LOL: What is a roaming mid laner?

Chapter 289 287: United as one, the night dissipates!

The first person to take the stage was HooN. He was the head coach of the WE team last year. After the arrival of Redmi, he became an assistant coach and actually also worked as an analyst.

(After searching on the WE official blog for a long time, I found out that there are no analysts on the roster for the 2017 Summer Split. I can only ask Coach HooN to fill this position. I will post the picture in this chapter)

HooN turned on the projector and presented the information he wanted to display on the screen.

"We should pay attention to Max, the assistant of the MVP team. He is a very thoughtful player and likes to roam to support teammates on other routes."

HooN said something, and Junri, the team translator on the side, translated it. Junri, who is Korean, spoke with a Northeastern accent.

"He used a total of 16 different auxiliary heroes in the 50 games in the spring split," he looked up at the dozens of players in the audience. "You can look at the big screen. This is his usage of heroes." (see this chapter)

Lin Ran felt his scalp numb when he looked at that long piece of data.

The version of the Spring Split is very fixed. The auxiliary position is basically the DPS heroes from the S6 Global Finals plus some front row players who can produce the artifact [Redemption].

In this case, the world's top support wolf only used 7 heroes in the spring game, and the prophet even used only 5 heroes to complete the spring game. (For the usage of heroes in the Wolf Spring Split, please see this chapter)

This Max used a full 16 auxiliary heroes, which can only be described as terrifying.

"His hero pool includes not only regular supports like Thresh, Tam Lulu, but also weird heroes like Sion, Fireman, and Vel'Koz..."

"He even used Syndra and Spider in the support position."

The players whispered to each other, and rustling sounds rang out from the audience.

Max's hero pool is ridiculously outstanding.

Players all know that this wide hero pool brings more possibilities for team tactics.

HooN gave an example on the stage:

"For example, the MVP is on the red side and grabs Syndra first. The blue side wants to use the murloc to counterbalance, but they turn Syndra to the support player, and finally choose Kassadin in the mid lane for development. ——Heroes like Little Murloc have no way to defeat Kassadin, and the advantages and disadvantages of BP will be reversed instantly."

HooN switched the screen, and another picture appeared on the screen, "This is the win rate of MVP mid laner Ian's hero in the Spring Split." (See this chapter for Ian's win rate of heroes in the 2017 Spring Split)

"He has used Syndra for a total of 12 games, with a win rate of 83%. His proficiency with Syndra is naturally very high. On the other hand, it is also because the auxiliary hero pool is protecting him - opponents have discovered that they can use Syndra After being assigned to the auxiliary position, he rarely chooses the role to restrain Syndra in the middle, but mainly uses snake oil heroes such as Clockwork and Viktor, which makes Ian very comfortable in the lane."

"The auxiliary hero pool that can swing makes it difficult for us to face MVP's BP. We must block Syndra, a hero who can swing, and give our mid lane hero the lane right," HooN's analysis was reasonable, "Then Target in the style of play.”

"Their double C - mid laner Lan and bottom lane Maha output capabilities are very average." HooN projected another picture on the screen, which recorded the output histogram of MVP's double C, ranking in the middle of the Korean league. (See picture in this chapter)

It's indeed a big problem.

The auxiliary hero pool can obtain comfortable hero choices for their double C. In this case, they can only deal damage at the middle level of the league, which already explains a lot.

"Most of MVP's tactics also revolve around supports," HooN continued. "They like to have supports coordinate with the mid lane and jungle to roam, get kills or seize Rift Herald, and widen the economic gap in the early stage."

"A bit like YM?" Xiao Ming suddenly said.

HooN nodded after hearing Junri's translation, "It's the castrated version of YM."

After saying this, everyone understood.

Now YM's main tactics rely on the three-person linkage between Liu Qingsong, Xiaotian and Lin Ran. From the bottom lane four-pack two to the canyon pioneer tactics, the three of them are indispensable.

Although YM and MVP seem to have similar ideas, the individual strength of the players determines the gap between the two teams.

Since their debut, Lin Ran and Jack's output ability has been among the best in the league at the same position, and they can often deal explosive damage if they have a matchup advantage.

This is an ability that MVP Double C does not have.

"So our general idea is: ban Syndra and use the mid lane hero; limit MVP's auxiliary roaming during the bottom lane laning period, and then use personal strength to suppress the opponent's double C." HooN continued. .

"After observing the spring games and our training these days," he glanced at the players in the audience and said, "RNG is more suitable to deal with MVP."

"Your bottom lane laning style is fierce, and it can firmly tie up the opponent's support," HooN looked at Uzi, "As long as it continues smoothly into the team battle period, the weakness of MVP's lack of double C output capability will be exposed. "

Uzi nodded vigorously.

The laning is his unique skill that he is proud of. He is confident that he can cooperate with Xiao Ming to suppress the MVP's bottom lane combination.

"Regarding the first-level arrangement of the MVP team, they have some points worth noting..." HooN and Junri stood up and left the meeting. "This issue will be discussed by RNG analysts."

Due to the tight time schedule, the analysts of the LPL joint coaching staff could only split the entire research task on the MVP team and work together to analyze a part of it.

RNG analyst Gou Ba is a thin and curved man. He has been working with Feng Ge before and his level is quite good. (Tip: He won Analyst of the Year in 2017 in the real world)

During the S2 period, Gou Ba once scored 2,300 points in the US server, ranking among the top ten in the US server. He also played professional games for a period of time. His high level of gaming is considered a real outlier among analysts.

Most analysts are mathematics professionals like Su Cheng, that is, diamond level, and have a certain understanding of games and competitions.

After all, high rank is not a necessary ability for analysts, and it will not greatly improve their data analysis capabilities.

But in terms of tactical analysis capabilities, analysts with high rankings still have an advantage.

"I've been looking through the videos in the past two days and found that when they have no line rights in the middle, there are two common tactics at level one..." He turned on the projector, "The first is when the jungler has no advantage in the matchup. .”

"Their support will look down the river, and the jungler will start in the top half with a mismatch."

“Once the lower river field of view sees an invasion trend from the opposite jungler, the MVP jungler will choose to switch to the opponent’s upper half of the jungle. This allows the jungler to develop even if he does not have lane rights in the early stage of the mid lane.”

Gou Ba's voice paused and continued, "The way to crack this tactic is to switch to the jungle area with him at level two, then help the middle lane push the lane, and then forcefully go to the bottom lane for a four-pack and two."

He coughed lightly, opened the tea cup and took a sip of strong tea. He looked like the dark circles under his eyes were a bit heavy, probably because he hadn't had a good rest in the past few days.

"The second way of playing is that the jungler has an advantage in matchups, and the support is a hard support and has control skills..."

"At the first level, they will invade the lower half as a group and use auxiliary control to try to force out the opponent's skills or seize BUFFs." Gou Ba looked at the YM people in the audience. "This is similar to YM's idea, forcing the opponent's jungler to change. Start in the jungle so that their jungler can control the bottom half to free up the support, and then the jungle support can link up to help the mid laner."

Lin Ran nodded.

Although MVP poses no threat to them, and the LPL joint coaching staff will try their best to keep YM away from MVP, he is still listening carefully.

YM is now very malleable, and in Lin Ran's opinion, the early adaptation strategy is more than just four-for-two.

After all, Gou Ba is a well-known excellent analyst in the industry. There are not many opportunities to hear him talk about tactics. It is good to learn something after all.

"The solution to this tactic is that the support must move first. Due to the change of jungle area, you will go online first in the bottom lane. Naturally, you will push the lane first and grab the second one."

"When the assistant reaches the second level, he will go directly to the jungle, insert a ward at the opposite buff, and use this ward position to determine the specific position of the opponent's jungler. Then he can choose to continue pressing the line or release the line to defend the tower..."

Uzi kept these ideas in mind. As long as they seize an opportunity with MVP's early tactics, it will bring a huge early advantage to RNG, which is likely to affect the direction of the game.

"Time is limited, and this is the only work I can do," Gou Ba rubbed his brows, "Next, YM analyst Orange will talk about her research on MVP's transfer ideas."

Su Cheng walked quickly to the stage with her long legs, and opened the slideshow in the USB flash drive.

"If MVP has a disadvantage in the early stage, they will choose to change lanes in time to stop the loss..." Her slide contained a video of MVP playing against LZ.

“In the early stage of this round, MVP jungler Mantis was targeted miserably by LZ Lee Sin, and top laner Rambo was also suppressed by Khan Jess. In the early stage, when no one broke out, MVP fell behind by 500 gold in 7 minutes. "

Su Cheng continued to play the video, "We can notice that at 7 minutes and 17 seconds, MVP chose to return to the city in the bottom lane, then changed lanes and rushed to the top lane, while Rambo was preparing to return to the city and transfer to the bottom lane." (See the picture in this chapter. )

"They had an unexpected lane change with Rambo. LZ obviously didn't react. Khan was directly forced by the MVP bottom lane and couldn't even make up for his troops..."

"Then the LZ jungler and support were forced to go to the top lane to protect Jayce. However, during this period, Rambo, who had already switched lanes and rushed to the bottom lane, and the mantis in the jungle were growing rapidly."

"Khan Jesta returned to the city through the grass and also wanted to change lanes to face Rambo." Su Cheng took a pen and circled the curtain in the air, "But the MVP assistant made a look here before and saw khan Movement back to the city.”

"Then they chose to switch the line back again and let the duo continue to suppress Jace."

Su Cheng continued to play the video, "Khan found out that he had been tricked, so he returned to the city in the lower tower and rushed to the road." (See the picture in this chapter)

"The combination of Rat King and Gloria can only run from the top road to the bottom road on foot," Su Cheng said in a clear and refreshing voice, "But after this back and forth, Jace has not developed for a long time, and the MVP Rambo The top and jungle duo of Mantis not only completed the last-hit lead, but also led the opponent by one level of experience."

"At this time, the game has progressed to 10 minutes," Su Cheng finished playing the intercepted game video, and the final scene was fixed at 10 minutes and 07 seconds. "In less than 3 minutes, MVP went from being 500 behind in economy to overtaking 300, earning I took an economic difference of 800 gold coins and just changed routes twice." (See the picture in this chapter)

"Hiss..." Uzi took a breath, "It's a bit evil."

Su Cheng nodded, "What's more important is that they delayed Jace's strong period when he first released the Sawed Dagger, and the blind monk didn't find a suitable gank opportunity."

A group of professional players were whispering in the audience, discussing MVP's unconventional line-changing tactics.

"It's not unfair to lose." Baolan was a little convinced, and he recalled the painful memory of being hit by MVP assistant Thain yesterday and having a bloody head.

Lin Ran was thoughtful. He felt that this line-changing tactic could be used by YM, and he planned to go back and practice it after the intercontinental competition.

"This is also the reason why MVP Double C's personal strength is average, but they can win the third place in the LCK Spring Split," Su Cheng said while rewinding the video, "Their operational capabilities are not inferior to the top teams in the LCK .”

"Let's take a look at how to crack this line-changing idea. Pay attention to the time," Su Cheng played the video from the beginning. "The time for the MVP to return to the city from the bottom lane is 7 minutes and 17 seconds. At this time..."

Uzi's eyes lit up, "Artillery carriage line."

"Yes, the fifth artillery troop line will reach the center of the bottom lane at this moment and engage in firefights with the enemy." Su Cheng's reaction to Uzi was not surprising. Professional ADCs are much more sensitive to troop lines than other Position, not to mention Uzi who can find time to last hits during a team fight.

The professional players in the audience can also understand the reason why MVP returned to the city to change lanes at this time - because the cannon truck is rough and thick and can withstand a lot of damage, the opponent's duo will push the lane slower, and Rambo will still be unable to move when he reaches the bottom lane. Can catch this wave of soldiers.

"This artillery truck provides a guarantee for Rambo to capture troops, but it can also be used by us." Su Cheng pulled out a marker and pulled over the Summoner's Rift whiteboard beside him.

"The duo should not follow the line change, but push the soldiers into the defense tower. The jungler should move down at this time, and instead go directly to the next tower and crouch in the grass behind it," Su Cheng drew a route map on the whiteboard, " Once the opponent's top laner comes online, just overtake him with 3 packs of 1."

"After killing people, the three of you continue to demolish the tower," Su Cheng thought quickly and spoke faster, "At this time, my top laner will eat the artillery soldier at 7 minutes and 17 seconds, and then go up the road and stay in the grass for a while. It doesn’t matter if you lose a few soldiers, just wait for your teammates to demolish the tower and get paid.”

"Because you did not change lanes in the bot lane, you saved some time, and the progress of demolishing towers will naturally be faster; and your top laner has already taken out the artillery cart. If the opponent demolishes the tower, they will face a situation of insufficient troop lines. No surprise. We can definitely get the first-blood tower."

Su Cheng made a stroke from the bottom tower to the middle tower, "Then he changed the lane and pushed the middle tower."

"Including the mid laner, you have four people, and the defense of the opposite mid lane is not enough to resist you..." Her voice was sonorous and powerful: "If the opponent's duo wants to continue to demolish the top tower, you can work together to demolish the mid tower; the opposite duo If the team rushes back to the middle lane, we will gain a health tower in the bottom lane in vain from this wave of confrontation."

"The top laner will not lose the team economy gained by demolishing the tower," Su Cheng closed the marker and looked at the thick lines she drew on the summoner's whiteboard in front of her, nodding with satisfaction, "On the contrary, it can put the opponent into trouble. Passive situation."

“That’s it for the analysis of the MVP team,” Su Cheng finally said, “In summary, there are three steps:

One is to ban Syndra on BP to prevent the opponent's mid-auxiliary from swinging and strive to get the hero with mid-lane rights;

The second is the first-level design in the early stage of the game. Due to the loss of mid-lane rights, the opponent wants to ensure the development of the jungler. There is a high probability that they will adopt the two routines mentioned by Gouba analyst. You can target them;

Finally, if there are no mistakes in the execution of the first two steps, the opponent will be at a disadvantage in the early stage. It is very likely to implement a line change strategy at 7 minutes, and then just do what I said. "

"In this way, you will most likely get an economic advantage of about 3K in 10 minutes," Su Cheng shrugged and laughed, "You don't need us to teach you what to do next, right?"

"This is basically a card game," Xiaohu smiled evilly, "If I can still lose, then I will retire on the spot."

There was thunderous applause in the training room, echoing in the huge room.

This is the player’s recognition of the efforts of the LPL joint analyst team.

HooN, Gou Ba and Su Cheng collaborated with each other to completely lock all the rhythm points in the first ten minutes of MVP, completing the entire process from playing the suona to the crematorium, and sent MVP off happily.

The analysts of three of the LPL teams have already shown their skills, leaving only the IG analysts who have made little movement.

It's not that the other three formed a small group to exclude their colleagues, it's mainly because the level of IG analysts is a bit green.

In terms of data analysis level, it was difficult for him to use MATLAB software to extract the raw data of the curve chart. Su Cheng, a freshman, had a higher level than him.

In terms of tactical analysis level, he is like a golden man who has just escaped from the advanced stage of cancer. It is difficult to see the army lines, let alone analyze tactics.

When the four analysts arrived in Kaohsiung for a meeting that day, the other three were shocked.

I didn't expect that there could be such a bastard. I even asked them for the BP data of the LCK league. They were just a bunch of people. (Interested readers can search for ‘IG Gold Analyst’ on their own, and Tieba, Hupu, and Zhihu all have his detailed deeds)

Su Cheng, Gou Ba and HooN are all grappling with the dark circles under their eyes caused by hard work day and night.

The three of them worked together and sent him to several head coaches to be responsible for simple data collection and to serve as a back-office player.

Therefore, IG analysts did not participate in the entire tactical research work on the MVP team.

The head coaches of the four teams took the stage one after another, reviewed the video of today's semifinals, and pointed out the problems of the players.

By the time all this was done, it was already eleven o'clock at night.

The players continued to play two sets of rankings before going to bed to maintain their feel, while the coaching staff went to another empty room to start discussing BP and playing order.

Several people looked tired and there was light in their eyes.

"The first ones they will play tomorrow will definitely not be SKT and MVP. These are their two strongest and weakest teams," Bai Yueya expressed his thoughts, "I think there is a high probability that LCK will produce Samsung or KT. Some."

"Then YM can't be the first one. I think it would be better for you to play SKT." Brother Feng took off his glasses and gently pinched the bridge of his nose to soothe his face.

"I think we should let YM go first," Han Yi had a different view, "If nothing else happens, they will hide the MVP until the end. Let's let YM win one game first, and then compete in the middle two games. , even if we lose, we can let RNG win the MVP title and wait until the fifth game."

WE coach Hong Mi relied on Jun Il's interpreter to listen to their words. He thought for a long time before speaking, "They will definitely beat Samsung in the first game. This is the most stable team in South Korea except SKT. They will basically not overturn against weak teams, but the upper limit is It’s not high either, so it’s hard to defeat the weak against the strong.”

Several coaches looked at each other.

"Then let's go first tomorrow?" Bai Yueya asked his colleagues.

Hanyi and Hongmi nodded, "We strive to win one game, so that if RNG directly faces MVP in the fourth game, we can send the LCK away."

"Let's settle it for now," Brother Feng picked up the BP data file on the side, "Have you seen KT's mid lane BP data? Their investment in the ban position of the fat general in the middle lane seems to be too large..." (see picture)

"That's right, the waist injury caused his condition to decline very seriously," White Crescent Moon had studied KT as a potential opponent for the mid-season tournament for a while, and naturally knew everything about it. "KT now relies more on smeb and deft... "

Several people discussed tomorrow's BP strategy, made suggestions for their brother teams in the same division, and even used a BP simulator to play the LCK coach and play BP games with the LPL side.

At four o'clock in the morning, the door to the room was gently pushed open, and Ichimura quietly walked in with a camera. The first thing he saw was the empty Red Bull cans scattered on the floor in the room.

Four coaches and a translator were still discussing the possibility of using Yanque's ultimate move to bring Shan Shen into the field with a four-pack and two-for-two.

He didn't say anything, just took the photo and left the room.

The four coaches were so excited that they didn't notice Ichimura's sudden visit.

It wasn't until Brother Feng confirmed that there was no problem on the BP simulator that everyone stretched out and turned off the computer.

"If you win the final tomorrow, what will you eat?" Bai Yueya suddenly asked.

"You can go to Liuhe Night Market. There are many special snacks there." Brother Feng has a special liking for hometown delicacies.

"It's not ideal to go eat snacks after winning the final, isn't it?" Junri felt a little disgusted. He rolled on the soft bed and asked, "How about hot pot?"

"Are there any better Hunan restaurants here?" Hanyi yawned, "I just want to eat chili right now."

"What do you think of Hongmi?" Bai Yueyue closed his eyes. The excitement of the energy drink dissipated. He now felt that his eyes were a little sore.

Hongmi leaned on the bedside, and after hearing Junri's translation, she smiled and said in blunt Chinese: "Barbecue, I want to eat Korean barbecue..."

The dark night of four o'clock in the morning has passed, and at 5:19 in the morning, the first ray of sunshine in Kaohsiung shines on the earth. (Tips for anti-collision, please see the picture for the sunrise time in Kaohsiung)

On July 9, the decisive battle officially began.

At two o'clock in the afternoon, all the more than 2,000 seats in the Kaohsiung Exhibition Hall were occupied.

"Welcome to the finals of the 2017 Asian Competition..."

Today's commentary is as usual Doll Miller and Remember.

"Today's game is highly anticipated and touches the hearts of the LPL audience. This is a good opportunity to prove our first division..."

Miller was mid-sentence when he heard the information given by the director.

"Both sides submitted their teams for the first game," he said word by word. "Our LPL division chose YM to be the vanguard for the first game, while the LCK team sent...the Samsung team!"

There are many pictures and data, and I also found a lot of game videos and information to write this chapter.

For the sake of the author's hard work, please give me a monthly ticket.

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