LOL: What is a roaming mid laner?

Chapter 273 271: Four packs of two upgraded versions, thank you fist!

With the release of the new version, the hard support, which has been dormant for a year after the S6 World Championship, is about to regain its dominance in the bottom lane.

The YM coaching staff is still enriching and improving their tactics.

Su Cheng turned on the training mode to test various data, while Bai Yueya was thinking about whether there was any improvement in the roaming system.

A group of players are still sitting in the training room and practicing intensively. The day after tomorrow they will face the IG team that is currently the number one team in the group.

There is no room for error in this group stage.

If they lose again, their regular season ranking will be in jeopardy.

With today's grouping system, if you don't win the first place in the group, you will have to play an extra BO5 in the playoffs, which will expose a lot of tactical reserves, and no team wants to do that.

Su Cheng exited the training mode of the client, recorded various data on the table, and then printed out the table and dozens of pictures.

Doom stopped the ranked training next to the players.

After Lin Weixiang used Dao Mei to score a gorgeous record of 1/10 and quickly pointed out the surrender, all the players ended the practice, turned their chairs, and faced the center of the training room.

"7 pictures per person," Su Cheng distributed the printed pictures and tables to everyone in turn. "The pictures in each of your hands are different. Listen carefully to what I say next. Everyone must listen."

"Our tactics are integrated, and if everyone follows the steps, they can be executed perfectly."

Su Cheng brought over the Summoner's Rift whiteboard, holding a marker in his hand:

"The main goal of this linkage between the midfielder and the jungle assistant is to capture the Rift Herald that refreshes in 10 minutes, and then use it to find an opportunity to knock out the first-blood tower with four packs of two. It would be even better if you get two heads in the Rift Herald team battle. This way our early advantage will be even greater.”

She first looked at Brother Siba, "Jin Gong, your task is the simplest. You don't even need to guarantee the line rights. You just need to hold down the opponent's top laner. It would be even better if you can give priority support."

"You just need to pay attention to one thing -" Su Cheng made a circle at the first tower on the whiteboard, "You'd better have teleportation in 10 minutes."

"The cooldown time for teleportation in this version is 250 seconds, which means that your teleportation on the road must be used before 5 minutes and 50 seconds at the latest. If you are forced to return to the city after that time, try not to hand in the teleportation. If you really have to hand it in, remember to Lin Ran please communicate."

Su Cheng further explained the matter of provincial teleportation:

"This saved teleportation can be used to support the Canyon Pioneer group when they circle back - I will ask Nosuke to control the map with enough wards to give you a chance to circle back."

Jin Gong lowered his head and looked at the map and table. Su Cheng marked the required transfer position of the army line with a red line on the map, and also marked the position of the back ward to support the canyon pioneer.

Be concise and clear, just follow it.

"Xiaoyao, your play style in the early and mid-term is still the same as before. You lead the rhythm everywhere. Lin Ran will prefer the hero with lane rights to roam for support."

Su Cheng continued to make arrangements, "What you need to pay attention to is returning to the city for supplies. The best time is to return to the city around 9 minutes and 20 seconds. At this time, if you can make a big jungle knife, that would be great. If you can't, you must Remember to buy equipment that improves your combat effectiveness. You can take a break with your shoes first, and then free up 150 gold coins to buy two real eyes."

Xiaotian nodded. The picture in his hand showed the placement of the real and fake eyes. Su Cheng did it very carefully and used blue and red to distinguish the real and fake eyes.

"Lin Ran, you..." Su Cheng didn't even raise his head, holding the pen between his index finger and middle finger and kept turning, "The position of the army line is very important, you must handle it well, otherwise you will suffer a heavy loss after defeating the Canyon Pioneer."

"In terms of equipment, it's the same as Xiaotian. I have time to go back to the city to buy the equipment with the strongest combat capabilities. Remember to buy a real eye, but there is one small detail that I need to pay attention to."

Su Cheng moved the two magnets marked with the word 'mid lane', one of which was placed in the center of the river leading to the red square beak camp.

"If you are on the blue side, it is best to get stuck in this position. The opposite midfielder will most likely go this way when entering the river."

Lin Ran indicated that he understood.

Due to map restrictions, the red side mid laner must pass through this location if he wants to quickly reach the Dragon Pit. Being stuck there can disgust the opponent to death.

"If we are on the red side, your positioning will be more troublesome. You have to go to the river three to five seconds in advance, otherwise you may be harassed by the opponent's position," Su Cheng tucked a strand of black hair hanging down behind her ear. Finally, "But if we are on the red side, Xiaotian's early rhythm will be better, and the pressure on your army line will be less."

No one asked any questions, it was clear to everyone.

Regarding the fact that Xiaotian’s rhythm is better on the red side, I can only say that everyone who understands understands it, and those who don’t understand...see below.

YM's four-guarantee and two-guarantee system, the core idea in the early stage is to seize the guarantee and release Jin Gong.

Being on the red side, Xiaotian's route to open the jungle is quite changeable. He can open as red, or he can switch to the opposite jungle area and forcefully invade the blue side's red BUFF.

In this case, a perfect level three capture situation can be formed.

And if you are on the blue side, the conventional way of playing red is to brush up and it is inconvenient to grab the bottom lane.

Since the jungler's blue opening is very damaging, calling the top laner to help open the jungle will also expose the movement, and this route is not easy to catch.

If you want to intimidate the bottom lane at the third level, you must invade the opponent's blue buff and change the jungle area on the opposite side. The open jungle route is extremely restrictive.

Of course, this is all normal play.

Similar to the blue square red opening the lower half of the area to capture the beak bird + gargoyle to level 3, this routine relies more on the opponent information obtained in the early stage, and tends to be a gambling start - once there is no profit, one's own upper half area will directly Being turned upside down.

"Then there's the bottom duo," Su Cheng finally looked at the remaining four members of his team, "Since the support team has to travel long distances, your line management is very important."

She used a pen to draw a black vertical line in the center of the bottom lane on the Summoner's Rift map. "At 8 minutes and 48 seconds, there will be a wave of artillery and troop handovers in the bottom lane. We assume this is the handover location..."

"You need to move the artillery line over this wave, and then block the three long-range soldiers outside. Remember that you only need to leave three. If there are extra long-range soldiers in the previous wave of soldiers, then clear them out."

Su Cheng also emphasized: "When necessary, the support can use blood to change the line of troops, because you will have to return to the city later, so it doesn't matter."

The two assistants, Prophet and Liu Qingsong, nodded to indicate that they understood.

Su Cheng drew another vertical line closer to his own defense tower, "Because you blocked three long-range soldiers before, and the soldier line is close to your own defense tower, the next wave of ordinary soldiers will be at 9 minutes and 18 seconds ago. Handover here.”

"Three ranged soldiers, obviously..."

"I can't control the line." Liu Qing let go.

Su Cheng glanced at him and said, "That's right, I can't control it, and the line of troops will be pushed back very slowly."

As we all know, four soldiers can control the position of the soldier line and remain motionless, but three soldiers or even two bins obviously cannot.

Only three ranged soldiers will form a pushback line.

"The ADC continues to replenish his tail, and slowly pushes his troops forward..." Su Cheng drew another vertical line, which had already crossed the center and was closer to the enemy's defense tower.

"Similarly, because the troop line crosses the river, the troop line that was originally scheduled to arrive at the central position at 9 minutes and 48 seconds will be handed over in front of the opponent's tower two seconds earlier."

"At this time, the assistant goes up to help the ADC quickly push this wave of soldiers into the tower. The two slow waves of soldiers are gathered together. The opponent will definitely not be able to get stuck, and they don't dare to fight against you with such a bunch of soldiers."

Su Cheng's voice was clear and powerful, and her tone of voice was unhurried and controlled just right, making everyone present focus their attention on her.

"With the help of the previously extended troop line, if you hand over your skills in the bottom lane, this wave of troops will be pushed into the opponent's defense tower in 9 minutes and 50 seconds."

There was a slight pause in her tone, "Then the key point is here. The assistant returns to the city at this time. If you have more money, it's best to buy five-speed shoes, and at worst you have to mend straw sandals. Then, holding two true eyes, go directly to the Canyon Pioneer."

"It takes 25 seconds for straw shoes to reach the center of the river, and 20 seconds for five-speed shoes." She connected the base with the Canyon Pioneer with a straight line. "In this way, the assistant will arrive at the Canyon Pioneer in about 10 minutes and 20 seconds, just in time to participate. Fight and help take down the vanguard."

Liu Qingsong listened attentively.

"The time for Nosuke's return to the city is staggered. Once the first round of vision arranged by Xiaotian is cleared, the two auxiliary real eyes can continue to control the map. However, the opponent will most likely not have double scans at this time, and the number of real eyes will be reduced. I can’t beat you.”

When Su Cheng said that he was excited, he stretched out his palm and patted the whiteboard, "In this way, the whole vision of the Canyon Pioneer is ours. The upper, middle and jungle assistants are also there. We have also returned to the city to replenish the most powerful combat equipment. What can our opponents use?" Fight with us?"

"Perfect, Sister Su!" The Shiba Inu was already grinning excitedly, "With this way of handling the troop line, I became very comfortable walking down the lane alone in that minute!"

The reason is simple.

At that time, he and his assistant pushed the wave of ordinary troops at 9 minutes and 48 seconds into the opposite defense tower. At 10 minutes and 18 seconds, the artillery troops reached the line, forming another wave of YM pushback lines.

But for this pushback line, the opposing hero will push very slowly.

Because there are gun carriages.

This big, thick-skinned baby will be able to withstand a lot of damage, and it will be very troublesome for heroes to deal with it.

[Tips: The pushback line with cannon carts (hero intervention) is faster than the normal pushback line (without hero intervention), and slower than the normal pushback line (hero intervention). It’s easy to understand.]

Even if the opponent gets a line-pushing combination like Jhin + Karma, they can only push it into the defense tower when the next wave of ordinary soldiers gathers at 10 minutes and 48 seconds.

If nothing unexpected happened at that time, YM's support would almost rush back to the bottom lane - because the opponent's support did not go to the Canyon Pioneer, YM would definitely eat up the Canyon Pioneer without any blood with the help of one more person.

If the opponent's support also rushes to the vanguard, and the opponent only relies on the ADC, the push of the cannon cart back to the line will definitely be very slow. Jack can safely eat this large wave of cannon cart troops pushed over.

No matter how you calculate it, Jack will not lose.

And if nothing else goes wrong, Canyon Pioneer will definitely help him get a health tower. As the biggest beneficiary of the system, Shiba Inu raised the corners of his mouth and almost turned into a slit girl.

"No, Bai Jiao and Doom also played a big role. This is the result of the joint efforts of the three of us." Su Cheng smiled with narrowed eyes.

The YM training room is full of fun, and the haze that has been hanging over our heads since the summer split has dissipated a bit.

Everyone is very satisfied with this plan.

Jin Gong can participate more in the team's rhythm; Xiaotian can lead the team's attack in the early stage; Lin Ran can also play his convenient roaming hero; Jack can safely capture the line of troops, and can also successfully capture the Rift Herald's Economic Snowball…

Su Cheng's five-in-one approach turned the Canyon Pioneer that originally hindered their four-pack-two into their strongest weapon to advance their rhythm!

Thank you, fist!

In the case of capturing the Canyon Pioneer, if the opponent is killed once by a four-pack of two, the Canyon Pioneer is likely to hit the high ground all the way, which is much greater than YM's previous four-pack of two!

Moreover, this mid-field auxiliary linkage plan is extremely feasible, and it seems that there will be no losses.

This is simply an upgraded version of the previous four-pack-two strategy!

This system integrates military line operations and also brings in Jin Gong, who was previously at the edge of the system.

Extremely perfect.

But Bai Yueya felt a little more melancholy in her heart.

Happiness is theirs, I have nothing.

The reason for his melancholy is simple.

Logically speaking, although analysts will participate in this kind of tactical design, the main responsibility should be the team head coach.

But now it's the other way around.

Su Cheng proposed the general direction of the entire central and jungle auxiliary linkage.

Although the initial version was crudely planned, this idea was crucial.

White Crescent Moon and Doom have added content to Su Cheng's framework in the past two days, making this tactic more reasonable.

In this way, Su Cheng looks like the head coach, and he is just a handyman.

Although White Crescent Moon was unhappy, she couldn't find a reason to refute.

In terms of overall ability, he is much better than Su Cheng, but in terms of version, he really doesn't understand.

He was too slow to adapt to the meta.

White Crescent is not good at developing new systems and ideas. He prefers to copy and improve the system after his opponent develops it.

Known as the Kakashi Hatake of the coaching world, he is a master at copying BP.

"For the competition the day after tomorrow, everyone should hurry up and practice," Su Cheng stood up and clapped his hands, "Be sure to remember clearly the contents of these seven pieces of paper and engrav them in your mind!"

Everyone is very motivated, and they are also very aware of the online public opinion these days, so they inevitably have some thoughts on proving themselves.

On the evening of June 22, light rain fell from the sky, and there was a lingering humidity in the air.

Shanghai Zhengda Plaza.

YM arrived very early.

"In the first game of our BO3, we still use jungle economic suppression tactics," White Yueya, wearing a suit, stood in the center of the team lounge. He rubbed the tip of his nose and said, "Xiaotian, please pay attention to Ning's position."

Xiaotian nodded vigorously.

It was exactly the same as the first three group matches. In the first game, the jungle economic suppression tactics were tested, and even if they lost, there was room for mistakes later.

So far, Xiaotian has not won a victory using this tactic.

But he felt that he had already vaguely touched the threshold.

This is what YM has gained in game after game. All teammates are willing to believe in Xiaotian. They are waiting for the day when Garlic Bastard evolves into Bulbasaur.

At 6:45 p.m., the members of the two teams left the team lounge and gathered at the entrance of the player tunnel, waiting for the host to announce that they would come on stage.

Broiler patted Lin Ran's arm affectionately and spoke in Mandarin with an accent, "Brother, what's going on with your team's recent status?"

"Don't mention it, there are always scammers trying to mess with me," Lin Ran began to feel disgusted with the mentality of his teammates, "Especially our jungler, he's too good."

Xiaoyao clenched his fists beside him and dared not speak out in anger.

"How about the two of us switch jungles?" Broiler always had a smile on his face when he spoke, looking very naive.

"Would you like to change..." Lin Ran glanced at his old teammate Ning next to him, who was similar in height to him. "It doesn't matter, I still choose Xiaotian."

"Brother Ran, you look down on me, don't you?" Ning also had a smile on his face, "I'm not good at it now!"

It's really not good.

IG has now won four consecutive major games, which is inseparable from the outstanding performance of the middle and upper jungle.

After Ning's famous performance in the spring game, his mind cleared up a lot, and Han Yi supervised his training, so his performance became more and more outstanding.

With a barrel in one hand and Zac in the other, he is very suitable for the current version. He won 3 MVPs in 8 winning games, proving that he can not only start a team, but also kill.

"Welcome to the live broadcast of the 2017 LPL Summer Split. The focus of the third week is about to take place. IG, the top team in Group A, will face the defending champion YM!"

Today's commentators are Remember and Miller, both of whom, like the audience, have been looking forward to this game for a long time.

After reading the advertiser's spoken word, remember to be the first to start the topic.

"Since the start of the season, YM's status has indeed fluctuated greatly. The summer split has only been played for two weeks, and they have lost even more games than the previous year."

Miller introduced another team, "IG's recent performance has been very impressive. After replacing West, their record has also soared, and they even won 8 consecutive games in small games. It looks a bit like YM before! "

"I just don't know if YM can get back to its previous form today," I remember the voice was still sonorous and powerful, "but I believe that today will definitely be a peak showdown!"

However, YM's performance in the first game was no different from the previous games in the summer split. Xiaotian still seemed to be doing nothing but pulling up his hips and ranking first.

At the beginning, he took advantage of Ning's jungle clearing time and crouched in the red zone. He waited for 5 seconds without seeing Ning's figure.

Garlic Bastard also thought that Ning was going to finish the lower half of the wild area and then capture people. He reminded himself of the bottom lane, and then pulled the red buff into his own bush to prepare to counter it.

But he didn't expect Ning to show up just now!

Seeing that the red BUFF camp sign on the mini-map had not disappeared, King Ning immediately reacted. Knowing that Xiaotian was fighting in the grass, he decisively operated the wine barrel and hit it directly into the grass!

Xiaotian, who was half-healthy, couldn't defeat this drunkard who didn't attack lightly or hard in a duel. After being knocked out and killed, he was close to collapse in the jungle.

"No, what the hell is his jungle route?" Xiaotian looked at the black and white screen angrily, "Why don't you play according to the routine?"

Lin Ran looked at the panel and found that Ning's farming numbers were normal, but his speed deviated from Xiaotian's estimate.

"He did it slowly on purpose, right?" Lin Ran frowned, "I guess he expected you to come against him in the jungle."

"wdnmd..." Xiaotian cursed secretly.

His various counter-jungle timing points in this round were very accurate. His time management ability in the jungle is getting stronger and stronger, and he already has a bit of a jungle core idea.

But every time, there was a delay of a few seconds. Ning did not arrive at the first time at all. Instead, he arrived at the scene after Xiaotian started to sneak into the wild, and then grabbed the garlic and beat up the bastard.

Lin Ran didn't expect that Ning actually knew the Thousand Layer Cake Theory.

Xiaotian thought that Ning was on the first floor and he was on the second floor, but he didn't expect that King Ning would actually stand on the fifth floor!

In this situation, Xiaotian was no match for Prince Ning. He was so stunned that he was beaten.

Plus the composed performance of a broiler clockwork. IG successfully won the first game.

Many viewers in the live broadcast room were disappointed.

【YM started again? I just can't understand why Xiaotian has no rhythm at all? 】

[The whole game was sleepwalking and paddling, and even gave first blood to King Ning. Xiaotian’s performance was even more outrageous than before! 】

[Jack is also a five. I thought his laning strength and tonnage were the same, and he was getting closer to Uzi, but I didn’t expect that he couldn’t suppress West. 】

【Jack? It's just steamed buns with kohlrabi. No one can tell him what he can do? 】

【What's wrong with west? In IG's historical ADC rankings, people are also sitting on the sidelines, so don't look down on them! 】

West, who took over from the kid Youshen, performed very well in the summer split and seems to be on the verge of becoming a first-tier ADC in the LPL.

Especially Kasumi Ishou is extremely proficient.

More importantly, West is the only Edici with a 100% winning rate in the summer split, and he is fully capable of competing with the senior kids for the throne of the No. 1 ADC in IG history.

Remember, who was on the commentary desk, suddenly held up his headset with a surprised expression.

"We received the news from the director and YM made substitution adjustments."

"Prophet adjusted his condition at the end of the game and was replaced by Crisp, the substitute assistant!"

This is Liu Qingsong’s new ID for the summer season. According to him, the name sounds like potato chips when pronounced.

But the barrage didn't buy it.

【? ? ? Substitution at this time? 】

[Are you really out of ideas? Treating a dead horse as a live doctor, right? 】

[If I remember correctly, this substitute assistant played in the spring game, right? As far as I remember, Thresh was just okay. It was really not that great. 】

[A support who can't even secure a place in the secondary league comes to save the world champion YM. I really want to scream! 】

To change substitutes between games, players must come on stage in advance to change peripherals and accounts.

At this time, Liu Qingsong, who was sitting alone on the player bench sorting out his peripherals, looked calm and calm.

He plugged in the mouse interface and adjusted the sensitivity. Without wearing any sound-isolating headphones, he could hear the rustling doubts from the audience.

Liu Qingsong logged into the competition server account and looked at YM Crisp's ID with high morale in his eyes.

Tonight, he will make all doubts disappear!

After thinking about it, I decided to break down this four-pack-two system and tell you about it.

Of course, I can only try my best to restore the team's tactical system. Due to limited space and personal level, the actual four-guarantee-two system is definitely more rigorous than what is written in the article.

Ps: For analyst questions, please read the highlights in the book review area.

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