LOL: This man is so strong!

Chapter 677 E-Sports Trainees and the Collapsed Kings

The day after MSI won the championship, Snake Base welcomed two groups of guests.

At around nine o'clock, the LPL division's manager Bobby arrived with an interview team, and started promoting Dynasty Base based on its appearance after winning the championship. This is a promotional resource that makes other divisions envious.

Revolving around the topic of the 2020 Mid-Season Championship and revenge for the 2016 tragedy, LPL officials are destined to be active in the next few days.

Therefore, when Sister Tuozi was tasked with interviewing Li Hao, she would always contact him about the 2016 Mid-Season Invitational.

The dark ages of LPL are long gone.

At the same time, Li Hao also received a very exciting news.

Poppy and others were left to eat by Zuo Wu, and everyone talked about this summer's S game.

Manager Poppy, who has internal information channels, revealed to Li Hao:

"The 2020 S Competition will span several major Chinese cities this summer, and the location of the finals has been decided."

"We will return to the Bird's Nest!"

When Bobby said these words, he couldn't take his eyes away from Li Hao.

It was Li Hao who led the Snake Team to win the 2017 Bird's Nest Championship.

Snake is so top in Msi and has shown Chinese e-sports style. The scene will be even bigger this summer. LPL officials naturally hope that the Snake team can continue to be brilliant.

If the team has achieved results, they are confident.

Manager Bobby knows the inside story. Now the LPL venue declaration procedure is much easier than before, and it is taken more seriously.

A lot of things here are related to Li Hao.

The current LPL and current Chinese e-sports have become an external window that cannot be ignored and are widely recognized.

And Li Hao is the most outstanding and distinctive character among them.

This can be seen from the large number of foreign fans he has attracted.

After seeing off the official group, the KBM team members arrived on time at two o'clock in the afternoon as agreed.

Samba coach Karla held up a video device and took pictures at the entrance of the Snakes base. He was even more excited than the midfielder Toots.

As soon as Emperor T, the first player to be crowned emperor in the CBlol division, entered the gate of the Snake Team, he saw the white cat on the sofa on the first floor.

"I heard it is Snake's mythical beast."

"I've wanted to see it for a long time."

Li Hao smiled and introduced: "It's called ice cream."

Tuts' actions made Shengqiang and the others laugh. He walked up to the cat very seriously and greeted him warmly:

"Hello, ice cream."

"I'm Tutsz, from Brazil. I'm the strongest mid laner in the CBlol division."

"mia oh~~!"

Ice Cream was frightened by the enthusiastic Samba troops. It crawled along Li Hao's pants and onto his shoulders, looking at these 'intruders' with vigilance.

Coach Kalla hurriedly took photos to record this scene.

He would later write in the "KBM China Tour" that was widely circulated in Brazilian e-sports:

"The cold-blooded emperor and killing machine in the league is actually a loving boy. He has a white cat. I think its flexible movements when climbing on The King are as elegant as The King's movement in the canyon. DudsTheBoy He told me that the ice cream looked tall, and I explained that it must be tall because from our perspective, it was standing on the shoulders of the first person in e-sports.”

Dynasty Base is magical in every way for the Brazilian team.

They have seen so many legendary items that they are always amazed in various ways.

For example, the water fountain that was kicked over during the 2016 season.

"Can I pet it?"

The bearded coach Kalla is now like a several-year-old child who sees a toy he likes very much, his eyes full of fascination.


Li Hao said: "It is no different from an ordinary water dispenser."

Coach Kalla refuted Li Hao’s words for the first time:

"No, it's so different."

"It is an important item that started the legendary era of e-sports. If the e-sports world did not have this story and these seasons, it would never be as fascinating as it is now."

Li Hao could feel the sincerity and excitement of Coach Kalra and the Brazilian players.

There is no hiding their emotions, and they are sincere in their love, not just a show off.

The love for competition is part of their culture.

Although the CBlol division is only a wild card, and although KBM cannot compare with Snake, Li Hao still respects their attitude.

Team lounge, yoga room, restaurant, training room, and

Esports Golden Vienna Hall.

Under the starry sky, the display of large and small trophies together is really shocking.

Any trophy in it would make Brazilian e-sports crazy if it was brought back to China by Tuts and others.

The excited coach Kalra will write in the "KBM China Tour":

"The dazzling trophy was placed in front of me. Next to the number one e-sports player, I saw the dynasty's legacy from the best perspective. The MSI trophy, the S-match trophy, the shining King Cup, all the honors you can think of. , they will pour into your eyes at once and wash away your thoughts. Maybe the exhibition hall is not big, but it is the most vast place in the e-sports world. It is like the mountain scenery outside the canyon. We see our dreams. , will continue to struggle.”

"The King inspires our players with his words, and I hope they will live up to the expectations of the number one player in e-sports in the future."

Snake is very friendly to these foreign friends, showing the dignity and courtesy of the owner.

Tuts proposed to hold a training match at Snake, but Li Hao did not refuse.

The factory director and Uzi also participated enthusiastically.

Although I got a spiritual baptism in the dynasty team, my personal operation has not changed much.

These guys are more 'fearless'.

I had a lot of headaches and didn't last 25 minutes in the training match.

In the evening, the KBM team thanked the Snake players and bid them farewell.

Coach Kalra said to Li Hao before leaving:

"If CBlol wants to improve, it needs to learn better techniques and tactics."

"If Snake has plans to launch a training camp in the future, please be sure to contact KBM and we will send Brazilian e-sports trainees."

Kalra said frankly that cost was not an issue.

He also mentioned.

If Snake is interested, he can cooperate with CBlol.

Welcome China Dynasty’s foreign aid to Brazil’s e-sports technology for poverty alleviation.

After the KBM people left, Holy Spear asked curiously and excitedly:

"Brother Hao, why did Karla come up with the idea of ​​Brazilian e-sports trainees?"

"Besides, he seems to be very willing to provide funds."

Li Hao asked: "How many dynasty teams are there in the alliance?"

"Of course it's just one of us."

"Then what is our reputation in the CBlol division?"

Holy Spear said with admiration: "Do you need to say this?"

"CBlol has a lot of news about us. Brother Hao, your number of e-sports fans in Brazil is definitely in the seven digits. I just observed that the way Tuts and those people look at you is no different from those devout believers."

Zuo Wu smiled: "Isn't this a clear explanation?"

"KBM sends people to us. Not only are they gold-plated, but they can also learn better techniques and tactics than those in Brazil. When they return home, they will definitely be all-stars."

"If he is a genius, he might really be able to promote the development of the CBlol division. Coupled with their competitive environment, it might become a virtuous circle."

"The coach is not a fool. It is completely worth investing a certain amount of money to have such an opportunity."

Zuo Wu touched his chin and suddenly said to Li Hao with great interest:

"Brother Hao, our Snake really has such conditions."

"If you take the lead, I think it can be done to establish a global e-sports training camp."

"Take the style you usually use when leading everyone to train, and teach it in a more formal way in an orderly manner. Teams in each major competition area may spend money to send e-sports trainees."

"I don't think we need to be involved in promotion. We just need to tell Riot and let them promote it, and we will just do it for free."

"In order to extend the life of the league, Riot Games is probably the party that most wants to produce more outstanding new players in the future."

"As for this matter and this structure, only Brother Hao can convince the league audiences and players around the world."

Zuo Wu smiled and said to the Holy Spear: "Xuanjun, did you see it?"

"It's easy to do things if you have strength. If you were half as strong as Brother Hao, you could at least serve as an instructor at a global e-sports training camp."


Shengqiang was dissatisfied: "Lao Zuo, don't underestimate people. My research on Sunology is globally recognized!"


The two of them were beeping, and Li Hao looked at Zuo Wu in surprise.

Lao Zuo's idea is quite advanced and somewhat reliable.

Global e-sports trainees, practice time???

If he was interested, maybe it could be done.

But at present, he is still in the competition arena and will not devote his energy to these things.

Happy to bid farewell to the Samba Legion, Li Hao fulfilled his agreement with them.

This matter is not just a simple favor. Through KBM's window, it can also further increase Snake's influence, allowing the outside world to better understand the Snake team and the team culture of the e-sports dynasty.

At least once KBM went to Brazil to promote, Snake became more popular in the CBlol division.

As Snake's big boss, Li Hao likes to see the beneficial influence.

The same is true for big snakes.

At noon on May 21st, Boss Da She came to visit Li Hao again with gifts.

Li Hao was happy looking at Mr. Orochi's immersive way of delivering wolfberries.

They talked about the news of the past two days, and about Snake's popularity and popularity.

Mr. Orochi smiled the whole time and almost wanted to have sex with Li Hao.

Everything that happens now proves that tying Snake to Li Hao was the most correct decision.

Based on the current valuation of the Snake Team, Orochi has already made a lot of money.

It's true that he lost the right to speak, but if Snake was in his hands, he would probably be on the decline by now.

Mr. Snake has long been self-aware of his own management abilities.

"Last time OMG's boss Hou came to me to buy equity. He was very optimistic about Snake's prospects and wanted to bet on the future by paying a high price."

In the Crystal Hub, Orochi sat leisurely on the sofa and said the following with a smile:

"But I ignored him at all."

"Because I'm not a fool."

"Afterwards, he felt helpless and told me that OMG's current operating conditions were not ideal and did not meet the standards he wanted. He also asked me if I had any good solutions."

"Brother Hao, do you know what advice I gave him?"

Li Hao said half-jokingly: "Mr. Snake, are you going to ask Boss Hou to sell OMG's shares to me?"

"Hahaha, it's pretty much the same."

"I told Boss Hou, don't worry, give half of your shares to The King, OMG will definitely take off."

"This is quite absurd, but in my case, Boss Hou is really thinking seriously."

"Compared with his attitude when I was down and out, it's really emotional. Brother Hao, I have to thank you. Professional things need professional people to do them. I don't understand."

Li Hao smiled and said: "Mr. Snake, don't be polite, let's help each other."

On the afternoon of May 22, Snake had a group of fans who were invited by lottery during Zuo Wu’s previous event.

If Snake can win the MSI, he will have an offline meeting.

Several of the fans also have "Solo" permissions granted by the event. They can choose Snake members to perform solo at will, and obtain different levels of prizes based on different results of the solo competition.

Li Hao thought he would be very busy.

Unexpectedly, out of the 10 solo spots, only two had the courage to compete with him.

The other eight people were all looking for Flandre.

The reason is that fans who win the Solo competition can receive luxurious gifts provided by Snake.

Water friends with a certain level of skill will naturally pick the "soft persimmon" to pinch.

What if I win?

This incident was exposed on the forum, and many fans laughed.

Snake also followed the previous agreement and announced the entire process of the 10 solo matches to the audience for the purpose of supervision.

Find Li Hao Solo, a man and a woman, both masters of Ionia.

This level is quite good.

Unfortunately, in Solo, the same hero as Tsar and Ryze, they both lost simply.

Netizens felt it was a pity:

"I'm a tough guy. I'm sure I'll lose if I go to Brother Hao. I have some hope of finding the Holy Spear."

"Flando never imagined that Msi would be punished by netizens after the game if she defended Brother Hao. Although justice is late, it is never absent!"

"It's over. Dracula's holy gun was exposed to the sun and was found to be a weak link by netizens. It's a bonus."

Some people also shouted: "Silly, go Solo with the factory director! Just Solo troops, specializing in troops, located near F6, with one more big move, isn't this a sure thing?!"

"I want to solo with the factory director, but I found that my account is abnormal and I can't log in. The error code is 7777777."


Maybe it was discovered that it was being targeted.

The holy spear became hard this time.

8 consecutive wins!

Players below the one-vote master level are naturally no match for the holy spear.

Although there were some dangers and things were not going so smoothly, Holy Spear held the bottom line and did not lose the dignity of the dynasty's top laner.

After that, he also posted high-profile posts on Tieba and homepage forums:

""I am not afraid of fighting with guns! I will defeat all invading enemies!"

Netizens commented:

"Damn it, he tricked me!"

"Is there any righteous person who can expose the true face of the Dracula family?!"

"The Holy Spear has started to play ranked games again. In Denyi, I heard that a member of the King's Group has come down to snipe the Holy Spear. We want to bring out the true form of the Dracula family and tie them to a cross!"

"So passionate, give me a link!"


On the evening of May 22, Flando was actually live broadcasting.

In front of the camera, Holy Spear was so arrogant that he shouted loudly: "I beg you to snipe me! The king group, the unique skills brother, the god of electricity, the suburban overlord, the second series of the national server, the professional brother, all come to snipe me!"

"If you beat me tonight using conventional means, I will cosplay a vampire and wash my hair upside down."

"I am in this live broadcast room, defeating the crusade alliance, the king group is vulnerable!"


The water friends laughed loudly, and the Holy Spear shouted exaggeratedly, shocking the national server.

That night, many old kings left the stage.

The geniuses hidden in the suburbs are also on the Ionia account.

The unique skill of Ten Thousand Fields Sword Demon starts the fire extinguishing and kills quickly towards the first area.

Someone from the second series of Gods shouted: "The Holy Spear is too crazy, we must destroy him!"

There are also professional guys who come to snipe. It seems that they are the former rivals of the holy spear and now come to join in the fun.


No one could have imagined that this would be a night that brought the "gun-seeking" alliance to collapse.

The old king and professional buddies threw away their armor, the slave monsters fled from the first area, and the unique skills buddies shed tears of regret.

Flandre, on the other hand, laughed wildly in the live broadcast room.

The water friends shouted:

"Despicable! Shameless!"

"No wonder the Holy Spear is so crazy, he's playing double queue with Brother Hao!!"

"How can you win if God is here!"

"The kings who knew the news all ran away, Msi is over, and the god of the national server is back."

"My cousin is the king of the first area. He was going to score points all night tonight, but he found out that the god was online. He has now uninstalled the game and cleared the C drive. He said he was afraid of losing points to the god."

PS: Good night book friends, please update on time before 23:59 tomorrow night.

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