LOL: What is a roaming mid laner?

Chapter 274 272: Practical attempt of the new four guarantees of two!

"YM used its priority to choose sides in the second game to get the red side, while IG was on the blue side!"

Hanyi first disables spiders.

As a jungle hero that King Ning personally used to play a big game of chess, Han Yi didn't trust his spider proficiency.

Xiaotian on the opposite side is a well-known spider player. In last year's World Championship, she was able to ride on the head of another Spider King, Xiao Peanut, and make shit. Needless to say, her proficiency was high.

Putting Spider in the ban position is a sign of respect for the Garlic Bastard.

YM, on the other hand, banned Zac, the jungler who is the strongest in the version and whom King Ning is very good at.

I remember that the two commentators Miller and I were still talking about the changes in the strong support heroes after the new version was launched. When they turned around, they found that the first round of bans had ended.

"IG banned Pig Girl and Digger in the second and third moves, and all three ban positions are given to jungle heroes with strong version."

I remember taking the words and saying, "YM found that IG's ban idea was not quite right, so they did not ban the jungler. Instead, they targeted other lanes and banned Xia, who is good at Lucian and West!"

But Han Yi on the side smiled as if her conspiracy had succeeded.

As the former coach of YM, he believes that he has a thorough understanding of his old club.

At present, as long as Xiaotian has no voice in the early stage, it will be difficult for YM to beat IG.

Because Lin Ran is immobile in the middle, Broiler can use his personal ability to restrict him as much as possible.

As a result, YM's midfield system, which had previously been invincible in the world, collapsed.

The purpose of his 3-ban jungler in this game was to completely lock Xiaotian.

When Han Yi left YM, he was holding his breath in his heart. He wanted to prove that he could win without him on the championship team, but YM couldn't do it without him, Han Yi.

However, the powerful YM in the Spring Split crushed the young IG led by him, and they were defeated without even being able to organize an effective resistance.

Now, the opportunity has come.

It is said that a tiger will be bullied by a dog, but Hanyi doesn't mind being the dog.

He has a strong desire to win and will not give up any chance to defeat YM.

He even made some responses for substitute Liu Qingsong.

Han Yi knew that Liu Qingsong was best at Thresh, so he didn't even ban him, so he just released him.

The sapphire blue Thresh is also a hero that can take action. If the red square YM wants to snatch the Thresh, he must choose it first and second.

This is equivalent to forcing YM to give up a position.

"IG will first grab the remaining jungle barrel of the next version for King Ning, and let's see how YM chooses..."

"Rambo and the Prince!" Miller was a little surprised. "YM took two swing positions first. This is very different from their selection ideas in the previous game!"

I remember being equally surprised, "Rambo made changes in version 7.12, which was launched on the competition server today, and YM immediately put it to use!"

In version 7.12, not only the three hard auxiliary equipment have been changed, but also a series of heroes such as Rambo. (See this chapter for Rambo changes)

The damage caused by the Yodel Young Inventor Q [Arson Feast] to minions has been weakened to 75%, and the cooldown reduction time has also been increased.

However, the basic damage has been greatly enhanced, so even if the damage rate to minions has been weakened, the damage of a Q [Arson Feast] to minions is still slightly higher than before.

The Broken Shield and Electronic Harpoon have also been slightly enhanced.

Han Yi frowned, feeling something was wrong.

what's the situation?

Not picking Thresh?

Hanyi's first reaction was that Bai Yueya had buried a hole for herself.

He thought about it but couldn't find where the trap was.

"Threstone and Syndra, just take them."

He chose to give Broiler a version of Syndra that was still strong, and then snatched away Liu Qingsong's Thresh.

YM's last choice was Luo.

In the second round of bans, Hanyi and Bai Yueya targeted positions that both sides had not selected yet.

IG banned Ice and Big Mouth, while YM banned Crocodile and Sword Queen.

"YM grabs Verus and locks the bottom lane combination!"

Hanyi was still pacing behind the contestants' table, his expression solemn.

YM now still has a midfield swing.

In the YM system, the prince can play in the middle or in the wild, and Rambo swings wildly in the middle and in the wild.

It was difficult for him to choose.

"How about the policewoman and Qinggangying?" Han Yi asked his team members for their opinions.

In his opinion, whether it is Rambo top laner or Prince top laner, Qinggangying is a very good choice.

TheShy subconsciously touched his chin. He looked at the lineup displayed on the opposite side and muttered a few words in Korean.

Hanyi looked at the broiler.

"He said Qinggangying can do it." Broiler, a part-time translator, said.

Baolan locked in decisively.

So far, the entire IG lineup has been released.

White Crescent thought for a moment, "Jin Gong, can I get Jax for you?"

He wanted to leave the prince to Xiaotian.

Since there are no tanks on the opposite side, one of the most powerful equipment of the Prince in the past, Black Cut, does not need to be used. The direct Slag Jungle Knife + Gargoyle Stone Plate armor is enough for its smoothness.

Jin Gong naturally had no objection.

Although he has grown older, his ranking practice has not diminished at all. The hero pool is deep, and the weapon master Jax is naturally very proficient.

Not to mention that the hero Weapon Master is still weak against Qinggangying.

Jin Gong is confident that he will have an advantage against TheShy.

"YM brought out Jax..." Miller couldn't help but admire when he saw YM's lineup confirmed, "If nothing else, this swing position choice is pretty good."

"Their hero pool is so deep that they can really play anything," remembering to nod. "It depends on whether Xiaotian can adjust his condition in this game. His early rhythm is crucial to YM."

The lineups of both sides are as follows.

IG: Top laner Qinggangying, jungler Barrel, mid laner Syndra, bottom lane policewoman + Thresh.

YM: Top laner Jax, jungler Prince, mid laner Rambo, bottom laner Verus + Luo.

"YM is obviously stronger in team fights," Miller analyzed. "The four heroes except Jax are all stronger than the other in team fights."

I remember speaking from the side, "I personally think that the winning and losing points of this game are in the early and mid-term. The style of these two teams is not focused on head-to-head battles in the later stage. Whoever gets the early advantage will win this game. "

【Then YM is gone. 】

[As a ten-year-old fan of YM, I am ready to pretend to be dead. Who can help me close the coffin lid? 】

[I choose to believe in Ran Bo, the mid laner. Don’t ask, it’s the belief of the older generation of e-sports people! 】

Many viewers are not optimistic about YM, not because they think YM is weak, but because they think they are not suitable for the current version.

After YM lost to JDG, many UP owners on the Internet made videos analyzing YM's defeat.

They all mentioned the Rift Herald that was reworked in this mid-season version, and believed that this was a huge weakening of YM's four-pack-two system.

What's more, in order to win the prize, some boldly claimed that YM would most likely not be able to enter the S7 global finals, and were sprayed by angry YM fans to close the comment area.

Now, millions of pairs of eyes at home and abroad are staring at them, some are worried, others are laughing...

In the YM team voice, the five people are full of energy.

"Everyone remember what they should do and don't make any mistakes." Lin Ran reminded his team members.

Jack was very worried, "Don't worry, Brother Ran, we have practiced in training matches several times, there will definitely be no problem."

"In the first game of the new four-for-two, it's better to be cautious," Lin Ran reminded, "When we took this lineup, our opponents in the training match were all our second teams, and their strength level is definitely not as good as IG's."

"Why does he care so much?" Xiaotian moved his neck, "Just rush and that's it!"

The garlic bastard, who had been holding back for two weeks and had not been able to vent, could no longer hold back his palms and was ready to rush at any time.

He quickly bought his starting gear and headed to the jungle to take up his position.

Lin Ran hesitated for a moment, then gave up the Dolan Shield and went out, bought the Dark Seal and the Compound Potion and headed for the middle road.

On the red side, they don't need to consider changing to the jungle. Xiaotian plans to start with the normal red BUFF.

He thought he could start smoothly, but the calm situation was quickly broken.

"IG formed a group and wanted to invade. They wanted to determine Xiaotian's route to open the jungle!"

Han Yi was still somewhat advanced, and he knew that Lin Ran liked to play dirty tricks - going out to scan and clear the jungle ward position, and then using his ward experience to grab the second spot in advance was a common occurrence for him.

Therefore, he arranged the early jungle invasion time very late before the game, so as not to give Lin Ran a chance to react.

When Jack and Liu Qingsong saw the other three members of IG, except the middle and top players, entering the blue zone together, they had no choice but to respond.

"Xiaotian can only open red in the first half of the area, and then try to change to the blue BUFF from IG!" I remember couldn't help but say, "This is a big loss for YM!"

As a result, Xiaotian's position was forced into the top half, and everyone in IG knew this well.

This means that Xiaotian not only has no way to capture him at the third level, but it is even difficult to find another opportunity to capture him before the first wave of returning to the city.

This is very harmful to junglers like Prince who rely on early rhythm.

The audience obviously also knows that YM's early decision-making is lagging behind IG.

【Bad! 】

[Here comes the familiar script, fast forward to 20 minutes of Xiaotian 0/0/0, the whole scene is sleepwalking! 】

[Xiaotian, come on, Xiaotian! 】

Lin Ran can't control his jungler now, he has to focus on his lane.

Because he had taken two steps into the jungle, Broiler took the lead in completing the task of grabbing the line. He controlled Syndra to stand between the YM long-range soldiers and the first tower of YM, trying to force Lin Ran to retreat.

As a broiler brand, Syndra's level is definitely among the best in the world.

Moreover, the hero Ball Girl has been extremely powerful in laning since the first level. Q [Dark Sphere] has short cooldown, low mana consumption, and does not attract the hatred of minions, making Syndra extremely powerful in the middle.

There are not many mid lane heroes that can match the strength of Syndra in the previous levels, and Rambo is definitely not among them.

This hero doesn't become strong until level 3.

Coupled with the increased cooldown of Rambo's Q skill, Lin Ran, who did not dare to step forward to replenish troops at close range, simply clicked E [Electronic Harpoon].

But Broiler refused to let go, and controlled Syndra to keep moving forward. It seemed that he wanted to push Lin Yan under the tower.

Lin Ran didn't expect the cock to be so crazy.

Naturally, he is not willing to be suppressed like this. The first wave of troops has just been handed over in the middle line. You want me to go under the tower?

He gave the cock a fierce look.

Then he ran to the tower and shut himself up.

The director noticed what happened in the middle and quickly cut the camera.

"The first-level broiler pushed Ran out of the experience zone. How are we going to play?" Miller didn't expect such a dramatic scene to happen in the middle.

The barrage in the live broadcast room was filled with questions.

Unexpectedly, Ran, who they had high hopes for, gave up resistance in the first wave of troops!

Broiler wasn't surprised.

Lin Ran just gave up his position now. Although he left the experience area, in the final analysis, no soldiers were killed, which meant that he had not lost experience yet.

(Tip, the LOL troop line experience gain range is 1,600 yards, which is greater than the distance from the center line to the middle tower. If handled properly, the long hand will beat the short hand, and the first wave of troop lines may prevent the opponent from gaining experience)

But problems soon arose.

The three melee soldiers on both sides wore each other down to residual health.

There aren't many choices for broiler chicken.

If he uses Q to take out all three minions, the line of soldiers will push towards the YM middle tower, and Lin Ran will step forward to resist Syndra's general attack and eat up the experience of the line of soldiers.

If he uses his normal attack to kill one of them, Lin Ran will definitely take advantage of the lag time when he raises his hand to throw the electronic harpoon. In this case, the harpoon is bound to hit - this is why Broiler suppressed it before The reason for not using basic attacks to deal with the troop line in advance.

After the electronic harpoon was strengthened, Rambo, who had come out of the Dark Seal, could poke out nearly 100 of Syndra's blood with a single harpoon, which a normal person would never be able to withstand.

After such a short period of thinking, Broiler suddenly came up with a third way.

He neither uses basic attacks nor skills, and intends to let the melee soldiers on both sides beat each other to death.

In this way, although there is no army line economy to gain, he can gain experience, but Lin Ran cannot.

But Lin Ran left the defense tower and took two steps forward.

Broiler calmly used Q [Dark Sphere] to predict Lin Ran's forward position, and at the same time began to retreat.

The distance of this dark orb was calculated very accurately, just at the edge of the experience zone.

If Lin Ran wants to gain experience, he must be hit by this ball.

He has no choice.

At this time, the broiler moved backward, and then raised his hand to make a basic attack to consume Lin Ran.

Lin Ran stood motionless.

Broiler Syndra raised her hand, but this basic attack just didn't come out.

Lin Ran calmly devoured the experience of three melee soldiers, and then stood and danced.

Rambo jumped out of his Galaxy Magic suit and flipped around on the drill, looking quite cute.

Break through the sky! Drill through everything! the yordle shouted.

"Huh?" Miller on the commentary desk didn't understand at first, "Did Broiler make a mistake? I saw that one of his basic attacks failed to hit."

Many viewers also discovered this detail.

Some people are still posting question marks in the live broadcast room.

But Broiler knew that he couldn't hit this basic attack.

Lin Ran also knew that Broiler knew that this basic attack could not hit him.

If this basic attack hits Lin Ran, the consequence will be that the army line is pushed forward.

Because now the six melee soldiers with higher tankiness on both sides have been killed, and the remaining long-range soldiers are quite fragile.

In this case, if Syndra uses basic attacks to attract the hatred of YM minions, the troop line will be pushed forward much faster than before.

Against Rambo in the middle, if the jungler is not available to help cross the tower, it is best for the non-displacement mage not to push the troops forward.

Because Rambo's Q [Arson Feast] does not attract the hatred of minions, pushing the line of soldiers under Rambot's tower will make it difficult for one's own line of soldiers to cause damage to Rambo during the blood exchange.

And if Rambo is pinned under the tower, if he is accidentally hit by a harpoon and slowed down, he will most likely be chased and grilled.

Broiler planned to control the line of troops in the middle of the river, so that he could suppress Lin Ran without worrying about being chased and roasted.

Both sides know this game well. They know that their opponents are world-class mid laners. This kind of knowledge is not a detail at all for players of this level.

The commentators and some viewers couldn't tell, firstly, because they didn't experience the laning personally. Watching the game from a God's perspective was completely different from the laning experience in person.

Second, because the director will not focus the camera on one line for a long time, the director has already cut the screen before the audience can take a closer look at the situation of the soldier line.

The third thing is... their understanding of the game is a bit green, and some people really don't know how to handle certain hero matches.

The broiler controlled Syndra and once again used his own strength to press forward.

Lin Ran was too lazy to pay attention to him, he had to gain experience from the army line.

If he fails to reach level three, he will never be able to turn over for the rest of his life.

Seeing Syndra pressing forward, she knocked down a bottle of reusable potion to maintain her condition.

Broiler knows very well, so he uses Q [Dark Sphere] to consume Lin Ran. Anyway, this skill does not attract the hatred of the minions, so it can be suppressed no matter how hard it is.

Lin Ran tried to twist his waist to dodge the skill, but Broiler's Syndra's proficiency was indeed very high. He only lost two Q's damage by dodging like this.

However, the Dark Seal's passive +25% healing effect from the potion kept Lin Ran in good condition.

Not a single soldier was replenished, but Lin Ran successfully advanced to level two while still having a bottle of medicine and 3/4 of his blood.

He looked at the data panel and found that Broiler's Syndra had only made up two kills, so he relaxed and invested his skill points into W [Broken Shield].

He doesn't try to imitate Q to replenish troops. He thinks the same as Broiler and doesn't push the lane.

Broiler found that he could not consume Lin Ran at all.

He didn't expect Lin Ran to learn W to resist pressure at Level 2, and why the Rambo shield was so thick!

Although the duration of Shattered Shield is now reduced by 0.5 seconds, it is completely sufficient to deal with skill-based burst mages like Syndra.

More importantly, the basic shield value of Level 1 W [Broken Shield] is directly strengthened to 80 points!

Coupled with Rambo's own magic resistance and the magic power provided by the dark seal, Lin Ran can now open the shield when the chicken hits the ball without losing a drop of blood.

Lin Ran now only needs to calculate the 2-second difference in cooldown between Syndra's Q and Rambo's W shields to achieve brainless damage resistance.

Even with such a good temper, Broiler couldn't help but curse the fist designer secretly at this time.

Shameless? If Rambo is in the middle, can anyone use him?

Broiler threw his Q twice experimentally, but found that Lin Ran's health bar didn't move, so he had to give up.

He was confident that the cooling gap between his dark sphere and Lin Ran's shield would consume him.

But Lan Liang didn't allow him to do this.

Although the mana cost of Syndra's Q skill has not been weakened yet, a magic ball costs 40 mana. How can it be used by a broiler like this?

In desperation, Broiler had no choice but to mend his knife.

Miller and Ye Yi on the commentary desk have long since stopped focusing on the middle. They are now focusing on the jungle.

I remember watching the prince EQ who had just finished eating the red BUFF go down to the dragon pit, and then walked directly to the IG blue zone.

"Xiaotian went to the IG jungle after beating the red, and he didn't clear the blue buff first, but still beat the three wolves first. What kind of trick is this?"

Miller couldn't figure it out for a while, "Xiaotian didn't clean up his own jungle area first, but cleaned up all the monsters in King Ning..."

At 2 minutes and 17 seconds, Xiaotian ate the IG Three Wolves; at 2 minutes and 36 seconds, Xiaotian ate the IG Demon Marsh Frog.

After doing all this, Garlic Bastard just started to brush the blue BUFF.

Then eat the river crabs, and then rush back to your own wild area to farm.

"Brother Ran, let me gain some experience." Xiaotian brushed the sharp-beaked bird while walking close to the wall near the middle.

In this position, he can gain experience in the middle lane through the wall.

Lin Ran didn't say much at first.

Xiaotian divided the experience of several soldiers, and then found that he still had a little experience to upgrade to the fourth level.

He simply did not retreat, and still stood at the innermost position of the wall, gaining experience while returning to the city.

At the moment when he was about to return to the spring, he successfully reached level 4.

Lin Ran was shocked by Xiaotian's shameless behavior.

"You are really disgusting, you stupid bastard!" Lin Ran operated Rambo's last-ditch attack, "You are using my place as a training studio?"

Xiaotian was very happy.

He returned to the city this time to make up for the green jungle knife and long sword, and then immediately went to the IG blue zone!

"Xiaotian made a good plan!" I remember reacting, "He is trying to beat the time difference and brush IG's Three Wolves and Demon Swamp Frog twice!"

At 4 minutes and 47 seconds, IG’s second group of three wolves refreshed on time.

Xiaotian just arrived at the spot and took it away decisively!

At this time, King Ning had just finished replenishing the equipment and left the spring.

But Xiaotian had almost wiped out this group of three wolves at this time.

At 5 minutes and 6 seconds, the Demonic Swamp Frog was refreshed. Xiaotian still squatted here on time and used punishment to steal the Demonic Swamp Frog.

"Ning came a step too late, and all he faced was scraps!"

Not only Miller didn't expect Xiaotian's strange jungle route, but Ning didn't either.

During this period, Koamano District's economic suppression tactics were not practiced in vain, and this came in handy.

Xiaotian first wiped out the two groups of non-BUFF wild monsters on IG.

The purpose is to refresh these two groups of wild monsters as soon as possible.

And Prince Ning didn’t know all this.

With the goal accomplished, Xiaotian went back to farm his own wild monsters, and then gave up his group of gargoyles.

He had just lost experience and was at level 4. He decisively bought equipment and rushed here. He successfully arrived just when the three wolves were refreshed.

Prince Ning, who was straight, thought that Xiaotian would save the three wolves and the magic swamp frog in the IG camp for last.

After all, this can slow down the refresh time of wild monsters and make the opposing jungler as disgusting as possible.

But he never expected that Master Xiao Tianyi would be bold enough to clean up in advance, and then use his time to eat two more sets of wild monsters!

"Ning is so hurt. The next time the Demon Marsh Frog and Three Wolves are refreshed will be at 7 and a half minutes!"

"The question is, how will he reach level 6?" Miller looked a little excited, "Xiaotian successfully restrained King Ning in the jungle!"

King Ning, who had wiped out his Beak Bird and Gargoyle, was still not at level 5, but at this time he had no wild left to brush!

"In the middle, Ran was holding on to the broiler with last hits, but now YM is taking an economic lead. They seem to have found the feeling in this game!" I remember being overjoyed.

Regarding analysts’ questions, there are answers to the highlights in the book review area. Interested viewers can take a look.

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