LOL: What is a roaming mid laner?

Chapter 286 284: Accident (7200 words long chapter!)

Lin Ran took off his headphones, stood up and looked at the audience.

There was silence.

The audience was also immersed in the scene of Rambo going around and killing five people, which was too shocking for them.

They couldn't understand why a Rambo's damage in 20 minutes was so exaggerated?

"Just shake hands, it's boring." Lin Ran curled his lips. He originally thought how powerful this group of spectators could be, but now it turned out to be nothing more than that.

Lee Sang Hyuk clearly showed annoyance when shaking hands. He made a fatal mistake in the early stage of the game. The Snake Girl, who was already 0/2 in 5 minutes, was obviously unable to shoulder the important task of being the core of the team, and even failed to implement the originally planned tactics. Then implement it.

KKoma who was in the lounge was lost in thought.

Although they lost this game, he felt that there was nothing wrong with the tactics. If faker didn't make mistakes, they should have an advantage in the early stage.

After the game, Lin Ran and Liu Qingsong were arranged to be interviewed by domestic media.

After the routine self-introduction session, Immortal Grip Ren Dong faced the two of them,

"First of all, congratulations to YM for defeating SKT and adding another point to our LPL division. How do you two feel about this game?"

Liu Qingsong thought for a while and answered, "As a member of the team, of course I am very happy to win against SKT, but I don't have much gaming experience in this game."

"My teammates are too strong. Brother Ran kills five times without giving me, the support, a chance to show off my personal control." He shrugged.

Lin Ran thought for a moment and felt that this little brat Liu Qingsong was hinting at someone.

He saw Ren Dong's eyes focused on him, and he picked up the phone without thinking:

"I feel very happy too."

"I have been winning since my debut. Logically speaking, winning the intercontinental group stage will not cause a big fluctuation in my emotions..."

He paused and met Ren Dong's confused gaze.

"But the fans at the scene were so enthusiastic. I have never seen such a high-quality audience." Lin Ran saw Liu Qingsong suppressing a smile out of the corner of his eye. "I am moved by their passion for e-sports."

"Of course I will not live up to their expectations. I will feel very happy to win the game under such circumstances. It is a very satisfying and fulfilling thing." Lin Ran concluded.

Since today was an official interview with the LPL, the whole process was broadcast live on the platform, and the audience had just won against the powerful rival SKT, and the audience was very enthusiastic.

[God, meow, e-sports passion, hahahaha. 】

[This yin and yang strange atmosphere has the smell of Xiaotian! 】

[Ran: The audience wants me to lose? Against 8, I just want to win! 】

[Shrimps and pig hearts, right? 】

Liu Qingsong was still trying his best to tighten the corners of his mouth and keep his aloof persona from collapsing.

And Ren Dong's expression almost collapsed.

He coughed lightly, and then immediately asked the second question, "The knockout round will be held tomorrow. What do you two think about it?"

" the championship." Liu Qingsong's face was stiff as usual.

Lin Ran held the microphone, "If our LPL can play tomorrow, I will be extremely excited and give the audience a wonderful game that they will never forget."

His tone was serious, but both Ren Dong and Liu Qingsong heard a strong hint of threat.

If the LPL division fails to get a place in the finals and plays in the LMS division in the semi-finals, Lin Ran will definitely go crazy and kill again. It is not impossible to recreate the grand occasion of zero-blocking the Lightning Wolves.

[Crazy, crazy, crazy! 】

[Oops, what should I do if I have a little expectation for no reason? 】

[Can IG lose later? I want to watch LPL kill Wanwan! 】

"Thank you for your hard work." Guo Hao stood at the exit of the contestants' tunnel to greet them, and stepped forward to pat them on the shoulders.

"We have won 4 games, right?" Liu Qingsong asked at the side, "Are we almost catching up with the LCK?"

Guo Hao remembers these things very clearly, "IG must win MVP so that we can have the possibility of competing for first place in the playoffs."

At this time, Hanyi and the IG members also walked out of the lounge.

"Come on, come on." Lin Ran looked at his old coach.

Han Yi's stern face showed a hint of smile, "Don't worry, I will definitely win this game."

But the slap-in-the-face plot always unfolded very quickly, and Lin Ran never expected that his post-game interview would actually come true.

The LCK runner-up MVP team, which they had ignored before, burst out with amazing energy!

"This support is quite powerful..." Liu Qingsong and the prophet muttered together.

Lin Ran also leaned on the backrest and stared at the big screen in the lounge.

MVP's assistant is good at playing tricks. In this game, he used the unconventional Thain to fight against IG's bottom lane.

Ten minutes into the game, this Thain has wandered offline three times, and each time he has gained kills from IG.

Baolan on the other side was tied tightly in the bottom lane and could not move.

In this case, IG couldn't resist the ubiquitous Thain, and the MVP team played a gorgeous jungle attack like mercury pouring down the ground.

In the early and middle stages of the game, IG was so dizzy that they were hit by Thain. As soon as they heard the reminder of the veteran driver Thain's ultimate move to drive, IG's economy fell behind by 5K in the middle stage, and the situation almost collapsed.

Although Hanyi has been emphasizing operational ideas after joining IG, trying to give IG more diverse tactical ideas.

But after teaching for half a year, IG still has the same style of play in disadvantageous situations - forcefully start a group.

This is the disadvantageous strategy that IG has pursued since its establishment. It is the cornerstone of the team and Hanyi cannot change it at all.

This type of forceful group play is a double-edged sword.

Either one wave of teams will reverse all the disadvantages, or they will die suddenly after the team battle, without even a chance to struggle and breathe.

IG in this game has the latter result.

In 26 minutes, with a 6K economic disadvantage, they forced the team to take over with MVP in Dalongkeng.

Needless to say, Thain was strong in the river team battle. He activated his ultimate move and hit Broiler and Sapphire with one head, and cooperated with his teammates to kill them first.

In a wave of 0-for-4 team battles, MVP harvested the baron and took advantage of the situation to pull out all outer towers of IG, widening the economic gap to 1W.

At this point, the game lost its last bit of suspense. MVP returned to the city to resupply equipment, and brought the Baron BUFF to bulldoze the IG base in one go.

Han Yi in the lounge was very unhappy.

Every time he sees his players handling a disadvantageous situation like this, he feels his blood pressure rising.

The IG players' style of fighting in a disadvantaged game completely abandoned the role of the coach. Anyway, they were reckless from beginning to end.

The white crescent moon marked many X's on the record table.

So far, all LPL games have been played, and they are ranked second with a record of 5 wins and 3 losses. They will face the LMS division tomorrow.

"Do you still need to prepare for the semi-finals tomorrow?" Bai Yueya was very relaxed. He felt that the Wanwan division was here to give out points, "How about we directly study the opponents in the final tonight."

The other three coaches had no objections.

In their view, the competitiveness of the Wanwan Division is indeed very weak. Both personal strength and overall team coordination are not on the same level as the LPL.

The coaching staff of the four teams studied the videos of the LCK team in the training room that night; several analysts got together to sort out various data of the Korean team.

Dozens of players are racing against time to practice in training matches.

It is worth mentioning that after the group stage, the three major divisions will conduct brutal knockout rounds, and several major divisions will not be able to schedule their opponents' training matches - because this may reveal the tactics they have prepared.

The four LPL teams are simply divided into two groups to practice with each other.

One night passed quickly, and while the three major competition areas were busy preparing for the knockout rounds, the outside public opinion before the game was also gradually fermenting.

The viewers who support the LPL are looking forward to seeing a hearty victory tomorrow. In their view, there is no doubt about it.

And many Wanwan viewers also saw Lin Ranxin’s interview video.

They realized a problem: no team can stop YM now.

Even SKT, which was once so powerful, can't stop this supernova. They are a group of old, weak, sick and disabled people in the LMS division who are relying on the blood of Dou Emperor. What can they use to defeat YM?

This is simply an egg against a rock.

Moreover, Lin Ran almost had the word threat written on his face during the interview. If they continue to manipulate people in the audience tomorrow, no one can guarantee whether YM will take any drastic action.

24 kills and 0 kills against Lightning Wolf may be just an appetizer. It is not impossible to use the Baron to delay the time and forcefully block the high ground to kill.

After all, Riot Games officially only prohibits malicious abuse of springs. YM "believes" that he can't end the game in one wave, and it is not against the rules to forcefully block the kill around the high ground.

Given this disparity in strength, the more ferocious they make, the more miserable the teams in their own division will be, and the audience will be very frustrated.

Whether to continue making trouble or to preserve the last bit of dignity for oneself, this kind of decision does not require thinking at all.

The Wanwan audience planned to save their energy for the finals. Anyway, their own region would have been eliminated by then, and even if the LPL vented their anger, they would not be able to blame them.

That's right, everyone in the audience feels that their team is destined to die tomorrow. The final is undoubtedly a traditional program between LPL and LCK.

Therefore, when the four LPL teams took the stage the next day, the audience was completely silent, unlike the boos and respectful applause of the previous day.

The rules of the knockout stage of the Intercontinental Tournament are very interesting. The four teams on both sides can freely decide the order of playing. They only need to follow one condition-each team must appear once in the first four games.

Once the decisive game is reached, both divisions are free to designate any team of their own to compete.

Generally speaking, this competition system is more like a horse racing game, which tests the ability of both sides to arrange their troops.

In the first game of today's semi-finals, the LPL joint coaching staff decided to let WE be the vanguard after discussion.

The opponent sent the Flash Wolves, the strongest team in the division.

Something happened that shocked everyone.

Kandi lost his rhythm in front of Casa, and the battle was quickly cut apart by the Flash Wolves. WE seemed to be sleepwalking in the early stage, and did not even organize an effective attack.

Benhu Maple seemed to have found confidence in Xiye just like Land Rover. Syndra acted like an assassin in his hands, squatting in various card angles and scoring three solo kills in 20 minutes.

When the mid-term came, WE took the opportunity to team up and catch the opponent off guard, but Casa Barrel's ultimate move was perfectly executed, exploding all of WE's double Cs, and successfully dragged Mimi Egg's teleport to the ground.

WE, which surrendered most of its skills but did not reduce the number of its opponents, was naturally no match for the Flash Wolves. They were chased all the way and then lost the Baron.

Today's Flash Wolves are extremely stable. After gaining the advantage, they played steadily and grinded against WE little by little.

Two big dragons and one ancient dragon. In 41 minutes, the Flash Wolves won this game.

(Life-saving tips: Don’t say I deliberately made things more difficult. In the real version of the 2017 Intercontinental Tournament, LPL and LMS played five games to determine the winner. At that time, in this semi-final, the Wanwan division was obviously more prepared than the LPL. BP pictured me Posted in this chapter)

The audience was dumbfounded.

What about the promised torture?

It's all three to zero as promised, so what if I can do it?

Flash Wolf, hello motorcycle, it’s making it hard for us to get off the stage.

Seeing the dawn of victory, they burst into deafening cheers from the audience.

The atmosphere in the LPL lounge suddenly became depressing.

No one expected that the LMS division, which they agreed before the game was not their opponent, would suddenly rise to prominence.

The coaching staff of the LMS division did not sit back and wait, but carefully prepared many tactics for the LPL.

This was obviously prepared.

"Shall we play in the next game?" Lin Ran suggested proactively, "Let's give everyone a little more confidence."

"Okay, let's go," the frowning Bai Yueya agreed with Lin Ran's suggestion, "I'll leave the next two games to you."

The second half of his sentence was addressed to Han Yi and Brother Feng.

The two coaches nodded to indicate they understood.

"The two sides in the second semi-final match are..." Zeyuan on the commentary desk pressed his earphones to receive the message from the director, "YM and AHQ!"

"Our Spring Split Champions, LPL No. 1 seed YM, are finally going to make their debut," Su Xiaoyan said, placing a notebook with various information in front of her desk as usual, "I also hope they can win this BO5 first for the LPL region. Win!"

The defeat in the last game made the audience in the live broadcast room unable to sit still.

[Stop making trouble, you won’t really lose to Wanwan in the end, right? 】

[I still dream of winning the LCK. Don’t even make it to the finals. That would be a slap in the face. 】

[Don’t lose, don’t lose, don’t lose, Qiuqiu, otherwise Wanwan will dance tonight and start making people sick! 】

"What do you say about this game?" Jack yawned and shook his legs, "Do you want to work harder?"

Lin Ran saw that some of the audience in the audience were starting to stir up trouble again. It seemed that they were still evil-minded. The victory of the Flash Wolf in the last game had caused waves in the hearts of the audience who had originally decided not to cause trouble.

"Fuck them to death and that's it." Lin Ran knew that unless he was cruel, these people would never have a long memory.

"Copy that!" Garlic Bastard pretended to salute.

"The BP session of the second game of the Asian Tournament semi-finals has officially begun. This time, the LMS, which ranked lower in the group stage, chose the side first, and they got the red side for themselves!"

Half a year after the 10ban competition system was implemented in the league, everyone generally believed that the blue side had a slight advantage. However, when facing YM, AHQ coach Green Tea decided to take the red side.

Because he knows very well how scary it is when YM is on the red side. That 4-pack-2 tactic means you can't defend yourself even if you hit the bright card.

"YM comes up and bans Galio first," Su Xiaoyan frowned, and took advantage of the director's camera not showing her time to look at her notebook. "YM rarely bans this hero on the blue side. There was only one small game before. This is how it is done..."

Green Tea sent Zach to the ban position.

The white crescent moon blocks the rock bird again.

"Taliya?" Zeyuan was also a little confused, "YM banned all roaming heroes with very high Ran proficiency. Isn't this a bit..."

Feeling a little cocooned.

Zeyuan didn't dare to say the second half of the sentence.

AHQ coach Green Tea also thought so. He frowned and was still thinking about the second ban position.

His coaching level as a coach is the same as his career as a player, mediocre and incompetent with few highlights.

If it weren't for the S4 global finals, when EDG's Nami ate beef noodles and continuously caught Thresh's hooks, Green Tea wouldn't even have any decent highlights in her career.

His role on the stage is not very big. The joint coaching staff had prepared all the BP last night. Green Tea only needs to follow the records in the notebook.

Just like Guan Yu dismantling Prime Minister Zhuge's bag.

But he never expected that Bai Yueya would not follow the routine.

Galio, are the hero who bans your own mid laner!

Is it possible that you, White Crescent Moon, are our undercover agents here?

Green Tea looked at the records in the notebook: the second ban spot in the first round was given to Thalia/Galio.

You have finished my journey, what should I do?

Green Tea didn’t prepare a plan B at all.

In his opinion, it is impossible for YM to ban these two heroes.

Unexpectedly, the white crescent moon looks like wearing Metersbonwe today. He is not taking the usual path!

"Forbidden God Demon?" The jungler Laoshan turned around and asked.

There are still 5 seconds left before the end of the countdown, and Green Tea is sweating profusely in the summer.

"Lucien... No, Zile Zilles!" Green Tea said in a panic. (Taiwan server Lucien=Lucian, Zeles=Zerath)

The old mountain man was confused.

What exactly is prohibited?

"The countdown is over, AHQ has no banned heroes!" Zeyuan shouted in an exaggerated tone, "What do you mean!"

"Wow, this..." Su Xiaoyan didn't know what to say.

The barrage in the live broadcast room exploded first.

[Does empty ban look down on people? 】

[Wanwan won a match and felt inflated, right? 】

【YM, kill me hard! Every time I kill one, I will give them a card in their live broadcast room! 】

YM also looked at each other in confusion.

"That's really cool..." Xiaotian pinched his fingers and his voice deepened, "Have you really never been abused?"

Lin Ran was also surprised.

He didn't expect AHQ to be so crazy.

Empty bans are rare in today's professional arena. They are nothing more than deliberate provocation, tactical needs, or failure to find the hero to be banned.

Lin Ran automatically rejected the last two possibilities.

Otherwise, the main reason was that during this intercontinental competition, the local host audience was very unfriendly, which gave Lin Ran a preconceived impression.

He sat up straight and adjusted the position of the keyboard, preparing to inflict pain on his opponent.

In this game, he would feel angry if he didn't give his opponent a good beating.

"Can you restart BP?" Green Tea quickly asked the referee behind him.

The female referee said with a cold face, "According to the regulations, BP is not allowed to be restarted unless there is a systemic problem."

"YM's third ban is for the unique card master from Ximen!"

"Forbidden Lucien." Green Tea finally adjusted and signaled Ximen Ye to ban the hero.

"YM first chooses the prince who swings in the wild..." Su Xiaoyan started flipping through the notebook again, "Since the 7.12 version update, YM likes to use the prince and Rambo as swing positions."

As soon as he finished speaking, AHQ immediately selected two heroes: Airplane and Rambo.

In fact, there is a combination of Xia Luo out there, but the strength of the combination of this pair of dogs and men is not outrageous yet. In the eyes of the LMS competition, the priority is obviously not as high as that of other powerful heroes in other versions.

Green Tea licked his lips nervously. His move had been studied by the LMS coaching staff for a long time.

As YM's important swing system and river god of war, Rambo will definitely not be given to them; Airplane is currently strong and is also a mid-to-late game core that Lin Ran is good at, which can play a role in replacing the ban.

There is only one question now, whether the opponent will choose Kassadin, who can restrain aircraft and Rambo.

"Should we take Kassadin directly?" Bai Yueya asked Lin Ran's opinion, "If we don't take it, we will most likely not be able to get this hero in the second round."

"Take it, take it." Lin Ran had no objection.

"Kassadin and Luo, YM locked in very quickly. They seem to be well prepared."

Green Tea saw Kassadin's face that looked like a necessary prop for driving appearing in the YM selection box, and felt reassured.

He was afraid that Bai Yueya would not follow the routine.

Turning over a page in the notebook was like opening another bag of tips, and the contents inside were extremely reassuring.

"Take Brom (Bron)."

The top three choices for both sides are finalized.

At the beginning of the second round of BP, Green Tea banned Xia and Hanbing; while White Crescent banned Pig Girl and Wine Barrel.

"It's obvious. Callista and Verus, one for each of us, no one can grab them." Zeyuan said with a smile.

Green Tea does the opposite and grabs the jungle first.

Now that the jungle position is banned, only spiders and blind monks are left.

He did not choose the more powerful spider in the current version, because he now has Rambo + Airplane, and his AP output has already overflowed. If he takes another spider, he will probably be restrained to death by Kassadin.

"Calista + Spider!" Su Xiaoyan couldn't help but sigh, "YM's lineup looks very fierce!"

"It's just that this Kassadin seems a bit inconsistent among a group of irritable early stage brothers..." Zeyuan analyzed, "You must know that although Kassadin restrains the aircraft, he definitely does not have lane rights in the early stage."

"And the center's ability to radiate to the sidelines and jungle is so strong. Now I'm a little worried about whether Kassadin can give enough help to his teammates in the early stage."

AHQ finally selected Verus.

The lineups of both sides are confirmed.

Blue square YM: top laner Prince, jungler Spider, mid laner Kassadin, bottom laner Kalista + Luo.

Red side AHQ: top laner Rambo, jungler Lee Sin, midlane plane, bottom lane Verus + Braum.

As BP ended and entered the loading interface, the audience burst into cheers. They were cheering for the team in their own division!

Lin Ran found that both the plane and Bron on the other side were weak.

This is obviously aimed at Kassadin's entry.

Lin Ran also vaguely understood the moment he saw the lineup taking shape.

The opponent deliberately asked him to choose Kassadin.

Then use Braum's backhand control and continuous weakness to solve Kassadin.

However, Lin Ran didn't think this was very difficult. He used Kassadin, who was strong in the later stages, but he had no intention of doing nothing in the early stages.

He went out to buy a potion of corruption and stood in a long snake formation along the river with his teammates, trying to protect his jungle area.

But it didn't work out.

"AHQ relies on its Braum and wants to invade the YM jungle!"

However, this time AHQ did not invade the lower half of YM, but instead sent a group to run to the upper half.

Logically speaking, this is to force Xiaotian's spider down the lane and create a four-pack-two condition for him.

However, AHQ's support in this game was the weak Braum, and Lin Ran used Kassadin, who had very poor roaming ability before level 6.

To a certain extent, this does not worry YM about killing the bottom lane.

And there is another key point.

YM's top laner is Prince + Spider, while AHQ's top laner is Rambo.

If this kind of game were played in a competition area like the LPL, which focuses on destroying the gaming experience of top laner Rambo, Rambo would have to be caught to death at least three or four times in the first 15 minutes.

Combining several factors, AHQ will naturally invade the upper half and drive Xiaotian to the lower half.

However, Lin Ran was very shrewd. When he discovered the movement of AHQ, he noticed a detail - the opponent, Bronn, had a level 1 scanner.

Therefore, when he retreated, he first took two steps toward the blue buff camp, and then retreated into the tower.

This looks like inserting an accessory eye into your own blue BUFF.

This small detail successfully deceived the opponent.

"Bron and his teammates entered the YM blue zone and started scanning, but they didn't find anything!" From a God's perspective, Zeyuan didn't know the details of the game between the two parties. He just thought it was a routine scan initiated by AHQ intrusion. .

"Do you want to let it go?" Lin Ran asked the Garlic Bastard for his opinion.

"I don't want to let it go, otherwise the early rhythm will be very bad." Xiaotian was a little reluctant.

Mid laner Kassadin cannot provide much help in the early stage. If he is still forced to run, it will be too difficult to fight in the early and mid-term.

"Then fight, their plane won't come." Lin Ran suggested.

"Won't it delay you?" Xiaotian was happy at first, and then asked thoughtfully.

There is no other reason. The blue buff is now refreshed in 1 minute and 38 seconds. If the mid laner helps, he will definitely lose troops.

"It doesn't matter," Lin Ran didn't care too much, "If you think you can fight, it's not a big deal if I lose a few troops. After all, there are heads to take."

"Then come!" Xiaotian gritted his teeth and made up his mind.

"The AHQ duo has returned to the bottom lane, and Ximen Ye said he has also rushed back to the middle lane. Now they only have one person left to help with buffs!"

"YM hasn't left the middle or jungle yet. It looks like they are trying to hold on to the jungle!" Su Xiaoyan also rarely got excited.

Ximen Ye said that after going online, he found that Lin Ran was missing.

He immediately realized what YM wanted to do.

While signaling, he ran towards the wild area.

But it was already late.

Blind Sin's Q [Tian Yin Wave] has been used, and now the blue BUFF blood volume is not much left, and his skills have not yet cooled down.

"YM's upper, middle and wild trio just barged in and wanted to complete the takeover!" Zeyuan looked at the battle that was about to break out on the screen and couldn't help but raise his voice.

Xiaotian, who transformed into a spider form, took action when the blue BUFF had nearly 500 blood left.

He used his Q skill to bite the wild monster fiercely, and at the same time, punishment fell from the sky!

Spider's Q carries beheading damage, and combined with punishment, it doesn't give the opposing blind monk without Q a chance!

With the blue BUFF in hand, Xiaotian successfully rose to level two!

AHQ jungler Laoshanren was stunned. He didn't expect that YM would dare to come to defend the jungle area.

"Get out, get out!" he shouted quickly.

Now Ximen Ye said there was no point in coming. The fighting power of the second-level spiders was far beyond what they could match with a few first-level small fishes.

But Xiaotian was not willing to let him go. E Feitian hung on the blind monk, put his face close to the opponent's face and didn't give his opponent time to react, and he transformed back into a human form and formed a cocoon to hit!

"Prince Jin Gong stepped forward and launched a dragon collision and a basic attack that took away the passive, and robbed the blind monk of a lot of health!"

Lin Ran also followed up, and the moment he resisted Rambo's harpoon, he noticed that his E [Energy Pulse] had lit up after several people around him handed over their skills to charge.

The fan-shaped void energy has a slowing effect on the blind monk again!

The first-level blind monk jungler didn't have much health when he went out. In addition, he lost a little health when he just killed the wild monster. Now he can't withstand the damage from YM's upper midfielder!

He took a look at his blood volume and knew that none of the three people on the other side had flashed. He didn't want to continue running, so he just finished it off.

"Give me the head!" Lin Ran shouted.

The power of the team leader was undoubtedly revealed, and the two teammates stopped and watched Lin Ran gain first blood with a single blow!

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