LOL: This man is so strong!

Chapter 688 Baptism of the Holy Spear Eternity!

On August 27, the Shanghai Oriental Sports Center was packed with people.

This venue has left many good memories for Snakes fans, such as this year's spring championship and the mid-season championship. In the eyes of most fans, today will also be a good night.

The TES players arrived at the venue before two o'clock in the afternoon. Compared with the players' expectations for the summer finals, head coach Bai Yueya encouraged everyone with a smile but was worried.

Against any team other than Snake, White Crescent Moon would not be so anxious.

He was once an older generation e-sports player. He formed the NGG team with PDD and others, and participated in some games as a jungler in the team. In September 2012, Bai Yueya founded the CLC team alone. He was teammates with pyl and 55kai. The team also included Chris, who had already won all the glory in Snake at this time.

He was envious of Chris, who was unknowingly walking far ahead of him.

Any coach in the league who is the number one player in e-sports will have achievements that are not inferior to Chris, because coaching is a very important job in Snake. Just do your job step by step. The most difficult task is already Taken over by Shi Yizhong.

But White Crescent Moon must admit that God is fair, but Chris is luckier.

Snake is so short of talent in 2016 that anyone has the opportunity to join Snake and become a coach.

Chris became the lucky one.

But who would have thought at the time that RNG would clear the bench after Msi failed, let The King go and be brought in by Snake?

Having been a professional player and a coach, Bai Yueya never imagined that such a dominant player would appear in the e-sports field.

Yesterday afternoon, he and Chris talked on the phone about the past, and naturally they talked about topics related to Li Hao.

The two former teammates expressed a lot of emotion.

Bai Yueya, who was staying backstage at the Oriental Sports Center, heard the commotion in the venue getting louder and louder, and the comments from the audience entering the venue could be heard. He took out his mobile phone from time to time to check the time, and it was almost five o'clock.

Looking around, his left hand, who was previously enthusiastic and looking forward to the finals, now felt the changing atmosphere of the venue, but his face tightened and he looked a little nervous.

The situation of Prophet and 369 was similar, only Casa and Jack were calm.

"We have to face an undefeated dynasty team."

"Facing the first person in e-sports."

Only a real opponent can experience the overwhelming feeling of oppression coming at you.

The left hand is a talent that Bai Yueya is very optimistic about. If Shi Yizhong retires, he may become the strongest domestic mid laner in the future era. But in the current era, Shi Yizhong coexists, and the little light of his small hand is really not as bright as the glory of the sun and the moon. Brilliant.

In the previous games with Snake, his left hand was firmly controlled by the opponent. His highly regarded laning ability was far inferior to that of his opponent, let alone team command.

When he thought of this, Bai Yueya sighed helplessly in his heart.

He watched the game between LGD and Snake. The Snake team that became serious in the playoffs was completely different from the regular season. The only way to find more opportunities from the wing was to exchange resources. Snake rarely made mistakes. Because the wing rarely initiates the first move without clear command and absolute certainty.

Uzi, who obviously has a strong hero that can suppress the lane, can restrain his style, stop at the point, not draw attention from his jungler, and let the factory director cooperate with the mid lane, which can make Uzi be so honest and give in. It’s Shi Yizhong.

Once the advantage in the middle lane gives the team access to resources, Snake snowballs and the side lanes can develop rapidly, creating a strong team contrast.

Bai Yueya thought to himself that at present, the Snake team has almost no flaws except that the jungler is slightly weak and cannot play jungle core.

But Snake uses the mid lane as its super core, and requires more experience from the jungle than operation, as long as it can keep up with the rhythm.

The quickest way to dismantle Snake's system is to collapse their mid lane.


The monster The King has never collapsed since its rise in S6.

The more White Crescent thought about it, the more painful her head became. Her head was so swollen that she couldn't help but rub her temples with her hands.

This finals is hard to beat!

The "dong dong dong" knock on the door seemed to hit the hearts of all the Taobo players. Everyone's eyes were fixed on the door. 369 and Kasa had already stood up from their chairs. The on-site staff came over and called them Admission.

The noise from Snake's backstage next door could also be heard. The two teams had eye contact in front of the player tunnel, but even Chris and White Crescent had no communication since they were on different camps at this time.

On the live stage of the Oriental Sports Center, the host Yu Shuang was making the opening remarks.

After the atmosphere was brewed, the lights came on in the player tunnel. Starting from TES's top laner 369, the players walked out of the tunnel one after another after hearing their ID.

Taobo was not favored, but as a member of the finals, the audience did not hesitate to applaud.

Every player who reaches the finals receives due respect.

When Snake's players came on the stage, the crowd suddenly became louder.

Especially when Yu Shuang shouted "The King~~", it was like a huge gasoline barrel was thrown into the venue, and the fans exploded at that moment!

This time of year refreshes everyone’s outlook.

It turns out that an e-sports player can receive such a level of love.

Li Hao only did one thing, and that was to conquer the audience with his own strength.

Li Hao walked out of the player tunnel facing the lights, waving and greeting the audience all the way. He was accustomed to big scenes and calmly faced this tense moment that could make some players tremble.

"Brother Hao appears!"

Wang Duoduo from a studio shouted excitedly: "This is Brother Hao's last journey in the 2020 playoffs."

"Although Snake got a spot in the S competition in advance due to points, I believe that Brother Hao must be pursuing the No. 1 seed!"


"Today, this group of young people in Taobo will face unprecedented challenges."

Miller said: "If TES wants to create a miracle, everyone must perform a miracle."

"Facing Brother Hao in the finals, this should be the last thing your opponent wants to see."

Colonel Guan laughed loudly: "That's for sure."

“I don’t know what the happiest thing about the League of Legends game is because everyone has a different definition of happiness, but the scariest thing must be discovering that ‘The King’ exists in the opponent’s ID.”

Wawa kept gesticulating with his hands: "There is the regular season The King, and there is the final version The King. They are two completely different players. Whenever there is a critical match like this, Brother Hao will definitely hit hard."

"Knight needs to learn to admit that there are things he should bear at his age."


Several people were chatting very excitedly, and at the same time they were cheering for the contestants who appeared on the stage according to the rhythm of the scene.

After appearing in sequence from starter to coach and substitute, because the equipment had been debugged in advance, the referee near the player bench quickly gave instructions for the start of BP.

The 2020 LPL Summer Finals officially begins!

In the first game of BO5, Snake, who got the priority to choose the side, chose the red side.

Snake has enough pull positions on his side. Male Spear, Leopard Girl, and Kindred all pull, and they are all available to you in the middle.

Snake will not target the left hand like JDG did. In this round of finals, Snake's tone is clear. Whatever the little hand wants to choose, you can choose it. Snake has nothing to be afraid of when he has the counter position.

White Crescent didn't dare to let the one with the flower in his left hand choose Zoe, who had a strong laning ability.

Players are looking forward to it, because Yongen didn't pull it, and it makes sense for Yongen to be chosen as a back-up player to fight Zoe. Although he is not a Tianke, he is proficient enough to definitely make his debut.

Onii-chan is quite popular, and Snake knows it very well and keeps the Yongen icon on.

But in the end, Li Hao chose mid laner Lucian.

If others can plot against Snake, the Snake Team can naturally plot back.

They showed their final attitude in BP.

For the first time, the ultimate move was released directly, and the factory director’s widow jungler appeared again.

This is a hero that can make pig fans scream.

Under the surprised eyes of the audience and commentators, the lineups of both sides were locked.

TES: Ornn, Olaf, Zoe, EZ, Cat

Snake: Qinggangying, Widow, Lucian, Ice, Bard

Snake sacrificed his tankiness and emphasized offense and strong ability to seize opportunities first.

Once the rhythm is started, the next offensive will be like a storm.

After the hero entered the Summoner's Rift, Snake's pre-match preparations exceeded Taobo's expectations.

From the beginning, they started to understand the game.

Li Hao actively mobilized his teammates, and all the junglers in the upper and lower lanes were in the state, each broadcasting eye positions, skill information, Olaf's movements, online health and mana, and possible opportunities.

The audience couldn't hear it, but they could always see the Snake players talking through the camera.

Knight's Zoe is still good, but it's too difficult to beat Li Hao's Lucian online.

Girl A is very afraid of heroes who can move to avoid bubbles. Lucian came up to ask for a fight. She didn't dare to gamble and lose the E skill with her left hand. She wanted to hit Li Hao who had displacement, but the difficulty was raised to the ceiling. Her left hand was self-aware.

Casa is also very careful. When he sees Zoe being suppressed in the middle, he will always adopt a hypothetical principle.

It’s too common for the factory manager to act like a dog in the middle.

After being counter-crouched, the base started to smoke.

Taobo was calm enough and made no mistakes for more than four minutes.

However, Snake won't wait forever.

Close to the early lane advantage, Snake's roaming movements were obviously better than TES. During the invasion of the eye position, they noticed Casa's movements.

Li Hao calculated the refresh time of the crabs in the lower river. Being familiar with Casa, he was sure that Brother Wolf would come to fight.

For more than 5 minutes, Chris and others backstage at Snake kept shouting "Miao Miao Miao!"

Under the command of Li Hao, Snake Yefu traveled twice, forming a triangle kill with Lucian in the middle, and an invisible net caught Casa.

The moment Casa saw the widow, he let the crab escape, but it was already too late.

At 5 minutes and 20 seconds, Olaf, who dodged over the wall, was caught up with Lucian's E skill, and was taken away with two shots and one Q.

The left hand's expression was slightly stiff, Lucian's blood came out, and his teammates showed strength.

Snake took advantage of the situation and took away the first water dragon, and the next one was the wind dragon. The dragon soul in this game was destined to be extraordinary.

Bai Yueya was watching the game backstage. He felt that his left hand really tried his best today.

He fell behind in last-hitting, but the middle lane really didn't collapse. He was in better shape than when he played JDG in that round, because at that time the opponent was a paste, but now it's Shi Yizhong who got first blood.

You can’t expect little hands to do more.

Lucian's wandering, except for Pin signals, is very difficult for him to control.

At 8 minutes and 20 seconds, Snake's attack rhythm was faster.

Lucian cooperated with the level 6 Widow to capture Ah Shui. Uzi shot Ah Shui with an arrow. EZ's purification was not enough. Widow and Lucian came from the side and killed him with heaps of damage.

The weak + healing cat was beheaded by Lucian.

In this wave of Snakes, each midfielder and jungler had a head, and TES basically collapsed in the early stage.

At 9 minutes and 40 seconds, Snake got the first vanguard.

TES has been avoiding, trying to delay the game and slowly look for opportunities.

However, in the 11th minute, the Snake team planned a wave early, which simply drove Taobo into the abyss!

All Taobao fans felt suffocated at that moment.

For 11 minutes and 20 seconds, the outside world will never know how urgent the communication in Snake's team's voice is.

This wave of linkage is definitely textbook level.

Zoe's retracement and jungler's movements in the second half were seen through by Snake.

The factory director placed the vanguard on the top lane, inducing left-hand support to come up, while Lucian, who returned to the city, went straight to the bottom lane.

The factory director fell unconscious with one skill, and cooperated with the holy spear to kill half-health Orn under the tower.

When the big move killed people and successfully left the tower, the young man's blood was boiling. He was afraid that his mistakes would affect this wave of cooperation.

The Widow led the Vanguard to demolish the tower on the top lane, while the Holy Spear went down to TP and formed a four-pack of three with Snake!

After Lucian came to Baptism of the Holy Spear and crippled EZ, Casa was the savior in danger and came to support, and the Qinggang Shadow who came down from TP completely broke the balance.

It was a complete mistake for Taobo to rely on Olaf to defend the tower. Snake was able to move up and down, and his left hand was ineffectively mobilized. Bard's ultimate move and the precise cooperation of the Snake Team allowed Snake to perfectly carry the tower, and all three TES were killed under the tower. !

A wave of 0 for 4 knocked Taobo's momentum to the bottom.

This led to a change in their mentality. In the 16-minute vanguard team battle, TES chose to take over. They surrounded Dalong Pit, but Snake gathered together and broke through with a single point with a huge advantage, playing 1 for 5 in a wave.

"No chance!"

"It's impossible for Taobo to come back from this point in the game."

The dog is really not a poisonous milk. He can't milk him now even if he wants to. There is no turning point for TES.

At 21 minutes, EZ made a last-ditch attack in the middle. Lucian and Widow appeared from the lower river channel. Li Hao fired two shots from E. The explosive damage combined with Widow's output killed EZ instantly!

Jack instantly transformed into a fountain commander, directing his teammates to pay attention to the dragon.

But Snake had no scruples. He was on the C position on the opposite side, so there was no reason not to open the Baron.

Kasa wanted to grab it, but Olaf's legs were short and he had no chance to get close to the dragon pit. Snake got the baron without pressure.

At 24 minutes and 9 seconds, Lucian and Ashe demolished the tower in the middle and lower lanes. TES saw the opportunity to attack and kill Bard. However, at this time, the high ground in the middle and lower lanes was broken. Flandre controlled Qinggang Shadow to sacrifice his life to save others, and then used The stopwatch stalled for time, Lucian's Baptism of the Holy Spear swept over and cooperated with the Widow to directly score a double kill!

Olaf and Zoe were both killed.

Knight's hypnotic bubble put Qinggang Shadow to sleep before death. EZ turned around and WEQ cooperated with Ornn to take Qinggang Shadow's head. Ice slowed down from the side and kept EZ.

The EZ with remaining health flashed and fled towards the spring. Lucian moved like a rabbit, his body moved, the butterfly passed through the flowers and passed the soldiers, flashed to follow up and connected with the body-penetrating holy light, and then used two passive shots to hit the triple kill!

The four-piece set of dilapidation, blue-sucking knife, black cutter, and Youmeng is like a ghost in Lucian's violent development.

The prophet controlled the cat and stepped into the spring water.

He would always remember that image.

The voice of Youmeng Spirit was extremely clear in my ears, the petals were flying and falling, and Lucian was moving quickly like a devil!

"Bang, bang~!"

——A passionate bomb.

"Bang, bang~!"


"The cat died in the spring!!"

"Flando's sacrifice of life to save others is worth thousands of gold. Brother Hao has already killed four people!"

"Penta kills!"

"Another five kills!"

"Where can Aoun run away!"

"It's crazy. The five-kill in the finals is still going to be staged, right in the first game!"

"Snake is killing people!"

"369 gave up! He stopped running away!"

"369 flashed his dog tag, and it turned out to be Snake's logo! It turns out he has the universe in mind!"

"The code matches!"

"Penta kills!"

"Ornn is dead, five kills!!"

Fantasy light and shadow dance in the Oriental Sports Center, and the noisy sound is like the never-ending waves of the sea.

"The Holy Spear facilitated Brother Hao's use of the Holy Spear Ranger to get five kills. This was the combination of their instruments and Snake's instrument. This was a beautiful game, a game that suffocated Taobo, and a game that belonged to the dynasty. The team’s strong game is a classic game that continues Brother Hao’s legendary five kills.”

"This is an eternity, the legend will ring throughout the canyon, and the summoners will remember it all!"


This night is destined to make the Oriental Sports Center crazy.

After Snake defeated TES in the first round in a lightning manner, the second game took 29 minutes and 14 seconds to get the match point with a 7,000 gold lead.

In the third game, the expressions of the young people in Taobo changed.

Without noticing, his left hand pulled out a devil horn from his hair.

They fought desperately in desperate situations and showed the energy that a young team should have.

This gives Taobo fans hope.

However, victory belongs to Snake!


Snake swept Taobo, the myth of the dynasty was slowly turning, and the next chapter was being written.

PS: Good night book friends, please update on time before 23:59 tomorrow night.

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