LOL: This man is so strong!

Chapter 561 Trip to Las Vegas

On the homepages of the players that Summoners follow, many people have posted updates in the past few days.

They thanked their fans, looked back on their careers, and said their final goodbyes to the professional arena.

Some players can tell a lot of past events, including regretful moments and highlight moments. Recalling them makes people's emotions fluctuate along with their career.

But more professional players only have a few words, which are extremely dull.

After the meal of youth is over, the players who have made a name for themselves are not worried about their future, but more players are confused at the crossroads, not knowing what to do with the little savings they have gained in exchange for their youth.

It's their own choice

Who is not a talented young man who can embark on a professional career? Who is not rushing to become the top group of people?

But the vast majority of people can't even get halfway up the mountain.

With unwillingness and embarrassment, their figures gradually faded away, their IDs were gradually forgotten, and the gray avatars in the professional arena would never light up again.

Judging from the data reported by the ACE League, every team has free agents whose contracts have expired.

Many of the veterans would like to thank Li Hao. If it weren't for his precedent, these veterans would have no chance next season.

However, a veteran who has the courage to knock over the water dispenser and save the team is bound to find it difficult to find a second one.


"What is LCK going through?!"

On December 2, TSM and his team were still in Los Angeles, making preparations for their trip to Las Vegas.

Benji looked at the transaction information that appeared and was greatly shocked.

Li Hao said from the side:

"It is normal for the LCK to be anxious since it has not won the championship for 4 consecutive years."

"The reshuffle has caused fluctuations in each team, but it can bring vitality and vitality to the LCK. This is probably what they want most right now."

"If this pool of water is not cleaned, it will become more and more smelly as it rots and accumulates."

"You're right."


"The current situation of LCK is entirely your fault."

Benji took the phone over, and it showed the homepage of DCinside, the Korean League of Legends community.

"Look at this."

At the top of the dcinside homepage, there are blood-red headlines.

"Been blocked by TheKing for four consecutive years, LCK must break through"

"The LCK is undergoing a major reshuffle, and the mastermind behind the scenes is targeting TheKing, who is stirring up the situation in the LCK by himself."

"KT's trusted head coach Hirai said that the best way to defeat TheKing is to let him join the LCK. What he said is absolutely correct, but this is nonsense that insults IQ"

"Don't look forward to the winter window, LCK does not have the capital to recruit The King, the European Division shouted 134 billion won to The King! An entire team in the LCK does not have this value. 》

"The LCK was thrown into the most chaotic era by The King. Where are our heroes?" 》

In the dcinside community, Li Hao’s ID has been slaughtered.

Many Bangzi management staff now have a headache when they see the ID "TheKing".

Of course, many people have been paying close attention to TSM's homepage recently.

According to the pattern of the previous three years, Li Hao's injury information will be revealed around this time.

That was the happiest, most healing, and most hopeful time for many uniformed staff.

TheKing is finally injured and next year will be the best year.

But this year is weird.

According to the latest results released by TSM Health Consultants, The King is very healthy.

The number one player in the league will hit S10 in full glory!

Damn, how do you do this?

The finals were so tiring, dragging TSM forward, but what about an old injury?

Don't you even have an attack?

While waiting for TSM information, the LCK reshuffle first came into view of the audience.

SKT is determined to protect Faker and extends the contract until 2021.

Khan, Mata, and Crazy all became free agents, and Clid transferred.

The coaching staff Kooma, Zefa, and Fly also became free agents, and another coach Sake transferred to HLE.

SKT also changed its name to T1, which is related to the investment of American company Comcast Spectacor.

In a short period of time, except for Faker, the team members changed and the coaching staff changed drastically. T1 seemed to have become a brand new team.

The new coach Travel comes from DWG.

The success of DWG last season attracted the attention of SKT executives. They hope that Travel will lead the new T1 to achieve great success.

As one of the former "Three K Teams", the KT team is also undergoing a major reshuffle.

The old captain Score retired, and the rat king Pray became a free agent.

Thirteen people including Kingen, Bdd, and Smeb have all entered KT's transfer list!

This is even more exaggerated than SKT's nine transfers, and it is the best in the LCK.

Many people are saying that KT is crazy!

"After giving up a lot of star players, does KT still have a chance in the Summer Split?"

There are many similar voices of criticism.

But sober people say this:

"Those star players only have the reputation left after they made famous scenes. They are old, occupying positions and destroying the salary structure. They are not necessarily better than the newcomers, and they lack the momentum of the newcomers. In this league, The King is It is absolutely an exception. It is simply unrealistic to find a replica of him. KT is smart, if they are dragged down any longer, they will go bankrupt."

This is the truth.

It’s time for the alliance to be updated.

LCK has seen from GRF and DWG that fresh blood is very useful.

Instead of digging out The King among the veterans without hope, it is better to find a young The King template.

For example, everyone is coveting Xu Xiu now.

Although Xiumei was beaten by Li Hao on S9 and was proved to be a beggar version of The King, the beggar version is also very delicious!

If there is no first player in the S game, the beggar version will have a chance to break through the league.

SB, AFS, Gen.G, HLE, APK and other teams are all similar.

In the winter window of S9, LCK entered a period of great chaos.

Because the S game went home early, the LCK had already discussed various transactions internally.

This information broke out in a short period of time, triggering a "big earthquake" in the alliance.

No one knows what the LCK will look like next season.

But for the local Korean audience, they are looking forward to the new season.

Because if you continue to do the same thing, you will still be hammered home by The King, so it is better to change it as soon as possible

"Brother, that's amazing!"

Kagou came up to him with admiration on his face:

"You alone are stirring up trouble in the Korean server."

"In the community, eight out of ten pieces of information are related to you."

"Brother, in the LCK, Benji and I together don't have as many fans as you. This is unbelievable. Many arrogant guys have been defeated by you."

Li Hao waved his hand: "It's not a good thing."

"Both of you don't have as many negative fans as I do."

"Look at how many people are cursing me inside. They wish I wouldn't be able to see the sun tomorrow."

Kagui frowned: "Xiba, these guys with bad mouths!"

Of course Li Hao ignored the troll's words.

He noticed a transaction.

The SB team straightened up the AD player Route in the team, and Ghost became a free agent.

Only one day after Ghost became a free agent, he was spotted by Micro and Jin Jingzhu and introduced to DWG.

The Nuclear King is the oldest player among the big turtles and has very senior qualifications.

But after the S9 game, his voice in the team dropped to freezing point.

Everyone can see that the Nuclear Emperor is embarrassed and is the weakest link in Youth Storm.

Many LCK viewers have imagined that if DWG can be so strong in the bottom lane that it overturns the average big brother, there will be no death in Madrid, and the LCK will go further.

However, people have doubts about Ghost.

Can this young player who is under 20 years old take on the important task of DWG's bottom lane?

Maybe, he is just a passerby of DWG.

Li Hao was deeply impressed. In the S10 season, the youth storm of Big Turtle became even more violent.

"Brother, are you ready with everything?"

"Well, there aren't many things to bring, mainly clothes."


Li Hao and Ka rely on the light car to hit the road, but the stupid chicken has a big bag.

Kabo went to Las Vegas not to play All-Stars, but to accompany Li Hao and Benji.

He was bored alone at the base.

In the future, a person's days will be very long, and he cherishes this time very much.

At 18:45 on the evening of December 3, they were at Los Angeles International Airport.

In just 1 hour and 11 minutes of travel, TSM and his team arrived at McCarran Airport.

December and January in Las Vegas are the coldest months, with temperatures around 16°C during the day and minus 2°C at night.

Because there was little rain and the air was dry, Li Hao brought a lot of moisturizing products.

The hotels are separate, and the All-Star Game is about to start.

Therefore, there is not much time for private interactions between competition regions.

December 5th is the day before the All-Star Game. All the invited participants came to the Esports Arena to familiarize themselves with the process of the game.

"Brother Hao!"

In the afternoon, Li Hao, who had just finished the rehearsal, heard an extremely excited cheer.

A young man rushed towards him quickly.

The stupid chicken next to him widened his eyes, and he used unskilled Chinese:

"Fuck~! It's you!"

"Haha, hello, stupid chicken."

What is meant by "enemies on a narrow road", this is it.

Cuihua looked at the stupid chicken with a smile on her face.

"I grew a little taller, and then became a lot more cheerful."

Li Hao looked at Cuihua with a smile. They hadn't seen each other for a long time and only had contact on the Internet.

This time, Cuihua received a personal invitation, the same as Sister Zhou and others.

Before Li Hao had time to reminisce with Cuihua, Sister Zhou, who came with Zzr, spoke with her mobile phone:

"Brother Hao, I haven't seen you for a long time. He's still so handsome!"

Sister Zhou's mobile phone was still live broadcasting, and when she heard her voice, the fans went crazy.

"Sister Zhou, move your face away quickly, we want to see Brother Hao!"

"Brother Hao, Brother Hao, my brother Hao~!"

"Sister Zhou, turn over the camera, otherwise I will call and report you for broadcasting!"

Someone in the live broadcast room also shouted: "Wait a minute, wait a minute, it will be ready soon."

"No, Sister Zhou can also rush~!"

"My friend was in the process of flushing, and Sister Zhou suddenly said that she needs an old Chinese medicine doctor to treat her now. If you have the contact information, please let me know. Thank you."


Sister Zhou was still obedient and turned the camera over.

The first thing that caught the eyes of netizens was the two champion junglers.

Benji and Cuihua are in a "quarrel" and reminisce about the past.

This scene also made many old fans look nostalgic.

Brother Li versus Brother Li, Cuihua versus stupid chicken.


The scenes at that time seemed to come alive again.

Who would have thought that three years later, they would meet in this way.

Moreover, Brother Hao was standing among them.

The former rivals have become the relationship between the ex and the current one.

The barrage has been filled with "Death Squat in the Middle".

Sister Zhou moved the camera, and the "crouching in the middle" was cleared by the consecutive "Brother Hao" and "YYDS".

Knowing that Sister Zhou had started the live broadcast, Li Hao waved in front of the camera.

"Brothers, long time no see."

That year, the pronunciation of Emperor Ritian's hometown remained unchanged.

That year, the Emperor of Japan remained as elegant as ever.

Just seeing this face and hearing these short words, various special effects immediately appeared in Sister Zhou's live broadcast room, and a lot of gifts mistakenly fell on her head. This was called Aiwujiwu.

"God is here, everyone stand up!"

"Brother Hao, I'm so awesome~!"

"Damn it, is this the number one player in the league? He is indeed a little more handsome than me, Heze Wu Qilong."

"Here he comes! The man who makes the alliance tremble!"

"60E come and report!"

"The 61E army has arrived!"

"Brother Hao, let's go to war~~!!"


For a time, Sister Zhou’s live broadcast room exploded in popularity.

Many anchors are sharing content related to All-Stars, but Sister Zhou knows live broadcasting. Together with Zzr, she really came into contact with the traffic password.

Sister Zhou carefully asked a question for the fans:

"Brother Hao, when will you return to China?"

Li Hao affirmed:

"this month."

Although it did not involve the sensitive topic of transfer, many people read some answers from Li Hao's expression.

I will return to China in December, and there is still some time before the Chinese New Year.

Then it’s not just about going home.

If you are communicating with the LPL team, it is more reliable to return to your country to handle the transfer contract.

What the viewers in the live broadcast room didn't expect was that another person trespassed in front of the camera.

A young man wearing round glasses came from behind and called Li Hao and Benji continuously.

After that, Guapi, Li Hao, Benji, and Cuihua unexpectedly appeared in the same frame.

Many water friends took screenshots.

Many water friends said that they had been killed by the memories that were resurrected in 2016.

December 6th is the first game day of the All-Star Game.

Li Hao only participated in Solo matches and 5v5 confrontations with Europe and the United States.

Originally, he didn't want to go against him in 5V5, but the audience here was too enthusiastic.

Not only the North American side, but also the European audience did not care about the feelings of the players in their own divisions and shouted for The King to play.

The first game was an unlimited firepower game. Dionb's four-kill Kassadin led the red team to victory.

The second game is the solo game.

Li Hao met Doinb, who had just shown off in unlimited firepower.

The result was no surprise. Doinb lasted three minutes and was eliminated in the first round.

The third game was the TFT Masters Competition. Due to the weakness of Forest Thorn in the late stage, Becca's Poison Crystal Predator won the first place.

The fourth game was a 5v5 European and American competition. Although NA's overall performance was very poor, Li Hao was too buggy and penetrated the middle of EU and led NA to victory.

Both European and North American fans at the scene gave enthusiastic cheers.

Everyone is here to watch the fun today.

The audience who came here was so excited!

The number one player in the league is really strong!

The fifth game was the Teamfight Tactics League of Legends e-sports player competition. In the end, Ceros’ Naruto Zed sang all the way and won the first place.

On December 7, Li Hao defeated Hat King in the top 16 of Solo and advanced to the next round.

In the last game of the evening, Li Hao participated in the quarterfinals and defeated Levi.

At this time, only Uzi, Bibabu, TheShy, and Li Hao were left in the Solo match.

December 8th is the last day of the All-Star Game.

In the semi-finals of the Solo competition, the little fat man in the camera kept shouting at Shi Yizhong at the next table after losing a game.

Finally, the 200-pound little fat man came back and laughed so hard that his front teeth popped out.

In the third decisive game, Li Hao's Yasuo used precise blows to knock Uzi away, and the tower executed a set of kills, ending the suspense at 2:1.

The little fat man who lost the game did not keep a straight face. Instead, he ran to Li Hao, put his arms around him and said something.

Outside speculation:

"Uzi: Brother Hao, what about two games as promised?!"

"Uzi: Brother Hao, let me touch the finals floor!"

In the penultimate game on December 8, the finals of the TFT Legend Heroes Charity Tournament, the top four Chinese took three places, and the Venomous Predator of Kongmen finally won the championship.

Finally, the Solo King final!

TheKing vs. TheShy!

Um? The script is wrong

It's The King vs. Bibab! !

In the Solo semi-finals, Bibabu defeated TheShy 2:1, and the S9 top lane showdown was no longer visible.

However, Bibab’s teammates also shouted the slogan:

"Kill the man with The! Go ahead, Bibabu, you will be the Solo King!"

The voices of the European commentators changed like this:

"Guys, Bibab is full of confidence. Listen to me, he is going to do big things. TheShy has been defeated. The King is next, and he is going to blow up Las Vegas!"


"Oh, a great start. Bibab lost the first game, but it doesn't matter. He saw TheKing's thinking clearly. In the next game, we will knock Jace off and he will get the match point back."


"Friends in the audience, the solo game is over, Bibab's miracle will be left to next year."

"The 2019 All-Star Game in Las Vegas is officially over."

"Congratulations to TheKing, he is the Solo King!"

PS: Good night book friends, please update on time before 23:59 tomorrow night.

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