xiu was also very anxious. The limit range of his skills was still a little short of that.


At 3 minutes and 46 seconds, the Madrid scene erupted with huge exclamations.

Many people stared at the scene on the big screen with wide eyes and surprise.

Xu Xiu extreme launches purple EQ, going straight to the death song.

A flash of light came on and the prince walked through the wall.

And Karsus, before Syndra's ball flew over, waved his Death Scythe towards the other side of the wall!


The sound like a heart exploding was almost at the same beat as Syndra's shout.

"Ah Xiba!!"

The Nuclear Emperor, who was watching the battle from the bottom lane, complained loudly.


"He's going to kill me through the wall!"

In front of the gray screen, Canyon couldn't believe it.

Xu Xiu gritted her teeth and said with regret: "Jianfu, it's just a little bit close, he won't be able to come out."

Death Song was knocked unconscious by Syndra accurately. Although Xu Xiu was showing off, he wanted to interrupt Li Hao's rhythm, but was still a beat slow.

In this game, the two did not face each other directly.

But here, Xu Xiu had already lost a hand.

"Brother Hao took the head and two layers of murder rings!"

Miller exclaimed:

"Hey, brother Hao, are you going to take off again?"


On the big screen, there was a replay of the previous wave.

Under the deceleration buff, Death Song's Q is extremely accurate. The prince has been losing skills because he has paid EQ.

Coupled with the fact that this wave of river crabs were robbed, Death Song upgraded his skills and the damage was too much.

Canyon was beaten from full health to dead, and even lost flash.

People were surprised that Li Hao did not see an opportunity in the bottom lane and immediately moved towards the upper half.

He collected the Shanghe Crab again, and it was already 4 minutes and 23 seconds.

Canyon and Xu Xiu really have a hand.

Sindra's blue energy was not healthy, and Pilsen took advantage of the situation to play strongly.

As soon as I pressed the line, Canyon came immediately after smelling the smell.

Going around F6, Li Hao saw the prince's figure and immediately followed Canyon.

Bjergsen also saw it, but this time, DWG directly played their cards right.

Canyon started with EQ, and Jayce moved to the edge of the river wall.

Xu Xiu was waiting for this opportunity, and EQ accurately pushed her to stun!

Seeing Jace, who was about to escape towards the river, being pushed unconscious and hit the wall, the Korean commentator loudly praised him!

The prince's W slows down, and Syndra attacks with W.

The two of them focused their fire and instantly maimed Bilson.

Jace struggled to his death and hit the prince with a cannon at close range. After taking off from the sky to deal damage, he knocked the prince towards the death song with a hammer and was killed by Syndra with a Q.

Although there are two people working on DWG, neither has the skills right now.

If you are afraid of fighting, then there is no need to play jungle death song.

The distance was not enough, Li Hao flashed directly and opened E to W!

The familiar scene moved from the river to the middle.




The prince tried his best to move, but the barren force kept hitting his steps.

Xu Xiu paused, feeling that the situation was not right, and immediately distanced herself.

Canyon was abandoned tactically.

In this wave, Death Song has the ability to fight 1 versus 2.


"Brother Hao killed Canyon again, and Fu Fu exploded!"

"Is it a loss if the mid laner changes to the jungler?"

"Big profit! The mid laner is the fake core, while Brother Hao is the real wild core."

The doll kept laughing:

"Then I apologize. Just now I was saying that Pilsen pressed the line too deep. Now that I look at it, it seems like seduction."

"Yuan, just be round!"


Karsus harvested souls again and got his second head.

At the same time, Li Haoshuang took the lead in the middle and had the highest level and economy in the game.

Backstage at DWG, Coach Jin’s expression changed again and again.

Although the advantage still lies with DWG, he doesn't know why, but he always has an unknown premonition.

On the big screen, Death Song finished his troops and went to the prince jungle to eat Liu Kun.

Xu Xiulan didn't come over to harass her because she didn't have enough.

At 4 minutes and 47 seconds, the director turned the camera upwards, and the Korean audience finally saw the scene they wanted.

Niuguli and Ka relied on pulling and fighting.

A midway top laner like Kaliu is still not as good as Niu Guli. After a series of battles over details, he was dragged into a mess.

After Sion hit the fully charged Q, Qinggangying was beaten until he only had 100 health left.

Niuguli was chasing behind, and seemed to have a chance to kill alone.

But Kaguo was very obedient and kept the E skill as Li Hao said.

He decisively hung on the wall to escape and save his life.

Niuguli still has half a tube of blood left, and he looks like a god of war on the top lane.

The current DWG, that is, Canyon alone is at a disadvantage, so it is not a big problem.

The prince's first-level show off in the opposite jungle bought time for the line and delayed himself.

Everyone knows about DWG.

Therefore, Niuguli immediately spoke out to comfort him after he was fighting away.

"Jianshi, it's okay."

"Lie down and let me fuck you."

Canyon muttered: "In your heart, is my mentality that bad?"

Xu Xiu was about to speak, but Beryl in the team voice shouted "Nice" while laughing!

"Hahaha, what a cow, what a cow head!"

"How dare you come forward!"


At 4 minutes and 53 seconds, Lux Qed Kai'Sa first, and Wheel Mom gave a Q remotely. The senior brother only had half health left.

In this wave, the TSM duo had communication problems.

The DWG duo handed over their skills, and Black thought about a wave of attacks. It happened that the artillery soldiers pushed forward to gain some health back.

The first time, the senior brother also recognized it.

But DWG didn't give it a chance.

Blake came to the grass and continued to crouch, without communicating with his senior brother.

When the soldiers were facing off near the DWG side, they took advantage of the wheel mother to finish the attack. Black's eyes lit up, and the WQ second company accurately controlled the core king.

But the senior brother, who was doing some finishing work, couldn't keep up at the first moment.

Seeing Blake on the attack, he instinctively took a step forward to pursue the damage.

Beryl, who had been paying attention to his senior brother, took action decisively.

During the time that Niutou was wasted, the skills of both DWG players were improved!

Radiant Girl's Q, after hitting a minion, controlled Kai'Sa in place.

The Nuclear King is not stupid either. He ignores the bull head and works with Lux to output Kai'Sa.

The TP brought by the eldest brother has no healing skills.

In the final blow, Wheel Mom and Lux ​​chased a basic attack before Kai'Sa flashed out.

The Nuclear King's projectiles were faster, and his basic attacks knocked Kai'Sa to death.

Lux's basic attack detonated the passive given by her E skill, just in time to kill Kai'Sa!

The big brother showed up and moved to the grave, which greatly boosted the morale of DWG and the Korean division!

On the inven, the stickmen were all happy.

"Hehe, Aphromoo is great and allows you to become a Korean citizen."

"I am worried about TheKing's 4-layer killing ring, and there is good news from DWG's top and bottom lanes."

"TheKing used a different way to play, so we will use a different way to win the game. I didn't expect Nuclear to have a chance."

"How can you underestimate a Korean player's determination to defeat TheKing? Even if he is Nuclear!"

Lao Bangzi was very happy, but smiled and said in the forum:

"You still have to be careful. The King always has the advantage. Next, don't let Death Song get another kill."

In the LPL live broadcast room, several commentators were dumbfounded.

I didn't expect the bottom lane to die like this.

Although TSM is a North American team, after all, Li Hao exists, and it is playing against South Korea, so everyone is a little biased in their hearts.

They were all quite depressed when they saw the meal being served.

In the live broadcast room, LPL fans kept teasing:

"What should I do if TSM is at a disadvantage?"

"It doesn't matter, Brother Hao will take action."

"Brother Hao takes action, what should I do if the situation in DWG is not optimistic?"

"It doesn't matter, Aphromoo will take action."

"It's so funny, it's Korea's sacred cow that protects the country, right?"

You Haofen said depressedly: "Not only Aphromoo, I feel that the other ones are also in very average condition. They are all sleeping dragons and phoenixes."

Backstage at DWG, Coach Jin relaxed his body and assumed a more comfortable sitting posture.

The bottom lane has always been the weak lane.

Nuclear is considered a weak point. During the World Championship, because the enemy was not very targeted, it relied on strong heroes in the version to survive.

Wheel Mom was selected for this game. Although there was training, Coach Jin was still worried.

But now, the advantages of online are getting bigger and bigger.

So, if DWG opens up the middle and jungle a little bit, there is a high probability that they can win this game.

Jin Jingzhu smiled as if he had seen through everything:

"The King, the alliance, is not a one-man game."

From the DWG team’s voice, it was also clearly heard backstage that these young people were plotting against The King.

And, there is a good opportunity!

For a moment, the DWG uniform team backstage was in a happy mood and looked forward to it.

On the other side, TSM.

Li Hao is stabilizing the morale of the army and cheering for Senior Brother and Black.

This wave mainly caused the momentum to be damaged.

Kai'Sa has TP and returns quickly.

The head was also taken by Lacus.

So, not so much is thrown away.

After a while of communication, Li Hao said firmly:

"Don't panic, hold on until I take action!"

This sentence made everyone in TSM excited.

At the same time, Jin Sangxiu in the background looked at the data panel and muttered:

"The jungle death song has the highest level in the game, and the first one reaches 6."

"61 last hits, he is also the person with the most last hits."

"Two heads, four layers of murder rings!"

"This development is perfect!"

Jin Xiangxiu was very excited. He heard the stupid chicken beside the water dispenser chanting:

"The last time he developed like this and played wild core was probably the S6 Staples game."


Jin Sangxiu asked: "Sex male, maybe something?"

"From what I understand, he must be brewing."

"Haha, Karsus."

"Maybe death will come"

Backstage at TSM, everyone was surprised.

Stupid Chicken is one of the people who understands Li best!


I originally planned to write this paragraph in a big chapter, but there are sheep at home, and now I feel dizzy.

I'm sleeping, I don't know if I can survive (cover my face).

Good night, book friends.

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