LOL: What is a roaming mid laner?

Chapter 296 294: Landry’s Torture

"Today is going to be a focus battle," Zeyuan stood on the commentary stage making warm-up preparations. "The battle between YM who returned from the intercontinental competition and the new team TOP who has performed well recently."

Su Xiaoyan flipped her hair and echoed, "Yes, apart from the two teams, we are more concerned about the competition between the mid laners of the two teams."

"Ran will accept the challenge of Knight, who is also from YM!"

The audience in the audience waved their support banners. Ninety-five percent of the audience supported YM, and only a few scattered audience members held up Zhuo Ding's cartoon character heads.

One of the reasons why YM is so popular nowadays.

On the other hand, although TOP has now attracted a wave of foreign fans with the help of the ID of supporting ppgod, the domestic fan base still comes from Golden Left Hand, and half of Golden Left Hand's supporters are also in Fan YM.

The two teams competed on the same stage, and most of Zhuo Ding's casual fans decisively switched sides and turned to cheer for Lin Ran and others.

[Hello, big brother] The TOP jungler is sad and types greetings in the custom room first.

[Brother Gongzi, please torture me gently today, don’t call anyone else] The person speaking was Zoom. He has a fair complexion, a long waist, a thick waist and a strong build. He looks like a big white bear.

What zoom said was exactly what Jin Gong wanted. He was typing and typing pinyin faster than a normal Chinese person. [No problem, develop on the road, who is called the jungler and who is the bastard]

Xiaotian glared at Jin Gong sideways.

But he never dared to retaliate.

There is no way, the force value is not at the same level at all, the garlic bastard still wants to protect his neck.

Lin Ran took the initiative to type and communicate with Zhuo Ding, "I will not show mercy. Don't be tempted, otherwise you will be beaten badly by me." 】

Zhuo Ding paused with his left hand holding the mouse, his eyes full of fighting spirit.

The last time he and Lin Ran played against each other on the court was in the German Cup last year.

After a spring of dormancy, coupled with Lin Ran's previous teachings, Zhuo Ding vowed to make Lin Ran look at him with new eyes!

With a crisp sound, the first BP session officially began!

Zeyuan's expression perked up, "The blue side's TOP banned Kalista first, while the red side's YMban banned Zach!"

For the second ban position, both sides contributed to Luo and Lucian respectively.

Both sides had the last ban position left. TOP chose to block the excavator, while White Crescent took the wrong approach and banned Pig Girl.

"Now there are only two versions of spider and wine barrel out there that are strong junglers, and Syndra in the mid-unit is still out there. I don't know what choice TOP will make..." As soon as Su Xiaoyan finished speaking, TOP had already locked her own. hero.


Zhuo Ding leaned on the back of the chair and pinched his fingers, his eyes bright.

This is one of his most confident heroes, and with Syndra's version being highly favored, Zhuo Ding is confident of having a laning advantage.

"Spider and Thresh, YM should take Nosuke's rhythm point first," Zeyuan nodded, not surprised by YM's choice, "Then TOP will definitely take the wine barrel, and the remaining one position will be given to the policewoman..."

Sure enough, both the wine barrel and the policewoman appeared!

"Lin Ran, what do you want to use?" Bai Yueya held a notebook and asked for the opinions of his team members, "Ike or the little fishman?"

Both heroes are easier to deal with Syndra. White Crescent wants to lock Lin Ran's hero in the first round to avoid being banned by the opponent later.

"Ike." Lin Ran thought for a moment and replied. Unless there were special circumstances, he didn't want to use the mid laner Murloc.

Although the Murloc's matchup with Syndra is a 73 or even 82 matchup, which has a greater advantage than Ekko, the disadvantages are equally obvious - it is easy to be silent in a disadvantageous game, and even lose the line of troops.

In comparison, Ekko is a more average and balanced choice, more suitable for the rhythm of the game than the Murloc.

In the second round of BP, White Crescent kept an eye on the upper unit and disabled Kled and Jax.

This is the rhythm of Mingpai's plan to take the prince.

TOP also understands very well. While disabling the prince, he also blocked the ice.

There are not many ADC heroes left for Jack. He can only lock down Verus.

"TOP got Crocodile and Karma. As soon as this support comes out, it seems that they are not going to play the wild support linkage." Ze Yuan rubbed his chin and analyzed.

"That's right," Su Xiaoyan also agreed with Zeyuan's view, "In the early stage, it depends on whether Sadness can help his teammates establish an advantage. But the good news is that the lineup presented by TOP has line rights in all three lanes. His There’s a lot of room to play.”

Top laner Crocodile, mid laner Syndra, bottom laner Policewoman + Karma, all are ruthless characters in the lane.

What junglers like most is for their teammates to use heroes with extremely high laning strength, so that they can invade the enemy's jungle area unscrupulously.

"What are you going to use Jin Gong? Rambo is not very good, and Kennen has also been weakened. How about Shen?" Bai Yueya put forward his own suggestion.

One week after the intercontinental competition, the competition server version has also been updated to 7.13. Kennen's W [Secret! Electric Blade] has had its bonus damage reduced, and [Runaa's Hurricane] no longer has stacks. (see this chapter)

For top laner AD Kennen, who is responsible for the single-player task, this is a serious weakening.

If you use AP Kennen, the disadvantages are equally obvious. Now YM's magic damage has overflowed. If you forcefully choose an AP character, your opponent will definitely be restrained and targeted.

"What do I think...of the captain?" Jin Gong looked at the crocodile opposite and had a sudden thought.

"Are you sure?" Bai Yueyue sounded hesitant.

Although the captain is relatively easy to fight against the crocodile, the ocean disaster Gangplank is not really strong at the moment.

After he made a big splash last year, he was severely slashed. The cooldown of his ultimate move [Cannon Barrage] was increased by 20 seconds, and few people paid attention to it after that.

More importantly, the current version focuses on tank heroes, and for this reason, top lane fighters suitable for black-cutting and armor-piercing heroes—Prince, Crocodile, etc.—have frequently appeared in the professional arena.

This made the captain even more embarrassed.

Although he has the real damage of the passive [Fire Interrogation], the speed of attacking front row tanks is really slow. It is simply unrealistic to frequently use the passive Fire Saber in team battles in professional competitions.

Besides, he couldn't use Black Cut either.

He doesn't touch the factors that make the version strong.

"No problem, take it." Jin Gong was very confident in his captain.

Seeing the Xiba man's tone, Bai Yueya said nothing more. After all, this was just a regular season game and was not critical to himself and YM.

"Captain?" Zeyuan was shocked, "It's been a while since I've seen the captain show up. Brother Gongzi really wants to play?"

"It's locked, what a captain!" Su Xiaoyan's calm tone rarely fluctuated.

After Liu Qingsong locked up the captain, the lineups of both sides were determined.

Top of the blue side: top laner Crocodile, jungler Barrel, mid laner Syndra, bottom lane policewoman + Karma.

Red square YM: top laner Captain, jungler Spider, mid laner Ekko, bottom laner Verus + Thresh.

zoom scratched his head, the crocodile hit the captain, it was a bit difficult to handle.

He sighed, prepared Dolan Shield to go out to resist the pressure, and then returned to the city to patch up his first cloth armor shoes to make himself more comfortable in the lane.

"I'll help you catch it, it'll be okay," Sadness comforted him, "Just keep your skills and we can kill them as we please."

"Then don't come in the early stage. I'll call you when I gather a wave of troops to push back into the tower." Zoom learned that his jungler was coming to help him, and he immediately ruthlessly tore up the gentleman's agreement he and Jin Gong made before the game. .

Who talks about martial ethics on the field?

He could imagine the scene where Jin Gong was driven madly over the tower by him and Sadness, but was unable to struggle and could only enjoy the scene.

Hehehehe...Zoom showed a sinister smile as if his conspiracy had succeeded.

In his mind, he has fast forwarded to the time when he won the MVP of this game.

Summoner's Rift appeared on the big screen in the venue. Ten heroes from both sides were ready, bought equipment and rushed out of the spring!

"Want to play in a first-level group?" Liu Qingsong asked.

Lin Ran walked towards the river while thinking about the lineups of both sides.

"Come and defend the lower jungle area, they will definitely come." He marked his mark, aiming directly at the lower half of his own river.

He controlled Ike to run very fast, and the first thing he did after reaching the middle was to insert the trinket eyes into the grass below.

Two seconds later, he saw the TOP people - Sindra and Karma diving into the grass.

Since Lin Ran just inserted an ornamental eye into the grass through the wall, he saved a certain distance of movement. Therefore, this action of inserting the eye was faster than the opponent's digging into the grass, and was not noticed by the opponent at all.

"Do you want to fight? Do you want to fight?" Liu Qingsong also started to read again. They were now standing together with Lin Ran, looking at the two people below with some envy.

Who wouldn’t want 300 yuan that can move?

"Wait for me to open." Lin Ran's voice was very calm. He clicked W [Time Interlace], and the time field was placed under the wall.

"After learning time interleaving at the first level, this is really a bet that the top two, Zhongfu and Fu, won't do anything," Zeyuan shouted at the top of his voice, "Isn't this a little too risky!"

Learning W at level one mid laner is a big gamble for Ekko. After all, W [Time Interlace] is almost worthless in level one laning.

Once you don't gain an advantage, it's easy to be overwhelmed by your opponent when you go online.

But Lin Ran was not worried that Syndra and Karma on the opposite side would run away.

Because in his opinion, TOP had no choice in this round and had to invade the lower half of YM.

The bottom lane combination of TOP Policewoman + Karma must push the lane to get the tower, and this combination has poor ability to escape from strong attacks.

If Liu Qingsong Thresh flashes back, they will most likely be killed.

In this case, TOP naturally cannot let Xiaotian disturb their rhythm of tower pushing and suppression.

The best way is to invade and snatch YM's blue BUFF, forcing the garlic bastard to the top half, so that he can't cause trouble in the bottom lane in the early stage.

What's more, the top five first-level team abilities are not weak. Karma, Policewoman, and Syndra all have long ranges and can deal sufficient damage.

This is also the reason why Lin Ran made the decision to 'defend the jungle'.

The two people on the opposite side, the middle and assistant, will definitely not run away, because the game has only lasted 35 seconds, and there is still one minute before the wild monster camp is refreshed. TOP will definitely try to hide their movements and will not act rashly.

Seeing that the time field was about to take shape, Lin Ran raised the corners of his mouth slightly.

A golden light flashed, and a black boy holding a Z-drive happy stick appeared in the grass below the middle road!

At this moment, the time field of W [Time Interlace] was built, and Sindra and Karma were stunned on the spot!

"Ran the flash to cause the stun effect of the time field to be generated. The stun lasts for 2.25 seconds. The TOP midfielder is in danger!" Zeyuan's voice was deafening.

Jin Gong learned that Lin Ran was going to fight in the first level group, so he took the lead in learning E [Gunpowder Keg], and placed one at his feet. Seeing his opponents under the wall being dizzy, the Xiba people decisively connected with the second one at their feet. A powder keg!

A fire knife detonated a series of explosive barrels, causing high damage and slowing down effects!

Zhuodingren was confused.

He couldn't figure out how YM knew their movements.

He didn't know at all that Lin Ran arrived here with a time lag, planted an eye, and saw their whereabouts clearly!

"Liu Qingsong's Pendulum of Doom hit Syndra without any suspense," Su Xiaoyan couldn't help shouting as she watched the top two, Zhongfu and Fu, being controlled and superimposed without any resistance, their health bars falling downwards, " These two heads are going to be handed over here!"

"Jin Gong also flashed across the wall, and the passive real damage of the basic attack took Syndra away!"

Now only Karma is left alive. ppgod looks at the five YM people who are like wolves and tigers, and obediently gives up resistance.

The other three TOP people who were nesting in another patch of grass decisively broke up and fled.

"Give me the head!" Jin Gong put on the same irritable face as when he was at the base.

Lin Ran originally wanted to buy this head, but he took a look at Jin Gong's equipment column and decisively gave up the idea of ​​a K head, letting Xibaren become a small blacksmith in Los Angeles for a while.

"The captain got two heads at the first level!" Zeyuan shouted in an exaggerated tone, "700 gold coins were obtained!"

"TOP was so careless. They didn't expect Ran to set up this ward right away through the wall." Su Xiaoyan glanced at YM's equipment panel, "Oh my god, this captain..."

"Jin Gong simply spent all the 700 yuan in his bag and synthesized the blue crystals he brought when going out into the radiant light!" Zeyuan shouted, "When the first-level radiant light goes out, how is this crocodile going to line up?"

When zoom came online, everyone was dumbfounded when they saw the equipment of the opposing captain.

Should I still fight NM?

"You have to figure it out yourself, I can't help you." Sadness doesn't plan to help him place orders anymore.

Originally, Crocodile was worth helping because of its stable control and good damage. It was very useful in small-scale battles in the early jungle. It was easy to gain kills when joining the jungle.

But times have changed.

As soon as the captain took out this shining light, the ecological environment on the road changed dramatically.

Jin Gong can easily suppress Zoom with only Dolan Shield.

In this way, even if the junglers gather on the top lane to play 2V2, YM is not in vain - Captain Yaoguang's damage is exaggeratedly high.

Being at a disadvantage on the road, Sadness, who follows the principle of "helping the superior but not the inferior", will naturally not help him and simply let him fend for himself.

Although Jin Gong learned E at level one, Zoom still didn't dare to step forward.

Once the captain places an explosive barrel to replenish the radiant light passive, the blood volume will drop a lot!

Zoom intends to remain motionless.

But Jin Gong finally managed to get two heads in the first level group, so how could he let his opponent go like this?

After eating the last minion in the first wave of soldiers, he successfully upgraded to level 2 with the help of the experience gained from two heads. Q [Gunfire Negotiation] with the radiant passive directly reduced the crocodile's health by nearly 1/4. !

This damage is ridiculously high!

Zoom's expression was extremely sad, and he was dejected.

He knew that this matchup was destined to be a torture for him.

Now if he wants to gain experience from the soldiers, he has to step forward and take a shot from the captain. Just one minute into the line, the zoom health bar has bottomed out, and he can only choose to return to the city.

[Dolan shield hits the light, hahahaha...]

[Zoom’s Sima face really makes me happy. 】

[You were laughing before the game, why are you crying now? Keep laughing. 】

[This crocodile is as uncomfortable as wearing a pain mask! 】

【Landry's Torment. Crocodile Limited Edition! 】

Zoom people are numb.

4K today, I will be on vacation from tomorrow until New Year's Day, twelve days, 10,000 updates per day!

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