LOL: This man is so strong!

Chapter 682 Fiona is back! (Finals LPL vs LPL!)

These days, all major teams are very busy.

After Msi, the 10.11 version of Bear's rework was launched. They must correctly grasp the direction of the version before the start of the regular season. Heroes that are strong in each position or have a high appearance rate must be practiced.

For example, AD players need to take time to adapt, because a large number of shooters have increased their base health and growth health. Ashe, whose appearance rate was not very high before, has now become a better choice.

Of course, the majority of players may not care much about version updates. Their eyes are already on the champion skin.

S9 champion skin, landed in the alliance together with the immortal thunder.

This time the designer really put his heart into it, and just the promotional posters make people’s blood boil.

LCS is known as the Cursed Land. As the origin of the league, it has never won a world championship until the god of e-sports came.

The Peerless Swordswoman undoubtedly stands in the absolute C position of the promotional poster, and it is accompanied by extremely shocking dynamics!

In the promotional poster, the e-sports swordswoman is holding a sword and slashing vertically. There is a special effect of space tearing on the thin sword. The surrounding pieces of darkness fall like broken space, and light bursts out from the cracks, illuminating Fiona. , other heroes followed Sword Queen.

It means the darkness is broken, the curse is eliminated, and the light comes.

Another extremely important point is that this Sword Princess skin is completely exposed.

The designers followed Li Hao's suggestion and gave Sword Girl a beautiful face in her prime.

Auntie becomes a girl again!

"Fiona, you're back!"

On this day, the old players who had long forgotten the appearance of the old swordswoman could finally let go.

In terms of feel, there is a sense of shuttle when moving, light and fast, the passive impact sound effect is crisp and sweet, and it has a feeling of being penetrated into the flesh.

When activating the ultimate move, once the flaw is cleared, in addition to the team logo, the health recovery formation will also be accompanied by a burst of petals falling, like a blessing from God, and the friendly troops will be healed.

When pressing the B key to return to the city, the Swordswoman on the screen cuts the space above her head with a sword, and then the flying swords surround her. At the last second, they rush into the void and return to the spring.

In the celebration, the designer even combined elements of the Four Swords of Zhu Xian.

There will be four swords stuck on the ground, and you can identify whose weapon it is at a glance. Players will hear the Sword Lady chanting "1, 2, 3, 4" and then pull out their own sword. At this time, Fiona will hold the sword in front of her, and the ID "The King" will appear on the sword. After seeing this ID, Fiona in the screen will pick up the sword and dance happily.

This is definitely the longest celebration among all heroes in the league.

The skin Easter eggs are simple and overbearing.

When she first entered the spring in the canyon, as soon as Sword Girl approached the old man in the shop, she would hear such a voice:

"Oh my God! Here comes a powerful swordsman, I really want to give you a discount!"

Of course, the old man is just talking, there will be no real discount.

If the game reaches an anxious 40 minutes and you go back to the city to buy equipment, you will hear the voice of the old man in the store again:

"Madam, do you know The King? Let me think about it, the swordsmen in Runeterra and Ionia have all talked about him."

This easter egg is the first time the store’s old man mentions a player’s ID by voice.

It also means that this legendary ID is permanently engraved on Summoner's Rift and becomes a legend among heroes.

The crossing of dimensions surprises and shocks players, and Riot really spared no effort this time.

When Fiona scores a pentakill, a sound effect will be triggered that everyone can hear:

"It feels familiar. Is this the world arena?"

Looking at all aspects of skin, it is absolutely explosive in the entire league skin industry. Those sound effects are even more epic, elevating this champion swordswoman skin to a height that is difficult for others to reach.

The skins of other people in TSM are generally good. After all, they are the first champion of the LCS, so the designers must have taken them seriously.

But compared with Sword Girl, the others are not enough.

In terms of easter eggs, everyone obviously does not belong to the same specifications.

Riot understands that these special effects can only be used without any sense of violation when used on Li Hao. Abusing them will only lower the gold content and cause him to be sprayed wildly.

"Brother Hao, your skin feels so good, and the special effects are amazing."

Flandre has already used the Sword Princess skin in Rank. In addition to the Easter egg sound effects, what he is most satisfied with is the flaw strike special effect. It is definitely the Sword Princess skin with the best feel at the moment.

Compared to Flandre, others are even more envious.

S game skin is not so easy to get.

But thinking about MSI's big victory, it's easy to have wild thoughts about this year's S-Games.

The factory director is watching reporters’ interviews with Riot designers in the training room. They tell relevant stories around skin design.

What caught the director's attention the most was designer Smart's words: "Yes, we are envisioning a new hero."

"Handsome double swords would be an option."

"Of course, we will let him log into the league before the World Championship version, so look forward to it."


Before the World Championship?

And then still a hero with a sword?


The factory director caught certain elements and looked in the direction of Li Hao. He was already sitting in the position of the Holy Spear, trying out his Sword Princess skin himself.

No, it's probably because I think too much.

The factory director shook his head.

The director was not the only one who saw this interview. In addition, there have been so many legendary scenes played by Li Hao in the S game in recent years, which led players to associate the sword-wielding hero with the S game. It is natural. Recall those scenes.

Just like today's Sword Princess skin.

On June 5, 2020, the League of Legends LPL summer regular season started at 5 o'clock in the evening.

The protagonists of the opening match are Snake and TES.

The Hongqiao Tiandi Performing Arts Center is packed and the audience is very enthusiastic now.

The biggest changes in TES's lineup are in the bottom lane and jungle.

Kassa came to Taobao from Yujianmen and became the new starting jungler.

Ah Shui was even more corrected. Last season's P King was not only unable to sit on the bench, but was directly transferred to the secondary league by Taobo.

Unwilling to be reconciled, Emperor P cleared all the content on Weibo and changed his profile to "Don't bully young people into poverty."

At present, Emperor P has been widely called "E-Sports Xiao Yan" by players, and Ah Shui has also gained the reputation of "Nalan Wenbo".

After Ah Shui joined TES in the second half of the spring, the bottom lane did improve.

The front office staff has more and more trust in the talented AD who was bought at a large price.

After nearly a month of training, Taobo is very satisfied with the current situation of the team and is ready to show off its talents in the summer split.

Ah Shui wanted to use his strength to prove that Xiao P's devolution was not unfair at all.

However, the opponent in the opening game was really scary.

"Nalan Wenbo hasn't waited for the three-year appointment, but an ancient emperor has come as soon as he comes. I'm afraid Taobo will collapse."

"Can you hold it with your left hand?"

"I have confidence in Knight. This kid is young and extremely talented. He has carried the entire team continuously in the spring, and his statistics are quite impressive. What? Brother Dahao, forget it, choose Lulu."

"Go to the left-hand fan group and take a look. Not only did the group members strategically give up, but they also collectively rebelled to support Brother Hao, hahaha! It's so true."


The melon-eating audience was talking a lot, and the opening ceremony of the summer game in Hongqiao has been completed.

There are still 17 teams in the summer split, all old faces from the spring split.

While the flags of each team were flying, Snake and the TES players made a collective appearance amidst the cheers of the audience, and the opening match officially started.

Teams that are not playing are also waiting and watching, wanting to confirm Snake's summer split status.

Taobo is pretty good and can try this Dynasty Snake team in the new version.

In the first game of BO3, Snake is on the red side and Taobo is on the blue side.

In the first round of Ah Shui's summer split, he got Aphelios, the AD hero with the highest damage in the current version.

On the TES side, top laner Ornn, jungler Troll, mid laner Desert Emperor, and Prophet selected Bard in the auxiliary position.

Compared to the spring split, Bader will definitely have a higher chance of playing in the new version.

Seizing opportunities, providing healing, and when a Bard player opens in the right way, he can provide greater value to the team.

As long as the team's data analysts are good enough, they will definitely find that Bard's kill participation rate in the current version ranks among the top three.

Therefore, by coming up with this lineup, TES obviously has a deep understanding of the version and is on the path of being ahead of the curve and daring to try.

Looking at Snake's side, except for mid laner Kassadin, the choices for other positions are very conventional.

Flandre chose Sword Demon and Factory Manager Blind Man, while Uzi and Lv Mao chose female guns and Thresh.

It was difficult for Kassadin to do things in the early stage. He thought that the rhythm of the Snake Team would slow down. Unexpectedly, in just 3 minutes and 29 seconds, Flandre successfully seduced 369 under the command of Li Hao. The director arrived in time and fought with the Sword Demon. Cooperate to get Superman's first blood.

At 6 minutes and 20 seconds, the well-developed Factory Director controlled the first earth dragon, and the next dragon's attribute was water.

TES let go of Xiaolong and actively looked for opportunities.

Finally, at 7 minutes and 15 seconds, they discovered that the Sword Demon was staying in the river to eat crabs.

The prophet on the bottom lane returned to the city and wandered to the top lane, cooperating with the troll to capture the sword demon in the river. Bard used Astral Binding (Q) to cooperate with the troll's pillars to stun the sword demon, and the 369 remote sheep came to follow. On the control chain, with superb coordination, Flandre was killed in the river, and Casa's troll was killed.

Many viewers were surprised that TES regained its previous disadvantage.

TES is not afraid of Snake when the middle lane has not yet exerted any force.

At 8 minutes and 40 seconds, Li Hao led the factory director to drive the Canyon Pioneer, and Tao Bo came to stop it.

People from both sides came together, but Snake was experienced and did not choose to risk starting a group. The other three were harassing the blocking position, buying time for the factory director and Li Hao to take down the vanguard. Kassadin went to the dragon pit, and the blind monk W Touch Kassadin, make a profit and leave.

At 10 minutes and 42 seconds, a team battle broke out at Xiaolong Pit.

Bard used his ultimate move to start the team, but the troll was stationed forward and was blocked first, and the female gunner was also focused on destroying both moves.

TES rushed up and killed Uzi, but the sword demon and blind monk were too powerful, and Kassadin reaped two kills in a row. Snake won the team battle with one for three and took away the water dragon. What gave Tao Bo a glimmer of hope was that this game was the soul of the wind dragon.

"You're lucky. If it's the Fire Dragon Soul, I feel like Taobo has already sent it."

After the doll finished speaking, the person on the side remembered to say:

"That's almost it."

"Brother Hao got two heads. He is still Kassadin. Taobo's base feels like it is smoking."

This is the truth.

Even the head coach Crescent and assistant coach Tselin behind the scenes thought so.

In the next seven or eight minutes, Taobo's performance was eye-catching.

This young team is more mature than in the spring split.

In the disadvantageous situation, the full-court vision control is not behind Snake.

The Seer controlled Bard to insert wards while picking up materials in the jungle, completing his work happily.

At this time, one of Big Turtle's auxiliary players was greatly inspired by this scene.

The game lasted 19 minutes and 31 seconds. 369, who was leading the bottom lane, was surrounded by Snake's duo + top laner.

As long as the last one dies in this wave, the baron will definitely be lost.

Ornn is already in a certain death situation. At this time, in the voice of the Taobo team, Ah Shui shouted for the dragon.

Young Taobo decided to take a gamble, and all the remaining four people gathered together.

Li Hao and the factory director arrived, but Taobo did not give up.

369 relied on his tankiness and a big move to knock the two people away, and then went around the grass in the bottom toilet, successfully delaying time.

At 20 minutes and 45 seconds, Bard threw R to interfere with the blind monk, making him unable to approach for the first time.

When the factory director Tian Yinbo kicked into the dragon pit, the second stage of Q was pushed away by the left-hand wall of the Forbidden Army during the flight. When the director flashed down to the dragon pit, Casa Punishment fell, and Aphelios killed the big dragon with one shot!

The factory director angrily kicked the Tsar, knocking away the troll behind him.

Kassadin came from the river and saved up the third step of Void Walking R to hit Aphelios with residual health. Ah Shui reacted very quickly and pressed Flash.

But Kassadin's R flash predicted Ah Shui's position and sat on his face!

There was a burst of exclamation at the scene, and Ah Shui's color changed at the contestants' table.

Kassadin's AWQE was thrown out almost instantly. He pressed the healing spell to no avail and was killed directly.


"The skill shocked everyone! Brother Hao's R flash predicted the flash position of Ah Shui! Ah Shui reacted very quickly, but Brother Hao's operation was too scary!"

"How many can run in this wave?"

"The troll can't leave, and neither can the Tsar. He knows that Kassadin can pursue him and help Bard preserve the dragon seed!"

"Taobo got the Baron in a thrilling way, but he didn't make any money this time. It can only be said that it delayed the time. If the Baron is taken by Snake, the game is basically over."

The commentators praised: "Faced with the terrifying dynasty team and the probably No. 1 player in e-sports, it is already good for these young people like Taobo to dare to fight hard."

In the Dragon Pit, Kassadin scored another double kill, and the smoke column from the TES base shot straight into the sky.

At 25 minutes and 10 seconds, while Snake was advancing, the Prophet stunned the two of them with a big move, and the green-haired Thresh was killed. The two sides exchanged a wave of health, and Taobo detected Kassadin's movement around the back. Bard had a door and ran very fast. Although the second tower with remaining health in the bottom lane was still clicked, he once again successfully blocked Snake's offensive. .

The game reached 29 minutes and the situation gradually became tense.

The two sides were fighting near the dragon, and the green fur hook hit the troll. 369 pressed the ultimate move to ease the follow-up of Snake's follow-up personnel. Taobo took advantage of the situation and counterattacked, killing Thresh first.

However, their formation was pulled too far forward, and the factory director, who had been silent for more than ten minutes, finally found his form.

Touching his eyes, he hit three people with a flash kick and an R kick. The sword demon entered the scene with a big kill and cooperated with the female gun's ultimate move. When Kassadin sat down, he killed three people instantly!

The remaining Aphelios fled in panic after Bard threw his ultimate move.

Snake changed one for three and then collected the baron, basically ending the suspense.

The game reached 34 minutes, and Taobo couldn't stop the two super soldiers + Snake. Kassadin was even more unstoppable. He was fighting in and out of Taobo's high ground, walking in the void.

When Aphelios was dodged by Kassadin R at the incisor tower for an instant kill, and his golden body avoided the Tsar's ultimate move, the game was over.

Snake destroyed the Taobo crystal hub and won the first game as expected.

Since the arrival of several newcomers, the number of people watching Snake backstage has increased. Seeing the team win the game, Serena, Gala and others were very happy and kept discussing.

But Chris was a little worried.

This game is actually an attempt for Li Hao to choose Kassadin. If there is no rhythm in the middle in the early stage, it will not be so easy to gain an advantage over TES.

This is the result of Li Hao always commanding while facing the line.

He is not worried about now, because with Li Hao here, he can change his style of play at any time.

The grandeur and brilliance of the dynasty are actually only due to one person.

When Li Hao pulls away, this fragrant and delicate flower may be in danger of withering.

Chris is worried about the future of the Snakes.

Apart from Li Hao, he didn't think anyone else could make the team so strong forever.

When Li Hao returned to the backstage, Chris pulled him aside and whispered about his worries.

Li Hao smiled and comforted him: "TES is stronger than you think. The arrival of Ah Shui has supplemented the weak link in the bottom lane. Casa's sense of smell is also very keen. If I can't exert my strength and my teammates can stalemate with TES , which shows that the average level of our team is much higher than you think."

"As for the future, don't worry, I have already made a guarantee."

Chris smiled, he absolutely trusted Li Hao's words.

At the same time, he looked at the TES information curiously.

Is it really as strong as Brother Hao says?

In the second game between the two sides, Li Hao once again changed his style of play.

The left hand took the initiative to fight and took out the Enchantress.

Li Hao seemed to have no interest in fighting him, so he chose Lissandra.

After the game started, the left hand tried to attack on the line, but every time he moved W forward to get close to the ice girl, he would definitely hit W.

The chain is always hidden by movement, and the suppressive power imagined to be exerted cannot be realized at all.

The director showed the camera, his left hand kept frowning, and the beating was very aggrieved.

Kasa was speechless as he watched the Enchantress being pushed under the tower.

As early as when he was selecting players, he warned his left hand not to be so over the top.

But young people are stubborn.

Casa can only let the bottom lane be careful. He once served as Li Hao's jungler. Once the opponent's mid laner is in jail, the rhythm will be too familiar.

Commander Ah Shui tried his best to hide and avoid being trained by Snake.

The Ice Girl and the Blind Monk made several four-for-two combos, directly helping Ponyboy penetrate the bottom lane. Varus's development far surpassed that of Aphelios.

In this game, Xiaolong was even more defeated and had no ability to compete at all.

The wind dragon soul's luck was gone in the previous game, this time it was the earth dragon soul.

Tao Po, who lacks damage, can't even break the shield, and the enchantress on her left hand is getting more and more scraped.

Aphelios has the highest damage AD in the version, but it also requires equipment.

In just 26 minutes and 9 seconds, under the strong leadership of Ice Girl, the game was over before Taobo could adapt to Snake's sudden changes.

2-0, Snake won the opening match and defeated Taobo easily.

After the post-match handshake, Li Hao stood in the interview box to answer Yu Shuang's questions.

When she asked about her evaluation of the TES players, Li Hao said bluntly:

“They are a very good team, more resilient than they were in the spring split.”

"I think they can at least reach the top three in the league in the summer split."

Those players who were ready to complain a few words really didn't expect that Shi Yizhong would endorse them after the game.

After one game, is it determined that TES can be in the top three?

Is Shi Yizhong's gaze really that vicious?

Even after TES received the news, they themselves were in a daze.

The summer split has just begun.

And this is the first game.

Brother Hao, if you say that, we will be proud.

The TES uniform team was quite happy and vaguely looking forward to it.

These words come from the mouth of the first person in e-sports.

After the game, it was because of Li Hao's comments that the popularity of TES increased a lot.

Players tried to dismantle TES's lineup and analyze why Shi Yizhong made such a judgment.

This wave of advertising is directly free.

The TES uniform staff said happily: "We believe in Brother Hao's vision."

The management of DMO was very excited and wanted to contact Li Hao to see if they could help promote it.

The next game is Snake versus DMO.

June 13th.

Still at the Tiandi Performing Arts Center, Snake ushered in the second round of competition.

DMO was considered a dark horse in the spring split, reaching the top half of the league even though the outside world was generally not optimistic about it.

In the summer split, their lineup changed.

The core Gala and Alok, whom they didn't quite recognize, were both sold.

The result is obvious. With the same group of young people, DMO's two games did not last 25 minutes.

After the game, Yu Shuang asked Li Hao about his comments on DMO.

Li Hao's expression under the camera was similar to last week, expressing naturally and frankly:

"DMO played in a chaotic manner, and the lineup was not very reasonable."

"However, this is the beginning of the summer split and they still have a long time to adjust."

Yu Shuang was unwilling to ask: "If it is the current lineup, what kind of results does Brother Hao think they can achieve?"

Li Hao hesitated for a second: "Maybe it's the last train."

The publicity DMO wanted was instantly available

ps: I updated a little more today, and I will continue to update yesterday’s content tomorrow.

Mainly because I was delayed watching the game tonight. BLG played well and almost swept the LCK 6:0!

Faker's last fox's E flash was so amazing that he almost made a comeback.

But heroes always twilight, and I saw a lost e-sports old man.

And LPL versus LPL in the finals is no longer a fantasy!

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