LOL: What is a roaming mid laner?

Chapter 258 256: Lin Ran’s last trump card!

Miller looked extremely excited on the commentary stage. He was still wearing a crisp suit in the hot weather. At this time, he was sweating profusely and his forehead was covered with a layer of sweat.

"Winning this game..." He took a long breath and looked at his two partners, "Leading 2:1, with match point in hand, now YM has the advantage!"

I remember laughing so hard that my eyes were gone, "Let's see how SKT adjusts. I can only say that losing the battle at Tianwang Mountain will be very hurtful to SKT."

Wawa took over, "What SKT lost in this game was not only the battle at Tianwang Mountain, but more importantly, they lost their right to choose sides!"

"In the next game, YM will choose sides first, and coupled with the huge pressure of the match point game, how will SKT handle this situation!" Wawa's voice was high-pitched.

At this time, the tournament team also gives the MVP of the previous game.

On the screen, Lin Ran, wearing a black and red team uniform, looked forward, with a serious expression on his handsome face. He stood with his right hand in front of him, holding a plum blossom King between his index and middle fingers.

"No objection, the MVP is awarded to Ran who turned the tide in the crucial game!"

Although Miller was well prepared, he was still extremely surprised when he saw the string of data.

"What is this?" He shouted subconsciously, "This data is too outrageous!"

The battle damage ratio data of 7/1/4, the damage accounted for 51.1%, the average output per point was 1330, and the game was just over 30 minutes old, just 40000 damage!

As soon as the damage panels for both sides appeared, Lin Ran's output seemed so exaggerated against the backdrop of the other nine people.

"This data is simply amazing!" Wawa yelled excitedly on the side, "More than 50% of the output ratio, what is the concept of this!"

The audience watching the live broadcast in Shan Niruo's live broadcast room was already in a state of excitement.

[Guigui, you’re so handsome! It is indeed the pride of Chinese e-sports! 】

[Magic cut the plane, ho ho ho, there will be a group of cheaters who will use this trick during the day today, I will ban the plane! 】

[Middle finger mid laner? In team fights, I always use my face to deal damage, but I just can't die. I'm really convinced. 】

Shan Niruo's face was filled with joy, and he let out a pig's cry excitedly, "I don't need to say more about who to bet on in the next round, right? I'll kill you!"

[This wave, this wave is backstabbing my old club. 】

【Where is Faker? Shanni, if you change, wouldn’t you trust your old teammates? Didn’t you lose some fish balls in last year’s finals? Isn’t there even this most basic trust between people? 】

The last long barrage was heart-breaking and successfully attracted Shan Niruo's attention.

"Any normal person can see that SKT is not good, right?" Shan Niruo said, "Three games in the mid lane on both sides were mutually exclusive. YM's bottom lane was a bit of a breakthrough, but Xiaohuatuan grabbed it, and Xiaotian grabbed the top lane, huni It’s better than YM’s bot lane!”

Shan Niruo, the four-character younger brother, showed a bright smile on his pig face, "Hahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahaha... the game will be over after the brothers finish the next round, and there will be no fifth set."

He glanced at the barrage and said, "YM must have won. I don't even know what you are talking about..."

The entire live broadcast room echoed with Shanniruo's devilish laughter.

Human beings' joys and sorrows are not the same.

The former SKT meritorious player was all smiles.

SKT's current players are crestfallen.

kkoma paced back and forth in the lounge.

After losing the battle at Tianwangshan where they had the right to choose sides, SKT's current situation is not optimistic.

He had to come up with a solution.

"Wanghu, you will link up with Zaiwan in the next game."

During the five-minute break between games, KKoma had to clearly explain the strategy for the next game to the players.

"I will try to let you two get a suitable wild assistant linkage hero in BP, and you will always focus on the middle lane, and focus on it hard!"

"You don't have to catch him to death, but you have to make him feel uncomfortable!"

When they came to the edge of the cliff, KKoma's tone became a little solemn.

For SKT and LCK, this MSI cannot be missed.

If they lose MSI, they will lose two international championships in a row.

You know, starting from the 2013 All-Star Game, South Korea only lost one 2015 MSI trophy in the following three long years.

There has never been a precedent of losing two international competitions in a row before!

Korean audiences and LCK officials have already had high expectations for this game. If SKT loses the final and sets a historical precedent, then kkoma and this group of players will definitely be nailed to the pillar of shame!

Lee Sang Hyuk was pulling his hair aside, still digesting the reasons for the defeat in the previous game.

Forced into a desperate situation again, he was determined to fight but could not hide his disappointment.

On his own, he can't kill the opponent's mid laner at all.

Whether it was the cards in the first game or the plane in the third game, whether it was tailwind or headwind, Lin Ran's development was never affected.

Lee Sang Hyuk and Lin Ran also played ten games, so they knew what type of player the other player was.

Except for heroes like Lucian who emphasize laning, Lin Ran's online play style is more stable, and he often supports the jungle and wing in the early stage.

In the mid-term, he relies on his strong overall view to push single points and take advantage of resources in the jungle to ensure his advanced development. In this way, he can stand up and dominate the battle regardless of whether the team is evenly matched or at a disadvantage.

In fact, this style of play is very similar to Lee Sang Hyuk himself.

Starting from S5, Lee Sang Hyuk's laning is also known for its stability, which feels like a mountain. He no longer pursues laning suppression as violently and fiercely as in S3.

Of course, this stability is compared to the same world-class mid laner.

If the salvage ratio is mid lane, Faker and Lin Ran will both ride on the opponent's face to kill.

In this kind of mid-lane matchup where the style is similar and the strength is close, who will win or lose?


But the stupid chicken who had a close connection with him has left the team, and now the little peanut standing next to him is little peanut.

Ever since S6 shined in the Tigers, Little Peanut didn't like to help the middle - after all, Han Hu was in the middle at that time, and no normal person would go there, so just let him develop steadily.

After spending a whole spring in SKT, Little Peanut still hasn't developed the habit of being a member of the team.

On the opposite side, Xiaotian has been habitually tied to the middle lane since he started playing professionally.

At this time, Lee Sang Hyuk couldn't help but recall his performance in the previous game.

Ryze’s masturbation laning is obviously an advantageous laning, so why doesn’t it achieve good results?

Because Xiao Tian hit level 2 and directly killed Ryze, who had no teleportation, Lee Sang Hyuk was helpless and could only fight with the plane.

Thinking of this, Li Sang Hyuk couldn't help but sigh.

Wolf's chubby body squeezed into the chair. Sitting next to Lee Sang Hyuk, he clearly heard the sighs of his teammates.

His little eyes were immediately filled with ferocity.

He is Lee Jae-wan, nicknamed SKT’s only Brother Lee.

The fake Brother Li has fallen, and now it’s my real Brother Li’s turn to show off!

Riot staff informed them to come on stage.

kkoma picked up his notebook and took a look at his substitute jungler, Blank, nicknamed Xiaohei before going out.

He had just been sitting there without saying a word, seemingly frustrated that he couldn't play.

There is nothing kkoma can do.

Xiaohei's last game in the spring split was back two months ago on March 29.

Xiao Hei has not played many training matches in the past two months, and has not played a single official game in the entire MSI. KKoma obviously wants to cultivate Xiao Hei.

He didn't play any official games for two months, and then he was carried to the deciding game of the MSI finals. KKoma couldn't do such a thing.

The first is that it is unstable, not as good as the little peanut that felt good before; the second is that it is irresponsible to the players.

Putting a substitute on the bench in such a decisive game will inevitably lead to suspicion of blame-shifting, and it will also embarrass the starting players.

Although blank also has the surname B, he is not a stupid chicken after all.

"Welcome back to the live broadcast of the 2017 MSI Championship..." Wawa finished reading the commercial and looked towards the player seats.

"YM's players all look relaxed," he finally felt relieved when he saw Lin Ran chatting and laughing with his teammates. "With the match point in hand, the psychological pressure is indeed less."

Where is smaller.

After going to the canyon and witnessing Lin Ran's carry win the game, the prophet now has no soreness in his waist or legs, and is energetic. He feels like he is about to take off from Wuhu.

He heard that Xiaotian was being weird and disgusting Jack, and he was grinning very happily.

"What's surprising is that YM took the initiative to choose the red side in this round!" Miller received the information given by the director, "You must know that in this MSI, everyone is basically grabbing the blue side, and judging from the data we have obtained , the winning rate of the blue side is indeed higher..."

Miller and Remember smiled at each other.

"She must be holding back some tricks that she wants to use."

In the decisive game, the audience was very cooperative and waved team support items in their hands to cheer for their respective teams.

For a while, the volume at the scene increased again. Although the LPL commentary station did some noise reduction work, it still couldn't stop the enthusiastic Brazilians!

The shouts of tens of thousands of people combined together resounded throughout the world, even covering up the system sound when BP started!

"Both sides in the finals first decided to suppress Syndra and Lucian." Miller cleared his throat.

In the second ban, SKT still blocked the rock bird like the previous game, while White Crescent banned the male gun.

kkoma smelled something strange.

He frowned and thought for a long time.

The decision was made when the countdown was about to end, and I chose to ban Camille, one of the core points of YM's brilliant dual-card dual-band in the first game.

"YM determined the last blocking position very quickly!" As soon as Miller finished analyzing Camille's point, he saw that YM had already completed the ban!

"Huh?" I remember being stunned for a second, "YM chose to ban Verus!"

"Don't ban Kenan?" Wawa was very puzzled, "This is the top lane hero with the highest ban rate in the current version. Are you just going to give it to Huni?" (Kenan's BP rate is shown in the picture)

kkoma frowned.

Will he choose Kennen in this hand or not?

It’s hard to bear!

There is no doubt that Electric Mouse is strong in the current version. When used on the top lane, other versions of heroes will win the lane. It is also very easy to perform in team battles, and the single belt is not bad.

But it’s hard to describe Huni’s level of Kenan.

My level is poor and I have very few opportunities to practice.

Except for Huni, who used it in a few games in qualifying, all of his opponents in training games banned Kenan.

In the official competition, no team will release Kenan.

White Crescent blocked Kenan in all five games against SKT. They knew Huni was good at Kenan and deliberately didn't let him practice.

Speaking of which, YM has to thank Flash Wolf for its cooperation.

They blocked Kenan in all five games in the group stage and semi-finals without exception, which did YM a big favor to some extent.

The wisdom crystallization of Lao Yinbi came together, leaving KKoma in a dilemma now. (This part of the details is mentioned in Chapter 233. If you are interested, you can go back and read it again)

"So, if we win this MSI, Flash Wolves must have 1/3 of the credit..." Bai Yueya stood behind the player bench and was very happy.

KKoma on the side had a stiff face.

This is the final deciding game of MSI.

Being on the blue side, should he choose Kennen, who has extremely low proficiency, for Huni?

If you don't choose, there is a high probability that Kennen will be taken away by YM.

What a dilemma!

"SKT has hesitated for a long time on their first choice. They are still debating whether to choose Kenan!" Miller was very excited.

The slower SKT chooses players, the more it proves that it is difficult for them to make a choice at the moment, which is of course good news for YM.

"Ice Shooter!" Wawa saw that one second before the countdown ended, SKT finally determined their first choice, "They let go of Kennen and chose to grab the ADC first!"

YM did not hesitate, Kennen + blind monk locked directly!

"This hand of blind monk is very good. Not only is it a skilled hero for Xiaotian, but it can also prevent Xiaoxiao from choosing to restrain Kennen from entering the field!"

SKT then got the Spider Queen + airplane.

The final has progressed to this point, and the game of BP between the coaching staffs of both sides has evolved to a new level.

Before the start of the final, the two sides’ understanding of the current version of the middle lane was to seize line rights and engage in a confrontation between support and counter-support.

The double card and double belt chosen by YM in the first game was the result of this confrontation.

In the second game, SKT began to block Camille, and the strongest sideband system in the current version could not be selected.

Under this situation, White Crescent knew that it would be difficult to slap SKT to death in the early and mid-term, and it was also difficult to win with a single lead in the mid-to-late stage. After all, victory would depend on team battles.

And kkoma also understands that it is simply unrealistic for SKT to win YM in the early and mid-term. It is just right to use heroes who are powerful in the mid-to-late stage to fight the team battles they are familiar with.

Therefore, the mid-lane BP game between the two sides began to focus on developing heroes in the mid-to-late stage.

Airplanes are now a good choice for both sides to compete for.

Explosive packs can help aircraft provide long-distance support from time to time, and special express delivery plays a very important role in team battles in narrow rivers such as Big Dragon.

kkoma planned to let Faker cooperate with Nosuke to restrain Lin Ran and force the team to fight in the later stage.

"Ice and Varus are now unavailable. YM's third choice is to give Jack Kalista," Miller continued to analyze while looking at YM's selections. "This hero is used to match YM's system in the early and mid-term. The spearhead of the attack is just right!”

In the second round, YMban eliminated Murloc and Malzahar, while SKT banned Braum and Ryze.

KKoma did not block Galio because he believed that Lin Ran would not choose.

With YM's current lineup, Blind Sin and Kalista are very weak in their output in the later stage. If the mid laner plays Galio, there will be no big core output in the later stage.

He simply pressed down Braum, who was very strong with Kalista, and then blocked Ryze, who was in the opposite lane and was prone to masturbation.

"Would you like Tam or Lulu?" White Crescent Moon provided two choices to the prophet.

In fact, Thresh, which can be paired with Kalista to form the Shadow Island combination, is the best choice, but Seer's Thresh is a bit green. KKoma knew this well and did not block Thresh.

"Lulu." The prophet was deeply impressed by his death flow on Tam in the second game. He didn't want to touch Tam anymore in this final.

"SKT won Thresh and Shen..." Miller saw something wrong with SKT's selection, "Wolf is going to link up with the little peanut jungle support!"

White Crescent frowned, Wolf's Thresh was beyond his expectation.

"Continue to choose?" He lowered his head and asked Lin Ran.

Lin Ran looked at the lineups of both sides.

"Choose!" Lin Ran nodded.

They knew that the plane was a competitive point and still let it go to their opponents in the first round, so they were naturally prepared.

"YM's fifth move..." Miller's eyes lit up when he saw YM's choice!


The scene immediately exploded with cheers, exclamations, and doubts, and from time to time there were two whistles mixed in!

Kassadin, the Void Walker, claims to be able to explode the opponent's base at level 16, and has extremely strong late-stage combat capabilities!

Riot adheres to the principle of balance, so it will naturally not make the early transition of heroes like Kassadin very comfortable.

Behind his strong late-game ability is his weak laning ability, and he is easily restrained by the physical mid laner.

Even the passerby ranking is basically a back-up choice, which is enough to prove its weak position in the lane.

"This is really brave to choose!" I remember couldn't help but admire, "With this kind of hero, you not only believe in yourself, but also believe in your teammates!"

Believe in yourself, naturally refers to Kassadin's unsolvable carry ability in the later stage.

Trust your teammates because choosing this kind of hero transfers the early pressure to your teammates.

In a game where you have Kassadin on your side, your teammates will most likely not have a comfortable life.

In the later stage, we just saw that Kassadin was alone and careless, but we cannot ignore the selfless dedication of his teammates.

Behind every formed Kassadin are four hard-working big daddies. Not only do they have to fight four against five in the early stage, but they also have to feed Kassadin with good military lines and a lot of wild resources.

The lineups of both sides have now been determined.

Blue side SKT: top laner Shen, jungler Spider Queen, mid laner Airplane, bottom lane Ice and Thresh.

Red square YM: top laner Kennen, jungler Lee Sin, mid laner Kassadin, bottom lane Spear of Revenge and Lulu.

"Uh..." Wawa glanced at the lineup and pondered for two seconds, "Let me ask a question for the audience."

"Is Kassadin easy to masturbate?"

They say they are asking questions for the audience, but in fact the dolls themselves can’t figure it out.

But it’s not his fault. After the redesign, the appearance rate of the aircraft was not high. This was the first time he encountered Kassadin. He usually played less LOL and had a lack of understanding of the game. He encountered a blind spot in knowledge.

This question made the two commentary partners suddenly speechless.

"It's actually easy to fight. The three QWR skills of the aircraft are all magic damage, and the Gatling gun of the E skill is half physical and half magic output." Miller began to explain.

"And the aircraft's passive [Hextech Arms] will convert part of its basic attack output into magic damage."

Remember to answer the question from the side, "Kassadin is extremely restrained. The passive [Void Stone] will reduce the magic damage he takes by 15%."

"This is equivalent to playing a plane with Sadin, who will naturally take a lot less damage."

The doll understood.

Masturbation is a set of games that Kassadin, who is weak in the laning phase, can handle better.

However, no matter how poor his understanding of the game is, he would never say things like 'SKT is in a hurry' or 'SKT is gone'.

After all, the baby is superstitious about lineup economics, and it still needs to be analyzed in detail for the specific lineup. It will definitely not work just to talk about one Kassadin.

kkoma didn't expect this Kassadin, and he felt that he had stepped on a thunderbolt.

However, it has little to do with him. Before the game, kkoma only focused on studying Galio. He never expected that the mid-lane BP idea in the finals would evolve to this extent.

Kassadin, who has been in the sewer position for the past two years, can take it out. Who can be prepared for this?

However, he remained calm in the face of the decisive game.

"Zaiwan, you must pay attention to linking up with Wanghu, don't stay online all the time, crush Kassadin to death, and then control a few more dragons in the early stage. We will win this game easily."

He took off his headphones, turned his head and looked solemn.

Shan Niruo, who was on the other side of the world, was already grinning wildly.

"This stud game, YM, is it okay?" He kept shouting in a classic eunuch voice, "Brothers, keep up! Just believe Ran and it will be over. He is the pride of us Chinese!"

[This game depends on the middle lane, but as long as you stay steady and keep growing, you will definitely win the championship! 】

[Kassadin is here, and Ran’s hero pool is really weird. Is Kassadin still practicing in this version? 】

【Come on YM! Go, go, go! 】

With the domestic audience silently cheering, the fourth round of the finals officially began!

"Give us the red zone. I'll switch to the jungle and start with his red buff."

Xiaotian bought the equipment and thought about early strategies.

SKT will definitely have to make a fuss about Lin Ran's Kassadin at level one. Counter jungle invasion is the most basic.

"SKT's five-man team broke into the YM red zone and set up a good view. Little Peanut plans to counterattack this group of red buffs alone!"

When Peanut was successfully positioned and did not notice YM's defensive movements in the jungle, Wolf led Bang straight to his own red zone.

He has already judged Xiaotian's early thinking!

"Xiaotian was driven away and could only return to his home, Lankai. This was very hurtful to the blind monk..." Miller said.

Not only was he forced to open blue, Xiaotian could only open with single BUFF!

SKT started to push the lane as soon as they went off and online. Hanbing and Kalista pushed the lane at about the same speed at level one.

But Wolf deliberately crossed the line of troops forward and hit the prophet with a chain with E [Pendulum of Doom] passive.

This basic attack caused chaos in the army line.

When the YM soldiers saw that their hero was being attacked, they immediately transferred their hatred and focused on Thresh.

And SKT's soldiers are still working hard to attack the enemy soldiers.

As a result, YM's line of troops was wasted in vain.

Wolf sacrificed part of his health to push the line of soldiers through, and also had the initiative to grab second place.

In this case, Xiaotian naturally did not dare to invade the wild area and forcefully change the red BUFF.

"Opening a single BUFF is too uncomfortable for the blind monk... The early experience is lagging behind, and the rhythm is difficult to control!" I couldn't help but say.

But Lin Ran was really comfortable. When Dolan Dun went out, he felt no pressure when facing the plane.

The magic shield provided by Q [Void Sphere] allows Lin Ran to make money every time he exchanges blood with the aircraft.

If there was no interference from others and he was just developing in a single line, Lin Ran was confident that he would not die in this round and would be super awesome.

In the voice of the YM team, Xiaotian sighed and stopped talking.

"You don't want to curse, do you?" Lin Ran was very frightened when he heard this sigh, "Bounce back!"

"Childish ghost, I did this job so many years ago..." Xiaotian curled his lips with a look of disdain.

But then I thought about it, and Lin Ran didn't seem like someone who played the "rebound" joke.

Who did you learn it from?

Analyst at Su University.

When the Garlic Bastard thought this, all the disdain in his expression turned into citric acid.

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