LOL: What is a roaming mid laner?

Chapter 290 288: Is this what you said about helping me?

In the LCK lounge, the players and coaching staff of the four teams gathered together.

"YM?" Samsung Supervisor Edgar also learned about the opponent's team, and others were a little confused, "What's going on?"

kkoma was restless.

LPL's first-hand arrangements disrupted their expected plans.

In their view, YM is definitely the big killer of the LPL. It has a very high winning rate against the four Korean teams. Logically speaking, it will not play in the first game, just like the LCK division will not send SKT in the first game.

Do you want to win first to gain momentum...kkoma thought to himself.

Lin Ran sat in the middle of the contestants' seats and put the paper cup on his forearm.

The low temperature of the ice water penetrated the paper layer, causing the skin of his forearm to tremble slightly.

"Brothers, it's a good start today." He looked at his teammates.

"It's no problem, Samsung isn't great..." Jack yawned and touched his belly, which was getting thicker and fatter.

Liu Qingsong reached out to pat the Shiba Inu's belly, but was frightened back by Jack's grinning teeth.

As usual, Bai Yueya put on the headphones first and walked behind them while collecting the headphone cables.

"Be steady, we have chosen an opponent with a lower level, but don't be careless," he said after confirming with the referee that everything was ready, holding on to Lin Ran's backrest, "Once we lose, the pressure on the brother team behind will be too great. "

The five people calmed down their expressions after hearing this and began to discuss the details of the game.

After the referee gave the order to start the game, Jin Gong on the blue side clicked the start button, and the BP session of this game kicked off.

"The LPL won the pre-game coin guessing, and we have the priority to choose sides in games one, three, and five. YM chose the blue side and banned Zach first, while Samsung banned the Spider Queen..."

In the two versions, the strongest jungler is blocked, and the remaining wine barrel pig girls are each one, which is fair.

"Push the policewoman down and don't let them out." Bai Yueya said after thinking about it.

If the hero Policewoman develops steadily to the mid-term, her strength will not be high. It happens that YM is best at attacking in the mid-term, so YM's opponents will basically not choose this hero.

But from Bai Yueya's point of view, the policewoman also restrained YM's style of play from a certain angle.

Because the side with the policewoman in the early stage will most likely have lane rights in the bottom lane.

If the bottom lane is always suppressed, it will be difficult for Liu Qingsong to roam offline, and the situation will naturally be difficult to open up.

Samsung blocked the Yanja with a backhand.

“YM’s last ban slot was given to Kalista, while Samsung banned Lucian.”

"Sindra, Syndra!" Lin Ran shouted to Jin Gong when he saw his favorite hero being released.

"Syndra was released and YM locked her down decisively. This can be regarded as one of Ran's signature heroes!" Miller said.

"Samsung chose the Xia Luo combination. It seems that they are going to suppress YM's bottom lane." Wawa said, "Let's see what YM's second and third picks will get..."

"I definitely have to get Thresh, and then how about getting a wine barrel for Xiaotian?" White Crescent Moon suggested.

Several teammates had no objections.

They first selected Nosuke's three rhythm points that were more important to YM, and left the remaining two positions until the end.

This is in line with YM's overall strategy, which gives priority to ensuring that the three positions where Nakano and Fu are often linked together get comfortable heroes.

Edgar had no choice, he could only supplement Pig Girl, otherwise White Crescent Moon would definitely target the ban jungle position in the second round.

In the second round of bans, White Crescent banned Kled and Galio, blocking the heroes that Cuvee and Crown are good at.

Samsung, on the other hand, banned Verus and Hanbing.

Now that Xayah has been robbed, Kalista, Ice, Verus and the policewoman have all been disabled, leaving Jack with few options.

Edgar found that now that BP is in progress, the “YM response plan” previously studied is difficult to execute perfectly.

Due to insufficient ban positions, he was forced to give Lin Ran Syndra, and it was difficult to take out the snake girl of the Crown.

Because Snake is not easy to fight against Syndra in the lane, and she may be caught by Nosuke who is on the opposite side with Barrel + Thresh.

He can only choose a more reliable life-saving hero for the Crown, and at the same time try his best to control the mid lane.

"Samsung chose to give Crown a grasshopper first..." Miller was not surprised to see Samsung's fourth choice. "This is mainly about functionality. He wants to try to hold off Lin Ran in the middle."

"Do you still want a prince? How about Kainan?" Jin Gong turned around and asked.

He felt that Samsung would most likely take a strong solo hero in their last move, and taking the prince would not be an advantage.

"If you choose Kennen, you have to go with the AD single belt. Our midfielder's magic damage is already enough." Bai Yueya pondered for a moment and said.

Jin Gong nodded, "No problem."

"Kainan and Big Mouth..." Miller couldn't help but frowned when he saw YM's last two choices.

"Can anyone really protect this big mouth?" He asked his own question, "We all know that the large, non-displaceable turret of big mouth is very difficult to deal with the output environment. It is best to use it with Galio.

"But the other four characters in YM, Kennen, Gragas, Syndra and Thresh, are not a guaranteed lineup at all?"

Wawa couldn't answer Miller's doubts. He looked at the BP panel and changed the topic, "Samsung got Gnar for cuvee in the last choice, but they still want to play singles."

If the mid laner Grasshopper just doesn't perfectly fit the "YM response plan", then Gnar is completely off course.

Originally, in the response strategy, the top laner should choose a control tank that can protect and support teammates.

However, since Grasshopper, a hero with average output ability, was selected in the middle, it was difficult for Edgar to single-select a pure front row player like Big Tree.

If selected, they would be Dashu/Zhu Mei/Grasshopper/Xia/Luo, completely reduced to a 4-guarante-1 system, and most of the output in team battles would have to rely on Xia.

The smell is so strong that I wouldn't be able to choose this lineup even if I have cerebral thrombosis in ten years.

Edgar can only supplement the top laner with the single point of Gnar, which can be regarded as leaving a way out for himself.

The lineups of both sides have now been determined.

Blue square YM: top laner Kennen, jungler Barrel, mid laner Syndra, bottom lane Big Mouth + Thresh.

Red side SSG: top laner Gnar, beat Wild Boar Girl, mid laner Malzahar, bottom lane Xia + Luo.

"This should be AD Kennen," Miller also guessed Jin Gong's choice, "Then I don't think YM has the advantage in this team fight."

"Samsung's ability to protect the back row and force team openings is too strong. Coupled with Xia's own ultimate move, it will be very difficult for the ruler to die."

Wawa nodded repeatedly, "But I think if YM can choose this lineup, they must have a way to deal with it. Maybe they can end this battle by relying on Gongzi brother's single belt."

"That's true," Miller originally wanted to say that YM hasn't played a 41-point putt for a long time, but when he thought about Jin Gong almost leading Huni to autism in the MSI finals, confidence surged into his heart, "It still depends on YM. Just wing it.”

The audience in the audience is still cheering for Samsung, but now they are unscrupulous and their voices are getting louder and louder.

Anyway, their own division has been eliminated, and now even if YM vents their anger, they will not bear the consequences.

Dozens of players and coaching teams in the lounges of the two competition areas backstage were glued to the screen, not missing any detail.

Summoner's Rift appears, and ten heroes appear in the spring!

"Go against them in the lower half." Lin Ran bought the Dolan Ring, and then marked the blue BUFF pointing directly at the lower half of Samsung.

Their first-level team combat capabilities are quite good, while the three-star midfield grasshoppers and pig girls have very weak first-level combat capabilities.

Under such circumstances, Lin Ran would naturally launch a first-level invasion.

"Wait for 1 minute and 30 seconds before going over. Jin Gong, please keep an eye on our blue buff before going online." He led three teammates and stood in the grass behind his red buff.

"corejj placed a trinket eye in the grass of the river, while Chidi set up a field of view in the grass on the edge of the bottom lane and the river. It seems that he is also wary of YM's possible invasion." Miller analyzed the game from a God's perspective, "An Zhang The goal is to start from a misplaced position in the top half..."

This kind of misaligned jungle opening route is very beneficial to the jungler of the weaker side, and greatly reduces the possibility of being forced to counter-jungle by the opponent.

But until one minute and twenty seconds, the two jewelry eyes in the lower half did not see the movements of the YM people.

The young head An became very excited.

If the opponent's first-level team wasn't too strong, he wouldn't want to start out of position in the top half.

Because his goal in this game is very clear, to help before level 6.

Helping doesn’t just mean gank, but a kind of protection.

Kennen has almost no natural enemies in the lane, and Gnar will definitely be suppressed before his Q [throwing boomerang] level rises.

You must know that cuvee's top laner Gnar is Samsung's support for the single belt in the later stage, and a certain amount of resources must be allocated.

After all, the ability of grasshopper in the middle and Xia Luo in the bottom lane to cooperate with the jungle before level 6 is extremely limited. Naturally, Leader An must ensure the development of his top laner.

The first half of the game started in a misplaced position. If the opponent did not invade, he would not be able to change to YM's upper half of the jungle.

Brushing all the way down like this will make it difficult to help get on the road in the early stages.

Therefore, when Leader An saw that there was no sign of YM invasion yet, he hurriedly walked down. He also wanted to drive from the blue buff, and then brush all the way over to protect the upper road.

"Eh? Leader An is back again," Wawa raised his eyebrows, a little surprised, "The four people from YM have no intention of invading yet. They have been standing in their own jungle area for nearly a minute!"

But at 1 minute and 30 seconds into the game, the YM team of four suddenly entered the river and headed towards the SSG blue zone!

corejj clearly saw the movements of everyone in YM!

"What should Master An do?" Wawa yelled, "The blue buff will be refreshed immediately!"

Leader An did not expect the YM group to be so cunning, and they waited until the wild area was about to be refreshed before invading.

But there is nothing he can do. YM Thresh, Syndra, Barrel and Big Mouth are not weak in level one, and head-on confrontation is completely unrealistic.

"I'll go to the upper half and open it myself. You guys can go online directly."

Miller saw this scene and shouted, "Captain An is rushing to his jungle area again, but it will be difficult for cuvee to help him!"

It took 1 minute and 32 seconds for Leader An to decide to change direction and rush to the upper half again. After 6 seconds, the red BUFF will be refreshed.

And at this time, the army line is about to reach the top road.

If cuvee insists on helping leader An open the jungle, he will lose the experience of the army line.

But it’s really hurtful for Pig Girl to get red BUFF by herself!

"Cuvee has no choice but to come over and help with output," Miller laughed. "Otherwise, Leader An will have to return to the city to supply supplies after reaching level 3."

"Help, hit him twice more!" Leader An saw that Cuvee had lost his boomerang and wanted to leave after just two basic attacks, so he quickly tried to persuade him to stay.

"But if I help you fight again, I will miss out on troops." Cuvee was a little dissatisfied. The army line is the lifeline and must not be lost.

"You help me now, and I will go on the road to help you later!" Leader An promised.

Although cuvee was reluctant, Big Brother An had already talked to this point, so he still helped him eat the red buff.

"If cuvee comes online at this time, it is equivalent to losing three soldiers for nothing, which is very comfortable." Miller couldn't help but sigh.

After Lin Ran came online, he tried to overwhelm others. After all, the strength of the first-level grasshopper was not high, and Syndra took the initiative in the fight.

But Crown was very timid, and the others shrank back instead of trying to exchange blood.

Although Lin Ran took advantage of the fact that his three melee soldiers were reduced to low health and Crown wanted to replenish his troops, he used Q [Dark Sphere] to hit the grasshopper, but it only tore up the protective film on his body.

The damage reduction effect of the protective film absorbed a lot of damage for the crown, and the grasshopper he operated didn't lose much health at all.

When the dark ball hit, Crown stood at the skill limit distance of 900 yards and easily killed three minions with his Q skill.

As solid as ever.

However, Lin Ran did not give up the idea of ​​​​consuming it. The cooldown of the Level 1 grasshopper's passive [Void Crossing] was reduced by a full 30 seconds, so he still had plenty of opportunities.

Soon, he took advantage of the remaining health of the three ranged soldiers to use skills to consume the crown again.

Malzahar was damaged, and the cooldown of his passive [Void Crossing] was reset again.

The protective film still takes 30 seconds to generate.

Crown felt a little irritated.

Lin Ran's intention to consume him was very obvious.

But the key is that this person is always stuck in the gap between using his skills to replenish troops.

Malzahar is not a hero like Clockwork and Syndra who can move and cast spells, so casting movements are inevitable.

This casting action is not very long, but Syndra is enough to use this time to hit Malzahar with her skill.

If it continues to be consumed by Lin Burning, then the grasshopper's passivity will be of no avail. It will be reset frequently and will have no effect at all.

More importantly, Syndra's Q [Dark Sphere] does not attract the hatred of the minions, and Lin Ran is still full of health after the fight.

Crown is under tremendous laning pressure, but he still has to withstand it.

People who resist pressure are like this. There is nothing I can do about it, Sister Li.

"Headmaster An reached level 3 and rushed to the road to help..." Miller's commentary target switched with the camera, "This army line Jin Gong is very uncomfortable."

Jin Gong had been refinishing his tail sword honestly before - he even waited for the attack trajectory of the minion to appear before he recharged the last sword.

In this way, the minions will not attack the enemy line more because of the hero's last hit, which can slow down the forward speed of the line infinitely.

But Cuvee missed three minions at level 1, and he also only had tail-filling knives.

This resulted in the top line of troops still being in the middle of the river.

Pig Girl, controlled by Leader An, appeared from the grass and forced Jin Gong to retreat under the tower.

An Bixin looked at Jin Gong circling under the tower and grinned proudly.

He became even more excited when he thought that Jin Gong also came from Samsung back then, and successfully triggered the passive [a three-star traitor with one knife].

The pig under An Bixin's crotch rose and fell, dancing very sarcastically.

Jin Gong could only watch his cannon truck being devoured by the soldiers, and he didn't even get any experience.

The audience suddenly burst into excited applause and cheers, which was as outrageous as the audience who saw North American X-teacher TSM tearing off their eyes and cheering wildly.

"Moya (what)?" Leader An was startled, and the pig under him couldn't move.

[The scene is starting to get disgusting again, right? 】

[This cannon truck dropped... If I were the top laner, I would curse. 】

[Is Leader An still laughing? If you can still laugh out loud after ten more minutes, YM everyone has a responsibility! 】

Xiaotian had just cleaned up the lower half of Samsung's wild area at this time.

When Lin Ran saw Leader An's position, his brain was spinning rapidly, and he decisively commanded, "Xiaotian, let's go to the wild area. We can guard our three wolves!"

He took a look at Leader An's last hit count, which was 3, and easily calculated Pig Girl's jungle clearing route: red BUFF-YM square blue BUFF-Magic Swamp Frog.

Based on this calculation, there is still a group of three wolves in the upper half of YM.

Don't underestimate this group of three wolves, which is only worth 100 gold coins.

If you can defend it, then Leader An will have to spend one less group of jungles. Each time it costs 200 gold coins, it is close to the economy of two waves of troops.

The garlic bastard was eager for someone to help him guard the wild area, so he readily agreed, holding the wine barrel in his arms and heading into his wild area.

Leader An was completely unaware at this time. After he finished feeling disgusted with Jin Gong, he rushed into the YM wild area, preparing to eat the three wolves, and then go out to show off his skills on the road.

"Xiaotian walked up the lower half of his area and passed by the Second Tower at this time." Wawa lowered his voice, "He is going to capture the leader An!"

"Jin Gong, can you come down?" Lin Ran gave up the middle line and quickly moved towards the jungle. "I can give you this head."

When the Xiba people heard this, they became excited and walked from the tower to the wild area without saying a word.

The two people in the YM disappeared at the same time. Leader An was not a fool. He knew that they were probably here to catch him.

But he wasn't too worried.

It is difficult for Syndra and Kennen to kill Pig Girl quickly. At worst, he can use wild monster punishment to restore health.

"You two are coming too, don't be afraid of them!" Leader An directed his teammates.

Cuvee pushed away the troops, his self-confidence as high as his anger level, and he ran into the jungle with the confidence of victory.

"The grasshoppers will come slower, let's drive first!" Lin Ran knew that if Crown wants to get to the three YM wolves, it still needs to make a detour, and the journey is relatively long.

He knew that there was another punishment for Master An, so he played a trick.

The moment he inserted a trinket eye into the three wolves' camp through the wall, W [Driving Telekinesis] captured the big wolf!

Now the large wild monster is under his control and cannot be selected.

Leader An didn't have time to react at all, he couldn't even hand over the punishment!

The next moment, in the dark field of vision, the fat belly of the wine barrel was knocked out, and it hit the pig under the crotch of the head An, and the woman on the wild boar fell into a state of dizziness!

Leader An didn't expect Xiaotian to come with him!

He watched the wine barrel surrender all its skills, lower his blood volume, and quickly wanted to escape.

However, Lin Ran took advantage of Xiaotian's opportunity to control Zhu Mei, and QE 2nd Company quickly took action. The control chain was well connected, and he followed up with a basic attack to unleash the Thunder Lord's decree.

Now Leader An's health is in danger and he may die at any time.

He tried to pass Q [Arctic Assault] over the wall.

But this damn wine barrel has always been blocked between him and the wall, and his fat body has stuck the narrow position tightly.

If Pig Girl hands over Q [Arctic Assault], she will hit the wine barrel and cannot escape through the wall.

"Xiaotian is still spinning around, just hold him tight and don't let Master An get out!" Miller became excited, "This pig can't escape!"

Forced to have no choice, An Bixin could only hand over the flash and cross the wall first.

But the little yordle whose whole body was covered by lightning also emerged from above, and Jin Gong came to claim his life with a thunder shuriken!

Although it is AD Kennen, the early skill mechanism is here, and the damage is not low.

Jin Gong chased the pig's butt and clicked it all the way, feeling cruel in his heart.

Your name is An Bixin, right? Won't you let me replenish the artillery truck?

Xibaren vented his anger on Zhumei.

"Cuvee rushed to the battlefield. He maintained his anger very well. The full-strength Danar is now very powerful in combat..."

Cuvee also wanted to stop Jin Gong, but when he handed over E [Stomach] to approach Kennen, Jin Gong also handed over Flash!

A Q [Second Truth! Chidori] cooperates with W [Second Meaning! [Electric Blade], detonating the storm mark on Pig Girl, and successfully gained first blood!

"Get out, get out, don't be left behind!" An Bixin, who was already dead, ordered his teammates to escape.

Now that the three top, middle and jungle players in YM have all mastered their skills, there is naturally no way to retain the other players from Samsung, so they simply stopped pursuing them and each returned to online development.

"Double BUFFs obtained!" Wawa looked at Kenan swaying with his shuriken, and couldn't help but shouted excitedly, "Kenan can't stop him now!"

Cuvee returned to the line, his body had shrunk. He looked at Kenan, who had just taken first blood, and his face turned dark.

Is this what An Bixin said to help me?

How to solve this long-handed Kennen with double BUFF?

Originally, it was not comfortable for Gnar to fight Kennen in the early stage. You just asked me to miss three soldiers' experience to help open the field. What does it mean to come here and give one away?

You want me to die, right?

Cuvee's mood fluctuated, and Jin Gong accidentally opened the E [Secret Truth! Thunder Armor] caught up and fired a basic attack. The burning effect of the red BUFF continued to burn his blood.

It’s so uncomfortable!

Cuvee put on a mask of pain, his face distorted and he continued to fight.

The applause from the audience stopped abruptly, and Leader An stopped laughing.

It's only been a minute since he danced on a pig on top.

Retribution always comes so quickly that people are caught off guard.

I'm reading everyone's comments on the previous chapter.

I will improve upon the suggestions you put forward. This is also my first alliance book. It is inevitable that there are some things that are not considered well. I will try my best to write it better. Thank you for your suggestions.

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