LOL: What is a roaming mid laner?

Chapter 259 257: Extreme single kill, instant combo!

However, Lin Ran's good life did not last long.

The third wave of artillery lines came to the middle lane, Lin Ran went up to clear the line, and when it was about to reach level 3, Little Peanut came.

Also coming with him was Wolf, who had just finished pushing the troops with Bang and came to wander around.

"The wolf was hiding in the grass in the lower river with no vision, and it hit Ran!"

Lin Ran knew he was going to suffer when the hook hit him.

Wolf triggered the hook and followed up, setting it up and igniting it simultaneously.

Little Peanut had already completed the three-speed start at this time, and decisively flashed into the cocoon to prevent Lin Ran from having a chance to escape.

Lee Sang Hyuk was only at level two at this time and had not learned W. In addition, in order to seduce, he stood relatively far back.

Kassadin's passive magic damage reduction allowed Lin Ran to maintain a good health volume.

Lee Sang Hyuk finally couldn't bear it any longer. In order to supplement his output, he directly flashed and used phosphorescent bombs.

When Lin Ran saw this, he gave up and left the keyboard with his hands, and his head was taken away by Little Peanut's self-destructing spider.

"SKT showed their sharp fangs!" the Korean commentator on the scene said excitedly, "They got first blood in less than 3 minutes!"

"This is the role of peanut! The early rhythm engine!"

Their voices were loud, apparently to relieve the previously overly depressing atmosphere.

Lin Ran didn't expect SKT to play so cruelly. It's only level 3. How about your wild assistant linking up and coming to the middle to make people sick?

What's more, he is standing not far in front of the defense tower and is already on guard against gank. Are you going to do it too?

"My, my... I didn't keep up with the rhythm." The prophet blamed himself very much.

He thought that Thresh disappeared to arrange his vision, but he didn't expect that the target went straight to the middle.

By the time he reacted and gave the warning signal, the day lily was already cold and Thresh Hook had already taken action.

"Xiaotian, please help me block the military line. I will get over quickly."

Lin Ran glanced at the military line and didn't intend to hand over the teleportation.

Thresh didn't have shoes in the early stage, so he was already rushing to the bottom lane to avoid affecting his bang's development.

Spider and aircraft skills are in perfect harmony, and he also has a strong cannon truck. Blind Sin can completely let SKT's gun truck enter the tower late.

Lin Ran paid a total of 13 knives, plus the automatic money jump, which was just enough to buy a pair of straw sandals and get back online quickly.

In addition, there are artillery soldiers who can help fight the tower. If you don't hand over the teleport, it is thanks to an artillery car. Moreover, this artillery car is not eaten by the tower, so it is good to use it to supplement Xiaotian's development.

Lin Ran also wanted to keep the teleportation to do something big.

Fortunately, the Xiao Tianbing line card was very good, and Lin Ran didn't even lose the artillery vehicle experience.

"SKT took advantage of Kassadin's weakness in the early stage to let Little Peanut keep invading Xiaotian's jungle area," Miller on the commentary desk was worried. "Now the number of last hits between the two junglers has been stretched. "

"This is the shortcoming of Kassadin in the professional arena," I remember frowning, "He can't give any help to the jungle in the early stage, so Xiaotian can only play the game by himself!"

In fact, what's more important is that because of Wolf's previous scheming, the lane rights in the bottom lane were also lost.

The middle and lower players have no line rights. Now Xiaotian can only carefully guard his own jungle area and try not to let Xiaoxiao Peanut kill too many wild monsters.

Lee Sang Hyuk, who was facing Lin Ran in the middle, was also feeling uncomfortable.

Even if Lin Ran is killed once, the aircraft will still not be able to suppress Kassadin in the lane, and will be consumed.

Every time Lin Ran's Q [Void Sphere] improves, he will definitely exchange blood as soon as possible.

This version of Kassadin is still the main Q, not only does high damage, but also has a thick magic shield.

Except for the Gatling gun, all of the aircraft's skill outputs are of a magical nature. Hitting Kassadin with no pain or itching, even the magic shield cannot be broken.

Coupled with Dolan Shield, Lin Ran's exchange of blood was almost harmless, and all he lost was mana.

He threw a total of four void balls before and after, relying on the mana recovery effect of W [Void Blade] to maintain the mana amount at about half.

Lee Sang Hyuk's plane now only has less than 60% of its health remaining, and is using the Dolan Sword to restore its health.

Fortunately, he was weak in this game to protect his output environment, so there was no risk of being killed by gank for the time being.

"Brother Xianghe, please organize your troops and wait for me to come over!"

Little Peanut had a very comfortable life. The game was only 4 minutes old, and he had already defeated two groups of wild monsters from Xiaotian. If he continued to fight like this, the gap between him and Xiaotian would only get wider and wider.

He tried to continue to bring this advantage to the middle, military training Lin Ran.

"I can come too!" Wolf's voice was loud.

The Thresh he operated crouched in the grass on the bottom lane, leaving the Prophet in a dilemma for fear of being hit by a hook.

The SKT duo almost drove YM's bottom lane out of the experience zone and had an advantage in the bottom lane.

This also means that Wolf's Thresh can support the middle lane first.

After hearing this, Li Sang Hyuk immediately prepared to operate a wave of troops.

The time came to 4 minutes and 38 seconds, and the seventh wave of soldiers gathered in the middle.

The sixth wave of artillery troops on both sides has not yet been completely eaten up.

Lee Sang Hyuk began to use his skills to clear the line of troops. The phosphorescent bombs and Gatling guns were activated, pushing the line very quickly.

However, Lin Ran's pushing speed in the early stage was not comparable to that of the aircraft, and the troop line was pushed under Lin Ran's tower.

Due to the artillery and anti-turrets, the two waves of troops converged together, and it took Lin Ran a lot of time to deal with them.

Taking advantage of Lin Ran's opportunity to replenish the tower and send troops, Li Sang Hyuk kept consuming him in front of the tower.

Although he had Dolan's shield, no one could withstand this damage-free consumption. Lin Ran's health dropped a lot after clearing a large wave of troops under the tower.

More importantly, the eighth wave of troops had already arrived on the battlefield while Lin Ran was replenishing his tower sword, and helped him clear out the enemy soldiers.

As soon as time was delayed, the intersection point of the eighth wave of troops from both sides moved to not far from Lin Ran Tower.

In this way, the retracement line belonging to Lee Sang Hyuk is formed again.

After waiting for the ninth wave of troops to arrive, Lin Ran would be forced to gradually move forward with the troops and leave the protection of the defense tower.

This was a line of troops deliberately created by Li Sang Hyuk. The purpose was to allow Lin Ran to leave the defense tower and make it easier for his teammates to capture people.

"SKT Yefu is on the move!" Wawa looked at the movements of Peanut and Wolf. "They want to catch Kassadin before he reaches 6!"

In fact, this statement is not quite accurate.

Lin Ran and Xiao Tianping shared the experience of one artillery cart, so when the ninth wave of artillery cart lines reached the middle, Kassadin could successfully upgrade to level 6 by eating two melee soldiers.

However, it was at this time that SKT's three players, Nakano and Assistant, were stuck.

Kassadin is about to reach 6 and have a displacement ultimate move. During the time before and after reaching 6, Kassadin will mostly relax his vigilance because of this.

This is the best time to gank. The current version of Kassadin's level one ultimate has a full 6-second cooldown, and SKT can kill him through hard damage.

"Xiaotian, come and help me push off the line. I want to go back to the city to resupply."

Lin Ran also saw this wave of advancing troops, and he planned to deal with the upcoming ninth wave of artillery troops as quickly as possible.

If the troop line is successfully pushed forward, faker must deal with the troop line under the tower before returning to the city.

In this way, Lin Ran could create a time difference and save time on teleportation.

"No problem, I'm here." Xiaotian ran towards the middle road with great expectation.

After being countered in the jungle in the early stage, he was lagging behind a lot in experience. At this time, Lin Ran asked him to help push the middle line of troops, which was undoubtedly a timely help!

Wolf crouched in the grass below the middle road, staring at Kassadin standing behind the army line.

He and Bang had just pushed the troops into the YM bottom lane defense tower. At this time, the situation of the bottom lane was the same as that in the middle. They were pushing back the lane. He was in no hurry to rush back to the bottom lane.

The ninth wave of soldiers arrived as expected at 5 minutes and 38 seconds. Xiaotian also appeared in the middle at this time and began to help Lin Ran push the line.

The moment the YM troops pushed forward and crossed the river, wolf walked out of the grass.

"Little Peanut came over from above and Thresh threw a lantern to the plane..."

At the moment when Lee Sang Hyuk picked up the lantern and flew towards Thresh, Wolf handed over Flash and brought himself and Lee Sang Hyuk to YM Nakano!

"Wolf's Flash Pendulum of Doom was at a very tricky angle, and it just knocked back two people!" Miller couldn't help but sweat for YM when he saw Thresh's action.

Lin Ran thought that at most a little peanut would be crouching here, but he didn't expect that the wolf, who didn't even have a pair of straw sandals, swam over again!

2 vs. 3, even if they have the advantage of the troops, they can't defeat it!

"Kill Kassadin and leave the blind monk alone!" Li Sang Hyuk gave Lin Ran his weakness and yelled in the internal voice at the same time.

This blind monk can't do anything in the early stage anyway, and targeting him is of little use. Interrupting Kassadin's development is the key!

"I'll stop it for you, just run away!" Xiaotian naturally knew who was the boss in this game.

He would rather die than let SKT hurt Lin Ran!

The moment Thresh handed over the Pendulum of Doom, he took out the hook. Xiaotian saw it clearly. The W golden bell covered Lin Ran with a shield, and controlled the blind monk to stand in front of Lin Ran!

The heartbreaking sound of the hook hit was heard, and Xiaotian resisted the control for Lin Ran!

"The three of SKT didn't pay attention to the controlled blind monk. They focused their fire on Kassadin!"

The spider from the side has already rushed over in human form.

The moment Little Peanut cast W [Self-Exploding Spider], Lin Ran's E [Energy Pulse] was charged for the last time, and the skill icon lit up!

At the critical moment, Lin Ran took a look at his experience bar.

Since he and Xiao Tian just shared the experience of the military line, his speed of leveling up to level 6 was a little slow.

There are still two soldiers left to gain experience.

Coincidentally, there were three melee soldiers with residual health in front of Lin Ran.

He handed over the flash decisively, and the cone-shaped energy pulse went towards the three melee soldiers!

Although Lin Ran only learned the level 1 E skill, his damage output was more than enough to defeat these three minions with residual health.

The three minions were taken away, and the upgrade light came on!

"Kassadin has reached level 6! See if you can run away!"

Little Peanut realized something was wrong the moment he saw Lin Ran's reverse flash.

But his flash had already been handed over in the last gank, so now he could only hand over Cocoon from a distance!

When the energy pulse killed the minion, Cocoon had already flown over.

Lin Ran's fingers were tapping the V key frantically - this was the shortcut key for upgrading his R skill.

The first time he reached level 6, Lin Ran had already learned the ultimate move!

R【Walking in the Void】!

At the moment when the cocoon was about to hit him, Kassadin successfully moved upward and escaped!

"Ran can still run! It's hard for Thresh to keep up. Only the spider and the plane are still chasing!"

Miller witnessed this scene and immediately turned up his volume.

Li Sang Hyuk rushed up with W, Gatling gun fired at Lin Ran's body, and fired another missile from time to time.

"The spider also changed its form and handed over to Feitian, and the wall fell on Ran!"

Since Little Peanut was close to the grass above, Lin Ran ran upwards at this time, just within her flying distance. Little Peanut did not hesitate to hand over his skills to keep up!

The moment Lin Ran saw the spider landing, he turned around and handed over Q [Void Sphere]!

At level 6, he has a third-level Q skill, which provides him with a magic shield of 100+0.3 AP value. Coupled with his own passive, it can withstand the spider's Q skill killing damage!

But the self-destructing spider that Little Peanut cast before was brought over by his Q [Poisonous Sting].

Fortunately, the self-exploding spider with only one level did not do much damage, and Lin Ran's health was still manageable.

At this time, Lin Ran's weak state had ended, and his movement speed finally returned to normal.

He used those straw sandals to try to distance himself from SKT's midfielder.

"The planes are chasing after him, but without the radiance, his output is not very high, and his basic attacks won't hurt Kassadin who has Dolan's Shield!"

Li Sang Hyuk, who had received first blood assist money, had Dolan Sword + Long Sword + Red Crystal in his backpack. A single basic attack on Lin Ran only caused more than 60 points of damage.

Lin Ran still had 100 blood left on his body, so he managed to survive and successfully walked out of the plane's normal attack range.

Because Lin Ran had previously handed over the flash and R displacements, and Lee Sang Hyuk's aircraft could only use Valkyrie dive.

This put some distance between the two of them.

Little Peanut returned to the city after getting first blood in the last wave. He only had a green jungle knife. When transformed into spider form, his movement speed was only 355, while Kassadin's movement speed was a full 365 points.

This 10-point gap in movement speed makes it impossible for Little Peanut to keep up with the output.

The only thing that could threaten Lin Ran for a while was the aircraft's missiles.

The cooldown time of Lee Sang Hyuk's missiles has improved. This one is a super missile with enhanced damage. He is bound to win!

Li Sang Hyuk looked at Lin Ran, who was walking in an S-shaped position in front of him, and was not in a hurry to shoot.

He wanted to find the pattern of Lin Ran's movements to ensure that one shot would penetrate the soul.

Time is not urgent. Kassadin's level 1 ultimate move has a cooldown of 6 seconds. Lin Ran, who has not flashed, cannot escape from his grasp.

"Kenan is down!" Huni's shout came from the team's voice at this time, "Hurry up and kill him, he has reached 6!"

Being pressured by Kenan, he had no way to support him and could only watch Jin Gong running towards the river below.

Needless to say, Jin Gong has already appeared in Lee Sang Hyuk's field of vision.

Faker took a deep breath to concentrate, and saw Lin Ran subconsciously turning to the right and pressing the R key decisively.

The super missile headed towards Lin Ran's right side!

At the moment when the missile was launched, Lin Ran clicked the mouse on the floor and operated Kassadin to continue moving to the right!

His movement was seen through!

Lin Ran's heart dropped.

But a golden light flashed, and the cute yordle holding the shuriken flashed in front of him, just enough to block the super missile!

It’s Kainan of Jin Gong!

The explosion damage of the super missile did not splash onto Lin Ran. Jin Gong, who temporarily acted as a human shield, controlled the distance perfectly!

"At the critical moment, Jin Gong stood up!" Wawa shouted, "Flash helped Ran block the deadly super missile!"

Kanan let out a roar, and lightning surged all over his body.

Wan Lei Tian Lao leads!

The thunder and lightning field covers all spiders and aircraft, and a thunder and lightning shuriken is combined with W [Second Meaning! Electric Blade] Stuns all the SKT midfielders!

Lin Ran got into the big dragon pit at this time, used the refreshed R [Void Walk] to move across the wall, and successfully escaped with remaining health!

"Jin Gong handed over his E skill to accelerate, and also escaped from the sight of SKT's midfielder!" Miller tried to ease his nervousness, "This made Ran run away!"

The audience in the stands waved their fluorescent sticks vigorously, cheering non-stop and screaming!

"Why don't you quickly say thank you to Brother Xiba?" Garlic Bastard also laughed. Everyone except Thresh ran to chase Lin Ran. His life was not in danger at all.

The team's voice was filled with a cheerful atmosphere, and the four people except Jin Gong all thought of Jacky Cheung's emoticon.

"Prophet, how do you say this in Cantonese?" Jack spoke to liven up the atmosphere while adding troops.

The only person in the team who is a prophet is from Guangdong, and he does his best to educate his teammates on the topic.

Lin Ran pressed the return button in his jungle area, feeling furious in his heart.

The game only lasted 6 minutes. If we count from the time of sending out troops, it would only last four and a half minutes. SKT conducted four raids on him.

Every clay figurine has a certain degree of anger, let alone Lin Ran.

He is not a soft persimmon to be manipulated.

He must get this place back.

As he returned to the city, he looked at the situation on the three lines of troops.

Only then did they realize that the Garlic Bastard had silently taken the opportunity to push the middle line of troops under SKT's mid-tower.

"Don't blame me, this line must be pushed..." Xiaotian said confidently.

This troop line must be pushed, otherwise it will be over if the faker gets stuck. Kassadin will lose more than just this troop line.

Moreover, Lee Sang Hyuk was also fighting under the tower at this time, for fear of being left behind.

"You put a ward in and I'll teleport." Lin Ran spoke concisely and marked the red BUFF camp opposite.

Xiaotian didn't understand what he was going to do. There was obviously a military line and a defensive tower in the middle. Why do you insist on me teleporting in the opposite jungle?

However, Garlic Bastard was still very obedient in the competition. He didn't ask why and just stuck an ornamental eye in the spot marked by Lin Ran.

Lin Ran had returned to the city at this time. He first stepped on the void and walked on the spot, and then bought equipment.

Wait until the mana is full before handing over the teleport.

"Eh? What is this teleportation position for?" I remember watching the teleportation light light up and being stunned for a moment.

"Do you want to fight the little dragon?" The doll also couldn't figure out the situation.

Shan Niruo, who was watching the live broadcast, frowned and felt that things were not simple.

The layout of this ward was very hidden. The spider had previously chased Lin Ran all the way to the upper half of the area. After the failure, it just started to brush on the spot without rushing back to the lower half.

Wolf's Thresh was beaten by the blind monk and was forced to retreat to the defense tower to save his life before returning to the bottom lane.

He also did not set up vision in his jungle area.

Because the jungle area is all empty and the red BUFF will not be refreshed until one minute, there is no need to ward.

This resulted in Lin Ran's teleport not being seen by the five SKT players. The moment he landed, he rushed towards the middle.

"Kassadin's equipment..." Miller had just discovered something was wrong on the equipment panel, and the atmosphere at the scene had already exploded!

On the big screen, Kassadin stood in the position closest to the first tower of SKT in the Sharpbill camp, watching Lee Sang Hyuk standing in front of the tower to clean up the artillery soldiers.

Seeing clearly the pause of the plane raising its hand to attack, Lin Ran stepped on faker's face with the help of void walking!

It was just a moment of damage, and many viewers didn't even see the order of the combos. The heroic bombardier Kuchi, who still had nearly 60% of his health, turned into a dead corpse and fell from the plane!

"Faker is provoking you!" I remember the tone became even more obvious in desperation, "What the hell kind of harm is this!"

The Korean commentary booth is right next to the LPL commentary booth. I remember I could even hear their shocked screams!

"what is this?"

"Is this injury real?"

"Is Kassadin's output at level 6 so high?"

For them, it's like going from heaven to hell!

Not to mention the tens of thousands of spectators present.

Where have they seen this kind of operation before?

Is this the output of level 6 Kassadin?

Can you defeat an aircraft of the same level with a red crystal and nearly 60% health in seconds?

Regardless of the scorching temperature, the audience shouted with all their strength, and the gathered volume swept up into the sky!

"Ran!!!" Shan Niruo jumped up suddenly in the live broadcast room, and his hoarse eunuch voice made people worry about his vocal cords, "Fuck!"

All game live broadcast room platforms are filled with question marks and 666666!

【Am I dazzled? How did faker die? 】

[What the hell, is it cheating? How much damage does Kassadin do? 】

[Don’t be embarrassed, that’s called Tengyang Technology. How can it be called a failure if it just adds a little damage? 】

"WDNMD, are you kidding me?" Jack, who liked OB for nothing, was dumbfounded, "How did you kill him?"

"It's very easy," Lin Ran was very modest. "Basic operations are all you need."

He maneuvered Kassadin out of the shooting range of the defense tower, then turned back to push the tower.

The director was very considerate and specially brought up faker's first-person perspective for playback.

Lee Sang Hyuk operated the plane and used Gatling guns and missiles to handle the line of troops, and waited for the defense tower to give him a stab.

While the defense tower was still struggling to output the artillery truck, he had the leisure and grace to switch to the screen to watch his teammates finishing their blows.

As soon as the scene cut back, Kassadin emerged from the Sharpbill camp!

The director provides 0.25 times slow playback, allowing millions of viewers at the scene and in front of the screen to see it truly!

Walking in the Void stepped on his face and used a basic attack with a knife.

Then he turned on W [Blade of the Void], reset his basic attack, and stabbed him with another knife!

At this time, a bolt of lightning struck down from the sky, and Lord Thunder's decree was triggered!

Lin Ran handed over E [Energy Pulse] at this time!

Lee Sang Hyuk didn't react slowly. At this time, he had already handed over W [Valkyrie Dive] and wanted to escape.

But a void ball followed like a tarsal maggot, accurately clearing the last bar of Lee Sang Hyuk's health in mid-air, just in time to complete a single kill! (For the picture of the 2017 MSI version of Kassadin, please see this chapter. The damage calculation is based on the author’s words)


At this moment, Lin Ran dealt all his skill damage!

"Oh my god, what kind of hand speed is this?" The doll was shocked, "This Kassadin!"

Miller was stunned on the side, "I think what's even more terrifying is this damage calculation ability, Ran is so confident!"

"He didn't buy a lunch box when he went out this time. Instead, he just used the Killing Ring + Explosive Wand. He had already planned to hit this wave of solo kills!"

I remember also saying in surprise, "How many stacks of damage does Kassadin's ultimate move do? Why do I think the damage is so high?"

Lee Sang Hyuk, who was sitting on the contestants' bench, opened his mouth slightly and sunken his cheeks.

This is his habitual microexpression when he is highly nervous and angry.

He knew what this single kill meant.

In the early stage, his teammates helped him make many raids, but only killed Kassadin once, helping him to suppress 10 knives.

This single kill directly wiped out the advantage established in the early stage.

"400 Blue Void Walking!" Shanni is worthy of being a professional player who retired Smile, and his focus is completely different from the commentator, "Ran is a three-layered ultimate move, and with his magic armor, the damage is explosive. !”

As long as Kassadin's R [Void Walk] is cast within 15 seconds, the mana cost will be doubled and the damage will be increased.

You can use up to 4 layers of ultimate moves, but Lin Ran is limited by the amount of mana and can only use 3 layers of buffs.

But that's enough!

"And he controls mana very well. If Kassadin doesn't have mana, he can only equip level 6 with about 750 mana. With his ultimate +E+Q, his mana is almost empty!"

Shan Niruo excitedly explained to the barrage audience, "If he teleports a little earlier this time, the mana won't be enough for him to perform this complete combo!"

【Think carefully! 】

[Is this all included in Ran’s calculations? Isn’t that too outrageous? 】

[This wave, this wave is called solo killing faker! 】

It seems to have been premeditated, but in fact everything was improvised.

Lin Ran used a total of two ultimate moves when escaping.

When he returned to the city, he saw Xiaotian pushing the troops into SKT's first tower, while Lee Sang Hyuk was still guarding the tower to clean up the troops, and then he had the idea of ​​​​killing Faker alone.

So he added a layer of ultimate skills in the spring water, and then replaced the lunch box with the Exploding Wand and the Killing Ring.

This wave of single kills caused an earth-shaking reversal in the laning situation in the middle!

Lin Ran now relied on his ultimate move to stomp on his face and output without restraint.

Li Sang Hyuk couldn't guard him at all. One set of damage would cost him at least half of his health, and a set of missiles and basic attacks from the plane would shatter the shield provided by the void ball. The physical damage would be the same as tickling Lin Ran.

"Once the middle lane is liberated, the whole game is brought to life!" Miller was very excited. "Keep playing like this until Kassadin is level 16!"

However, the first earth dragon was still controlled by Xiaohuahua. Although they had reached the edge of the cliff, they had not given up yet and were still looking for ways to win the game!

The finals are over tomorrow.

The damage calculator is as follows:

The health value of the level 6 aircraft panel is 862, plus the red crystal (150) and Dolan Sword (80), the total health value is 1092, which is 655 based on 60% of the health volume.

Kassadin's Explosive Wand has magic power (40) and Dark Seal (15), with a magic power of 55.

Level 6 Kassadin’s level 3 Q damage is 120+0.7AP=159;

W active damage is 40+0.7AP=79, W passively causes 20+0.1AP=26 points of damage, triggering twice, the total output is 52;

Level 1 E is 80+0.7AP=119;

Level one R is 80+0.3AP+2% of maximum mana (700)=80+17+14=111.

Each layer of three layers of R causes an additional 40+0.1% of maximum mana damage, for a total of 120+0.3% of mana = 141.

Thunder damage = 10*level + 30% extra attack power (0) + 10% ability power = 66

The total magic damage is 159+79+119+111+141+66+52=727. The level 6 aircraft has a magic resistance of 32 and a magic damage reduction rate of 24%, which means a total of 552 points of magic damage are dealt.

In addition, there are two normal attack damage of A+WA. Level 6 Kassadin has 74 attack points, the panel causes 148 points of physical damage, the aircraft armor is 42, and the damage reduction efficiency is 29%, so it deals 105 points of physical damage.

The total damage is 105+552=657\u003e655 which is 60% of the health.

The article mentioned that the aircraft had nearly 60% of its health, so it was a maximum kill.

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