LOL: What is a roaming mid laner?

Chapter 291 Chapter 289: Self-destructive style of play (7800 words long chapter!)

Leader An not only gave Jin Gong first blood and double buffs.

Xiaotian took advantage of the time before he was resurrected to counterattack a group of junglers - the sharp beak birds.

This action was even performed under the eye position where the crown was installed. The Garlic Bastard's body was so excited that he trembled. He always felt that this was a kind of excitement that his husband was currently committing.

This means that after the resurrection of Master An, only a group of gargoyles are left in the house.

Xiaotian's own family still has a lower half wild area and three wolves that have not been brushed.

Calculated in this way, both sides refreshed a total of 12 groups of wild monsters in the first round. Leader An only took 4 of them, while Xiaotian took 8 groups.

The four different groups of wild monsters mean the experience gap and 400 gold coins in the early stage.

Coupled with the first-blood assist bounty, Xiaotian's current economic lead in the opponent's match has reached an exaggerated figure.

"Xiaotian Jiutong returned to the city for the first time. He directly took out the green jungle knife and added Bambi Slag. This development is a bit too good..." Miller said happily.

"Since Leader An on the other side died earlier, he only has a green jungle knife now," the baby said, "The gap in combat power between the two junglers is a bit big."

"And this gap will get wider and wider," Miller explained to the audience, "That's what happens in the jungle. A temporary lead in equipment will cause a butterfly effect. For example, the slag burning damage in Xiaotian's backpack will cause His jungle clearing efficiency has reached another level."

Middle road.

As the level increases, Crown Grasshopper's line-clearing ability also gradually grows. Three small skills can lower the health of the line of soldiers, and then add a few basic attacks.

But Lin Ran's skill damage is also constantly increasing.

His laning suppression is quite fierce, and the high frequency of blood exchanges makes Crown's passive [Void Crossing] useless and cannot be refreshed at all.

The crown is like a sponge absorbing water, silently bearing all this.

Although he was constantly being beaten, his blood volume was maintained quite well.

This is related to his excellent sense of distance. After all, as Victor's unique skill brother, these are essential skills.

This sense of distance made it difficult for Lin Ran to execute the Thunder Lord's decree, and naturally he could not weaken the crown's health too much.

Lin Ran was a little impatient because of the crown.

Now that the game time is close to 5 minutes, the two sides have taken down 7 waves of troops in the middle, and the comparison of last hits is 42:39.

He is only ahead by 3 CS. Even if the economy provided by killing the grasshopper and assists is included, the economic difference between the two sides is only 200 gold coins.

This number was far from Lin Ran's expectations.

Because Grasshopper has ushered in a qualitative change at level 6 - his ultimate move [Grapple of Hades] is extremely powerful in combination with the jungle.

If you want to unlock the grip of Hades, you can only buy the mercury sash, and the purification and crucible are useless.

In other words, once the crown reaches level 6, Lin Ran will definitely not dare to suppress it unscrupulously, otherwise being caught to death once will be very painful, and being caught to death twice will basically be equivalent to quitting the game.

If he wants to take the economic lead in his matchup, he must be before Grasshopper level 6.

The seventh wave of troops has been cleared, leaving Lin Ran little time. With the ninth wave of troops, Malzahar will be raised to level 6.

Lin Ran took a look at the chat history and suddenly had an idea.


This is the refresh time of wild monsters recorded by Xiaotian.

5.45 stands for 5 minutes and 45 seconds, R stands for red square, and F is the abbreviation of frontbeaked bird - Bird is not used because I am afraid of being confused with the blue buff.

What the connection means together is that the next group of sharp-beaked birds with three stars in the red square will be refreshed at 5 minutes and 45 seconds.

In fact, many junglers use this recording method.

After all, there is no monster timing function of Wegame in the game, so relying solely on the timer provided by the Riot system is not reliable.

But most junglers only record the four BUFFs and the refresh time of Xiaolong and Baron.

Xiaotian, who records the refresh time of the Sharpbill wild camp, is also in the minority.

Garlic Bastard didn't remember it before, but Su Cheng's 'Wild Area Economic Suppression Theory' forced him to change his habits.

The core point of the jungle economic suppression theory is to fight against the jungle, which is no different from the jungle core ideas of Leopard Girl and Male Gun that were popular for a period of time last spring.

If you want to counter the jungle, you must clearly remember the spawn time of each group of wild monsters, so that the jungler can plan his own jungle route.

With the changes in the version, Xiaotian temporarily gave up the theory of economic suppression in the jungle, but he has always retained this method of recording the refresh time of wild monsters.

Lin Ran looked at the refresh time of wild monsters in the team chat channel, and roughly calculated the troop lines, so that he had a rough idea.

"Xiao Yao, let's use our time to fight against his sharp-beaked bird," Lin Ran commanded, "We may be able to kill Pig Girl."

"彳亍." Xiaotian was planning to brush his own Demon Swamp Frog, and calculated the time to get there when the three-star sharp-beaked bird spawned.

"Jack, remember to press the line in the bottom lane," Lin Ran continued to arrange, "Young Master Tear, you can insert your ward into the blue buff grass on the opposite side later."

"I probably..." Liu Qingsong calculated the time, "It should be about 6 minutes and 20 seconds to place the blue BUFF eye position. The time should be about the same."

"Baby, can you use me?" Jin Gong's voice was full of passion.

Lin Ran knew that the Xiba people had enjoyed first blood in the last wave. Now he took advantage of the hero's matchup characteristics and the advantages brought by the double BUFF to successfully suppress Cuvee by nearly 10 knives.

"No, just keep an eye on Cuvee and don't let him come down." Lin Ran thought for a while and replied, "There's no problem for the two of us to kill this pig girl."

In his opinion, Sejuani, who did not flash, was just the next piece of meat on the chopping board and did not pose any threat.

The time soon came to 5 minutes and 38 seconds, and another wave of artillery soldiers came to the middle.

At this time, there are still 7 seconds left before the three-star beak camp is refreshed.

A magic number.

But Lin Ran did not choose to push the lane quickly, and then went into the jungle to prepare for an ambush.

Because this kind of move goes too far, the experienced leader An will definitely not be fooled.

Previously, the reason why the three wolves of their own team got the first blood of Leader An was because they hid the movement path of the Garlic Bastard - the key detail is that the Samsung bottom lane duo placed all the trinket eyes on the river at level one, and there were not enough Use your field of vision to explore Xiaotian's brushing movements.

This time is completely different.

YM knows the refresh time of Leader An's Sharp Beak, Leader An also knows that YM knows the refresh time of his F6, YM also knows that Leader An knows...

This is a matryoshka sequence.

The last thing to look at is the psychological game.

Therefore, Lin Ran will definitely not alert the enemy.

As usual, he slowly cleared the line of soldiers, and then used the dark magic ball to consume the crown again.

"Malzahar has knocked down all the supplies, and his health is barely at half," Miller looked at the mid lane situation on the screen, "but Ran doesn't have much mana left, and he's retreating. …”

Lin Ran ate a minion. Although he lost two bin experience when roaming his three wolves before, the first blood assist still helped him successfully reach level 6.

Crown also lost two minions during that wandering, but he gained nothing.

If he wants to reach level 6 without gaining any experience, he must eat all three melee soldiers in this wave of soldiers.

This information was completely grasped by Lin Ran. The difference in experience between the two soldiers was the opportunity for YM's midfielder to take action.

"Xiaotian is heading towards the wild area, what does he want to do..." Before Miller could finish his words, he saw 6 sharp-beaked birds that were harmless to humans and animals once again appeared in the camp.

"Sharp Beak, he wants to use this group of wild monsters to fish and catch the leader An again!" The baby was as surprised as if he had discovered a new world.

YM midfielder is ready, but leader An has not arrived yet.

"Has it been discovered?" Xiaotian couldn't figure out the situation.

Leader An has not been ganking during this period, and is obviously developing.

Since Xiaotian has refreshed the lower half of the three-star jungle area, he naturally knows the refresh time of those wild monsters.

An old goblin like Leader An must be proficient in the second route of the jungle subject, and the speed of jungle clearing cannot be so slow.

Logically speaking, he would arrive when the Sharpbill spawns.

But now, there are only 6 birds in the camp, but the pig is nowhere to be seen.

Xiaotian could only infer that his intentions were discovered by Master An.

Lin Ran frowned and thought for a moment, "To go to the gargoyle camp, he should take a detour to go up there."

The Garlic Bastard didn't hesitate and continued walking up with the wine barrel in his arms.

"Xiaotian didn't give up. Instead of slaying this group of sharp-beaked birds, he continued to find Master An!" Miller, who was looking at the movement path of the wine barrel from a God's perspective, suddenly became excited, "This time the direction By the way, Leader An is rushing up from another position!"

The audience present saw a strange scene.

Xiaotian held the wine barrel, passed the area behind the three-star red buff, and headed towards the gargoyle camp.

Leader An, who was riding a pig, passed through the grass near the narrow gate of his highland and also headed towards the gargoyle camp.

The two junglers rushed to the same jungle area at the same time, in exactly the same pace.

Lin Ran wanted to push the line quickly to support.

Gargoyle Camp is very close to the upper road.

If nothing else goes wrong, by the time the two junglers fight, cuvee's Gnar has already reached level 6. In addition, it is very close to his own jungle area, and it is very likely that he can help Leader An escape from danger.

He had to get involved.

However, the intention of pushing the line was more obvious, and Crown also noticed it, and he began to use his skills to push the line.

If the line is pushed normally, Lin Ran's speed should be about the same as that of Grasshopper.

This does not allow him to roam for support in advance.

So he tried a little trick.

Lin Ran used W [Driving Telekinesis] to pull up the artillery soldier, took two steps back, and then threw it under his own defense tower.

The conscientious defense tower fired cannonballs, which accurately landed on the artillery soldiers, taking away 14% of their health each time.

When the gun carriage suddenly appeared in front of him, he did not rush back to join his brothers, but started to dismantle the tower alone.

Crown didn't expect Lin Ran to do this.

Hey, you also bring a defensive tower? You are a person who has no moral ethics when it comes to pushing the line!

He couldn't bring the artillery cart to his defense tower, so he could only push the line of troops as hard as he could.

However, Malzahar's E [Evil Star Illusion] and W [Void Swarm] do not carry percentage damage, and the speed of clearing the gun truck is very slow.

Lin Ran's last basic attack destroyed the artillery truck and quickly moved to the shadow corner.

"Headmaster An has started to paint the gargoyles, and Xiaotian who is peeping is only a wall away from him!"

As Miller explained nervously with a hint of excitement, Xiaotian took a sip of beer and burped.

Since he didn't have to take a detour to get to the gargoyle, he arrived 3 seconds early and placed an ornamental eye on the partition wall first.

Now, Leader An's wild-clearing movements are under his control.

The moment Lin Ran was out of Crown's sight, he started sprinting and walked straight up.

"Xiaotian made a circle and came to the side of the gargoyle camp, adjusted the angle and pushed a meat-egg-onion chicken directly over!"

Head An was stunned when he saw that fat and soft belly pressing against his butt.

what's going on?

I've given my Sharpbill camp to you to eat, and you still want to disgust me?

Kill them all, right?

"Syndra is also walking up, give me a ward position and I'll teleport!" Crown's voice came from the team's voice.

He only knew that Lin Ran wanted to push the line, and originally thought that Syndra wanted to return to the city to resupply equipment.

But the moment Crown saw Xiaotian appear, he knew that Lin Ran definitely wanted to support his teammates.

But he didn't sprint - that was his habit of playing grasshopper. (see this chapter)

This round he brought teleportation.

The reason is very simple. Whenever he takes out the grasshopper, he already assumes that the opposing player is stronger than him. Crown's positioning in this kind of game is very clear - it must frequently use the teleportation supply state to improve the opponent's strength. The player is firmly tethered to the middle.

Now he didn't go up anymore, but took a few steps back - to prevent Lin Ran from seeing him teleporting and rushing back to interrupt with E [Weak Retreat].

"Chief An is in the ward position, and the crown in the middle is handed over to teleport for protection." Wawa is looking forward to this battle. "Cuvee is also rushing here, and the three stars are gathering very fast!"

Leader An was hit by a set of wine barrels and lost a lot of health, but he remained calm and calm, "Don't be afraid, don't be afraid, Kenan didn't flash, and the burst output is not high."

"And Syndra will have to wait a while before coming..."

As soon as he finished speaking, a golden light flashed through.

Syndra, whose sprinting effect had just disappeared, appeared from behind the wall of the gargoyle camp!

"Ran directly flashed to close the distance," Miller's tone suddenly increased, and the words popped out like bullets from the muzzle of a gun, "Q [Dark Sphere] plus R [Energy Pour] to pour out the output!"

Leader An did not expect that Lin Ran would directly use sprint to support him on the road. This Syndra rushed to the battlefield too fast!

The cuvee hasn't even come from the upper route yet.

Syndra's early arrival was like a heavyweight bargaining chip placed on the YM tray!

Four dark magic balls hit Pig Girl one after another.

Now that there is no pigskin protection from the passive [Frost Armor], Leader An's resistance is not very high; and he only has a green jungle knife on him and no health equipment at all.

Lin Ran's set of skills caused extremely high damage after hitting Thunder, directly crippling Leader An!

"Headmaster An was forced to have no choice but to hand over punishment to restore blood!"

The next moment the punishment was handed over, another bright light flashed in the sky, Xiaotian's punishment fell, and the big gargoyle was pocketed!

"Cuvee rushed to the battlefield. He still controlled his anger quite well. He wanted to jump forward and use his ultimate move to hit the YM midfielder against the wall..."

The commentary stopped abruptly.

Syndra's E [The Weak Retreat] pushed out four balls on the ground!

Lin Ran wanted to interrupt Nall's close approach.

But at the same time, golden light also flashed.

Cuvee's giant Gnar's body forcibly flashed through the dark sphere, and at the same time raised its claws and pushed hard to the side.


Another golden light.

"Xiaotian also handed over the flash back and avoided Gnar's big move. These people reacted so quickly!" Wawa was so excited that he couldn't help himself. "Now the four people fighting on the field have handed over three flashes. Both sides have spent a lot of money!"

The only one who didn't flash was Master An. His flash had happened when the three wolves sent first blood, and he was naturally hit by Syndra's weak retreat, and fell into a dazed state again.

Although Lin Ran's Syndra was hit by Gnar's ultimate move, he had surrendered all his skills at this time and even drained his remaining mana.

He is now an artillery soldier with little lethality.

"Xiaotian is still attacking Master An, and Pig Girl will be the first to die!"

The moment Garlic Bastard made his basic attack, Big Gnarr's W [Blow] also hit him at the same time.

The stun effect took effect, but the output of this basic attack was still hit hard, and the screen of An Zhangmen in the dazed state turned black and white again.

The next moment, the red light on the eye stopped flashing, and the little yordle carrying a thunder shuriken also rushed over.

"Jin Gong and Crown arrived at the battlefield at the same time! Both sides are determined to fight to the death here!"

"My [War Zeal] stack is almost full. If you can fight, Minhao, you can attack this Kenan!"

Cuvee's own condition is not bad. Although he was consumed by Jin Gong before, the health bonus provided by Gnar after he became bigger has boosted his health again.

Crown, whose real name is Li Minhao, did not hesitate and grabbed R [Grip of Hades] towards Jin Gong.

"Jin Gong is very smart. He first lured away the Ten Thousand Thunder Heavenly Prison, so that he could use the stun effect accumulated by the thunder and lightning to interrupt the grasshopper's ultimate move!"

However, the lightning strike speed of the level 1 Kennen ultimate move is very slow, and you have to wait 1.5 seconds to stun the crown.

"Cuvee changes the target and focuses on Kenan with Crown!"

Syndra has no mana, and Grain Barrel has also used up a set of skills. AD Kennen, who uses basic attacks as his main form of output, has naturally become the target of public criticism.

However, it is still difficult for Gnar, who relies on basic attack output, to match a non-outburst Malzahar to Kennen, who is in full form in seconds.

"Both the three-star top and middle players were stunned," the doll shouted. "Crown doesn't have much mana now, and he can only attack with basic attacks!"

After using Q [Throw Stone], Big Gnar also lost his skill.

"The five people on the battlefield all turned into ADCs and used basic attacks to deal damage. This is too exaggerated!" Miller found it unbelievable.

The five of them are worthy of each other and feel that they can win this battle between basic attack and A.

After a life-and-death battle.

Jin Gong and Guang Guan were killed one after another.

"The output ability of Gnar, who is full of war fervor, is very powerful. This talent is almost like giving him a storm sword!"

"After he became smaller, he still wanted to chase YM midfielder, but Xiaotian's Q [Rolling Barrel] cooled down better and successfully slowed down the cuvee, helping himself and Ran escape!" Miller watched the two sides retreat and finally let go Let your throat rest for a moment.

"In this round of one-for-two, it seems that YM is more profitable!" Wawa took over, "Leader An's wild monster has been robbed of another group. He is very difficult to mix with now!"

It's really hard to mix.

Now that the time has reached just over 6 minutes, Leader An is still only at level four.

More importantly, he didn't even have much money in his pocket.

After getting 4 groups of wild monsters in the first round, the wild monsters were refreshed in the second round, and he ate his own Demon Swamp Frog and Three Wolves.

In other words, in 6 minutes, he ate a total of 6 groups of wild monsters, which were only level 4.

With this financial strength, not to mention the Slag Giant jungle knife, even the small [Bambi's Slag] Leader An couldn't afford it.

He could only buy the red crystal and straw sandals, then grit his teeth and buy a real eye, and headed to the Sharpbill camp.

After the hand-to-hand battle on the road, the kind-hearted cuvee helped him protect the group of F6 with his heroic and fearless spirit.

The sharp-beaked bird, which symbolizes the dignity of the jungler, was eaten by Boss An with tears in his eyes.

He is now eager to develop, and he can quickly upgrade to level 6 to lead the rhythm.

"How about Min Hao give me this blue buff?" Leader An 'discussed' with Crown.

"You..." Crown hesitated to speak.

He really wants this blue BUFF.

In the previous melee on the road, he had already handed over teleportation and ultimate moves.

This means that in the next period of time, he can only rely on his own mana and blood to resist Lin Ran's crazy laning suppression.

Without the blue BUFF grasshopper, it is difficult to quickly wash out the troops.

Unable to move the troops, Lin Ran, who had just returned to the city to replenish his status and equipment, had to wander around again.

How to do this?

"...Forget it, just eat it." Crown decided to hold back and make sacrifices for his teammates.

"When I get to 6, I will come to help you!" Leader An promised again.

Pull me down... The person you promised to help last time is now still on the road wearing a mask of pain.

However, Crown did not dare to say these words. The 27-year-old veteran jungler An has an extremely high status in this Korean team that pays attention to seniority, even only under the supervision of Edgar.

Leader An happily opened the blue BUFF.

This is rare in the professional arena.

Except for the special case of Happy Wind Man, most mid lane heroes still need blue BUFF, which is rarely left to the jungler.

This is my privilege, An Bixin. The square-faced bastard on the opposite side is just a tool for the mid laner on the opposite side, so the treatment will definitely not be as good as him.

"Syndra is going down, be careful." Crown couldn't push Lin Ran's line now, and his movement slowed down for another two seconds. He could only watch Syndra's graceful figure disappear again, "Maybe she will go to Lan Ran." BUFF camp.”

"His real eye has been inserted before, but the specific location is not sure," Crown said the collected information one by one. "The accessory eye was just put on the line. I saw it with my own eyes."

The vigilance An Bixin had just raised was instantly extinguished.

You don’t have accessory eyes, so you can’t see what’s going on in the blue buff camp. What can you do to snatch my wild monsters?

Come over and use W [Driving Telekinesis] in front of me?

He inserted a prosthetic eye through the wall and saw a woman walking over with three black balls spinning around her.

Then he took his time and grabbed the blue buff with 500 blood left in front of him.

? ? ?

Leader An was stunned for a moment.

Then I immediately realized that this place has eyes!

"Ran grabbed the blue buff in front of Boss An and threw it to Xiaotian at the river location!"

The garlic bastard had already drank beer. He bumped into the blue BUFF with his belly. He used Lin Ran's two small skills and his own rolling barrel to collect the blue BUFF.

Hiccup~ The happy hour is about to begin.

Gragas burped, and while flashing the black and red YM team logo on his head, he also twisted his plump bucket waist and danced.

[Hahaha, I'm going to die laughing, Boss An is always beating up the workers! 】

[Syndra has already come over, so where can I get buffs? 】

[Headmaster An: I have the blue buff, do you have it? 】

[Tian: Now I have it. 】

How ironic.

After working for nothing again, Manager An felt a fever on his face.

More importantly, he has now been pushed two levels of experience by Xiaotian.

The pig girl was beaten like this, and the rhythm of the wild area was destined to lag behind the opponent's barrel by a long way.

At 8 minutes, Xiaotian rushed to the bottom lane and used his first big move to successfully replace the Samsung duo at the expense of Liu Qingsong.

Leader An is still clearing the jungle at this time.

He only reached level 6 in 10 minutes, and Samsung could only give up the Rift Herald.

"YM gets the vanguard and puts it directly in the middle to knock down this first-blood tower!"

The roar of the giant beast echoed with the sound of the defense tower being destroyed.

The next moment, YM decisively broke off the group!

The wine barrel crashed out from the side shadow corner, and R [exploding wine barrel] directly exploded the ruler's ultimate move.

"Liu Qingsong followed with Thresh Hook and forced out the Chi Emperor's flash!"

Then, Lin Ran decisively R [Energy Pour] followed by E [Weak Retreat], handed over his ultimate move and flashed Xia, who had no room to dodge and was pushed to the spot!

"Corejj's Luo activated his ultimate move. This backhand control was very powerful and charmed the YM trio!"

The head pig girl An also gave R to restrain Kenan!

"Crown's ultimate move, Grip of the Underworld, was given to Syndra who was standing in front," Miller raised his voice again, "Ran without the mercury sash will be killed!"

Although Liu Qingsong's Thresh immediately brushed Grasshopper to interrupt the ultimate move, Lin Ran's health dropped extremely quickly during the short period of time he was controlled!

Before Lin Ran died, he threw out the last two skills and completed his mission.

"Look at me, look at me!" The grumpy Jack was waiting for this moment.

Samsung's current control skills are 7788, and this is a great opportunity for output!

W [Biochemical Barrage] is turned on, and the big mouth with increased range moves and slashes wildly, spitting at the three-star people!

At this moment, Big Mouth looks like Splatoon who just ate Wallace!

"Jack's move is too reckless, he's walking directly into Samsung's face!"

Leader An also wanted to use Q to push him away.

But Jack hands over Flash and moves on!

I don't care about it at all, I just want to hit output!

"Kill him!" Leader An shouted.

Needless to say, everyone from Samsung attacked Jack like sea water!

Although Crispy Big Mouth surrendered for treatment, he still died at the hands of Emperor Chi.

"Kill, kill, kill, I'll leave the rest to you!" Jack looked at the still colorful screen, his voice still excited.

He controlled the big-mouth corpse to run forward with the mouse, and exploded the passive real damage before dying.

Surprise from Icacia!

In just over ten minutes, the tank's equipment was not luxurious enough. The real damage caused by the big-mouthed corpse plus the saliva it sprayed before, the output reduced the three-star people to residual blood!

"Kenan has been stealing output from the side just now. Now he activates his ultimate move and thrusts forward. No one dares to get close!" The baby also saw that Jack and Lin Ran were completely self-destructive.

Because this round they didn’t have double C at the bottom, but three carry points!

AD Kennen's continuous combat ability is even more powerful than Big Mouth!

As long as someone is willing to sacrifice and force out the opponent's key control, YM can beat them.

"Jingong is about to harvest!"

On the screen, arcs of electricity surged all over Kenan's body, and he quickly swung his shuriken, killing four three-star heroes with residual blood in turn!

Although Lin Ran and Jack were both killed in battle, it created an excellent output environment for Jin Gong.

"The crown that survived alone could not stop the three brothers of YM Uenosuke, and the Canyon Pioneer knocked down the second tower of the three-star center!"

The economic gap has widened to 4K. In the next few minutes, Samsung seemed to have shrunk its head and turned into a bastard shell again.

Just don't go out.

YM has no choice but to accept the little dragon, plunder the wild area resources, and then wait for the big dragon team battle to start.

Samsung must take on this wave of team battles.

"Big Mouth is running forward again!" Miller and the audience were shocked.

Is this a big mouth?

Why is this man standing alone at the front chasing five people from Dianxingxing?

This completely subverts the perception of Samsung, a strong operating team.

If a turret doesn't hide behind and deal output, why should it run so far forward?

This big mouth didn't think about saving his life, he only thought about output.

They have never seen an ADC play this way.

With a rogue face that means death, he takes full control and damage, and then switches to teammates to reap the rewards.

"Pig Girl turned around and used her ultimate move, but was removed by Thresh Crucible..."

"Luo still wanted to enter the field, but RAN was already prepared. QE knocked Luo unconscious in place when he activated his ultimate move!"

The Big Mouth in the biochemical barrage state is still outputting. When combined with the W skill and the W skill, coupled with a Runaa hurricane, the range damage is extremely considerable.

The Crown finally couldn't hold it any longer, and the Grip of Hades took control of Jack again.

But in this way, YM's other two C positions can't stop it!

Lin Ran and Jin Gong used explosive damage to end the team battle and win the baron!

"I take back what I said before," Miller shook his head and smiled bitterly, "YM didn't protect Big Mouth at all. Their three output positions took turns to be self-destruction points, in order to allow teammates to find higher output positions and output environments. "

At 26 minutes, Jack Big Mouth once again led the team.

This time, he has a mercury sash.

There were almost no skills to control him. The five of them could only watch Jack ride on his face to deal damage, then inject damage to kill him, and then be passively self-destructed by Big Mouth to harvest his health.

Lin Ran took the opportunity to use QRE's three consecutive Tiannu Sanhua to achieve fatal group control!

"Kenan activated his ultimate move and moved around the edge, the output was very high!"

Two for five, YM won a big victory, and then bulldozed the Samsung base in a wave!

"Congratulations YM!" Wawa shouted, "Winning the finals for the LPL division is a good start!"


Thanks to Ling Luo Dark Night for the 10,000 starting coin reward

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