LOL: This man is so strong!

Chapter 652 Breaking the record!

Accompanied by live background music, the director's camera moved to the contestant channel.

As the host, Snake players appeared on stage one by one, with starting substitutes and coaches. Every time the DJ called out an ID, the big screen updated the makeup photos. The audience at Jinling came from all over the world, with local Chinese fans accounting for the majority.

But as soon as Snake's players showed up, most of them cheered, whether they were local fans or not.

Looking at all previous MSIs, the only one with such a fan base in the group stage is the 2020 Mid-Season Invitational.

Especially when Li Hao, who completed the trophy return ceremony alone, appeared again, he directly pushed the atmosphere of the Olympic Sports Center to the top!

Just looking towards the auditorium, the luminous support object swayed in the Olympic Center, like waves on the sea, undulating in layers, colorful, and slowly and continuously swayed with the cheers, and many spectators in the back row stood up. There were various exaggerated luminous text panels written on them, trying to attract the attention of the director.

For example, a few rough young men held up a panel that read "We love Brother Hao" with various pink hearts painted on the side. They were indeed more wanton and hungry than the young ladies.

On the stage, all members of Snake stood still.

The pigs and dogs were very excited. They hadn't beaten Msi for a long, long time.

Brother Xia Ma made a gesture of touching the floor.

This was not his first visit to the Olympic Sports Center, but this time, the floor under his feet was of great significance to him.

World Championship!

Xiao Ma tried hard to control his expression, but his heart was already in a storm.

This was his first, dreamlike touch.

The original dream has now become a reality.

Lu Mao, who was similar to Xiao Hang, waved and greeted the audience together with several big brothers. Their excitement was written on their faces. This was the biggest world championship experience in their lives.

Taking this step will put you ahead of many professional players.

The stage under my feet at this moment can be the envy of many people in the industry.

Not to mention, they are standing beside the number one player in e-sports.

The Holy Spear is the one standing next to Li Hao.

In 2020, they competed in the World Championship again.

The old snake fans who have been here since 2016 are almost in tears.

Memories from a few years ago came flooding back.

Gangzi, who was currently live broadcasting on Huya, initially showed off his legendary experience of competing with Shi Yizhong and conquering the world. However, after seeing the barrage filled with content about Holy Spear and Brother Hao being in the same frame, he just I have to admit that he is a little envious.

"If Flowerpot Man doesn't find Brother Hao to realize his dream, why should he be a small anchor here?"

"Cuihua, Gangzi, Flower Pot Man, Brother Hao, is there still a chance to get together?"

"Jiezou: Sorry, I was offended."

someone said:

"Gangzi definitely wants to go, but he is only one year younger than Brother Hao. If he fights against Brother Hao in his current state, he will definitely be dragging his feet. Maybe Brother Hao can lead Gangzi, but how can Gangzi embarrass Big Brother? Woolen cloth?"

Others said:

"Although the Holy Spear is not at its peak, it is still in its prime, and with Brother Hao's training, he will definitely be an excellent puzzle piece. Flowerpot Man is not good, so it is good to be young."

"Time is like a butcher's knife. The flower pot man has long been covered with wounds. Only Brother Hao held the handle of the knife."

Seeing Brother Jingshu sighing in the live broadcast room, someone took the opportunity to ask:

"Gangzi, what do you think is Snake's chance of winning this year?"

Gangzi immediately regained his composure and raised his eyebrows:

"you still need to ask?"

"With Brother Hao here, that's 100%!"

He began to complain again: "I can already imagine that Flandre, who is so stupid, will definitely show off to me later!"

While Gangzi was chatting with friends in the live broadcast room, players from C9 appeared one after another.

After the host Yu Shuang gave a brief opening speech and mobilized the atmosphere, both parties entered the contestants' seats.

About two minutes later, the referee from Riot announced the start of the game.

C9 is on the red side, and as soon as they come up, they start to ban people frantically.

"Enchantress, Akali, Silas, Zoe, Haoyue!"

"Hahaha, C9 five-ban mid laner!"

In the studio, Wawa was almost laughing to death: "Did Gaoyue also take the position?"

“Brother Hao’s five kills on JDG probably scared C9.”

Miller told the truth:

"It's probably useless for C9 to ban people like this."

"To ban Brother Hao's hero, I'm afraid it will take 20 triggers."

"Twenty pull positions are probably useless."

Colonel Guan said with a smile: "At that time, the Snakes changed a player to the middle to resist the pressure, and Brother Hao went to the wing with a backhand to dominate."

"On Snake's side, the only target to ban is Aphelios. We don't plan to let Uzi play in this round, nor will we let him play Zven."

Wang Duoduo praised: "This is the professionalism of the Snake Team!"

"They were really cautious and didn't take it lightly just because their opponent was C9."

"Zven has played Aphelios in 9 games in the spring split, with a 100% winning rate! Maybe Snake is not afraid, but taking it down is the safest thing."


The Snake team chose the last two hands on the blue side, which were Tahm and the Desert Emperor.

C9 Kang specially selected Seti, and the lineups of both sides were locked.

Snake: Crocodile, Piggy, Tsar, Senna, Tam

C9: Sett, Prince, Syndra, Varus, Thresh

Coach Reapered looked at both lineups and he was very satisfied.

C9 got what they wanted. This is a very mature set they have honed in the spring split.

For C9 to have such a high winning rate in the league this year, Coach Reapered would like to thank Li Hao. Last year, the strict teacher Hao taught them a lot. C9 is a good student and has been studying hard.

Now this lineup is paired with tactics and has proven successful in the LCS.

Niskui faced Shi Yizhong, and he was fighting the Desert Emperor with his own Syndra, so there was really little pressure.

For a moment, Coach Reapered even felt a little swollen.

This is a chance to win the game!

He stayed for a few seconds, encouraged everyone on C9 on the field, and emphasized the need to implement the tactics, and then hurriedly shook hands with Chris.

The hero enters the Summoner's Rift, and the battle between the two sides officially begins!

It seems that the first-level regiment has not exploded, but in fact it has.



The active C9 players, with their dog tags flying brightly, kept saying hello.

As the LCS spring champion, C9 still has two skills.

In the first three minutes of the game, there were no blows in any lane, and the two sides were fighting back and forth.

C9 seemed to be jumping out of the gate at the beginning, and they often made big talk before the game. Unexpectedly, during the game, these people were really not just talking nonsense.

The C9 players initiated the first wave of rhythm, followed the prepared tactics, and chose to capture when there was no hope of catching.

Nisqui was unable to gain line rights in the confrontation with Li Hao, but this did not prevent him from abandoning his line and forcing his teammates to execute tactics.

At 3 minutes and 05 seconds, the prince, Syndra, Thresh, and Varus formed a four-pack of two!

Relying on this rapid linkage, many North American teams were caught and collapsed.

However, the Snake Team's information interaction and tactical prediction capabilities are not comparable to those of rough North American teams.

The duo that received Li Hao's message early cleared the line of troops and kept their skills.

C9 captured it forcefully without a line of troops!

As a result, Syndra's tower was controlled by Senna, Thresh's son was dodged by Uzi, and Tahm was protected.

C9 didn't drop anyone right away, and in a panic, C9 failed to do a good job of substituting players to carry the tower.

This resulted in the prince and Syndra being counter-killed by the Snake duo, and Uzi was forced into two heads, making the players laugh out loud.

"I'm full, I'm full!"

“Thanks to four chefs from North America.”

"Defense Tower: Calling me daddy is not too much, right?"

Understanding Emperor shouted in the comment area:

"I understand! This is the real conspiracy of C9. They sent Uzi heads like crazy so that Uzi could win the MVP!"

“This is C9’s real challenge to Brother Hao!”

"Even if you are Shi Yizhong, whoever wins the MVP of a game must ask our C9! So what if you are invincible? Once our C9 exerts its strength, even pigs and dogs can take off!"

In fact, this was really not intentional on C9’s part.

Backstage at the Jinling venue, Coach Reapered and David looked ugly.

The tactics were indeed implemented, but the script was wrong!

A wave of setbacks did not let C9 give up.

4 minutes and 50 seconds later, C9 once again implemented the four-pack-two tactic!

As for the coaching staff, they follow through.

There was no troop line in the last wave, but this time we do!

But Coach Reapered and David in the background covered their eyes.

The factory director's spiritual counter-crouching, the combination of pig and dog, and Tahm's protection once again pushed back C9's attack.

C9 did a better job of substituting players to carry the tower than in the previous wave. No one died, and a few remaining health ran towards the bottom of their own tower.

Unfortunately, the Desert Emperor had already arrived to support him before he reached the halfway point.

As soon as the sand soldier was released, E landed on the sand soldier. In the process, Q moved the sand soldier to poke the remaining blood Thresh. The two seamless displacements of the czar accepted Vulcan's 300 pieces during the flight.

After Li Hao arrived, the factory director stopped retaining skills. Q flash followed up and then retained Syndra.

Nisquet was stabbed to death by a sand soldier.

In order to protect Zven, the prince turned back and forced him to replace Tahm. He was controlled by Senna, and the Tsar killed him three times in one wave.

Zven also caught up with the flash, C9 played 3 for 1, and the loss exploded.

Their early lineup, after sending two consecutive waves, had already used up all the fault tolerance in the early and mid-term.

And the rhythm of the Snakes team followed closely.

At 7 minutes and 10 seconds, Niskui and Li Hao exchanged skills in the middle. His push was dodged. The two Tsar soldiers refreshed their EQ with W, and the three sand soldiers poked at close range. Syndra lost blood.

Li Hao calculated that he would flash the CD, and after seeing the prince coming, he still tyrannically ate Nisquet.

Nisqy's memory in S9 seemed to be awakened, and he was in panic.

Blaber failed to save Syndra.

Prince EQ came over. While he was still in the air, he was pushed away by the Tsar with his ultimate move, and flew towards Snake with Syndra!

There was a burst of exclamation at the scene!

Nisque had no hope of escaping, so he released the R skill without any thought.

The Tsar was unafraid and stabbed Syndra to death.

Blaber wanted to try to kill the unskilled Czar, but his vision from the river saved his life. When he saw Piggy coming from the river, Blaber didn't look back and ran away in despair.

This wave did not end. The Czar got the kill and pushed the line into the tower again.

The prince, who had eaten a group of wild monsters, came to the middle to defend the line, but the top laners on both sides did not teleport.

Li Hao immediately turned down with Zhu Mei.

He judged the approximate eye position from the prince's actions, so he took a detour from the jungle area and cleverly avoided C9's vision.

The seemingly simple operation allows the audience to experience its extremely keen observation and awareness.

On the way down, I thought the Czar was coming home, so I was unprepared.

While waiting for the troops to enter the tower, Pig Girl and the Tsar appeared from behind the tower.

In this wave, Zven and Vulcan also tasted the most authentic four-for-two.

The two of them returned home with a black screen.

C9 tried to find rhythm to compensate.

At 8 minutes and 50 seconds, they called Seti and Syndra to cooperate with the prince in fighting the Canyon Pioneer.

Snake arrived in time after taking the first fire dragon. I don't know whether it was because of nervousness. The first wave of skills facing the Tsar was twisted away by various moves, making the air tremble.

The pig girl left someone for R, Syndra was killed first, the prince followed closely, and the crocodile and the tsar each took a head.

Seti risked his life and took the pig girl Crow on a plane to forcibly pick up the Eye of the Pioneer.

He was retained by Crocodile Red Fury W and stabbed to death by a sand soldier.

Relying on this pioneering eye, C9 did destroy Snake's top defensive tower, but in only 9 minutes and 29 seconds, Nisque's middle tower was demolished by Li Hao alone.

You know, Niskui uses Syndra!

This is committing a crime!

At the 14th minute of the game, four people from C9 caught the crocodile to death.

But Snake easily got the first tower and water dragon in the bottom lane, and Li Hao went to the C9 wild area to eat the blue buff.

At 15 minutes and 15 seconds, the Snakes team, which had an absolute advantage, steadily controlled the second vanguard.

As the two sides competed for vision, a conflict broke out in the C9 red zone.

Thresh's Lantern wanted to save Syndra, but Li Hao came over to insert the real eye. Niskui nodded his eyes with his hands. This scene made the studio laugh, but it made Niskui's blood pressure rise in the player's seat.

Syndra died in battle, the prince was maimed and escaped. Snake released the vanguard and directly destroyed the second tower in C9.

By the time Snake collected the third earth dragon drawing card Dragon Soul at 19 minutes, the financial difference between the two sides had reached 9,000 yuan.

The director showed me the C9 map, and the wild area was completely dark.

At 21 minutes and 26 seconds, the prince was exposed to Snake's sight. Crocodile Pig Girl was in front. Tam drove the czar around behind. This wave of Blaber was unable to fly and died on the way to the dragon's sight.

As soon as the prince died, Snake directly attacked the dragon.

C9 didn't have the strength to grab it, so they could only switch to a lower tower and control the lower half of the field of view.

This big dragon allowed C9 to lose the high ground in the middle.

At 25 minutes and 01 seconds, Snake went to get the Earth Dragon Soul. C9 didn't want to go, but had to go to the jungle to pick up the team.

However, in this wave, Licorice, the top laner in Canada, made a contribution.

Through the real eye left by Snake when he defeated the dragon before, Seti completed the back TP.

He carried the 200-pound little fat man in front of Nisque, and combined with the damage done by Syndra and Varus, he knocked out Senna instantly.

Snake lost a C position, and his position was cut by Varus's ultimate move. He immediately retreated. Just when C9 wanted to take over Xiaolong, the director backhanded him with a ultimate move.

Flandre comes in to act as a spoiler, and Tam stands next to the Czar.

Li Hao avoided Thresh's hook while moving, relying on pigs and crocodiles to control the sand soldiers to poke wildly at the dragon pit.

The Desert Emperor, who already had a four-piece set, found the output space, and the violent damage caused the Olympic Sports Center to scream incessantly!

"The prince and Seti want to cut the tsar, and Syndra pushes the ball!"

"Brother Hao flashes to change positions, don't retreat but advance!! Give R!"

"Wall of the Guards!"


"C9 was pushed into the dragon pit, and the four of them took off!"

"C9 is finished, the sand soldiers came in, Brother Hao closed the door and beat the dog! Xiaolong became an accomplice, and Snake is still five people!"

"The stacks of Conquerors are full, Sindra Verus can't withstand Brother Hao's damage at all!"


"They're all going to die!"


On the big screen, three sand soldiers poked at her, and Syndra almost evaporated.

The crocodile took away the remaining health of Varus, and the factory director punished and grabbed the dragon soul.

When the prince and Seti came over again, the green hair swallowed the tsar, leaving everyone in North America in despair.

C9 was completely defeated, and Thresh was also killed during the Snake Team's pursuit.

The director showed the economic panel, and the audience was shocked and horrified.

"Snake's financial lead reaches fifteen thousand yuan!"

"Oh my god, Brother Hao is ahead by nearly 8,000 yuan alone!!"

"Nisqui lost his hemp!"

Miller was surprised: "Msi's opening game revealed such a huge economic gap."

"The game is not over yet."

"I feel like Brother Hao is going to be ahead by 10,000 yuan!"

Snake took a huge lead, and before C9 could react, they quickly rushed out the baron.

At 29 minutes and 28 seconds, with super soldiers, Snake attacked the C9 highland.

The North American team did not choose to retreat, but fought fiercely with the Snakes on the high ground.

Unfortunately, the equipment was so different that they didn't get a single head.

The Czar was attacked by C9. After Tamu provided the first round of protection, Li Hao used the wall of the Forbidden Army to easily output through the wall.

C9 was wiped out by the team, and Li Hao scored another double kill, bringing the number of kills to 12.

When the C9 crystal hub exploded, the Olympic Center was boiling!

The director gave the final data, and the exaggerated panel stimulated the eyes of e-sports fans.

"Eleven thousand dollars!"

"Brother Hao is so scary!"

"The Nisquais are going crazy!"

"It's crazy! Brother Hao is 11,000 yuan ahead of Nisqui!"

“This is the record for MSI’s biggest lead on the first day of a matchup in history!!”

PS: Good night book friends, please update on time before 23:59 tomorrow night.

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