LOL: This man is so strong!

A New Year’s letter to book friends

The Little New Year of 2022 has passed, and it will be New Year’s Eve in a few days. I would like to say this to all book friends in advance:

"Happy New Year!"

Looking back on 2022, there are many things that impressed the dog author.

For example, some friends who joined the group were very enthusiastic and sent me private messages, complaining at length about my "coding is too slow", "too few updates", "coding with my feet is faster than me" and so on.

I have basically replied to these private messages. Thank you dear brothers for your supervision. I will always love you.

In the later years of Brother Hao, the dog author encountered many troubles in his life, both big and small, which I won’t mention here. I was ashamed of everyone’s expectations and felt full of emptiness in my heart. It's like it's the end of the year, and I always feel like I owe a lot of debt that I haven't repaid.

Some book friends discussed the plot with me through private messages, and the hidden masters in the comment area provided me with many ideas. After reading some comments, I was very excited and inspired. This book is more like a work created by everyone. .

From the beginning to the end of the year, I saw many familiar IDs and many new friends. Thank you for accompanying me all the way.

There is a lot more to say here, but saying too much would be pretentious, and may also lead to criticism:

"I don't have the time to code a few more words"?

Thank you to the cute owners of this book, and to every friend who has tipped, voted, and commented. If I can't repay you, I will boil water and cook for you in the next life.

Finally, I wish all my book friends peace, joy and smooth sailing in the new year.

January 16, 2023.

Dian Niang event, please remember to comment and participate, you will have the opportunity to get some coins

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