LOL: What is a roaming mid laner?

Chapter 254 252: Double cards and double belts, ending the game!

SKT did not hide the behavior of beating Baron - they just wanted everyone in YM to see this scene, so that they could force back the two lane madmen of YM Camille and Card.

When Lin Ran chose to split push the hero on the side, Jack, who was on the frontal battlefield, took over the command of the team.

"Don't be anxious, don't be anxious!" He asked the thick-skinned prophet to stand in front of him, "I have the magic cut, wait until I consume two rounds!"

Xiaotian did not act together with the duo. He touched the other side of the dragon pit alone and kept inserting wards into the dragon pit.

"SKT doesn't have much pressure to beat Baron. Olaf is very resistant when he has recovery skills!" Miller watched as Baron's blood volume dropped, and his heartbeat became more and more intense.

All the Q skills released by Ezreal hit Olaf. Olaf, who was equipped with tank equipment, was not afraid of Jack's small water gun at all, and still stood in front and opened the dragon.

At the same time, Jin Gong took the equipment of Greed Hydra + Three Phase Power + Cloth Armor Shoes to bring his troops under the SKT Highland Tower, preparing to start demolition.

Huni's Shen taunt was used, and he cooperated with the defense tower to knock out half of Qinggang Shadow's health.

Then Jin Gong first used the hook to leave the range of the defense tower, and then kicked back directly from the second section of the wall. While stunning Shen, he pulled up with A to catch the Hydra. A set of skills plus real damage directly kicked Shen's health. Halfway there!

"Clockwork is coming," Lin Ran's calm voice came from the team's voice, "I'm on his side."

SKT knew that Huni couldn't withstand Jin Gong's single belt. If they didn't quickly gain an advantage in the frontal battlefield, the bottom lane high ground would soon be broken.

Therefore, they could only ask Lee Sang Hyuk to run over quickly, capture the dragon as quickly as possible, and then return to the high ground to defend themselves.

"Find the spider position!" Lee Sang Hyuk and Wolf are the team commanders. At this moment, they showed the qualities that a champion player should have.

In a baron team battle, the spider, which has higher kill damage than Olaf and has a better chance of grabbing the baron, is definitely a priority target for SKT.

Especially in this situation, if Baron is robbed, Qinggangying can take him all the way. SKT cannot afford such a price.

"Xiaotian's location has been found!" Miller spoke urgently, staring at the screen intently.

A false eye was inserted above the dragon pit by wolf, and the Spider Queen's gorgeous body was instantly illuminated.

"Malzahar flashed up to the dragon pit, and R [Grip of Hades] went straight to Xiaotian!"

Under the suppression effect, the Spider Queen cannot move!

"SKT everyone keeps up with the output and wants to kill Xiaotian in seconds!"

Ice, Olaf and Clockwork's skills were all thrown into the dragon pit.

Jack E jumped over to give treatment and increase his health.

Clockwork didn't have a big move, and only had QW and two small skills, but he didn't hit Thunder. With the combination of Ice's Thousand Arrows and Olaf's Ax, it was impossible to instantly kill Xiaotian.

And it seems that the next golem's Q skill is not enough to kill it.

Li Sang Hyuk was anxious. Now Malzahar was alone on the Dragon Pit, and Bronn was about to come to help him.

Later, when Braum raises his shield and Malzahar's ultimate suppressive effect ends for 2.5 seconds, they will stop trying to kill this spider!

Faker could only use his ultimate move [Command: Shock Wave], and the shock wave swept the spider away!

"The output of Clockwork is a bit high!" Looking at the explosion damage caused by the shock wave, the doll couldn't help but exclaimed!

Lee Sang Hyuk's development in this game was not bad. He lost 0 lives in 20 minutes and did not wander around. He did 220 CS and took out a two-piece set. The damage was naturally good.

Xiaotian's equipment was not considered as fleshy, and he was thrown into the air by the big move and his health was already low!

At the same time, this shock wave also pulled Xiaotian in the direction of the devil, exposing him to the range of the ice!

Hanbing, who was fully charged with Q [Archer's Concentration], drew her bow with one hand and fired wildly. Luana's hurricane combined with the passive damage of the Blade of the Ruined King killed Xiaotian!

"Look at the big dragon, look at the big dragon!" Wolf breathed a sigh of relief and killed the YM jungler first. This dragon will never be lost!

Lin Ran had been adjusting the angle on the side of the dragon pit at this time, using Q [universal card] to consume the health of everyone in SKT in the dragon pit without hitting the dragon.

"Kill this one first, don't let him escape!" Jack spoke quickly and used the small yellow-haired AQA to hit Malzahar on the dragon pit.

Wolf was still twisting around to avoid his skills. Without flashing, he couldn't join his teammates now. He could only hold on above the dragon pit for a second.

Lin Ran didn't hesitate, and locked him in place with a yellow card. This card with Lich's passive directly drained nearly 40% of Grasshopper's health.

Now that Ezreal has taken shape, his output is at its peak, and Jack is the kind of person who likes to jump in and hit output.

If you can't kill the pure meat Olaf, why can't you kill an auxiliary grasshopper like you?

"Wolf fell to the ground, and SKT replaced the jungler with support, but it would be difficult for YM to grab the baron!" The commentator on the stage said in a hurry.

The audience at the scene was also worried. It is impossible for YM to win this wave of positive team. Baron will definitely be accepted by SKT. How will they deal with it?

At this time, the director suddenly cut the OB perspective, so that the scene in the Dalong Pit appeared in the upper left corner, and the battle scene of SKT's bottom lane highland appeared in the lower right corner!

"How dare Huni defend this highland tower with half health?" Miller roared angrily, "Hasn't he been educated enough in this game?"

Jin Gong AQ Tiamat played a cautious game first, tricking huni into handing over the taunt.

After resisting the damage from the defense tower, the hook rope stretched out to the outer wall of the tower, and W [Tactical Sweep] was cast. After leaving the defense tower, the second stage of E [Wall Return] rushed over with the tactical sweep that was about to take effect!

Huni wanted to wait for Qinggang Ying to dodge and evade control when Qinggangying was about to kick him, but Jin Gong struck first!

When the Qinggang Shadow moved into the air, golden light flashed out, and the Qinggang Shadow kicked Shen's body hard with his leg blade!

Taking advantage of the fact that he was unable to release the sword formation while he was dizzy, he immediately pulled up and beat Shen to a bloody pulp!

"Huni thought it was too late to hand over the flash at this time!" I remember that my body was shaking with excitement and couldn't help myself. "Jin Gong handed over Hex's ultimatum and followed!"

The sword array could delay for 1.75 seconds, but Jin Gong ran directly behind Huni, leaving the range of the defense tower and blocking his way back to the spring!

Trapped in Hex's Ultimatum, Shen was cornered. At the moment the sword formation ended, he was caught up by the Qinggang Shadow accelerated by the power of the three phases and sent him to hell with a leg blade!

Not only the audience, but also the YM members did not expect that huni would stand up again at the critical moment!

"Hold it for a while and wait for me to dismantle it!"

Jin Gong completed the kill by leaping over the tower, with 1/3 of his health remaining. But now no one in SKT can stop him. Qinggangying wants to destroy the bottom highland tower all the time!

The next moment, Baron Nash's angry roar came from the distance, and Little Peanut successfully punished the dragon and took it away!

The dead wolf took over the command responsibility. He can now cut the screen at will and have a panoramic view of the battlefield situation.

"Retreat, retreat, return to the city to defend!"

Wolf knew that he had to quickly defend the high ground in the bottom lane, and everyone in YM also knew it.

"Stop them!" Lin Ran and Jack issued the same order at the same time.

Lin Ran handed over Vision Transformation and saw Olaf who wanted to return to the city at the river crossing.

Decisively throw out the wild card to interrupt his return to the city, and then activate the ultimate move [Destiny]!

Scarlet eyeballs popped up above the heads of the remaining SKT players, looking through the three of them like Moody's magic eye in Harry Potter!

Except for Olaf who returned to the city at the river mouth, the double Cs of Ice and Clockwork had already rushed to the blue buff camp. They both hesitated for a moment when they saw the card opened, and were in a dilemma.

When returning to the city, the 4-second Baron BUFF enhanced return time is of no use at all, and the guidance time for the card's ultimate move to land is only 1.5 seconds.

Lin Ran was not a sloth in Crazy Animal City. He could definitely keep up with his movements and could completely guide the teleportation to interrupt their return to the city.

Wolf saw that the highland tower on the lower road had been destroyed, and nearly half of the health of the crystals had been worn away, and he couldn't help but feel anxious.

At this moment, he was like Jenny urging Forrest Gump to run, "Run, Sang Hyuk, run quickly!"

Lin Ran discovered that SKT's Double C did not return to the city, but were running towards the base on foot, so he immediately sprinted to follow them.

Clockwork now has a 30% cooldown reduction, and the 7-second W [Command: Noise] only takes 4.9 seconds to turn good. The level 12 Clockwork has level 4 W, which can increase movement speed by 45%.

Even so, it still takes 15 seconds for him to run from the blue buff camp back to the base under the incisor tower with special shoes (actual measurement by the author).

15 seconds, I'm afraid the day lily will be cold.

Level 13 Jin Gong has the full level Q [Precision Etiquette], with a 6-second CD and a 20% cooldown reduction of the three-phase power. It only takes 4.8 seconds to reset two basic attacks.

When SKT's double C left the blue buff camp, Jin Gong had already pushed down the bottom lane with a wave of artillery lines!

"Jin Gong is still dismantling, he doesn't want to leave!" Miller looked at the green steel figure on the screen and shouted loudly, "Malzahar will be resurrected in 20 seconds, and Shen will be resurrected in 30 seconds. Resurrection! Can SKT's Double C defend their base?"

"Jack throw R here!" Lin Ran used his ultimate move to see SKT's double C passing by the narrow passage between the three wolves and the second tower, and quickly called for artillery support from his teammates.

Jack, who was driving away peanuts with the prophet, decisively cut the screen after hearing this.

When he saw the position of the clockwork and the ice, he immediately used the little yellow hair to squat on the spot, bent his arm hard like an arrow, and scraped out the R [Precision Barrage]!

The golden crescent-shaped barrage flew across the wild area and hit Clockwork and Ice along the narrow path!

Lee Sang Hyuk's E skill only had one shield, so he put it on himself to offset the damage, and nearly 1/3 of his health was shaved off.

Lin Ran started sprinting and rushed along another road. The moment he saw the guidance range of his ultimate move approaching SKT's incisor tower, he pressed the R key again.

"The card master went straight to SKT's front tooth tower!" The doll excitedly turned up the volume to the maximum and roared loudly, "bang shoots magic crystal arrows!"

The ice arrow was shot out from the ice bow in a spinning direction, heading straight for his front tooth tower!

But the effort was destined to be in vain. Lin Ran still held the flash in his hand, and Jin Gong's hook lock had also cooled down. There was no way the two of them would be hit by this ice arrow!

"Destroy it!" Miller's facial features became ferocious due to excitement, "Don't stop for a moment!"

Lin Ran, with the Lich's Bane, switched between red, yellow and blue cards, and a blue card directly drained a large amount of HP from the Incisor Tower.

When SKT's double C entered the high ground through the narrow gate, Card Master and Camille had already demolished an incisor tower!

"This tower demolition speed is too fast!" I remember I couldn't believe my eyes. "In three seconds, a full-blooded incisor tower was gone in an instant!"

The crowd in the Rio Olympic Stadium is already boiling!

They screamed at the top of their lungs, waving their team support items wildly, and the loud sound echoed in the stadium!

"These two people are like a demolition team!" Miller watched as the second incisor tower also collapsed. "Camille and Card Master, this is completely double cards and double belts!"

SKT's main castle crystal is exposed!

Card Master and Green Steel Shadow lined up on both sides of the crystal, trying their best to attack the crystal!

"I'll sell it, you continue to dismantle it!" Lin Ran looked at SKT's Double C and knew that it was time for him to make a sacrifice.

None of his W three-color cards can cause damage to the crystal, and Qinggangying's Q [Precision Etiquette] can also reset the basic attack.

In terms of the speed of dismantling crystals, Lin Ran couldn't keep up with Jin Gong.

He simply used his body to block the clockwork and ice.

"The yellow card hits Hanbing! If he's dragging, just drag!"

Li Sang Hyuk flashed forward and QW threw him at the green steel shadow who had little health!

Before Jin Gong died, he hit A again to absorb the damage, grinding the main crystal to residual health.

Clockwork flashed to kill Jin Gong, Han Bing was knocked unconscious by himself, Lin Ran had no scruples, took out the playing cards from his arms one by one, and threw them on the crystal of the main castle!

He's just not as fast as Qinggang Shadow, but compared to most other heroes, the card's tower demolition speed is still surprisingly fast!

Relying on the high passive attack speed provided by E [Card Deception] and the passive effect of Lich's Bane, Lin Ran ground SKT's main crystal to residual health!

At this time, Shan Niruo, who was far away on the other side of the world, had raised his hands and burst into cheers!

"Wu!" The fat face was full of excitement, "Perfect house demolition!"

With Shan Niruo's cheers, the card master threw out the last card, and the crystal of SKT's base main fortress turned into fragments and scattered on the ground!

[Didn’t you buy this huni? Match-fixing, right? 】

[ @Fist, it is recommended to strictly check huni’s bank statements! 】

[Faker didn’t expect that huni would be the last card left by his old teammate Shan Niruo in SKT. He should be full of money inside and outside! 】

Wawa laughed loudly, "Congratulations to YM for winning the first game of the final 1:0!"

Lin Ran drank all the ice water in the paper cup and glanced at the output panel before leaving.

Xiaotian on the side had sharp eyes and laughed first, "Jack, your output is so bad, hahahahaha..."

"Why are you laughing at your father?" Jack stood up and glanced.

Ezreal output: 4936.

"Is this really true?" Jack hurriedly leaned on the table, "Is this the amount of damage I'm going to do?"

"Turn it off, turn it off!" The prophet blushed.

The Bloom output he operated was only 1100.

"Is this the level?" Jin Gong laughed mercilessly, "Jie Kuo is really good!"

His Qinggang Shadow developed smoothly in this game, and Huni on the opposite side kept giving opportunities. Jin Gong had a great time doing damage, hitting the highest output of 15,000 in the game, which was 2200 higher than the opposite Bang.

At this time, the post-match data panel was also presented to the commentators and audience.

[This YM bottom lane is really real, EZ has such a little output? Just wait for the middle and upper wild C? 】

[Stop yelling, the opponent's Xiaohua squatted down in the lane, and in addition to the disadvantage in the lane, there was not much team fighting during the EZ's strong period in the mid-term. This output is normal, right? 】

[Wusuowei, we have already won anyway, so just use less output. After all, we are not killed in the lane. The two waves of gank from the bottom lane of Little Peanut are indeed unstoppable. 】

Jack, who was sitting in the lounge, immediately turned on the live broadcast of the event and saw the barrage's comments about him.

Fortunately, we won this round, and the audience smiled jokingly at the output.

If he loses, this EZ will definitely be beaten to death by the forum all night.

"YM, the top-mid combination, demolishes towers at a ridiculously fast speed." I remember holding on to my glasses, which accidentally slipped off due to excitement. "If the demolition was slower, SKT could completely handle it."

"But even if you deal with it, you can just survive one wave. When the card's next big move is good, SKT will not even dare to go out of the highland gate. It will be too difficult to come back with only one exposed main castle crystal."

Miller's evaluation was very objective, "From the moment Huni was sent hard, this game has been very difficult for SKT."

"That's right," I remember nodding in agreement, "the relatively weak player here in YM is the prophet, but he didn't lose any kills due to mistakes except for being overturned twice in the whole game."

"Huni is different. He seemed to be outside the SKT system throughout the game," Miller said with a hint of ridicule, "SKT had a total of 7 kills, and Huni gave away 6 of them. How can his teammates fight?"

In the SKT lounge, KKoma looked calm, and his handsome features seemed to be cast in a haze.

"We originally wanted to ban Camille in every game," he shouted directly at Huni, "but because Shen was there and you were very confident, I didn't do it!"

"So you really should have played well in the last game..." KKoma became more and more angry as he spoke. The elegant and easy-going man was already trying his best to control his emotions.

"I originally planned to let you reach level 6 safely, and then use your ultimate move to support the bottom lane. First, get the economy of the first-blood tower, and then teleport back to the lane to continue to suppress the Qinggang Shadow."

"But you sent 3 heads in the first 6 levels, disrupting all our plans." kkoma tried to make eye contact with huni, but huni kept lowering his head and chewing gum and did not dare to look at her. "In the end, when we defended the high ground, we still Mistakes were made.”

"The reason for this defeat is your fault."

KKoma's words made Huni's head droop a little further.

Lee Sang Hyuk and Bang, a pair of old teammates, sat aside and said nothing.

In the last game, they had 0 deaths, and they had perfectly executed the coach's pre-game plan. It would not be an exaggeration to say that they were the ones with the least blame in the team.

There is not much time left for the team to adjust in the BO5, and the five-minute rest time is fleeting.

Lin Ran patted his cheek gently. After the game, he went to wash his face and finally felt that it was not so hot anymore.

As soon as Xiaotian sat on the player's seat, he started chatting with Xiaohuatuan opposite him.

He knew that he almost stabbed Lou Zi when he taught Little Peanut Chinese, and now he wanted to make up for it.

Little Peanut's language talent is relatively good among Koreans, much better than a certain AD who couldn't learn Chinese in two years in the LPL.

In a short time, he tore off the label of Shabi from Jin Gong's head.

The words "gimgoon niu bi" made Seabuck excited, and his facial expression looked like the evolution of a wolf - his eyes were squeezed out when he smiled.

"At the beginning of the second round of BP, YM is on the blue side, and SKT is on the red side!"

White Crescent pressed Syndra when he came up, forcing SKT to ban Lucian and change the ban position.

kkoma has no choice but to ban him honestly.

The combination of Blade of the Ruined King and Black Cut makes Lucian a monster that dominates the mid-game. This is the time period when YM is best at ending the game. No team dares to give it to YM for fear that Lin Ran will directly use his personal ability. End the game.

"YM's second move is to ban Kennen," Miller looked at the screen, "Look at SKT..."

"Qinggangying!" The three commentators on the stage looked at each other and smiled.

Wawa grinned and said, "YM took out the card in the last game + Camille's double card double belt combination, which confused Huni."

"The key is that the speed of demolishing towers is too fast, and the price SKT pays to take over the team is too high. If a wave of team battles is not fought well, it is very likely to completely ruin the victory like the previous game."

YM gave the male gun the last ban position, but SKT still banned Lulu.

White Crescent decided to get the hero for the Prophet first, "You get Tam first. There are also Ice and Verus outside. They both go well together."

As the team's weak point, he will definitely be targeted by his opponents. A rough-skinned and fleshy hero like Tahm who can protect his teammates is just right.

"Ice and Blind Sin! SKT picked heroes very quickly, it seems they had planned it in advance!"

kkoma was pacing behind the players' bench. Before he banned Tahm, he already thought that YM would lock him down first.

This is the open card game.

"Spider and Verus, YM's strength in the early and mid-term is not bad either!"

SKT's last pick in the first round was Kalma.

"Is this YM bottom lane combination putting too much pressure on the lane?" I remember being a little worried.

"If it's the same as the last game, I think it's acceptable," Miller said, "YM's BO5 should have already decided to focus on the top half, and the bottom lane is basically development and freeing, and team battles will give it a functional role. .”

In the second round of bans, SKT banned Yanja and Shen, obviously to limit YM's fast roaming support system.

YM, on the other hand, banned Clockwork Demon and Victor, not wanting to give Lee Sang Hyuk a big core in the mid to late stages.

This kind of hero can protect SKT and is Faker's favorite. White Crescent doesn't want SKT to get a comfortable lineup.

"... Galio! SKT is locked in seconds!" Wawa said in a hurry after seeing SKT's choice. "This Galio is obviously swinging from the middle to the top. SKT must use its last counter position to ensure that it has at least an advantage in the top and middle!"

White Crescent stood there thinking.

After Lin Ran played the mid laner Galio, the tactics related to Galio were rapidly expanded by the coaching staff of each team. This kind of swinging up and down to deceive the opponent's BP is the most common method.

If White Crescent wants to gain an overall BP advantage, it must find a hero that can easily beat Galio in both the middle and top lanes.

"As a captain," Jin Gong suggested at the right time, "it's very easy to beat Galio."

"What about you, Lin Ran? What do you want to use? Can Malzahar do it?" Bai Yueya was still worried.

Lin Ran thought about the lineup and found that Malzahar was indeed good.

YM does not have a starting point to start the team. Grasshopper can make up for this shortcoming, and his and Spider's midfield point control coordination is also quite perfect. Pushing the lane and silence can also restrain Galio.

"YM locked down his last two heroes, let's see SKT's last choice..."

"The Brave Bombardier!" Miller was a little surprised. "The mid-lane aircraft can restrain Malzahar very well, and it is easy to clean up small bugs with small skills. As long as the aircraft produces mercury, grasshoppers cannot threaten him at all!"

"Hiss... SKT's last selection has played its role. This mid lane matchup is very difficult, it depends on how Ran handles it!" I remember not being too optimistic about YM's selection in this round.

Amid the heated cheers at the scene, the lineup for the second round of the MSI finals was determined.

Blue side YM: top laner Captain, jungler Spider, mid laner Malzahar, bottom laner Verus + Tahm Kench.

Red side SKT: top laner Galio, jungler Lee Sin, mid laner Airplane, bottom lane Ice + Karma.

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