LOL: What is a roaming mid laner?

Chapter 227 225: Please close your eyes when it’s dark

Lin Ran used teleportation in this game, instead of igniting, to simply pursue high single-target burst damage.

He knew that the top priority of this game was to break the single-band system of WE Shen + cards, and teleportation was essential.

"They probably won't be here to provide vision. Let's just start with a defensive position." Lin Ran glanced at the lineup.

They have spiders and Kalista here, and their early combat effectiveness is no worse than WE.

Moreover, this game is the decisive game, WE's play style is still based on stability, and the first-level team is too variable for them.

Xiaotian arranged the early stage script of this game in his mind, and then started pinging signals and communicating with his teammates.

After Lin Ran came online, he shrank back at first. Before Nightmare level 6, the card he played was the classic short hand versus long hand, so he couldn't take much advantage.

Xiye relied on his long hands to immediately step forward to suppress him, trying to put some pressure on Lin Ran and prevent him from reaching level 6 too comfortably.

But the effect of suppression is not obvious.

Nightmare's passive [Shadow Blade] can add a certain recovery effect to his next basic attack every certain period of time. Coupled with the corruption potion carried by Lin Ran, his blood volume is maintained very healthy.

Lin Ran drank the potion, then adjusted the angle and tried to let his Q [Nightmare Path] hit the minion with residual health and scratch Xiye at the same time.

However, Xiye was in pretty good shape this time. The card master with the speed rune twisted his waist slightly to avoid the Shadow Blade thrown by Lin Ran.

Then he turned around to close the distance and threw a yellow card over Lin Ran's head.

Xiye carried his troops and used his movement speed to hit Lin Ran twice, triggering Lord Thunder's decree, and Lin Ran's health dropped again.

"The details of Xiye's laning in the middle lane are quite good. This wave of exchanges is very profitable!" The director's camera happened to stop in the middle lane, and Changmao shouted loudly when he saw this.

A simple change of blood made the WE fans at the scene excited. They waved the cheering objects in their hands to cheer for their home team.

After Kandi joined WE2.0 to form a complete team, the team failed in the playoffs twice last spring and summer. This was another attempt after they introduced a new Korean coaching staff - the final faced YM who had rarely lost after entering the LPL. .

Although the process was extremely difficult and they were doubtful for a time, the cards Xiye showed reminded fans who supported WE of the red color from 5 years ago!

There was a minute-long silence in the canyon, and then Kandihong drove the S3 and headed up the road to catch Jin Gong.

But Xiba's operation is extremely dreamy. He controls Poppy, a yordle with a hammer, to move back and forth. He wants to go but doesn't want to go. It has a somewhat seductive charm, and he also deliberately absorbs a wave of blind monk's Tianyin Wave. .

Bobby's move is too fake!

If Xiaotian had the same speed three and counter-crouched with double BUFF, they would most likely be taken away by the spider's burst damage!

Kandi clearly remembers that at level one, his brother-in-law, who did not help the jungler come online in advance in order to grab the second place, gave the information that YM’s Kalista and Lulu came online at night.

This means that YM's bottom lane may help Spider open the jungle.

You must know that the spider with two sets of skills and percentage damage is no slower than the blind monk. With the help of the bottom lane, the possibility of arriving on the top lane early and crouching and counter-crouching is extremely high.

When Kandi thought about it, Spear of Revenge must have had a plan to sacrifice his opportunity to grab the second suppressor to help Xiaotian open up the field - Spider upgraded to level 3 in advance, and he could directly counter-crouch and hit the road.

"Be careful, the spider should be on top!" Kandi reminded quickly.

"Get out, get out!" The steady 957 did not dare to move forward rashly.

The mark effect of Tianyinbo disappeared, and Jin Gong was dancing there with a hammer.

"I'll help you make an eye in the line grass!" Kandi wanted to reveal the spider's position. He followed the line of soldiers to ensure that his position was absolutely safe.

The jewelry eye is inserted into the grass closest to YM Tower 1 on the upper road.



A big question mark appeared in Kandi's mind.

Since the military line was relatively far ahead, he could clearly see that no one was entering or exiting the grass!

Kandi knew that he was being played by Xiaotian again.

In his opinion, Xiaotian was just like a fox. He was unable to guard against various little tricks, and he suffered a lot of losses in the first two games because of this.

Xiaotian didn't appear on the top lane and squatted instead, so Spear of Revenge went online late at night. Why?

When Kandi thought about it, YM wanted WE to deliberately press the line in the bottom lane, so that Spider could open the red speed three in the upper half and then go to the bottom lane to cooperate with Spear of Revenge and Lulu to catch people!

"Don't push the lane in the bottom lane!" He quickly sent a warning signal to his brother-in-law.

The brother-in-law was afraid of being caught, so he had no choice but to abandon the line of troops in front of the YM tower and retreat with Ben.

After receiving the news from Kandi, Xiye in the middle road immediately inserted a vision through the wall into the YM Sharp Beak Camp.

Kandi breathed a sigh of relief when he saw the safe and sound razorbill reunited with his family.

He decisively ran over to fight against Xiaotian's group of wild monsters.

"WE gave up the bottom lane and continued to advance this wave of soldiers, but this way, Jack will be stuck for a long time!" The baby did not realize the intention of WE bottom lane to do this for a while.

"Brother-in-law, do you want to guard against junglers?" Changmao frowned, "But Xiaotian is still planting gargoyle camps in the upper half of the area!"

With millions of viewers watching at the scene and even in the live broadcast room, Xiaotian ate the gargoyle and went straight on the road!

"Xiaotian made a time difference. He used the blue-three wolves-red-gargoyles jungle route. He completely deceived WE!" Miller shouted excitedly.

The naive 957 thought that Xiaotian must be in the lower half of the wild area at this time, still struggling to push the army line.

Then he saw an ugly eight-legged spider from his view in the grass below.

957 turned around and wanted to run away, but was trapped there by Jin Gong's E [Heroic Charge] followed by W [Steadfast Style].

The moment the spider was discovered, everyone in Kandy was stunned.

Why is this spider jungle route so disgusting?

What about this riddle?

Kandi now feels that Xiaotian's wild route in the early stages of every game is despicable!

Garlic bastard, you have no heart!

"Shen had no chance to escape, Xiaotian successfully received first blood!"

Miller was in high spirits, and YM once again controlled the rhythm in the early stage!

"Xiaotian's early rhythm in this final is perfect!" Wawa couldn't help shouting.

"That's right," Miller said immediately when he saw that there was no fighting on the field. "After winning the championship last year, many people said that Xiaotian relied on the roaming help of the mid laner to establish an advantage."

"But in this final, he faced Kandi, who ranked at the top of the MVP list in this spring split, and still perfectly played the role of YM's early engine without the help of Ran!"

"He is the top jungler in the LPL and even the world!"

The brother-in-law only realized that he had been fooled when he saw Xiaotian rushing on the road.

But it is impossible to step forward to hit the target at this time.

Under Jack's control, the troop line has turned to push back. Now that Kalista and Lulu are moving forward, Verus can't take advantage of the troop line at all!

After a wave of confrontation, WE's economy fell directly behind by 0.7K!

【What a handsome YM! 】

[Did Kandi be fooled by a little celestial being in this final? 】

【Any questions? No one really thinks that Kandi can win the YM championship jungler, right? 】

"Both the top and bottom lanes of WE have suffered too much in this wave," Changmao sighed, "Only Xiye in the middle lane can still hold on."

Xiye was almost dying of anxiety.

After the semi-final against RNG, he originally thought that his teammates were quite strong, but it was only after he met YM in the final that he discovered the gap.

YM's weakest point is its support, but WE's support is also a new player, and it is not that easy to catch the lost prophet in the mid-term.

He also got a card and could only wait until level 6 before starting the rhythm with 957.

Lin Ran is quite comfortable now. W [Dark Asylum] can block the card's W [Select Card], so Xiye is not a big threat to him.

"Brothers are so awesome, I'll treat you to dinner." Lin Ran almost laughed out loud when he saw that he was constantly pushed out of the line and his teammates still had a big advantage.

"Dude, how much money do you need?" Jack controlled Kalista to keep jumping and poking at the line of soldiers, "Prophet, go up and pick up Q and give him the whole job!"

Xiye finally reached level 6. He immediately used the wild card to push away the army line and then leaned down, trying to find an opportunity to kill YM's bottom lane.

But Jack didn't give him a chance at all. He pushed the large wave of pushback lines under his brother-in-law's tower, and then stayed in front of the tower again.

"Xiye is in a hurry this time. He wants to find a chance to catch it now!" Wawa immediately became excited when he saw that YM's bottom lane was extremely stable. "Jack brought Purification, they can only take advantage of Kalista's return." Catch Lulu before she reaches 6!"

The time gap between the middle lane and the bottom lane to 6 is about 3 waves of troops, 90 seconds.

If Xiye couldn't seize the opportunity in these 90 seconds, they wouldn't even be able to kill Lulu when Jack reached level 6 and had his ultimate move.

After wandering around the river for two times, Xiye saw that Jack and the Prophet had been cowering in front of the tower, and his brother-in-law's Verus had not reached level 6 yet. WE's bottom lane without a big move also did not have the ability to save people first. He could only give up.

Xiye, who returned to the middle road, looked at the position of the army line and was furious.

Lin Ran's Nightmare immediately moved forward to pull the next wave of troops that Xiye was about to reach in the center after Xiye pushed down the line of troops.

He circled twice in the center, attracting a wave of troops to focus fire.

Since WE's wave of soldiers attacked Lin Ran, melee soldiers and long-range soldiers were the first to be distributed into two rows.

However, the wave of YM troops arriving at the center was still arranged in a row.

In this way, the soldier at the front of YM will be killed first by the 6 soldiers of WE in an instant.

At this time, YM's remaining five soldiers began to arrange themselves into two rows.

5 soldiers fight against 6 soldiers on the opposite side.

The results are clear.

The army line will advance towards Lin Ran Tower.

(Some readers have expressed doubts about military lines. It is unrealistic to use a large chapter to talk about military lines. It is better to include some tips on military lines in a few chapters. Everyone should know what I mentioned above. It is very important. The simple and easy-to-understand principles of troop lines are considered the basis of line blocking)

There was a gap in the strength of the troop lines, so Xiye would naturally lose troops.

He just walked around the river twice and missed three melee soldiers when he came back!

Cheap or not?

Xiye suddenly felt a headache. Did you choose a nightmare that you would not support?

But when he thought about it from his perspective, he understood Lin Ran's mood.

His teammates now have an advantage, so why should Lin Ran support him if he is still idle?

To drag, just drag hard.

You can move the cards around as you like. Anyway, if I turn off the lights, I can cover the retreat of my teammates. See how many people you can keep?

However, Lin Ran and Jack in the bottom lane have been controlling the line of troops like this, which will lead to a lack of vision in the lower half.

Kandi finally found an opportunity to control a dragon first.

"WE could control the little dragon first, but this is the most useless wind dragon!" Changmao couldn't help but feel sorry for WE.

The Wind Dragon, which provides out-of-combat movement speed attributes, is recognized by major professional teams as the most hip elemental dragon.

It does improve some specific lineups, but in most games, it cannot keep up with the strength of the other three elemental dragons.

"Let's stay calm. It won't be a problem if I come to carry you." The brother-in-law's voice was calmer.

Xiye tried to calm down her anxious mood.

The brother-in-law was right. If they dragged it on, wouldn't Hongmi's previous tactical idea be successful?

When it comes to the team battle period, Verus’ output ability is just as powerful as Kalista’s at the same level!

"We have calmed down now and played slowly, holding back the early disadvantages little by little." Changmao watched as WE gradually stabilized its position. "If they forcefully delay the late stage, YM's lineup is not very capable of fighting the enemy." ah!"

After YM gained first blood, the rhythm suddenly slowed down, and Xiaotian was also working hard. Now due to the passive economic improvement of the card, the economic difference between the two sides has returned to 500 gold.

Many YM fans and passers-by are not satisfied with YM's rhythm.

[Nightmare and Calista just hang out? Is YM mentally ill? 】

[I'm convinced, I don't move a single step, I choose a nightmare to stay in the middle and just brush it hard, what's the use! 】

Most of the audience and commentators have similar views. If YM continues to drag on, this lineup will have no competitive strength compared to WE.

However, YM is still organizing its troops at this time.

"I pushed out the military line, can you take action?" Jin Gong finally sent the news.

"Okay, okay, wait until I return to the city to make up for it." Lin Ran moved forward while holding Xiye's position.

It is still W [Dark Asylum] to avoid the blue card, and then with the help of increased attack speed, it starts to push the lane.

There was nothing Xiye could do against him. With Nightmare's level 3 Q [Nightmare Path] and a passive attack, the artillery line was almost completely cleared.

Xiye pulled back slightly and also used his skills to clear the line. He watched the nightmare return to the city from behind.

It was already 7 minutes and 30 seconds at this time, and the next wave of soldiers in the bottom lane was about to reach level 6. Xiye in the middle lane had more than 2,000 yuan on his body and planned to return to the city to replenish equipment.

"Come on, come on!" Lin Ran returned to the city and bought two small pieces of [Youmeng Spirit], and then turned off the lights.

From the perspective of the five WE players, the sky in Summoner's Rift instantly darkened!

Darkness, loneliness... Nightmare whispered lines in her mouth, blocking out the sky and the sun, and all WE heroes lost sight of their allies.

"what's the situation?"

"Who was shot?"

"Nightmare pressed the wrong button?"

The WE team's voice is a mess.

They clearly saw that Nightmare had returned to the city. What was going on with this ultimate move?

"Come closer to me, come closer to me!" The brother-in-law even uttered two sentences in Korean in desperation.

"I can't get down!" 957's screen was now dim. He could only see the lines of troops around him. He couldn't use his ultimate move by clicking on his teammates' avatars, so he could only peek at Kandi's screen.

Kandi's blind monk gave up the three wolves and rushed to the lower road at the first time, and Xiye also rushed to the lower road from home.

He still had his ultimate move in his hand, and he couldn't turn on the light anyway, so he might as well wait for YM to reveal his body before handing it over.

The few seconds when Nightmare turned off the lights were so unbearable that everyone in WE was peeking at each other's screens.


Nightmare never triggered the two ultimate moves.

"You must have pressed the wrong button, right? Let's all go back and grab the line." Seeing that the nightmare's ultimate move was about to end, Xiye finally breathed a sigh of relief.

Sure enough, he said that Lin Ran had just returned to the city, how could he come to arrest someone?

Nightmare's level one ultimate move has a charging distance of 2,500 yards, which is very close. Lin Ran's distance is simply not close enough.

Xiye was glad that he had saved a big move and could use it later, so that the nightmare would not be able to do anything to him.

But amidst the exclamations of the on-site commentary, Poppy and Spider crossed the wall from the WE red zone through exploding cones, and appeared mysteriously behind the WE bottom duo!

"Nightmare opens it up to provide cover for his teammates. His own teleport is about to land. They are going to double-team. WE's bottom lane is in danger!"

"protect me!"

The brother-in-law was shocked and quickly asked his teammates for help.

Poppy and Spider actually used the lights-off effect of Nightmare's ultimate move to escape their vision detection and teleport to the bottom lane!

Xiye quickly turned on R to check the field of view. At this time, the nightmare ultimate move had ended, and the card R [Destiny] could see the whole picture clearly!

He found a real eye in the grass opposite the red BUFF, with a red teleportation light shining on it. The next moment, the nightmare had landed and was heading towards the bottom lane at high speed!

"957 Protect Verus!" Xiye quickly turned on the power and rushed down.

But YM has already taken action!

Jin Gong flashed the wall and knocked his brother-in-law directly under the tower. Xiaotian Spider followed up and controlled, and Lulu turned into a sheep and set fire...

Karma's shield, Verus's treatment, and Shen's shield couldn't stop the mad dog-like rushing output of the four YM players!

The 1.5-second guidance time for the card's ultimate move seemed so long to Xiye.

The moment he landed, Verus, who had not yet reached level 6, was already dead!

And Poppy picked up his sledgehammer, stuck Xiye's rising movement when he landed on the ground, and hammered him directly into the WE spring water!

"It's over now, 957's Shen can't move, Kandi hasn't reached the bottom lane yet, and Ben is left alone under the tower!" Miller shouted excitedly.

"There is no suspense, Karma's head will be allocated to the incoming nightmare! YM will also take advantage of the situation to demolish the first blood tower in the bottom lane, and the rhythm will speed up instantly!"

Wawa tried hard to control himself not to laugh out loud, "We didn't expect that YM's nightmare would not show up directly, but secretly cover up his teammates to teleport!"

"The moment Poppy started teleporting, he turned off the lights to cover, so that even if the WE players switched perspectives, they couldn't see the positions of Poppy and Spider. Then he himself used teleportation to support the bottom lane." Changmao was quite impressed by YM's tactics.

"Eh? Can't the nightmare turn off the lights and teleport, and then use the second step of the big move to rush in?" Wawa's tone was as excited as if he had discovered a new world.

"No, this version of Nightmare's ultimate lasts only 4 seconds, and teleportation takes 4.5 seconds." Miller still understood, and quickly explained to the audience, "So Nightmare turns off the lights, teleports and then rushes in. This method of flying around the entire map will not work. of."

(The difference between the 2017.4 version of Nightmare and the current version is shown in the picture. The reason why the left hand can use Nightmare to turn off the lights and teleport before flying in the face is because the duration of Nightmare’s ultimate move has been changed to 6 seconds. Of course I will not miss this point in such detail)

"YM gathered the strength of 5 people to push down a tower in the bottom lane, and then plundered all the resources in the lower half of WE. The economic gap in 8 minutes has reached 3K!"

The hearts of WE fans suddenly dropped, and the familiar feeling of loss struck again.

YM is already gaining momentum.

Collect your manuscripts and prepare for the battle rankings tomorrow.

This final will also end tomorrow.


The last game of Taobo was really good, it took out the operation to fight the operation, it was so cruel to Taobo.

The author's prediction for the quarterfinals: TES3:0FNC; SN3:2JDG, GEN2:3G2, DWG3:1DRX.

Semifinals TES3:1SN, DWG3:1G2.

Let me explain in advance that I am not optimistic about

In fact, compared with the summer split, this version has weakened the opponent's core play style, which requires more laning ability.

The current status of Toothpaste is questionable. In the quarterfinals, I will choose Suning.

There is no problem with the other BO5s. G2's play style is more restrained than the traditional LCK. It is not a big problem to regain the state and win against Samsung, but it cannot beat DWG - this team is similar to Taobo. It absorbs the advantages of the two divisions of LPL and LCK. At present, The version is perfect.

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