LOL: What is a roaming mid laner?

Chapter 285 283: Break the blockade!

"Xiaotian, come and catch him soon."

This is the solution Lin Ran came up with, it is simple and crude.

The Garlic Bastard had just finished eating his own red BUFF and was planning to switch to SKT's top half jungle. Hearing Lin Ran's words, he cut the screen and glanced at the middle.

"Is it possible?" He was a little unsure, "He moves very carefully."

"It's okay," Lin Ran was very confident, "I can make him fall for it, just don't worry."

Xiaotian gave up the idea of ​​going to SKT's wild area after hearing this, and planned to clear out all three groups of wild monsters in the upper half of his area first.

Lin Ran started to make arrangements at this time.

Faker knows that Xiaotian is active in the upper half, and now he is moving very low, not giving his opponents a chance to catch him.

Lin Ran stood at the back and used a harpoon to eat the first minion in the second wave of soldiers, successfully rising to level two.

Then he handed over another fully charged harpoon, which was also used to replenish troops.

Now there is still a ranged soldier with residual health left in front of him, but he has no harpoon to use.

Lin Ran pretended to hesitate for a moment, then stepped forward and turned on the flamethrower, preparing to kill the little soldier.

When Lee Sang Hyuk saw Rambo moving forward, he thought it was Xiaotian's desperate second-level catch.

He subconsciously twisted back to distance himself, and then realized that there was nothing strange in the surrounding grass, and then he realized that Lin Ran just wanted to hit the target.

When he came to his senses, he immediately used Q [Plague Explosion] to point at Lin Ran's feet.

Upon seeing this, Lin Ran turned around and walked away, but without the acceleration provided by W [Broken Shield], it was difficult for him to avoid the snake girl's poison.

The green venom stained Rambo's Galaxy Magic Mecha. Lee Sang Hyuk's eyes lit up and he immediately used the acceleration effect to catch up.

The twin fangs were revealed, and the extra damage caused to the poisoned target was too much for even Rambo, who had used the Dolan Shield.

Lin Ran quickly retreated, and Li Sang Hyuk didn't intend to pursue him too deeply. He shot two twin fangs and returned to the rear of the military line.

Both sides continued to develop peacefully. In order to prevent being ganked, Lee Sang Hyuk moved upward after eating three melee soldiers, obviously to arrange his vision.

"You go around here," Lin Ran glanced at the time when Li Sang Hyuk returned to the middle road, roughly calculated the position where he would insert the ward, and marked the river grass above to indicate that there might be an eye here, "Xialong Pit, from the opposite jungle area Come to China."

Then Lin Ran stepped forward again when the ranged soldier was about to be reduced to residual health. As usual, Li Sang Hyuk used the poison explosion combined with the twin fangs to wear down his health.

Now Lin Ran only has 60% of his health left, and Li Sang Hyuk still has 80% of his health left because he has resisted some of the hatred of the minions and Lin Ran's flames.

At 2 minutes and 38 seconds, the gun carriage line has reached the middle.

"Come on, come on," Lin Ran began to wave, "Xiaotian, look at what I'm doing."

Xiaoyao has now reached level 3. With double BUFFs, he went into the tunnel and into the dragon pit, then entered the upper half of SKT, making a long circle and entering the blind spot lurking in the middle of the field of vision.

He is not worried about his whereabouts being discovered by SKT's vision, because apart from Faker, only Huni is likely to be a ward in the top half.

However, Huni had been online before. Xiaotian judged that he might have inserted the first accessory eye in his own blue zone. Calculating the time, the eye position had long since disappeared.

Xiaotian, who was determined not to be discovered, squatted there quietly, waiting for his family member to attack first.

"Ran stepped forward to seduce. Isn't this position a bit obvious?" Miller looked at Rambo's position and was a little confused, but Li Sang Hyuk still took two steps forward and used his skills to exchange blood with Lin Ran.

"If there is a chance, faker's positioning is a bit aggressive!" Wawa immediately shouted.

In fact, Lee Sang Hyuk's position has always been near the military line, not at the front, but in the eyes of the commentators and the audience, this position is already very dangerous.

Because from God's perspective, they could clearly see the excavator crouching in the grass above.

As usual, Lin Ran took two steps forward and then fired the flamethrower, apparently to make up for the remaining health of the melee soldiers.

The scorching damage from the flames appeared, and Lin Ran retreated immediately after taking out the minions.

This time Li Sang Hyuk still followed, and the plague explosion concentrated at Lin Ran's feet, preparing to lower Rambo's health again.

But a golden light travels through space!

Lin Ran appeared in front of Lee Sang Hyuk in a flash, and the electronic harpoon hit the snake girl's enchanting body!

Since he had controlled the temperature to the extreme before, this harpoon was just blessed by the dangerous temperature.

The deceleration and damage were both increased by 50%, the jets were still pouring flames, and the snake girl's blood volume was instantly reduced!

This version clearly shows its favor to Rambo. Although the skill cooldown has been increased, the damage has also been greatly enhanced. (In case some readers haven’t seen it, I’ll post the changes again)

"Faker's reaction was a beat too slow. The moment Rambo took action, the excavator had already rushed out of the tunnel!"

Li Sang Hyuk didn't expect Lin Ran to suddenly attack.

The opponent's two previous tests and the position of the eye on the river grass made him relax his vigilance.

Snake Girl, who has not yet reached level three at this time, has no ground-binding skills, so there is nothing she can do with this excavator.

He could only activate the ghost to retreat quickly, but Xiaotian had already used the deceleration effect on Lin Ran to get close to the snake girl.

"The excavator flashed and pushed up the snake girl, all three Qs were played, and the faker gave first blood!"

The level 2 snake girl who came out of the blue crystal only had 625 HP and could not withstand the damage from Rambo and the excavator. Lee Sang Hyuk knew that it would be useless even if he handed over the flash, so he simply took his hands off the keyboard and gave up resistance.

The head was captured by Lin Ran's general attack.

The audience let out a disappointed sigh.

Lee Sang Hyuk pursed his lips and stared at the black and white screen.

He knew that his death in battle had a huge impact.

Now he only has 300 gold coins in his backpack, which is far from the 400 gold coins needed to synthesize the tears of the goddess.

The store owner, Grandpa Timo, is not Pinduoduo, so he can’t bargain.

Don’t even think about Goddess Tears.

But what can I buy?

Due to her heroic characteristics, Snake Girl cannot buy shoes.

Lee Sang Hyuk was very aggrieved. Why can Nami buy shoes but Snake Girl can't?

Riot is discriminating, right?

He walked around the store and found nothing but bought a real eye online.

But there is also good news. Although the YM midfielder pushed all the troops into the defense tower, there was an artillery truck blocking it after all, which absorbed a lot of damage from the defense tower.

In this way, he only lost three soldiers in this wave of deaths.

But the gap in combat effectiveness has become apparent.

Shortly after the next wave of soldiers arrived in the middle, Lin Ran also teleported back to the line.

As a result of taking first blood and pushing an extra wave of artillery troops, he had 800 yuan on hand when he returned to the city.

Two murder rings and a real eye, the money was spent cleanly.

In this way, the difference in combat power between the two sides was not just 400 gold coins for first blood, but 700 gold coins - after all, Li Sang Hyuk returned to the city without any equipment, while Lin Ran had two more murder rings.

"The faker hit his Q skill and wanted to step forward to exchange blood..." Miller looked at what was happening on the screen and suddenly raised his voice and shouted loudly, "Ran's Rambo is not weak at all, and it will be a barbecue!"

Lin Ran's W [Broken Shield] value at dangerous temperatures exceeds 150, and Snake Girl's two E can't break it.

This is outrageous!

The equipment gap worth 700 gold coins completely overturned the relationship between strength and weakness in the middle!

"Faker is very uncomfortable right now!" There was a bit of pride in the baby's voice. "He directly changed himself to half health. Ran's health did not drop much, and there was also the reply provided by Dolan Shield..."

KKoma in the lounge looked worried.

He didn't expect that he would make a mistake at the point where problems are least likely to occur. The big net that blocked YM's four-pack and two-pack was suddenly torn open by his opponent. This first-blood kill changed the entire battle situation. .

The ability of the middle lane to influence the trend of the game is too powerful. Now that SKT has lost its single lane right in the middle, Little Peanut can no longer invade the YM jungle area unscrupulously.

And after Xiaotian received the first blood assist, he still had the entire top half of SKT's wild monsters to eat, and his own development was even better than that of Xiaotian.

This time, YM's midfielder and jungler instantly reversed the passive situation and could even try to link up.

"Little Peanut wants to help the bottom lane to open up the situation, but YM bottom lane is very timid now and won't give him a chance at all!"

Jack and Liu Qingsong have never been known for their strong laning, and the bottom lane combination they got in this game was not dominant. In order to ensure their own health, they moved very far back.

Little Peanut couldn't find a chance to take action.

"I'll help you one more time and try to get him out of the blink of an eye." Xiaotian returned to the city and made a green jungle knife before continuing to rush to the middle.

Because he and Lin Ran pushed the artillery troop line under SKT's middle tower during the last gank, and then the next wave of troop lines continued up, forming a pushback line again.

However, due to Lin Ran and Li Sang Hyuk's blood exchange, Q [Arson Feast] wore down the health of many minions, so the speed of this push back line was very slow.

It wasn't until the sixth wave of artillery soldiers appeared that they slowly moved towards the YM defense tower.

Li Sang Hyuk now had to follow the soldier line and move forward. He wanted to push the soldiers into the YM defense tower quickly, but Xiaotian had already arrived at this time.

"Brother Xianghe, I'm here to help you, don't be afraid!" Little Peanut's voice came from the team's voice. He operated the wine barrel and got into the grass below the middle road.

"It seems that SKT doesn't want to give in. The two midfielders and junglers are about to fight!" Wawa looked at the junglers of both sides emerging from the grass on both sides. He couldn't help but feel a little nervous. "SKT's midfielder and jungler do not have an advantage in terms of equipment alone, but they have a wave. Push back the line to help, and there are two more flashes on me!"

Both sides are full of confidence and feel that they will not lose in this midfield collision.

"Wait for the other side to fire first, otherwise we won't be able to catch up with them if we don't flash." Lin Ran killed a minion, and after controlling the temperature, he was ready to fight.

Snake Girl had already drank all the two bottles of reusable potions she carried with her, and her blood volume had recovered. It was difficult for YM Nakano to take the initiative to kill her without flashing.

"Little Peanut jumped right up!"

Gragas' fat belly hit Lin Ran's broken shield, and then he picked up a heavy wine barrel and hit him.

Snake Girl first went to the side where Xiaotian was and handed over W [Toxic Fog]. The ground-binding effect made it impossible for the excavator to drill through the tunnel immediately.

At the same time, her Q [Plague Explosion] successfully poisoned Rambo. As the twin fangs hit, Lin Ran's blood volume continued to decrease.

"Take your time, take your time, help me kill the wine barrel first!" Lin Ran activated Q [Arson Feast], clearing the line of soldiers and burning the wine barrel's health at the same time.

The damage caused by the arson feast under dangerous temperatures is quite high. With the high magic power provided by the double murder ring, the little peanut's blood volume is also constantly decreasing.

More importantly, Rambo's Q skill does not attract the hatred of minions, and the surrounding soldier lines will not help SKT's midfielder attack Lin Ran at all!

"Xiao Tian walked through the tunnel under the ground-binding effect and then pushed up Xiao Peanut. The mid laner and jungler of both sides were exchanging blood!"

The one who lost blood was Lin Ran, and the other was Xiao Peanut who lost blood.

Both midfielders and junglers are at level four, but the wine barrel's blood drops obviously faster.

Because the YM midfielder has better equipment, Lin Ran not only did not attract the hatred of the minions, but also relied on the skill shield to resist some damage.

But Little Peanut didn't panic.

He held Flash in his hand but didn't hand it over, and in his opinion, the first wave of YM's burst was over, and the subsequent damage was not enough to kill him.

And Snake Girl's mana is enough to sustain him through this encounter, and with the help of a gun truck, it's impossible for them to lose.

"Punish the cannon truck, hurry up!" Lin Ran looked at his rapidly growing experience bar under the flames and discovered the secret to victory.

Xiaotian did not hesitate, changed the direction of the attack, dropped the punishment sky thunder, and successfully killed the artillery cart.

Blue light surrounds Rambo!

Now he is the only level five hero among the four!

Originally, to upgrade a single line to level 5, you need to consume all the experience of 6 waves of soldiers.

Although Lin Ran and Xiao Tianfen had defeated the troops in the lane, due to the first blood, his experience value not only did not fall behind, but was actually more than that of a normally developed single-line hero.

This means that Lin Ran doesn't need to eat up all six waves of troops. As long as the artillery car is killed, he will be upgraded enough!

The SKT midfielder didn't expect this at all.

"The excavator will eat the gun truck as punishment, and then it will be upgraded to level five. Will this have any impact on the situation?" The doll on the stage was extremely excited.

Lin Ran knew that his Q [Arson Feast] was now on cooldown, so he did not upgrade his Q skill. Instead, he used his skill points on E [Electronic Harpoon] to maximize his combat power.

The basic damage of the second-level electronic harpoon is 15 points higher than that of the first level, plus the damage bonus of dangerous temperatures. If this fork is added with a basic attack, the little peanut will notice something is wrong.

Rambo's damage is a bit high!

Moreover, after Rambo reached level 5, his blood volume and resistance increased to a certain extent, which made Lin Ran's combat capabilities even more powerful.

This upgrade also clears up the army line, causing the balance of strength between the two sides to instantly tilt in the middle and jungle competition!

Little Peanut knew that it would be bad if the fight continued like this, so he quickly retreated in a flash, planning to let Li Sang Hyuk take away Rambo's head by himself.

But just now he and Lin Ran were face to face, and this flash could only move a short distance.

Lin Ran looked at the correct position and fired the second electronic harpoon quickly.

"Help me block it!" Little Peanut was still being slowed down. He knew that it would be difficult for him to avoid this electronic harpoon based on his position, so he quickly called his mid laner for help.

Amid the exclamations of the audience, Faker stepped forward!

"Faker flashed to help Little Peanut block the harpoon, while the twin fangs were still wearing down Rambo's health!"

Since Lee Sang Hyuk surrendered, the distance between him and Lin Ran is now quite close.

In this case, Lin Ran did not choose to fight head-on. Instead, he ran under the tower, trying to use the electronic harpoon's deceleration to widen the distance.

However, because he was beaten forcefully before, his blood volume is only around 100 health now.

Lee Sang Hyuk planned to kill Rambo forcibly, and even if he was replaced, it was still acceptable - after all, the situation was already out of control when Lin Ran and the jungler reached level 5 through tacit cooperation.

Q [Plague Explosion]!

The green plague appeared again at Rambo's feet.

Lin Ran's first reaction was to twist his waist and hide.

But without shoes, he moved slower. The plague successfully invaded his body and was causing continuous damage.

Li Sang Hyuk knew in his heart that as soon as the twin fangs bite out next time, Lin Ran will be a BOSS!

With the help of the acceleration provided by the plague, he stepped forward to resist the tower and spit out his twin fangs!

The twin fangs with a range of 700 yards are about to harvest Lin Ran's life.

But Lin Ran did not give up the last hope of survival. He kept pressing the keyboard while pulling away.

At the moment when the twin fangs were about to fly to Lin Ran, Rambo suddenly entered a state of overheating, and a white shield appeared on the surface of his body!

The white shield withstood the twin fangs and the continuous damage from the plague explosion, allowing Lin Ran to survive with less than 20 drops of blood!

W [Broken Shield] turned good again after 6 seconds of cooldown, bringing hope of life to Lin Ran!

"The key shield!" Miller shouted very hard, "Xiaotian knocked Faker away, trying to delay time for his mid laner!"

The Garlic Bastard who was waiting on the side was not a freeloader either. When the Snake Girl cast the poison, he burrowed into the ground, but now he found the right opportunity and decisively broke out of the ground.

"Faker is still fighting the tower. Not only did he not kill Ran this time, he also got himself involved!"

Without any suspense, the attack from the defense tower fell on the snake girl without mercy.

The Excavator Queen's sharp claws tore apart the snake girl's smooth and soft skin, and red blood spurted out.

Faker died again!

"It's not even five minutes, and Snake Girl is already 0/2. How can we fight?" Watana shouted in an exaggerated tone.

When Lin Ran saw Li Sang Hyuk killed in battle, his tense body relaxed.

He had been pressing the W key crazily just now, and finally used it at the moment when the shield was restored.

"It's so close, so close..." He took a sip of ice water to relieve his nervousness.

"Brother Ran, you are so lucky, aren't you?" Xiaotian said happily, "Ah... it feels so good?"

At this time, another wave of soldiers came up. He did not hesitate and directly helped Lin Ran advance to the first tower of SKT. Anyway, Lin Ran returned to the city and rushed to the line. This wave of soldiers would also be naturally worn away, so it might as well be Feed him.

"I think I'm pretty lucky too." Lin Ran smiled.

He bought the boosting tome and came back online again, and saw that Lee Sang Hyuk finally held back the tears of the goddess.

However, a naked Goddess Tear Snake who plays Dolan Shield + Double Killing Ring + Amplification Book Rambo has no room for maneuver at all.

Lin Ran is now using Q [Arson Feast] to have a barbecue. It does not attract any aggro from the troops and at the same time does high damage. He is trying to turn his opponent into a roasted snake.

"SKT's middle and jungle have exploded because of this wave of rhythm. Peanut's jungle area can't be defended, and the middle lane can't win..."

After Lin Ran reached level 6, he frequently rushed to the bottom lane and used his laning advantage to help his teammates.

He seized a chance in 8 minutes.

After returning to the city to make up for the small mask, he did not rush back to the middle, but ran down the road.

"Liu Qingsong, just drive away, I'll be right behind you!" His voice was decisive.

"Thrust threw the light behind him and flashed his skateboard shoes back!"

Liu Qingsong's combo was extremely fast. Bang wanted to run back, but Lin Ran had already picked up the lantern and came to them!

"Nutou still wanted to push Rambo away, but his ultimate move has already been unleashed!"

Constant-temperature burning flame bombs spread out with Kalista at the center!

Miller watched Bang's blood volume getting lower and lower under the attack of the flamethrower, and his voice became louder and louder, "The slowing effect of the ultimate move is very obvious, and I can't even walk on skateboard shoes!"

Bang quickly healed and flashed out of the range of Rambo's ultimate move, and then activated the ultimate move [Call of Destiny] to pull the bull's head to his side. Wolf controlled himself and threw Lin Ran hard, trying to block his pursuit.

But the moment the Tauren Chief flew out, Lin Ran handed over the flash that had just improved!

Rambo moved forward and avoided the knock-up control. The electronic harpoon hit Bang's body and once again exerted the deceleration effect!

Jack Verus's heart-piercing arrow completely knocked out Bang's health, and Lin Ran finally caught up with the previous electronic harpoon to take away the head.

"Wolf's bull head can't escape. Little Peanut rushed to the battlefield and wanted to save his teammates!"

Niutou had just smashed himself into the crowd of YM people. Although Thresh and Verus were knocked away, he could not escape the siege.

The little peanut who came over tried to rescue his teammates with his ultimate move, but unfortunately it had no effect.

Wolf's head was snatched away by Jack. Lin Ran entered the bottom lane, handed over the teleport and rushed back to the middle to continue fighting.

"This is the key to the mid laner. As long as Ran has less pressure on the lane, he can roam to support his teammates and help them build an advantage!" Miller was very excited.

Yesterday, the LPL lost two LCK teams in a row. Today, YM's performance can be said to have saved a lot of face for the LPL.

In 10 minutes, the four YM players appeared at the Canyon Pioneer on time. SKT did not come to engage in the battle, but chose to exchange a fire dragon.

They themselves also know that if they are actively operating resource replacements now, they still have 10% to 20% hope of a comeback. If they forcefully take over this wave of Canyon Pioneers, the game will lose suspense in advance.

"YM didn't want to give SKT a chance to breathe anymore. They directly placed Rift Herald in the middle, hoping to get more resources from SKT!"

In this situation, SKT could only choose to give in.

Rift Herald destroyed SKT's first tower and knocked down half of the second tower's health, completing its mission.

"In 13 minutes, YM's economy is 4K ahead, which is another big advantage!"

The audience in the audience was already silent.

They didn't expect that SKT, which they had high hopes for, would be beaten so badly.

[Why didn’t the audience boo? Do it faster, do it faster! Two more times and my frequent urination will be cured! 】

[After shouting for a long time, is this the level? I thought it was so awesome. 】

After the fall of the first tower, SKT resorted to procrastination and refused to have any head-on conflict with YM.

"If SKT continues to drag on like this, their lineup's shortcomings will appear," Miller analyzed. "Their lineup has insufficient output in disadvantageous games. It is obviously not feasible to just rely on Snake and Kalista to make up for the damage." It’s reasonable…”

How can everyone in SKT not know about the problem that the casters can understand?

But they have no choice if they drag it down like this.

After all, surrender is not allowed in LOL games.

If the fight continues like this, everyone in SKT will become more and more confused with mixed feelings of joy and sorrow.

I'm happy because SKT is good at mid- and late-game operations.

It’s sad because this lineup is really not as good as its opponents in the middle and late stages.

But what surprised them was that YM gave them a chance in the 16-minute Fire Dragon team battle.

SKT originally just wanted to steal the show, but they didn't expect their opponent to reveal a flaw, so they naturally attacked decisively.

A wave of two for four, although YM won the Fire Dragon, they lost lives.

SKT saw the light of victory.

They began to use the strength of skate shoes to put pressure on YM.

But SKT never expected that although YM lost the last team battle, the team's voice was filled with laughter.

Their purpose has been achieved.

At 19 minutes, YM began to lay out the vision of Dalongkeng, preparing to force the team again.

"SKT seems to have gained confidence from the last wave of team battles," Watanabe said loudly, "They are still going to take on the Baron team!"

At 19 minutes and 15 seconds, a teleport landed in the grass behind the tower on the blue square.

SKT didn't notice.

"RAN is hiding here secretly," Miller lowered his voice, "What is he trying to do?"

Time passed by, and Lin Ran didn't move.

If the audience hadn't known that this was a professional game, they would have thought that Rambo had hung up.

At 19 minutes and 45 seconds, the SKT people on the screen finally took action. They reported to the Dalong Pit as a group and prepared to lay out their vision.

Lin Ran, holding a drill and a flamethrower, was ready to make a move.

"Give me a view!" Lin Ran immediately ordered his teammates when he saw the Tauren Chief appearing in the river.

Jack did not hesitate, and his visionary transformation illuminated the SKT blue BUFF camp.

Everyone clearly saw the figures of Snake Girl, Callista and Wine Barrel.

This vision search was easily removed by Kalista.

Lin Ran silently counted for three seconds, feeling that his opponent was already in position before speaking.

"Go, go, go!" he shouted.

"Jin Gong took the lead and directly used the prince's EQ to provoke the bull's head, and used the big move to cover the three of SKT!"

Shen, who was still leading the lane in the bottom lane, used his ultimate move to protect the safety of his teammates.

At the moment when the wine barrel knocked the prince unconscious with his belly, Lin Ran used Rambo to unleash his ultimate moves!

Constant temperature burning!

"Rambo's flame bomb perfectly covered the prince's ultimate move!" Wawa took a look at SKT's status bar and realized something was wrong.

"None of the four players in front of SKT flashed! They all used this key skill in the last team battle!"

The Fire Dragon Group handed over Flash at 16 minutes, and it was only 20 minutes. Naturally, the Flash had not improved.

And what does this mean?

This means that except for the skateboard shoes that can use jumping to escape the prince's obstacle, the remaining snake girl barrels must eat Lin Ran's ultimate move!

This is YM's biggest goal in the last wave of the Fire Dragon team battle - to force everyone in SKT to flash as much as possible.

Just for this moment!

Lin Ran's backpack now contains Landry's Torment + Magic Penetration Staff + Magic Penetration Shoes.

The output is frighteningly high!

SKT never expected that Lin Ran would hide in such a ghostly place, and was caught off guard!

"The snake girl handed over her petrifying gaze and worked with her teammates to deal with the prince. But this hero is the answer to the version, so meaty that he can fly!"

Jin Gong's gargoyle stone plate armor played a big role, resisting a bunch of skills, but the prince still didn't die.

"Snake and the barrel died first! Callista can't escape Ran's grasp!"

Kalista jumped out of the prince's ultimate move, but Lin Ran followed her forward and was burned to death by the flames.

Before dying, Shen successfully landed and formed a band with Lao Niu.

"Five kills, five kills, give me five kills!" Lin Ran saw his three kills logo and immediately realized that this was a good opportunity to gain honor.

"Here you go!" Jack diligently lowered the blood volume of the bull head, and then handed it over to Lin Ran.

Liu Qingsong went to find trouble for Shen.

After Lin Ran killed the cow head, he threw the lantern and asked Lin Ran to follow him.

Rambo, who was driving a flamethrower, turned into a demon at this moment and crazily harvested the lives of everyone in SKT!

"Penta-kill!" Wawa was so excited that he couldn't help himself. "The first penta-kill in the history of the intercontinental competition was born!"

"The last suspense of the game has been eliminated. YM has won the baron and is about to win this game!"

In 25 minutes, SKT's main crystal was destroyed by YM!

【Well done, YM! 】

[SKT was dragging hard in this game. They could have surrendered long ago. 】

[This wave, this wave is called "Some people die in 5 minutes and are buried in 25 minutes"! 】

[So there is still a chance to fight for a ticket to the finals. IG, rush, work harder! 】

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