LOL: What is a roaming mid laner?

Chapter 238 236: I will roll forward!

In YM's eighth game, Bai Yueya completely let himself go.

He began to think about his line-changing tactics again.

Lin Weixiang took VN and ran up the road. Lin Ran used Karma and assistant Nami to go down, and then let Jin Gong's little murloc hit the target.

Typical late-game play style, dragging VN equipment to take shape.

When the lineup was selected, Lin Ran felt that it smelled like RNG.

Although this line-changing strategy allows Lin Weixiang to enjoy the fun of playing with long hands and short hands, it will test Jin Gong's personal strength - once the middle lane is suppressed crazily, it will be difficult for jungler Xiaotian to find a rhythm.

The second round of the group stage against G2 is a typical case.

Although the middle and upper levels are all single-player, the details of the laning are completely different.

There are many short-handed and physical warriors in the top lane, and long-handed and AP mages in the middle. This alone is enough for many players to ponder.

The length of the hero's hand affects the push strategy, tower consumption and other skills.

The top lane is a famous orphan lane, so it would be good if the jungler is willing to come. Except for teleportation support, there is basically no sound in the early stage. As for the middle lane, Jin Gong will definitely not be able to adapt to the linkage with the jungler.

Ah P's Ryze used his personal skills and hero characteristics to pin Jin Gong's murloc under the tower and continue to consume blood.

With the mid-lane right lost, Xiaotian could only stick to his own jungle area, mainly protecting Lin Weixiang.

After all, AD is on the road and his parents are watching from the sky. VN, a hero who plays solo, is afraid of being trained by junglers.

Xiaotian's right anti-squat allowed Lin Weixiang to develop smoothly, making up the two-piece set and transitioning to the forming stage.

The two sides have maintained a balance of power during the laning period, and YM is slightly behind by a few hundred gold coins.

But when the team battle started, everyone in G2 found the right position to attack Lin Weixiang. They were clueless and couldn't live up to their expectations. After being cut to death by G2's concentrated fire once in the team battle, their operations were deformed.

At 23 minutes, a team battle started in the middle, and Lin Weixiang's VN turned up unexpectedly rolled into Ah P's face.

The moment they saw VN reveal themselves, everyone in Perkz was dumbfounded.

Then without hesitation, he used Ryze to hit VN's fragile body. Lin Weixiang rolled forward and away from the YM crowd. Lin Ran's Karma didn't even have time to provide a shield, and Lin Weixiang's screen lost color.

"What is Lin Weixiang doing!" The hallucinogenic commentator, who is always known for his hypnotic voice, rarely made waves in his tone, "His mistake is too serious!"

"After Lin Weixiang's death, YM's lineup no longer has a main output force. They are being chased by G2!"

"Don't go towards the dragon, spread out and spread out!" Lin Ran reminded him quickly as he saw the dizzy Xiaotian running around.

The big taboo in mid-term team battles is to run towards the dragon pit when defeated. This approach is basically equivalent to leading the enemy into the village - others will chase and kill them and you can collect the dragon.

Lin Ran controlled Kalma RE to give group acceleration, and the four YM players dispersed.

But perkz's Ryze still had R [Warp Jump]. He used his ultimate move and led his teammates to catch Jin Gong and Xiaotian to death, and then rushed to open the baron.

The remaining two people from YM harassed the surroundings for two times, but without jungler Lin Ran, it was impossible to capture the baron - a group of people from G2 watched eagerly at the edge of the baron pit, using a wall of human flesh to prevent Lin Ran and Karma's Q [Psyche] Flame].

Baron Nash wailed and turned into a purple BUFF and injected it into the five G2 people!

G2's economic lead reaches 3.5K!

There was a brief silence in the voices of the YM team.

"Oh, my, my, my," Lin Weixiang apologized proactively, "My hand shook a little, and I moved the mouse over."

"Play slowly. There is still a lineup advantage. Just don't die again." Lin Ran comforted.

It was just a small mistake. After 7 consecutive victories, Lin Ran no longer cared so much about winning or losing in the group stage.

He returned to the city and thought about it, put aside his original plan to mend the [Fiery Incense Burner], and planned to do Landry's torture first.

On the opposite side, the double-fatan tank of Medium Barrel + Ryze, coupled with the extremely frankness of the auxiliary Braum lineup, the percentage of health output provided by the big mask is still very cost-effective.

Of course, one of the reasons why he found Lin Weixiang unreliable...

Everyone in YM is resurrected. They go to the third line of troops and the wild area first, and eat up their own economic resources as much as possible - otherwise, when G2 comes with the Baron BUFF later, they will have no room to develop.

While dealing with the military line, the barrage in the domestic live broadcast room had exploded.

Everyone stayed up late to watch the game. All they wanted to do was watch it comfortably and catch up on a good night's sleep during the day.

The hallucinogenic and hypnotic explanation is already against physiology. Who would have thought that YM would still add trouble today!

Champions of staying up late across the country began to post words.

【What is YM playing? Sick? 】

[Learn from others to protect VN, hehe, you deserve to lose. 】

[You, Lin Weixiang, etc. are all working as YM’s core output, can he be? You can’t be that person, you don’t have the ability, you know? 】

[This BVN showed me that I was hungry and ordered takeout at three in the morning. If I was beaten to death by my roommate, Lin Weixiang would be blamed! 】

【Lin Weixiang? Come to Wanxiang! 】

After dying once, Lin Weixiang began to follow a steady flow, giving up attack speed. He sold the yellow fork and directly replenished the drinking magic knife, preparing for the next big item to be a blue shield.

You can still win by relying on Lin Ran's Karma acceleration and pulling back and forth and VN's percentage true damage.

Due to the slow pace of the European division, G2 is still used to taking things slowly and slowly.

G2 used the Baron BUFF to push down YM's top lane, and then began to control the dragon, preparing to continue to develop and wait for the next ancient resource.

This slowing down actually gave YM a chance to breathe.

They waited until the second dragon was born, and Lin Weixiang had already made the Great Drinking Demon Sword.

The two sides launched a head-on battle on the river.

"Lin Weixiang is not dead yet, he is still alive, and he is still outputting!"

The new commentator on the hallucination side was still explaining the team battle in an impassioned tone.

It seems to be recreating the famous scene of Uzi back then.

Qi Huan was stunned. He glanced sideways at his partner and then looked at the screen.

From the OB perspective where the two are facing each other, Lin Weixiang can barely survive G2's attack by relying on the auxiliary crucible and the shield provided by Lin Ran.

Throughout the whole team battle, he cooperated with his teammates to deal with the wine barrel of G2's top laner, and then beat Ah P to half health. So far, he has shot a total of 8 times with the crossbow arrows on his body.

Counting Sheep Knife's passive [Guinsou's Wrath], VN's W passive was played three times in total. (See this chapter for the 2017MSI Sheep Knife version)

The rest of the output was all made up by Lin Ran and the others. G2 spread out their formations for the late-stage core of VN, and were defeated by YM one by one.

In fact, the output of three passive VN attacks is not that small.

But the key point is that when the commentator said this embarrassing line, Lin Weixiang was already two thousand yards away from the main battlefield, and was about to use the blood-sucking effect triggered by the ruin and the Great Drinking Demon Knife to fight the Demon Swamp Frog to restore his condition.

The barrage response was very quick, and the newcomer commentator instantly overshadowed the YM players who were competing in Brazil.

【? ? ? 】

[Can you hurry up and get rid of this embarrassing thing? 】

[Mute, Shizune, this explanation is really amazing. 】

[I would rather listen to psychedelic hypnosis. At least I understand it. Where did this explanation come from? 】

[Passionate quotes one by one. Without looking at the screen, I would have thought this was the MSI finals. 】

However, newcomer commentary also has the benefits of newcomer commentary.

At least the tone is not as hypnotic as hallucinogenic, which can help them resist the invasion of the Sandman.

YM played 2 for 4 in the team battle, and the remaining three started to fight the baron.

Ah P, who was half-healthy, used flash to escape in the last wave, but his health was already very low.

He stood above the big dragon pit and used Q [Overload] to try to consume the health of the remaining three YM players, preventing the opponent from successfully taking over the big dragon.

Ryze's last Q successfully killed his support Nami, leaving only two YM players with the Baron BUFF.

Lin Ran used this Baron BUFF to lead his teammates to successfully push down the two defensive towers in the middle of G2, and then ate a water dragon.

The pit they laid in the early stage was a bit big. They could only smooth out the economic gap in one wave, and they would need to use the already formed lineup to fight another wave of team battles in the future.

"The time came to 36 minutes, and the ancient dragon was born. This is really rare in YM games." Qi Huan said with emotion in a calm tone.

"That's right, YM hardly sees the Ancient Dragon in its usual games. In the Spring Split, their average game time is only 26 minutes and 50 seconds. So far in the MSI group stage, their average game time..."

The newcomer commentator was in high spirits while holding the data record book, which was in sharp contrast to the hallucinations beside him.

Qi Huan remained silent and simply let his partner continue to show off.

"G2 is very insidious. Before the team battle started, Ah P's Ryze launched a warp jump in advance to send the top order's wine barrel to the YM jungle!"

Gragas picked up the wine barrel in his arms and took a sip into his mouth. Then he burped and went around to surround the YM people in the river!

But all the movements of the wine barrel can be seen clearly by YM's artificial eye inserted in his own jungle!

At this time, the four people on the front of G2 want to head towards the river through their own blue zone, and they will double-team YM with the wine barrel!

"You go find the wine barrel, I'll stop them first!" The situation was urgent and Lin Ran didn't bother to say anything more. He controlled Karma to twist his waist left and right to stop everyone in G2.

"Ran's Karma gives Q [Inner Flame] enhanced by R [Mantra]!"

The river is not that wide, and the entrance to the river is extremely narrow. Lin Ran's RQ blocked the intersection leading to the river from the G2 blue buff.

If G2 wants to keep up with its top laner, the barrel, it has to use the slowing effect of the ring of fire to rush forward.

The ring of fire left by Karma's RQ will cause a 50% slowdown effect that lasts for 1.5 seconds!

It is now the late stage, and the time it takes for a hero to be resurrected once killed in battle is very long.

Now that the ancient dragon has been refreshed, if the people on the front battlefield of G2 abandon the wine barrel, it means that this dragon will also give up!

The current ancient dragon does not have the killing effect of later generations, but each dragon killed according to the team will provide an increasingly higher burning effect, in addition to providing an additional 50% buff to the elemental dragon.

Not weak in fighting either.

G2 definitely cannot be released.

They gritted their teeth and stepped through the slow fire ring and continued to chase forward!

Lin Ran put a shield on himself and showed off in front of the four G2 people.

"Ran blocked the four G2 players by himself!" The new commentator was extremely excited. His face turned red and he looked at the OB screen, and all kinds of words came out, "What does it mean that one man can block everything and ten thousand men can't open it!"

"Kill him first!" Ah P wanted to take action first. He used Ryze to flash EW to control Lin Ran!

The moment the runic imprisonment wrapped around Lin Ran, he handed over the purification, then twisted sideways to avoid Ryze's Q [Overload]!

The next moment, Verus' ultimate move [Chain of Corruption] spread over, and Lin Ran had just dodged Ryze's skill when a golden light flashed by!

Flash of displacement, corrupt chains passing by!

The opponent assists Braum W to get close to Ah P, and then smashes out ice cubes.

Lin Ran had already distanced himself with the help of flash. In his opinion, the ice cubes smashed by Braun were not flying very fast. He turned around again to avoid the skill!

At the same time, he twisted to avoid a cocoon of G2 jungle spiders!

The Brazilian audience at the scene couldn't control their volume when they saw Lin Ran's move.

Cheers mixed with tongue snaps resounded throughout the venue!

The new commentator took a deep breath when he saw this, and wanted to play something awkward.

Hallucination finally couldn't stand it any longer and opened his mouth to interrupt his partner's energy accumulation.

"Ran's positioning is very good. He used his two summoner skills to avoid a lot of G2's skills."

"Several other YM people are already handling the wine barrels, and VN's pursuit ability is still very strong..."

This kind of team fight scene gave him a hypnotic feeling in his slow voice.

As soon as Lin Ran avoided the spider's cocoon, he was slowed down by Verus' E [Evil Spirit Rain of Arrows].

But he didn't panic, and used W [Unwavering] to tie Ah P, and then continued to pull back.

From a God's perspective, Lin Ran is now like tying up G2's leader Ryze with a chain, and the remaining three G2 players are following Ryze like little lambs!

Everyone in G2 discussed it over the team voice and decided to save their skills - anyway, they were rushing towards the wine barrel now, so they wouldn't waste much time.

When the skills improve in the next round, Lin Ran can still be killed.

Verus’s ultimate move and Ryze’s flash have already been dealt with, as well as spider cocoon, a skill with a long cooldown. If they add more skills and flash, they will not be able to deal with Lin Weixiang’s VN in this wave of team battles.

The leader, P, was immobilized by the generated chains.

But he had mercury shoes, and while he was rooted to the spot, he hit another EQ. It was impossible for the overload at this distance to hit Lin Ran, and he was still dodged by the small movement.

Everyone in G2 continued to chase, but this time there was no head sheep, and the four lambs mixed together and continued to chase.

But as soon as he reached the river grass, Lin Ran lost his vision after entering the grass, and then threw Q [Soul Flame] backwards!

Successfully hit Verus and Ryze who were walking in the front!

The inner flame without the mantra bonus will still cause a 35% slowdown effect that lasts for 1.5 seconds!

Is it disgusting or disgusting?

Lin Ran continued to walk the dog in front. He now had the Holy Grail + cooling shoes + large mask + hat, and a blue BUFF. With the runes, the cooling reduction had reached 40%.

Karma's Inner Flame was originally released every 7 seconds. Now with the 40% cooldown, it only takes 4.2 seconds to reset and cast.

It can be called a magical tool for walking dogs.

Everyone in G2 finally couldn't bear it anymore when they saw that the distance between themselves and Karma had been widened again, and the ferocious cry for help from the wine barrel still echoed in their voices.

Braum flashed A+R [Glacial Fissure] and hit Lin Ran directly!

Instead of hanging on the wall, he had no room to move and was knocked into the air. Ah P and the G2 team members used a set of skills to let Lin Ran die in the grass in the river.

"I'm in a hurry, I'm in a hurry!" Lin Ran laughed, and before he died, he showed the YM icon.

Full of ridicule.

"Although Karma was killed, G2's top laner Wine Barrel was also killed, and the rest of YM will directly start fighting the ancient dragon."

"G2 didn't want to let it go. They insisted on coming to pick up the team, but they lost two flashes and two ultimate moves. They couldn't pick up this wave at all."

In a hallucinogenic and calm tone, Lin Weixiang activated R [Ultimate Moment] again and rolled towards Ah P!

The big brother of Brazil and the champion of staying up late in the live broadcast room thought that Lin Weixiang was possessed by LGD again at this moment, and reverse Q rolled to give him warmth.

Ah P decisively used Rune Confinement to control him, and his teammates behind him followed up with the skills again.

YM assisted Nami's Crucible and successfully helped Lin Weixiang release his control!

The next moment, Lin Weixiang flashed to the side, took out his giant crossbow and started shooting!

Bronn's ice cube rubbed his body and slid away!

Lin Weixiang was selling on purpose just now!

Ryze has no control, Braum and Varus have no ultimate skills, and Lin Weixiang's output environment is so good that it's terrifying!

The 4 vs. 4 eight-person team battle ended with YM2 for 4. Lin Weixiang relied on the blood-sucking effect of the Great Drinking Demon Knife to survive. He and Xiaotian took away the ancient dragon, and then moved to the Dalong Pit to fight with the newly resurrected Lin Ran had a Double Dragon Party together.

After returning to the city, Lin Weixiang finally took out the blue shield. With the VN Six Gods in hand, full health, armor and magic resistance, plus the auxiliary Crucible and Redemption, he didn't know how he was going to die.

G2 finally couldn't resist in front of the giant crossbow. At 43 minutes, in a team battle in front of the high ground, Lin Weixiang scored four kills and ended the game.

"My hands are so sore..." Lin Weixiang watched the G2 base explode and shook his right hand.

Since he came to YM, he has seldom fought such a long tug-of-war. His previous mistake ruined a big dragon, and VN is a hero with useless hands, so soreness is normal.

The audience enjoyed the 43-minute long game and applauded the YM team!

"Eight consecutive wins! They have tied last year's RNG group stage winning record!" The new commentator adjusted his glasses excitedly, "Every next game is a new breakthrough!"

When Lin Weixiang won the game, he also started a new nickname of "Laiwanxiang".

The VN forward death roll was even made into an animated picture, which was widely circulated in Kangba Hupu.

Jack off the field is indeed a surfing expert. As soon as everyone in YM returned to the lounge and got their phones, they found that the group was full of gifs about Lin Weixiang.

Brainless Lin Weixiang angrily beat him, and the two began to circle around the chairs in the lounge and pull together.

The end of this game also announced the end of the fourth match day of the MSI group stage, and the qualifying situation has been basically determined.

YM ranked first without a single defeat.

SKT lost to Flash Wolves and YM successively, ranking second with two losses.

Flash Wolves lost to G2 and GAM in the second round, plus the loss to YM in the first round, ranking third with three losses.

G2 lost to two strong teams, SKT and YM, but steadily ravaged TSM and GAM, and managed to maintain its fourth position.

On the last day of the group stage, as long as YM beats TSM, they will be guaranteed first place in the group in advance.

White Crescent once again replaced Jack. Judging from several group matches, there were still problems with the running-in between Lin Weixiang and the team, and he also made mistakes in his own operations. Jack must be the one to play in the knockout rounds.

AD Shiba Inu has not played for three days. On the last day of the group stage, he has to go up and warm up his hands.

If Lin Weixiang's YM can still give the race knights the capital to win trophies in the early stage, then the complete YM will beat TSM on the ground from beginning to end.

From beginning to end, the racial knights only got the blue BUFF at the beginning. In the rest of the time, all the red and blue BUFFs were plundered by YM's gangsters.

Lin Ran kept wandering around and helped Xiaotian defeat TSM's jungle area.

In the 9th minute, a tower fell in the line, and in the 11th minute, a tower was destroyed. Jin Gong used Shen to complete a solo kill.


In 15 minutes, YM's economic lead has reached 6K.

In 18 minutes, all six defense towers outside TSM's high ground were destroyed, and everyone in YM did not give TSM a chance to breathe.

They are very good at playing this downwind game.

If SKT's tailwind is a steady and slow operation that makes people despair, then YM is an endless chaos, using kills, troop losses, jungle resources and destroying defensive towers to continuously widen the economic gap between the two sides.

Of course, Brawl will not be a fair and reasonable mode like 5v5.

YM used the encroaching jungle field vision and line eyes to understand TSM's defensive personnel arrangement in advance, and then frequently used more to defeat fewer. Although it sometimes gave away a few kills, the economy expanded faster and faster.

At 20 minutes, TSM's high ground on the road has been broken, the economic gap has reached 1.1W, and the head ratio is 4:23.

This was completely a one-sided massacre.

Brazilian audiences couldn’t bear to watch it any more.

TSM, the mighty North American hegemon, was ravaged by YM over and over again.

After this domestic competition, several players could be criticized for being autistic in Tieba forums.

YM waited for the racial knight who came to do vision to be caught dead, danced around on his corpse and then ran to fight the dragon.

TSM, who were brought into the rhythm of the big brawl, still wanted to come to the Dalong Pit to pick up the team even though they lost their jungler. They don’t know who gave them the courage.

Without a field of vision and rashly advancing, Lin Ran controlled Jace to blast TSM's back row to half health with one shot from the side!

Then Jin Gong's Shen flashed across the dragon pit and started taunting, and Jack and others made up for the output!

Team battles were devastating.

The duration of this game is fixed at 26 minutes, the economic gap is 1.8W, and the head ratio is 5:33.

Everyone in TSM looked at the red word failure with gloomy expressions.

After being dominant in this division for half a year, he took a plane out of the country with great joy, eating barbecue and humming songs. When he landed in Brazil, he was tortured.

How many people can accept it?

In YM's last game against SKT, White Crescent replaced Lin Weixiang in order to prevent KKoma from guessing BP's hidden moves and trump cards.

Bang feels proud and proud, his hard work finally paid off.

Steady, he kept pressure on Lin Weixiang in the lane, and performed perfect output in team battles. With Verus, he accounted for 49% of the team's output, and his output machine was terrifying.

SKT finally took a victory from YM and successfully qualified for second place in the group.

Flash Wolves performed very stably in the last game. Casa and Snake played the role of the team's anchor. Nosuke's two-player system helped the team win two key games and ranked third.

G2 was a stable player and entered the knockout round in fourth place.

However, Vietnam GAM and North America TSM could only swallow the bitter pill and travel in Brazil for two days and fly back to their respective bases.

So far, the MSI semifinal matchup five days later has been announced.

Flash Wolves will face SKT, G2 will face YM.

Each team is gearing up and preparing to show all their trump cards in the knockout round.

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