LOL: What is a roaming mid laner?

Chapter 226 224: WE’s last card

"2:0! YM took the lead to win the match point!"

【666, Stone Man is sorry! 】

[This team fight is too strong. The stone man can't even use his ultimate move? 】

[Brother Ba, come in and watch and learn! 】

[What about the professional players who said before that they just dodge the Stone Man’s ultimate move? 】

[There is no way, the WE elderly are too slow to dodge! 】

If everyone in WE hears this, they will cry out for injustice - how can you accuse someone of innocence out of thin air!

For any passerby, the basic skills of fighting the stone man head-on and hiding from the stone man's ultimate move were mediocre, but the key was that Lin Ran didn't use his ultimate move in front of them at all.

Lin Ran's two waves of ultimate moves, Xiaolongkeng and Dalongkeng, were all cast out of sight. They didn't even have time to react, and this stone man hit them in the face!

Unless you are a master of this ultimate move, even professional players will not be able to react!

Lin Ran took off his headphones, and the cheers from the stands from all directions filled his ears.

"Not bad, Prophet," he patted his assistant, who was older than him, "That one from the Xiaolong Group has really beautiful eyes!"

The originally gloomy prophet showed a bit of a smile, and he even helped Jack complete a laning kill in this game.

Although it was commanded by Jack and the operation was very simple, the prophet still found the sense of accomplishment that the team needed.

Lin Weixiang in the lounge was dancing for no apparent reason, his eyebrows raised in excitement.

Seeing his team get the match point, he was even happier than Jack who was playing in the game.

Because there is money to take.

The championship is RMB 1.5 million, and he can get some of it as a substitute. For Lin Weixiang, who has an annual salary of 20 million, this bonus is quite generous.

In his excitement, his fat body twisted like a lugworm, and he didn't even notice that Liu Qingsong beside him was turning on his mobile phone to record a video of him.

"Keep up the good work, and if we win a small game, we can go to Brazil MSI!" Bai Yueya encouraged the players.

"LPL finals have never let two teams chase three players, right?" Jack was not worried at all, "We will definitely win."

He picked up his phone and opened Dianping and started looking for restaurants with good reviews for Osmanthus Duck.

"So the last game was the first time you were single-killed by your opponent this season?" Su Cheng sat next to Lin Ran holding her cell phone.

"Huh?" Lin Ran didn't usually pay attention to this kind of data. In my impression, he had very few solo kills this season.

The main reason is that he is stable and rarely takes action unless he is sure of killing, and vice versa.

He took the phone and looked at it.

The official League of Legends event posted a blog post after the second game:

"WE.Xiye used Lucian to complete a solo kill against YM.Ran in the last game. This was the first time Ran was killed solo this season and the fourth time he was killed solo."

The comments below are a mess.

[What is s6fmvp? 】

[Isn’t this data too outrageous? He killed the opponent more than 20 times alone, but was killed alone only 4 times. 】

[Hoo ho ho, YM fanboy is here again? With a record of 32 wins and 1 loss, how many times do you want to be single-killed? 】

[Spicy is really awesome. 32 wins and 1 loss was not made by others. Could it be that you typed it out on the keyboard? 】

[Do you think Xiye is not good at this? 】

Lin Ran lowered his head and scrolled through the comments. After playing two high-intensity games, his shoulders were slightly sore. He stretched out his right hand and crossed it to pinch his left shoulder.

Seeing this, Su Cheng replaced Lin Ran's work with his green-white fingers.

Feeling comfortable.

Although Su Cheng's massage technique was rough, she couldn't stand her slender, white fingers and delicate joints. With her status bonus, Lin Ran let out a sigh and immediately relaxed her body.

Hongmi stood in front of the WE player and paced back and forth.

"This game was my problem." He admitted frankly, "I didn't expect them to use Malphite."

Hongmi rubbed his temples, YM's choice was completely beyond his expectation.

At that time, YM determined the lineup of Captain, Rambo, Verus, and Lulu, but they were missing a mid laner.

The mid laner Titan that Lin Ran used to play has been blocked. Redmi didn’t expect anyone to still play the mid laner Stone Man on S7!

"I also have problems with my playing..." Xiye is different from another professional player who said, "I'm not retired, but no one wants me." He doesn't like to pass the blame.

"Kandi and I have too little interaction. It would be nice to give him more help in the jungle." Looking back now, Xiye couldn't help but feel a little annoyed.

In fact, their BP strategy was pretty good. Hongmi knew that the strongest point of YM in the early stage was the linkage between Lin Ran and Xiaotian. The restrictions on them in both games were very strict. Lin Ran didn't find a chance to connect with Xiaotian. Body baby.

In the first game, YM got Barrel + Ike, and in the second game, it was Rambo + Stone Man.

In terms of jungle strength, it cannot be compared with WE's midfield, but Xiye and Kandi did not produce a strong enough effect.

Xiaotian was too good at planning the jungle route. Even if he lost a few groups of wild monsters, he could still make up for it from other places. As a result, WE was unable to get the rhythm he wanted in the early and mid-term.

Hongmi, who watched the game from a God's perspective, also discovered this problem. This is a shortcoming of WE's playing style.

In essence, WE2.0 has been playing a late-stage operation system for two years, so they practiced the early and mid-term play style in the second half of this spring split, but the players themselves are still not used to it.

It’s not that the late-stage lineup cannot be used, but playing against YM is undoubtedly asking for death - when they encounter the opponent with the late-stage lineup, they will pounce on people’s faces like mad dogs. When the river vision goes dark in the mid-term, these people will definitely be opening the baron, even if it is SKT. Old operations teams like Samsung may not be able to hold it back, let alone WE.

Therefore, Redmi gave WE its early lineup in these two games, hoping to use heroes to hold back YM's offensive rhythm in the early and mid-term, and then use WE's rich experience in operating team battles in the mid-to-late stage to win the game.

It looked very ideal, but after two games they still couldn't stand it.

Hongmi fell into deep thought.

Lin Ran moved his arms. Su Cheng's short massage did not relieve his physical fatigue, but he was still full of energy.

A girlfriend is still a must.

"It's now 6 o'clock in the evening. We will definitely be able to eat sweet-scented osmanthus duck before 8 o'clock." Lin Ranlin said to Su Cheng before going on the stage.

Jack on the side snorted coldly, "Do you think it's all about you today?"

"If you want to eat sweet-scented osmanthus duck at eight o'clock, do you have to kneel down and beg me not to answer Q?"

The Shiba Inu was elated.

"Okay, if we can't eat sweet-scented osmanthus duck tonight, we have to go back to Shanghai tomorrow afternoon. I'll see if you lazy dog ​​can bear to get up early." Lin Ran was not afraid at all.

Jack is typically greedy and lazy. He usually wakes up in the afternoon. If he can't eat sweet-scented osmanthus duck tonight, he will have to get up early tomorrow to satisfy his appetite.

He swallowed. According to Dianping, the store called Han Fuxing was only open until nine o'clock in the evening.

Jack weighed the two considerations and finally chose to get off work early.

When Lin Ran left the dim player tunnel and arrived on the stage, he found that in the stand closest to him, several WE fans had put away their support light signs.

They looked depressed. If it weren't for the red team logo of WE on their cheeks, Lin Ran wouldn't be able to identify them.

WE fans came to the scene with joy to support the home team, but within an hour they found that the team they supported had no power to fight back. How could they be happy at this time?

Their loneliness is in sharp contrast to the excitement of YM fans.

It looked very pitiful, but Lin Ran would not show mercy.

The winners and losers in e-sports.

If one day it is YM's turn to become a loser, the enemy will not hold back either.

"Welcome back to the finals," Wawa adjusted his emotions, "This is a life and death game for WE, we must win."

"Yes, although there has never been a two-to-three matchup in an LPL final before, history is always written by people. Who is sure that today's BO5 will not write new history?" Miller tried his best. Let your tone of voice be emotional.

With the crisp sound of metal, the third round of BP has begun!

"YM will choose sides first in this game. They are still on the red side. WE will ban first and choose first!"

Redmi's first ban position was given to Qinggang Ying as usual, while White Crescent blocked Big Mouth.

After that, Hongmi changed his banning strategy again. He blocked Lucian and then pressed down Han Bing with his third hand.

White Crescent still followed the previous idea and banned Kled and Syndra.

"As a result, all the mid lane heroes in version T1 have been banned, and WE chose to take Verus first."

White Crescent Moon was very confident and responded quickly, "Spider and Lulu, let's break up the bottom lane combination of Verus + Lulu first."

Red Rice took out Karma and Blind Sin.

"Dude, I don't have to play with Verus anymore. It feels so good." Jack laughed.

"Then what else can you play?" Lin Ran turned his head and asked, "All the big-mouthed Ice Verus is gone."

"Is EZ okay?" White Crescent wants to give Jack the hero in the first three hands. Otherwise, with too many ADs being banned, Redmi will have to target the remaining ADCs in the second round.

"Yes, EZ Lulu is very strong," the prophet nodded seriously, "Just be careful not to be caught by the jungler."

"EZ...forget it, my EZ is very crotch-stretching." Jack shook his head repeatedly, "I haven't played this hero for a long time."

"Quickly, stop the ink stains, time is running out." White Crescent Moon urged.

"...Calista." Jack hesitated and said.

Kalista played once in the entire spring split. Although she looks like one of the strongest beneficiaries of the broken King's Blade, she is not popular in the current mid-to-late game LPL (see the picture for appearance data) ).

Because this hero currently needs to have a laning advantage, if the balance of power develops into a team battle, she will not be able to compete with heroes such as Verus, Ice, and Big Mouth.

But it is still suitable for YM's play system. Sometimes the prophet is too reckless and aggressive in the lane, and the skateboard shoes can also use his ultimate move to save him.

very perfect.

Bai Yueya thought for a moment and helped him win this hero.

In the first round of BP, both sides determined the lineup in the jungle, so in the second round, the coaches of both sides focused on the other two positions. White Crescent banned the Murloc and Titan, while Red Rice banned Rambo and Big Tree.

Poppy, the Dragon Pit God of War, who is extremely in line with YM tactics, was released.

Bai Yueya frowned, feeling that things were not simple.

They were banned in the first two games, why did Redmi release them in this game?

Banning Rambo can be understood as WE's short-legged Verus is more afraid of the flames of his ultimate move, but what does banning Big Tree mean?

Bai Yueya looked at the 30-second countdown and still couldn't figure out the reason.

"Poppy." White Crescent Moon patted Jin Gong's shoulder to encourage him.

"It's WE's turn for the fourth and fifth picks, let's see what mid-to-top lineup they are going to come up with in the opponent's match point game..." Watanabe felt that YM would definitely win this final, but he also wanted to see if WE had any trump cards. Reveal.

After all, if it is 3:0 all the way from the semifinals onwards, then the strength gap between the LPL teams will be too exaggerated.

As an LPL commentator, he still hopes that the civil war will be more intense and anxious.

Next, WE decisively locked the four or five selections in seconds!

Twilight Eyes Beware!

as well as……

Card Master Drizzt!

The moment the mature man wearing a cowboy hat appeared on the big screen, the expressions of depressed and sad WE fans at the scene changed from gloomy to sunny at the speed of light.

They waved the support light signs in their hands wildly and let out deafening cheers.

"Come on Xiye!"

shouted a muscular man waving a WE flag in the stands.

"Card Master!" Miller's surprise was palpable, "WE's cards have something to say!"

"They are going to join Shen to join the global elite!" Changmao was very excited, "WE1.0's signature play style!"

"From Ruofeng to Xiye, let's see what surprises WE's global flow will bring us!" Miller's heart, which had been silent due to the 2:0 crushing, began to beat again.

The doll on the side wisely remained silent.

Because of some well-known things, he has a normal relationship with Ruofeng from WE1.0.

But as a commentator, in order to maintain fairness in this BO5, he also spoke to WE. At this time, he simply stopped talking.

"It's worth mentioning that this is the first time Xiye has used cards this year. The last time was back in August 2016!" Miller received the information from the director.

(See the picture for the usage of Xiye cards)

"But if you think about it carefully, you can understand it," Changmao analyzed in a Bayan accent, "The reason why the cards were not popular before was because of Ryze."

"At that time, Ryze had a perfect escape combo with his ultimate move, Golden Body. It was almost risk-free to carry it alone. In this case, there was naturally no room for the card to play."

"But now Ryze has been directly cut off from Ran's ultimate combo due to his outstanding performance in the S6 World Championship and this spring's regular season. Now his replacement card can be used again."

"Co-writing is Ran's fault, right?" Wawa quickly judged in his mind that this topic had nothing to do with Ruofeng, and answered decisively, "I just want to see how many heroes he can weaken."

The moment Bai Yueya saw the card, he realized the meaning of WE's ban in the second round.

The reason why Rambo is banned is because this hero can kill indiscriminately with the same cards as the single player, even if the monitor is turned off. (Rambo mid-card data chart)

Banning Big Tree allows YM to first choose Poppy, who has a higher priority for them, so that Shen, who goes global with his cards, can be released.

Hongmi is still cunning.

Bai Yueya really didn't expect that WE would have a world-class system. This hero Xiye has not been used for a year, and this version of the card is not strong in the lane.

"What hero do you want to use?" White Crescent Moon's tactical reserve does not have a hero for cards. "Can Pansen do it?"

Fortunately, they got the AP hero Spider for Xiaotian, and the middle lane can supplement these strong physical heroes in the lane.

"...To be honest, I want to use Yasuo." Lin Ran said in a serious tone, "This hero can be abused by playing cards."

"Damn it, don't mess with me!" The flesh on Jack's face shook in fear, "Other people's Yasuo can do it, but your Yasuo can't!"

"We only have 30 seconds. I think Pan Sen is good." Bai Yueya said.

"Pan Sen is useless in the later stage. Let's take Nightmare. At least in the mid-to-late stage, he can lead the line against the card." Lin Ran finally made the decision.

Not much time left, Bai Yueya felt that although Nightmare had been a jungler before, it was also an excellent choice for playing cards in the lane, so he quickly asked the Prophet to lock it for him.

"Eternal Nightmare! Many players use it to restrain cards!" Joy flashed in the baby's eyes, and he suddenly raised his voice, "Nightmare's back light can disable the card's ultimate move, and you can also use the W skill to block yellow cards in the lane. !”

【66666! Nightmare players are ecstatic! This hero is a real counter card! 】

【Still ecstatic? Hurry up and start the game and play two more games of Nightmare. If you get too excited about this hero, you won't be able to cry until he chops it off with his fist. 】

"Nightmare not only restrains cards, but also restrains Shen!" Miller knows a lot about various little things about the league. "If Nightmare is turned up, Shen will lose sight of his teammates and will not be able to support his teammates at all. Click on the avatar on the mini map. It’s no use!”

"Ran this hero pool is really shocking," he was very surprised. "Nightmare is currently not among the regular hero selections for professional mid laners."

"Brother Ran, tell the truth, how many games of nightmare have you practiced?" Xiaotian looked serious.

"...More than a dozen games." Lin Ran was still selecting rune pages.

Xiaotian kept staring at Lin Ran's eyes, and he guaranteed it with the keen sense of smell of an excellent jungler.

Lin Ran lied.

"How many games are there?" Xiaotian continued to ask.

"...Five or six games." Lin Ran quickly changed his mind and started ordering talents.

Jin Gong turned his head and glanced over.

Jack chewed his gum and turned his gaze sideways.

The four teammates' eyes were all focused on Lin Ran.

"...Three sets." Lin Ran admitted frankly when facing his teammates' eyes that were as if they were real.

"But it doesn't matter. I let him play Nightmare cards with his hands all the time. Just watch my performance in this game." Lin Ran said quickly.

"I, the mid laner of Qinggang Shadow, have only practiced for 20 games. You have also seen that level. Trust me, trust me." Lin Ran turned his head and looked at his teammates.

The four of them thought about it carefully, and it was the same thing. Lin Ran's speed in training heroes was really weird. He often dared to use it in the professional arena after playing ranked for two days.

"Xiye, you must make sure you are very confident before opening R. Your team has communicated with 957 in advance, and he can support the ultimate move early." Hongmi said through a translator.

Lin Ran's hero pool once again exceeded his expectations.

It's not like he hasn't considered Nightmare, but he has only used it once this season in the jungle position.

Going back even further, we have Xiao Peanut in the S6 Finals, Swift in the S6 Summer Split, and Guijiao Qi in the S6 Spring Split.

Everyone used it to fight in the wild. Hongmi saw that Xiaotian had already got the spider, so he relaxed a little. (See pictures for all data)

Who would have thought that Lin Ran would use Nightmare to force his way forward!

However, the professional arena is different from the public arena, and Nightmare's restraint effect on global flow is not that obvious.

Shen and the card can be discussed in advance, and Shen can give the card in advance. The card can be found in the right position and directly landed on the ground. At worst, turning on the card's light can be regarded as a short-term screen peeking skill.

What's more, if the Nightmare in the professional arena turns it up to remove the enemy's friendly vision, they can completely peek at the screens of their teammates around them. The problem is not as difficult to solve as in the passerby game.

The lineups of both sides are determined as follows.

Blue side WE: top laner Shen, jungler Lee Sin, mid laner card, bottom lane Verus + Karma.

Red Square YM: Top laner Bobby, jungler Spider, mid laner Nightmare, bottom laner Kalista + Lulu.

Accompanied by deafening cheers reaching into the sky, the third game of the spring finals between WE and YM slowly began!

Today’s update is 5,200 words. I’ll save some manuscripts and wait for them to explode tomorrow and the early morning of the day after tomorrow.

There is nothing we can do. The intelligent recommendation algorithm has changed. Now we can only find this book through precise searches. The exposure is even more exaggerated than cutting it in half.

In this way, I have to save my articles to compete for Monday's battle rankings, and rely on this method to gain some exposure.

Woohoo, so pitiful.

Xiye...what a pity.

That Titan's performance is simply war criminal level, let's see tomorrow's battle.

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