LOL: What is a roaming mid laner?

Chapter 231 229: I heard that you like oral pleasure?

"Get up, get up!"

When Lin Ran put on his team uniform and opened the door, he met Guo Hao knocking on the door opposite. White Crescent Moon was leaning against the wall, looking very tired.

Xiaotian squinted his eyes and moved out from behind Lin Ran, holding the glasses frame in one hand and holding lens cleaning paper in the other.

When Guo Hao saw no response from the room opposite, he was just about to call to wake up the team members inside, when the door was pushed open with a clang.

Jack stuck his head out, his face swollen like a Uzi, his eyes narrowed into two thin slits.

"The jet lag hasn't reversed yet?" Guo Hao knew the problem when he saw him like this.

"It's okay," Jack rubbed his eyes. "There's nothing wrong with playing the game. It's just that my face is too swollen. Can it be healed?"

"You can use black coffee, but you have to have breakfast first, otherwise your stomach won't be able to bear it." Lin Ran is proficient in health care and has this knowledge at his fingertips.

"You guys go downstairs first, I'll clean up." Jack was only wearing pajamas and hadn't washed up yet. He must have taken some time to tidy up.

"Prophet, don't sleep! Can't you hear such a loud knock on the door?" Before the door closed, Lin Ran heard Jack's complaint.

Jin Gong and analyst Doom also walked out of another room. Jin Gong's thick hair was so messy that it looked like he could build a bird's nest in it.

The group took the elevator downstairs to have breakfast.

The buffet provided by the hotel is the same.

Bread, potatoes, black beans, tomato slices, small cakes, and then all kinds of condiments.

Most of them are served cold, which is not in line with the Eastern custom of "eating hot breakfast".

Yesterday, Lin Ran lost his appetite after just two bites. Today, he could only find the only two hot foods - Western-style scrambled eggs and barbecued sausages.

But Riot Games arranged all the contestants in this hotel. Koreans, Wanwan, and the accompanying translators and coaching staff, Lin Ran saw at a glance that nearly half of the players had black hair and black eyes.

Similar eating habits made them all rush for the two hot foods. In the end, Lin Ran only brought one plate back to share with his teammates.

Jack and the Prophet came downstairs and dropped their faces when they saw the breakfast dishes.

"Didn't we bring instant noodles?" Jack touched his slightly bulging belly, "Why don't you take it out to eat?"

People with chronic stomach problems like him are looking for trouble for themselves by eating cold food.

"Then what do you have for lunch today?" Guo Hao handed over the sausage and scrambled eggs, "I brought two boxes of instant noodles in total. There are more than ten people in our team, how much can one person eat on average?"

"You guys are playing a game in the afternoon. I'll take people to check out the restaurants around the hotel and see if there are any Chinese food available. If it doesn't work, I'll have to settle for McDonald's."

Bai Yueya scooped up a spoonful of black beans and said, "We are playing G2 and Flash Wolves today. Neither of our opponents are very strong. We are mainly adjusting our state and trying out the new lineup in the run-in version."

This year's Mid-Season Championship uses the 7.8 version (pictured in this chapter). Compared with the Spring Finals, the biggest change in the version is the change in the top lane environment - Galio is showing its powerful protection ability.

At the same time, the version also updated a pair of couple heroes - Huan Lingluo and Ni Yuxia. It is said that the prototype of this couple is Riot China's Vincent and his passionate girlfriend.

The translation of the national service tried its best to be "faithful and elegant", and related their names to "the falling clouds and the solitary swans flying together, the autumn water and the long sky are one color".

The skill linkage between Xia Luo and Xia Luo makes them a perfect double-row dog-busting combination.

Unfortunately, they were banned by Riot by default in the mid-season, and there was no choice.

Jack drank two cups of black coffee after breakfast. In just one hour, his face, which was originally swollen like a pig's head, returned to its original shape.

At noon, Doom and Jin Gong tasted the black bean stew provided by the hotel, while the others ate instant noodles honestly.

The phone vibrated twice, and Lin Ran turned it out and took a look.

[I have finished my homework and am ready to take a shower and go to bed. Come on for the competition! 】

She also posted an emoticon package - a little man with Jacky Cheung's classic expression covered with a black and red quilt.

Emoticons with captions: Do you still need to watch YM’s games? Woke up to another victory.

Lin Ran counted the time. It was almost early morning in China, and he replied with a good night voice message.

"Let's go to the venue." Bai Yueyue drank the noodle soup and went to pack his backpack.

"This braised beef tastes so delicious." Garlic Bastard burped.

On his third day in Brazil, Garlic Bastard fell in love with the taste of instant noodles that he had been too lazy to eat before.

The group got on the official bus and headed to the competition venue.

Although the level of the teams in the Brazilian division is poor, the e-sports atmosphere is quite good.

Their home team was eliminated in the play-in stage, but there was still a large number of spectators to watch the higher-level competition.

Backstage, the six teams participating in the group stage were all putting on makeup, and someone was reminding them of their positions for the opening ceremony.

Lin Ran caught a glimpse of G2 wearing black uniforms from a distance.

Mid laner Perkz is very conspicuous. If you ignore his short height and worrying hairline, he can be regarded as a handsome guy.

However, they don't look as out-of-the-box as they appear on the Internet. When putting on makeup, they still look serious and calm, unsmiling.

Because G2 had a Twitter outage last night, Lin Ran didn't bother asking for trouble and went to say hello to them.

He nodded to everyone in SKT who had interacted with him, and then went to shake hands with Karsa, the Flash Wolves jungler who was born in the LMS division. The two of them were teammates in last year's All-Star game with nine blind monks and one goal, and they still have a good relationship. Considered acquaintance.

At three o'clock in the afternoon, Riot staff guided them to the venue stage to take their seats.

Due to the 11-hour time difference, it was two o'clock in the morning in China, and most office workers had already fallen asleep.

But there are still many night owls and students waiting in front of the computer, waiting to stay up late to watch this battle of kings among the major competition regions.

Time passed little by little, and at the moment when the countdown ended, the computer screen instantly dimmed.

The excited shouts of the audience in the venue gradually amplified in the darkness.

The next moment the light blooms!

The center of the venue flashed with blue lights, and in the center of the stage stood several rows of strong men with Brazilian drums hanging from their waists.

As the smooth background music played, they beat the drums on their waists rhythmically.

The drum beats are as dense as a gust of wind, pounding into the hearts of the audience.

At a musical turning point, with the drummer's hard beating, 12 flags instantly lowered from the top of the stage!

The team flags of the six teams in the group stage and their corresponding division flags appeared in the audience's sight!

The spotlight above the stage moved toward the stands, and the YM crowd led by Lin Ran appeared in the center of the screen.

The big screen in the center played a clip of YM winning the 2017 Spring Split.

"First of all, let us welcome the 2016 Season Global Finals Champion and 2017 LPL Spring Split Champion - Young Miracles!"

The male host's voice was extremely long, and he also had some tongue-licking skills. He looked like a host hired from a football league.

[The ball went in hahahahaha! 】

[This host is too funny. Why not comment on the World Cup here? 】

[I saw a hint of embarrassment on Ran's face. This is too funny. 】

Lin Ran was trying hard to hold back his laughter. Cultural differences prevented them from quickly accepting this method of introduction.

However, the Brazilian audience at the scene gave them warm applause and cheers. While Lin Ran was waiting here just now, he saw many Brazilian audience receiving YM light sticks.

After all, e-sports is Mu Qiang. YM's outstanding performance in last year's global finals has gained a large number of overseas fans.

Next, the host introduced G2, the representative team from the European division, Flash Wolves, the representative team from the LMS division, GAM, the representative team from the Vietnam division, and TSM, the North American division champion.

TSM also enjoyed cheers when they took the stage, and the audience even chanted TSM's team name rhythmically.

The popularity of XJ in North America is terrifying.

The members of the five teams left their respective audience stands and walked around the rows of drummers to stand around the stage, with the spotlights in their respective areas focused on their heads.

The area in the center of the stage was still shrouded in darkness.

The drumbeats change with the rhythm of the background music, becoming more and more rapid.

Finally, the very rhythmic background music stopped abruptly when it reached a certain critical point.

The drummer stops the action in sync.

Three seconds later, the background music started playing again, but the rhythm became slower and it sounded majestic and solemn.

"Finally, let us solemnly invite...the champion of the 2013 and 2015 Global Finals, and the champion of the 2016 Mid-Season Invitational—SKTelecom T1!"

All the spotlights above the venue flashed alternately, and finally converged on the center of the stage, dispelling all darkness.

SKT players wearing team uniforms stood there, Faker holding the MSI championship trophy in his hand with a smile on his face.

The audience burst into thunderous applause, including a few whistles.

"Why do I think his posture is so weird?" Jack muttered, standing behind Lin Ran, "The way he holds the trophy is just like King Li Tianwang."

"Shut up, please." Lin Ran looked at Faker with a stiff smile diagonally in front of him, and imagined the smiling face of Tota Li Tianwang, and the surging feeling in his heart suddenly disappeared.

The audience in front of the screen didn't know what Jack was complaining about, and they were furiously scrolling through the barrage.

[I was given this kind of treatment when I finally appeared, which is true. 】

[Stop the ink at the opening ceremony, fast forward to the time when the perkz head is destroyed! 】

[Guess how long G2 can last in the hands of SKT and YM today? I guess it won’t last 50 minutes! 】

The opening ceremony ended with Faker holding the trophy and sending it to the high platform in the center of the stage.

Except for the two teams that played in the opening game, the rest of the players and coaches left the stage through the passages around the stage and returned to their respective team lounges.

Today's first game is between TSM and Flash Wolves.

There is no grudge between the two teams, but the hatred between the players is not small.

TSM jungler Svenskeren, nicknamed the Race Knight, caused an uproar when he registered an insulting ID on the Taiwanese server during the 2014 World Championship. In the end, he was suspended for three games and fined $2,500 by Riot Games.

(His ID at the time was Taipei + a famous insult, which made Wanwan so disgusted)

Although he publicly apologized on Twitter, the stain is not so easy to clean up.

In particular, Flash Wolves are all veterans now. Maple and SwordArt have joined the professional scene since 2013. Karsa, Mimi Dan and Betty were all high-scoring passers-by at the time.

The five of them remember this event very vividly.

When you see your enemy at this time, you will naturally not hold back.

Top laner Mimi Dan was determined to kill thieves but had limited strength. He used Rambo to achieve a record of 0/4/9, but other teammates just dragged Mimi Dan forward.

Wolf King Karsa used the male gun to score luxurious statistics of 7/1/7. The dilapidated + black cut outfit made it clear that he did not regard the racial knight as a human being, so he just had to sit on his head and shit and asked for toilet paper.

In the lounge, Jack was leaning on the gaming chair, with his hands behind his head in an extremely sloppy posture.

In the lounge screen, Karsa is operating the male gun and sliding towards his face. Basic attack + Q [End of the Road] + R [Ultimate Explosive Bomb] directly explodes the race knight's head.

Jack clenched his fists, "Well done, Kasa!"

Kasa dominated the battle and led the lagging Mimi Egg to win the game smoothly.

After the game, the damage panel was released, and the audience immediately let out exclamations.

The blind monk's output was 4942, which was less than 600 higher than the output of the factory director in last year's World Championship; Karsa's output was 16000+, which completely surpassed the racial knight in terms of rhythm and output ability. (See this chapter for the competition data chart)

【Wanwan are all our brothers! 】

[Kill the race knight to death! 】

【4942? Good guy, I’m so damn good guy! 】

The Flash Wolves who won the game did not forget to disgust their opponents when they shook hands. The five people held their heads high and looked at the race knights with their nostrils.

In the second group match, GAM from the Vietnam Division will face SKT.

This was a fast-paced game. SKT abandoned its operational style and had a big brawl with the Vietnamese team.

In the 26-minute game, the head ratio between the two sides was 25:12.

Little Peanut liked this kind of fast-paced and confrontational game. He was squirming in his chair excitedly. He used the blind monk to produce excellent data of 9/1/9, which greatly improved the KDA.

After Little Peanut finished the interview, it was already four o'clock in the morning in China, and the night owls braced themselves for the next focus battle.

YM vs. G2.

"Just follow this way to the stage. There are referees on the stage to guide you." Vincent pointed out the route to the stage.

Today, Prophet is still the starter. This version of hard support is not so popular, and Liu Qingsong's tactical status is not high.

"Can I take off my shoes?" The prophet sat on the chair, his body twisting uneasily.

He can take off his shoes in the LPL, but he is still not sure whether he can do so when playing games abroad.

He felt uncomfortable playing games without taking off his shoes.

"It's okay. There's no rule against taking off your shoes, so you can take them off," Lin Ran said seriously, "Right, referee?"

The referee ignored him.

The prophet took off his shoes with confidence and sat cross-legged on the chair to adjust himself.

"After watching the passionate battle between SKT and GAM, we will usher in the battle between the LPL home team YM and the European champion G2!" The commentator for the first half of today was Ze Yuanhe.

"Yesterday, G2 was active on Twitter, claiming to let the Asian region see who is the real king." Zeyuan popularized G2's cool operations to viewers who did not watch the news yesterday. "Their mid laner perkz also compared YM and SKT’s uniform was torn into pieces and thrown into the trash.”

In the shot, the players from both teams are already sitting in the player seats, the BP session has not yet started, and an interview with Perkz is playing.

"YM is pretty strong, but I think their mid laner is overrated." perkz shrugged, "In my opinion, his strength is not strong enough to compete with top mid laners like Faker and Pawn."

"I will defeat him head-on in this MSI and let him know the power of the European Dharma King." Perkz finally grinned with white teeth, like an advertisement for Yida.

Smile to show confidence, smile to show strength.

[Crazy, crazy, crazy! 】

[There is really a lot of criticism before the game, and I will beat you to pieces by tilting my head. 】

[After all, you can only shout out loud before the game. Do you think he still dares to shout after the game? 】

"Perkz is really addicted to oral euphoria before the game. This is also a traditional performance of their team." Zeyuan had nothing to do to popularize the famous oral euphoria scene before G2.

"Let's see how YM performs in his first show at MSI in Brazil!" Those who received the news from the director in advance remember that as soon as they finished speaking, the BP interface appeared in front of the audience's screen, and everyone's spirits were lifted!

"G2 has the right to choose sides in this game, and they took the initiative to choose the blue side!"

G2 first banned Lin Ran’s Lucian.

"Didn't you say you want to teach me a lesson?" Lin Ran looked at the opponent's forbidden position and laughed, "Are you giving up now?"

"They are talking about it, but they are still playing the game seriously and will not let us have strong heroes." Bai Yueya was not surprised.

"Ban Kennen first, this hero is too strong now." White Crescent Moon doesn't do anything to target ban people, it just bans all strong heroes in the version.

The remaining two ban positions in the first round of G2 were given to Kalma and Captain.

YM, on the other hand, disabled Enchantress and Galio.

"The first choice in G2 is to take the crocodile!" Zeyuan cheered up after seeing this choice, "A very fierce laning choice!"

"Is Shen and Han Bing okay?" Bai Yueya asked the team members for their opinions.

Jack nodded. Every team in the LPL would ban Han Bing. This was the first time Jack had used Ashe since the second half of the Spring Split.

Jin Gong is also very satisfied with Shen's choice.

Although Shen is not as strong as Crocodile in the lane, W [Secret Truth! Soul Blessing's sword array can withstand Crocodile's W [Cold Hunting]. Although there will be a certain disadvantage in a duel, it will not be killed alone.

"Take out Verus and Spider Queen in the last two choices of G2!"

Jin Gong's face turned dark again.

【Desert Spider coming again? 】

[What a miserable gold tribute. This round is about to be provoked by military training. 】

[Trivia: Facing YM's team, as long as they target Jin Gong, they will lose. He is a guy who can't be caught. 】

The barrage called out Jin Gong's injustice.

For a year, Jin Gong wore the YM jersey and competed in major events, finally making more and more viewers realize the value of top blue-collar top laners.

Although his usual performance is not as eye-catching as the resource-hungry brother in the team, the top blue-collar top laner is always the one who takes care of the team. He is unknown when the wind is going well, and bravely starts a team to turn the tide when the wind is going against him.

Although they will be at a disadvantage against a resource-eating monster like Ma Run TheShy because the team's strategy is tilted to other positions, they can't be suppressed and team battles will always have an effect.

Jin Gong and 957 are not at all the same group of LPL blue-collar workers who were defeated in the previous S5 global finals.

"Take Lulu," Bai Yueya rubbed his nose with the pen, "Let's show off our momentum in this game and let G2 see the difference in strength."

"No problem," Jack said carelessly, "How about hitting them with a Linglong Tower?"

Linglong Tower is the homophone of Zero Dragon Tower. There are 0 dragons and 0 towers in one game, which is a shame for the participating teams.

In the second round of BP, White Crescent blocked Nami and Zyra. Both of them are supports that can fight against Lulu, and their strength is not low when paired with Verus, whom G2 chose before.

G2 banned Syndra and Murloc.

"Jin Gong has selected Shen to play top lane, and G2 has to ban Xiaoyuren. They are going to target Ran in the middle!" Zeyuan became excited. "G2 has given a total of three ban positions to the middle. It seems completely Not as arrogant as perkz showed before the game!"

[I’m laughing so hard. The interview clip was released less than 5 minutes ago. G2 slaps themselves in the face right now? 】

[G2 can have some effect? Is it time to ban you? Are you worthy of your own pleasure? 】

[Hahahaha, this is to ban all offensive mid laners, and let Ran force his development to compete with perkz, right? 】

"YM will help Xiaotian take down the jungle blind monk first, providing an excellent early rhythm for the team!"

"The last two choices for G2 are Jace and...Grasshopper!" Zeyuan raised his eyebrows.

"Malzahar is indeed a good choice for the auxiliary position. After reaching level 6, it can provide powerful control. The passive [Void Crossing] can also help block ice arrows!"

Grasshopper once became a popular support in this year's LPL Spring Split. Its functionality is indeed very powerful. Flash + R [Hades' Grasp] has an excellent team-opening effect, often forcing the opponent to only play Mercury Ribbon.

(2017 Spring Split Grasshopper appearance and winning rate chart)

"Jace's choice is not bad either. Now that Syndra and Lucian, who could have an advantage against Jayce outside, have been banned, Perkz is still very stable in the mid lane."

[Can’t you just select a stone man? The opponent's main AP output is the jungler. 】

[Brother, you don’t take the percentage AP damage of Grasshopper and Verus seriously, do you? This lineup is looking for death if they use Stone Man. 】

"There is only one Fox who is relatively hot in the MSI play-in stage who can beat Jayce. He is at a slight disadvantage in the lane but can still hold up." I remember watching YM delaying in determining his fifth selection position, He opened his mouth and reminded.

As the countdown came to an end, YM finally confirmed his choice.

"It's indeed a fox!"

"It is worth mentioning that this is the first time in Ran's career that he has chosen the hero Fox!" Remember, he began to educate the audience, "In this qualifying round, Fox won seven out of ten games, and the winning rate is quite amazing."

The lineups of both sides are confirmed.

Blue side G2: top laner Crocodile, jungler Spider, mid laner Jayce, bottom lane Verus + Grasshopper.

Red square YM: top laner Shen, jungler blind monk, mid laner Fox, bottom lane Han Bing + Lulu.

Bai Yueya looked at the lineup and felt there was a slight problem.

"Our lineup is not strong in teamfighting. You'd better end this game as soon as possible and don't delay it later."

He patted Lin Ran on the shoulder.

"I understand." Lin Ran agreed while changing the runes.

Fox is set as a mage assassin in League of Legends, which makes her very embarrassed.

In terms of burst, she is not as good as Enchantress; in terms of escape ability, Fox can only move in the third stage of her ultimate move, and the cooldown time is very long, while assassins such as Enchantress, Jie, and Little Murloc can do this with their small skills.

Compared to the assassin's not-so-high burst damage, and compared to the traditional mage's not-so-strong continuous output ability, she was originally struggling in the middle.

Compared with other assassin brothers and sisters, the only thing she can say is 'I got a new set of skins this year'.

The reason why Fox appears more frequently in this version is not because she has been strengthened.

Instead, the other mid laners were slashed.

After the redesign, the Enchantress has been weakened many times, but she still can't be released until now; Ryze's R+ golden body has been abolished, which is like a knife on the main artery.

Because of the weakening of armor-piercing equipment, Jace is considered a different kind of knife, and his appearance rate has plummeted.

In this way, apart from Syndra and Lucian, Fox can be regarded as a passable option as a mid laner who can coordinate with the jungler and lead the rhythm. (The skills of the Fox version in the 2017 mid-season are as shown in the picture)

pekrz nodded with satisfaction after learning that he was facing a fox.

When Jace fights foxes in the lane, his opening range is between 55 and 64, and Jace will have a slight advantage.

This allows him to maximize his personal strength.

Perkz wants to fulfill his promise - teach Lin Ran a lesson.

Summoner's Rift appeared on the screen. Lin Ran controlled the idol singer Ahri, bought the Dolan Ring and potions and rushed online.

"Both sides are in defensive positions at the first level and have no intention of fighting." Zeyuan was a little confused.

"In terms of level one, YM is stronger here, right? Why not invade?"

"Uh..." I remember taking a look at the lineup.

It seems so.

The first-level crocodiles and grasshoppers are useless. If YM invades by force, they will definitely be able to change to the wild area.

"Are you considering the possibility of being tricked by a spider?" I remember I could only guess at one answer.

But YM actually thinks very simply.

Their overall strength is stronger than G2, and they have a high chance of winning if they play slowly. However, if the first-level team is not designed well, it is very likely to directly bring the team to collapse and slow down the early rhythm.

There is no need to gamble YM.

Lin Ran clicked Q [Deception Orb] at level 1 and stood on the side of the soldier line waiting for the soldiers to fight each other.

Pekrz didn't push the lane either, just waiting for the minions to slowly turn into residual health.

The Fox vs. Jess in the middle is destined to be a competitive match. It is not a good habit to try to push the lane before the HP advantage is gained at the beginning.

Because too long a soldier line means a reduction in fault tolerance.

Once the team pushing the line reveals a flaw and is caught up by the enemy, there is a risk of being killed because it is too far away from the defense tower.

Even if the side being pushed has a flaw, since it is in front of the tower, it will only be consumed by a set of beating status.

Both of them waited until the last moment - when the attack particles of the opponent's minions appeared and were about to fill up the blood minions before taking action, so that the soldier line basically stayed in place.

Both sides want to wait until the third wave of artillery troops arrives, and then slowly send a wave of troops into the opponent's defense tower.

But G2's strength obviously does not support Pekrz's slow development.

Jack and the Prophet quickly pushed the line. Ice + Lulu were a dominant combination in the early stage. Their ability to push the line was very strong, so they easily reached level 2.

Jack pressed his troops to a short distance in front of the G2 tower, and then shot out the drone. The eagle struck the sky and illuminated the three wild camps in the lower half of the blue square at a strange angle.

The gargoyles and wild monsters in the F6 camp are still intact, but the red BUFF has been eaten.

Xiaotian, who was operating the blind monk red version, immediately figured out the G2 Spider's wild route.

He rushed to the middle road while sending a signal to Jin Gong on the upper road.

"You won't upgrade to level 3?" Lin Ran was a little surprised.

Xiaotian only took two sets of red + blue BUFFs, and the jungle route was very strange.

"It's okay. As long as you can control Jace, he will die." Xiaotian squatted in the grass below with confidence.

"彳亍." Lin Ran nodded, imitating the accent of a certain anchor who was good at taking off from Wuhu.

"Xiaotian is going to arrest someone at the second level, Pekrz is completely unprepared!" Zeyuan, who was watching the game from a God's perspective, was a little excited.

Lin Ran looked at the remaining second wave of soldiers in front of him and moved slightly upward.

Pekrz watched the fox move upward. In order to avoid the fox's possible charm, he subconsciously leaned down, trying to use the soldiers to cover himself.

This is the habitual position that most mid laners have maintained for a long time.

And Lin Ran just wanted Pekrz to do this.

The moment he moved downward and approached the grass below, Xiaotian took action.

The blind monk touched the jewelry eye and appeared on Jace's face, with a red BUFF normal attack to slow down Pekrz!

"Look at me, look at me!" Lin Ran and Jace directly used E [Charm Magic] across a half-health minion!

"The charming position of the fox..." Thanks to Zeyuan's speaking speed, his words were flying up and down, and he was stunned to say 9 words when Lin Ran used his charm.

Since the distance between the fox and the minion was longer than Flash, Pekrz was sure that Lin Ran couldn't charm him with E Flash.

At this time, he didn't realize that the danger was approaching, and even wanted to switch to the hammer form and use E [Thunder Strike] to smash Xiaotian away and escape calmly.

But the next moment.

A thunderbolt fell straight down!

The target is directly at the half-blood soldier who is blocking Fox and Jace!

The minion turned into gold coins and flew into Xiaotian's pocket, and the fox's pink heart went straight to Pekrz without being blocked by the minion!

"Xiaotian saved the punishment to help the fox deal with the minions! YM's middle and jungle cooperation is so tacit!"

Zeyuan, who spoke at an explosive pace, took over the explanation.

"Jace was charmed, but Pekrz brought purification. He quickly released his control skills and planned to leave!"

The charm of the fox hit Jace, and Pekrz was worthy of being a new generation of European kings. Although YM's midfielder and jungler's exquisite cooperation came unexpectedly, his speed of purifying and removing control skills was still very fast.

But the charm effect still made Pekrz take an uncontrollable step towards Lin Ran.

It was in this short gap that Xiaotian successfully hit the Tianyin Wave!

And Lin Ran also handed over Q [Orb of Fraud]!

Jace's blood volume dropped below half in an instant!

Pekrz purified and released the control, turned around and moved to avoid the deception orb recovered by the fox.

He knew that he was marked by the Tianyin Wave, so he kept holding on to the hammer-shaped Thunder Strike, intending to wait for Xiaotian's second stage Q to get close to his face before hammering him away.

"If Xiaotian doesn't hand over the second level of Q, he will chase Gui with basic attacks!"

"Ran used the acceleration effect of the fox's Q skill to catch up and use normal attacks to output!"

Pekrz's nervous fingers trembled.

Since the mid laner Jace's starting outfit is a long sword and potion, his frankness is not very high, and he can't resist being chased by the blind monk and the fox for too long.

He could only hope that the duration of Xiaotian's second stage Q would end as soon as possible so that he could hand over the flash escape.

Finally, after Xiaotian kicked Jace again, the duration of the second Q [Echo Strike] was about to end, so Xiaotian decisively pressed the skill.

The blind monk under the champion's skin transformed into a black dragon and followed him!

With the second Q at such a close range, Jace couldn't react at all and used a thunder blow to interrupt it!

Pekrz's blood volume dropped again, and he decisively knocked away the blind monk with a thunderous blow, and then flashed to distance himself!

But the moment he struck out with thunder, Lin Ran's basic attack + ignition hit Jace!

Pekrz flashed away and watched as the fox's basic attack caught up and hit him. The level 2 ignition continued to burn his few health points!

Level 2 Jace has only 625 health points without health equipment. After being beaten by Xiaotian and Lin Ran with such a set of skills, his health has reached the bottom.

Lin Ran's basic attack plus ignition directly destroyed Pekrz's hope of escape. He took a look at his blood volume and saw that the blood bottle he knocked off before could not save his life, so he simply stood there and waited to die.

"This is a death flash!" I remember finally finding the opportunity to add a few words, "Pekrz's flash looks like a crime!"

The 90 points of true damage from the second level ignition burned away the last bit of Jace's health.

The first blood was taken away by Lin Ran!

"Help me push back this wave of troops, and then you go steal his big bird." Lin Ran thought very carefully.

At this time, the artillery line had just left the middle tower and reached the line. The two of them had pushed down a wave and a half of the line of soldiers. In addition, the experience given by the heads had just reached level three.

Without the mid laner, the G2 group of sharp-beaked birds would be eaten by Xiaotian without any suspense.

"The G2 jungle spider is not to be outdone. He eats the blue BUFF to upgrade to level 3 and goes straight to the top road!"

Ze Yuanhe remembered looking at the OB perspective and worried about Jin Gong's fate.

The combined killing power of Spider + Crocodile is ridiculously strong, and almost no hero can survive from them.

The spider got into the triangular grass, and the crocodile reached level 3 at this time.

"G2 plans to take action, and Crocodile wants to rely on stable first-hand control to flash and save people..."

As soon as Zeyuan finished speaking, the situation on the field changed instantly!

"Jin Gong reacted very quickly! W [Secret Soul! Soul Blessing] blocked the crocodile's flash of red fury W [Cold Hunting]!"

I remember my tone was very exaggerated, "This reaction speed is too ridiculous! I even believe that Jin Gong predicted G2's action plan!"

The spider cocoon hits Shen, but without the crocodile's Red Fury W output, the damage of the desert spider combination is obviously not enough!

"Jin Gong managed to escape back to the defense tower with 2/5 of his health left! Why did the spider fight against the tower twice? It was obviously indestructible!" I remember looking at the spider's movements and being very confused.

"The spider resisted twice and the tower was reduced to a state of residual health. This way, the gargoyle in the YM jungle area will not dare to fight back!"

The spider wandered on the upper road for a while, and finally gave up on stealing this group of gargoyles.

Shen relies on the percentage damage of his Q skill to output a lot in the early stage. Spider is afraid that once he is taunted, he will die suddenly if he can't even flash.

He didn't dare to counterattack the remaining sharp-beaked bird of the blind monk in the upper half of the jungle. The state was too poor and if Lin Ran caught it, a set of small skills would allow him to go home and soak in the spring water for free.

"Spider made a big mistake this time. He insisted on resisting the tower. This way he lost two groups of wild monsters!" Zeyuan shook his head.

The G2 jungler's wave on the road was obviously over the top, and they had to forcefully cripple Jin Gong's state.

Fortunately, he used Spider Youfeitian to avoid the damage from the third defensive tower. If he had used a hero like a male gun, he would definitely die in this wave of tower resistance.

At that time, the facial expression of his top laner will be as uncomfortable as if he was tortured by Landry.

Jack was in hot form in the bottom lane. With the help of Lulu, who was strong in the lane, he defeated the opponent Verus by 10 knives in 5 minutes.

After receiving first blood, Lin Ran found the opportunity to push the line back to the city again and bought the Devil's Codex and the True Eye, preparing to make the ghost book first.

perkz died once before, so even if there were artillery soldiers to help fight the tower, half the wave of soldiers' experience was lost.

And he lost half of the line of soldiers, and he didn't even have enough money to buy a long sword, so he could only buy a real eye to continue the line.

As a result, his combat effectiveness is far different from Lin Ran.

Coupled with his backward experience, he did not dare to compete with Lin Ran at all.

Lin Ran took the lane in the middle and was successfully promoted to level 6 during the ninth wave of soldiers.

But perkz had early warning and withdrew the defense tower in advance.

And Lin Ran didn't intend to spare perkz.

Lin Rande let him know that it's not a big problem to get high before the game, but you have to bear the consequences.

He entered the first tower of G2 with a slow push line.

A full-health gun truck can withstand 7 damage from defense towers. Before this, perkz could not get enough experience to upgrade to level 6.

Lin Ran's real eye, placed in the grass in the river, saw the spider approaching the lower road and took action decisively.

The moment E [Charm Magic] was released, Lin Ran pressed his ultimate move [Soul Assault]!

The nine-tailed demon fox transforms into a demon and charges forward!

Fox's ER combo!

As a result, the love shot by the idol singer Ahri was blocked by the charge effect of her ultimate move. Perkz did not react at this moment, and he directly received the charm without flashing!

(Fox’s little trick can hide the casting action of the E skill, similar to Enchantress EW. Anyone who plays this hero knows it, right?)

Immediately afterwards, Lin Ran shot W [Eerie Fox Fire] + Q [Deception Orb]!

Perfectly utilizing the Q skill to cancel the backswing mechanism of the W skill, the combo speed is extremely fast. Jace's thunderous effect was triggered when he received the output!

Perkz quickly handed over the purification and disenchantment he had just recovered from, and then in the rear gun form, he prepared QE to blast Lin Ran, who was resisting the tower!

The output of Jess's QE cannon, which only had a long sword, was not very high. Lin Ran was forced to carry the output, and then attached the ignition, and the second stage R [Soul Assault] continued to pour damage forward!

At the same time, he used the acceleration effect and displacement skills to adjust his position, allowing the recovered fraud orb to rub against Jace's body!

The true damage of Recycling Q instantly reduced Jace's health. At level 5, he was carrying a long sword and had only 838 health points. How could he withstand the explosion of Fox's full set of skills? (Level 5 Jess panel data is shown in the picture)

He gritted his teeth and planned to switch to hammer form and replace Lin Ran under the tower.

However, in the third stage of Lin Ran's ultimate move, he moved to the side, slightly opened the distance, and used the output of the vitality bomb of the ultimate move to lower Jace's health again, and then flashed over the wall and fled to the upper half of the jungle!

Level 6 Ignition's 170 points of true damage drained Jace's health.

Lin Ran successfully escaped with 200 blood left!

He raised the corners of his lips and imitated Jack's crooked smile.

Even with a 10% discount, do you still have to cheer before the game?

The cheers from the audience were deafening! YM's light sticks are flashing around the stands!

This is a solo kill over the tower!

"Ah P, do you still dare to stay under the tower?" Zeyuan looked excited and directly coined the nickname perkz.

"Who is educating whom in today's competition?" I remember being very passionate, "But today I will tell Ah P that you have to pay a price for your talk! Can you afford this price?"

[Let me kill you! 】

[Ah P is okay, does he sound a little generous? 】

[Isn’t this going to give Ah P a close-up? Director Li Zaiqian is the devil? 】

[Hahahaha, are you happy? Unless a super ghost dies today, don’t even think about losing the G2 base! 】

[Killed twice in 6 minutes, you really have a P! 】

10,000 words. I watched the game today to waste time. I’ll give it another 10,000 words tomorrow. might be Mr. Day's last game.

4 quarterfinals.

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