LOL: What is a roaming mid laner?

Chapter 255 253: Are you the only one who knows how to masturbate?

The game lasted until 40 minutes.

As soon as Lin Ran entered the lounge after the game, he sat on a chair with a sad look on his face.

No one said anything in the lounge for the time being.

Bai Yueya lowered his head and looked at the notebook; Guo Hao's face turned red, as if he had just screamed so hard, and now he was drinking water from a paper cup.

Seeing that no one was talking, Lin Ran spread his hands and began to express his opinions on the previous game.

"In this game against SKT, Jin Gong didn't dare to go too deep in the mid-term lane; we couldn't cut off the planes in the team battle. If the two sides changed the front row like this, how could we use auxiliary Tahm Kench to replace the opposite top laner Galio?"

"You can't bring it out with a string, you can't win in a group fight, what is this?" His voice echoed in the silent lounge.

Xiaotian was grabbing his hair on the side, "I think so. The enemy plane can't handle the team battle at all. How can we play this?"

In the early stage of the last game, YM still followed their own fast-playing whirlwind style, constantly looking for SKT to clash in the middle and jungle, but Lee Sang-hyuk didn't even look at the little peanut, and just stayed in the middle to swipe.

The result was that Lin Ran and Xiao Yao overwhelmed the jungle area, but did not put enough pressure on SKT's other lanes.

Because it took some time to defeat the Peanut Wild Area before, and at 8 minutes into the game, the explosive packs provided by the aircraft's passive [Hextech Arms] began to generate.

This explosive pack, which lasts for a full 60 seconds, can provide a [Special Express] once.

The explosive package thrown by Special Express will create a path of destruction and death. The exaggerated deceleration effect and damage make Special Express comparable to Rambo's R [Constant Temperature Burn].

Faker didn't take the initiative to find an opportunity when he picked up the explosive bag. He just used it to make YM use it as a weapon, and he didn't dare to attack other SKT players rashly.

Lin Ran and Xiaoyao barely found two opportunities: killing Bang and Wolf in four packs of two, and then going to the top lane to kill Huni once.

YM entered the mid-term with an economic advantage of 2500, and the situation ushered in a turning point here.

Lin Ran discovered that they couldn't touch the opposite plane at all.

After Lee Sang Hyuk completed the three items, he immediately added a mercury sash, which directly eliminated Lin Ran's ultimate move, making his R [Grip of Hades] only available to others.

Under the protection of Wolf's Karma, Faker operated the plane as if it were in an uninhabited land. None of the five YM players could kill him. In the mid-term, a wave of reckless attacks sent Xiaolong and the two outer towers out.

Jin Gong's captain got the upper hand in this game and still performed very well. He was ahead of Huni by a full 40 dollars at 20 minutes.

Today's Jin Gong's operation has no obvious downward trend. Teammates who invest resources for him will basically get good feedback, and they rarely collapse if they don't come to help him.

However, the well-developed captain still has limited room to play against a double-shooter lineup like SKT.

Especially after the aircraft launches rapid-fire artillery, it is very easy to use the hand length advantage of the double C and the high attack speed to point the explosive barrel.

On the other hand, it is not realistic to carry a single belt. Once Jin Gong faces Faker's defense and presses the line too deep, Galio may be able to support him from a distance at any time.

This is in line with Lin Ran's words: you can't understand the line play, and you can't win the team battle.

In the 27th minute, YM lost the team battle in the middle and lost the Baron + the second tower; in the 29th minute, SKT used the Baron BUFF to push down YM's middle high ground.

After that, SKT played steadily. They were not in a hurry for success, but used their rich operational experience to slowly torture YM.

RNG was tortured to death in last year's MSI and S games. SKT would only try to end the game when it was sure to win.

Although the economy has not fallen far behind, and the three LPL commentators have been saying that YM still has a chance of winning, the players on the field know that this is unlikely.

During the nearly 20 minutes of pulling and torture, YM kept holding on to the high ground. This sense of frustration of being forced to defend despite having no suspense lingered in the hearts of the five YM players.

In fact, the other four people adjusted very quickly after the game, and the complaints in the lounge after the game were just to vent their emotions.

After all, everyone has experienced the storms of the S6 World Championship. Losing a small game in the MSI finals will not have much impact on their mentality.

MSI is important, but it cannot compare with the global finals in terms of specifications, attention, or status in the hearts of professional players.

Only the prophet was very depressed and was still immersed in the loss of the previous game and could not recover.

His record in the last game was fixed at 0/7/3, which was very dismal.

The 20-year-old has just entered the top league this spring, playing a tool role in YM's mercury-like offense.

From the time he entered the top league until now, the Prophet has lost a total of two insignificant games. After a smooth sailing, he finally got a hard lesson on the MSI finals stage.

The five members of SKT's suppressive offense after gaining the advantage was quite smooth. Although Xiaohua and Huni have only been running in with their teammates for one spring game, these two are definitely top talents in terms of offensive attainments.

As a defender, YM has a tacit understanding among the four of them. They do a very good job in controlling vision in different lines, switching resources in time to stop losses, etc.

The prophet seemed like an outsider throughout the game.

He has been winning since he came to the LPL. Even in training matches, he has never played against such a long headwind. The prophet who is still using the headwind tactics in the secondary league is like an embarrassing clown on the MSI finals stage. .

He went out to spread his vision and was singled out; Xiaolong took a look and was killed by the opponent's plane...

After 20 minutes of suffocating headwind operation, the prophet's mind turned into mush.

who I am? where am I? What am I doing?

The prophet under the three questions of the soul held ice water in both hands, his eyes were closed and he remained silent.

"Then how do we choose the lineup for the next game?" The white crescent moon's voice in the center of the lounge sounded a bit unreal to him, "They will definitely not release the single-band lineup of Card + Camille again."

"The rock bird shouldn't be able to get it," Lin Ran sat on a chair and pointed to the whiteboard in the center of the lounge. The whiteboard recorded SKT's BP situation in the previous game. "SKT won't be able to get heroes that have strong radiation effects on the sidelines in the middle." Release it to me."

"Can Dragon King do it?" Jack asked from the side.

"The damage in the early stage has been reduced, and the mana cost has been increased a lot." Lin Ran shook his head, "It's too difficult to play in the early stage."

Dragon King has been severely weakened since last year's 6.18 World Championship version. The mana consumption of level one W [Star Dome Surge] has been increased by 6 points per second, and the additional passive damage has been cut in half (see picture).

This is a severe weakening for the Star Casting Dragon King, which requires extreme roaming support in the early stage. Now its power is no longer as unsolvable as it was in last year's World Championship.

"Is it possible that we have to postpone the team battle with SKT in the later stage?" Jin Gong interjected, "Just like the last game of our semi-finals against G2?"

White Crescent frowned.

The strategy was very different from what he had thought before the game.

His original idea was to have Lin Ran quickly support the heroes, help open up the situation on the wing in the early stage, and control the map resources to give the team enough advantages to end the game in the mid-term.

But kkoma will definitely not give it to mid-lane heroes like YM who can drive the rhythm in the early stage.

"Let's give it a try," Lin Ran said, "I think huni will give it away once it's a balanced game or a disadvantaged game."

"Welcome back to the live broadcast of the 2017 Mid-Season Championship finals," Watou said first, "Now the two sides are tied at 1:1. In the next battle of Tianwang Mountain, whoever can win this small game will be one step away from the championship trophy. Far away!"

"Prophet's state was a little up and down in the last game," Miller directly pointed out YM's problem, "I hope he can adjust in time."

"After all, your opponent won't stand still waiting for you. You must recover as soon as possible!" I remembered to add.

The BP panel was once again presented on the big screen, and the BP battle in the third game officially began!

"SKT chooses the blue side in this game, while YM is on the red side!"

"SKT should ban Syndra first, and YM backhands Lucian." Miller was not surprised by the first ban. "These two heroes are destined to be banned in the finals. The heroes are extremely strong, and the two heroes are Shan is very proficient in this.”

In the second ban position, SKT made another adjustment. They directly pressed the rock bird; while White Crescent Moon still banned Kennen.

In the last ban of the first round, SKT targeted Camille, and YM blocked the male gun.

kkoma stood behind Lee Sang Hyuk, flipping through the notebook in his hand.

His BP style changed greatly in these two games.

In the first game of the finals, he also gave the first-round ban to the prophet.

But after watching the first game, he changed his strategy.

In the second game, he first tentatively blocked the rhythm support heroes and released Tahm Kench for the Prophet.

The result did not surprise him. Although the Prophet got a convenient hero, YM's upper, middle and jungle were unable to break the deadlock because the hero was blocked and the rhythm was disrupted.

Dragging it into the mid-to-late stage operations that SKT is good at, the prophet still can't keep up with the rhythm.

kkoma recognized the fact.

He does not need to deliberately target the prophet at all. He only needs to restrict the YM midfielder and upper jungle so that the opponent cannot smoothly gain the early advantage. In the later stage, the prophet himself will not be able to keep up with the high-intensity game rhythm.

Therefore, in this game, he decisively placed all his ban chips on the rhythm hero.

kkoma chose Han Bing in the first hand.

E [Eagle Strikes the Sky] is very effective against a team like YM that focuses on attacking in the jungle in the early stage.

"YM decided to take Blind Monk and Lulu, a very good choice!" Miller on the stage breathed a sigh of relief.

He didn't know kkoma's strategy, and now he just thought that the prophet got the most used hero this season.

SKT's last two picks in the first round determined Spider Queen and Karma.

In the second round, both sides continued to target the two positions that had not yet been selected. YM banned Galio and Murloc, while SKT banned Shen and Captain.

"Lin Ran, let me ask you one last time, are you sure you want to take the mid- to late-game core?" White Crescent Moon asked, as YM was on the red side and had first pick in the second round.

"No problem, take it." Lin Ran nodded with a firm tone.

Jack had already finished searching for heroes and immediately pressed the OK button after getting the coach's permission.

Ace pilot applies to fight!

The exclamations from the audience reached Lin Ran’s ears through the headphones!

"YM picked the plane with the fourth choice!" Miller was very surprised by this choice, "Replicate Faker's hero from the last game!"

The audience in the audience immediately whistled and applauded after being surprised.

They like to watch this kind of plot. In the last round, Lee Sang Hyuk's plane won the MVP with a record of 6/0/10. Let's see how Ran's plane will perform in this round?

[Come, come, let’s see whose teaching bureau it is? 】

[The smell of gunpowder is rising. Two consecutive rounds of flying. Whoever loses will be embarrassed. 】

kkoma was also a little surprised.

He originally thought that Lin Ran would still choose support heroes, but he didn't expect that his style changed very quickly, and he started to use brush heroes.

"Crocodile and Ryze!" Wawa immediately said after seeing SKT's last two choices, "Their lineup is very strong!"

Ryze has an advantage against planes in lane, and he can also split push from the side in the mid-to-late stage. W [Rune Imprisonment] is also very convenient when combined with jungle spiders.

"Desert Spider Combination..." I remember nodding. "In this LCK Spring Split, Peanut mainly cooperates with Huni in the top and jungle. It seems that SKT's main attack point has switched from the bottom lane to the top half again in this game."

KKoma couldn't help but feel a little proud when looking at their own lineup. Now the mainstream top laners outside include heroes such as Rambo, Barrel, and Titan. They are unable to fight back against the combination of Spider + Crocodile.

"Titan?" Miller saw the hero's portrait flashing in the last selection box of YM. "It would be okay if the main goal is to fight in a group."

"Locked!" Wawa's expression perked up and he cleared his throat. Just as he was about to analyze the lineups of both sides for the audience, YM's substitutions surprised him.

"Sure enough, it's Titan's support, Lulu's top laner!" Miller's expression was as usual, obviously he had expected this, "Lulu is a relatively good choice against Crocodile in the early stage, and this hero is good at defending towers!"

The lineups for the Battle of Tianwang Mountain between the two sides have been determined!

Blue side SKT: top laner Crocodile, jungler Spider, mid laner Ryze, bottom lane Ice + Karma.

Red square YM: top laner Lulu, jungler Lee Sin, midlane plane, bottom lane Verus + Titan.

【? ? ? I'm convinced. Is this a trump card or a blind bastard? 】

[I feel like it’s just a joke, I haven’t seen Lulu’s top laner this season! 】

[This is the MSI finals, do you really dare to play like this? 】

Shan Niruo, who was watching the game, was stunned for two seconds when he saw YM's last four or five moves. He frowned and realized that things were not simple.

He glanced at the barrage and said, "Brothers, listen to my advice and don't place fish balls in this game. YM's hand is swinging too much. Something is wrong..."

kkoma's face was condensed. He didn't expect that after the opponent unexpectedly selected a developmental core for the mid laner, he actually had a supporting hand swinging!

He looked at the white crescent moon opposite.

Last time I communicated with the meritorious coach Hongmi, who is also Korean, and I know that YM’s coach is proficient in various transformation techniques, and can even pull out the Qinggangying mid laner.

Today, I saw that the reputation is indeed well-deserved. Lulu, a top laner who has not appeared for a long time, dared to take it. He was able to choose the best choice among a group of top laners who would be infinitely trained by spiders and crocodiles!

This is the MSI finals, the crucial battle at Tianwangshan!

kkoma holds YM’s hero pool information. He knows that Lin Ran has never chosen a plane in his career, and he also knows that Jin Gong has not used Lulu’s top laner for a whole year.

How courageous it is to choose under such a situation! What a rich tactical reserve!

kkoma didn’t know at all that Bai Yueya’s voice in BP was not as big as that of Korean coaches. Many things were suggested by the players, and he made the final decision when he felt it was necessary.

In this regard, when the innocent KKoma and Bai Crescent shook hands, they bowed at a wider angle.

Bai Yueya originally planned to bow slightly and go his own way, but he didn't expect KKoma to be so solemn.

He felt that it would be rude not to bow deeply, so he bent down quickly.

But KKoma just happened to raise his body at this time.

The two coaches' heads just hit each other.

The live broadcast camera was pointed right here, and countless viewers at the scene and in front of the live broadcast room witnessed this scene.

The domestic barrage is very real.

【Hahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahaha! 】

[The white crescent moon is working. If we exchange it with KKoma, we will definitely not lose money, right? 】

[It’s best if this collision can knock KKoma’s head into trouble, don’t BP, wuwuwuqiuqiu, you’re the one to mess with me. 】

KKoma and Bai Yueyue each covered the back of their heads, the other caressed their foreheads, looked at each other and left in opposite directions with a smile.

"Prophet, please pay attention to our signals from the middle to late stages. If you want to set up the eye position, ask the Garlic Bastard to go with you. Don't run out alone." Jack reminded.

The prophet agreed. He felt his mouth was dry, so he quickly took a sip of water, and then wiped the sweat on his forehead.

"Don't panic, what's so scary?" Lin Ran noticed this, "Can just one MSI kill you?"

Lin Ran knew that the prophet was afraid of being scolded by the audience after losing the game and returning home, so he paused and quickly comforted him.

"Don't worry, it's not a big deal if you lose in the final. Only a few people in the country are watching the game in the middle of the night?"

Lin Ran thought of this and added another sentence with a sour tone, "The Su University analyst in our team is still sleeping..."

Xiaotian also comforted him, "As soon as the attention drops, the number of trolls will be much smaller. At worst, I can uninstall Tieba Hupu and just pretend to be dead."

Blood rushed to the prophet's pale cheeks again. He stepped on the seat, adjusted the positions of the keyboard and mouse, and stared at the computer screen intently.

"Brother Xiba, are you strong?" Lin Ran asked while mixing the runes.

Jin Gong shook his head, "I haven't played it for a long time, but I also used it two years ago when Lulu was on the top lane. Don't worry, I won't give it away if it doesn't count as C."

Lin Ran felt relieved, took the Thunder Lord's decree, and then hesitated for a while between the two summoner skills of teleportation and purification.

He took one look at the brutal top, middle and jungle combination of Ryze, Crocodile and Spider on the opposite side, and decided to give up part of the opportunity to supplement the line development and bring Purify to save his life.

Listening to the roaring cheers from the stands in all directions, Lin Ran loaded the game screen. He clicked on the store and was still thinking about the equipment for going out.

When he thought about the teleportation that he gave up to save his life, he always felt a pity.

What the hero Airplane needs is development. From a three-piece suit to a four-piece suit, he is at his strongest.

Due to problems with the equipment grid and the passive animal damage conversion mechanism, aircraft will not produce penetrating equipment. Therefore, the combat effectiveness of aircraft equipped with Liushen equipment in the later stage is not that strong and cannot compare with heroes like Yellow Chicken.

Lin Ran thought for a while, and in order to ensure his own development, he chose to extract a red and go out.

The strength of the first-level team lineups of both sides was almost the same. They each stood in a long snake formation along the edge of the river, and everything was fine.

After Li Sang Hyuk went online, he noticed Lin Ran's equipment.

In fact, aircraft extraction is considered normal equipment and is not a fancy thing.

But he was still angry.

Because when faker faced YM in the last game, he went out on the plane and chose the Corruption Potion.

He didn't know which nerve was wrong. The more he looked at it, the more he felt that the mining knife on Lin Ran was an eyesore.

I chose the same hero as I did in the last game, and then went out pretending to be crazier than I did at the time...

When I thought about it carefully, I felt that Lin Ran started provoking him as soon as he pretended to go out.

faker was so angry that he became more focused and tried to win the game.

Lin Ran felt that Lee Sang Hyuk's position in the lane was a little more aggressive than in the previous two games, revealing his intention to change.

This was exactly what Lin Ran wanted, and he was not polite, firing his E [Gatling Gun], interspersed with basic attacks.

It only took an instant for the Thunder Lord's decree to be triggered, dealing damage and wiping away a large bar of Ryze's health.

Lee Sang Hyuk also played in AWA.

Faker actually lost some money, but because the blue crystal + reusable potion went out, he had two bottles of recovery products, and Lin Ran only had one blood bottle to eat.

A round of blood changes were completed in the middle, and at this time the director's camera was focused on the two star mid laners.

"Xiao Tianhong is on. Go directly to the middle lane at level 2. Do you want to take advantage of the fact that the online hero hasn't leveled up to level 2 and directly catch the faker?" The doll was a little surprised. "Planes don't have control skills!"

In fact, because Lin Ran used E [Gatling Gun] to consume Lee Sang Hyuk in the previous wave, the range damage of the machine gun also hit the enemy soldiers, and the position of the soldiers was moving towards the first tower of SKT.

Logically speaking, this level two blind monk is not easy to catch.

But Xiaotian still came.

Because he knows that Lee Sang Hyuk also knows that it is difficult for the blind monk to move in this position of the army line, so he will not be very careful in his positioning.

Do the opposite.

Garlic Bastard plays counter-tactics.

Lin Ran took the time to move backwards, just in time to expose one of his own soldiers with residual health.

He deliberately seduced Lee Sang Hyuk to step forward to make up for the blow.

Seduced Cheng Kun.

Faker was fooled.

He guessed that the blind monk was likely to be red, so he kept moving downwards, but in order to make up for the remaining health of this soldier, he took two steps forward.

It was these two steps that solved the problem.

A golden light flashed in the grass above, and then the bald blind monk appeared in front of him!

"Xiao Tian's W flashes and touches his eyes so fast!" Miller spoke faster, "The Tian Yin Wave that hits the face hits, and then the basic attack is combined with the red BUFF to slow down and stick to Ryze!"

Lin Ran turned around and started attacking.

Faker started sprinting and tried to retreat, but Xiaotian used his passive attack speed to punch Ryze again before he left his normal attack range!

Lord Thunder's decree triggers!

Lin Ran also fired a bullet.

Only then did Lee Sang Hyuk realize how much of a weakening effect he had before sprinting!

No longer grant the full movement speed bonus from the beginning, allowing him to take two more basic attacks!

Ryze, who only has 22 points of armor at level 1, is inherently fragile. When he goes out, he still wears blue crystal without any defensive attribute bonus. These two basic attacks only took away 100 points of his health!

You know, level one Ryze only has 575 health points. He was shot by a Linran Gatling gun before, and his health is already half full!

"Faker relied on sprinting to get out of the range of YM's midfielder, but Ran flashed and followed up with a basic attack!"

Miller was extremely excited when he saw Xiaotian's second-level catch, and his tone trembled slightly!

Lee Sang Hyuk kept holding the flash and wanted to wait for the blind monk's second stage Q to catch up before handing it over. Unexpectedly, Ran took advantage of this and directly flashed to compensate for the damage!

At this time, it was too late to flash again. Xiaotian followed up with the second Q echo attack and gained first blood!

The shouts from the audience became restless and enveloped the entire stage from around the auditorium!

Faker is down!

Xiaotian in the team voice could not help but roar!

The two will rush the second wave of troops in the middle to push SKT's middle defense tower.

Without the help of the artillery soldiers to resist the attack of the defense tower, Faker had already lost the experience of 6 soldiers when he was revived and ran back to the line!

This is simply a crashing rhythm in the early stage!

Lee Sang Hyuk was very angry.

He felt that the whole pot belonged to Lin Ran.

If Lin Ran's use of sprinting in last year's global finals wasn't so amazing, how could Fist be weakened?

If the hero is given full movement speed as soon as it is turned on, he won't have to take those two basic attacks at all. If he flashes to widen the distance, he may escape!

What a wicked person!

"Little peanut red, open the speed three, go on the road and try to catch people..." I remember his tone was low at the beginning. Looking at Jin Gong pushing the line, he thought he was going to give away a head, but then his tone suddenly became passionate and powerful!

On the screen, Jin Gong realized something was wrong the moment Huni crossed the line and moved forward, and quickly handed over W [Fantasy].

Huni happened to hand over the flash at this time, and the gleaming green light of Crocodile W [Cold Hunting] flashed on the weapon, but before he could wave the weapon, he turned into a sheep on the green grassland!

Little Peanut just happened to emerge from the grass. He originally thought that the crocodile could control Lulu and was ready to form a cocoon, but he didn't expect that a coincidence occurred by accident!

"The crocodile W failed to bite out, and the cocoon thrown by the little peanut was dodged by a flash!"

"Lulu turned around and used Q [Sparkling Spear] to slow down SKT in the jungle, successfully widening the distance and avoiding this gank!"

With one attack and one defense, YM successfully gained the early advantage!

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