LOL: This man is so strong!

Chapter 567 The whole alliance’s pursuit!

On the morning of December 17th.

Li Hao woke up from a deep sleep and ran all the way. He slept very hard last night and vaguely felt someone was next to him in the morning. His face felt itchy, as if his hair had been ruffled.

His eyes are getting brighter and brighter.

Then I remembered that I was on Zhao Xiaoan's bed. I could still smell the breath that made people's hearts beat faster. Even my body was contaminated with this smell. I looked around and saw that the person was gone. There was only a messy body that was pressed. Pillow.

The bedside lamp was on, and Li Hao touched his cell phone.

Looking at the time, it was already half past eight.

Multiple missed calls.

He didn't look at the phones, but stared at the note under the phone.

This is what Zhao Xiaoan left:

"You were sleeping deeply. I tried not to wake you up."

"The TV station has something to do temporarily, so I went to work."

"If you need to go out, bring the spare key on the table with you so you can come back at any time."

"Breakfast is in the kitchen. If it's cold, please heat it up."


"Look at the photos on WeChat (laughing)."


Li Hao opened WeChat, and Zhao Xiaoan took a photo of him sleeping. Her hair had not yet been tied up, resting on Li Hao's face, and making faces in front of the camera.

Li Hao laughed.

He went to the kitchen and heated up the eggs and porridge.

He put away the keys on the table and sent a picture of breakfast back to Zhao Xiaoan, but did not receive a reply.

He then ate breakfast while processing messages on his phone.

The winter window transfer period is already halfway over and cannot be delayed any longer.

I swallowed the dates in one gulp for two mouthfuls of porridge, and ate the slightly runny eggs with warm water.

At a quarter past nine, Li Hao received a call.


"Hello, Brother Hao!"

The tone on the other end of the phone was very polite: "Brother Hao, I am the manager of the RNG club."

"Have you read the contract we delivered?"

"RNG has been preparing since this summer. Mr. Bai would like to invite you to BJ as a guest. Everyone in the RNG club is looking forward to Brother Hao's arrival."


Li Hao only responded with a few words, but the other person said a lot of good things.

Not only did they add 12 million to the original contract, they even abandoned RNG's traditional contract and gave a clean contract that did not require litigation. From this point alone, you can see how determined Yujianmen is. .

There is nothing we can do about it. RNG is well-known in the LPL and has a group of fans.

However, there is still a long way to go to be the number one player in the league.

"Thank you Mr. Bai for your kindness, I need to think about it."

"Okay, okay, Brother Hao, we are waiting for your news."

Li Hao hung up the phone and shook his head silently.

RNG did not give less money, and also made considerable concessions on advertiser contracts.

However, the conditions stopped there and Li Hao was not satisfied.

This time when he returns to China and re-enters the LPL league, he not only has to consider S10, but also his future positioning in the league.

Maybe he'll retire, but he doesn't want to leave the league entirely.

After so many years, he has a deep affection for this job and is unwilling to give it up.

He needs a longer-term guarantee.

For those teams that only squeeze immediate profits, they are destined to not be favored by Li Hao.

You know your own situation.

In S10, he will enter his true peak!

At nine forty, he sent a message back to Xi'an.

Not long after, Big Nose called.

As the representative of WE, Ruofeng plays the emotional card as soon as he comes up.

Such as

‘We regret our original decision extremely, and all those narrow-minded operating staff have resigned. ’

‘WE is your hometown, come back and visit, we will make you feel the warmth of home. ’

‘All WE fans are looking forward to your return. ’

“Tracing back to the origins from the peak, this will be a fairy tale that will be praised by the e-sports world. ’

Ruofeng replied one after another, and Li Hao laughed on the other end of the phone.

WE must have sorted it out a long time ago and let his nose read it out one by one.

From Ruofeng's tone, Li Hao could feel his sincerity and urgency, and he said with all his heart, "Come back, Brother Hao, WE can't live without you~!" ’

The slogan is very fierce, but WE does not have an advantage in real money.

The contract price they promised was lower than RNG, and a higher proportion was allocated to endorsement contracts and championship bonuses.

At the same time, WE will give 10% of the shares.

Li Hao and Ruofeng hung up the phone amicably and said they would consider it.

He shook his head helplessly.

WE is sincere, but the sincerity does not meet Li Hao's expectations.

If there is no follow-up, they will be crossed by Li Hao like RNG.

We are all adults, and we can have fictitious things, but it is difficult to talk about it without something real.

Information exchange between alliances is stronger than imagined.

After several consecutive phone calls, each team learned that Li Hao was trying to communicate.

So, a series of calls were made to the Magic City!


Of the 17 teams that can participate in the LPL 2020 spring regular season, no one can sit still!

Soon, people in the e-sports media got wind of the news.

Information entries appear on major e-sports discussion groups and hot searches.

"Contract negotiations for the league's No. 1 player are underway!"

"17 LPL teams are fighting in the transfer market!"

"CBLOL, LCS, and LEC are shouting from the outside, and the whole league is going crazy!"

"JDG made a top offer with a salary of up to 150 million a year!"

"The latest news, DMO e-sports club is betting on half of the team!"

"Crazy! BLG is calling for a gambling agreement of up to 200 million!"


News is constantly appearing on hot searches and e-sports forums, and the audience is enjoying it.

Everyone rushed forward as if they had discussed it.

Many spectators who don’t know much about e-sports opened their eyes and couldn’t believe that an e-sports player’s annual salary could reach such a terrifying height.

Tieba forums are all hotly debated.

Fans of Yujianmen are nervous and looking forward to it:

"Is there hope? Is there hope for RNG?! Management, don't be stupid, Brother Hao is worthy of the stud!"

Little Phoenix fans are very excited:

"We have already hired the Snakes duo. If Brother Hao joins us, then Little Phoenix will be the biggest winner this season! Come on, Boss Zhong, don't be afraid."

"Woooooooo, I want to see Brother Hao return at the Xi'an Radio and Television Grand Theater. 60E will love you forever! Brother Hao, go back to the place where your dream began!" This is a WE fan.

Someone said in confusion:

"The league's oldest veteran is actually being chased by the entire league. It's really a magical era of e-sports."

Someone who understands jokes joked:

"The final battle of the 2020 Global Finals has begun."

If Qin loses its deer, whoever gets it first will become king.

Now, the eyes of the entire league are focused on Li Hao.

Some small teams are also joining in the fun.

Because the heat is terrible!

As long as information related to Li Hao is mentioned, attention will be paid, so even if it feels like there is no hope for the team, the operations department is working on it seriously.

If his fans find out that Dong Chuang did not pursue Brother Hao, they will probably be scolded bloody.

It’s okay to fail.

We have worked hard, but it’s all because our opponents are too strong. Please comfort me~~!

Team operators have long seen through this.

Some anchors on the live broadcast platform also discovered the traffic password. They made predictions in the live broadcast room and gave all kinds of "gossip". Whether they were made up or hearsay, it really attracted a lot of attention.

At eleven o'clock in the morning, Li Hao received a reply from Zhao Xiaoan. She would not be back at noon and would stay at the TV station for dinner.

After replying a message, he immediately switched back to the chat interface with ‘Qi Jiang’.



"Let's start a video chat?"

Li Hao looked around. He didn't want to share this place with others, so he decisively chose voice chat.

The factory director is better at chatting with Ed Zhu who just called him, and he talks more and more profoundly.

After all, they had been teammates on two teams, so they must be very familiar with each other.

The factory director was sensational for a while and explained one thing very straightforwardly. He wanted to cooperate with Li Hao.

‘If I hadn’t seen your performance in S9, I might have retired. ’

‘So many living fossils of my generation have realized their dreams, and I am unwilling to give it a try. ’

Once the words were spoken, Ancestor Seven suddenly became very thick-skinned, and the more he spoke, the more he went overboard:

"You must have played me in WE and EDG back then. You were young and unscathed, so there was no way you weren't strong. You wouldn't even believe it if you told me."

"I know you are dissatisfied with Abu's tactics, but I am innocent."

"You owe me a championship!"

Li Hao: "Oh!"

"Seven, you are shameless! You let me play with a big tree, I owe you a bench leg."

Li Hao cursed, but the factory manager on the other end of the phone was not angry at all, and even laughed heartlessly.


Twenty minutes later, they hung up.

There is no doubt that the factory director wants to work with him.

Ed Zhu is a good person and is used to delegating power. If he joins EDG, he will be able to easily control the team with the factory director by his side.

Boss Zhu also showed greater sincerity and was much more open than teams such as WE and RNG.


It can be felt that Ed Zhu has deep feelings for EDG.

He can delegate power, but he must be the one who really controls EDG.

EDG showed enough sincerity, but it was still far from what Li Hao expected.

He will only think about it and cannot agree immediately.

Before receiving the call from the factory director, someone told Li Hao something similar. That person was Uzi who had talked with him in Las Vegas.

Li Hao was brewing a plan in his heart.

Looking at the text messages that kept pouring into his mobile phone, Li Hao thought of the end of the 2016 spring game.

It was the summer window at that time, and it was difficult for him to find a stable contract.

After going through three different teams, he was fired by RNG.

He almost returned to Jinling to inherit his ancestral business.

Compared with now, it is more than just one day and one place.

When he thought about this, his thoughts were racing.

At this time, the phone call that Li Hao had been waiting for for a long time rang.

On the other end of the phone, in Snake's base office, Mr. Orochi was sorting out the gifts prepared on the table.

Just like back then, it’s still wolfberry~~

Seeing the call connected, Mr. Snake took a long breath:

"Brother Hao, you're quite busy, aren't you?"

After Li Hao exchanged greetings, Mr. Snake got straight to the point:

"Are you free? I want to meet you."


"I have time this afternoon."



When Li Hao hung up the phone, he couldn't help but think of his three years in the Snakes.

In those three years, the Snakes treated him well, and he has built a glorious dynasty for the Snakes.

When parting, the Snakes gave up on themselves, but the conditions they gave to stay on the team were more generous than other LPL teams.

He chose TSM, which respected him more, and broke up with Snake peacefully.

The human heart is made of flesh.

It has to be said that Snake took advantage of its own advantages and did more work than other teams this year.

For example.

Zuo Wu would often send him some photos.

He still has his room and bed in Snake's room.

The desktop is also neat and tidy, and the figures on it are not dusty and have been taken care of.

Also, I often take photos of ‘ice cream’.

This cat has a very good relationship with Li Hao.

Therefore, when it comes to emotional cards, Snake beats WE.

Whether it was Zuo Wu's private decision or Snake's decision, Li Hao had the best impression of Snake.

This is, after all, the place where he established his dynasty.

Since he is the king of the alliance, why would he give up the throne?

And, the summer of 2016.

Although the contract price was low, it was like a seesaw, using Archimedes' principle to shake up the entire e-sports world!

At first, Snake gave him a chance.

Now, Li Hao will also give Snake a chance.

Another very important point is that he already has shares in the Snake team. According to the words of the Snake boss, he will give up more shares.

Then, his sense of belonging to Snake will be stronger.

It is not a secret that Mr. Snake has lost money in both the stock market and investment, so he asked Boss Hou of OMG to sell his shares. This is actually a good thing for Li Hao.

He organized his thoughts, heated yesterday's leftovers in the refrigerator at noon, and set out in the afternoon to the place agreed upon with Mr. Snake.

Interestingly, it is the Whampoa Hotel.

In the box, Li Hao saw a face of about thirty-five years old.

Compared with a year ago, he looked much more haggard.

With Li Hao leaving, only an empty shell of the dynasty remained. People's attention was still on Li Hao, and Snake plummeted.

"Mr. Snake, long time no see!"

"Brother Hao, long time no see!"

The two shook hands politely.

"Brother Hao, there is no need to talk nonsense between us."

"This is the contract I drafted, take a look at it."


The waiter served two cups of hot tea, and Li Hao carefully checked the contract.

The snake on the other side was slightly nervous.

The LPL is frantically poaching Snake, and the competition outside is extremely fierce. Many people are waiting to see his performance, and he knows this very well.

If you can't sign this man, then.

According to Snake's current personnel composition, it will be difficult for them to make it to the playoffs next season.

By then, the shares in his hands will be even less valuable.

If you want these shares to appreciate in value, they need to be put into the hands of the right people.

He took a sip of tea and found that Li Hao was looking at it seriously.

Mr. Snake remembered again that he had an unpleasant quarrel with Boss Hou of OMG last time.

Because the other party lowered the price wildly, his shares were reduced to worthless.

Mr. Snake was so angry that he found a few more partners.

However, for an empty dynasty, there are too many discrepancies between the external assessment and Mr. Snake’s inner assessment.

The more you delay, the more these people will lower the price!

He understood that he couldn't wait any longer.

Thinking of last night's nightmare, he stared at Li Hao anxiously.

Looking at the words on the contract, Li Hao's eyes became brighter and brighter.

He calculated quickly in his mind.

Use the share given by Mr. Snake this time, plus his original team shares.

That is.


Although the salary in the contract is not as high as that offered by other teams, this share ratio really makes Li Hao excited.

Once signed.

He will become Snake's big boss and determine the future direction of the Snake team.

Snake will completely become his kingdom!

PS: Good night book friends, please update on time before 23:59 tomorrow night.

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