LOL: This man is so strong!

Chapter 540 Death is coming! !

DWG's plans for Death Song begin.

Based on the spawn time of wild monsters, Canyon guessed Death Song's next move.

So, he called Beryl on the bottom lane to come from the river and moved to the grass behind the red buff.

On the big screen at this moment, Karsus, holding the Death Scythe, was coming from the grass on the F6 side.

Apparently, they were heading in the direction of the prince and Lux.

The LCK audience held their breath, with anxious and excited faces on their faces.

Have the opportunity!

There is a chance!

As long as the rhythm of Death Song is interrupted, TSM's hope will be even slimmer.


At 6 minutes and 15 seconds, the LCK commentators shouted in unison.

Death Song, who was moving towards the grass, suddenly turned his head.

The Q that Beryl threw out subconsciously was empty because the distance was not enough.

The flesh on Quan Yongyun's face swelled and he exclaimed:

"What a keen sense of smell!"

"This is The King, much harder to deal with than TSM's bottom lane!"

Jin Dongjun waved his arms and kept telling his surprise:

"A turnaround move worth a thousand dollars."

"This is the trajectory of the first player in the league. I have to admire him for keeping himself on guard. Just relax a little and we will succeed."

"Beryl is also worried about missing opportunities, but TSM has no vision. If he is more patient, the probability of success will be greater. To play against such an old fox, you need to have a deeper calculation." Eunjun explained with regret on his face.

Everyone knows that once Death Song is controlled by Lux and Prince takes EQ, even though Death Song does high damage, Faye cannot withstand a complete set of damage from these two people.

Killing Death Song will increase DWG's probability of winning this game by at least 20%.

Compared with the exclamations at the scene, Kim Sang-soo and others backstage at TSM were all sweating.

Smith and others in the commentary box kept repeating "Big Heart".

This kind of competition process really makes everyone nervous.

In the contestants' box, Li Hao's heart also beat a few beats faster.

so close.

Fortunately, I have been paying attention to the dynamics of online heroes.

Lux and the prince disappeared, and he did not dare to look directly into the grass without vision.

Li Hao controlled Death Song to arrive at the location of the stone monsters. After wiping out this group of wild monsters, he drove the scanner toward the triangle grass in the bottom lane, while communicating closely with the duo.

There are 7 minions on the red side and only 3 on the blue side.

The Nuclear Emperor is very strong and is currently nearly 20 dollars ahead of his senior brother. He wants to continue to expand his lead. He has been standing at the front of the army line and, together with Lux, forced the TSM duo in front of the tower.

Li Hao glanced at his bottom line and saw that the next wave of lines was about to reach the line.

If the DWG duo wants to continue to press, they can either control the line as much as possible so that Kai'Sa can't hit the last hit, or they can quickly push the line and use skills to harass in front of the tower.

But because it is close to TSM, it requires vision protection to prevent being caught.

After reading the online information, Li Hao touched the triangular grass, but the scan failed to capture his vision.

Suddenly, he sensed an opportunity.

"Blake, if you have the chance later, don't hesitate."

"Flash directly to the skill."



At 6 minutes and 51 seconds, after the wheel mother quickly cleared the line, Beryl, wearing five-speed shoes, followed the river towards the triangle grass.

Before the eye could be inserted, a wall of pain blocked up behind his butt.



Li Hao hit two Q shots, and Lux ​​was close to half health.

There was a flash on Beryl, and he immediately threw Q at Death Song.

The Q skill that was very useful on Kai'Sa was easily passed by Death Song by turning sideways.

After only delaying this moment, the bull's head flashed over the wall, kowtowed and knocked Lux ​​away!

At the moment of being knocked away, Lux got a Q.

Niutou punched Lux ​​who was knocked to the ground. Karthas drew A and connected with Q. Beryl's soul was harvested on the spot!

"The damage is too high!"

"I didn't get any assists!"

As a teammate, the senior brother smiled and complained.

Kai'Sa's W skill passed through Lux's body.

Li Hao marked Lux's five-speed shoes.

This equipment is quite suitable for Bard to pick up materials, but how can it withstand the damage of Death Song.

Killing ring, sixth level.

At the beginning of 7 minutes, Canyon squatted in the grass in the middle river, and Xu Xiu EQ pushed to Pilsen.

However, Jess was standing far away.

For the first time, Canyon’s EQ distance was not enough.

He turned back towards the river, dug an eye into the dragon pit, and found three people from TSM fighting.

This is an early water dragon that helps a lot.

After quick communication with DWG, we decided to grab it.

Neither top laner on either side has TP, but Niugulision is closer to the lower river.

Xu Xiu, who occupied the lane right, immediately came over to support from the middle. The Nuclear King controlled the wheel mother and rushed from the bottom lane. Lux, who had emerged from the spring, had just arrived in the blue zone.

"Canyon wants to grab it!"

"This is a desperate effort!"

"Prince EQ provokes Kaisha, punish him!"

"Whose dragon is it?!"

"Death song!"

"Brother Hao is a higher level. It's too difficult for Canyon to grab the dragon from him. The prince's flash is still a little short, so he can only deal with Kai'Sa at the risk of his life. The bull head WQ pushed Canyon up with two consecutive rounds, and the wheel mother threw Q and scratched the two of them. "


"The damage caused by Death Song is too high!"


Judging from the picture on the screen, DWG's wave of dragons failed to win and the jungle was about to collapse.

The Nuclear King's output knocked the elder brother to a low level, but Death Song backhanded him in the face and hit the Q twice, which shocked the Nuclear King.

At the critical moment, Xu Xiu is here!

QR hit Niutou nearby, and an E launched the Tiannu Sanhua that excited the LCK. Kai'Sa was stunned, Niutou was stunned, and even Death Song was stunned in place.

The Nuclear Emperor gained room to operate, killed Kai'Sa with a flat A, and then flashed out of Death Song's attack range.

Xu Xiu used a W to cripple the bull's head, and it was impossible for Black to change the wheel.

Seeing Lux show her face, Li Hao wiped away the triangle grass and stopped pursuing.

A safe position, he opened R and chanted!

Requiem loomed over everyone in DWG. The wheel mother's shield did not rotate properly, and Beryl threw his shield at the wheel mother.

The curved light barrier became the nuclear emperor's last barrier.


"Watch your souls come out of your body!"



The expressions of the LCK audience changed.

"Blast directly to death! Lux's shield was blown through!"

"The 8-layer murder ring is more than two levels higher. This damage!"

"2 for 2, DWG still loses! Anyway, the senior brother is worthless, and the development of the wheel mother is very good. I just got another kill."

"It's not a loss or a loss now, DWG must consider how to deal with the Death Song. Brother Hao's Killing Ring is full, and the Wild Core Death Song with 5 heads in more than 7 minutes is so terrifying! The heads are concentrated on Brother Hao I think TSM should be very happy."

Miller smiled, only half of what he said.

DWG's head fell on Nuclear, which is really not a good thing.

The reason why Nuclear was successfully dubbed the "Nuclear King" in China was mainly because his Kai'Sa who died three times in seven and a half minutes in the intercontinental competition was so impressive.

If the heads are given to DWG in the upper, middle and jungle, they are more useful than the Nuclear King.

At the contestants' table, Xu Xiu and others didn't look very good.

Counting the fact that Lux was caught to death just now and dropped the water dragon again, this wave is equivalent to 3 for 2.

Coupled with the excellent development of Death Song, the situation has moved closer to TSM.

Everyone in DWG looked at the mini map and cut the screen to take a look at the bottom lane.

The TSM duo were all dead, and the death song went to the bottom lane to get a line.


Seeing Death Song take a last hit is even more uncomfortable than missing a last hit yourself.

How can it be

They really wanted Karthus to go to the fountain and hang up for two minutes.

However, from God's perspective, Karsus came to the red zone again and cleared all the red buffs and F6.

After that, Death Song returned to the city to reinstall, and the Pin Canyon Pioneer was all on the TSM mini-map.

The Pioneer has not been brushed yet, but TSM has no plans to release this Pioneer.

The LCK casters are a little confused.

As soon as Death Song returned to the city, he started a shopping spree.

The jungle knife became the echo of Fu Neng.

The precept to kill has become a book to kill.

This is not Casals, this is pure Satan.

And the LCS audience was excited.

Death Song bought the equipment and stayed by the spring.

"Straw sandals!"

Smith shouted: "The King even has money to buy a pair of straw sandals!"

"This is the money-making speed of the first player in the league!"


David was laughing wildly: "I swear, if everyone makes money in the canyon, The King will be the richest man."

The LCS casters are completely crazy. They can even boast about buying a pair of straw sandals as art and romance.

"With this piece of equipment, Casals's lethality will be doubled."


If viewers who were not watching the live broadcast heard this sentence, they would even think that Death Song bought the Infinity Blade.

In the next two minutes, both sides were actively looking for opportunities, but the process was smooth and no teamfight occurred.

At 10 minutes and 42 seconds, all TSM members gathered and moved towards the Dalong Pit.

On the other side, the DWG has the same action.

As can be seen on the data panel, the number of last hits of Death Song is 104, which is even ahead of Showmaker, who has the most last hits on DWG!

As a jungler, this kind of development is extremely exaggerated.

At 11 minutes and 23 seconds, TSM took up position and pulled the Pioneer out to fight.

What worried the Korean audience happened. DWG, who did not give in, actually took the initiative to start a group to seize the vanguard when the position was not good.

Xu Xiu wears a murder ring and is determined to join the vanguard group.

The level 7 prince, just like the wave in Xiaolong Pit, when the vanguard was about to die, the EQ Second Company decisively entered the field!

Facing the level 9 Death Song, Canyon knew how difficult it was.

On the gaming chair, Canyon concentrated on the changes in Pioneer's health.

Punishment! !

His teeth are about to break

However, it is still slow!

Death Song’s Punishment steadily accepts the vanguard.

The sky is falling apart!

The blood volume plummeted, and Canyon desperately tried to cover up TSM's double C.

Li Hao suddenly got better and quickly moved to a safe position.

DWG took the killing move, Xu Xiu R Jace, and another goddess scattered flowers, and Lux's Q also floated in the direction of Li Hao.

But Syndra got close, Black stared at Xu Xiu, and flashed WQ to knock Syndra away.

The long-awaited card is coming, Hex Ultimatum locks in Syndra!

Sion opened R and cooperated with the output of Wheel Mom, and fought with TSM at the entrance of the DWG red zone.

After the first wave of skills was handed over, Death Song on the field was like a mad dog, backhand E and squeezing into the crowd desperately.





Terrifying sound effects exploded in the crowd with exaggerated damage, and the prince with residual health flashed and ran away.

The residual blood of the elder brother flew into Xu Xiu's face, trying to exchange with Syndra, but was knocked away by Sion's Q, and his own head was sent instead.

Wheel Mom was beaten to a pulp by Jess. After taking a Q from Li Hao, she used her ultimate move to accelerate and pull her back. She turned around and hit Li Hao and Bilson with a Q.

TSM relied on Li Hao's super high damage to force DWG to retreat.

Niuguli, who has high tankiness, breaks the back and buys time for the next wave of skills for his teammates.

Syndra managed to stay alive under the back-and-forth W shield of Brilliance, and flashed to escape from Kali's scissors.

If DWG's skills improve in the next wave, they can definitely turn around and fight back.

To be able to fight like this in this wave has already brought the wheel mother's ultimate move and the lineup to the extreme.

However, whether it was the DWG players in the players' seats, the LCK commentators or the LCK spectators watching the game in Korea, everyone was terrified.

Every LCK fan's throat is rolling, as if something shocking is about to blurt out.

The condition of both sides is not good, it is like dancing on the tip of a knife.

But TSM's knife edge is equal to DWG's heart.

"The damage is too high!"

Niuguli yelled, he couldn't stand it anymore.

Qinggangying kicked the second Q on him, this is not the main thing.

The guy holding the death scythe was spreading beans wildly at his feet.

Sion couldn't withstand the violent magic damage.

"Remaining blood!"

"Crazy! DWG was completely disabled by one vote!"

In the LPL commentary box, Wang Duoduo and the Haier brothers both turned on the red temperature mode and shouted in unison:

"Brother Hao has R, he has R!"

"It's finished, DWG is finished!"


In the European home studio, Haopui Peak has occupied the absolute C position. Charles Ball and others were pushed aside, and Coster's face was almost staring at the camera.


"The King unleashes his ultimate move!!!"

"Harvest souls! He wants to harvest DWG's soul!"

"grim Reaper!"

"Death is coming to Madrid!"

"Come on, sing the song of despairing soul, come on! Hahahaha!!"

Coster was like crazy, his face was distorted with excitement.

The Korean Roaring Emperor and others watched Karsus ascend and release his ultimate move. They all forgot to speak and looked at the big screen in horror.

Sion's shield stretched to the limit, and Niuguli turned around in desperation and hit the death song with W damage, hoping to kill the death song and interrupt the singing.

Canyon, on the other hand, had almost the same idea.

However, the prince was carried away by Black's bull.

Sion's W and Immortal Grasp only made Karthus more disabled.

Can't be killed!

Can't be killed!

"It's over!"

"Xiba, it's over!"

"Karthus, stop singing!"


The Nuclear Emperor yelled.

Xu Xiu stared at the Requiem on her head, her face changed drastically.

At the Vista Allegre Palace in Madrid, more than 20,000 spectators were present, and even the designers who came from Riot Games to watch the game had their mouths wide open!

League fans around the world who were watching the semifinals also stopped what they were doing.

In each student dormitory, elegant words such as "f*ck" and "f*ck" rang out in advance.


"—Listen to the carnival in death!"

Karsus's shout made Li Hao extremely excited in the players' seat.

In my ears, Kabo, Big Brother, Bilson, and Black were all screaming!

Three seconds later, a loud explosion sounded above the five DWG people, shaking the entire Summoner's Rift and the Alliance world! ! !


“God of the day!”

"Dead, all dead!!"

"A horror movie, this is a horror movie!"



The scene went crazy, many people were talking incoherently, and the shocking screams were like huge waves on the sea surging across the Madrid scene!

Everyone stared at the big screen in stunned silence.

Syndra, Sion, Lux, Wheel Mom, Prince.

DWG five people! !

When Death Song's ultimate move came down, the five of them were neatly aligned, and no one's body could withstand this wave of damage under the residual health!

The blood bars all collapsed!

Summoner's Rift was filled with the cold corpses of DWG heroes for an instant.

The souls are harvested on Mejia's soul-stealing scroll, what a tragic scene!

"Penta kills!!"

"The sky is so blue, Death Song has a big five kills!! Five kills! DWG's entire army has been wiped out, Brother Hao has a big one, kill them all!!"

The Haier brothers seemed to have been hit with stimulants. They stood up, their faces flushed, and they kept yelling.

The great e-sports poet was almost moved to tears. He chanted in a trembling voice:

"Three inches of Qi can be used in a thousand ways, and everything will stop under the Requiem!!"

"grim Reaper!"

"Vesta Allegre Palace, S9 semi-finals, death is coming!!"

"Who can stop Brother Hao!"

"Who can stop me!!!"

"What kind of scene is this? It has been a life-long dream of the Death Song player, and now he is performing on the stage of the semi-finals of the World Championship! This is Brother Hao!"

"Yeah! It's too exaggerated!"


——Penta kill~! ! ! !

The exciting system sound rang violently in the canyon, and many people's breathing became rapid.

DWG's youthful storm, their vitality and fighting spirit were almost completely destroyed at this moment.

Death took the sickle and harvested everything like wheat.

Backstage at IG, Coach Jin sat down on the bench.

Because the force was too great, the bench retreated to the water dispenser before stopping.

The thumping sound of the water dispenser seemed to Jin Jingzhu's ears to be the same as the magical sound effect of the death song, causing him to hallucinate. It seemed that the man was sitting next to the water dispenser.

Jin Jingzhu rubbed his eyes. There was nothing in front of him, but his face still showed shock and fear.

Throughout the DWG backstage, the uniform crew were scratching their scalps, and white dandruff was flying under the lights. It was unimaginable that such a scene would appear.

Backstage at TSM, Kim Sang-soo, Maggiola and the others were shouting and banging on the tables and chairs, and then looked at the stupid chicken in surprise:

"Sex male, the god of death has come, really the god of death has come!"

“That scene at Staples Center happened again in Madrid!”

"You actually got it right!"

"Brother Hao, it's really amazing!"

"But how did you know!"

The stupid chicken’s heart beat loudly, but his expression was well managed:

"Of course I know him."

"Facing a genius, this guy will be excited, but a group of geniuses can make him crazy."

"The youthful storm of LCK aroused his desire to win."

"He told everyone from the moment he chose the skin that the God of Death was going to harvest the talents of the LCK."

"This is a sign of a veteran who is unwilling to submit to his old age. He wants to tell everyone, what about the young genius? Isn't it a one-time harvest? Haha, he is really a strong man."

Everyone suddenly realized.

One of the men who understands God the most is truly a stupid chicken.

"Xiu, is this The King?"

Canyon asked in a deep voice.

"Yes, Kianshiki."

Xu Xiuchang exhaled: "Really facing the seniors is indeed a huge challenge."

Niuguli sighed, muttering the word "monster" in his mouth.

After the Death Song Pentakill appeared, DWG was hit a trough. After the Pioneer knocked down the mid-tower, the TSM lineup officially came into force.

Despite DWG's tenacious resistance, the game was quickly ended.

In an instant, the death song of the 25th floor of the murder book was revealed, and soon after, the big hat was found.

It’s the real God of Death!

In just 24 minutes, TSM broke DWG's two high ground.

Under the leadership of Death, the Living Fossil Legion killed Youth Storm and won the first game strongly.

The game was over, but what Li Hao brought about made the entire league world unable to calm down for a long time.

PS: Good night book friends, please update on time before 23:59 tomorrow night.

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