LOL: This man is so strong!

Chapter 683 How perverted this is! (Congratulations to JDG!)

The DMO team really didn’t expect that the traffic would come so quickly.

After Li Hao spoke out, enthusiastic viewers immediately went to the bottom of DMO's homepage to advise them to adjust as soon as possible.

Such as:

"The last car that Brother Hao mentioned is definitely not the last car in the playoffs, but the last car in the league. Although it is only one round of games, I completely believe in Brother Hao's vision."

"DMO is a dark horse in the Spring Split. I expected them to perform better in the Summer Split, but I didn't expect to sell out the entire bottom lane combination."

"Trivia, RNG said they were interested in DMO's AD player Gala, but they took the initiative to choose Snake."

"Gala is sober in the world. Snake lacks a new AD. If he goes there, he may become the future of the dynasty team. If he goes to RNG, he will only become the next broken flying sword."

Some Sunspots also took advantage of the opportunity and sarcastically said: "The King is indeed strong, but judging someone else's season performance based on just one round of games at the beginning of the summer split is too crazy. I'm just waiting to be slapped in the face."

"Didn't you watch the live broadcast? Brother Hao has been very tactful, okay?"

"Heizi, what dynasty are you in?"

The DMO management did not expect that there would be so many comments at the bottom of their team’s homepage.

Even in the dark horse period in the latter part of the spring game, there was not so much attention.

Tao Bo was very happy to be praised, but DMO was slightly dissatisfied.

Selling off the bottom lane doesn't seem to have such a big impact on them now. At that time, Gala was discovered by them from the secondary league SDG, and now xubin was also deployed from the secondary team DMOY, and he has even more experience than Gala.

DMO has even considered whether, if cultivated in the same way, it can be sold out like Gala?

For the management of DMO, once they develop this model into a business, they can make a lot of money. Isn't this the reason for entering the league?

Because it is absolutely impossible for Li Hao to make adjustments in just one sentence.

DMO is very sensitive to traffic.

Team leader Victor quickly responded on the homepage:

"Thank you very much for Brother Hao's suggestion, but we have full confidence in the players. DMO is still in the running-in stage. Everyone is training hard and will definitely perform more stably in subsequent games."

Although he was polite on the surface, he actually didn't agree with Li Hao's words.

The DMO took the initiative to step down and create a confrontation, which immediately triggered more discussions.

But it is only the second week and there is not enough material for discussion.

At 7 pm on June 17, Snake ushered in the third game of the summer split. The opponent was EDG, the factory's old club.

In the first game, Snake selected the lineup of Sword Demon, Leopard Girl, Syndra, Kalista, and Wanhao on the blue side.

EDG's lineup is strong and innovative.

Audi and jiejie formed the Desert Spider in the jungle, Dragon King in the mid lane, and Aphelios + Titan in the bottom lane.

Heart deployed his tactics in the top half at the beginning, preparing to break Flandre.

This is exactly what EDG players do.

At 3 minutes and 35 seconds into the game, the spider teamed up with the crocodile to kill the sword demon and get first blood.

But Snake responded almost at the same time.

Li Hao suppressed the Dragon King's HP through his accurate skill release online. The younger brother couldn't move as fast as Li Hao, so Syndra drove him to the bottom lane first.

Wanhao successfully took the lead and started a team battle in the bottom lane.

EDG pinned the signal wildly, and the half-blood crocodile TP who had just killed someone on the top lane came to the bottom lane to support.

But Uzi's skateboard shoes are too powerful in this wave of combat, and they keep inserting spears.

When EQ pushed Aphelios unconscious, the Titan hooked on Wanhao was already severely disabled and was killed by Syndra's W.

The skateboard shoes flashed to catch up with Aphelios, who was covered in spears, and killed Aphelios with his spear.

TP cannot be cancelled. Audi came down and wanted to replace the disabled wristband but did not replace it. It became a toy of skateboard shoes.

The junior controlled the Dragon King to come over and harvest heads, but was knocked unconscious by Syndra's E skill and lost the rhythm.

Audi gave himself away in the bottom lane. He had just received first blood and had no teleportation. He could only watch the Sword Demon TP return to the top lane to take the line.

The experience on the road in the early stage is even more important than the number of people, and Audi became the one who caught it.

At 6 minutes and 45 seconds, Yue Nan, who had not flashed, was ganked by Leopard Girl. The director showed no mercy and cooperated with the duo to kill Hope again, and then accepted Tu Long.

EDG focused their energy on the top half, taking advantage of the Desert Spider's early combat power to successfully get the vanguard and remove Snake's top tower at 10 minutes and 43 seconds.

However, they couldn't stop the middle and lower teams from snowballing.

The economy is backward and has reached more than 2,000 people.

For the next six minutes or so, EDG cheered up and tried their best to deal with Snake.

However, the Dragon King who wanted to roam in the middle was crushed too hard by Syndra. He lost the defensive tower early in the middle. With limited vision, they lost a large area of ​​​​the wild area and had no choice but to fall into Snake's suffocating operation.

Coach Heart sighed in the background.

The tactics are inherently flawed, and it is completely reasonable for the young boy to fail in the line-up with Shi Yizhong.

At 17 minutes and 30 seconds, Wrist Master's vision brought the Dragon King back. Syndra took EQ control and then R for an instant. Kalista R Wrist Master again, knocking the Titan away. Uzi chased with a spear all the way, and Hope turned around and went to R. A hit, but the damage was touching, and he could only be killed while looking at the field.

The factory director controls the fire dragon, and Snake takes complete control of the situation.

At 24 minutes, Snake arranged the baron's vision and opened the dragon decisively.

EDG's first decision was to grab it. Once the Baron was lost, the game was over.

Titan flashed into the dragon pit and threw his ultimate move to the factory director. Crocodile and Spider went down to the dragon pit together and pushed the 2000-drop dragon down to the blood line. Jijie snatched the dragon from the factory director's head!

At that moment, everyone in the EDG player bench shouted Nice.

But Syndra flashed forward and threw her ultimate move directly to Dragon King.

The goddess scattered flowers to knock out EDG's double C, and in conjunction with Wanhao's wall, she punched them deliberately, and smashed all Dragon King Yue Nan to death with one W!

The Tiandi Performing Arts Center suddenly erupted, and Coach Heart held his head in the background and shouted!

The hope that had just risen was extinguished almost instantly!

The three people who entered the dragon pit were harvested by the sword demon and skateboard shoes. Jiejie tried to kill Uzi and was almost injured. Except for the factory director Leopard Girl who died in the battle, Snake and the other four people were intact.

EDG was wiped out in one wave, and the middle line of troops came over.

The four of them went directly to the high ground and exploded the EDG crystal hub.

The first game was successfully won.

In the second game of BO3, what surprised the audience and commentators the most was that the two teams with good tempers completely swapped their lineups after the skateboard shoes and Yue Man were selected.

EDG on the blue side got Snake's lineup for the previous game, while Snake on the red side used EDG's lineup.

Belongs to the Sanlu Teaching Bureau!

At 4 minutes and 13 seconds, the 0:0 head-to-head ratio on the field was broken because the factory director invaded too deeply. The Spider, who was double-teamed, failed to escape despite his own flash, and Audi once again got first blood.

But EDG fans were not happy for two minutes.

At 6 minutes and 02 seconds, Snake gathered four people to cross the tower and kill the EDG bottom duo.

Leopard Girl and Syndra arrived one after another. They were eager to save people, so they moved recklessly and were backhand hooked by Titan to Syndra.

Although the midfielder and jungler supported by EDG were in full condition, they could only barely play 2 for 2 as they took the skills first.

A big collapse in the bottom lane allowed Dragon King to take three kills in a row, and the EDG players couldn't hold their nerve anymore.

In the following seven or eight minutes, EDG lost all map resources due to continuous mistakes and getting lost, and the snowball grew infinitely.

Li Hao's Dragon King is almost everywhere, in the jungle, on the top lane, and on the bottom lane. Wherever he flies, people will die.

At 19 minutes and 49 seconds, Jijie's Leopard Girl was hit by Spider E in the jungle and became severely disabled.

Jiejie flashed away with a mouthful of milk from his hand.

The Dragon King flew from the middle and predicted the position of the Leopard Girl after she flashed without any vision. Although Jiejie tried his best to move his butt, he was still sprayed with a desperate breath of dragon's breath.

The bright spark burned all his health. Jiejie in the player's seat looked at the gray screen and shook his head helplessly.

As soon as the jungler dies, Snake immediately hits the baron.

EDG came to harass, but they still couldn't stop Snake from taking the dragon.

The game entered garbage time. At 24 minutes and 9 seconds, EDG was beaten one-for-four on the high ground and the base exploded.

This is the third round of the summer split, and the terrifying dynasty team continues its dominance in the spring split.

"Congratulations to Snake, the summer split has started with three consecutive wins!"

In the commentary box, Miller sighed: "Snake is too strong!"

"EDG couldn't handle Brother Hao at all. The two teams changed their lineups and the situation was completely opposite. We can get more information from it. Brother Hao's influence in the middle is too great."

"The key rhythms of Dragon King are all stuck at the most deadly node of EDG."

"If I want to compete with Brother Hao, I'm afraid I still have a long way to go."

The bald Colonel Guan said bluntly: "Hey, you are making things difficult for Scout."

"I feel that with his laning performance like this, he is already better than many mid laners on MSI who are laning against Brother Hao."

"What impressed me deeply was the operation and command. Snake's linkage and timing on the court always gave me the feeling that the game should be played this way."

"Brother Hao seems to be able to make every game of the Snakes into a model textbook for major teams."

"Will you invite Brother Hao for today's interview?"

"I also want to hear Brother Hao's season predictions for EDG."

Wawa reacted and said excitedly: "TES has won all the games in the past three weeks except against Snake."

"And DMO lost all three battles!"

"Although we haven't played many games yet, it's really as Brother Hao said."

"This kind of eyesight is hard to accept."

Unfortunately, during the post-match interview, Li Hao went straight backstage and gave up the stage to the factory director.

He said something about the game and encouraged the EDG players.

It can be seen that Qi Jiang still has great expectations for Tian Tian and others.

The best scenario in his mind is that both teams will participate in the S competition together.

But after these two games, the director's heart is always hanging.

His own performance was not good, but he won easily.

Especially when EDG is at a disadvantage, its toughness is extremely poor and it will collapse at the first touch.

Frequent mistakes show that the players' mentality is not strong enough.

Compared with the previous TES, the difference is visible to the naked eye.

Backstage, the factory director couldn't help but ask Li Hao about his views on the current EDG team.

Li Hao shook his head decisively, which made the factory director feel cold, just like a doctor telling you, "You should eat and drink."

"The game was very chaotic and the tactics were not clear enough."

"Our lineup obviously targets the bottom lane, but they did not defend well in advance, and their vision is also a big problem."

"The ability to withstand stress is not enough either."

Li Hao seriously assessed: "I estimate that if this continues, the record will be at the middle to lower level."

"With this style of play, it is easy to lose power and collapse in some advantageous rounds, so it will be a bit difficult to get points to compete in this year's playoffs."

Li Hao smiled and added comfortingly:

"Of course, this is my personal opinion."

The factory director helplessly spread his hands.

"Do you want to remind them?"

The factory director said simply: "I'm not in the club, so it's inappropriate to dictate. It's up to them."

"If I have the opportunity next season, I would love to coach."

"You are very firm and confident. You have learned something from us, right?"

"Of course."

The factory director smiled evilly: "You can't be blind and deaf."

"However, the team atmosphere is the hardest thing to learn. EDG cannot quickly establish a team culture like ours at Snake. I have been there for a long time and I understand this."

"So, your team of souls is so crucial."

The factory director looked around and whispered: "If there is a chance in the future, I hope we can meet on the coaching bench."

"Maybe I can beat you."

"The ambition is not small."

"But, Qi-chan, I'm afraid you will be even more disappointed."

Li Hao's smile made the factory director roll his eyes. He always had a bad feeling.

On June 21st, Snake visited Chengdu OMG home court.

The audience warmly welcomed the arrival of the Snake Team.

The failure at home was expected by OMG, and the failure in the game was also within their estimation.

The former Leng Shao was no match for Shi Yizhong, let alone the Leng Shao who had now become a veteran.

Not every veteran can shine.

What's more, it is still unavoidable to avoid the decline in all aspects of operation brought about by age.

In addition, OMG didn't even have a clear lineup of their own, and the substitutes and starters came and went. They were still in the trial and error stage and were not at the same level as Snake's mature system.

2:0, Snake easily defeated OMG.

The audience in Chengdu rebelled collectively and cheered for Snake.

On June 26, Snake returned to Shanghai to play against ES.

Compared to the Spring Split, ES is now extremely stretched.

The original passion is gone.

In the first four rounds, if it weren't for Bian Bao and Fenfen's support, they might have lost all.

There is no suspense in this round's battle with Snake.

The Snake Team launched a targeted attack. After Li Hao suppressed Fenfen in the lane, he turned to the factory director and aimed at the bottom lane. Even if the holy spear on the top lane was free, the opponent could not target it.

After losing the first game quickly, Fenfen became anxious.

With Kassadin on his left hand and a plane on his right hand, the unique skill brother chose the best Kassadin.

Wait for me to reach level 16!

Level 16 ensures that Snake's base is smoking.

But when the best hero was selected first when Snake had the counter seat, the high-energy spectators such as Baldy, Sika and others laughed exaggeratedly.

They bluntly said that mid laner Fenfen and head coach DANDY drank fake wine, the kind without peanuts.

"How perverted this is!"

"In front of Brother Hao, we attack Kassadin first. Do the Twelve Emperors of North America dare to make this choice?"

"Don't dare. The Twelve Emperors of North America have never done such a perverted thing. Fenfen and DANDY have already committed the crime of arrogance, which is more serious than Zhurang's crime."

The bald man got bolder: "If Fenfen doesn't explode this time, I'll stand on my head and wash my hair right away."

General Sturgeon said: "Kassadin is indeed his unique skill."

"What's the use of unique skills? Just pick the first one on the red side. This time on the blue side, Hao Ge Kang is the special one. If my guess is correct, heroes like Lucian will be in place soon."

"Even the factory director was provoked."

"With Fenfen, it's like the game hasn't started yet, but he's already on Snake's assembly line, and then there's all kinds of processing."

"Walking in the void made a feast while gliding."


Soon, the system tone sounded:

"——Accuracy or not is the difference between slaughter and surgery."

"Qinggangying! Here we go, walking in the void, right?"

This match was exactly what the commentators predicted.

After getting the wine barrel, the factory director went crazy on the middle lane. Fenfen, who already had a bad experience online, wanted to ask the designer to build a toilet in the middle lane, so that he could learn from the experience.

Not to mention level 16, he exploded on the spot before reaching level 6.

At 6 minutes and 9 seconds, Kassadin died three times in a row, and Fenfen was sweating profusely.

At 7 minutes and 43 seconds, Qinggangying climbed over the tower alone, overpowering the level three plus equipment gap, causing him to be instantly killed by a set under the tower. Qinggangying EWE knocked him out and kicked him to death.

There was a huge collapse in the middle, and Fenfen raised a super boss.

Bian Baoren in the bottom lane was paralyzed. He played well at first, but Qinggangying came over and his game ended on the spot.

In the blink of an eye, half of his blood was knocked out by a kick. At that time, his attitude was to lie down.

In just 24 minutes of the game, Qinggangying beheaded 21 people, breaking the summer record.

Fenfen is ruthless and super ghost, becoming the biggest war criminal in this field.

ES was defeated and Snake won five consecutive games.

On Monday of the fifth week, June 29, Snake's sixth round match was still very easy.

The opponent is RW, who is currently in extremely poor condition.

Their lineup is top laner Holder, jungler Haro, mid laner Ruby, AD Zhang Wuji, and assistant Ley.

There are big problems with RW's current game, and the team's homepage has long been trashed.

In this battle against Snake, RW still had no changes. In addition to continuing to be superstitious about AD Lucian, they also introduced top laner Golem, jungler Lee Sin, and mid laner Yellow Chicken + auxiliary Thresh.

Thresh didn't lose his lantern and was jokingly called Yellow Star Possessed by Snake when looking at his vision.

The stone man was hesitant to start a team, but when his teammates died, he suddenly woke up and cast R. He is simply the most powerful brain. It is recommended to investigate strictly.

Lucian couldn't do much damage in team battles and didn't dare to do anything. The Desert Emperor was also defiant and dared to rush into the Snake crowd without a big move. It seemed that he was even more powerful than the Fen Emperor in the previous round. Brother Jie would say it when he saw it. It sounds like you are brave.

Haro, the jungler, looked around and his head was full of questions.

What happened to my teammates?

The audience shouted that they were full and called for an investigation at the same time. This was because they were full but did not recognize anyone.

RW in a bad state is far different from the original Xia team. Old fans accept this fact with disappointment.

Snake easily won the sixth round and continued to advance.

July 4th, Saturday.

Snake finally encountered some resistance in the seventh round.

BLG, relying on the sudden burst of Kingen and Wings, fought Snake for 38 minutes. This was Snake's longest game in the summer split so far.

Unfortunately, during a team battle in the Dragon Pit, Li Hao's Rambo released a fatal move, and cooperated with the prince to cripple BLG's double C!

As they flashed forward, the female gun in the crowd used the Golden Body evasion skill to burn Wings to death. As a result, BLG lacked output and was wiped out in one wave.

The BLG uniforms backstage yelled that it was a pity, they had a chance to win this game.

A wave of team battles fell short.

In the second game of BO3, Snake regained his composure and reduced his own mistakes.

After Fofo's Silas was single-killed by Zoe, Snake started operating based on the huge advantage in the middle.

The fast Fire Dragon Soul overwhelmed BLG, and the game ended in only 26 minutes.

At this time, Snake has won seven games and is firmly ranked first in the league!

As the league started, fans were not only surprised by Li Hao's continued terrifying state, but also marveled at his predictions.

Every scene comes true!

PS: Good night book friends, please update on time before 23:59 tomorrow night.

Congratulations to JDG for winning the championship!

BLG also played very well, and our foreign battle was fierce! Is this wave called the Fantasy God of Foreign Wars? (dog head)

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