LOL: This man is so strong!

Chapter 553 Belongs to Fiona!

The artillery soldiers are on the line, and the top line of troops is in the middle grass on the IG side.

In order to tell the sword demon to "don't eat, don't eat", the sword girl stood in an aggressive position, which was a relatively dangerous position.


There are dogs on the road!

The excavator was buzzing, and the stupid chicken who quickly knocked out the red buff had already moved from the triangle grass to the river to help with the vision.

With the current state of the Sword Demon, the prince will definitely not be able to defeat TSM Ueno in a 2v2.

"Prince Ning and Benji had the same idea. They saw each other at the entrance to the blue zone!"

"You can't fight, but this is not good news for IG."

"The Sword Demon is still being suppressed, so TheShy knocked off the medicine on his body."

"The opening situation is not what IG wants to see, but their lineup is biased towards team battles. As long as they can stabilize, there will be many opportunities later."


King Ning and Benji had a fight.

At the river crossing, they flashed their dog tags to each other.

The prince turned around and hit his own Demon Swamp Frog, and the Excavator relied on its advantage on the road to control the River Crab.

The director's camera panned from the bottom lane. TSM's Xialuo combination was already strong, but after the prince showed up, the elder brother and Black still adopted a conservative play style, and Ah Shui and Bao Lan couldn't find a chance at all.

They are not sure, and they also dare not mess up. Now no one can afford to make mistakes.

This results in that, except for small skills and occasional ordinary consumption, the bottom lane is very peaceful.

In the middle, Rookie wanted to eat Bilson.

Syndra played very strongly, which was very different from Li Hao in that game.

However, what makes the chicken master scratch his head is that Bilson has no temper at all and allows him to knead him.

Bomberman's hero attributes are there. Compared to other brush heroes, Bomberman has more advantages in terms of military lines. Secondly, Bomberman has a strong ability to demolish towers and can quickly demolish defensive towers.

In the professional arena, players are very well positioned. Bomberman's skills have high damage, but are difficult to hit, and the output is extremely unstable.

But the soldiers barely moved and cleared the line very quickly.

Bjergsen was like an enlightened monk. He was immersed in the fairy tale of the Danish military line. No matter how long Sindra's legs were, he was not interested.

Chaowei, who was watching the game in South Korea, kept nodding. Bilson's fetters on last-hitting in this game attracted his attention.

In the IG player seat, when he saw Bomberman throwing his skills from a long distance away, his body was trembling slightly.

Gas, trembling, cold

Why choose Syndra!

It would be great if you could choose a mid-lane assassin like Enchantress!

The efficiency of roaming support is too low, and Bihuang is so stubborn that it is almost impossible to kill alone.

When Rookie looked to the upper road, Sword Queen and Sword Demon fought again.

Move, pull back and forth.


The Sword Lady walked sideways and twisted the sword's edge away.

Break the flaw with the Sky Breaking Slash.

Accelerate blood regeneration, pull more frequently, and avoid Q2!

The Sword Lady presses back, and the Sword Demon retreats from the tower, losing the last-hitting experience.

The broiler was frightened to see it.

It was purely a matter of operation. It was the first time he saw TheShy being suppressed so hard.

Before playing S9, Broiler never believed that someone could suppress the shy man on the top lane in this World Championship.

"I'm tired of being tired of being hurt."

In the team's voice, the stern-faced Teacher Shai was as emotional as ever.

"Distance control, perfect."

King Ning supported him: "It's normal. His Sword Demon has scored five kills and has a champion skin. He is a very familiar hero. He must be very familiar with all aspects of Aatrox."

He is as arrogant as a shoe king, but he is incredibly tolerant and gentle towards Teacher Shai.

Teacher Shai hummed, not sure if he understood Prince Ning's comfort.

Commander Ah Shui said:

"It doesn't matter if you get a little bit of pressure, as long as you don't die or collapse."

"Sword Demon will definitely play solo after Sword Demon. We are very good as a team. Sword Demon's team fight is much better than Sword Demon. I don't believe that the rest of TSM can stop us."

This makes sense.

Even Mafa and others in the background nodded with satisfaction.

At the critical moment, Ah Shui was still calm enough.

IG should use this idea to run this game and never take impulsive risks.


At 3 minutes and 54 seconds, the level 4 Sword Lady with 2/3 health entered the tower with a line of artillery vehicles.

The audience's eyes were all focused on the top lane. Judging from Sword Girl's movements, she seemed to be planning to jump over the tower.

Sword Demon still has about 300 health, and the weak point is behind her, which is the most difficult position for Sword Girl to hit.

Just now in front of the tower, while the Sword Demon was finishing his last strike, the two sides fought.

Li Hao's QE skill improved, and W still had about 4 seconds of CD left.

The sword demon rose into the air, and the shy man calculated Li Hao's skill CD correctly and turned back for Q3.

Unfortunately, Sword Girl turned back to look at the moon and avoided Sword Demon's Q3 slap range.

Such a reaction made Teacher Shai look stiff.

"Where's Prince Ning!!"

IG fans shouted.

On the mini-map, the prince turned back from Saburo and moved towards the upper road.

Seeing the sword demon standing beside the tower, King Ning was not worried about the sword demon being killed alone.

What he fears is the excavator coming.

However, Sword Girl took action!

The Death Sword Qi A cannon cart recovers blood and is upgraded to level 4.

This is what Li Hao was waiting for. He walked behind him and broke through the opening with a flat A, and then pulled out the air slash to inflict damage.


The defensive tower's electric light lights up, chasing out damage.

This time, Sword Girl lost 141 points of blood.

The sword demon has a little more than 3 bars of health left, and Li Hao's health is only one bar more than him.

The shy man and the defense tower are in double row. No matter how you look at it, the Sword Lady dare not act recklessly under the tower.

The Sword Demon naturally wanted to finish the attack, and after avoiding the aggro of the defensive tower, the Sword Girl walked towards the tower again.

"Do you want to fight again?!"

"The sword demon can flash!"

"Brother Hao is walking toward Lashai, he really wants to come!"

"The blue side's artillery line is here again, and the artillery soldiers are right in front of Sword Princess!"


No matter how you look at this scene, Sword Girl is very powerful.

Li Hao concentrated his attention.

Under the tower, he moved to the sword demon.

He made a gesture to break through the basic attack, but his body froze and he did not start with A Sword Demon to cause hatred from the defense tower and the minions.

The shy sword demon didn't hesitate at all, raised his sword with his backhand and stabbed the sword girl.

In Teacher Shai's view, this is an opportunity for a solo kill!

The sword demon's poke failed to do any damage.

The Heart's Eye Sword parried to the limit, and the sword energy pierced Aatrox!


The flaw has been eliminated!

The Heart's Eye Knife comes with a 50% deceleration and attack speed reduction effect that lasts for 2 seconds, making the sword demon seem a bit stiff.

Draw A, and use E to stab continuously.

Three times in a row, the disabled and shy man flashed to the inside of the tower.

Li Hao had been waiting for this move for a long time. He pressed against the defense tower in advance. His E skill increased his hand length. The first E plus W also caused a large amount of slowdown to the sword demon.

Move a step faster and stab with fatal blows to get a critical hit!


Fiona used the air-breaking slash to avoid the evil fire beam that was stabbing at an angle, and at the same time moved towards the outside of the tower, but the damage from the air-breaking slash was given priority to the sword demon.

Blood volume, drain it immediately!

Teacher Shai's eyes widened.

The screen suddenly turned gray!

"Oh my god, he's dead!"

"It's over, TheShy was single-killed by jumping over the tower! This is TheShy's sword demon!"

"Can the defense tower be replaced this time?!"

"Victorious return of blood!"

"There are 7 points of blood left! 7 points of blood! It's locked!"

"Out of the range of the defense tower, the last damage from the defense tower was not recovered, and the Sword Lady came out of the tower!"

"My scalp is numb! It's too extreme, Sword Princess didn't even cross-dodge!"


Through the screen, the audience could hear the huge exclamation in Paris.

After the Sword Princess came out of the tower, the danger was not over yet on the side close to IG.

You killed my good brother and you still want to leave!

Prince Ning has arrived at the Demon Marsh Frog.

However, stupid chickens also dug up from the river.

The red soldier in the tower was killed by the defense tower. Sword Girl could not walk through the tower and could only walk towards the grass behind the defense tower.

Prince Ning was outflanking him, and it was impossible for Sword Princess W to turn around. Just when he was about to kill someone with EQ, the stupid chicken dodged and knocked him away, taking control of the prince first.

Sword Girl came to the grass.

The knock-up effect was cancelled. King Ning ignored the stupid chicken and EQ hit Sword Princess.

"Breaking through the air!"

"Jian Ji uses Q to dodge, and Prince Ning's EQ is empty!"

"Vision lost, flash!"


"I'm so numb, I'm so numb!"

"Brother Hao clicked on the exploding cones. This time he made a basic attack, but no A came out!"

"Oh my God, I escaped! Sword Girl escaped with blood!"


On the big screen, IG fans looked at the suffocating scene.

Prince Ning flashed and just landed on the ground. Sword Lady clicked on the exploding cones, blowing up the prince who landed on the ground.

The Sword Girl with Durex health climbed over the wall and walked away, leaving only melancholy and endless depression and regret on IG!

EQ's second combo, flash, exploding cones.

Three consecutive displacements are called triple jumps.

Also known as "Ning Wang Sanlian" by fans.

In the S9 finals, another dark scene took place.

Huang Xing clicked a bunch of likes. His third company is in the lower triangle grass, and King Ning is in the upper grass. It echoes up and down, and is transparent from north to south.

"Mama asked me why I was kneeling to watch the game."

"Now, we have to re-discuss who is the best in the world of S9."

"Guigui, is this a human?!"

"Brother Hao is a god! Brother Hao is a god! Brother Hao is a god!"

"Brother Hao: As long as I make a little move, I can show you the limit of hitting the road."


There was a lot of wailing in the backstage of IG.

Mafa slapped the table angrily, and the coaching staff cried out in despair.

"Why can't I get A!"

"Climb the tower and kill Jashai alone, why are you so outrageous!"

"Don't lose your mentality!"

"Is there still a chance? Do we still have a chance?!"

"Made, last year it was The King, and this year it's still him. It's too difficult. Just spend money to buy it!"

It was the first time since the S9 finals that the IG backstage was so chaotic.

Because of the scene just now, not only the players on the field collapsed, but they were also about to collapse backstage.

Pilsen's pin signal indicates that Syndra is missing and cannot go on the road, and Sword Demon TP is online.

Benji made a circle in the IG blue zone, and successfully escaped surrounded by Rookie with the help of the exploding cones behind the blue buff and his own E skill.

He came to the middle and helped Bilson push the line through, and then walked towards the bottom lane to put pressure on the IG duo.

Even though Idiot didn't get an assist, he just hit the prince with a decisive top move and bought time for Li Hao. This was the major contributor to Sword Lady's escape.

IG gritted his teeth when he saw the stupid chicken.



"The excavator is here."

"Bao Lan goes back, Luo Xiang goes up."

Ah Shui quickly reminded him that there must be no more accidents on the lower road.

After learning about Benji's movements and the Sword Demon TP coming online, King Ning immediately targeted the top lane.

Sword Girl gets first blood, and her advantage on the top lane is getting bigger and bigger.

This person's rhythm must be broken!

When Teacher Shai signaled Sword Princess TP to come online, Prince Ning immediately communicated with him.

In this wave, after killing the Sword Girl, Li Hao has no TP and loses the line and tapi. All the losses will be recovered in one go.

In the wave just now, he noticed Li Hao's action of inserting his eyes into the grass.

Therefore, King Ning chose the river detour, from the top of Dalong Pit to the Triangle Grass, all the way to the back of Sword Princess.

The director gave TSM vision.

Prince Ning's detour was effective, and TSM didn't know the prince's location.

At 5 minutes and 9 seconds, before Sword Girl reaches 6, this is the best and most critical opportunity.

IG fans are looking forward to it again.

The sword demon is full of blood, and the prince is full of blood.

Both of them have good skills, but neither of them shines.

The Sword Lady is able to dodge, and she also has supplies with her. If you want to kill her this time, you must seduce her.

It’s best to play Sword Queen’s W.

This dirty work was left to the hands of the sword demon.

The eyes of the e-sports world followed the director's perspective and focused directly on the top lane.

Thousands of pairs of eyes, staring at the picture on the big screen.

In the player's seat, Li Hao could faintly smell the smell of shoes from the sword demon's restless movements.

The stupid chicken is not here, but Li Hao is not afraid.

He was waiting for the sword demon to make the first move.

Taking advantage of Sword Lady to replenish a melee soldier, Sword Demon took action as expected.

Li Hao's Q skill moved forward and entered the inside of Sword Demon's Q skill.

Breaking through the air creates a flaw.

Speed ​​up and chase down the sword demon.

Jian Ji took the bait, and Liao Sha pulled back to determine the positions of Q2 and Jian Ji.

This time, when he released his Q, he adjusted his position with his E skill, and used the edge of his Q skill to predict the position of the sword girl pulling up.

I have to say that Teacher Shai is very talented.

This time, Sword Girl, who was in pursuit, was unable to avoid her. The position of her foot was exactly in the area where Sword Demon could be knocked away.

Don't dare to neglect.

After Q2, he wanted to move.

According to his understanding of Li Hao, he would definitely be able to react to Xinyan Dao's parry.

as expected

Prince Ning's eyes lit up, and Sword Girl W took action.

good chance!

He had already walked out from behind Sword Lady and rushed towards the battlefield.

Failed to move around and was stabbed by Sword Princess W!

In his field of vision, Li Hao saw Prince Ning.

However, his first target is the stunned sword demon!

Face QA!

After the air-breaking chop, use the Q skill to hide the characteristics of the flat A forward swing to hit the light speed QA.

Opening E instantly resets the basic attack, then draws A to Tiamat and then another critical basic attack!

The bright yellow sword light caused by the Crescent Slash, the special effects of hitting flaws, the special effects of accelerated movement, and blood splashing.

Under the five swords per second, the Sword Girl seemed to be dancing, dreaming of invincible slashing!

"The sword demon was stunned!"

"My God, what a fast sword!!"

"Five knives per second, causing the blood bar to become critical, this is going to be fatal!"

"Stab the sword to death and take a breath back, give it to W!"

"Q3 chop it close to the face!"



"I know your name, Fiona, this is not a duel you can win!!"

The Sword Demon rises into the sky. As long as Q3 hits the target this time, and King Ning EQ follows up, the ending of the top lane will be rewritten!

Aatrox, keep talking trash.

However, the Paris scene was conquered by Sword Queen's dance steps!

The moment the light sword stabbed the sword demon's vitals, a light flashed on the big screen.

"A flash!"

"Show wildly, Brother Hao shows wildly!"

"Sword Demon Q3 missed the target, and the chain was broken!"

"Dead! Dead again!"

"An extremely heavy price!"

"Prince EQ 2nd Company, Sword Girl was knocked away, but Sword Demon is dead, Prince Ning is still a step too late!"

A slight error can make a difference of a thousand miles.

Sword Princess was attacked by the minions, and suffered a set of damage from the prince. Rhythm of War's basic attack "Kuangji" hit Fiona hard with a sound.

Li Hao regained his health in triumph and turned around to attack the prince.

His damage was very high, and he quickly knocked the prince down to half health.

At this time, Sword Lady only had 179 points of blood left.

No matter how you look at it, the prince can take the head off.


The Sword Lady makes a basic attack, and the Prince makes another basic attack.

Sword Queen's blood volume is still 120. The two switch to basic attacks, and Sword Queen has 59 blood points left.

If you do it again, Sword Girl will die.

Li Hao moved to the prince's weakness and opened it!

The blood volume returns to 123!

The prince made another basic attack, and Sword Queen's health reached her early fifties again.

However, Sword Lady is still not dead.

The moment Li Hao pulled, it was passively refreshed to the front.

Sword Princess A flaw and regain blood!

The left back retreated to avoid the prince's dragon impact with an air slash!

Countless people's scalps exploded and they looked up the road in horror!

The prince took a step forward and hit the Sword Lady again until Durex's HP was leveled.

Prince Ning’s eyes turned red!


Grandma Te, why aren’t you dead yet?


Fiona makes a backhand basic attack, and turns on E to reset the Gatiamat slash!

Three knives in one second!

A large amount of damage completely emptied the prince's remaining health bar!

Upgrade the special effects and appear on Sword Princess in a flash!

"I long for a worthy opponent~!"

This moment belongs to Fiona!

The Blade Waltz seems to be back.

The figure holding a sword on the road is so elegant!

"Silence of blood! Sword Lady has blood of silk again!"

"Broken bloom is back!"

"The prince was hiding from Q, basic attack, three backhand swords!"

"Dead! The prince died first!"

"My mother! This can kill you!!!"

"I can't kill you, this swordswoman can't kill you!"

"Prince Ning is dead too!"

"It exploded! The upper half of IG was completely blown through!"

"Brother Hao! Brother Hao doesn't give you any chance!"

In the LPL studio, Remember, Wang Duoduo, Saozhu, and Miller were all crying like ghosts.

In the high-energy spectator group, General Sturgeon and others were beaten to the point of retreating.

Cube Dragon stood up on the spot and plugged his fingers into the spectators, showing off his beautiful hair.

"This is being counterattacked!"

"We didn't fight one against two, they were all killed!"

"Monster! Monster!"

"Teacher Shai, there's nothing left~!"

PS: Good night book friends, please update on time before 23:59 tomorrow night.

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