LOL: This man is so strong!

Chapter 689 Times change

"Congratulations Snake!"

"Under the leadership of Brother Hao, Snake once again won the summer championship. From the regular season to the playoffs, Snake won the championship!"

"Snake has officially locked in the LPL No. 1 seed!"

"It's really strong. Taobo wants to compete with Dynasty Snakes in BO5, but now he is far from his opponent."

Wang Duoduo boldly said: "Although Taobo was swept and Brother Hao scored five kills, we must not underestimate this team. They are not weak, but Snake is too strong! The summer finals will be the global finals. In microcosm, every team that plays against Snake will face the problem of how to deal with Brother Hao."

"They will definitely study before the game how to play against Brother Hao in the 10.18 version."

"We have plenty of time, but for five years, no one has been able to solve this world's difficult problem!"

Wang Duoduo was really excited and impassioned, and his voice trembled in his mouth, making his face slightly red.

For so many seasons, he has been witnessing the legend of Shi Yizhong.

Li Hao brought him too many unforgettable scenes, and Wang Duoduo also gave him the most shouts, screams, admiration and love.

He thinks back to the past few seasons and is always shocked.

The same is true for several commentators nearby.

Before the game, everyone knew that the Snakes were favored, but the momentum of Taobo was also very strong. There is always a "what if" in e-sports competitions. When the outcome is completely presented in front of everyone, the psychological anticipation in advance seems to be lacking.

Tao Bo surrendered five kills under the baptism of the Holy Spear!

An unbeatable sweep!

They looked at the screen and then at the Snake stage. At this time, the man in the center of the Snake team was smiling and throwing a huge boulder into the lake with every move. The league world was about to be shaken up again.

The Haier brothers didn't know what to say, so they exclaimed in unison: "Brother Hao~~!"

"When we said the phrase 'please invite the next talented player' in a joking mood, Brother Hao was mercilessly purging the league, and geniuses fell in front of him."

"Since we have Brother Hao, no one dares to underestimate the veteran anymore."

"The talented players in their golden heyday couldn't cross the threshold of Brother Hao."

Someone asked one more question: "If Brother Hao doesn't retire, how long do you think he can rule?"

"At least three more years!"

"Hahaha, I feel like I can continue to rule, because Brother Hao has been growing in reverse, becoming more and more demonic as he gets older."

"Brother Hao's impression on me is enough to make me forget age and injuries, which are factors that have a great impact on professional players."


Everyone said something to each other, and the discussion was heated.

After a short celebration, the Snake players shook hands with the Taobo players.

Although they were swept, judging from the mental outlook of Casa and others, they were not very depressed.

The runner-up result in the summer competition is fully accepted by TaoBo.

There are four seed spots in the LPL this year. Snake will be the No. 1 seed after winning the Summer Championship, and they are the team with the highest points in the spring and summer. The LPL will not let one team occupy two spots. The team with the second highest points in the postponement mode Naturally the No. 2 seed.

With higher points in the summer split and a second place finish, Taobo will be ahead of JDG.

Therefore, both parties shaking hands in the finals at this time can enter this year's S competition.

Ribbons were falling and flying on the stage, and with the cheers of the audience, Snake held the Summer Championship trophy.

Manager Huang, the head of the LPL region, came to the stage and presented the Fmvp award to Li Hao.

He was smiling, but not too excited.

Ordinary professional players will most likely never have the chance to win the Fmvp trophy in their lifetime, but in Li Hao's view, trophies in the competition area are common.

Not to mention the regular season, in the LPL playoffs alone, Li Hao has already won six MVP awards!

Someone once accused him of being the team leader.

But this argument is totally untenable.

Li Hao's damage conversion rate, damage ratio, and team participation rate have always been the highest in the team. He was the C player in the finals. He never hides and acts as an undercover, and brings the team back on track time and time again.

99.9% of professional players want to have a teammate like this.

However, there are only four lucky people who play with him every time.

What's more, in addition to the MVP trophy, the championship also comes with bonuses, honors, fame and fortune. The teammates around Li Hao have benefited a lot from the limelight, and even the newcomers are being explored and discussed by the outside world.

In the entire league, only Li Hao has such great exposure.

"Brother Hao, after winning the summer championship with a complete victory, Snake will participate in S10 as the No. 1 seed. This time, he will return to the middle lane in the global finals. What is Snake's plan?"

Yu Shuang handed the microphone to Li Hao. He simply said what the media wanted to hear:

"The plan is simple."

"Keep the championship trophy in the LPL and in China."


The whole hall burst into applause and cheers.

The veteran players said excitedly:

“I also want to see the footage from the 2017 season again!”

"Yes, Brother Hao, let's continue to aspire to win the Bird's Nest!"

"Strike for the fifth crown!"


Summer Finals champion, No. 1 seed, legendary five-kill record continues

This evening, Luquan fans have so many topics to talk about.

Snake has received the most attention, with some discussing TES, and others paying attention to the other third and fourth seeds.

August 28, just the day after the finals.

Except for the first and second seeds, JDG has the highest points in the spring and summer.

Excluding these three teams, the highest-ranked team in the summer split is LGD.

As a result, JDG competed with LGD for the third seed spot.

On the evening of August 28, the optimistic family fans who were full of expectations could not calm down.

LGD, the dark horse, once again fell in front of JDG.

Still 3:1, JDG firmly defeated LGD and became the third seed in the LPL.

On August 29, Saturday, the qualifying round started on time at 4:30 pm, IG played against SN.

Fans hope that IG can regain its original feeling in the qualifying rounds. The team that competed with Li Hao in the global finals for two consecutive years left a deep impression on fans.

You know, the Terror Snakes with the peak configuration of S8, killing LCK is like killing toys. At that time, only IG who was in full competitive state could compete with them.

This expectation must be fulfilled today.

SN is far stronger than people think. IG is really not the original IG. Broiler can't perform as well as it did in its prime. The reverse version of Shy Man doesn't have the edge of Hedao Sword Demon. After three games, SN swept IG out of the game.

IG fans were very depressed while scolding Xiao Su.

"Apart from Brother Hao, I really can't find anyone in the league who can continue to be brilliant."

SN, who advanced to the second round of qualifying, and LGD, who failed to compete for the third seed, met in the final BO5 for the fourth seed.

On the night of August 29, the optimistic family once again suffered a huge blow.

After three consecutive games with an average duration of more than 35 minutes, SN swept LGD and won the fourth seed!

SN's performance in two consecutive rounds was like sublimation.

A Bing, Shu Fen, Da An, Huan Feng, and Snake, these five people are all in better condition, as if they have completely found their own rhythm.

Since the expansion of S5, LGD has never played in the World Championship.

In this playoffs, the optimistic family saw opportunities again and again, which gave them waves of fantasy.

The end result is painful.

If I had known this, I might as well have continued to be optimistic.

SN celebrated loudly on the stage, and the uniform team also thanked IG and manager Xiao Su. Without Xiao Su's assists, their lineup would not be as complete as it is now.

LGD next door was filled with sadness.

Little Peanut, the cute boy who had always been smiling before, now covered his red eyes with his hands and couldn't control his tears.

Lao Xiye was like a skeletal sculpture, leaning on the gaming chair with dull eyes.

When the 60e people saw this scene, they couldn't help but feel sad.

Back then, Xiao Xiye had been the expectation of 60e people for a long time.

Since leaving WE, he has played for four teams in just two years. He is like a duckweed with no roots and no guarantee of playing in the starting lineup.

The age of Lao Xiye is unknown. After this round of qualifying, the 60e players all called out to Xiye and WE, hoping that they would get back together.

If Xiye is going to retire, 60e people hope to see him return to his true home.

After the game on August 29, the four LPL quotas were determined.

In this process, everyone has seen the glory of the dynasty, the continued legend of the first person in e-sports, the rise of e-commerce teams, and the storm of youth. At the same time, we have also witnessed the sadness of losers. The down-and-out dream chaser who refused to leave and licked his wounds in tears.

And more players stayed at their own bases, in small training rooms, watching from the perspective of bystanders.

The joy, anger, sorrow and joy on the stage can affect them, but they have no chance to participate in it.

For those players who are not yet famous and whose IDs are not even known by many people, some give up and choose to leave this season, while others are overcoming the hardships and gritting their teeth and persevering.

These scenes of people in front and behind constitute this e-sports summer.

The majority of LPL players are thinking that this year's LPL is very strong!

If there is no Snake, JGD, SN, and TES all seem to be teams capable of competing for the championship.

The topic was introduced to S10. In the past few days, the list of teams in each major competition area has been released one after another.

The LCK quota is naturally attracting attention.

DWG's crazy youth storm swept across again, taking the Xia Crown and becoming the number one seed.

With points, Longcha became the second seed.

T1, which attracted a lot of attention, met AFS in the first round of the playoffs.

AFS's double C with a mid-parted hair led the team to easily defeat T1, and his brother-in-law scored the MVP.

Coincidentally, in the second round of the S10 qualifying round, AFS met T1 again.

The big devil showed his desire to win. In the opening game, Galio won the MVP with a record of 6/1/8. Little Lu Bu in the bottom lane showed his sharpness and was superb with zero deaths.

In the second game, Canna inherited the Dracula bloodline left by Cuzz. In her first hand, Crocodile was tricked by Kinn's Lucian with 0/6, which resulted in the score becoming 1:1.

In the next two games, T1's Double C performed steadily and took revenge on AFs.

Time flies to September 9, and LCK ushered in the final battle of the qualifying rounds.

T1 versus Samsung.

Clid sat opposite the big devil and couldn't help but call Oppa, acting like a mole in the first game.

A man's gun, it's very eye-catching if the wild core doesn't understand it.

But T1's jungler Ellim is quite kingly and disdains Clid to give away points.

Dracula Ellim uses forward to hit 1/5, which is obviously more advanced than Clid's i3.

Amy, the wild king of LPL, praised it after reading it. Ellim’s ID is almost the same as mine.

Chi Di and Bdd had their desire to win written on their faces, and the double C merged to overturn T1.

In the exciting second game, T1 jungler Ellim picked Spider, which was only level 12 in 31 minutes. Samsung jungler Life laughed because his Braum was already level 13.

Clid was in a state of confusion, his condition was already bad enough, but Ellim just lifted him up!

The 9/1/1 Chi Emperor is stable and does twice as much damage as Little Lu Bu.

After Samsung got the match point, T1's mentality basically collapsed.

At 28 minutes and 39 seconds, Samsung swept T1 3:0 and became the third seed in the LCK.

"The big devil wanted to C, but C couldn't move. They are both Brother Li, but they can't be compared."

"Faker was very strong at the beginning, but now he is defeated by time. This is the epitome of many professional players, except Brother Wolfberry."

someone said:

"Faker taught us a truth through his own experience. Men really need to take care of themselves. Who is still laughing at Brother Hao for picking up a thermos cup so early?"

Someone said regretfully: "I also wanted to see Brother Hao cry against Faker in the finals, but it's such a pity."

Some people also shouted: "What are you playing with? Emperor E! Where is SKT's stupid chicken? Bring it up!"

Another Emperor understands:

"Era in the league have changed. The classic game between Brother Li and Brother Li can only be looked back on. Now that they are put together forcibly, they are no longer a match and can no longer play the kind of game you want. The big devil withered with time. , he must serve his old age, and he will not be able to be the absolute core of the team in the future. Only Brother Hao can see the long history of the e-sports world. He is an immortal god. From my understanding, it is his unyielding will that strengthens him. body so that he doesn’t have any wear and tear.”

The LCK qualifying rounds are over, and all team quotas for the S10 Global Finals have been determined.

Officials can start preparing for the lottery ceremony.

That night, Faker returned to the base dormitory from the venue.

On the table, there are also records sent by Hallasan and Li Hao.

Samsung's bubble is no joke, these people are very good at grabbing the third seed.

Faker found that after losing his qualification for the S tournament, he was not as sad as he imagined.

After Snake won the Summer Championship and Li Hao had another five-kill in the finals, Faker felt that his focus should be on the next season.

This feeling was all too familiar to him.

A group of people appeared in Inven advocating the Big Turtle and the Dragon Fork. When Faker saw it, he felt very sorry for them.

This summer, it was too difficult to break through that man's rule.

He knows more information than others and understands what a certain man is brewing.

Around nine o'clock, Faker's phone rang, and it showed that the call was coming from Magic City.

He answered with a smile.

"Xianghe, today is September 9th. If it's the Lunar Calendar, it's the Double Ninth Festival. It's a pity that I couldn't see you advance to S10 on this day."

"But it doesn't matter if T1 can't come. You can come by yourself. When you get to the Magic City, I'll entertain you. How about it? It's very generous."


Li Guapi refused Li Hao's proposal without even thinking:


"I'm afraid you'll give me something weird again, like dog food."

Speaking of this, Li Guapi was really speechless. The guy on the other end of the phone was so evil. Dracula Cuzz wasn't as bad as him when he was sucking blood.

"Next season."

"I'll invite you to watch the game next season."


In the Snake Team base, Li Hao put down the phone and was in a strange mood.

It could be heard that Li Guapi was not in a bad mood, and he would still find topics to chat with.

Is he already looking forward to next season?

Li Hao couldn't help but smile meaningfully.

PS: Good night book friends, please update on time before 23:59 tomorrow night.

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