LOL: What is a roaming mid laner?

Chapter 233 231: Don’t make a fool of yourself

"Let's shake hands!" Jack stretched and yawned, still looking a little tired.

However, it is understandable that they arrived in Brazil two days ago after more than 30 hours of flying in the air, and they have already started high-intensity competition today.

Even normal adults get tired, let alone someone as fragile as Jack.

The Brazilian audience was generous with their applause and cheers, intertwined with the sound of support light sticks flapping each other, and formed a huge sound that rushed into Lin Ran's ears.

"You are very powerful." When shaking hands, Perkz raised his head slightly and looked directly into Lin Ran's eyes, trying to communicate with him in simple English. "But I will become stronger in the next duel to impress you."

Ah P's attitude was completely different from when he was talking about it before the game. Lin Ran couldn't figure out what this guy meant. He originally thought that this guy would say harsh words to him.

The officials did not forget to cause trouble, and even dragged Lin Ran over during the short post-match interview in the group stage.

Vincent stood aside holding the microphone and translated the questions raised by the female host to Lin Ran.

"What do you think of the remarks made by G2 and perkz on the Internet yesterday?"

Lin Ran had already anticipated this problem, "I was a little surprised when I heard the news..."

He paused and then said, "It should be my problem. In the spring finals, I didn't have any advantage against heroes such as Stoneman and Ekko, which may have caused his estimation of my strength to be biased."

"I really didn't expect perkz players to be so confident in their abilities."

Vincent translated Lin Ran's words intact.

The audience burst into laughter.

Anyway, he is not a player in their division, so it is not a big deal to just watch the excitement.

"They will face SKT in the next game. I hope perkz can struggle for two more minutes in the hands of faker."

Lin Ran has always wanted to take revenge, and Ah P was so high-spirited before the game that he must return it.

"Everyone performed well!" in the team lounge, White Crescent clapped and cheered them on.

LPL is the last division to finish the spring split, so YM is also the last team to arrive in Brazil.

In terms of team status and physical adaptation, it is definitely not as good as other teams.

But in the first game against the European champions, the 20-0 clean sheet performance proved that YM is still in hot shape.

After YM defeated G2, the first half of the first day of MSI ended with all six teams taking the stage.

When the second half of the game started, it was nearly five o'clock in the morning in China. The late-night champions could hardly stand it any longer, and the spectators who had a normal schedule had not yet gotten up.

In addition, the most interesting match between YM and G2 for lpl viewers has ended, and the popularity of domestic live broadcast rooms has dropped instantly.

Guo Hao and his two followers, Lin Weixiang and Liu Qingsong, had just returned to the lounge. They had just taken advantage of the game to run outside to look for restaurants with good taste nearby.

"I took a look. This place is either Brazilian barbecue or Brazilian fast food based on black beans and rice. Didn't Jin Gong try black beans and rice at noon today? Can you adapt to the taste?"

Black bean meal is a specialty of Brazil. This kind of food is sold in the streets and alleys. There is even a black bean stew day in the local area.

Jin Gong was chatting with Garlic Bastard with a smile just now. When he heard the black bean rice, he immediately shook his head and said, "I can't eat it. It's okay to eat it once in a while."

"Indeed, the local people's food habits may not be acceptable to us outsiders." Lin Ran sat on a chair and browsed Hupu on his mobile phone, wanting to see how domestic netizens would brag about him.

"It's okay to eat Brazilian barbecue once every three or five days, but it's a bit greasy if you eat it often," Guo Hao put his hands on his hips, "Or can we just go to McDonald's?"

Guo Hao also found it troublesome.

They all go to foreign countries to play games. The eating habits in the United States and Brazil are completely different from those in China. One is full of sugar, and the other is very spicy.

None of the YM guys can resist spicy food. Jack, who comes from Huanggang, Hubei Province, has a bad gastrointestinal condition. Liu Qingsong, who was born in Hengyang, can eat spicy food, but he is afraid of acne breakouts.

If they go to East Asian countries like South Korea and Japan, they don't have to worry so much. After all, there is a reason why Korean and Japanese food are popular in China. Although the taste is different, it is still within the acceptable range.

Now there seems to be no choice but to survive on McDonald's Big Macs and double cheeses.

On the big screen in the lounge, TSM was locked in an inextricable battle with its big brother GAM from Vietnam. There were a lot of casualties, but GAM had always maintained its economic lead.

"Let me go, is North America so good?" Lin Weixiang put on his sunglasses to look cool and put his legs on a chair nearby.

"I've always been good at it. It's not for nothing to give points to the boy."

Lin Ran glanced at the OB perspective.

TSM made another mistake. When the auxiliary scanned the Dalong Pit, it missed a corner, and the Vietnamese team happened to have inserted a prosthetic eye at that position.

TSM also thought that the field of vision was cleared and directly activated the Baron.

The Vietnamese team waited for TSM to be vomited by Baron Nash until its health was half-destroyed before heading to the Dragon Pit, and successfully eliminated the opponent and took over the Baron.

One minute later, the Vietnamese team pushed forward as a team but forgot to have a vision of the wall. The blind monk of TSM's racial knights round kicked the ADC, and in turn sent a group annihilation.

This is too delicious.

The tug-of-war lasted until 35 minutes. The Vietnamese team GAM finally found an "opportunity" - TSM mid laner Bilson accidentally moved and used Syndra to hit the male gun's smoke grenade, and was set by Levi, nicknamed Soldier Commander. The output of the confused face is disabled.

The team battle started. Syndra, who was out of shape, could not find any output space. TSM was wiped out in a wave and ended the game.

"Get ready to play." Guo Hao signaled the players to prepare for security check.

Lin Ran took a cup of coffee and went on stage.

Their second opponent on the first day of the group stage was the Flash Wolves.

【haven't seen you for a long time】

In the chat channel, Karsa took the lead in typing hello.

【good afternoon. 】Lin Ran responded.

There is no language barrier between the two teams, so chatting is not a big problem.

Jin Gong was exchanging pressure-resistant experiences with his opponent's top laner, Mimi Dan.

Lin Ran suddenly thought that the eating habits of the lightning wolves across from them were almost the same as theirs.

[Where do you eat? hotel? ] He typed and asked.

[…] Snake didn’t say anything and sent out a string of ellipses.

[Yonghe Soy Milk] Kasa smiled while typing.

Lin Ran hadn't heard this name for a long time. He had gone to this Wanwan enterprise for breakfast when he was a child. The fried dough sticks and soy milk were really delicious and it was very popular.

However, as times change with age, Yonghe soy milk’s market share in mainland China has been severely divided.

Lin Ran never thought that there was Yonghe Soy Milk in Brazil?

(PS: There is really Yonghe soy milk in Sao Paulo, Brazil. I can’t figure it out. Is there something wrong with it?)

[Hand over your address! ] He typed a threat, [Otherwise, you won’t want this round anymore. 】

【? ? ? 】

Kasa cursed, but still gave Lin Ran the address.

"Brothers, we have a hot meal to eat!" Lin Ran said excitedly, "How is it?"

"Okay, okay, fried dough sticks, soy milk and braised pork rice!" Xiaotian narrowed his eyes and smiled.

Half an hour later, Karsa looked at the head count of 9:17 on the upper right scoreboard, and almost slapped the keyboard and scolded Lin Ran for being "too far north."

This person is not trustworthy!

He made up 50 dollars in 25 minutes in this game, and the rest was taken by the opposite jungler and mid laner!

I promised to give you the address and not to enter the wild area!

Kasa is a man who knows the jungle position and the spawn time of wild monsters, and is known as the jungle radar.

But it’s useless against gangsters like YM.

Lin Ran and Xiaotian are engaged in demolitions, and I invade the wild area right in front of your radar.

Come on.

It was 2 versus 2. Casa and Maple fought two waves, and also called in the auxiliary Snake.

But it was useless. After fighting for a long time, they changed two heads, but Xiaotian was always able to take away the wild monsters.

Due to the ebb and flow, they lost a lot of money, and Casa's level has never been able to keep up with Xiaotian.

In the third wave, the Lightning Wolf midfielder still wanted to compete with the YM midfielder, but this time Lin Ran called his brother.

Jin Gong's teleport with a god-headed face directly caused Flash Wolf to explode in the middle and jungle, and then another 5 pack of 2. Flash Wolf dropped a health tower and dropped the dragon, and then the vision in the controlled jungle area was completely ruined.

From now on, Kasa won't be able to eat any wild monsters, but he and Xiaotian can be regarded as sharing the same fate, because the Garlic Bastard doesn't have any wild monsters to eat.

Lin Ran takes all the jungle areas of both teams and a middle line of troops by himself.

Level 14 costs 270 knives in 20 minutes, and level 16 earns 335 knives in 25 minutes. Lin Ran’s clockwork gives off the feeling of Gao Dewei, Ghost Book + Hat + Murderous Book + Landry’s Torment + Magic Penetration Staff + Magic Penetration Shoes. hand.

The ball was hidden in the grass in the river, and Snake squatted down to get a good view. With three consecutive QRWs, he instantly killed the cute little Lulu who was just level 11!

In one second, the art of disappearing blood bars reappeared!

The big Brazilian brothers at the scene roared as if they saw Ronaldo scoring a goal, stood up and waved the YM team flag vigorously!

"What kind of output is this clockwork! Ran completely destroyed the Flash Wolf!" The Brazilian commentator's tongue-licking voice is still amazing.

Lin Ran and his teammates ate the dragon and returned to the city, satisfied.

It’s so cool to eat resources.

If you can be a big daddy by taking resources every time, what kind of treatment would that be?

Lin Ran's last team battle was under the Lightning Wolf Highland Tower. R flashed up the wall and rolled up the three people in the field who were trying to eliminate the real eye of Lightning Wolf!

R flashes QW!

Casa, Snake and Betty were melted directly!

The deafening exclamations and carnivals from the entire venue almost broke through the ceiling of the venue and went straight into the sky!

"This mid laner is terrible! As long as you give him development, Ran will always stand up and carry the game!" The Brazilian home audience has never seen such a developed clockwork monster in a professional arena!

"In 29 minutes, YM won another game! They will face another favorite SKT tomorrow!" The Brazilian commentator's voice was rough and loud, full of passion.

"Would you like braised pork rice tonight? I'll treat you." Lin Ran said while shaking hands. He didn't mind treating Kasa well.

"You go ahead, we will also play SKT tomorrow, so we have to prepare well." Kasa smiled and punched Lin Ran on the shoulder.

Flash Wolves are known as the Korean nemesis of bo1. Eating, sleeping and playing LCK are all their classic daily routines.

After losing to YM today, Flash Wolves have to take advantage of SKT if they want to ensure their place in the knockout rounds.

"You wait until the next round of the group stage, and I will kick you with the blind monk." Kasa said harshly before leaving.

Lin Ran waved his hand nonchalantly, "If you have the ability, come to the middle. Who am I to be afraid of if I have a stupid bastard?"

However, he is not very optimistic about this Flash Wolf. Casa, Maple, Betty and Snake are all good individually, but top laner Mimi Egg is really good.

You never know when he will get sick. Even if he doesn't get sick, even if he is an ordinary top laner, he can win against Jin Gong in the most stretched state.

This kind of top order is jokingly called 'the best top order in the universe' by netizens on the island.

It is indeed difficult for the other Flash Wolves to drag such a teammate with them.

"Let's exchange contact information." Lin Ran took the initiative before leaving.

"You can come to my room in the evening," Casa suggested since it was not appropriate for the two of them to be together during the post-match handshake session, "No. 1017."

"Okay, see you then."

The two passed each other.

The garlic bastard behind him complained dissatisfiedly, "What do you mean? Do you want to find a new love?"

"Don't worry, as long as you don't play wild core, you will always be my good brother." Lin Ran put his arms around the little tortoise.

"What about me?" Jack leaned to the side and asked in a crooked voice, "Am I the Li Disen Demon?"

"As long as you don't give me away, you will be my father." Lin Ran slapped his huge head.

In this game, Shiba Inu played an EZ bottom lane and was killed in the lane. His E skill was always used to jump in the face. He was killed suddenly by Casa's wine barrel in two waves, and he was beaten like a war criminal.

Jack not only delivered it himself, he also brought the prophet with him to deliver warmth.

Nowadays, the prophet is just moving without thinking. When Jack orders him to attack, he starts to attack. After two waves of death in the lane, he starts to get lost. He is also caught by Kasa in setting up his vision in the jungle.

Fortunately, Lin Ran and Xiaotian took action early and did not let Flash Wolf successfully radiate the bottom lane advantage to the whole situation. Snake had already taken off from Wuhu before he could successfully swim around.

If it weren't for the three big daddies in the upper, middle and jungle, YM would really lose in this round.

"Oh." Jack responded, holding his head.

"Next time you play EZ and if you don't act stupidly, I'll beat your head!"

Lin Ran bent his arms. It was too hot in Brazil. He was wearing a short-sleeved uniform. When he bent his forearms, he could clearly see his muscle lines.

He has broad shoulders, long arms and a slender figure, and looks very similar to Casa.

In terms of body type, Lin Ran was not considered strong, but he had no problem beating a fat, big-headed kid like Jack.

"Is there such a good thing?" Garlic Bastard became excited, "Isn't this just what Jack wants?"

The group of people bowed and left the stage, heading towards the contestants' aisle. Xiaotian's eyes were bright and he was still chattering.

"Brother Ran, can you help me increase my height?" He waved his arms like wings, "Pull up."

"How tall are you?" Jin Gong asked, "Are you 1.65 meters tall?"

Xiaotian blushed, "Don't be embarrassed, I'm 169.5!"

"You're 1.69 meters tall?" Jack smiled, "Then I can't be 1.7 meters tall?"

At this time, they have not finished growing. Jack looks slightly taller than Xiaotian due to his big head.

"Why don't you believe it?" The Garlic Bastard rubbed his head and felt very aggrieved.

A group of people ran to find the Yonghe Soy Milk store. This store was not close to the hotel where they were staying. It took them an hour to get to the store.

Three days after arriving in Brazil, everyone in YM finally had a delicious hot meal.

The soy milk was mellow and sweet, and Lin Ran once felt like he was a child.

Guo Hao finally felt relieved when he saw that the team members had a good appetite and Jin Gong also finished two bowls of rice.

This store is too far away from the hotel, so it’s unreasonable to come here every day to eat. The takeout industry in Brazil is obviously not very developed, and there is no city-wide delivery service.

Guo Hao could only ask the store to prepare lunch and dinner in advance every day, and he sent someone to pick it up from the hotel.

Although it was a bit troublesome, at least the problem of eating was solved.

It’s so dangerous, I’m sorry!

I originally thought that the game that was swept could be played to the fullest.

Jack and the Prophet gave a truly war criminal-level performance, and 999+ Casa’s real-father-level performance can definitely win.

But does this count as refreshing history? In the S game, the first one let two chase three.

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