LOL: This man is so strong!

Chapter 568 Mr. Li!

Li Hao read the contract for a long time and grasped the details in order to guard against pitfalls.

This contract is similar to the previous contract signed with the Snakes, except that the agreed payment has been changed.

At this point, Snake is always more reliable than Yu Jianmen.

However, the calm Li Hao made Mr. Orochi panic.

Combined with the crazy competition outside, he wants this contract to be finalized more than anyone else.

He was reluctant to give up control of Snake when he first made this decision.

But over the past year, he has seen a lot of truth.

The dynasty seems to be dazzling, but without Li Hao, the dynasty will be a bubble that will burst as soon as it is poked.

If Li Hao hadn't joined Snake, given his management of the Snake team, he would have probably changed careers by now.

Only by tying Snake to Li Hao can we obtain longer-term benefits.

In 2018, he was content with the status quo and did not take a gamble.

Today, a year later, the businessman's gambling instinct has returned to Mr. Snake.


Li Hao put a stack of contract documents on the table, which made Mr. Snake come to his senses.

Although he was nervous inside, Mr. Snake managed his expression well:

"Brother Hao, what do you say?"

Li Hao looked into Orochi's eyes: "This morning, I communicated with the operations of almost all teams in the LPL. Some invited me to BJ, some invited me to Xi'an, and some local teams in Magic City."

"But, I only accepted Boss Snake's appointment."

"From 2016 to 2018, I had a deep affection for Snake."

Mr. Snake narrowed his eyes and smiled. He was afraid that the next sentence would be the opposite.

"I am very confident about next season. BLG offered me a very sincere gambling agreement. The gambling salary terms he gave me are twice as much as this contract. At the same time, BLG A certain amount of equity bets.”


Li Hao showed a sincere expression:

"There is a scale in my heart. It was originally balanced, but Snake has been very good to me in the past three years. In 2016, Snake also gave me a chance. I am a grateful person."

"So, the balance is tilted towards you, Mr. Snake."

Upon hearing this, Mr. Snake's eyebrows flew up, his face full of joy!

"Brother Hao, you are serious!"

He smiled and said: "Your strength is obvious to all. In any team, you will be placed at the absolute core position. Snake just did his job."

Li Hao pushed the contract to the middle and said frankly:

"I am very willing to sign this contract."

Hearing the words 'very willing', Mr. Snake realized something from Li Hao's eyes.

He looked sincere:

"For me personally, Snake's current cash flow is relatively tight, and several core players who should have renewed their contracts have already given up."

"Brother Hao, I put all my treasure on you, and Snake gave it all."

"There is not much immediate combat power left in the team, the substitutes are mixed, and there are no top-notch options in the secondary leagues. The winter window is halfway through. I am actually quite worried about the new season."

Li Hao understood these situations, and he only asked:

"Mr. Snake, are you willing to believe me?"


"Absolute, absolute trust."

Mr. Snake sighed and looked at Li Hao seriously:

"Brother Hao, I don't want to get involved in the Snake Team's affairs anymore."

"Under your leadership, I firmly believe that Snake will be better than I expected."

"I can reflect this in the contract."

Li Hao nodded secretly, this was the attitude he wanted.

Although he has a higher proportion of equity, if he is not aligned, he still cannot get things done.

"Mr. Snake, happy cooperation!"

Li Hao stopped talking nonsense, stood up and took the initiative to shake hands.

"Brother Hao, happy cooperation!"

After Mr. Snake finished speaking, he shook hands with Li Hao with an indescribable emotion.

He breathed a sigh of relief, feeling empty again.

However, he was lucky when he noticed the recruitment information for Li Hao from various leagues on his mobile phone.

The biggest purpose of this trip was achieved.

Afterwards, they sat together again and added Mr. Snake's additional payment.

Brothers settle accounts openly to prevent future disputes.

About half an hour later, Li Hao signed his name on the contract.

Although the contract is only renewed for one year, the shares are there, and he will be the one who wants Snake to become better most, and will not run away in the future.

Snake finally figured it out.

"Brother Hao, welcome back!"

"Go back to the base and I'll take care of you!"

Li Hao smiled and said:

"Let's wait until our new teammates are ready. Let's get together then."

"I will make a rough plan tonight and return to the base tomorrow or the day after tomorrow to finalize things for the new season."

Seeing Li Hao's confident look, Mr. Snake's eyes lit up.

Tsk tsk, this feels like a backbone and it smells good.

We can make money regardless of what we do, isn’t that a win-win situation?

After some self-comfort, Mr. Snake smiled more and more.

In fact, it’s good to just ignore things, but we don’t have that ability.

"Okay, I'll leave it to you."

"Everyone in the operations department is at work. You can come back and hand over at any time."

"I will transfer the contract to the ACE Alliance first."

"Haha, but there are a bunch of people waiting to see my joke. I have to slap them in the face."

The two chatted in the box for some time.

Now sitting on a boat, Li Hao talked about his general thoughts, and Mr. Snake was very interested.

We drank several cups of tea, and if we hadn't gone to submit the contract, we would have probably had to talk until the evening.

Regarding the new Snake conceived by Li Hao, Mr. Snake gave a thumbs up.

This kind of thing is impossible to accomplish without strong appeal.

I am afraid that only Li Hao has such ability in the alliance.

After the two left the Huangpu Hotel, Mr. Snake walked alone to the Huangpu River. Li Hao faced the river here back then, and now he also faces the river.

Sitting on the bench, Mr. She made a phone call.

On the other end of the phone: "Hello?"

Boss Snake: "Are you free?"

OMG boss Hou Geting said: "Yes, Mr. Snake still wants to sell shares? To be honest, I am not interested in Snake's shares. If you open your mouth, no one will be willing to take it."

"Your shares will be even less valuable at S10."

Boss Snake: "Let's not talk about shares for now. Boss Hou, let me tell you some good news. I just signed a contract."

On the other end of the phone, Hou Geting suddenly reacted after being stunned for a few seconds and said in surprise:

"Fuck, Brother Snake!"

"Did you sign a contract with Li Hao?"

"Hmph~~" Mr. Snake smiled proudly.

Boss Hou shouted: "Impossible! You must be kidding me."

"Both BLG and the two e-commerce companies have offered huge contracts, can you match them?"

"With so much money, you don't have to ask me to cash it out."

"Could the emotion card be useful?"

"It doesn't matter if you don't believe it. The contract is in my hands. I will report it to the ACE Alliance right away."

Hearing this, Boss Hou over there was not calm anymore.

At this point, there is no need for Snake to call and have fun.

He wakes up.

That man is back to Snake!

On the other end of the phone, in Boss Hou's mind, a terrifying poisonous snake awakened from hibernation.


"Brother Snake, I'm actually very interested in your shares."

“Price is not an issue, you will be satisfied this time!”

"Brothers, when you need to cash out, I, Lao Hou, will help you no matter what."


Hearing this series of words, the snakes by the Huangpu River laughed.

He was extremely happy and shouted with a breath of cold air from the riverside:

"Mr. Hou, I won't sell it anymore."

"I'm very happy today. I want to share it with you. I'll treat you to dinner when you have time."

After saying that, he hung up the phone.

Look, the name of the league's number one player is easy to use.

You were indifferent to me at first, but now I am beyond your reach!

As the saying goes, it’s easy to enjoy the shade under a big tree, and Li Hao is that big tree in the e-sports field.

With Mr. Li’s back, I, Mr. Snake, took off on the spot!

The very happy Mr. Snake made several phone calls in a row to greet his old friends one by one.

There was a constant buzzing sound on the phone.

So cool!

It's like taking a sudden sip of Sprite on a hot day.

Mr. Snake was so excited that he wanted to write a novel on the spot, "The Emperor signed the contract at the beginning and slapped the entire league in the face!" 》.

Because of Mr. Snake's high-profile behavior, rumors began to circulate that Li Hao would return to Team Dynasty.

Mr. Snake is not stupid. While slapping him in the face, he manipulates the opponent's mentality while asking his opponent to help him get free publicity.

On the other end, Li Hao dialed Ed Zhu's phone number.

This is the agreement with Boss Zhu.

If he signs with another team, let him know.

In the EDG club in Shanghai, Ed Zhu put down the phone in disappointment.

The factory director on the side understood everything from Boss Zhu's expression. He slumped down on the sofa and sunk in.

Back to the Snake Team!

He still returned to the Snake Team.

Alas, this is fate.

"I asked a little bit," Edju said.

"Snake almost gave half of the team to Li Hao."

"From now on, he will be Mr. Li of the Snake Team."

"They have a good cooperative relationship. As long as Snake is willing, it is almost a fatal blow to other teams."


"EDG is our hard work. Like my child, I can usually ignore it, but if I throw it away and ask him to change his surname, I can't do it."

Seven smiled bitterly: "Lao Zhu, stop talking, I understand!"

"This is life."

"If I don't struggle anymore, I will resend the retirement application to the operations department."

Ed Zhu looked at the depressed Severn, looking at the lost luster in his eyes, and suddenly smiled.

"Don't be in a hurry to retire."

"Why don't you retire? Go against the owner of the Snakes next season and get crushed?"

"Why panic!"

Lao Zhu toughened up and said arrogantly: "I told you before that I would take action!"

The factory director was surprised:

"You want to acquire Snake? Lao Zhu, it's too big."

Edju poked his head over:

"Kai, next season, we will be separated briefly, just like Li Hao went to North America for a year."

The factory director was in shock when he heard Ed Zhu say:

"I decide"

"Lent you out."

"Kai, in this era, there is only one ship that can carry you."

The factory director was speechless, but his eyes were filled with life again, and he stared at Edju.

"I'm loaning you to Snake."

"Mr. Li was very excited after hearing this suggestion."

"He told me that he will take revenge on you next season and let you play with a big tree, so this is a huge challenge."

"Over there, there is no Lao Zhu to shield you from the wind and rain, that man covers the sky with one hand."

Ed Zhu Yue said that the factory director was even more moved.

He understood that Ai Dezhu wanted to fulfill him and give him the last chance!

This is probably what the so-called e-sports brotherhood is all about.

"Lao Zhu"

Ed Zhu patted Qi Jiang on the shoulder and said sincerely:

"come on."

"Go win a championship trophy. If you have the Summoner's Cup, it means EDG has it."

"Don't think too much, we are just going to Snake to purchase goods."


Afterwards, the factory director and Ed Zhu gave a big hug in the office for brotherly love.

This hug can be described in too many words.

Abu stood at the door of the office and happened to see this scene.

Unknowingly, Abu's back door was closed.

At the same time, BJ Yujianmen headquarters.

With a frustrated look on his face, Uzi held his hands and took the pathology report with him, sighing all the way to the operations department.

He wanted to make one thing clear.

Next season, he won't be of much use.

Don't put your hopes in him, and at the same time, he made it clear that he will retire at any time.

Suddenly, a high-paid water fountain administrator appeared on the bench of Yujianmen.

PS: Good night book friends, please update on time before 23:59 tomorrow night.

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