LOL: What is a roaming mid laner?

Chapter 232 230: Is your name G2?

Perkz looked at the black and white screen and pinched his fingers.

After dying twice in 6 minutes, he now only has two long swords and a magic resistance cloak, and his equipment is quite shabby.

The fox on the opposite side not only ate two heads, but also had more than ten men ahead of him in terms of reinforcements.

After all calculations, Lin Ran was nearly a thousand yuan ahead of him financially.

Perkz knew he was in trouble in this round.

Back in the middle again, Fox has made two small pieces of Ghost Book, and the equipment is quite luxurious.

"Ah P doesn't even dare to eat the troops now, so he can only use the QE reinforced cannon to get some leftovers," Zeyuan said in an exaggerated tone, "This Jace is completely useless!"

"G2's jungler Spider also defeated himself because of a wave of aggressive anti-turrets on the top lane!" I remember his voice was impassioned and his face was excited.

"Because he didn't counterattack Xiaotian's wild area, Spider is now more than half a level behind Xiaotian in experience!"

Zeyuan also praised it appropriately, "I feel now that Spider + Jess can't catch this fox together!"

Xiaotian relied on his personal ability and mid-lane rights to decisively invade the G2 jungle area, using the green jungle knife and real eyes to light up the lower half of the jungle area, and at the same time snatched the red BUFF from the spider.

In this round, he still prioritized protecting Lin Ran and Jack.

As for the golden tribute.

Two words.

Just let it happen.

With the vision guaranteed and the jungler squatting, Jack became more and more bold in pressing the line.

Lin Ran controlled the troop line bit by bit, preparing to gather the troop line into the tower and continue to replicate the previous wave of tower-crossing kills.

Demonic Codex + Blue BUFF, the original 110-second ultimate can now be cooled down in less than 90 seconds.

It's just three waves of soldiers.

Perkz tried to use the enhanced cannon to consume Lin Ran's health, so that he would not dare to step forward unscrupulously to suppress him, and secondly, it would create opportunities for the jungler to hit the gank.

However, Lin Ran's movement was quite erratic. After discovering that Perkz began to use the reinforced cannon to consume him, he controlled the fox to infiltrate into the army line.

This embarrassed Perkz.

If he continues to use the reinforced cannon to consume Lin Ran, the troop line will also be hit by the reinforced cannon. If this continues, the troop line will be pushed to Lin Ran's side. There is nothing more uncomfortable than the inferior side's troop line being held under the opponent's tower. .

But if the fox is not consumed, it will be difficult for the spider to gank. When the fox's ultimate move gets better later, Lin Ran, who is at full state, will definitely jump over the tower and kill him.

Perkz had no choice but to give up the idea of ​​consumption for the time being.

But taking advantage of this period of time, Xiaotian had already taken the first fire dragon into his pocket.

The angry spider jungle area has been defeated, so he can only run to the road to catch Jin Gong.

But the clever Xiba people have long since discovered that the spider has no way to go but to catch him. As smart as Jin Gong, he will not give it a chance.

He decisively shrank into the grass in front of the second tower.

A little lack of growth will hurt his stomach, and the super-fat Lin Ran can help him win.

"It's so stable! This is Jin Gong!" Zeyuan exclaimed.

He felt his heart bleed as he looked at the wave of troops under the tower. Jin Gong was stunned and could not hold back from moving forward.

This is the charm of the top blue-collar top laner. It is impossible to be greedy for the lane.

Ah P counted the time and the fox's ultimate move should be ready soon.

His blood volume is quite healthy now, but because he used the gun form skill to replenish his troops, his mana volume is not very abundant.

"Come and protect me." He asked his jungler.

Although there are no wild monsters to farm, the spider still leaves from the top lane and approaches the middle lane.

"I can only squat for 30 seconds. When the grasshopper reaches 6, I will go down."

"No problem, if I sell it, he will definitely be fooled." Perkz is very confident about this.

He still manipulated Jace to twist his butt left and right, and the second battalion commander of Piltover looked no different from before, his posture was extremely coquettish.

He knew how to adapt to ever-changing situations by staying the same. As long as he maintained his previous walking habits, Lin Ran would definitely jump over the tower.

"Perkz wants to seduce!" I remember looking at the Spider Queen crouching in the shadow corner, my heart in my throat. "Ran, don't be fooled!"

Since Jace's movement was no different from before, Lin Ran didn't raise his alarm.

He still planned to take advantage of this wave of troops to kill Perkz again.

Lin Ran continued to move forward, and just as he was about to take action, a drone shot over from the bottom lane. It happened to sweep across one of the passes from the upper river to the middle lane, and discovered the enchanting and graceful Spider Queen!

The Brazilian audience in the audience originally thought that G2 would finally get the first head of the game, but Jack disrupted everything!

"Bingbing's critical search field of vision found the movement of the spiders for Ran!" I remember clenching my fists secretly, "This wave of spiders wasted time in the middle!"

【Handsome, handsome! 】

[Jack, this ice is really spiritual! 】

[With blood earned, Xiaotian can counterattack another wild group. 】

Perkz clicked his tongue, a deep sense of frustration enveloped his heart.

The best opportunity was not seized. If the laning period ended, it would be even harder to kill this fox with three levels of movement.

Perkz has never felt that the hero Ice is so disgusting. The role of Eagle Strike in the sky in the professional arena is almost to open the full picture perspective.

Isn't this weakening? Designer, you will catch the knife girl and cut it, right?

The moment Lin Ran saw the spider's position, he panicked to death. If he had jumped over the tower decisively just now, the forced knockback effect of Jace's thunder blow combined with the spider's flash cocoon would probably have prevented him from even being able to use his ultimate move. Death suddenly.

As he stepped back, he recalled Jace's position just now.

Lin Ran had to admit that Perkz's seduction details were better than many LPL mid laners.

Many online players habitually exploit their flaws when junglers come to catch them. At this time, players who are proficient in preventing ganks will see the clues from the sudden changes in the details of their positioning and take precautions.

And Perkz, who is only 18 years old, is undoubtedly one of the players with a higher IQ in the game.

After being frightened by the spider, Lin Ran became more cautious in his positioning and no longer blindly suppressed Perkz.

This allowed Ah P to take a deep breath and finish off the large wave of soldiers under the tower.

"In 8 minutes, G2 is still 1.5K behind in economy. Although Ah P has made up for a wave of growth, Spider has not driven any rhythm so far!"

"Based on YM's habits, before 10 minutes, they will definitely use Shen's ultimate move to drive a wave of bottom lane rhythm, killing people and pushing towers!"

I remember watching so many YM games, no matter how stupid I was, I still figured out their routines.

"It's no secret that YM uses Shen to play 4 packs of 2 in the early and mid-term," Zeyuan said in a drawl, "But the key is that no team has been able to defend against their style of play so far!"

"The horse rises to 6, come on, come on!" Malzahar glanced at his experience bar and prepared to shake people.

"You force Shen's ultimate move out, and I can push him up the tower!" Top laner Crocodile also knew that YM wanted to play a 4-pack of 2. He wanted his teammates to trick Shen down so that he could expand his laning advantage.

"The spiders are rushing down the road..." Zeyuan glanced at the hero status bar in the OB system and saw that Malzahar's experience was about to be full. "They want to grab the rhythm and find opportunities!"

The moment the grasshopper reached level 6, he directly flashed +R [Grip of Hades] and ran towards the prophet!

Lulu was suppressed by Grasshopper's ultimate move and couldn't hand over the Transformed Sheep!

At the same time, a spider appears in YM's field of vision!

In order to save the prophet, Jack could only use normal attack + R [Magic Crystal Arrow] to immobilize the grasshopper!

But the suppression time of Grasshopper's ultimate move is enough for Verus to give R [Chain of Corruption]!

"I'll give you the ultimate move! Wait until I get down!" Jin Gong saw that the prophet might be killed instantly due to the control link, so he immediately retreated to the tower to provide support with the ultimate move!

"Retreat, retreat!" Spider saw a large white shield appearing on Lulu's body and immediately called his teammates to retreat.

Lulu's ultimate move and Ice Heal have not yet been handed over, and with Jin Gong's ultimate move shield, there will be no problem in protecting Lulu.

What they want is to force Shen down, and now their goal has been achieved!

"G2 retreated without looking back! They just wanted to trick YM out of Shen's ultimate move, YM's weapon to double-team and push into the bottom lane!"

I remember frowning, "A very smart choice. If Jin Gong falls to the bottom lane, he will lose a lot of troops!"

Zeyuan glanced at the small map of the OB system and suddenly turned up the volume.

"What's going on in the middle!"

The director also reacted very quickly and directly switched the camera to the middle!

The fox has cleared the middle line of troops and is using his ultimate move [Soul Raid], ready to kill and jump over the tower!

Perkz's cannon-form basic attack hit Lin Ran, and there was still a flash on him. He knew in his heart that Lin Ran didn't have a double summon, and wanted to rely on the defense tower to counterattack the fox.

He can't hand over the enhanced cannon now. The cannon form Q [Electric Energy Surprise] has a skill guidance time. During this period of immobility, he will have to take the fox charm. Without purification, he will most likely be captured and taken away.

Lin Ran remained calm and raised his hand again the moment he launched his basic attack.

Perkz thought it was the charm handed over by the fox, and immediately turned around and tried to move.

But Ahri only had three balls of fox fire coming out of his body!

It's W [Fairy Fox Fire].

Jace knew that his prediction was wrong, and he immediately wanted to turn around and move again.

But Lin Ran's second ultimate move hit Ah P directly in the face!

Perkz knew that it would be difficult for him to avoid the charm if it was close to the face. He was under the tower before and decisively flashed towards the wall of the Sharpbill camp below.

Perkz does not flash upward over the wall.

Because he knew that just running was useless. Jace, who was suppressed with 0-2 last hits, would have a very limited role in the mid-term. If he wanted to make up for the disadvantage, he had to seize Lin Ran's mistakes and kill his opponent.

But the moment Flash handed over and distanced himself, a mark hung on his forehead, and the bald monk walked out of the sharp-beak camp through the wall!

"Gank from Xiaotian! Where are you going without flashing P?" I remember shouting loudly.

Lin Ran resisted the output of the second tower, handed over the third ultimate move to the side, and successfully exited the tower. By the way, he hit Jace with a basic attack.

Xiaotian showed no mercy. After flying up with his second stage Q, he followed up with E [Heavenly Thunder Breaker] to receive basic attacks, and then followed up with his ultimate move [Raptor's Tail Swing]!

Perkz came out with a small magic resistance cloak, which has acceptable magic resistance, but it cannot withstand the powerful output of the blind monk!

Lin Ran adjusted his angle and threw the Q [Deception Orb] in his hand.

"The fox's skill hit Jace, who was still alive, without any suspense. Let's take another head!" I remember being so excited that my face turned red and my neck thickened.

Xiaotian's blind monk used W [Golden Bell Cover] to touch Lin Ran and successfully retreated out of the tower.

Perkz looked bitter and shook his head repeatedly.

He should have thought of it earlier.

When the fight started in the bottom lane, the blind monk didn't show up, and the fox's second stage ultimate move suddenly jumped under the tower, which was obviously to lure him to cross and flash in the opposite direction.

Perkz grabbed the hair between his forehead and lifted up the already unhealthy hairline.

"YM Nakano has to go down after killing Jace," Zeyuan glanced at the perspective given by the director, "They are going to gather the strength of five people to forcefully demolish the Luyi Tower!"

"Jingong simply refused to leave. A wave of artillery trains followed him in the bottom lane. He wanted to eat up the economy of the first blood tower in the bottom lane to make up for his lack of development!"

"Jace is dead. There are only three junglers left in G2. They can't defend the first-health tower in the bottom lane!" I remember that my emotions have been aroused. "The crocodile is still on the top lane taking troops. Do you want to hand over this teleportation or not?" !”

The moment Fox and Lee Sin appeared in the grass behind the first tower in the bottom lane, G2's top laner Crocodile finally cleared the line of troops. He started to increase his anger first, and then handed over the teleport to protect his teammates.

"Kill, kill, kill! Don't be afraid!" Lin Ran knew that Grasshopper and Verus had already used their ultimate moves, and the Prophet's Lulu was in good condition due to the shield given by Shen.

"The five YM people want to force their way over the tower! Can they kill one person first while taking advantage of the 4.5 seconds of teleportation!"

Jin Gong still flashed with taunting, controlling Grasshopper and Verus who were not passive!

"Grow big quickly!"

Lulu's voice was still silly and cute, but at this moment, everyone in G2 sounded like the voice of a devil.

The two people who were mocked were knocked away again, and Lin Ran's charm hit accurately!

"Verus couldn't even flash, and was killed first! Malzahar couldn't withstand the output of the five YM people!"

At this time, Spider's powerlessness against the enemy's tower evasion was just highlighted. He used the self-exploding spider to blow up the line of troops, and then handed over the cocoon to control Xiaotian.

Nothing else can be done.

Faced with a double-team of five people, he used his movement skills to dodge back and forth.

Finally, he delayed the arrival of the angry prehistoric giant crocodile!

Crocodile used a red fury Q and cooperated with the spider to clear the bottom line of the tower.

"Take your time, take your time!" Lin Ran looked at G2's sudden death in the bottom lane and the desert spider team was left alone. He was not in a hurry and asked Jin Gong to leave the defense tower first, "Let's stop the next wave of soldiers!"

A wave of troops lasted for 30 seconds, and Jace was still a little short of resurrected.

As we all know, the time for a hero with a movement speed of 335 to reach the first tower in the bottom lane is 35 seconds without taking out shoes, and the time to reach the first tower in the bottom lane with straw shoes is 33 seconds.

(A little common sense, if you are interested, you can also remember these times. It is very helpful for those squatting in the grass behind the jungle tower and online to estimate the time when the opponent returns to the city to replenish the line. Many anchors use this method to calculate the reappearance of the dead opponent online. time, setting up an ambush in advance to complete the kill)

And the gold coins left after Jace died in the last battle were not enough for him to replenish the second-level shoes.

In other words, after Jace was resurrected, he bought straw sandals and went straight to the bottom lane, leaving YM with nearly 10 seconds to cross the tower.

At that time, the crocodile, which had no ultimate move and had accumulated thousands of gold coins and had never returned to the city for supplies, would not pose much of a threat to them.

"YM is determined to kill the top and jungle players of G2!" I remember watching the five YM players double-teaming the front and back like bandits, surrounding the bottom tower of G2!

【What a cruel YM! 】

[It took half a minute to jump over the tower? YM kills people but also kills people? 】

【Hurry up! I just want to see G2 Sima’s face! 】

【Kill and that’s it! 】

R [Ultimate Dominance] Time has passed, the dark energy wrapped around the crocodile disappeared, and the figure shrunk twice in an instant.

He and the spider stayed under the tower with no way out, filled with despair.

What about teammates? Where about teammates? Help!

The three gray heads of teammates on the side tell the Crocodiles that no one can save them.

Another wave of soldiers entered the tower, and the damage after the defensive tower's hatred was reset was not high. Jin Gong started to resist the tower again with the supply of ice treatment and Lulu shield.

"The charm of the fox hits the crocodile again!" Zeyuan was excited by YM's crazy tower-crossing offensive. "Ran's fox skill has a high hit rate!"

There was no suspense. At this time, the crocodile didn't even have a meat suit, and was directly killed by the output of the five YM players.

"There's only one spider left, where are you going!" I remember screaming, "Do you like to tweet taunts? Keep tweeting!"

As the spider flew to the ground and was killed by Jack's thousands of arrows, the head ratio between the two sides had reached 7:0!

Jess, who bought straw sandals from Perkz, just arrived behind the first tower in the bottom lane and looked like he was collecting the corpses of his teammates.

"Ah P can't defend this defense tower by himself! One tower was divided up by five YM people, and the economic gap increased to 4.5K!"

I remember shaking my head, seemingly worried about G2, but the corner of my mouth was already grinning crazily, "G2 will collapse immediately after a wave of rhythm!"

Lin Ran already had a record of 5/0/2 when he returned to the city. He directly synthesized the ghost book, and then bought straw sandals + rings. He had this equipment in less than 10 minutes, which is considered luxurious.

On the other hand, Perkz only has a demon-drinking knife, a long sword and a pair of straw sandals.

After knocking down one tower on the bottom lane, YM began the familiar rhythm of switching lanes and pushing down towers. Jack and Prophet switched to the top lane first, so that they could not only preserve the half-health defense tower on the top lane, but also allow Lin Ran to continue to line up with perkz.

"The view on both sides of the first tower is completely occupied by YM, and Ah P still wants to rely on the line here..."

Before Ze Yuan finished speaking, Lin Ran pushed aside his troops and took action decisively.

A simple ER combo, but Ah P failed to avoid it.

After eating the charm, he quickly purified and released the control, but Lin Ran immediately used the ignition, and his ultimate move [Soul Assault] + W [Fairy Fox Fire] hit Jace first.

Then he followed up with two basic attacks, and then used the second stage of his ultimate move to adjust his position.

Ah P, who has no flash, has little room for manipulation and can only be manipulated by Fox Show.

"The passive shield of the Demon-Drinking Knife is triggered!" I remember that my speaking speed suddenly increased, "But it has no effect. The deception orb recovered by the fox is real damage!"

As mentioned before, real damage is the most realistic damage in this game, and magic shield is not useful at all.

Ah P's last trace of blood was ignited and burned away, and he fell under the tower again.

The spider came from the side and threw a cocoon, but Lin Ran successfully escaped with his third ultimate move!

"Ran's second solo kill in this game! Perkz is vulnerable in front of him!" Zeyuan said proudly, "Ah P seems to have been beaten stupid, how dare you stay under the tower?"

"This is the power of Fox!" I remember thinking that YM had already won the game, so I started to explain, "Fox is not as effective as other traditional mid laners in head-to-head battles in balanced and disadvantaged games, but her excellent escape ability in advantageous games can help her. Complete tower jumps again and again!"

"Three stages of displacement, you have no ability to resist!"

In 13 minutes, G2's previous tower was defeated.

In 15 minutes, one tower in G2 was destroyed, and the second dragon was also captured by YM.

The economy is 7K behind, the capita ratio is 0:10, and G2 has collapsed across the board!

[G2 has some effect! Can you at least push YM for an outer tower? How about getting a little dragon? 】

[Are you really preparing for the Linglong Tower? 】

[YM people don’t respect martial ethics, and they don’t attack lightly or harshly! But I like it so much. 】

The five G2 people in the camera on the lower left look like they have been tortured by Landry, and all of them have smarmy faces.

There are still 5 minutes left before the Baron is born, and YM is not in a hurry to advance. They eat up all the resources in the jungle first, and when they meet G2 people on the road, they start to light up their team icons.

Lin Ran returned to the city to buy the murder book, and then controlled the idol singer Ah Li to dance and mock in front of Ah P in front of the Second Tower.

[Hey, why don’t you install G2? 】

[It's cool, it's cool, but it's a pity that I can only show the team logo now. It would be great if I could give G2 a thumbs up! 】

[It feels good. How does it feel to ride on your face and hit you? 】

[The winner is king, the loser is the king of Weibo, but G2 has done a reverse operation, hehehe, the evil force is rewarded, right? 】

[Don’t be embarrassed, G2 is known as the European branch of LGD. If it doesn’t reverse it, is it called an optimistic family? 】

The audience who stayed up late to watch the live broadcast of the game finally found a point to vent their emotions. Their barrage instantly filled the live broadcast room!

In 20 minutes, YM decisively interrupted the newly born Baron Nash.

G2 also wanted to use Jace's poke ability to pick up the team in the jungle, but Jin Gong once again flashed E and directly taunted the three of them, and cooperated with his teammates to kill them!

The fox controlled by Lin Ran finally played a role in this pursuit battle!

Using his ultimate move and the movement speed bonus of the Killing Book, Lin Ran pursued him all the way from the river to the G2 highland!

"Another precise charm! Cooperate with the Deceit Orb to take Verus' life! Ran's charm skill is perfect!"

"After the team destroyed G2, Jin Gong handed over the teleport. They wanted to end the game in one wave!"

The five people pushed forward from the top road. When they reached the incisor tower, the three people who were killed first in G2 had been resurrected!

"G2 hasn't given up yet, they want to make a last stand!" Remember to look at the screen.

"But it's no use! This fox's murder book is almost full! She is not the Gua Sha Queen at all now!"

The two commentators and all the audience witnessed the fox's smooth use of EWQA. Lin Ran made perfect use of E+W to cancel the forward swing of the W skill and the backward swing of the E skill, and the mechanism of canceling the backward swing of the W skill with the Q skill.

The whole set of combos was done smoothly, and the newly born spider was sent back to the spring with a set of small skills!

"G2 people rushed forward. They finally wanted to replace Jack and get the first head of the game, but the facts didn't allow it!"

Even Jack, who always likes to deal damage in front of the fountain, played very steadily in this game. He didn't give G2 a chance to take advantage of others. DF's second company ran outside.

"Hurry up, break it down, buddy, I can't stand it anymore!" Jack urged his teammates repeatedly.

Lin Ran used his last charm to cooperate with his teammates to kill Ah P instantly, and then demolished the G2 base with a basic attack!

"YM kept a clean sheet on G2 in 22 minutes!" I remember watching the G2 crystal shatter and shouting loudly, "20:0 head ratio! Not only Linglong Tower, but G2 you couldn't even get a single head in this game!"

Congratulations Suning!

Like my previous prediction post, Suning won the match.

Toothpaste's condition is worrying, the wild core play style of the World Championship version has been secretly cut, and is obviously not adaptable.

But my prediction was 3:2, which was a little bit close, but collecting coins is still no big problem.

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