LOL: What is a roaming mid laner?

Chapter 239 237: A long journey

The night after the group stage ended, everyone in YM packed their bags and prepared to go to Rio de Janeiro, the venue for the semi-finals.

This journey is not too long. The two cities are only 430 kilometers apart. YM and the other three teams participating in the semi-finals can arrive in Rio at 11pm local time.

Lin Ran got on the official bus, leaned against the window, put on his Bluetooth headphones, listened to music, and scrolled through his phone out of boredom.

Su Cheng, who was on the other side of the earth, had already finished breakfast and was on her way to the teaching building.

Lin Ran had already gotten her class schedule and knew that his girlfriend's first class this morning was Mathematical Analysis II, and the second class was Analytical Geometry.

Su Cheng was temporarily out of contact when she was taking professional classes, and she couldn't get her to reply to messages even if there were urgent matters.

By the time Su Cheng finished class at noon, Lin Ran would have arrived at the Rio Hotel and fallen asleep.

Exotic love is such torture.

Su Cheng knew that his game was over, so he sent a WeChat message first.

【Take a look, what is this? 】

There are several photos attached at the back. A row of cocoa rolls are placed in a long box. The cocoa-colored cake rolls are stuffed with some matcha and sprinkled with snow-like icing.

Both the cocoa roll itself and the shooting techniques are quite excellent.

【Where did you buy it? 】

Lin Ran was a little greedy, but Su Cheng didn't reply immediately.

Sitting in the swinging bus, he glanced at the cocoa roll again, and suddenly felt a little hungry. He grabbed an Oreo from Xiaotian next to him and stuffed it into his mouth.

The Garlic Bastard looked at the only two Oreos left in the box and half of them had been taken away. His mouth was deflated, but he didn't dare to say a word.

He lowered his head and continued to read "My Youthful Love Story" on his phone.

Yukino is so cute.

Xiaotian laughed and was immersed in the two-dimensional world, forgetting the pain of losing Oreo.

"What are you looking at, Bulbasaur?"

The Shiba Inu's mean voice suddenly sounded above his head.

Xiaotian just subconsciously looked up at the source of the sound, and a dog's paw from the side slapped on the biscuit box and snatched away the last Oreo inside.

"I'll fuck Li Liang!" Xiaotian ignored the bumps of the bus and headed towards Rio, and stood up to find Jack, "This is the last biscuit!"

It takes five hours to walk from Sao Paulo to Rio. They didn't even eat dinner in order to stay in shape for the game. After the game, they were pulled onto the bus by fists.

Xiaotian expected these two biscuits to reach the Rio Hotel. Who would have thought that YM Double C and two dogs eating resources would carve up the Oreos just like they ate his jungle area during the game.

Jack's hands were quick, and he had stuffed the Oreo biscuit into his mouth before the Garlic Bastard turned around.

Lin Ran glanced at his phone and found that his girlfriend hadn't replied yet, so he quickly dealt with his two teammates first.

"Don't worry, don't worry..." He followed Xiaotian's hair, "I have some Snickers bars here, do you want to eat them?"

"Here are some potato chips for you." Jack also took out a can of Lay's from his backpack pocket.

"You have something to eat and you still want to take it from me?" Xiaotian went crazy.

But his hands are not idle, he wants both Snickers and Lay's.

"Things are always delicious for others," Jack pretended to be incomprehensible, "I understand everything."

Xiaotian was finally comforted, and Lin Ran looked at his cell phone.

No reply yet.

He was slightly worried.

Will Su Cheng fall into the pit?

The girl was panting heavily and walked through the corridor to the classroom before slowing down.

The warm air in Shanghai, which has reached 20 degrees Celsius in late May, stuck to her face, and her temples were slightly wet with sweat. Su Cheng panted and opened the classroom door.

so close.

She took a breath, sat in the first row of the class, raised her chest and raised her head, and took out the tablet computer, smart touch capacitive pen, and textbooks from her bag.

The whole process was leisurely and extremely soothing, and the slightly raised corners of the mouth resembled the ugly face of a winner.

There was also a boy with a crew cut who broke into the classroom behind him. His excellent hairline and the thickness of his lenses showed his strength.

He was also breathing heavily and looked around. The first row of the classroom was full of heads.

The only remaining seat was occupied by Su Cheng, the winner of the fifty-meter running competition.


The flat-headed brother adjusted his glasses with some resentment, took out his mobile phone and set the alarm clock for tomorrow morning by 10 minutes.

At this time, the time displayed on the mobile phone is 7:20 am, and there are still 40 minutes before morning class.

Su Cheng was satisfied with occupying the seat in the first row and turned on her phone to see her boyfriend's reply.

Then the slightly raised corners of his mouth flattened again.

【? 】

She first replied with a question mark, and then typed.

[I baked this myself, right? 】

[I bought an oven last week, and then I went to find baking tutorials online. I tried it out yesterday, and it turned out like the one in the picture]

[All I can say is, it’s me as expected! 】

Lin Ran was listening to the garden party and heard the sound of his cell phone vibrating.

He opened his phone and took a look.

Try to recover immediately.

[I have already guessed that I said that sentence on purpose. 】

[The purpose is to praise Teacher Su, your strength is comparable to that of bakeries outside. 】

Followed by a silly Shiba Inu emoticon.

Lin Ran took another look at his first reply and felt proud.

As expected of me.

This can all come true.

This time Su Cheng's reply was quite fast.

[I also bought some raw materials, and we will make duck together when you come back]

Five seconds passed before the next message appeared.

[I won’t tell you anymore, I have to read a book and preview. I’ve been under a lot of pressure lately and my hair is falling out]

She ended up posting a Tom cat emoji - so bald. (emoticon here)

Lin Ran couldn't help but laugh when he thought about her bald head.

[Come on, you may not be the strongest, but you must be the baldest. 】

After sending it for five seconds, he got no reply.

It looks like he really went to study.

Xiaotian on the side finished eating potato chips and finishing his snack. His sleepiness forced him to lean back on the seat and close his eyes to rest. His body swayed back and forth as the bus entered.

Lin Ran would definitely not be able to sleep in this kind of road condition, so he could only go to domestic forums.

He saw a translation post of "Foreign forum reddit moved Kangba". The interface looked like a Russian matryoshka doll.

The maggot baby in the toilet will do whatever it takes to gain +3 post bar experience. This trick can be used to convert exports to domestic sales.

Lin Ran roughly browsed through the forum and discovered that he and Lin Weixiang were the magic weapons of water experience.

Lin Ran didn't know how many times he had seen the animation of the VN rolling forward and dying.

There is also a brother who is reorganizing his life.

They picked up two pictures from somewhere, and then connected them with the VN scrolling pictures. The visual effect presented is quite amazing.

VN rolled forward and gave perkz a head, everything on the screen.

Lin Weixiang, wearing a team uniform, faced the camera with his big face, his brows kept twitching, and a silly smile appeared on his chubby face.

There are also a few big characters "P" next to it - Brother Ran, do you see the 6 I gave you?

The scene ended with Lin Ran sitting on the contestants' bench, covering his forehead with his hand with a sad face.

Lin Ran couldn't hold back his laughter. Why did these netizens have all kinds of carvings?

Looking down, he stopped laughing.

How to evaluate Shiyi Zhongran’s performance at 2017MSI?

The comments below are all weird.

【Shiyizhong? Did you seal it? 】

[Spring and summer LPL champion + German Cup champion + S6 champion, there are still cards, right? 】

[Laughing, the faker who won the championship is here? How many league championships have they had? Isn’t it easy to crush two S crowns + one MSI? 】

[If Ran wins the MSI+S7 championship this year, I admit that he has a better honor than Faker. After all, he has one more MSI. 】

[In terms of honor, faker is indeed better, but he cannot be beaten. 】

[However, in terms of honor, he is the first player in LPL. This is still based on the condition that Fat General leaves the team. After all, he is also S championship + MSI. 】

Lin Ran couldn't tell what kind of people were speaking inside.

In terms of honors, he just can't keep up with Faker. If he wants to overtake him, a Grand Slam this year is a must.

LPL Spring-MSI-Intercontinental Tournament-LPL Summer-S7-German Cup.

Lin Ran had already thought about it.

He wants all the trophies this year.

The careers of him and his teammates have entered the second year, and they are gradually leaving their youth behind and entering the mature stage.

Whether it is personal strength or professional attitude, the five of them are now on the rise.

The goals of the team and the goals of the players are highly overlapped, coupled with sufficient personal strength and teamwork, it is another most promising year.

Lin Ran knows very well that the shelf life of an e-sports player's career is not very long. His or her peak period is only about three years, and through talent and hard work, it can be extended by another one or two years.

During this period, if e-sports players want to reach the Great Perfection state, they need a stable competitive environment - a continuous competition schedule, sufficient exposure and audience viewing.

It cannot be said that the players practiced hard, but when they look back and see that the game company went bankrupt, all their hard work was in vain.

In addition, strong teammates are needed - individual competitive events can eliminate this.

As a team game, LOL is in its seventh year, and it is no longer the barbaric era of previous years.

You cannot win the championship by relying on your personal ability alone.

Version matching and reliable teammates are indispensable.

With such harsh success conditions, the trial and error time would only last for 5 years at most. Lin Ran must seize the time to gain achievements.

He was put out of mood by this post. When he opened Hupu, he found that someone was translating the external forum again.

But this time it’s not a matryoshka doll.

It’s about the North American region.

Since the start of the World Championship, they have not achieved any decent results in the past seven years, but the North American audience still supports the teams in their own region without hesitation.

Normally, these viewers are big-hearted, but they couldn't bear the ridicule on the Internet this year.

It doesn't matter that the race knight was stepped on and humiliated by YM and Flash Wolf in turn. After all, it was his own fault, and the North American audience would be angry for a while.

But the Europeans' vicious tongues and tricks on the Internet directly broke their defenses.

G2 took the lead in revenge.

Last year, when they were 2-8 at MSI, these North American players were the happiest in teasing them - after all, EU (Europe) and NA (North America) have been competing in this e-sports event for a long time.

The G2 boss sang a song with Jingle Bells. He repeated EU\u003eNA 15 times. While singing, he tore open TSM's uniform with scissors and threw it into the trash can.

[It’s time for TSM to taste the taste of being eliminated 2-8. Of course, the pain Svenskeren endured is beyond our imagination. After all, we don’t say certain forbidden words. 】

G2's official promotion ability is simply unique, and other teams don't even have the capital to touch them.

Because they are always invincible.

G2 mocked SKT and YM before the MSI game, and then were beaten into Muggles by Lin Ran and the others in the group stage. The official announcement decisively removed these two teams from their list of victims.

If G2 can't win the game, they never start a team.

He just hates teams that are weaker than him.

The Vietnamese were lazy and directed their offensive firepower at their enemy TSM in the NA division.

European netizens also began to show off, and various hilarious animated pictures flooded TSM's official Twitter.

The North American audience who broke their guard also vented their dissatisfaction.

[I don’t understand why the teams that go out to participate in global competitions every year are so bad. Last year, CLG was able to reach the semi-finals, but this year’s TSM five people are just like a piece of shit. 】

[The average annual salary of NA players is hundreds of thousands of dollars. Is this money just used to support a bunch of trash? 】

There were not only scolds in the comment area, but also some North American guys who had given up on themselves and made fun of their own region.

[Although we lost MSI, TSM was the first team to prepare for the S7 global finals (dog head)]

[Oh, thank God. You haven’t laid a good foundation for a game like this. Can you guarantee me that he can win a key game like the S7 World Championship? 】

The translator pays attention to being honest and elegant, and Brother Hupu is also a good translator, and General Fan's famous quotes come right to the point.

[What is the most enjoyable thing for a Korean e-sports professional player? 】

Someone below is automatically replying to the question.

[When you debut in the LPL and become brothers with your teammates, you don’t have to eat leftovers, and you don’t have to endure the cold looks and ridicule of your older teammates, and you are very likely to gain a large number of fans in the LPL. 】

[Return to the LCK division after two years to be the boss of the team and the father of the newcomers. You can bully them as you like without being punished. 】

[When you get old and come to North America, our stupid boss will give you an annual salary of millions of dollars. You only have to play one game a week, live in a villa, drive a luxury car, and enjoy all the wonderful things. 】

Lin Ran was moved by the last comment.

At this time, they finally left the boundaries of Sao Paulo, and the bus drove onto the intercity expressway. The road conditions were much better than in the city, at least the vehicle no longer bumped and shook violently.

Xiaotian on the side opened his mouth slightly, but he had already fallen asleep.

The air-conditioning in the car was very strong. Lin Ran's hands and feet felt stiff after being inactive for a long time. He rubbed his fingers to adjust the direction of the air-conditioning above his head.

Suddenly he thought of something and took out a black hoodie from his bag.

Su Cheng asked him to bring this piece of clothing, and it finally came in handy.

Putting on long-sleeved clothes, putting on a hat and lowering the seat position, Lin Ran lay back and began to close his eyes and meditate.

Five hours later, everyone finally arrived in Rio de Janeiro.

Lin Ran was awakened by the whispers of people around him, and he took off his dead headphones.

"The scenery outside is quite nice. Do you want to take some photos?" Guo Hao was discussing with them.

Lin Ran opened the curtains. In the distance, a long bridge meandered across the bay, looking like a fiery red dragon under the late night light.

The moonlight is pouring down, and the vast Atlantic Ocean is sparkling. Huge ocean ships pass by on the sea from time to time, and small islands of different shapes disappear and appear in twos and threes under the slap of the waves.

On the other side of the road is Monte Cristo.

Under the light, the statue of Jesus appears taller and more eye-catching under the black night.

He looked down and stretched his arms, as if protecting the city of Rio below the mountain.

"This is the 14-kilometer-long Niterói Bridge, with a statue of Christ behind it. It's spectacular, isn't it?" Guo Hao couldn't wait any longer and asked Vincent to act as an interpreter and direct the driver to stop.

Behind them were buses from three other teams, and everyone stopped in agreement after seeing this magnificent scene.

More than 20 team members got out of the car to breathe fresh air.

The steam from the sea breeze was a bit hot, so Lin Ran quickly took off his hoodie.

"Let's take a group photo!" Guo Hao directed several teammates to gather with Vincent.

They stood leaning on the railing, with the brightly lit Niterói Bridge behind them.

In the distance ahead is the statue of Jesus on Monte Cristo.

The SKT players on the side couldn't help but exclaimed when they saw the spectacular bridge, and they all took out their mobile phones to take photos.

Lee Sang Hyuk was chatting with his teammates and twisting his waist to move his body.

Bang seemed to have told a cold joke that was not very cold. The surrounding SKT players had expressionless faces, but Faker couldn't help but laugh.

Then he twisted his waist a lot.

"Hiss..." Li Sang Hyuk showed a painful expression, covered his waist and remained silent.

Everyone in YM witnessed this scene and couldn't help laughing.

Perkz's laughter on the other side was particularly loud.

Fortunately, Lee Sang Hyuk's waist was not seriously injured. KKoma helped him move around and returned to normal.

After being delayed for a while at the Niterói Bridge, it was almost twelve o'clock in the morning by the time they checked into the hotel.

Guo Hao discussed it with Flash Wolves coach Steak, and the two teams went out for a late-night snack together.

There are about 20,000 Chinese in Rio. According to common sense, there must be authentic Chinese restaurants, but as the Niterói Bridge shows, Rio is too big.

The Chinese live in quite scattered areas and there is no regular flow of customers. There are very few Chinese restaurants in the area. Now you can’t even find Yonghe soy milk.

Brazil's nightlife is full of dangers. Fortunately, the Grand Hyatt Hotel Riot booked for them is in a wealthy area. There are no slums around, and the security conditions are relatively good. Therefore, there are still many barbecue restaurants that are not closed late at night.

The two teams found a nearby barbecue restaurant and had a meal. Lin Ran saw that his teammates were having a good time, and he did not dare to go back to the hotel alone - the reminders from Lin Mingdong and Su Cheng were still ringing in his ears, and he was afraid of encountering someone who robbed him. .

The Flash Wolves and YM teams quickly established a strong friendship. Guo Hao and Flash Wolf coach Steak were almost brothers. The white crescent moon on the side kept staring at the two with vigilant and dangerous eyes.

Kasa and Shiba Inu seemed to have similar interests. The two of them got together and looked at their mobile phones without saying a few words. During this period, they muttered something that no one could understand.

After lingering until two o'clock in the night, everyone just checked out and returned to the hotel. Lin Ran took a shower, not caring about admiring the sea view outside the window, drying his hair and lying down on the bed.

Lin Ran was too tired from the long journey and fell into sleep as soon as his head touched the soft pillow.

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