LOL: What is a roaming mid laner?

Chapter 225 223: The sky collapses!

The eye position arranged by Level 1 WE successfully saw that Xiaotian's Rambo opened the wild from the red BUFF in the upper half, and then brushed downwards.

The hero Rambo is not very fast at clearing double BUFFs and the camp of a single wild monster such as the Demon Swamp Frog. The Sharp Beak, Three Wolves and Gargoyles are his main clearing areas.

Kandi felt that Xiaotian finished the sharp beak and then went to eat the blue buff.

Since he had seen Xiaotian's opening movement before, Kandi's wine barrel was a quick three start of Sharpbill-Red-Gargoyle, so that he could reach the lower half of the counter-garlicon in the shortest way.

If normal, Xiaotian's blue BUFF should not be finished yet, and he might take over directly in the past.

"Look at me carefully." Kandi operated the wine barrel and staggered down into the dragon pit.

"No problem, feel free to enter the wild area." Xiye assured him.

He is now very comfortable overpowering Lin Ran, and more importantly, he is using Lin Ran's Lucian champion skin.

So cool.

Do you have today too?

Using your champion skin to crush you to death, there is inevitably a hint of tauren in it, which makes Xiye even more excited, and his whole body trembles with excitement.

"Kandi still has to counterattack. He has already judged in advance that Rambo is in the bottom half..."

The narrator watched Kandi on the screen crossing the river, and without even looking at the harmless swift crabs on the side, he rushed into Xiaotian's wild area.

The blue buff camp is empty.


Kandi found out that the blue buff had been eaten, and knew that he had guessed wrong again.

He used the fastest three-level route in this game. The wine barrel brushing of the Beak Bird and Gargoyle Camp is not slow to begin with, and the upgrade speed is faster than the jungler who upgrades to level 3 through the normal dual-BUFF route.

In addition, I saw that Xiaotian's movement in the jungle before was to go down after finishing the red BUFF.

The answer is already coming.

After finishing the red BUFF, Xiaotian rushed directly to the blue BUFF, first ate two BUFF camps, and then went to other wild areas!

In this way, due to the extra detours, the time to upgrade to 3 will be slower, but it is absolutely safe.

Kandi continued to walk inside. He knew that if Xiaotian started with double BUFF, the three wolves would definitely still be alive at this time.

"Kandi didn't counter the BUFF this time!" Miller stood from God's perspective and knew what happened in the whole process. "Xiaotian has almost finished using his F6, and he wants to invade Kandi's upper half. District?"

Xiaotian controlled Rambo to cross the river, inserted a jewelry eye at the entrance of Kandi's blue zone, and then directly started W [Broken Shield] to accelerate and rushed up the road.

"He wants to capture 957!" Changmao looked at the small map in the OB system. Because Jace suppressed the captain before, Jin Gong didn't even take many troops, and now the troop line is right in front of the tower.

This position is very dangerous for Jace.

"957, it's too late to escape, the route is too long!" Changmao spoke in an authentic Wanwan accent and was worried for Brother Legs.

The long line on the upper road greatly increased Jace's suppression of the captain, but at this moment it also became a shackle for his escape.

957 has used QE's reinforced cannon before, which consumes gold tribute. At this time, it only has an acceleration effect when switching forms.

With a 40-point movement speed boost lasting only 1.25 seconds, 957 knew he couldn't run away.

It was not that he had not noticed it before, and 957 was not stupid. When Kandi discovered that Rambo did not eat the three wolves camp, he knew that Xiaotian must be eating the big bird.

It's just easy to catch yourself later.

But he couldn't leave early.

Because the position of the army line was so bad, the artillery soldiers in the third wave of soldiers blocked his progress in pushing the line.

At this time, a full 8 soldiers must gather in front of Jin Gong's tower. If he does not deal with it, the soldier line will be stuck by the captain for a long time, and the loss will be more than one head.

A few basic attacks + a Q [Electric Energy Surge] took out the gun carriage, and 957 accepted his death calmly.

"You eat, you eat!" Xiaotian knew that this game was very difficult for Jin Gong, and he couldn't let Sibago collapse no matter what.

Jin Gong was not humble and decisively took the head.

"This wave of troops has harmed 957!" Changmao shook his head repeatedly, "Xiaotian's early jungle clearing route was so smart!"

"Yes, he knew that WE saw his opening position, deliberately made a big circle, and then went to gank 957, who would definitely push the lane in the early stage!" Miller, who stood in the perspective of God, saw it very clearly.

Hongmi in the WE lounge crossed her arms and looked extremely ugly.

There are still some problems with their early offense.

The jungler on the opposite side who looks square-headed and square-brained is very smart and knows how to take advantage of the situation to counter the weaknesses exposed by WE's early attack.

In the two games, Xiaotian used a unique jungle clearing sequence to mess up Kandi.

After getting one blood money, Jin Gong used a gunpowder barrel to blow up the line of troops, and went home to make up for the brilliance. Now he felt much more comfortable in the line.

Lin Ran was still resisting the pressure. The output of his Q [Earthquake Shard] in the early stage was too low, so he didn't exchange blood with Xi Ye and used it to replenish troops when he had nothing to do.

The bottom lane combination of both sides developed very smoothly in this game. Normally, YM's Verus + Lulu had a slight advantage in the lane, but since Kandi had gone to the lower half of the jungle to counter the jungle, Jack did not dare to push the lane too deep.

This shows the benefit of early communication. Xiaotian planned the jungle route at the beginning. Jack knew that his lower half of the jungle would be surrendered, so he worked hard to keep the line of troops in the center from the beginning.

If he doesn't push the line too deep, Kandi won't find any opportunities.

As Lin Ran's level increased, he now dared to step forward and use his passive shield to attack while Xiye was attacking the tower.

The purpose is not to exchange blood, but to earn money.

The first basic attack launched by a melee hero equipped with [Cloud Hunter] against an enemy hero will steal 10 gold coins.

The cooldown time is only 5 seconds, and Lin Ran's touch is almost equivalent to earning a ranged soldier's gold coins in vain.

Xiye was touched twice and felt like she was at a loss.

He was too slow to consume the stone man.

Lucian's hands were too short, and the 500-yard shooting range made him always careful for fear of arousing hatred from the defense tower, and he did not dare to consume Lin Ran's health under the tower at will.

Lin Ran also has a very detailed early main W [Savage Strike]. When he reaches level 5, he has level 3 W, which increases his armor by 25%.

Lin Ran brought a set of yellow armor runes to provide 9 points of armor, plus 49 points of armor from the level 5 stone man panel attribute, for a total of 58 points of armor.

In this way, the stone man with the W skill has a full 58*(1+0.25)=72.5 points of armor, reducing the physical output by 42%.

At this time, Lucian's attack power was only in the early 80s, and a single shot on Lin Ran would only produce over 40 points of damage.


Xiye tried to push the line and grind the tower, trying to consume more HP of the defense tower before the stone man reached level 6.

But now Lin Ran is happy. The first tower is not the bottom lane, and there is a certain damage reduction effect in the early stage.

Just take it apart if you can.

Moreover, Lucian's demolition of towers is equivalent to a waste of his early suppression power, because in today's unplated version, as long as the defensive towers are not removed, there will be no economic benefits.

Xiye rubbed the tower twice, but realized something was wrong, so she could only continue to rub Lin Ran's health a little bit.

The director will give an economic panel in a timely manner.

"But this anti-stress effect is not bad! I still have a bottle of potion on me, and my economic backwardness is close to 200." Miller was a little surprised.

"I'm 15 behind on the last hit. The extra money should be given by Tanyunshou." Changmao, like all the viewers, was watching Lin Ran's last hit.

This wave of troops with artillery vehicles entered the first tower, and there was no fighting elsewhere. The director specifically focused the camera on Lin Ran, who was about to repair the tower sword.

This is their bad taste. This group of people likes to watch professional players leak guns.

Lin Ran took a look at his blood volume. He knew that Xiye definitely wanted to consume himself while he was replenishing the tower knife, so he knocked down the last bottle of corruption potion first.

He took advantage of the time when the defense tower was attacking the artillery carriage, activated W [Savage Strike] and hit the three ranged soldiers with a heavy fist. For this, he suffered two basic attacks from Xiye and then a Q [Penetrating Holy Light].

The newly restored passive shield was penetrated, and Lin Ran still had 400 health left.

This was the ninth wave of troops. Xiye had already reached level 6. He looked at Lin Ran under the tower and felt murderous intent.

If he was allowed to smoothly replenish this wave of troops and return to the city to replenish supplies, he would have no advantage at all when coming out of the next wave.

Xiye looked at the gun truck with half health left under the tower, and knew that Lin Ran, who had no experience, would be promoted to level 6 when the gun truck was killed.

There was not much time left for him, so Xiye made a decisive decision.

Ignite and hang on the stone man, W [Holy Bullet] followed by the ultimate move [Baptism of the Holy Spear]!

Xiye used the movement speed of triggering W to dump bullets on Lin Ran's body!

"This is for a solo kill! Xiye knows that he can no longer develop peacefully and smoothly!"

Amidst the explanation of the baby's sudden heightening, Lin Ran's blood volume continued to drop.

"Ultimate move, big move!" Lin Ran quickly asked his teammates for help.

He calculated the distance between himself and Xiye and knew that Q [Seismic Fragment] could not hit, so he decisively slapped the "tire" on the cannon body and used the acceleration effect to move laterally in an attempt to avoid the bullets from Lucian's gun.

Seeing that Lin Ran wanted to run away, Xiye slid [Cold Pursuit] and continued to aim the bullets of his holy spear at Lin Ran!

Jin Gong, who was on the road, had lost a few soldiers' experience before, but he also gained Jace's first-blood experience. At this time, he knocked out the second barrel and used the glare effect to kill three melee soldiers.

The spinning light rises and reaches level 6!

"Get out, get out!" 957 immediately signaled to the middle.

Xiye glanced at the health of Lin Ran and the gun carriage in a very short period of time, and felt that even with the captain's ultimate move, Lin Ran would not be able to upgrade, so he gritted his teeth and decided to continue killing.

As the captain gave a sharp shout, the battlefield in the middle of the distance was instantly covered by a burst of artillery fire!

"The captain gave me a big move, but Xiye still won't leave. He insists on killing this stone man alone!"

Although he has an armor of up to 73 points, the number of bullets from Baptism of the Holy Lance and the real damage caused by ignition have reduced his health a lot.

Lin Ran couldn't judge the most perfect solution in such a short period of time. He could only rely on his own intuition.

The stone man suddenly flashed to the side and forward!

Xiye didn't hesitate and continued to push the barrel of the gun into Lin Ran's mouth.

Lin Ran E [The Earth Tremors] slammed the floor hard!

Xiye saw his movements clearly and instantly understood Lin Ran's purpose.

He wants to eat up the troops under the tower, and then upgrade to level 6 to complete the counterattack!

The artillery cart now has a lot of remaining health, but Lin Ran can eat the remaining minions that have lost a certain amount of health before using his W! You can still upgrade to level 6!

Xiye knew that she had overlooked this in her desperation.

But at this time, there was no turning back when he opened the bow. He had already fired his ignition and ultimate moves, and Kandi's vision of the river grass below had already seen Xiaotian leaning towards the middle.

Even if he retreats now, due to the slowing effect of the captain's ultimate move, he cannot avoid Rambo's subsequent pursuit.

Gotta kill!

Xiye had no way out.

The vibration caused by the stone man slapping the ground caused the health of the soldiers under the tower to drop sharply!

The damage of this skill is related to the stone man's own armor. Therefore, although Lin Ran only learned level 1 E, his output is not very low.

But to Lin Ran's disappointment, after the stone man patted the floor, the three back row ranged soldiers were still missing a trace of health and were not killed!

After Lucian's ultimate move was cast, Xiye clicked on the floor and moved forward to resist the tower, firing two passive bullets into the stone man's body.

Another wave of cannonballs from the captain fell from the sky, and all three long-range soldiers were finally killed. Lin Ran was successfully promoted to level 6!

He instantly learned R [Unstoppable] and hit Xiye in the face!

The moment he was knocked away, Xiye still fired his last basic attack.

There are still two seconds left for Lin Ran to output, and Lin Ran is already doomed.

Lucian resisted the tower twice in the air. At this time, Lin Ran was already dead. [Dangerous Game] provided him with 5% health recovery.

"Xiye successfully jumped over the tower and killed Ran alone, but his head was later eaten by the captain!" As soon as Miller finished explaining the battle that broke out in the middle, the director's camera flashed to the top lane again.

Just now, Jin Gong's second barrel cleared out several melee soldiers, causing the soldier line to be pushed out. Kandi rushed over like a shark smelling blood.

"Kandee didn't hesitate and used his E to stun Jin Gong. Jess added damage and killed the captain!"

Lin Ran looked at the black and white screen and clicked his tongue. At the critical moment, he couldn't accurately calculate whether he could kill three long-range soldiers. Everything was based on intuition.

If those three minions were directly shot to death by him, they would be able to reach level 6 at that time. A big move would prevent Xiye from firing the last basic attack, and if nothing else happened, he would be able to survive and complete the counterattack.

Not to mention being replaced in this wave, in the end Lucian's head was eaten by Jin Gong, and he earned 150 gold coins in assist money.

Originally, you could directly buy the slag to support your health, but now you can only choose the small ice armor.

20 points of armor + 200 mana + 10% cooldown, no blood support, and its early attributes are worse than Slag.

However, Lin Ran, who had regained his composure, did not feel upset. Even if he had to make this choice again, he would still make it.

But some viewers finally found an outlet.

[Is this the stone man? 】

[The captain was so powerful that he was killed by jumping over the tower? So cool. 】

[Hahaha, forcefully choose a stone man? I told you this is a stupid hero! 】

"It's okay, it's okay. I can win this game." Jin Gong is quite fat now. Two heads are worth 700 yuan, plus the minions obtained from Q [Gunfire Negotiation] and the gold coins gained from [Cloud Explorer], he is now Already have the shining light + cloth armor shoes in hand, and the equipment is luxurious.

When Lin Ran returned to the line again, Lucian bought the Vampire Scepter + Straw Sandals. Lin Ran took a look at his equipment grid and roughly calculated the number of gold coins his opponent had.

"He should have bought a real eye." Lin Ran recalled while finishing his kills. He and Lucian came online at about the same time. Considering Lucian's pair of straw sandals, he should have walked faster.

In other words, he had a short period of time to do vision work. If the time of the return path is included...

"There may be a view from this location." He pinged the signal in the grass on the upper and lower rivers.

"I understand." Xiaotian put away the red BUFF, and then went to eat F6 to prepare for level 6.

"Prophet, you turn EZ into a sheep, I can kill it!" At 7 minutes and 30 seconds, Jack suddenly accelerated his speaking speed.

The prophet now blindly believes in Jack. If his AD says he can kill him, then he can kill him.

He flashed up and turned into a sheep, and then handed over the ignition.

Jack had already made a plan at this time. He deliberately left a minion with residual health. When the prophet made a move, he immediately attacked and ate the minion.

At this moment, Jack rose to level 6!

At the same time, the passive [Desire for Revenge] provides him with a 25% attack speed bonus after eating the minions.

"Jack flashed forward directly, and we have to fight in the bottom lane!" Wawa looked at Jack flashing forward again, using a small combo of basic attack + E to weaken the brother-in-law's health.

EZ couldn't cast spells in the sheep state and could only move towards the back. Ben also quickly provided the RE shield and threw the QW skills on Jack.

But there is no hard control, Jack follows up with R [Chain of Corruption] after his E skill.

The brother-in-law wanted to move, but the movement speed attenuation under the Sheep Transformation and Verus E skills made it impossible for him to avoid this control skill.

Ben originally wanted to flash to help block the control, but there was still a distance between him and his brother-in-law. The flash was not enough for him to reach his brother-in-law. He could only watch his AD gain control.

The prophet used all his output, and Jack took advantage of the two seconds of confinement to fire two basic attacks, and followed up with Q [Piercing Arrow] while launching the second basic attack.

Verus's ultimate move also gives out layers of [Wither] during the period of imprisonment. After stacking three layers of Blight, the passive piercing arrow directly takes away a large amount of EZ's health.

The brother-in-law handed over the treatment but was affected by the serious injury effect and the amount of recovery was not much.

"Jack, this Verus is really thin!" The doll couldn't control his volume and shouted loudly, "Passiveness and control are fully activated. My brother-in-law couldn't even flash and was killed immediately!"

[What a wonderful Verus! 】

[Guigui, take the Q and stand up from Dirty Dancing! 】

[YM passive ring hugging triggers, this game is not going to work, team member C is up! 】

"Good fight, Jack!" Lin Ran finally became excited, and the originally stalemate situation finally broke through.

"That's for sure. Don't even look at who this buddy is?" Jack pushed away his troops and returned to the city, chewing gum and laughing.

Lin Ran started to eat troops in the middle to supplement his growth.

Lucian's first breaking point with the dilapidated black cut flow was when he just took out the dilapidated weapon. The combat effectiveness of the two small pieces of dilapidated weapon alone is not very strong.

The stone man's armor had long been broken, and Xiye's attack on Lin Ran was almost like scraping.

Kandi rushed to the bottom lane at 8 minutes and 30 seconds. Ben flashed to chain the prophet and killed him. The kill was assigned to his brother-in-law's EZ so that he could take shape as soon as possible.

Jack relied on his long hands and skills to clear the line, so he stayed under the tower without moving.

WE didn't dare to make any mistakes. They knew that Lin Ran still had the teleportation in his hand.

Symbolically use EZ and Karma to consume Verus' health twice, and then prepare to fight the first fire dragon.

"Xiaotian, please do something!" Jack yelled dissatisfied, "Look how many things my wine barrel has done?"

"Don't bark, stinky dog, your father is here!" Xiaotian has helped Jin Gong eat a first-blood human head so far, and has been working hard since then. Wherever the wine barrel is, he will catch people along the way, and he will go to the other half. In the area, I brushed the wild and counter-wild. Because I brushed two more groups of F6, the economy was even ahead of the wine barrel.

At this time, he had already taken out the Fu Neng Echo Jungle Knife and rushed to the lower half, obviously trying to fight for this little dragon.

"Come on, come on, their lineup is very slow to beat the dragon." Xiaotian called his teammates over.

"The jungler, mid laner, and support didn't dodge, and the AD didn't heal." The prophet copied and sent out the summoner CD that he recorded in the team chat channel.

"Come on, come on, only Jack is not that big, right?" Lin Ran is now eager for WE to play Xiaolong. Their lineup is simply born for the Hedao team.

He swatted away the line of soldiers and turned around to disappear, while Xiye rushed to the dragon pit.

"YM wants to take on this wave of dragons, aren't they going to wait a little longer? WE's lineup is not weak at this time!" Wawa looked at the movements of everyone on the mini-map with a little worry.

The next moment, the ultimate move that the captain had just turned poured down again, covering the entire Xiaolong Pit!

At the same time, Xiaotian Rambo's ultimate move also sprinkled down, and a straight line of flames split the Xiaolong Pit in two. Ben and Kandi were inside the Dragon Pit, while EZ stood alone at the pass of the Dragon Pit.

Fu Neng Echo's splash damage is definitely not low at this point in time, and the health of the three WE is reduced to less than half health.

"Take Xiaolong first, and you can sell it to me!" Ben, who was fairly proficient in Mandarin, shouted loudly at this time.

He who didn't flash was trapped in the dragon's pit, and there was absolutely no way he could get out of this wave.

"I'll cover, you guys retreat quickly, 957 you teleport first, then cancel if you don't need it." Xiye was still very calm now. He used his ultimate move at the river to prevent Xiaotian from entering the dragon pit.

957 and Jin Gong fell and teleported almost at the same time.

Xiaotian didn't even look at Xiye's baptism of the holy spear. He opened the broken shield and carried Lucian's output and rushed into the dragon pit. Jack, who was half-healthy, also rushed over.

Lin Ran disappeared at this time.

Everyone in WE, who were in a hurry to beat Xiaolong, did not notice this message.

After all, this stone man had previously cleared the line of troops and then retreated into WE's blind spot. Normal people would think that Lin Ran had returned to the city to resupply equipment.

"What is this stone man doing?" Wawa was stunned for a moment as he watched Lin Ran suddenly hand over the teleportation at the second tower in the middle.

The director switched the perspective and showed the specific location of Lin Ran's teleportation.

"This teleportation point is in the grass directly opposite the WE red buff. Someone in YM lost a very deep real eye here before!" Miller suddenly became excited, "But this teleportation point has to go around the back!"

"The key is that this teleportation location is very far away from the front battlefield. It seems that WE hasn't discovered Ran yet!"

Xiaotian was blown away by the big move of the wine barrel, and Xiye's Lucian also came to Longkeng Pass to deal with Xiaolong with his teammates.

"Lucian cooperated with the wine barrel punishment and steadily captured the fire dragon!"

"957 Don't come down, we can withdraw!" Xiye shouted quickly when he saw that the fire dragon had successfully been taken down.

Jin Gong, like 957, canceled the teleportation and continued to take the line.

"Let's go up to the dragon pit from here!" Xiye pinged the edge of the small dragon pit frantically. He, Liquor and EZ all had displacement skills, so it wasn't a big deal to sell Ben. It was very profitable to exchange an auxiliary for a fire dragon.

He couldn't help but feel a little proud as he watched YM Shimo and the two men rush into the dragon pit in a hurry.

Neither Rambo nor Verus has displacement skills. Unless they flash into the dragon pit, they will definitely not be able to be retained.


Why two people?

Lulu died and Jin Gong also canceled the teleportation. Where are the remaining stone men?

Xiye, who had been dizzy just now, realized something was wrong.

I originally thought that Lin Ran would return to the city to resupply equipment and then teleport to the front, but he never showed up.

The uneasiness in Xiye's heart became more and more intense. Just when he was leaning on the edge of the dragon pit and wanted to use his displacement skills to jump onto the dragon pit, and was about to remind his teammates to be careful of the stone man, there was a loud noise accompanied by an unparalleled impact. Coming in an instant!

The stands in the stadium screamed again and again!

"Oh my God, this stone man directly hit the three WE people except Karma!" The doll's originally suppressed voice burst out instantly, "Rambo and Verus followed up the output, and the wave of WE exploded instantly!"

WE didn't expect that this stone man would attack from behind them without anyone noticing!

The other two players in YM had enough output. Lin Ran slapped the floor with all his strength. His E [Earthquake] did good damage with the high armor bonus, so he directly accepted the double kill!

Another [Earthquake Shard] took away the EZ head and scored three kills!

"How can the remaining Karma escape without flashing?" Miller didn't even expect that this wave of team battles would take such a turn!

Jack smiled and accepted Ben's head, and Xiaolongkeng YM successfully played 0 for 4!

"They are still pushing a tower down the road as a group. This stone man is about to take off!" Changmao looked at the stone man strutting across the river and couldn't contain his shock.

"One little dragon for 4 heads plus a health tower, WE's economy fell behind by 2K instantly!" Miller watched the stone man return to the city to resupply equipment, "This stone man already had cloth armor shoes + small ice armor + slag in his hands in ten minutes. The meat is amazing!”

YM fans who had been depressed for several minutes suddenly burst into thunderous cheers and celebrations when they saw the home team save the situation with a team fight!

The loud noise of the Stone Man's power seemed to detonate the barrage in the live broadcast room. Many people changed their faces at the speed of light, forgetting how they had belittled Lin Ran's Stone Man before.

[This epic level bypass is too strong! 】

[Where is the person who said Ran was cheated in this round? 】

[I wonder if this ultimate move can be done just by having good hands? Can this be blown too? 】

[That's right. According to your theory, wasn't General Pawn's fire scene just a few barrels placed? You can have sex with me, right? 】

[Who inserted that real eye? The location is so tricky, WE didn’t even think of it! 】

White Crescent Moon in the lounge clenched her fists hard and her face turned red.

"Beautiful!" Brother Hao stretched out his hand and gave him a high-five.

The director gave a replay. After killing EZ in the last lane, YM returned to the city to resupply. Then the prophet's Lulu bought the real eye and went around the WE jungle area from the river mouth, and planted it in the grass opposite the red BUFF. This is the key vision!

Originally, the prophet was used to prevent the gank of the wine barrel, but unexpectedly, this true eye actually fulfilled YM's big rhythm in the end.

At this time, the voices in the WE team were silent.

"Be patient and wait for me to fail." Xiye said with a bit of anger.

The stone man ate three heads and a blood tower bounty, and he couldn't even think of beating him even if his body armor wasn't broken.

"The situation in the middle has been reversed. Now Ran is stationed in front of the army line, while Xiye can only stay behind to replenish troops!" Wawa yelled loudly.

"Fortunately, the stone man is not the kind who uses Q to push the stick, otherwise Lucian would have been badly consumed." Changmao nodded.

This wave of Xiaolong team battles affects more than just the middle lane. Xiaotian can now do whatever he wants in the jungle. The middle lane and bottom lane have lane rights, and Jin Gong is also very healthy. He no longer has to deliberately avoid wine barrels and collide with Kandi head-on. I don't dare to compete with him.

When Xiye made the defeat, Lin Ran already had Sun Flame + Cloth Armor Shoes + Small Ice Armor in hand, and his armor had already exceeded 200. He found that he still couldn't defeat this stone man!

Although Destruction has a percentage output, it is physical damage after all, and it does not have much deterrence against a tank that is about to take shape!

At 17 minutes, the second fire dragon team battle broke out again. WE wanted to use the two-piece set that the brother-in-law had just made to force a team battle.

However, Lin Ran relied on his vision to control, and once again hid in the grass, using his big move to hit Fei Yefu and the two, and combined with the two big moves of Xiaotian and Jin Gong, he directly ruined WE!

After taking down the dragon, he switched lanes and pushed the tower, leveling a tower in WE, and then plundered the wild area resources to fatten up Xiaotian.

When Lin Ran returned to the city at 19 minutes, he made the luxurious equipment of Sun Flame + Ice Fist + Cloth Armor Shoes + Book of Murder!

He didn't even think about replenishing the magic resistance. Kandi's wine barrel was now extremely developed. Lin Ran had Lulu as a guarantee and was not afraid of Kandi forcing him to drive.

As Captain Jin Gong rose to level 13 at 21 minutes, the life value of the powder keg declined to the extreme, and the strength of the YM lineup gradually increased!

"YM is familiar with using Dalong to catch the group, but WE still chooses to pick up the group!"

Miller shook his head repeatedly, "We really need to pick up this wave of teams. Their top and mid-range AD three-core are all two-piece sets. This is considered a truly strong period for the lineup. If we don't pick up this wave of teams, it will go downhill soon."

"But the problem is that the entire view of Dalong Pit is blocked by YM. None of the five of them has a qualified front row, so they can only explore forward little by little. This is too difficult..."

Wawa looked at the movements of everyone in YM from OB's perspective, "YM is going to fight the dragon directly. They have Verus and they can fight the dragon very fast!"

"Only Ran is left squatting in the shadows above the dragon pit!"

"WE's visionary transformation discovered that YM was fighting the dragon, and they accelerated their pace and rushed to the dragon pit!"

Jack's speed in fighting the dragon was so fast that WE had no time to explore the field of vision again. A few people just stood in the team battle formation and rushed over.

"Pay attention to where the stone man is!" Xiye learned the lesson this time. If the stone man knocks up a group of people again, then the team battle will be useless.

"I can't see him!" Kandi couldn't help it, "I'll go grab the dragon first, and you guys keep looking!"

He rushed to the dragon pit with a shy stomach, wanting to show YM what it means to be a son of the dragon.

"Let the people in!" Lin Ran squatted behind the dragon pit and commanded calmly.

He knew that the WE on the blue side were in a hurry and would not have time to search above the dragon pit. It would be good if they could explore the grass in the river.

Ben drove the scanner through the grass to find the location of the stone man, and the other three output positions followed Kandi and rushed into the dragon pit.

As if YM was afraid of them, everyone moved closer to the edge of the dragon pit.

"Kill Rambo first. This dragon is definitely mine!" Kandi was very confident.

957 Jess's cannon, Xiye's holy spear baptism and brother-in-law's precise barrage all passed through the dragon pit!

Lin Ran had been on guard for a long time. When the EZ was blowing hard, he hid in the grass and was not discovered.

"Except for the stone men, there are no meat here at YM. They can't handle these three skills," Wawa said emotionally. "Ran is still squatting on it and can't get down. Are they selling too hard?"

Ben scanned the grass around the river, but still found no trace of Lin Ran.

At this time, the dragon's blood volume was less than 3K. Everyone in WE saw that the health of the heroes in the YM dragon pit was not healthy, so they still made up their minds and rushed into the dragon pit!

The moment Xiye stepped forward to deal damage, Lin Ran found an opportunity!

In order to enter the dragon pit, Lucian, EZ and Jace happened to squeeze into the narrow entrance of the dragon pit at the same time!

He no longer hesitates!

A golden light flashed, and then a thunderous sound echoed in the Nanjing Olympic Sports Center!

"Ran's flash ult directly hit the three core output positions of WE!" Miller roared until his voice became hoarse. "Rambo's ult rained down, and Verus was outputting under Lulu's protection!"

"Jin Gong...this double barrel!" Changmao, who usually has a calm commentary style, couldn't help shouting, "YM's picturesque skill connection directly destroyed the entire team battle!"

Only Nosuke and the two of WE were left and fled away. Kandi faced YM's prepared dense vision layout and couldn't even grab the dragon. He could only hear the roar of Baron Nash, and the dragon was firmly taken by Xiaotian. !

[This stone man is so cruel! 】

[This flashing ultimate move directly smashed Lucian’s brain! 】

[Does anyone still look down on the Stone Man? Are you talking about being a stupid hero? Isn't this the same as killing indiscriminately in the professional arena? 】

Lin Ran and his teammates took down the baron and pushed down WE's top, middle and second towers, then ate up all the resources in the wild area and returned to the city to replenish equipment.

He sold the Corruption Potion and directly bought a piece of [Armor of Thorns].

This version's anti-armor is extremely abnormal, and it greatly improves heroes with high armor like Dragon Turtle and Stone Man.

Unique Passive: When hit by a normal attack, 25% of your extra armor plus 15% of the incoming damage will be returned to the attacker in the form of magic damage (see picture).

(Extra armor refers to the armor from equipment, buffs, runes and talents)

(The damage returned is based on the damage before being reduced by armor.)

Lin Ran's Sun Flame now provides 60 armor, Ice Fist 65 armor, Cloth Armor Shoes 20 armor, Anti-armor 100 armor, plus the 35% armor increased by the full level W [Savage Strike], his total armor The value has exceeded 400!

There are more than 300 points of extra armor value in return, 25% of the extra armor value in return plus the output before being reduced by the armor, which means that if someone attacks him with a basic attack, the rebound alone can cause more than 100 points of magic damage to the opponent.

An ADC currently only has about 1,500 health, and Black Lucian only has 1,800 health.

In other words, WE's crispy basic attack Lin Ran can be directly rebounded to death by their own basic attack in 20 hits.

Lin Ranxiong stood proudly in front of the WE high ground relying on his high armor.

"Do you think I'm handsome?"

Lin Ran danced and smiled as he stood in front of the dragon buff line, allowing Jace's cannon and Ezreal's Q to hit his body.

Not even the passive shield is broken.

It’s just a tickle!

"You will lose!" The stone man made a strong and powerful voice, full of ridicule.

"***You are too stupid!" Jack, as the ADC, was deeply disgusted.

He has never seen such an arrogant stone man in the professional arena for more than 20 minutes. Others are just playing tools. Lin Ran was cowardly for 6 minutes in the early stage, and now he has to fight back in the face!

After a hard day's work, Master Malphite came to WE Highland to enjoy the meticulous massage and scraping service for five people.

Keg and Karma relied on their spell output to finally break the stone man's passive shield, and the prophet's Lulu put another layer of shield on him!

Isn’t it disgusting?

The brother-in-law fired a few shots at Lin Ran and found that he didn't lose any blood, but his own blood volume dropped by 1/4!

Is this a NM call?

Is it possible to expect Wine Barrel and Karma to kill a stone man with two thousand blood?

Lin Ran and his teammates no longer gave WE a chance, and used the Baron BUFF to push forward and directly bulldoze the WE main crystal!

"In the whole game, the Stone Man hit three people in two waves of team battles and destroyed WE like a collapse of the sky!"

Jingdong... please do something useful.

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