LOL: This man is so strong!

Chapter 551 That man is going to take action!

David put the champagne back into the table hole, Riv straightened his messy collar, and Smith's butt returned to the chair from the commentary table.

"Guys, let's calm down."

"The award ceremony has been postponed a little bit. Well, I hope it's just postponed."

Riv said confidently: "Honestly, according to TheKing's performance, we can completely sweep and win the championship."


David: "However, in key games, someone performed like a war criminal."

Bilson, you are in Gan Shen Mo!

A lot of LCS fans want to roar.

"TheShy's development showed an upward trend in the three games, and each game became fatter. I know a farmer in Argentina. Bilson can go to work there. He is very good at raising pigs."

"Fake Squid, look how fat the crocodile is! Liangbo went home and took out the Qinglong Dao. This is so embarrassing for The King!"

Smith cursed, and he was anxious about this game.

David was also spraying, his anger value was close to 100, and he was about to enter the endless rage mode.

The old commentator Riv routinely controls the field. He analyzed:

"Looking at the three games, TSM played very well in the first game. IG lost suspense early due to the lineup. But then IG changed their tactics and the middle and bottom lanes became more stable. They avoided The King and turned to Bjergsen as a breakthrough. , after TheShy firmly gained the advantage, the first half was controlled by IG, and they had a higher probability of winning the Rift Herald."

"Once IG successfully defends and TheKing fails to gain an advantage, or something happens in the bottom lane, TSM will be in danger. After discarding TheKing, we must admit that IG is a better team than TSM."

"Looking back at the entire 2019 season, The King has taken on too many things for TSM. He is using his strong strength to carry this team forward, that is, The King. There is no other person in the e-sports world who can do it."

"There is very bad news. IG has already tasted the sweetness. They will continue to do this."

Many people saw what Riv said.

David frowned and asked, "TSM, what should we do next?"

"Do you expect Pilsen to be stable?"


Smith shook his head wildly: "You can't bet TSM's fate on the Dane. He is the dish on the chopping board, and Theshy is the knife. Don't send it up."

But looking at the showdown between Shy Man and Bilson, the Danes have lost three games in a row.

First and second, he was possessed by Counter, who was simply possessed by Brother Ba.

"Let him play with the goat and hit the road."

"Rookie can delay The King, Bilson can delay TheShy, and kill all the cells in his head that plan to kill alone. This is the safest way."

"Four guarantees and one?!"

Riv touched his chin: "Is this okay?"


"If others can't, The King can!"

"Chris has proven it in the LPL. If you keep The King, you will win the championship because his economy can be converted into damage. He is essentially an output machine. This will not change."

"If Kim Sang-soo doesn't realize this, he can be dismissed from get out of class!"


Backstage at TSM, they couldn't hear the commentators' spiel.

Kim Sang-soo is not a fool. Halfway through the third game, he had already discussed with the TSM uniform staff and was ready to let Bilson play with him.

But at this juncture, no one dared to make a decision and formulate tactics.

If we lose again, who will take the blame?

This is a series that bears the will of the entire LCS.

With the previous hype, it is no exaggeration to say that the entire North American e-sports circle has set its sights on Paris.

For nine years, everyone has been waiting for this moment!

next year?

Can The King be retained next year?

If you don’t know what to do this year, if you wait any longer, you will have to “don’t forget to tell Nai Weng about family sacrifices”.

Although there are still two games left, the uniforms are nervous.

No one wants to be the one to blame for this series!

Therefore, everyone has a tacit understanding. They can provide opinions, but the final decision must be given to Li Hao.

Only he is truly qualified to decide the direction of the finals.

In times of crisis, who can you trust if you don’t trust the first player in the league?

As TSM players returned from the stage, the atmosphere backstage became more solemn.

Maggiola was the first to stand up, and people from the management came out to speak and comfort the defeated players.

Whether you win or lose, there is no shortage of chicken soup.

Danes never shirk when it comes to taking over the responsibility.

Bilson took the initiative to speak:

"I'm sorry, I did a bad job."

"I really want to help the team win the game, but the first thing I can't pass is TheShy."

"Next, I can do anything for TSM."

Don't waste any more, I can accept it even if you play with meat.

Bihuang was very sincere. Li Hao didn't want him to have mental problems, so he comforted him:

"It's not your fault alone. IG's tactics were targeted. This is TSM's failure. Each of us is responsible."

Blake apologized: "My skills are not accurate either."

"They were more serious and focused, but I was thinking too much during the game."

The senior brother scratched his hair: "The bottom lane has become a burden, and I can't accept it myself."

Seeing that the stupid chicken still wanted to speak, Li Hao raised his hand and pressed it:

"Okay, this is not a pot-sharing party."

"If we lose a game, we are still the dominant side, so don't be pessimistic."

"Find the feeling of the first two games and we will win the finals!"

"The Summoner's Cup is only a dozen meters away from where we compete. Think about everything we have experienced from spring to summer, all for it!"

"As long as we win one game, we will be the S champion!"

Li Hao's words are very powerful.

The attention of Senior Brother, Blake, and Bilson was instantly diverted.

S crown!

So tempting!

The stupid chicken's eyes were also shining.

If we hold this trophy again, we will have three championships in hand.

In addition to the triple crown, he is also the only player to win the championship with two Li brothers at the same time. He has entered from an SKT era to a more brilliant era, completing the leap and witnessing the two eras.

"Hey, Sang Hyuk."

"Wolfberry and I held a cup together. You saw it in Paris, right?"

"How is it? My third crown?"

"Are you awesome, Brother Ji? Do you want me to go back and take you with me?"

Stupid chicken even thought about how to make the first phone call.

He was so excited that he rubbed his hands together.

Feeling that the oppressive atmosphere had completely disappeared, Jin Xiangxiu glanced at Li Hao.

I still have a solution.

"Brother, we have an idea."

"Tell me about it."

The uniform team brought the map and BP discussion board, and Kim Sang-soo wrote down the pictures.

He spoke for about three minutes, eloquently, without stopping from beginning to end.

Everyone around understood it.

Just a few words over and over again: Four guarantees and one.

We are all star players, do you have any objections?


Li Hao now is the absolute source of confidence for this TSM team.


Let's keep dad alive!

Bilson beat his chest and pledged his loyalty. He said that he practiced Maokai two and a half years ago.

However, Li Hao frowned.

He had seen the state of IG just now.

Can you live in Pilsen in a humble way?

If the game is delayed, TheShy, Broiler, Ah Shui and others are all developed, and even he is not absolutely sure to deal with it.

He said quietly:

"In the next game, IG may still beat TheShy."


Jin Xiangxiu nodded and said: "90% possibility!"

"They only have one chance, and they don't dare to play around. They will definitely find any loopholes and attack fiercely."

"TheShy is really strong and deserves the tactics from IG."

"Brother, what do you mean?"

Li Hao took the tactical board and started planning again from BP.

"Same as before, let the hero who protects the edge take the position, and keep Rookie in the middle as much as possible."


In just a few minutes, everyone's expressions changed again and again.

In the end, everyone was a little worried and extremely excited.

Bilson slapped his chest loudly, saying that he would definitely be able to do a good job in the next job.

Same goes for Big Brother and Black.

The stupid chicken had a cold face and was brewing emotions.

Kabo came from the water dispenser and handed the thermos cup to Li Hao.

"Here, the temperature of the water is just right!"

Li Hao took it with a smile.

"Brother, you can definitely do it!"

"I will be at the water cooler to witness my ending of all the suspense in the finals!"






Amidst the shouts, TSM once again gathered momentum.

Next door, IG backstage.

Mafa seemed to have explained the tactics several times, and finally, his eyes focused on the shy man.

"Don't be soft, just like the previous games!"

"You have the best teammates, they are your strong shield!"


"The Danes are no match for you!"

The shy man smiled. He was not timid and had high morale.

The entire IG, after a victory, has also regained its previous self-confidence. This is the key to their victory, and everyone is very active.

Everyone in IG gathered around and shouted, come on.

"Get back the match point!"

"Win the championship!"

"IG come on!"

"Come on, brothers~~!"

"Ladies and gentlemen~~!!"

Paris Roaring Emperor August once again conveyed his unrestrained voice:

"The fourth game of the 2019 League of Legends finals has officially begun!"

The long-awaited audience burst into cheers.

The indoor arena was flooded with lights and plunged into a frenzied atmosphere.

Many people were blushing and immersed in it.

After the suspense in the finals, the audiences in all major competition areas were not calm.

This is completely different from the mood when watching the third game.

In the LPL high-energy viewing group, General Sturgeon stood tall:


"IG and TSM players appear again."

"I can already feel murderous intent from their expressions."

Sika spoke straightforwardly: "Whether TheShy can kill on the road, whether IG can block Brother Hao, this game is that simple."

"Use your strongest points to test everyone and see who can break through the defense first."

Sun Yalong stared at the list of TSM members and applauded:

"TSM didn't make any substitutions!"

"It's still a stupid chicken. It's a good thing that it didn't get stuck."

"TSM's tactics have changed a lot. Now that IG has found the key to victory, I am afraid that they will suddenly come up with something crazy, and then IG has never seen it and given it in the game, which would be too frustrating."

"If TSM continues to play like this, it's definitely hard to say who will win!"

"Three games, IG has a chance in all three games. Theshy is thousands of dollars ahead of Pilsen in every game. This is no accident."

"Don't cause trouble in the bottom lane. Rookie has been under tremendous pressure and has been silently contributing to the team. You know, there are really not many mid laners who can survive in the hands of Brother Hao. IG is twisted into a rope, and we must hold on to this one. , we will have more momentum in the next game and the game will be better."

While they were talking, the game entered the BP phase.

In this game, IG is on the blue side and TSM is on the red side.

IG defeated Ryze on the first floor!

IG doesn’t want to see the image of Brother Li controlling the thunder and lightning and dominating the game again.

In the last game, Ryze, who was moving around and twisting his skills wildly, was very scary. If the equipment was better, he might be held back again.

Li Hao played with it twice and it felt hot to the touch. IG didn’t want to let it go anymore.

TSM routinely defeated Panson.

IG defeated Angel again.

Mafa also considered four guarantees and one. In this version, Mercy can go down the lane, but it is still very troublesome to give the core a big move.

TSM took on Qiyana in their second move.

IG gave Enchantress the ban position on the third floor, and TSM defeated Yanque.

Mafa looked at TSM’s banner and immediately said:

"TSM is at it again."

"Rookie, they still want to force you to face The King."

Chicken God hummed.

In fact, he really wanted to give it a go and prove himself.

But in history, Broiler has never won against Li Hao.

This is the finals, and for the sake of the team, he can't be so selfish.

On the first floor, IG locked on Kasha.

Ah Shui's Kai'Sa performs stably, is capable of C, and is a meta hero, so he is trustworthy.

TSM took out Xayah + Excavator with both hands in front.

Excavators are stupid chicken's specialty. As soon as this avatar came out, the taste came.

According to IG players and many commentators, the excavator is still serving the mid laner.

IG selected Titan on the second floor.

Ah Shui and Bao Lan are very satisfied, this is their ideal bottom lane combination.

Mafa stood behind the broiler and discussed heroes with him.

If you don't take the middle lane at this time, you will have to take the ban position next.

Everyone knows TSM’s thoughts.



On the third floor of TSM, Luo was selected.

If you don't grab this move, IG will take the position.

The duos on both sides are the hottest combinations in the current version.

Then, they defeated the blind monk on the fourth floor.

IG took down Ornn.

TSM defeated the Alligator again, and IG also defeated Pilsen's QDC captain.

Banning the crocodile shows that we are still afraid of TheShy.

Mafa sneered.

Then let me see how you, Billson, can survive.

The top laners Shy Man can use are endless.

Mafa spoke to the IG players in the team voice, and everyone speculated that Bilson would take a gangster in the top lane.


When TSM's hero appeared on the fourth floor, the entire Paris scene erupted in surprise.

"I long for a worthy opponent~!"


"No way!!"

"Sword Princess!"

"Crazy~! TSM is crazy!"

The camera immediately showed Bilson, with his arms folded and his face full of excitement, and he kept talking to Kim Sang-soo behind him.

"Are you trying to come back?"

"Ya'er, does Bihuang still have a sword girl and has been hiding it until now?"


Wang Duoduo was the first to react: "Did this Sword Girl really help Bilson win it?"

Remember to say:

"Most likely yes."

"If you want to get it for Brother Hao, TSM can keep it in the counter position and just get a mid laner on the fourth floor. The effect will be better."

"TSM doesn't want to choose a gangster on the road, and the captain is banned again. Sword Girl is really a safer choice, and she can also use single-band tactics later."

"The Sword Princess can be exposed first, so Brother Hao's counter position is particularly mysterious!"

"This one may be TSM's hidden ultimate move!"

The guesses of several commentators can also be thought of by the IG players on the field.

"What mid laner are they going to take?"

"Akali is still out there!"

"Is there any other black technology that we don't know about?"

Mafa interrupted them: "Don't panic."

"Let's get the hero first and fight according to tactics."

"TheShy, are you okay?"

This is a redundant statement.

The shy man smiled excitedly when he saw Pilsen's Sword Lady.

On the fourth floor, King Ning selected the jungle prince.

On the fifth floor, the shy sword demon appears!

In the previous game against G2, Shy Man's River Sword Demon killed everyone.

Now facing Pilsen's Sword Lady, she felt like she was holding her hand tightly.

The LCS audience was already trembling.

"This game is exciting! TheShy has shown his sword!"

"Now, let's see Brother Hao's last heroic act~!"


On the fifth floor of TSM, a disgusting avatar appeared, and then it was locked for a second.

The audience was not disappointed, it was indeed black technology.

——Explosion genius, Giggs!

"What the hell, Bomberman!"

"Does TSM do art?! Does TSM do art in the finals?"

Sika and General Sturgeon screamed in confusion.

However, the cube dragon in the middle had a sudden thought and realized something incredible.

"It's not art, this isn't art!"

"It's Pilsen's Bomber!"

"Oh my god! It's Brother Hao's Sword Girl, TSM has changed its path!"

“IG was fooled!”

"Bomberman is used to defend the line. Brother Hao and Sword Girl are going to fight TheShy's Sword Demon!"



Sika and General Sturgeon were startled:

"Pilsen couldn't stand it, and then"

"Is that man going to take action?!"

PS: Good night book friends, please update on time before 23:59 tomorrow night.

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