LOL: This man is so strong!

Chapter 678 The Godfather Plan!

Late at night on May 22, Li Hao in the training room listened to the exaggerated laughter of Holy Spear and was worried that he would disturb the neighbors.

Accompanying him in a double row tonight is a whole show.

Flandre got the news in advance, and then she 'spoke out wildly'.

Otherwise, in today's national server area, he would never dare to be so arrogant.

As Snake dominated the World Championship, the LPL region became famous and attracted top players from all major regions.

In the current national server, dragons and snakes are mixed, and it is too common to see professional players during the league's offseason.

The gold content exceeds the original Korean server.

Many people want to understand the charm of the national server. What kind of environment gave birth to the first person in e-sports?

There have been scenes of actors running rampant before, but with Shi Yizhong taking the lead, and professional brothers following, and with the loud voices of the players, LPL officials immediately took action and jointly eliminated them with Tengjing. A large number of actors were permanently banned. .

Moreover, these people with criminal records will be permanently rejected by the professional league.

The current national server environment is definitely much better than before.

Technical anchors who want to prove their skills do not need to compete in the Korean server with accelerators and pin values. It is enough to be the high-scoring king in the national server. Most of the high-scoring Korean server players who have heard of it are in the national server at this time. account.

A few years ago, LPL fans would have never dreamed that the Chinese server would develop at such a rapid pace.

This also explains why the regional manager of LPL always smiles, full of respect and goodwill when he sees Li Hao.

The source is right here.

May 23rd.

On this day, the sky in the Magic City was thick with clouds.

After the Beginning of Summer, the rain fell heavily on both sides of Huangpu. Li Hao received two special guests.

There have been a lot of people at the Snake Team base in recent days, but Li Hao was quite interested in the two visitors today.

When they first arrived at the Snakes base, Xiumei and her second uncle always stared at the newly installed trophy sculpture at the door and couldn't take their eyes away. Its shape is the same as the S-match trophy, with the three year numbers 2016/2017/2018 engraved on it. On the trophy Behind the sculpture is a small snake with a rather cartoonish look. Fans say it is Snake’s mascot.

The only one in the league world who can legitimately wear a crown on their logo is the Snakes.

The first thing you see is the profound foundation.

"Xiu, is there any chance we can erect a trophy sculpture at the entrance of the team?"


Xu Xiu's response was crisp and powerful.

This was the last day of Xiumei and her second uncle's trip to China. After the MSI finals, Xu Xiu called Li Hao and, as he expected, obtained Li Hao's consent and made an appointment today.

Yesterday and the day before yesterday, they walked around the river for a long time, went to Internet cafes in Shanghai, and had a meal at the Huangpu Hotel.

Immersive check-in comes to a key stop.


The two saw Li Hao at the entrance of the Snake Team's base and greeted him in unison.

Li Hao welcomed them in.

Whether he is a CBOL player or an LCK player, he is always a guest. Li Hao treats everyone equally and does not hesitate to smile.

He introduced it carefully all the way, which made Xu Xiu and his second uncle feel a little scared.

"The team has a truce today and some of the team members have gone back to their hometowns. It's not as lively as usual."

In the training room, only Shengqiang and Xiaohang were still there, and they greeted each other.

When Li Hao and others left, Xiaohang asked the Holy Spear:

"Brother Gun, why did LCK's talented mid laner come to our base? Isn't this the next step in the recruitment plan?"

"Showmaker is known as South Korea's little The King. I know that in last year's S competition, DWG's Youth Storm was very strong. If they can be trained by Brother Hao, they will definitely be even better."

Holy Spear stared at his computer screen and responded with a see-through tone:

"you think too much."

"Showmaker is Brother Hao's little fanboy. This time he came here to chase stars."

"From Xu Xiu's perspective, he came to Snake to find the path that Brother Hao once walked. Now the LCK is in darkness. Just like the LPL back then, Xu Xiu is eager to save the division like Brother Hao. His brother Rong Guang's The name is not given randomly."

Xiaohang smacked his mouth, feeling quite emotional.

"In the final analysis, Brother Hao is still stronger."

"The next generation of LCK's most talented players also admires Brother Hao so firmly."

Snake Trophy Exhibition Room.

Canyon was shocked by the glittering trophy wall under the starry sky, and Xu Xiu was also shocked.

Watching it in person is completely different from seeing pictures.

As professional players, they can better understand the weight of the layers of honor created.

"Senior, I have always been confused."


Xu Xiu asked for advice: "I have learned about your senior's career, and I would like to know if you feel confused when your senior moves around different teams and doesn't have many opportunities to play?"

Li Hao glanced at him: "Of course."

"But confusion is short-lived for me. As a professional, if you want to stay in the current field and remain competitive, if there is no chance, you have to find ways to create opportunities and work tirelessly. If your beliefs do not get rid of If you are confused, then make plans to retire in advance."

Canyon said nothing, while Xu Xiu nodded.

"The beginning of my career was almost hell. If it were another person, I'm afraid he would have disappeared from the professional league. If it were me, I might not have the courage of my predecessors."

Li Hao smiled comfortingly:

"You are still young and have experienced more. As long as you can keep your heart, the confusion you have now will no longer be confusion in the future."

"The future belongs to your younger generation."

As soon as the future sutra sounded, the second uncle caught the key elements and said with a smile: "I feel that senior can still rule the league at the age of thirty."

"Perhaps, longer and longer."

"Then, these topics about the future may be spoken by Xiu and I to the next generation of LCK players, because our generation is still under the rule of our seniors."

"It's a little breathless, but it's exciting. It's like facing a super boss in the game. If you defeat it one day, you can reveal a lot of rare equipment."


Xiumei joked: "Some levels are very difficult to pass."

"And for a boss like Senior, you can't even see the health bar."

Li Hao shook his head, pointed at the row of trophies in the exhibition cabinet, and then locked on the S competition trophy.

This scene will forever be engraved in the minds of Xu Xiu and his second uncle.

"Don't underestimate your own power."

"There will be another trophy like this this summer. It is placed in the center of the stage and represents the most glorious results of the 2020 season. The victory or defeat in the spring is finalized, and summer has just arrived."

"I hope you will have a chance to enter the S competition this year."

"I'd love to watch Youth Storm again."

He looked at Xu Xiu and Canyon, with a hint of fun and encouragement: "Young men from the LCK, if you want to regain the glory of the division, just find a way to take the trophy away from me."

The summer split hasn't started yet, so if anyone else had said such words, they would probably become a laughing stock.

But what came from Li Hao's mouth not only made Xu Xiu and his second uncle feel great pressure, but also made their blood almost boil.

At that moment, Xiumei looked at the profile of the man in front of her, and there seemed to be light in his eyes.

In the evening, the hospitable Zuo Wu stayed with the two teenagers and cooked for them with his own hands.

Afterwards, he also sent a picture of Li Hao eating with Xu Xiu and others.

And update the news on the homepage:

"Welcome e-sports geniuses to come to Snake as guests. We have plans to reserve talents during the summer window. Not only will we have Brother Hao's guidance, but we will also have delicious food cooked by me! Throw out your resume and come to try out. You This trip will be worthwhile.”

This half-sharing, half-recruitment dynamic has caused misunderstandings among many people.

"Xiumei went to the Snake Team to have dinner with Brother Hao. Canyon is also there?"

"What the hell? Does Xiu Mei want to bring her talent to the e-sports dynasty?"

"Shocked! Brother Hao is looking for a successor!"

"I submitted my resume and made several calls to the Snakes base. They had no shortage of people and asked me to switch to WE next door, so you really can't believe it."

"Oh? Could you please tell me what rank you are in?"

"Zuan's Golden Four Men."

"I suggest you switch to Xiaoli e-sports, otherwise you won't have the chance to play professionally."

On the other side, Xu Xiu and his second uncle had already left Snake by car.

Canyon: "Xiu, what is your biggest feeling during this trip to China?"

Xu Xiumei was beaming: "Listening to senior talk about those experiences in person is far more shocking than what I learned from the video. He is completely different from Faker. Faker, who is at his peak, does not have the courage and shocking power of his senior."

"He is the true king."

"He is not afraid of any challenges and has been encouraging us. I am afraid that he is worried that we are not capable enough to cause him trouble."

"Jianfu, I feel more clearly that the gap between myself and my seniors is huge."


"It's really exciting," Canyon said.

"If one day I can achieve half of the achievements of my predecessors, I will be satisfied."

Xu Xiu said firmly: "Jianfu, this summer, our goal is not to enter the S competition, but to enter the finals!"

"Let's join forces to challenge our senior and let him see the glory of LCK!"


“This year’s S-Games will still be held in China, and we will definitely come back.”

They were both very excited along the way, chatting about topics related to Snake and Li Hao.

Only when talking about the dishes made by Manager Zuo in the evening, the two talented teenagers of LCK showed embarrassment. That seemed to be a not so good memory.

In the crystal hub of Snake Base, Chris, Li Hao, and Zuo Wu sat together, with many player profiles on the table.

They come from trials, secondary leagues, and players whose contracts are about to expire.

After screening, some players that Snake may recruit in the future are selected.

"Brother Hao, if there is someone you like in the league, we can talk whether he is under contract or not."

"We have a lot of resources now, and your influence is so great, poaching people is not that difficult."

After Zuo Wu finished speaking, he smiled again and said:

"Actually, the two Korean teenagers today were pretty good."

"They adore you."

"I think, Brother Hao, as long as you take the initiative to invite them, with the current DWG, you will definitely not be able to retain them."

"Lao Zuo, the taste has changed."

Li Hao explained with a smile: "It's not because of their nationality. Showmaker and Canyon are quite happy in DWG, and they are so tough."

"Furthermore, DWG can cultivate and unearth talents, and Snake can naturally do the same."

Chris and Zuo Wu were old guys, and they immediately smelled an unusual smell:

"Brother Hao, do you have any new ideas?"

"It has something to do with your proposal yesterday."

Li Hao didn’t show off: “We can do youth training, and we can do it on a big scale.”

Chris asked: "How big will it be?"

Li Hao made a "1" gesture: "Be the first in the world and connect the entire e-sports world. There is La Masia Youth Academy in the football world. We are more successful than them and become the most sacred and professional e-sports." base."

“When people mention e-sports youth training in the future, they will think of us.”

“Through our global youth training program, we will absorb top talents from various countries, complete input and output, and establish a virtuous cycle with us as the core in each major competition area, so that Magic City can truly become the world’s e-sports capital, and Snake can become a real e-sports capital. Compete for the core.”

Zuo Wu and Chris were refreshed.

Especially Zuo Wu, he just mentioned it casually yesterday, but he didn't expect Li Hao to think more deeply.

Chris said: "If it can be done, then game companies will definitely be the happiest, and they are also afraid of a talent gap."

"Just like Europe and North America, their players are getting older and older, and outstanding newcomers are rare."


Chris touched his chin: "Brother Hao, this matter is difficult."

"And it's very difficult."

"There is no problem in training new people. We can establish a complete system, but there is no guarantee that the new people coming out of us will be very strong. E-sports talents are mixed, and personal qualities vary greatly, so it is really difficult to control."

Zuo Wu also said:


"Brother Hao, with your current influence, you can attract a large number of people from all over the world with just a word of encouragement. The initial recruitment is very simple. The KBM team is by no means a special case. Many teams have no brainless trust and curiosity about you, Brother Hao." .”

"We might even be able to make a lot of money off of this group of people."

"However, if the training is not done well, the plan will be neutered, and it will damage the reputation. It doesn't seem worth it."

They looked at Li Hao, wanting to hear what was going on.

Li Hao smiled slightly, very confident.

He's got a hang up.

After all physical attributes have reached the top, if he wins the championship again this year, according to the latest Lao Shen system prompts, he will start the "coaching and youth training" content.

It is not difficult to build Snake into an e-sports kingdom and become the godfather of e-sports.

Therefore, Zuo Wu and Chris were shocked by his confident look at this moment.

He gave an example that Chris and Zuo Wu could not refute.

The previous Lin Weixiang, Liu Qingsong, Angel, and now Xiaohang and Lu Mao, almost all of these people were decided by Li Hao. You know, many of them were in the secondary league at the beginning.

Being able to pick the right one at a glance and never making a mistake shows that you have a vicious eye.

"Brother Hao, are you really sure?"

"Able to screen and develop outstanding e-sports players? No matter which country they come from?"

Chris and Zuo Wu were very excited in their words, and kept staring at Li Hao.

Li Hao asked: "Have I done anything that I am not sure about?"

The two people's emotions suddenly exploded, and they roared in the crystal hub.

The trust in Li Hao has long been integrated into his bones.

They believe that Li Hao can accomplish things that others cannot do.

"One day in the future, the world of e-sports will be filled with talents who will bring exciting games to the audience one after another."

"This will promote the development of the entire e-sports industry and elevate the viewing attributes of games to another level."

"The roles of traditional teams, game companies, and competition regions will undergo new changes."

"Because 'Snake Youth Training' will change the next era of e-sports."

"Brother Hao"

Zuo Wu excitedly chanted the Future Sutra:

"Brother Hao, the future is still yours!"

PS: Good night book friends, please update on time before 23:59 tomorrow night.

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