LOL: This man is so strong!

Chapter 554 Under one sword! An era!

"Killing Spree~!!"

The Peerless Swordswoman is on a killing spree!

Backstage at IG, Mafa's originally bowed body suddenly loosened from its tightness and leaned weakly against the seat behind her.

All members of the uniform team were like this. A series of negative emotions such as frustration, disbelief, and collapse filled the backstage.

Before the game, they never imagined that such a scene would happen.

I planned to break through TSM's top lane.

But the result was completely the opposite.

In such a powerful S9 world, in the games before the finals, Le Shai always suppressed the opponent's top singles, no matter who the opponent was.

This impressive record continued into the first three games of the finals.

Until I met this man!


Completely exploded!

Everything Mr. Shai has built before has become a gorgeous pattern on the background board.

TheKing came to the top and harvested everything.

On major live broadcast platforms, dense barrages were flying like wild bees, and many people continued to express their inner surprise and shock with short words or a string of exclamation points.

In the TSM player's seat, Bilson, Big Brother, Idiot, and Black were all shouting.

Everyone was forced to speak their local accent, and Xiba was constantly being confused.

Even his teammates were shocked.

And on the IG side.

Everyone felt like they were hit hard. Prince Ning let the emperor possess him, and his hands were trembling slightly.

Ah Shui breathed rapidly and cut the screen continuously to the top.

Looking at the sixth-level swordswoman and the prince's body, her emotions were up and down, and it was really hard to calm down.

Teacher Sha couldn't help but shook his head, and he also felt frustrated despite his strong mentality.

"The King! The King! The King!"

"This is The King!!"

"There will never be a shortage of miracles, a God who will always stand at the top of the league!"

Coster looked like he was crazy, slapping his hands angrily on the commentary box. He was so excited and excited that even if he spit out a mouthful of flames from his mouth in the next second, the audience would not be surprised.

After Riv yelled "WOWOWO" for a while, he regained his consciousness and told what had just happened at a very fast speed. He used what he had learned throughout his life to restore the scene just now.

"TheShy, Ning!"

"The most powerful top and jungle combination in S9 teamed up to attack and were killed one by one by The King. What kind of scene is this? What kind of Fiona is this?!"

"The great sword dance of House Laurent!"

"We have another wonderful waltz!"

"Guys, I want to learn from The King right now. No man who loves e-sports can resist this passionate scene. The King, I want to learn this!!"


David next to Riv was already red. Like the DJ in Paris, he raised his hands in the commentary box and shouted "Make Noise!!"

The 30,000 spectators at the scene were really awesome, and their cheers never stopped from the moment the Sword Lady attacked the crocodile.

It continued even after Silk Blood counterattacked and killed the prince.

The director gives playback.

Repeat the slow play again.

Especially when Silk Blood and the Prince fight, every detail is magnified.

Whether it's distance control, precise finding of flaws, or extreme dodge skills through air slashing.

The summoners who loved Fiona had tears in their eyes. This was the agile pace that they had simulated countless times in their brains but could not display. It was elegant and decisive at the same time.

Some people brought into the role of Prince Ning.

If you encounter such an opponent, in the biggest finals, you can't kill him even though you have a trace of blood, and he is counter-killed when he comes with full health, how desperate it would be!

"IG is hard to beat now, and it's basically blown through on the road."

Miller commented pertinently:

"In less than six minutes, Sword Girl has three kills. Now IG is dead in the upper and wild areas. Sword Demon has no TP. Sword Girl can still eat another layer of Tapi and a large wave of soldiers. After going home, her equipment will take off directly."

"Brother Hao has reached six. Next, even if the sword demon comes with the prince, he will not be able to defeat this sword queen."

"Equipment and level are too far behind!"

"Brother Hao can't solve it anymore."

Miller had mixed feelings when he said the last words.

he was thinking.

‘It would be great if Brother Hao was still in an LPL team’.

Now, it should be the carnival time of LPL.

IG once again entered the finals with the will of LPL. I did not expect that facing this man would make the entire LPL region feel so powerless.

I really don't want to experience this feeling again.

Think about the three years of S6, S7, and S8, how proud they were in their commentary.

In those three World Championships, Brother Hao led the Snakes to run wildly, allowing the LPL to straighten its back, establishing the first three-consecutive dynasty in the history of the S-League, and turning it from "fight again next year" to the first division.

As for LPL, this time they also fully realized the fear of being dominated by the ID "The King".

Poor Koreans, this is their fourth year of despair.

The game was less than 6 minutes old, but everyone thought that IG's hope was slim.

Since TheKing's debut, no team has been able to defeat him after he gained a huge advantage.

On the screen, Sword Lady eats the line of soldiers and the tapi.

Sitting next to Li Hao, stupid chicken couldn't help but turn his head and peek at his profile.

Seeing Li Hao's serious face and the thermos cup placed on the table, the stupid chicken's feathers trembled slightly.

"Xianghe, we didn't lose unjustly back then."

"Axi, wolfberry is really a monster."

"It's still the kind of monster that can't be seen through at all, and it can always suddenly emit magic power."


"However, I really enjoy being his teammate. It's a pity, Sang Hyuk, that you don't have a chance."

Stupid chicken has many feelings in his heart.

At this moment, if the game is over, he can even help Holy Spear supplement the content of "Ritian Xue".

Backstage at TSM, Kim Sang-soo and Kabo hugged each other, and the orangutan captain who rushed to the scene hugged Maggiola. The uniform team laughed happily, what a beautiful scene.

Chicken Lord is extremely eager and wants to exert force in the middle.

But Bilson is no jackass.

The Danish fairy tale is close at hand, and no matter how much he wants to wander, he will not show it in this game.

Bilson found joy in the boring task of throwing bombs.

Because he felt the "urgency" of the broiler.

I know you are in a hurry, but don't worry yet.

In the bottom lane, the same goes for Big Brother and Black who are thirsty.

The first championship of his career is already beckoning.

They suppressed the excitement that was like a powder keg in their hearts and tried their best to do their jobs well.

The Living Fossil duo perfectly demonstrated the awareness that leg huggers should have.

Follow instructions, don't cause trouble, and be a good boy.

If someone ridicules "Your champion is a jerk" in the future, you can respond with "What kind of champion are you?"

In the bottom lane, the IG duo was anxious. Baolan made the first hook at the beginning of six minutes, and his Q hit Luo.

The distance in Titan's hook was very limited, and Kai'Sa didn't follow up immediately.

Moreover, this location is closer to the front of TSM Tower.

Luo was knocked out of half of his health, but the minions focused their fire on the IG duo. Xia Luo made a backhand, not only knocking out Sapphire Flash, but also crippling Kai'Sa.

The audience can also see that IG’s mentality is unstable!

TSM pushed the line, and the stupid chicken came to the bottom half.

Syndra prepared to support, but Bilson pushed the troops back.

Without enough manpower, IG could only give away the first water dragon.

The rhythm is getting more and more suffocating.

If it were an ordinary North American team, with such a huge advantage, they would have been excited by now.

But TSM heard clearly in the background, clear instructions were issued from the central brain, and the other people in TSM were like parts, carrying out their work conscientiously.

Vision invasion, rhythm changes, resource competition, enemy dynamics, jungle position.

Operations are everywhere.

The more moments like this, the more frequently Li Hao takes control of the team.

In a team like TSM, he has to pay more and be cautious enough.

The last wave of troops entered the tower and is now reset.

As soon as the Sword Girl comes online, she will chase the Sword Demon and fight.

Teacher Shai fell too far behind and was pushed out of the experience zone.

Benji came to the top road to support, but was detected by King Ning's vision, and Broiler hurried over to support.

In this wave, three members of IG went on the road to help Shy Man return to the tower to fight, but TSM did not dare to take action.

However, Syndra's development was delayed, and Bilson pushed the line quickly, enjoying a layer of tapioca.

Bomberman also dismantled the real eye of the river to control his own eye position.

The pressure on Sword Demon has eased slightly, but IG is still losing money.

After Syndra returns to the middle, Broiler rushes for signals.

Bilson has a big move and can support upwards.

For 8 minutes and 49 seconds, IG fans were suffocated.

Sword Demon, who was half-healthy, came to the grass in front of the second tower and shut himself up, while Sword Girl cut off her troops behind the tower.

Within a thousand yards, excavators crouched in the grass.

How does this work?

Sword Princess is level 8!

The Sword Demon has just reached level 6, so it's free to go up there.

In desperation, Syndra could only stick to the top road. Baolan on the bottom road returned to the city and also walked towards the top road. IG was ready to hit the numerical difference.

However, Li Hao decisively called Benji to retreat and rejected Bilson's signal to support the top lane.

If you don't fight, this will make IG uncomfortable.

Syndra's damage is very high, and IG's lineup is suitable for team battles, and there may be a turning point in the fight.

Li Hao sees clearly and doesn't give IG a chance.

A punch on cotton is the most uncomfortable thing.

Bilson continuously polished off two layers of the tart skin, and even stole several birds from King Ning.

Give Bilson a little more time, and the middle tower can be blown up with a single W.

If you continue to play like this, Bomberman will also develop.

It is no exaggeration to say that the blood pressure of IG players soared.

Baolan returned to the bottom lane to help Ah Shui relieve the pressure.

King Ning changed his strategy and came to the bottom lane at 10 minutes and 23 seconds.

TSM really didn't expect this wave.

Taita put a headlock on Luo's head, and the prince's EQ collapsed and forced a team fight!

Xia had a big move to save her life, and IG used two flashes to kill Luo and get the first kill of the game.

Before they had time to be happy, they heard a cold system prompt:

"An ally has been slain!"

"Our hero has been killed!"

"Enemy Rampage!"


——Sword Girl has gone berserk!

This scene appeared too quickly, and the sword demon disappeared in an instant.

When the director cut the screen to go on the road, he only saw the scene of the Sword Demon's corpse and the Sword Queen taking damage from the defense tower and exiting the tower.

There is still a blood recovery formation on the ground.

When Sword Lady turned back to eat the tapi, the audience was waiting for the replay to finally come.

In front of the Sword Princess Tower, use QW to touch the porcelain swordsmanship, and use the Sword Demon Q2 to knock back the sword demon and stun the sword demon with your backhand.

At this time, Jian Ji opened R, and Bomberman's ultimate move was thrown from a distance of 5,000 yards.

Sword Girl's Z-shaped break, combined with Bomberman's damage, rapid four breaks, and the sword light from the Hydra Crescent Slash will instantly kill the almost full-blooded Sword Demon!

The speed at which the blood bar disappears brings a strong visual shock!

Bilson, who got an assist, happily returned to the middle, and the stupid chicken took the lead alone.

In this wave, the dragon in the bottom lane has not refreshed yet. Even though Ah Shui got a kill and another layer of tapioca, he still suffered a loss.

Sword Girl continuously eats Tapi, cutting off the army line, and harming King Ning's wild area, taking away the blue buff.

From God's perspective, IG's economic backwardness has exceeded 3,000!


"We must delay the game!"

Ah Shui returned to Quanshui to buy equipment. When the IG atmosphere was sluggish, Commander Ah Shui made a strong voice.

Harvest a head and let him see hope.

Including TheShy, who was defeated on the road, suddenly heard Ah Shui shouting, they came to their senses and took another breath.

A drowning person is bound to hold on to the last straw.

In the next seven minutes or so, IG was actively looking for opportunities. They got another head from the TSM duo. At the same time, Rookie also relied on a wave of blocked vision and flash stun Bomberman's extreme operation to cooperate with King Ning to kill Dropped Bomberman!

When harvesting these two heads, IG's morale improved a lot.

After several waves of fighting, the head-to-head ratio between the two sides was very close, now 7:3.

Just looking at the head count, IG is not far behind.

But from God's perspective, their economic backwardness has reached 6,000 yuan.

At 21 minutes and 34 seconds, the single-player Sword Girl flashed the Sword Demon on the top lane, and beat the prince into a crippling condition, almost contributing to a double kill.

"The second tower is gone, Brother Hao took him away directly!"

"Sword Princess is so fat that she will soon be in a three-piece suit. No one can handle it!"

"Excavator and Luo have been helping to lay out the vision. Sword Queen's single-band environment is very good."

"It's going to be seven thousand yuan soon!"

I remember worrying: "If IG can't find a wave of opportunities, they will be directly led to death by Sword Lady!"

"Yes, Bilson's development is good, Bomberman is very capable of guarding the tower, and he has a stopwatch on him. It's not easy for IG to advance quickly."


Everyone in IG naturally knows what the commentators are discussing.

They refuse to die slowly and keep waiting for the opportunity to arise.

Finally, after leading the lane on the top lane, Sword Girl came to the bottom lane.

IG eliminated the eye positions in the upper half of the area.

Kasha Syndra cooperated with the prince to fight a wave near the river in the middle. They succeeded in the sneak attack, Luo escaped in a flash, and Bomberman only had half health left.

After that, Syndra pretended to be in the middle, and the rest of IG touched the dragon pit.

The Sword Demon on the bottom lane ignored the Sword Queen with the line. When Syndra moved towards the river, he pressed TP!

"Rush the dragon!"

"IG fights!"

"TSM didn't react immediately. There is a chance, there is a chance!"


While the commentators were shouting, Li Hao noticed something unusual and immediately pinned the signal into the Dalong Pit.

TP turned around with 6 seconds left, and there was no eye position in the upper half.

Big brother's far-sighted transformation shines into the dragon's pit, and IG is indeed fighting the dragon.

Bilson's blood was not yet full, so he didn't bother to return to the city and immediately followed his teammates towards the Dalong Pit.

As soon as they arrived near Longkeng, Li Hao's TP was in the eye position of the grass in the river.

"Feathers all over the sky~!"

Immediately, the senior brother was forced to hand over his ultimate move.


"IG gave up the baron and took the lead with the blocked vision!"

"Luo was shot away!"

"Eldest brother reacted quickly enough. Syndra's ultimate move hit Luo nearby. Sword Demon EQ killed Luo, and the great destruction was refreshed!"

"Good boy! TheShy got the first kill in the game. This backhand, IG is about to start, Hedao Sword Demon! Is a miracle going to happen again?!"

"Broiler! Stand up!"

"Dodge to avoid the barb, QE stuns senior brother!"

"Baolan, I hit the hook! It's the key!"

"Prince EQ Bomber, force Bilson to flash!"

"W hit the senior brother, Ah Shui flew into the senior brother's face, the stupid chicken dodged and knocked away Syndra Titan, and Bomberman threw his ultimate move!"

"Ah Shui dodges and controls, Ikasia's heavy rain, basic attack, Xia is dead!!"

"This bomber will die too!"

As soon as Cube Dragon shouted these words, the Peerless Swordswoman fell down from her eye position in the grass.

The first person in front of Li Hao was Kasha!

Kai'Sa, who had taken advantage of Bomberman's small skill, still had half of her health left.

Jack, who was in the midst of excitement, was splashed with cold water when the Sword Lady stabbed him with her sword!

QA breaks through and gives E a normal access to Hydra!

With four swords at the speed of light, Fiona seemed to be dancing, killing Kaisha instantly!

The commentators shouted that Ah Shui was too aggressive, but it was already too late.

Bao Lan, who had retained his skills, used his ultimate move on Sword Girl almost immediately in order to save Ah Shui.

Although the situation was chaotic, Li Hao calmly sorted out the battlefield.

This resulted in Baolan making a fatal mistake!

The moment Titan's ultimate move locked the head on his face, Li Hao's QW activated!

Using the porcelain sword technique, he stabbed Syndra who could have been pulled farther away.

Rookie was left with very little time to react, and the sword light of the Heart's Eye Sword poked into Syndra's back!


"It's over!"

"Sword Lady flashed her face, and Syndra couldn't bear the damage!"


The Sword Demon Titan gave up the excavator, but rescue came too late.

The stupid chicken suddenly threw out QW, and his damage hit Jian Ji very painfully. Unfortunately, there was no follow-up, and she was directly killed by Jian Ji's next shot!

IG double C, screen gray and black.

The Titan immobilizes the Sword Girl, and the Sword Demon knocks her back with Q3, giving her a basic attack.

Sword Princess also dropped below half health.

Bilson, who used a stopwatch to drag the prince back, exchanged some health, but was still killed by King Ning.

At this time, IG has more people and is in better condition.

However, everyone is very uneasy.

The moment the control on Sword Girl disappeared, Wushuang challenged and hung on Sword Demon.

Li Hao knew very well that Rosai was in a skills vacuum at this time.

A breaks the first flaw, diagonal Q breaks the flaw in the sword demon's escape path, goes up and hits the flaw close to the wall, and accelerates to break the last flaw!


He has a clear mind, extremely fast hands, and is very familiar with diagonal breakthroughs.

Fiona is so elegant at this moment!

The sounds of the royal snorts and the cracking of flaws hit the hearts of IG players like a heavy hammer.

The ancient magic circle brings the power of rebirth.

The blood recovery formation that represents life is, in the eyes of IG, the gate of hell that has been pushed open!


With a scream, Aatrox, bathed in the blood-recovering formation, dropped the sword in his hand and stopped with his trash talk.

If you ask King Ning.

What is the thing you regret most in 2019?

The future King Ning will definitely answer: "I should be selfish and not think about saving my good brother. I should have sold TheShy at that time, but I was not sensible enough and planted the German flag."

——The dragon hits the girl! !

EQ's second company, Sword Girl was knocked away!

Heavy basic attacks fall!

In the LPL studio, the prostitute teacher’s eyes almost fell out. He held his head with both hands and shouted in the noisy studio:

"It's over!"

"Prince Ning is also coming down. If you can't kill Sword Lady, you can't kill her! Sword Lady is almost full of blood!"

"This monster has already killed Rookie, killed Ah Shui, and killed TheShy!"

"He's so jealous!"

"Three kills! Three kills already!"


From IG's strong counterattack to the landing of Sword Princess, the mood of all alliance viewers was like a roller coaster.

But now, many are watching the big screen with bated breath.

——Stab fast and hard!

"One sword!"

"One sword!"

"Another sword!"

"This kind of damage penetrates the flesh and scrapes the bones!"

"Dead, the Titan is dead!"

"Four kills, Brother Hao has four kills! And King Ning, and King Ning!"

"Stupid chicken is like a fish lurking in the water. He is no longer attacking. He is following the prince like a good friend. He is enjoying the closest perspective in the world!!!"


"Others try, I succeed!"

——Everyone else has tried, but only I succeeded~!


With the sound of the last crack, King Ning felt as if he had fallen into an ice cellar, and the prince of Demacia fell in front of the Sword Queen.

Extremely ironic.

After a wave of team battles, Sword Lady is still full of health at this time!

"Penta kill~!!!"


On this night, countless league e-sports enthusiasts were crying and venting their excitement.

This night, the dome of the AccorHotels Arena in Paris, France was about to be shattered by the sound, and passers-by stopped in their tracks.

On this night, many young e-sports trainees stayed up all night, imagining the future in admiration.

This night, the forum between G2 and FNC was shattered by crazy European fans, turning over old scores in the S8 winter window.

This night, the Tieba forum was abuzz, LPL fans could not sleep all night, and one after another e-sports elders came out to talk about the past.

This night, David started a champagne battle in the LCS studio, and both men and women got wet.

That night, Yu Sanjia's face was filled with tears of regret, and a group of operating departments dismissed get out of class.

This night, Ezuo Guriro sat by the water fountain and expressed his feelings to his old friend.

This night, the wind is noisy and the stars are bright!

This night, there is only one ID in the e-sports world, and that is TheKing!

"Penta kills!"

"Pentakill in the finals!"

"Four years in a row! Four years in a row!"

“What a record this is!!”

Wang Duoduo shouted as if he was crazy:

"Three feet of green ancient Taikoo, dancing in the wind and breaking the waves of the river!"

"Peerless Swordswoman Fiona"

"This is Brother Hao's pentakill in the World Finals!"

PS: Good night book friends, please update on time before 23:59 tomorrow night.

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