LOL: This man is so strong!

Chapter 651 Superhero!

# 2020Msi #

# Opening game, Snake vs. C9! #

On May 10, all kinds of news about Msi poured in.

Officials have received clear data. Msi is also held in China, and the popularity this year is far higher than in the past.

Especially after MSI's schedule was announced and the teams for the opening match were determined, related hot searches sprung up like mushrooms after a rain.

C9 is not TSM, but it represents the LCS division after all.

And what about Li Hao?

He is the savior of the North American region. He almost single-handedly quelled the unrest in North America, broke the curse on the LCS in the past nine years, recreated the miracle he created in the LPL region, and brought light to two regions that were plunged into darkness. Lead them to the S crown.

Therefore, in just one year, he staged a gorgeous season of "The Coming of God" centered among the angels and conquered the entire North American e-sports.

Now, in 2019, the S Championship Division and the Dynasty Division collide, and the biggest reason for this glory is attributed to one person.

In addition to the sparks between the two teams, Li Hao once again became the center of public opinion.

While the sun was shining brightly over Jinling, Los Angeles on the other side of the ocean was shrouded in darkness.

On this special late night, many bars, e-sports clubs and private cinemas in Los Angeles were crowded with e-sports fans gathering from all over. They were looking forward to the sunset over Jinling, because that meant that tonight’s carnival was about to begin. .

In the LCS studio, after a year of hard work, Smith has secured his position as the No. 1 player in North America. Under the lighting from the studio ceiling, Smith's shiny hair is even more dazzling today.

David beside him also successfully defeated a group of supernovas in the Haobui world and became the second Haobui in North America.

Because of Li Hao's strong North American fan base, David was squeezed into one of the most popular league commentators in North America.

In just over a year, he counterattacked as a rookie and established himself in the commentary world.

You know, in 2018, David was just a fledgling commentary trainee.

His deeds have opened the door for many rookie commentators to think.

But today, as the Haochui system becomes increasingly mature, if the angle is not tricky enough, the dividends will not be so delicious. The position of the old Haochui is really too stable.

The LCS veteran commented that Riv has more white hair on his head and the beard on his chin is thicker.

Even late at night, this old North American man who loves league e-sports is not willing to give up. When he was talking to David Smith, Riv was laughing and cooperating with them because of the explicit hints of the two Haofui commentators. .


"We definitely should give C9 more confidence. Before the game, the C9 front office team promised that we will overthrow The King! We need to change the concept of LCS in S9, and C9 will replace The King as the new belief of LCS, haha Ha ha!!"

"Sorry, this is so funny."

Smith opened his mouth wide and tears seemed to fall:

"This is the funniest joke I've heard this year. Where is their memory? Have they forgotten how to survive under The King's rule last season?"

Riv praised: "That's really difficult."

Smith nodded: "More difficult than finding my lost embroidery needle in a haystack."

He smiled and said sarcastically: "Saturday Night Live has been broadcast for more than 40 years. I have seen many humorous skits and funny performances. If the program team lacks inspiration, they can go to C9, or...C9's uniform team We should team up with Stephen Colbert and let them host The Late Show together, and America will spend the weekend laughing."

David on the side also hit the point:

"Don't forget Nisqy, what did the Belgian say before the game?"

"LokeN learned to meditate, and he, Nisqy, also learned to meditate. My God, he really dared to say it!"

“I would like to know, who do the Belgians meditate on?”

Smith's head seemed to be flashing light bulbs. He opened his fingers and counted: "Maybe it's R Emperor, Hat Emperor, Magneto Emperor, P Emperor, Mountain Emperor, Pig Emperor, Dragon Emperor, Black Emperor, Jane Emperor, Sour Emperor." Emperor."

When the emperors were named one by one, the old commentator Riv also let himself go and laughed like an ape.

The same is true for viewers watching the live broadcast. C9 is not favored at all in the LCS.


It seems that C9 has achieved its goal.

They are now attracting much attention, and they have successfully achieved their goal by engaging in gimmicks to attract traffic.

In the early stage of the group stage, these top casters were still staying in their own divisions to stabilize the local popularity of the LCS and at the same time allow the new casters to practice outside.

The knockout stage is the real event.

Haochui, the pinnacle of the four major competition areas, will gather in China.

At this moment, the C9 team, who was preparing backstage at the Jinling Olympic Sports Center, of course saw the crazy comments from the commentators in their own division.

On the C9 team, except for the Belgian teenager in the mid lane who looked slightly dark, other players including the uniform team were even smiling and listening to their excitement with interest.

Head coach Reapered put his arm around Nisqy's shoulders and joked:

"Dude, take it easy."

"I'm waiting to see you defeat The King. I can swear that if you can do it, I will introduce you to my uncle's daughter. She often hangs out in Miami Beach and has a hot body."

"Nisqy, whether you can add the most legendary moment to my coaching career depends on your performance!"

Before Nisqy had time to complain, Licorice, who won the palace battle last season, came up and teased: "Nisqy, how is your meditation?"

When it came to this, Nisqy couldn't help it.

"Oh! Shit!"

"That's The King. If you guys use me as a shield, God would find it cruel."

“Just thinking about last year’s game makes me feel heavy.”

"The monster The King seems to be stronger this year!"

Nisqy looked frightened, obviously thinking of the scene of S9 being crazily dominated in the LCS. He said weakly: "So, no matter what you say, I don't have any confidence."

"In the spring finals, I played PowerOfEvil. I performed well at the time, but that guy was just a backdrop for The King. I couldn't even achieve half of the level of the LCS finals."

Nisqui raised a hand and said, "I swear to God, I'm not telling you a lie."

The Belgians are definitely under the greatest pressure right now. Look what's happening in the LCS studio.

There's nothing we can do about it.

Who called him the mid laner?

C9 wants to market, and his position is the most suitable.

Although he understood that his teammates were joking as usual, Nisquet still took this opportunity to express his feelings and let out the pressure in his heart.

As soon as five o'clock arrives, we will fight against the number one player in e-sports!

Msi, global attention, directly online!

Farke, how could you not panic! !

If he hadn’t experienced S9, Nisqui might still be a little fanciful, but last season, The King pushed them to the ground in North America and rubbed them all over the place, and tortured them repeatedly for more than a year. Niscui is not the kind of player who can stand up to beatings. He really It's like being scared of being beaten, just like a mouse seeing an old cat.

Not to mention TheKing, sometimes when playing the US server and suddenly seeing a summoner with The as his ID, he gets excited.

Therefore, as soon as Li Hao left this season, he felt that his breathing became easier, and the pressure of the LCS dropped by more than half.

The Belgian is a little cautious. His contract with C9 is about to expire and he doesn't want to be the one who takes the blame.

Sure enough, when everyone saw his serious face, head coach Reapered stopped joking and called an executive from the operations department over to chat with Nisqy.

C9 understands the attitudes and expectations of the LCS audience.

Compared to C9 winning, LCS viewers want to see the legend continue.

It's simple, they like superheroes, and The King is the perfect superhero in their minds. Movies and TV shows can't compare to him because he is alive.

C9 pretends to be cool on the outside, but is just like Mirror on the inside. Not to mention Nisqy, even head coach Reapered is scared to death. He was also trembling in the background last season.

After so many emperors were sealed in one year, the division was almost destroyed.

After a year of shuffling around, the LCS team basically gave up hope after learning about Li Hao's status this season.

Just like Smith's big mouth said: If The King is here, it will still be his era.

There is such a domineering king in the league. Some people want to challenge him, some want to follow in his footsteps, and naturally there are also people who manage and plan, give up what should be given up, and get what should be obtained, in order to achieve the greatest benefit.

C9 thinks it is smart.

Now, they get the attention they want.

"Nisque, you are still young. We must seize the moment and make the most of everything to pave the way for the future."

C9 operations director David said: "The past four years have told us that The King is unbeatable, and we at C9 need to be a smart team."

"Such an idea is a disgrace in esports and seems cowardly, but..."

David's wrinkled face forced a helpless smile: "I really don't know how to defeat this guy!"

"Fake, I believe he is the god of e-sports. After learning that he once again dominated the LPL and won consecutive championships, I fell into shock, despair and numbness."

"Don't fight this monster head-on, it's too irrational."

"What we need to do is to seize the opportunity now, increase our exposure, and let fans around the world remember us. We must fight tooth and nail in the face of that monster to let everyone understand that our failure is not due to negativity."

"Maybe we are like clowns now, but it is better than rotting in the mud and no one knows. When The King leaves the league, it will be time for you young people to turn over the past."

"The clown at that time only needed a few wonderful games to transform the previous impression and deepen it again."

"So, Nisque, I understand your resentment, but please understand that this is good for you, too."

"Besides, the club has no intention of giving up on you, so don't worry."

After patiently listening to David's heartfelt words, Nisqy was basically relieved.

Especially the last sentence.

Professional players are like that sometimes, they worry about losing their jobs at any time.

"I see."

"Mr. David, I will actively cooperate with all the team's instructions."

"Especially today, I want The King to see my determination and courage."

Coach Reapered and David were very pleased, and they looked at Nisqui with smiles on their faces.

The Belgian has clearly embraced his persona.

Now that he actively cooperates, C9 can operate better.

When C9 was doing simulations and five-year plans for the next three years, the time quietly came to five o'clock.

In the Jinling Olympic Sports Center, the huge movement of tens of thousands of spectators from all over the world instantly penetrated the reinforced concrete wall, penetrated the last layer of white on the wall, and made the eardrums of the C9 backstage players vibrate.

Players from the North American region enjoy lively occasions.

This moment at the Jinling Olympic Sports Center undoubtedly ignited them.

Nisqui stared at the big screen backstage and said in a rapid voice:

"The trophy return ceremony has begun!"

"Riot, TSM management, and his teammates in the TSM team have all given full respect to this unprecedented single trophy return!"

"This is also the gratitude of the LCS and TSM teams to him!"

"The King!"

"It's his solo, and he alone controls such a big stage!"

"He showed up, he showed up!"

They shouted excitedly, because the man who was gradually heading towards the mid-season championship trophy was so dazzling!

Licorice, Blaber, Nisqy, Zven, Vulcan

C9's five starters, plus the coaching staff, all stared at the big screen, their eyes following the figure.

The man above has the ability to make the entire C9 team surrender without a fight.

Throughout the entire history of the league, this is definitely the only one who can make the North American Spring Finals champion team accept this kind of psychological humiliation and frustration!

Operations Director David was agitated in his heart, with unspeakable emotions brewing crazily.

Not only him, but probably the coaching staff of many teams in the world are like this.

The man on the stage suppressed them for four full years, and all his enemies spent their time suffocated.

Now, it is the fifth year.

Who would have thought four years ago that in this alliance world, such a person would emerge from nowhere and suppress the current generation.

At the Jinling Olympic Sports Center, many media people carried cameras and took pictures continuously.

Following the official DJ's voice, Li Hao faced all kinds of lights, strolled in the center of the stage, and stopped in front of the silver trophy.

In the LPL studio, Wang Duoduo, the Haier brothers and others shouted continuously.

"TSM is the 2019 MSI champion, but everyone else has given up on this ceremony. This is also supported by Riot, and the voice in the LCS is even more terrifying."

"Almost everyone believes that the biggest factor in LCS winning the first championship is Brother Hao!"

"The league is a game of five people, but without Brother Hao in 2019, there would be no series of North American miracles, and there would be no MSI championship and S championship. Brother Hao's terrifying statistics in the 2019 season can overcome any doubts!"

"Now, let us witness together, the first person in e-sports returns the trophy to the podium!"

The on-site director is very good at capturing photos.

At the front of the audience seats, a group of people appeared.

Big Brother, Bilson, Black, Maggiola and TSM’s boss, Captain Orangutan.

Except for the stupid guy who couldn't be there, all the other TSM members were there.

They also noticed the camera and didn't wave.

Big brother and Black also shouted "The King".

As a living fossil of e-sports, their dreams came true because of Li Hao.

Now, it is not surprising at all to give Li Hao the honor he deserves.

Mutual achievement is also a kind of romance.

In the center of the stage, amid thunderous applause and cheers, Li Hao was shrouded in lights. Amid the passionate emotions of tens of millions of Hao fans, he picked up the trophy and placed it firmly on the podium.

Huge pillars of flames shoot out from all around, forming a stunning background!

This will be another unforgettable scene in the history of e-sports!

Captain Orangutan successfully captured the photo and tweeted excitedly,

Below the picture, he left a message:

"The strongest e-sports player in the galaxy, TSM once had the luxury of having a season. TheKing, thank you forever, our superhero!"

At this moment, countless eyes are gathering in the e-sports world.

In each competition area, commentators shouted in different voices:

"The trophy return ceremony is over, Summoners, the 2020 League of Legends Mid-Season Championship has officially begun!"

"Ladies and gentlemen, this is the Jinling Olympic Sports Center!"


"The opening match will start between C9 and Snake!"

PS: Good night book friends, please update on time before 23:59 tomorrow night.

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