LOL: This man is so strong!

Chapter 625 The powerful evil dragon!

"Watching the game, I thought Little Phoenix was going to win, but the ending was unbelievable again, and Brother Hao was a super MVP again!"

"Flando: Xiangzi, I really tried my best."

"Riot: The skin of Phoenix Slayer Warrior is already being made."

"I'm new, is this Quan Quanhao?"

"Full force? Hahaha, Brother Wolfberry has just warmed up!"

There are also netizens who came from other live broadcast rooms:

"I went to TheBug's live broadcast room during meal time, and the food-eating gun played there was really good. After eating, I came over to watch the game, and it felt like I was in a golden hall. I enjoyed it after dinner."

"If you understand the resource integration clearly, it will be a success."


The commentators and netizens were talking a lot, and the audience in Hongqiao was still excited. The scenes they witnessed today were enough to be taken back and become the talk of the town.

On the Snakes side, the players left the field neatly.

As for Little Phoenix, Xiba Ge felt that his butt was a bit heavy and he couldn't stand up from the gaming chair for a long time. His expression was also very dazed, and he stared straight at the settlement interface with his eyes.

Xiba Ge also specially clicked on Pan Sen's data and shouted "Xi Ba" several times. This was not a curse, but became his exclamation. Only this sound of "Xi Ba" can pour out the inner organs of Xi Ba Ge. Anxiety and depression.

"Brother Gongzi, stop looking and leave quickly."

Xiaoyao pushed his arm with the back of her hand.

Xiba Ge stood up and said to Xiaotian in a somewhat unauthentic Chinese:

"What do you think of my performance just now?"


"Brother Gongzi fought well~!"

"What's wrong with your tone?" Xiba Ge frowned and looked at him.

"It's nothing, I'm just complimenting you."

"It's not because your crocodile played well this time. Our advantage in front of us can't be that big. To be honest, before fighting Snake, I didn't expect you to perform so bravely."

Xiba Ge's mood improved a little, "Flando chose Tetsuo to resist the pressure. I, a crocodile, can retire on the spot if I can't gain an advantage."

But Jin Gong frowned again: "Then tell me, how did we lose?"

"It's simple. Pan Sen on the other side is more powerful."

Xiaotian's words were concise and concise. Jin Gong actually knew what was going on, but he just felt uncomfortable with it.

When he was at his strongest, he really wanted to C.

What pig-killing and pig-raising tactics will work for me?

The West Starling, who was arrogant and strong at first, later found out.

People may just wait for him to get fatter before killing him. This is the same as killing pigs.

Backstage, the two coaches Chen were sitting opposite each other in front of a table with a map of Summoner's Rift on it.

Assistant coach Zhou Lipeng kept adjusting the progress of the video, turning over the service to see the wave on the high ground.

Whenever the four-kill scene appeared, everyone in Little Phoenix beat their chests and sighed.

"It's always like this, hurry up!"

"That's the turning point of the game."

Chen Ruzhi faced Xiaotian Doinb and others: "Look at the signal above. Snake marked the upper road when he hit Xiaolong. This iron man didn't move, probably because he wanted to use his ultimate move to keep people under the tower, but you are very decisive. Just kill him and then take the tower, very well handled.”

"Snake has already started to take action, but was delayed for a while by the water dragon and couldn't get through immediately."

"But if we go to the high ground, Pan Sen will be free. He also took the opportunity to go home and update his equipment. This is because I'm sure you don't want to leave."


Chen Ruzhi slapped his hands up and down: "The Tsar has no R. He can't push Pan Sen away at the first time. They are targeting the fattest crocodile and controlling Jin Gong until death. If we continue to fight later, we will not be able to defeat him!"

Erchen coach Chen Guanting said:

"The King's handling of this wave was very beautiful. Whether it was the placement of his ultimate move, his movement, or which skills he would unleash on whom, they were all done to perfection. We deduced several waves, but we couldn't find a more reasonable plan than him."

"It's terrifying for The King to do this during the game. His brain calculations and control of the situation have simply become instinctive."


"Our failure in this game was not due to subtle operations."

Chen Guanting pointed to his head:

"We lose here."

"The King is Snake's brain. He controls Snake's rhythm and can deal with various situations calmly. Even if the situation is not good for the lineup, he does not rush to find opportunities until we reveal our flaws."

"Maybe we were as calm as him before the game, but when we got to the high ground, everyone became dizzy and was killed calmly by The King."

"In the following time, you have lost your sense of normalcy. When you find an opportunity, you want to fight, but you quickly lose suspense."

The players remained silent because they knew these words were right.

Coach Da Chen said earnestly: "You were cautious at first, but after you gained the advantage, you underestimated your opponent. This is fatal."

"You know, your opponents are top professionals who have dominated various world competitions for four consecutive years!"

"I'm afraid the 14-minute situation couldn't shake his big heart."

"This is what we need to learn. If FPX wants to go further, it must also have a temperament similar to The King's."

"If you have this opportunity again, you must calm down!"

"After the wave in the middle, remember how Snake handled it?"

Xiaotian said: "They left after killing the people and did not push down the tower."

"I was the first to be resurrected, and I couldn't find anyone in the wild area."


"That's what people do, they don't leave you any chance."

The atmosphere calmed down slightly, and Liu Qingsong joked: "Actually, Brother Shengqiang gave us a chance."

"Definitely given a chance."

"But we can't expect Flandre to give her a chance."

"Besides, he has a big brother behind him. There is no other similarly thick leg in the entire league."


This sentence made everyone depressed.

If you have a big brother behind you, it won't matter if you have two waves.

What are we following?

However, Flandre was not feeling well at the moment. Little Phoenix was in a meeting and Team Snake was also in a meeting.

During the halftime break, there was a "gun surrender meeting."

At this moment, Flandre is facing a public trial led by Justices Chris and Zuo Wu.

"Phoenix Sixth Man!"

"Backstab gun!"

"There must be a PY deal with the Xiba people!"

"He was playing on his phone during training last week!"

"A rotten root beneath the dynasty's roots!"

"The bad intentions of a gun are like those behind a snake and another behind a phoenix!"


"I was wrong, I was wrong! Brother!"

Flandre shouted: "I will send you to the end, I am a dog!"

The factory director stood next to Li Hao and sneered: "I can't bear the pressure, so I might as well play with a big tree."


The puppy stood up and said: "It is much safer to use a big tree than an iron sheet."


Flandre had a good attitude in admitting her mistake, and the public trial ended in a few minutes. After winning the game, everyone was just pretending to be a reminder of the holy spear.

In the last game, he did have a problem with his iron skin.

Since you are resisting pressure, you must withstand the pressure of the jungle.

It is definitely a taboo to wander off the tower if you are not sure.

For the Snake Team players, looking back on the game just now, it was indeed tense and exciting, as well as a sense of happiness and solidity.

People couldn't help but look at the man enjoying Mr. Zuo's massage.

"Made, they are all men, why do I think he is more handsome the more I look at him!"

The puppy slapped himself in the face.

Lu Mao smiled and said, "That's because Brother Hao's aura is too strong."

"Brother Hao just scored four kills, and then he was so awesome, destroying FPX in several consecutive waves, I thought he was so handsome."

"you're right."

The factory director and Uzi said in unison.

Then they made the same move.

He picked up the same thermos cup as Li Hao's on the table and started drinking.

These days, if the veterans don't take care of themselves, it's really not possible.

In the past, they would have thought it was just following the crowd and pseudoscience.

But after approaching Shi Yizhong, Pig Dog discovered it again.

What pseudoscience, that’s science!

"What did you drink?"

"I soaked the wolfberry."

"I also soaked wolfberry."

The pig and dog smiled happily.

After a while, the on-site staff came running over. It was a little girl. She came over and called the two teams to come on stage.

At the door of the Snake Team, the little girl curiously looked inside and found the figure in the crowd.

Not only the audience and commentators, but also the on-site staff were also discussing the game during the break. Naturally, the ID TheKing was mentioned the most.

Regarding Shi Yizhong, even people within the circle cannot stop their curiosity.

"Brother Hao, a young lady is peeking at you."

"People are looking at it openly, not peeping."

"I think she's looking at you more."

Li Hao stared at the holy spear and said firmly.

"It's impossible, right?" Flandre didn't believe it, but there was a look of joy and anticipation on her face, waiting for Li Hao's follow-up.

"What are you thinking of? Of course it's impossible."


Holy Spear walked out while wailing: "Brother Hao, you are teasing me again~!"

Zuo Wu was behind, sneaking a kick at the Holy Spear's butt.

"You can't even hear this. Brother Hao is reminding you."

"Like the previous one, everyone will be chasing after Flandre."

"Take a look, look, this is the top laner who ended Snake's winning streak. He is worthy of being the top laner of the Triple Crown Dynasty. He easily defended the top player in e-sports."

"Hahaha!" People around laughed, and even Xiao Ma failed to control his expression.

"Dear viewers, the second round of FPX and SnakeBO3 has begun!"

"FPX took the initiative to take down Pan Sen on the red side."


"Aphelios was released, and Snake took it directly. The old thief Sima replaced Uzi in this game. There are many usage records of Aphelios in the recent Rank."

"FPX still chooses female tanks + female guns, and they still trust this system."


As the commentators continued to follow up, the two sides completed the BP.

Blue Square Snake: Wrist Hero, Troll, Silas, Aphelios, Gem Knight

Red side FPX: Ornn, Pig Girl, Tsar, female gun, female tank

After loading, the game officially begins.

Fans of Little Phoenix and other teams in the league still have great expectations for FPX players.

Having learned from the previous game, if a similar situation can be played again, I believe FPX will grasp it better. This is also the reason why their C position has not changed.

For ordinary viewers, the Snakes bring an e-sports feast.

For most teams, Snake has become an evil dragon.

Little Phoenix, rush to the duck!

At 4 minutes and 04 seconds, just like a script, Xiaotian came to the bottom lane again.

The newly debuted Xiaohang also lost ground under Xiaotian's sharp gank.

The Japanese female card controlled the gem with vision and ignited it. Xiaotian Q flashed and continued to control the chain, and Lin Weixiang tried his best to output.

In this wave, Gem died, but the first blood was obtained by the Japanese girl's Ignition.

Coach Er Chen's scalp backstage was numb. They wanted to pick up the water dispenser backstage to put out Liu Qingsong's ignition.

The factory director also took action. His troll came to the top lane and cooperated with Wanhao to force Ornn to flash.

First blood was obtained by FPX, but they still made money.

But two minutes later, Shi Yizhong in the middle attacked Doinb.

Silas stole the Tsar's ultimate move E and went up to push the Tsar back. As the audience screamed, the troll arrived and cooperated with Silas to kill the Tsar.

The Snakes' four-pack-two rhythm continued into this game. At 7 minutes and 17 seconds, Silas and the Trolls came to the bottom lane and cooperated with their own duo to kill the FPX duo that was deep in the line.

The game entered the rhythm of the snake team, and the economic snowball began to roll.

FPX also became nervous. In the next five minutes, they let go of the Fire Dragon and Earth Dragon to avoid fighting and wait for opportunities.

However, the opportunity was not found by Little Phoenix, but was caught by the Snake Team.

Just like what Coach Chen said backstage, they can't always count on Flando to give them a chance.

At 13 minutes and 49 seconds, Brother Holy Spear came to the middle, and he flashed R to the Czar.

This wave of crows took the plane and carried the Tsar into Silas's arms. Doinb dodged and escaped, and was pulled to his side by Setiliu E. Silas came up with an E and killed him with the sound of "Duang" and "Duang" .

The troll released the Canyon Pioneer and cooperated with Li Hao to eat four layers of the tower skin. If Xiaotian and the duo hadn't come over, the middle tower would have been destroyed.

At 17 minutes and 34 seconds, the two sides launched a Canyon Pioneer team battle.

In this wave, FPX got the vanguard, and under Xiaotian's initiative, cooperated with the Tsar to kill Aphelios. The troll who failed to grab the vanguard was wiped out by Lin Weixiang's ultimate move.

FPX seems to be winning.

But Gem gave Seti and Silas the ultimate move, and the two men rushed into the FPX crowd like gods of war.

The Tsar and the Gunslinger were killed one after another, and the Troll Pillar left Orn Pig Girl behind.

Holy Spear Brother deliberately punched, and the real damage made Pig Girl and Ornn feel happy.

Silas stuck to them like a dog-skin plaster and beat Xiba Ge and Xiao Wei wildly.

Amid Uzi's loud cheers in the background, Silas used his overflowing kills to kill two more people, and once again won the Quadro kill!

"Four kills, another four kills!"

"Oh my god, Brother Hao is going crazy, Flandre is no longer playing the role, what is a dynasty combination?!"

The Cat King shouted: "Two people rushed in, and five people were running away!"

"Good cooperation! Good cooperation!"

Sister Bibi had already stood up: "Silas and Seti are rushing forward under the acceleration of the troll pillar, and FPX cannot escape at all!"

Wang Duoduo kindly reminded: "Sister Yi Yi, the troll pillar is slowing down, not accelerating."

"If FPX is slowed down, Snake is accelerated." Sister Yiyi responded quickly.

Cat King and Wang Duoduo didn't stop. They looked at the screen and saw that the female tank had already escaped.

"In the last game, Brother Hao had five kills but was missing Lin Weixiang."

"In this game, Brother Hao's five kills were missing Liu Qingsong."

"It's not that I won't kill them, this is Brother Hao's kindness to my little brothers!"

"This man is so tough that it makes the alliance world tremble. He always ravages us with his damn gentleness, causing pain and joy. This is Brother Hao~!"

Some people also shouted:

"How brave! Mr. Tie didn't even give me his head!"

Both Da Chen and Er Chen were silent now.

The scene of Silas and Seti rushing in was played back on the FPX backstage screen, and Gem's invincible ultimate move landed on their heads.

FPX is in chaos, and without skills they can only retreat.

The butcher entered the pigsty, which is similar to this situation.

When Snake picked up the rhythm, the pressure FPX faced in the second game was not of the same magnitude as the first game.

The famous LCK Haochui CT brother said this while watching the live broadcast:

"FPX must be missing the 14 minutes of the last game."

"Are you right? Xu Xiu."

Sitting in the guest seat, Xiu Mei stared at Silas on the screen with light in her eyes.

He nodded and agreed:

"That's right."

"That might be FPX's only chance in this life, but it's a pity that they didn't seize it."


The game reached 24 minutes and 50 seconds. Snake rushed to the high ground with the Baron Buff, and Sett, Troll and Silas used the gem ultimate move like three tanks.

FPX should be avoided at first.

But Silas stole the Tsar's ultimate move, flashed E and predicted Doinb's move, and reversed an R to push four FPX players!

The whole audience exclaimed, Li Hao shocked everyone with his skill and put FPX into Snake's chariot!

After a chaotic fight, no one in the snake team died. Doinb once again bent the drainage channel and drifted away, just like a sudden escape.

"Legacy of Seven."

"Teachers come from the same school."


"Never be destroyed."

"Shurima, your emperor is alive again, but the empire is destroyed again."


Snake didn't delay any longer, even Ma Ma, who got three kills, couldn't become indifferent, and Flandre, who was feeling aggrieved on the stage, was even more happy.

A wave passed in the middle, but Tsar could not hold it alone and was taken away by Snake.

The Crystal Hub was broken, and FPX became the thirteenth stepping stone on the road to invincibility.


"Congratulations Snake!"

"It's scary, this is their 26th consecutive victory in the spring split!"

"Who else is next?"

PS: Good night book friends, please update on time before 23:59 tomorrow night.

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