LOL: This man is so strong!

Chapter 624 God is controlling Atreus

The venue of Hongqiao Tiandi Performing Arts Center was filled with excitement.

The replay on the big screen made many people dance and cheer with their mouths wide open.

Most viewers are chasing the legend of the league. They want to see the legend continue and witness it in the future.

Most of the people present today are fans of the Snakes, and there are many signs of support such as ‘The King’ and ‘Brother Hao’.

When FPX took the initiative on the field and Snake got the early and mid-term lineup but was held back, Snake fans were quite nervous.

In 14 minutes, they crossed the second tower and killed Tetsuo, and in less than 15 minutes, they entered the Snake Highlands, which is a forbidden area for most teams. FPX seemed to be really going to end the Snake team's super winning streak. At that moment, the fans were really excited. I was nervous, even a little bit unable to bear to look down.

And at such a critical juncture, that man stood up again to save the world!

The replay showed Pantheon and the female tank showing off their moves. Champion support Liu Qingsong is no longer the young player he was back then. He has become the leader among LPL support players. However, in this short confrontation, facing the big brother , he was as young and young as he was back then, and was manipulated to the death.

Four kills, ACE, the reversed situation detonated the audience!

The barrage is also completely crazy.

Dense barrages covered the screen, and some broadcast platforms even froze.

"Brother Hao is still your Brother Hao!"

"Where's the person who just said Snake is finished?!"

"Flando: Even I can't guard against Brother Hao?"

"Bold Lin Weixiang, how dare he not give up five kills!"

" @Riot, the designers have done their job. I will see the Phoenix Slaying Warrior skin tomorrow and I will buy it for you!"

While the live broadcast room and studio were filled with joy, Little Phoenix's backstage was filled with gloom.

"How come it's like this!"

Coach Da Chen slapped his thighs with both hands and made a snapping sound.

Coach Er Chen scratched his head with both hands, a layer of scalp accumulated between his fingernails.

This wave has really raised their blood pressure.

"You are greedy for merit and greed for merit!"

"You can't grind down the Highland Tower, just leave. Jin Gong Xiaotian Doinb is so swollen!"

"Didn't Lin Weixiang send a signal? Verus Pantheon is already here, why don't you leave?"

"Yeah, I really can't wait for a while. All the female tanks and female guns are in place, and Snake is missing. Isn't that a sure way to hold the tower?!"

"Pan Sen is already fat, now he raises a Boss!"


The two of them exchanged words with each other, feeling disappointed and regretful.

Although other members of the uniform team also felt regretful and depressed, they looked at the two coaches Chen with vague expressions.

Not to mention the little Phoenix players on the field, didn't you two scream more fiercely than the other just now?

"Go to the high ground, go to the high ground!"

That momentum makes me hate that I can't control the hero.

Regarding Kamikochi's behavior, you two agree 100%.

This will be overturned by Pan Sen and turned into an afterthought.

Jumping over the tower to kill Tetsuo, Little Phoenix was so brave that he climbed to the Snake Highlands in 14 minutes and accomplished what the previous 12 teams could not do. Brother Gongzi took the lead and showed his domineering power. FPX was about to take off.

Unexpectedly, before the phoenix could fly, it encountered the phoenix-slaying warrior and was shot down by spears thrown at it.

"Liu Qingsong, why are your hands shaking?"

"I'm not shaking, I'm not shaking."

Mr. Tie took a deep breath when he defended himself: "Xiangzi, you may not believe me, but I had an ominous premonition before you climbed to the high ground."

"Brother Hao will definitely take action, but he really did."

"But I didn't expect that we would all die."

"This is not a premonition."

The flesh on Lin Weixiang's face twitched: "In Snake, do we rarely see scenes like this?"

"Every critical moment, Brother Hao will rush out to end the suspense!"

"But this time I was on the opposite side. I felt helpless and couldn't believe that this would really happen."

"I understand how my previous opponents felt."

"Jin Gong, why don't you hand over your skills?"

"Bite Pan Sen and control him. You will win this round!" Doinb was confused.

"Xi Ba~~!"

Xiba Ge said angrily: "My keyboard is almost broken. I didn't release a single skill. I was controlled until death."

"The last wave of towers that surpassed Iron Man's, you should save your skills."


Xiaotian's breathing became rapid: "We were too hasty."

"Even if it slows down a bit, even if it doesn't go to high ground!"

These words reached everyone's heart.

Who said the opponent was Snake?

What team wouldn't want to beat them?

Climbing the high ground in 14 minutes today is equivalent to entering the Vanity Fair. If they win in one wave, their reputation in the alliance world will be boosted in every way.

I went back to browse the forum at night, and I must have received all kinds of compliments and exclamations, and I didn’t want to sleep all night.

No one said it explicitly, but everyone has this mentality.

After resurrecting, Poison Coin was the first to stand up.

He kept himself calm and called to his teammates: "Don't think about this wave anymore, just play hard."

"The advantage has been given away, but we haven't lost yet."

"They can't attack. If we play steadily, we still have a better chance of winning in the later stage."

"That's right, bring your eyesight to improve your vision."

"The next one is the wind dragon. This dragon soul is very average."

"I'll grab it when I get the chance. They were asked to draw the cards so early."



For the Snake Team, after a complete victory, they immediately plunged into the still anxious situation.

After killing the female gunner, the factory director came to the middle and pushed the line of soldiers through.

Li Hao was in poor condition and returned to the city to replenish his reserves.

With the blessing of four heads, a black cut was made directly.

Now, he is the most luxuriously equipped unit in the game.

Coupled with Pantheon's own mechanism, it is not easy to die and the damage is very high.

Snake took over the second Rift Herald in the middle and jungle, and destroyed the opponent's previous tower when FPX was not gaining a firm foothold.

This is the price paid after the Little Phoenix Group was wiped out in a wave.

At 17 minutes and 39 seconds, Snake released the vanguard from the middle and advanced as a team.

Tetsuo and Crocodile all came to the front, this was a 5v5 confrontation.

Seeing Snake pressing up, FPX immediately retreated under Doinb's command, not giving the Snake team a chance to take the lead.

Canyon Pioneer knocked down a tower in the middle. When Snake continued to move forward, Xiaotian, who was ambushing next to F6, took action.

Ekko's beautiful time and space barrier stunned the Titan who was standing in the front. The female gun immediately opened R output, which caused Snake's formation to be scattered. The crocodile entered the field and cooperated with Ikko to kill the Titan instantly.

"Nice" sounded in Phoenix's voice.

But the good times didn't last long. The retreating factory director hid around the corner of F6, almost replicating Xiaotian's sneak attack technique. A cocoon formed a cocoon to stun the pursuing Ike.

Varus fired a big move to control the Tsar, which also affected the female gun, making the connection between FPX's front and rear rows no longer smooth. Liu Qingsong used a backhand big move to target Uzi and freeze him.

But Xiaotian was charged and Li Hao found an opportunity.

Flandre's soul-breaking choke (E) did a great job and brought Ike to Li Hao.

He is now at the fourth level of passive. Normal W cannot reset the basic attack, so at the fourth level of passive, the melee AW has one more normal attack damage, and the Conqueror Adaptation layer is added.

The next AQ shot, combined with the damage of the spider on the side, killed Xiaotian without him being able to react!

In this wave, Ekko didn't even use his ultimate move!

"God like!"

The god-like Pan Sen made Jin Gong hesitate.

Pan Sen cooperated with the troublemaker next to him, Tetsuo, and with the E skill in hand, he rushed forward as if he was victorious.

Doinb shouted to Liu Qingsong and prepared to focus his fire to kill Pan Sen instantly.

But Li Hao was also calling out to Flando, but when the female gunner's E skill came up, Flando flashed to R and forcibly charged Doinb's electricity bill!

Without the continuous output point of the Czar, Lin Weixiang, a female gun who is not well developed and has already released her ultimate move, cannot pose a substantial threat.

At the same time, Uzi was released from the control of the female tank's ultimate move. With Spider and Pantheon in front, he only took control but no damage. Ekko was blocked again, and now his output space is perfect!

The dilapidated and fast-moving mutton-sword attack style Varus followed the skillful A move of the puppy, stood behind the Unyielding Spear, and went crazy against the crocodile and female tank!

"No one cares about the puppy!"

"Jin Gong just made armor shoes, but the bloody hand didn't make it. It's not flat enough."

"Pan Sen opened E, the Conqueror stacks were full, Shenyou charged and hit the crocodile in the face, Brother Hao was not weak at all, just like the God of War!"

"As soon as Youmeng is released, we will fight again!"

"Lin Weixiang is just an Essence Scythe, he can't impress anyone!"

"The crocodile can't hold it anymore! If you want to kill the spider, the factory director will fly into the sky, Panson Verus will use Q, and Jin Gong will be shot by Uzi!"

"The female gunner is about to retreat!"


"Seven seconds have passed. Tetsuo did not do enough damage. Doinb came out of the realm of the dead. He is not dead. It's over. Panson didn't care about the female tank. W jumped to the Czar!"

"Doinb is gone!"

On the big screen, the audience let out an "ouch". The Tsar was crippled by Panson's W attack. Tetsuo moved forward to fight, and a Q shot from the air, and the head was taken away with a clang.

In the contestant seat, Jin Gugu looked extremely ugly.

Lin Weixiang disabled Pan Sen and wanted to get the big head, but Varus' E skill slowed him down, and Tetsuo blocked the female tank. Liu Qingsong also knew that something would happen if he continued to chase, so he rationally protected the female gun and retreated to Under the Second Tower, keep hope.

In FPX, all midfielders and junglers died, and Snake only died on Titan. Although everyone except Varus was in bad shape, Snake still made a lot of money this time.

Snake immediately turned his head and looked like he was leaving.

The FPX duo naturally defends under the second tower.

However, the snake team that was about to retreat suddenly turned back, and Tetsuo, with only 1/3 of his health remaining, was at the front.

After retreating to the distance, Pan Sen, with the supplies restored, fired his ultimate move towards the back of the second tower in FPX!

Tetsuo carried the tower and relied on the iron sheet to withstand the first wave of damage, and then walked out. The factory director flew in and cut in, and the dragon-slaying warrior fell from the sky like a meteor!

Full stack of passive W starts, A then Q to cancel the back swing.

Come over this time and directly turn Lin Weixiang into a black screen.

The female tank controls the spider, and the factory director also gives the cocoon to the female tank. Varus and Pantheon deal damage to the female tank together. Tetsuo gives Q outside, the factory director retreats with silk blood, and Panson carries the tower while tilting E. Retreat, and deliver the final blow with the Holy Shield. After retreating from the tower, turn around and shoot again from 800 yards away!

Liu Qingsong failed to move and was stabbed to death under the tower!

FPX was wiped out again!

"An enemy is Legendary."

The super-god notification sound resounded in the headsets of everyone in FPX, it was so harsh.

The uniforms backstage at Little Phoenix were wailing.

From the "Chasing, Chasing, Chasing" that I chanted at the beginning, it has become the "Why chase?" now.

What made them even more desperate was that Snake's remaining four people didn't even push the second tower and went back to the city without giving them any chance.

After Ekko and others are resurrected, they can only clear the line of troops and have a good view of the dragon.

From God's perspective, FPX's economic backwardness has reached 4,500 yuan.

After two consecutive waves, this little phoenix flew farther and farther.

At 19 minutes and 04 seconds, FPX got the Wind Dragon with the advantage of vision, but Snake did not grab it because their key skills did not change well.

The game reached 22 minutes, and the key rhythm appeared again.

Snake pushed four and one, and the iron man who had turned TP went on the road. The Crocodile did not have a T, and it was FPX's key combat power. Jin Gong was on the front for the first time.

The duo was separated to defend the road, but Tetsuo didn't expect to directly zoom in on the female gun.

After Lin Weixiang was beaten and disabled, he fled to the foot of the tower and confronted Tetsuo.

When Tetsuo's ultimate move disappeared, a black dragon fell from the sky. Although his teammates shouted desperately, the female gunner still couldn't make any reaction. Tetsuo took the first step to carry the tower, and his cooperation with Pan Sen was close.

By the time the female tank pointed at Pan Sen, Li Hao had already violently taken Lin Weixiang away.

Purification can remove Pantheon's control, but it cannot remove the damage.

In less than a second, when Lin Weixiang pressed purge, the person was gone.

The female tank controlled Pan Sen and she could only walk back.

Go up to the second tower and get pushed off by Snake.

"What is this operation called?"

"Turn off the lights + the flying dragon is in the sky. It's just dawn over Lin Weixiang's side, and then Sparta falls from the sky. It's really a big surprise."

"Hahaha!" Sister Yiyi laughed, "Lin Weixiang's dream tonight is Pan Sen."

The Cat King sighed:

"In less than ten minutes since the wave in Kamikochi, the situation has changed too quickly. Snake has completely taken over the initiative on the field."

"Pan Sen can jump R to support the wing. It's easy to catch orders. Brother Hao's current damage, combined with Tetsuo, even the crocodile can't handle it."

"FPX couldn't beat it if it forced its way forward. Pan Sen flew away and everyone else was retreating, leaving FPX no chance."

"Snake's double C is so fat now. After a few waves of rhythm, it is already a luxury for FPX to hold back."

Sister Yi Yi said: "Isn't it a pity for little Phoenix?"

"It's a pity. They are in a hurry. They really can't fight like this with Snake."

"Without AD, Snake went towards the dragon pit and wanted to attack the dragon."

"The field of view is too poor, so FPX can only be used."


Soon, Baron Nash screamed, and everyone in the Snake Team lit up with a city-returning beam.

The financial gap has reached 8,000 yuan.

Pan Sen made Resurrection Armor and Small Demon-Drinking Knife again. FPX basically has no chance at this stage.

Colonel KI came out and predicted Snake's winning rate to 90%, and he immediately opened the game.

The colonel's poisonous milk could not save the little Phoenix.

At 25 minutes and 9 seconds, Panson took off again.

This time, his target is the crocodile under the bottom tower.

Snake's upper, middle and jungler teamed up to kill Jin Gong by forcefully jumping over the tower when he used his ultimate move.

Facts have proved that when a Nile crocodile enters a pig-killing farm, it still has to go to the chopping block and cannot escape the butcher's knife.

Flandre didn't get the kill, but her participation in the siege of the crocodile still made him laugh heartily.

In the FPX team's voice, there are constant West Eight sounds.

Without the crocodile, FPX did not have a reliable front row that could fight. Xiaotian did not dare to move forward because he was accused of not being able to use his ultimate move.

FPX was broken on two consecutive high ground.

At 27 minutes and 32 seconds, Snake took the buff, killed the wind dragon, and led the super soldiers into the FPX high ground.

Little Phoenix showed great momentum in this wave, destroying Li Hao's resurrection armor, and killing spiders and titans.

However, except for Doinb, who drifted back to the spring, the rest of them were turned into corpses.

Uzi scored a double kill, Tetsuo and Panson each had a kill.

In the spring, Doinb looked at Pantheon, who was swinging around in front of the crystal hub with a gun. After all, he did not dare to come forward to harass the emperor of Shurima, who was watching his country turn into ruins.

Unyielding Spear scored a luxurious record of 12/0/7, giving FPX a disastrous defeat.

The excited LPL top Haochui Wang Duoduo recited Pan Sen's lines in the studio:

"I am not the Pantheon you know. I am Atreus, a mortal who is about to slay the dragon!"

"And this time, a god is controlling Atreus, and he uses his divine power to easily kill the Phoenix!"

PS: Good night book friends, please update on time before 23:59 tomorrow night.

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