LOL: This man is so strong!

Chapter 552 Don’t eat, don’t eat!

At the AccorHotels Arena in Paris, France, all the audience focused on the big screen.

TSM locked Bomberman on the fifth floor, Giggs was switched to Bilson's position, and Jian Ji came to the middle.

The position is locked and the TSM lineup is formed.

Anyone who pays attention to professional games can understand TSM's intentions.

The middle and upper levels change paths, and the number one player in the league comes up with a sword, and will have a peak showdown with the top player in S9!

In Seoul, South Korea, the uniform team at SKT headquarters saw this scene and fell into nightmares.


This scene appeared on S7!

At the 100 Thieves Club in Los Angeles, Bang’s eyes widened while he was meditating.

The unbearable memories attacked him crazily.

In the version that AD players are most proud of, that man came to the bottom lane like a demon and dominated him. Not only did he leave a famous scene of three-on-one being counter-killed, but he also answered with a five-kill Vayne. Who is the version answer.

Now, when TheShy takes off in the top lane and causes endless trouble for TSM, the exact same solution as then appeared.

"Oh my god! It's really Pilsen's bomber, changing the road!"

Miller and Remember both yelled.

The prostitute teacher’s mouth opened very wide: “He wants to beat TheShy himself!”

"Ya'er Ya'er, this person is so hard~!!"

"If Bilson can't do it, he'll do it himself!"

"Bilson is afraid of TheShy, but Brother Hao is definitely not afraid. I still remember that Khan was killed by him indiscriminately on the top lane!"

As he spoke, the prostitute teacher slapped the table: "TSM's move was so cruel that IG didn't react at all."

"TheShy is also at the ceiling level of the top lane right now. It's hard to say how good they are in laning."

"However, this is the S9 finals! The most critical event. Just thinking about it, I get goosebumps all over my body. Yaya, I am a little incoherent and can't understand what I say. As an e-sports person, the most instinctive You know, your sensitivity and excitement are aroused by them? It’s so exciting~!!”

Wang Duoduo paid homage passionately:

"IG, who is trying to win the S crown, and Brother Hao, who is trying to win four consecutive championships, have shown their sharpest sides. The epic collision of thunder and earth fire, and the sparks generated will be the final rebirth of S9. Fire~!!”

"Like the words in Nirvana"

"Today you will be defeated, or you will win a world."

"The immortal firebird will declare to the world!"



At the scene in Paris, more than 30,000 spectators roared with excitement.

E-sports enthusiasts can hardly suppress the passion that has been ignited in their hearts.

I never expected that such an exciting story would happen in the finals.

Some people are calling TSM, some are calling IG, some are calling TheShy, and more viewers are shouting "TheKing"!

Magic City, inside the Guodian Club.

The hot man trembled and straightened his crossed legs.

He thought of S4.

Bjergsen in this game should be very similar to the way "U" played at that time.

There are only bombs but no people. This is the origin of Ugus.

Syndra is also a hero who is difficult to roam. If Bilson shamelessly messes up in the middle, it will be like holding Rookie back.

An average horse pulls a superior horse.

IG cannot play the misplaced Tian Ji horse racing strategy like it did at the beginning.

The ancestor of Seven was full of amazement. He admired TSM's courage and dared to play like this in the finals. This was what he lacked in EDG back then.

He was more envious than courageous.

TSM, there are people who really dare to carry the team on their shoulders.

Slowly, Ancestor Seven was so sad and regretful that he died.


Why let him play with the big tree?

And why should he be sent away?

And this kid is so fierce, he must have played me back then.

However, letting this guy play with a big tree and being a tool must be very disrespectful to him, and it is reasonable to act in resistance.

Therefore, you can’t blame Li Hao, it’s all Abu’s bullshit tactics!

The director was so angry that he kicked over the plastic stool in front of him, and his eyes, like the millions of viewers at this time, turned to the big screen.

The camera showed the TSM player seats.

A certain man has an extremely calm expression under his stunning appearance.

The excitement and hustle and bustle of the Paris scene and the entire e-sports world seems to have nothing to do with him.

He slowly unscrewed the lid of the thermos cup, which made many LPL fans nervous.

"Seriously! That man needs to be serious!"

The audience of LPL who understands the joke are shouting:

"The porcelain rice bowl in Wuhu is trembling, and the ashtray of the King of France is shattered. They feel that the league's first artifact is born in the finals! Brother Wolfberry took out the thermos cup to suppress everything!"

Some IG fans can’t calm down either:

"Referee, no drinking! No drinking in the finals! Please throw away all the drinking glasses of all contestants!"

A new passerby saw that the comment area was too busy:

"I also use a thermos cup. Silver's status is still very stable. Do you all believe in metaphysics so much?"

"Don't panic, don't panic, and don't be chaotic!"

"If you cause chaos, you will be fooled!"

"The King is on the top lane, which is not necessarily a good thing. Our team fight is stronger, so this game is not that difficult. TSM has no skills. As long as we win this game, we will completely turn around!"

Mafa spent the last moment shouting in the team voiceover.

He came to TheShy, and the shy man smiled and said there was no problem.

TSM's change of formation was caught off guard, but IG had just won a big victory and their morale was high. After the players complained a little, their mentality was not greatly affected.

Knowing this, Mafa felt a lot calmer.

When it comes to panic, he is the one who panics the most, but he just doesn't show it.

The two coaches shook hands in front of the Summoning Cup. Kim Sang-soo was in the same mood as Mafa.

They looked at each other and smiled in unison.

Now, let’s compare whose big daddy is more powerful.

After a short loading, the game that excited the whole league officially began!


After a series of sound effects, the hero appeared in Summoner's Rift.

On TSM's side, Li Hao controlled Sword Girl and Benji's excavator to release the spring water together.

Xia Luo and Bomberman followed closely.

They lined up along the river to defend themselves.

IG's lineup is average in level 1, and this is a life-and-death battle in the finals. They don't dare to take risks at all, and they are also in a defensive position.



Just when Black's eye position discovered the prince's position, TSM was frantically pinging the signal, which showed how nervous they were.

Seeing the prince, Li Hao immediately touched the grass on the upper road and boldly walked to stand next to the grass of the IG defense tower.

If you step into the grass position in advance, you will already have the initiative.

To fight the Sword Demon, Li Hao clicked on the Conqueror, which was the same as the opposite one.

The double summon is teleportation plus flash.

It's definitely easy to play in lane with the ignition, but there will be big problems with the single lead and support later.

The minion is about to come online, and the hero carefully returns to the line.

The director's camera scanned up from the lower half.

Fixed near Sword Princess.

They know exactly what the audience wants to see.

TheShy vs. TheKing, Sword Demon vs. Sword Queen!

Just thinking about it can make people excited.

Not only the audience, but also the directors at the scene in Paris were excited.

What job? A little bit of personal preference.

The audience was not disappointed. As soon as they came up, they saw a completely different picture from the previous games.

At 1 minute and 38 seconds, the top soldier came to the line.

TheShy followed the long-range soldier. When the small soldier bumped into each other, he did not lean forward and twisted his body back and forth.

Apparently, he noticed the grass around him.

At 1 minute and 43 seconds, a light figure appeared from the grass holding a sword.

Because the position of the flaw was not good, Ruishai stepped back decisively when Sword Princess was about to get close to her.

But he was also pulling.

Give death sword energy!

With a passive slash, TheShy struck the Sword Girl first.


Li Hao's basic attack destroyed the flaw as soon as he lost blood. He controlled the distance of the flaw perfectly, hitting the sword demon and pulling him back.

He deliberately provoked the first A, because everyone was full of health, and the death sword energy could not restore health.

Sword Girl breaks the flaw with her backhand, triggering passive blood recovery, and the blood volume knocked down by the sword demon is restored.

After this wave of battles, Sword Girl was still full of blood.

Moreover, after receiving the basic attack, TheShy also pulled back, and the Sword Girl used the duel dance to accelerate and pull away.


A darkin blade (Q) slapped on the ground, and the moment the sound effect sounded, the distance of the edge of the sword that could be knocked away could be measured in millimeters.

However, even with this small distance, Sword Demon could not touch Sword Girl at all.

Li Hao looked back, and so did Lao Sha.

On the road, the two of them pulled together like crazy!


Q2! !

At the contestants' table, Teacher Shai was surprised.

A little bit, and only a little bit!

"Empty again~!!"

"Brother Hao made a perfect exchange of blood, Sword Demon had Q in the air, Sword Queen pressed back, Sword Demon had no choice but to retreat."

"Get off the tower!"

"Sword Girl's Q skill has improved, and TheShy still has Q3."

"How to say."

"Exchange a basic attack, and Sword Princess will give Q again! She is stuck next to the tower, and the defense tower is exposed."

Lesha did not give Q3 because he knew that Li Hao had Q.

However, Li Hao accurately calculated the time when he disappeared in Q3, which made Teacher Shai feel the pressure again.

If this second wave of flaws to refresh the position is beneficial to him, he will suffer a big loss.

Even so, it made Teacher Shai feel a little thirsty.

"My dear, the nature of this game has suddenly changed!"

In the high-energy spectator group, Cube Dragon clapped his hands: "Brother Hao is still Brother Hao, so strong!"

"This is only level one!"

"The first three last hits, neither of them took any."

"TheShy suffered a big loss. Brother Hao made a perfect exchange and gained all the experience, but TheShy didn't gain any experience from the soldiers!"

General Sturgeon's face was full of shock: "Monster!"

On the upper route, Sword Demon and Sword Queen have no skills.

They exchanged two more commons.

Li Hao is not false at all.

Teacher Shai felt weak first.

He looked at Sword Lady who had only lost two bars of health, and then looked at herself who only had half health.

He drilled down into the tower honestly.

In the previous games, he told Bilson not to eat.

Now, if it's him, don't eat it.

Without any choice


Shake people!

Prince Ning was also paying attention to the top lane. He said calmly: "Stay steady and wait for me to come up."

Prince Ning responded while looking at the three-way situation.

Both sides in the bottom lane are very stable. If Luo doesn't attack forward, it will be difficult for IG to find opportunities.

The tactic the coaching staff gave him was to catch Bilson and help TheShy.

This game, this tactic, cannot be executed to have the best of both worlds.

Bilson was a soft persimmon, and King Ning also took advantage of him.




In the middle, the yordles were screaming strangely while throwing bombs. Bilson didn't see Syndra, only the military line.

What is the use of this kind of bomber?

Can you support it? Can you set the pace?

Pure bastard!

However, Bilson did not cross the center line, which was extremely shameless!

King Ning despised him, but he could only give up on Bomber for the time being and focus on the road ahead.

At the same time, he swept towards the TSM jungle.

The stupid chicken disappeared.

King Ning drew a thousand-yard circle with Jian Ji as the center. The stupid chicken might be inside the circle.

Therefore, without the guarantee of vision, King Ning really did not dare to grab randomly on the road.

In case of being countered, I would like to send a cool song to IG.

He hopes that Shy Man will win the duel with that person, so that IG can easily win the game.


The probability of this happening is getting lower and lower.

On the road, Jian Ji easily grabbed second place.

2 minutes and 29 seconds.

Li Hao calculated the opportunity for the shy man to gain 2 experience points and took the initiative to face him.

Give it a shot.

Sword Demon Q1 deals damage, and the farthest sword edge kills minions and increases the damage by 2.

But because the Sword Princess was standing on her face, she couldn't knock it away.

When Sword Demon makes a basic attack, he retreats to Q2.

But Li Hao counted the distance to death, held Flaw Slash in his hand, and continued to deal damage with basic attacks.

The edge of Q2 still failed to hit him.

Just a little bit closer again!

Teacher Shai found it difficult to accept.


Darkin Blade!

"I know your name, Fiona, and this is not a duel you can win."

Aatrox flew into the air and slashed angrily, muttering rubbish against the Sword Queen.


Sky-Breaking Slash + Laurent's Heart Eye Sword!

Damage and damage avoidance, the Darkin's sharp blade was parried, the damage caused by the air-piercing slash, the sword energy parried by the Heart's Eye Knife, accurately stabbed at the flaw in the sword demon's side!

Show the blood strip on the teacher's head, and most of it will fall off!

The line exploded!

Sword Girl breaks through and regains her blood, speeds away and escapes into the grass to avoid the hatred of the soldiers.

A wave of blood transfusions numbed Teacher Shai.

What does precision and elegance mean?

That's it.

In the contestants' box, the shy man took a long breath.


Another active call.

In this group of finals, this situation is really the first time.

Backstage at TSM, Kim Sang-soo, Kabo and others were all cheering.

"The battle report from the front line, the latest battle report from Paris, exploded! The front line exploded!"

The E-Sports Louvre is as lively as the Chinese New Year, and the comments in the posts inside are updated every moment.

This is especially true for major live broadcast rooms.

"I thought TheShy was already invincible, but I didn't expect someone to be braver than him. Whose general is this?"

Someone replied below: "This is the God of Wolfberry Haotian, just asking how to fight!"

"Oh my god, just do what you say, really go out on the road and beat TheShy, right?"

"Bi Huang (eyes dark purple): Dad, he was the one who beat me three times!"

"Whatever happens in the S7th life, or what happens in the S9th life, they are all the ashes of God."

"Oh my god, Xiuma is so awesome, I really can't beat him!"

IG fans panicked and shouted in the forum and live broadcast room:

"Brother Shai, come on, don't be anxious, hold on steady first!"

"Where's Prince Ning! Stop playing with your stinky shoes. He's dead or not. If he's not dead, get him on the road! Quickly save Father Shai!"


From God's perspective, not only the Ning Dynasty was moving up the road, but the excavator was also moving up the road.

PS: Good night book friends, please update on time before 23:59 tomorrow night.

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