LOL: What is a roaming mid laner?

Chapter 297 295: A textbook performance (a 1,000-word chapter!)

"Zoom's CS is still 0, there are already two waves of soldiers!" Zeyuan stood on the commentary table and made an exaggerated cry.

The crocodile who had just teleported back learned the lesson and stood still under the tower, waiting for the troops to enter the tower before making up for it.

Anyway, the artillery soldiers have reached the line, and Jin Gong cannot control the line. A large wave of soldiers will soon pour into the tower.

Zoom, who had nothing to do, didn't want to look at himself, the aggrieved crocodile, so he cut the screen to observe the middle.

He knew that Lin Ran's Ekko on the opposite side had learned W [Time Interlace] at level 1. This skill was of little use in laning at level 1, and he was probably being suppressed by knight now...

Then he saw the alignment situation in the middle.

Lin Ran still had 80% of his health left, and had replenished 10 knives in total, and the corruption potion on his body had not yet been touched; while Zhuo Ding's health was slightly higher, but he had only replenished 13 soldiers.

"What happened?" zoom wondered. It was already difficult for Ekko to fight Syndra in the early stage, and Ran still learned the W skill at level one.

Zhuo Ding has this advantage?

"This man is such a rogue," Zhuo Ding said vaguely after hearing Zoom's words. "He came here with a shield and knocked down the minions. I can't use him."

He felt irritable just thinking about it.

At level one, he wanted to take advantage of Ekko's weak period when he had no skills to move forward and suppress him, but Lin Ran shrank very far back and did not give him a chance to consume.

Just as Zhuo Ding was about to retreat, he saw Ike taking another step forward.

He planned to use the dark magic ball to consume it, but he saw the black boy violently waved the happy stick in his hand, and the special effect sound of W [Time Interlace] sounded in his ears.

"Bring your horses over here!"

Ike's voice was arrogant and unruly.

Zhuo Ding didn't dare to be presumptuous anymore.

The time field does not mess with others. Once it is stunned and a set of thunder damage is used for nothing, Syndra will definitely lose blood.

He took two more steps back, and the location where the time field was established was revealed, right in front of him.

Lin Ran controlled Ike to successfully enter the time field to obtain a layer of shield, and then began to hit the soldier's head with a bat. The ferocity was comparable to the villain Negan in The Walking Dead who shot Glenn in the head.

He took down all three melee soldiers with residual health, and then the shield was shattered by Syndra's attack.

30 drops of blood, this was the price Lin Ran paid for killing 3 minions.

Afterwards, no matter how Zhuo Ding suppressed him, Lin Ran stayed under the tower and refused to come out, only gaining experience.

When the last ranged soldier in the first wave of troops died, Lin Ran took advantage of the experience gained from the previous two assists to reach level 2.

After learning Q [Time Curler], he began to use the skill to attack the minions with residual health from a long distance. He controlled the blood volume and distance very well, and he always took action when he saw the minions with residual health.

Under Lin Ran's detailed control, the military line did not even move forward.

Although Zhuo Ding hit a dark magic ball next, it was nothing more than that and did not cause any more damage to Lin Ran.

Several details were stacked together. By the time both sides in the middle reached level 3, Zhuo Ding had only defeated Lin Ran three times.

Even more difficult to deal with than the top and middle lanes is the bottom lane.

Since TOP lost the first-level team, they were forced to shelve their plan to invade the lower half of the jungle.

Xiaotian successfully opened the blue, wiped out three groups of wild monsters to reach level 3, and went straight to the bottom lane.

"The wine barrel has also been upgraded to level 3. It looks like the two sides are going to have a 3V3 collision in the bottom lane!"

In Zeyuan's anxious explanation, Liu Qingsong suddenly threw the lantern behind him and handed over the flash at the same time. The pendulum of doom successfully brought the policewoman and Karma to his side!

Jack immediately used E [Evil Arrow Rain] to slow down, and the battle started immediately!

"Thresh did not learn the hook at level 2, but instead lit up a lantern to pick up the jungler behind him and let him rush to the battlefield quickly! The spider came to Karma and started outputting, and ppgod couldn't handle it anymore!"

Blue BUFF, Demon Swamp Frog, and Three Wolves, these are almost the fastest groups of jungle areas for spiders to clear the jungle. If the wine barrel wants to upgrade to 3 in the lower half of the area, it must deal with the gargoyle group of wild area camps, which is very troublesome to farm. .

Even though Jiugong had three range damage skills, it took him 4 seconds longer.

Just this 4-second difference cost TOP the bottom lane's life.

When Liquor arrived, all he saw was Karma's body and the bloody policewoman who turned over and fled frantically.

The same Level 2 female police officer did not have an E [90-caliber rope net], so she could only retreat on foot with her long legs.

"Kill, kill, kill!" Jack handed over the flash first, using the passive [Desire for Revenge] to kill the enemy's attack speed, and then hit the policewoman with one arrow.

When Xiaotian saw this, he flashed up and used Q [Venomous Sting] to tear into the white and delicate skin of the policewoman.

"Jiugong also wanted to use meat, eggs, onions and chickens to cover the retreat of his teammates, but the policewoman's health was too low!"

When Jiu Meng was about to retreat to the defense tower, he was killed by Q [Neurotoxin] in his little celestial form!

The audience cheered loudly. YM lived up to their expectations and gained a huge advantage in the early stage!

"0 for 2, YM opens the situation in the bottom lane!" Su Xiaoyan watched Jack push the troops into TOP's defense tower with the help of two teammates, "The death of the policewoman this time is very hurt, a big wave of troops will be dropped. , the last-hitting advantage gained through suppression was given away again.”

The director's camera panned to the middle, and another conflict just broke out between the two mid laners.

"Ran took the corruption potion and forced himself to fight, and Knight was beaten into thunder..." Ze Yuan explained, "What is going on? Syndra's blood volume has dropped to nearly half!"

Lin Ran, who had just hit the third ring, relied on the acceleration effect to retreat, and the YM team logo lit up above his head.

Zhuo Ding looked at Lin Ran, who was still in excellent condition, and licked his lips nervously.

Just now, Lin Ran used a cunning trick and made a lot of money - he hit three rings and thunder, which cost him a lot of blood.

At that time, he handed over the Dark Sphere, and accidentally hit Ekko's Q [Time Curler]. Lin Ran immediately handed over E [Phase Dive] upon seeing this, as if he was going to fight hard for blood.

Zhuo Ding knew that he couldn't interrupt Ike's E skill, but he didn't want to take the three-ring and thunder damage.

Therefore, he had to hand over E [Weak Man Retreat] at the moment Lin Ran was close to his body, and push Ike away. This way, Lin Ran's next basic attack would not be able to hit, and naturally he would not be able to hit the third ring.

He moved first to twist away Ekko's Q [Time Curler], who was turning around. The moment he saw Lin Ran make a move, he handed over the weakling and retreated.

But what surprised him was that Ike just waved the bat on the spot and didn't step forward at all!

When he saw the weak retreating and handing over, Ike just used the power of time to rush to Syndra's side!

Another normal attack was successfully launched, thunder and three-ring damage were fired simultaneously, and Syndra's blood volume dropped sharply!

This wave of blood transfusions was a disaster.

Zhuo Ding bit his lip, he knew what was wrong.

After Lin Ran used E [Phase Dive], he did not immediately stick to him. Instead, he walked forward while using ctrl+1 to wave the weapon in place.

It was this action that deceived Zhuo Ding into handing over the weakling and retreating first, while Lin Ran struck back, using the flashing dash effect of phase dive to offset the knockback effect, and rushed to Syndra's face to complete the blood exchange.

This relaxed and comfortable way of exchanging blood caused Zhuo Ding's psychological pressure to increase sharply.

Zhuo Ding didn't know why Lin Ran was so skillful in incorporating these unpopular skills into his laning. He had never seen any professional player play like this before.

He was so nervous that his palms became sweaty, and he accidentally missed a minion. He had to take advantage of the break to release the mouse and wipe the sweat on his team uniform.

"Now the top three lanes are all suppressed. This is different from what we expected before the game!" Zeyuan analyzed the game situation.

"Especially in the bottom lane, the combination of Policewoman and Karma is still under pressure," Su Xiaoyan shook her head, "The HP of the defense tower has not been worn down much. This is unacceptable."

Five minutes into the game, YM widened the economic gap to 2K with just 4 heads and last hit!

In the middle, Lin Ran successfully exchanged blood again. Zhuo Ding's blood volume dropped to 1/3, but he knocked down all the corruption potions and still had half of his blood volume left.

"Sindra must return to the city," Zeyuan frowned, "Knight's laning performance was a bit rough today."

Danmu was very dissatisfied with Zhuo Ding's performance.

[I almost wanted to laugh. Syndra was consumed by Ekko in the early stage and returned to the city? 】

[Is this the strength of the golden left hand? It's really funny. 】

[Go back and practice laning more, my basic skills are a bit behind! 】

Zhuo Ding finished clearing his troops and returned to the city while standing under the tower.

He is now two bins ahead of Lin Ran, and this economic difference is almost nonexistent - Lin Ran will obviously push deeper into the defense tower in the next wave of troops, and will complete the last-minute lead by then.

Lin Ran put a lot of pressure on him online.

Zhuo Ding played a round-robin in Group B, and the strongest mid laners he encountered were Midhu and Xiye.

Xiaohu in the domestic league, like Gui Jiaoqi, has an astonishingly high level of strength in the civil war, but for Zhuo Ding, Xiaohu's laning strength is also far from Lin Ran - in fact, Midhu does not use what he is originally good at. After Assassin, he is no longer known for his laning suppression power.

After half a year, Zhuo Ding felt that he was no different from the German Cup.

The same youthfulness, the same immaturity.

He couldn't figure out Lin Ran's laning operation at all.

Various small details allowed Lin Ran to establish a health advantage in the laning phase. In this game, Zhuo Ding was careless once, and Lin Ran firmly seized the initiative.

too difficult.

Zhuo Ding returned to the city to buy equipment and watched as Lin Ran used up all his mana and pushed a wave of artillery troops into the defense tower.

The forest-burning rune is the same as most Ekko high-players. The blue color has three small magic power runes instead of the normal magic resistance and cooldown reduction.

In this way, there is no need to make equipment before level 9. You can also use two Q [Time Curler] to clear out a wave of soldiers, and the remaining artillery soldiers can be dealt with with more effort and normal attacks.

Six waves of soldiers, automatically issued gold coins and two assists, Lin Ran successfully made the Hextech Revolver and True Eye for the first time back in the city.

Syndra only has one demonic code.

The equipment gap widens slightly.

Unwilling to be reconciled, Zhuo Ding wanted to take advantage of the time when Lin Ran had not yet reached 6 to try another round of suppression, but Garlic Bastard seized the opportunity of his aggressive positioning, and when the eighth wave of troops was about to be cleared, he reached the middle to advance. Launch gank.

"Syndra starts sprinting and is moving to the lower half area. The Sad Wine Barrel has just finished brushing the Sharpbill and can arrive at any time!"

"Would it be too reckless for Xiaotian to force herself on you this time?"

As soon as Su Xiaoyan finished speaking, Xiaoyao used Feitian to jump onto Syndra and bite her hard!

The next moment, the wine barrel on the other side of the wall bumped down with its big belly, successfully stunning the spider!

"Sindra's weak ones retreated and continued to control, they want to kill the spider first!" Zeyuan shouted loudly.

Lin Ran didn't expect that Sadness would counter-crouch consciously, but he had to shoot with the arrow on the string. Xiaotian had already rushed forward, so he could only follow up and place W [Time Interlace] at the feet of the top midfielder.

Su Xiaoyan concentrated on the collision between the middle and jungle players on the field.

This is one of the few opportunities for TOP. If they lose this small-scale encounter again, their early rhythm will collapse.

The Spider Queen's blood volume continued to drop. He did not flash or fly, so he could only resist the output of the TOP midfielder.

Xiaotian also secretly thought it was going to be bad.

He was enjoying himself in this game, so he didn't take the sadness on the other side seriously. He grabbed wherever he went and played it in a relaxed and carefree manner.

But the fledgling jungler on the opposite side is obviously not a sheep to be slaughtered. In this wave of counter-crouching, he showed his value!

"Sell me, sell me!" Xiaotian also knew that he was a little reckless, and quickly persuaded Lin Ran to retreat.

But the time field was about to be built, and Lin Ran phase swooped forward, picked up the happy stick and hit Syndra hard.

The moment before he was dizzy, Zhuo Ding threw the last dark ball!

Xiaotian couldn't avoid it, and his health bar was cleared directly!

"Spider died in battle, but Ran's Ike seemed not to give up, he rushed forward!" Zeyuan was a little surprised by Lin Ran's choice, but he understood the next moment.

A basic attack with Hextech Revolver's passive [Magic Bullet] hit Syndra, and the damage exceeded his imagination!

Q [Time Curler] hit Syndra again, followed by a basic attack. The three rings plus the thunder damage reduced Syndra's health to less than 1/3!

Zhuo Ding realized at this time that he had underestimated Lin Ran's output ability. Level 5 Ekko has a level 3 Q skill, coupled with the passive damage of Hex's revolver, he is already a powerful threat to a fragile skin like Syndra!

The 2.25-second-long dizziness continued. Zhuo Ding knew that he would definitely eat Ekko's Retrieve Q, and his health was at stake.

"Ran is still trying to kill with basic attacks. Now Syndra's health is very low, and the passive damage of W [Time Interlace] has been generated!"

When the enemy's health is lower than 30%, Ekko will cause an additional magic damage to the enemy that is equal to the lost health. When he knocks it down with a stick, the time curler will be recovered at the same time. The combined damage of the two will make Zhuo Ding's health The amount bottomed out instantly!

But before the next basic attack was launched, Zhuo Ding finally recovered from his dizziness and regained control of his body. He flashed backwards and distanced himself, but Lin Ran was stunned to miss the blow!

"Help me stop him!" Zhuo Ding rarely shouted in a loud voice.

Needless to say, Sadness would not watch his single player die in battle. His Q [Rolling Barrel] successfully slowed down Ike, and at the same time used his fat body to block Lin Ran from moving forward.

At this time, Syndra used the last few seconds of her sprint to accelerate and successfully escaped with more than 30 drops of blood!

The voice of encouragement from his teammates came from the team voice. Zhuo Ding breathed a sigh of relief and hid in the grass in his wild area and returned to the city.

Zoom suddenly shouted, "Be careful, Captain!"

In his top lane view, Jin Gong suddenly upgraded.

The captain, who has never returned to the city, relied on the experience of getting two heads at level one to successfully upgrade to level 6 in the eighth wave of troops!

"Try this place, try it!" Lin Ran marked the grass next to the red buff on the opposite side.

The next moment, artillery fire roared!

"The captain's ultimate move came down," Zeyuan took a deep breath and shouted, "He guessed the location of Knight's return to the city!"

Zhuo Ding started moving as soon as he heard the top order reminder, but the captain's ultimate move [Cannon Barrage] covered an area too large and there was no way to escape in time!

One cannonball cleared away Zhuo Ding's remaining health!

"One for one," Su Xiaoyan spoke faster, "This wave of TOP is not profitable. YM is replacing the jungler with the mid laner. Syndra has already died twice, and her final strong period against Ekko will be over. .”

Lin Ran on the screen once again pushed a large wave of soldiers into the top tower.

"Sadness also wants to help block the line of troops to reduce the losses of his own singles, but Ran doesn't give him a chance. It's a set of three rings!"

Liquor's blood volume doesn't have much health now. Facing the aggressive Lin Ran, he can only put the line of soldiers into the tower. He mended his tail knife with snot and tears, and said that the line of soldiers was delicious while crying for the injustice of his family. .

Lin Ran reached level 6. He returned to the city to find Grandpa Teemo to buy a murder ring and straw sandals, and then R [Time and Space Break] returned to the middle tower 4 seconds ago.

This saves the teleportation, which is also a well-known trick of Ekko.

He was just a little short of mana, and a few seconds in the spring water was not enough for him to recover all his mana.

But it's not a big problem.

Lin Ran will be able to get his blue BUFF later.

Zoom people are really confused.

He has been very successful in resisting pressure so far. When both junglers did not come to the road once, he was only 10 knives behind Jin Gong.

Totally acceptable.

But why does the captain opposite have three heads?

He himself has never died even once!

This captain will have three events in 9 minutes later. How should I fight?

When he thought of this, he grimaced and remained silent.

"The economic gap between the two parties has remained close to 3K yuan. It has not changed for a while. TOP has gradually adapted to the early intensity given by YM and is working hard to narrow the economic gap."

The time has reached 9 minutes, and no new conflicts broke out on the field. It seems to be calm.

All heroes have now reached level 6. Logically speaking, the period after possessing the ultimate move is the peak period of fighting, but both teams have a tacit understanding and have not made any moves.

They are all waiting for the other party to reveal their flaws first.

Soon, Sorrow Barrel headed for the road under the constant call of zoom, trying to cooperate with the crocodile to launch a wave of raids on Jin Gong, trying to delay the time for the captain's equipment to take shape, and by the way, he could control the vision of the canyon pioneer.

Lin Ran saw the movements of the wine barrels through the vision arranged by Jin Gong on the upper river channel, and immediately began to think of countermeasures.

Xiaotian is also active in the lower half of the area now. Lin Ran goes up alone to cooperate with the captain and it is difficult to leave anyone behind. "Go to the bottom lane, let's go to the bottom lane, 4 for 2!"

He chose to use the well-known YM skills to deal with this problem.

"I can strike first, you guys come quickly!" Liu Qingsong couldn't control his restless thoughts. So far, only Xiao Tianlai has grabbed the bottom lane once. The rest of the time, the duo on both sides are developing safely. He has already been itchy. I want to start a group.

At this time, Lin Ran had successfully reached level 9. The magic power provided by the technology gun, killing ring and rune talent was just enough for him to take down the ranged soldiers with a Q [Time Curler]. (Everyone who plays Ike knows this, let me mention it to those who don’t play)

He then used Zhuo Ding's skills to smash the three-ring marks on the three melee soldiers with a stick, clearing the line of soldiers.

But Lin Ran did not run directly down, but retreated to his own tower, causing TOP to lose his vision.

Level 8 Zhuo Ding's Q [Dark Sphere] can't clear out the ranged soldiers at all. He has to cooperate with other skills, and he has to spend extra time to deal with the remaining three melee soldiers.

"Ike... doesn't seem to have gone to the bottom lane, but he has teleportation, so be careful." Zhuo Ding used all his skills, successfully cleared the line of soldiers, and hurried down.

"Xiaotian uses Spider Queen's flying sky to fall from the Xiaolong Pit to the exploding fruit between the TOP red zone and the Xiaolong Pit. Then he clicks the fruit over the wall and inserts an eye to let Ran teleport!"

Seeing this scene, Zeyuan couldn't help but raise his voice, "In 5 seconds, YM Nakano successfully rushed to the bottom lane!"

Because Xiaotian ordered the explosive fruit to cross the wall, he and Lin Ran bypassed the triangular grass and rushed directly from the gargoyle camp to the lower route.

This bypasses TOP's regular eye placement, making it difficult to guard against.

"Old Dream and ppgod retreated a little slower, Spider and Ike have already come from behind!"

At this moment, the hearts of the TOP duo went cold.

Are these two monsters coming to the bottom lane too fast? Are you really here to withdraw money?

My own mid laner Zhuo Ding is still on his way here on horseback.

I definitely can’t wait for support.

"Crisp hit the minion with his hook, flew up with his second Q, and then flashed back!" Zeyuan raised his voice, "Thresh completed a wave of super long-distance group starts!"

With the help of hook and flash, Thresh's group opening distance is close to 1500 yards!

The TOP duo is hard to guard against!

The next moment, everyone's skills came like raindrops, and Jack also used Q [Piercing Arrow] from a distance to make up for the damage.

"The policewoman flashed and treated everyone, but she still couldn't escape death. Karma was no exception. She was chased by Xiaotian and bitten to death under the tower!"

The cheers from the audience have not stopped since Xiaotian smoothly suspended the wire across the wall to insert the teleportation ward into Lin Ran.

The live broadcast room was filled with barrage.

[This support speed is too fast. Is it really just a hard hit in 5 seconds? 】

[It’s such a cruel four-pack, I just can’t defend it. 】

[Then why are you so sad and thinking about you on the road? Choose a policewoman in the bottom lane to help, right? 】

"There was a mistake in the coordination between Zoom and Sadness on the road. There was an overlap in control between the meaty egg, green onion chicken and the crocodile's ruthless hunting. Brother Gongzi used the orange to relieve control, flashed to adjust the angle, and escaped with the help of the wine barrel ultimate move!"

Su Xiaoyan was very surprised. Now the captain only had a layer of blood skin left, and he was huddled under the second tower and returning to the city to buy equipment.

A wine barrel made of pure meat and a crocodile with extremely average development failed to kill the captain of Jin Gong!

"My, my..." Sadness blamed herself, "E flashed too early."

Zoom said nothing.

Others are already numb.

This game brought him too many surprises. He didn't want to talk at the moment, he just wanted to be quiet.

"The four players in YM's bottom lane successfully got a fire dragon, and they also wanted to push down the next tower as a team..." Zeyuan kept looking at the small map, "Isn't this a bit too much, Syndra has already arranged the army line It has been pushed to the middle tower, and TOP is in the middle and jungle ready to take on this wave of vanguard team battles, should YM let it go?"

"Back to the city, back to the city, it seems that YM still doesn't want to give up the Rift Pioneer."

On the big screen at the scene, Ekko pressed the return button in the bottom triangular bush, while Liu Qingsong's Thresh demolished the TOP real eye in the triangular bush.

"Syndra stopped pushing the tower after seeing this. He and Sadness moved towards the Canyon Pioneer, preparing to fight the Canyon Pioneer who was born in half a minute." Su Xiaoyan explained while looking at the movements of the people on the screen, "Female After Jing and Karma were resurrected, they also returned to the bottom lane, hoping to defend the defense tower and prevent YM from receiving the bounty of the first-blood tower..."

Her tone suddenly became urgent, "What are you doing?"

Under the watchful eyes of millions of viewers at the scene and even in the live broadcast room, Ike in the spring waved the Z-drive, shredded time, and returned to the triangular grass in the lower lane with the help of R [Space-time Fracture]!

"He wants to come back to the top bottom lane again," Zeyuan was also very surprised. He shouted loudly, "This is like catching a sheep with its hair shaved off!"

Liu Qingsong had just cleared out the real eyes in the triangular grass. Now TOP knew nothing about Ike's movements. Zhuo Ding thought that the midfielder on the opposite side was coming to pick up this wave of canyon pioneers, and was preparing to take advantage of the early control of vision and lead them. The hero who came to challenge the enemy crouched in the grass with sadness.

But they don't know that YM doesn't want this Canyon Pioneer at all!

For Lin Ran, TOP had already arranged their wards in Dalong Pit in advance. Even if they went back to fight, their chances of winning without any visual field advantage would be very low.

In this case, it is better to continue to kill the bottom duo, and take advantage of the opportunity to remove the first blood tower, and make a lot of money in one wave.

Jiu Meng and ppgod, who were clearing the military line under the tower, were confused when they saw the time field under their feet.

what's the situation?

Didn't you go back? Again?

Ike used the phase to swoop over the wall and stab the happy stick into the policewoman's delicate body!

"The policewoman wanted to use the E skill to avoid Ike's time field, but the displacement speed of this skill was too slow. She was still knocked unconscious while flying in mid-air!" Zeyuan's voice was as passionate as ever, "Thresh took the opportunity to strike. , continue to control!"

The policewoman who did not dodge or receive treatment took her hands off the keyboard and waited for death.

"Jack's R [Chain of Corruption] shoots at Karma in the blind spot under the tower. ppgod has no room to move. He is trapped in place and wants to follow his ADC back to the spring!"

After Karma was killed, Jack handed over the healing technique to Lin Ran who was resisting the tower, and the three of them escaped unscathed.

"You guys take down the tower. I'll go back to the city and go to the middle lane first." Lin Ran made arrangements. He intercepted and killed the opponent's bottom lane twice. He gained a total of 3 heads. If he didn't miss the price of the first-blood tower, he might as well keep it. Share it for your own twosome.

Knowing that he had been cheated, TOP became furious and decisively took down the Rift Herald, then gathered the three players in the middle and jungle to head to the middle.

"Sadness directly summoned the vanguard and wanted to demolish the first tower of YM, but Xiaotian and Jin Gong had already rushed to the middle tower to prepare for defense!"

Gunfire roars!

Jin Gong looked at the wave of soldiers gathered under the tower, and decisively launched the cannon barrage. After waves of artillery fire, the soldiers were wiped out!

A single Canyon Pioneer only knocked out half of the health of a tower in YM. Xiaotian decisively hit the eyes behind the Canyon Pioneer with a basic attack, causing high damage, and then added a punishment to successfully kill it!

Now that the army line is gone and the Canyon Pioneer has been destroyed, TOP has nothing to do against this half-health YM middle tower!

Zhuo Ding still wanted to wait for the next wave of troops to arrive and continue the demolition with his teammates, but Lin Ran returned to the middle in time.

Q [Time Curler] easily cleans up the back row of troops, leaving no chance for the enemy to demolish the tower.

The three TOP players had no choice but to retreat and rush back to the lane, giving up their plan to demolish the mid-tower as a team.

Both sides used their first ultimate move to create a rhythm. Now that the two sides have temporarily stopped, Zeyuan, who is standing on the commentary stage, begins to analyze the benefits gained by both sides in this wave of confrontation.

“YM got four heads from the bottom lane duo, a fire dragon, and a health tower from the bottom lane,” he said loudly, “but the vanguard that TOP got did not achieve the effect they expected, only a dry vanguard bounty and Half of the middle defense tower was destroyed.”

"One side loses blood, and the other side gains blood," Su Xiaoyan tucked her short hair behind her ears, "Now the financial difference between the two sides has reached 5K. You must know that it has only been 11 minutes. This number is extremely exaggerated."

Zhuo Ding saw the rocket belt and magic shoes in Lin Ran's backpack, and even the thought of exchanging blood disappeared.

He now only has two small items from the ghost book and a pair of straw sandals. Compared with Lin Ran, this equipment can be said to be very shabby.

If you go up to fight Ike with this equipment, you can't even call it a blood exchange. It's simply a one-sided beating.

Knight looked at Lin Ran who disappeared in the middle after pushing the troops, and felt helpless.

He used to be a top mid laner in the LSPL who was able to roam both lanes, and was very prosperous. But when he stepped onto the top league stage and met Lin Ran, he realized how big the gap in strength between him and him was.

Unable to hold down the lane, and unable to gain advantage by roaming, he is simply sleepwalking around in the audience.

After following Lin Ran around again but finding nothing, I couldn't even stand the barrage anymore.

[Is this golden left hand in the Gods and Demons of Gan? 】

[Oh my God, if you want to line up, just stay in the middle lane and farm money. If you want to roam, be decisive. Can't you buy the magic shoes first? 】

[Wandering here blindly, Lin Ran always wanders without losing troops, but he misses one every time, and this is a hammer! 】

[Ran's Ekko has 3/0/3 stats. He wanders around and does things, and his last hit is higher than his 1/2/0 Syndra. It really makes me laugh to death. 】

Lin Ran helped Xiaotian counterattack a group of sad Beak Birds again, and found that his last hit was even higher than Zhuo Ding's, and he knew what the problem was.

Knight lost all rhythm.

His own strength was not that bad, but he was led astray by Lin Ran.

Lin Ran took advantage of the advantages accumulated in the early laning to control the lane power, and then used his extremely strong lane pushing speed to continuously roam to support and help his teammates open up the situation.

Zhuo Ding watched Lin Ran wander around to get resources and advantages again and again. He couldn't sit still and wanted to imitate this style of play.

However, Syndra's heroic characteristics doomed him to not be suitable for frequently going to the sidelines to support his teammates, and Zhuo Ding didn't even buy a pair of legal-wearing shoes. How could he walk around with straw sandals and his flexible Ikebi who could move over walls with his movements?

In addition, some details were not handled properly, and I collapsed while swimming.

Then his mood became more and more irritable, and it was a series of vicious cycles.

Lin Ran, who knew what the problem was, had no intention of showing mercy.

Anyway, it's just a regular season game, so Zhuo Ding can gain some experience.

At 15 minutes, Lin Ran made a surprise attack on the road, cooperated with the captain to kill the crocodile under the tower, and then used his ultimate move [Time and Space Fracture] to avoid the sad pursuit.

At 17 minutes, Lin Ran rushed to kill the lonely zoom again. Jin Gong was taken over by ppgod and Zhuo Ding who arrived later, but the first tower in the middle of TOP was destroyed by Jack and Liu Qingsong.

Step after step, one link after another, every time YM drives the rhythm, TOP can only passively engage in the battle. Lin Ran even synthesized the murderous book after buying Yaoguang.

The high movement speed provided by Mejia's Soul Stealing Scroll made Lin Ran roam more frequently. The murder book became thicker and thicker, and TOP could not deal with Lin Ran at all.

In the 21st minute, Lin Ran succeeded in tricking Zhuo Ding into the grass with a confused look on his face.

"Ran Phase Dive connected with the Time Curler, and then added the Rocket Belt to deal thunder damage..." Ze Yuan explained another round of conflicts that broke out at the scene, "Knight's health bottomed out instantly, and this Ike's damage is too high!"

In a panic, Zhuo Ding wanted to push Lin Ran away with QE twice, but at the moment when the pushed dark ball was about to contact Lin Ran, golden light flashed, and Flash appeared behind Syndra with Ike!

"Beautiful flash!" Su Xiaoyan couldn't help but cheer for Lin Ran, "Avoiding the key push control, a basic attack with passive damage killed Syndra!"

"This is a wave of single kills!" Zeyuan's expression was exaggerated, and the lines on his forehead were stimulated. "But this game is simply a textbook Ike performance!"

Zhuo Ding shook the mouse, trying to see what else he could buy from Grandpa Teemo.

He closed the store and opened it again, unconsciously repeating the action twice.

His mentality is a bit broken.

"YM decisively went to Dalong Pit and forced TOP to come out to take over the team battle!"

"Give it, give it!" ppgod, as the team commander, quickly gave instructions to his teammates, "Our policewoman's equipment is too poor!"

At 21 minutes, the policewoman only had Endless+Yellow Cross+Attack Speed ​​Shoes, and her equipment was extremely poor. She didn't even have a second critical strike outfit.

Now that [Runaa's Hurricane] no longer stacks headshots, the female police officer must replenish her artillery. If the female police officer's combat effectiveness in the mid-term was barely noticeable before, now she is almost just a tower-pushing tool in the mid-term. (See this chapter for the change diagram)

A mid-term female police officer with this kind of equipment, TOP, definitely does not have the ability to take over a group.

With Baron Nash wailing, the dragon was successfully taken over by YM!

After everyone returned to the spring to replenish their status and purchase equipment, they went to the three-way push line, which put huge pressure on the TOP defense.

"The classic 131 lane, with two powerful single laners, Ike and Captain, doing whatever they want on the wing. There is nothing TOP can do against them!"

Su Xiaoyan nodded in agreement with her partner, "That's right, neither Crocodile nor Syndra can defeat YM's two solo lane heroes now. There is no way to defend this defense tower."

Half a minute later, the two towers on the upper and lower roads were destroyed!

"What are the captain and Ike doing?" Zeyuan looked at the movements of Lin Ran and Jin Gong and felt that he needed to re-understand the game. "They detoured from the upper and lower roads to the middle. The TOP people from the second tower are currently defending and are surrounded by everyone!"

"It's too arrogant for these two to do this in front of the rest of TOP!"

"Cut the line of troops and don't let them leave!" Lin Ran handed over Q [Time Curler] and blocked the wave of soldiers that had just left the high ground in the middle of the TOP.

Now wave after wave of troops blessed by the dragon BUFF arrive at the second tower of TOP, and there are no reinforcements behind Zhuo Ding and others!

It was as if Lin Ran and Jin Gong had used brute force to cut off the river called the 'Military Line'!

It is only a matter of time before the YM troops coming like a tide destroy the second tower in the TOP.

Once the defense tower, the last refuge of the TOP people, is destroyed, what will greet them next will definitely be YM's ferocious attack!

"Kill from behind and retreat to the high ground first!" ppgod could only come up with this solution in desperation.

But Ike, the black boy holding the Z-drive, swung the bat again.

"Bring your horses over here!"

TOP Everyone knows that this is the triggering voice of W [Time Crossing].

Without even thinking about it, after the delay, the time field with a dizzy effect will block their escape route!

"Second him!"

As ppgod shouted, zoom suddenly moved forward, the weapon in his hand glowing green, which was obviously attached to the W [Cold Hunting] effect.

He wanted to bite Lin Ran and then cooperate with his teammates to kill him!

But Ike made a phase dive and moved a short distance backwards, preventing the crocodile from biting him.

Zoom closes the distance with Flash again, vowing to control Lin Ran!

"The crocodile successfully controlled Lin Ran, but Jin Gong activated his ultimate move and blocked the path for the other four TOP to follow!"

After being upgraded with the Silver Snake Coin, the ultimate move has the attribute of [Fire at will], and the additional 6 waves of barrage have a deceleration effect that slows down the pace of the top four following the crocodile to chase Lin Ran.

The 1.5 seconds provided by Crocodile Red Fury W may seem like a long time, but if they don't act quickly, it can easily be wasted by the captain's ultimate move.

Therefore, ppgod decisively turned on RE to provide group acceleration and shield for teammates.

At this moment, YM also started a team battle, trying to gain space and time for their eldest mid laner!

"Jack Verus flashed his ultimate move and hit the wine barrel, and Thresh followed up with the hook. This output ability is so terrible. Sadness will be killed first!"

Amid Guan Zeyuan's roar, Verus' Q [Piercing Arrow] detonated the passive [Withering] effect superimposed on the wine barrel. The magic damage of a percentage of the maximum health value crushed the already average health of the wine barrel. !

Xiaotian then followed up with Cocoon, and the chain control and high damage caused Sadness to throw only one big move before falling to the ground with a belch!

Being attacked from both sides, TOP is in a state of confusion. They don't know what they are going to do.

At the moment when Jack started the team on the front battlefield, the policewoman from Old Dream also placed a clamp at Lin Ran's feet, and Zhuo Ding even flashed QRE, giving all three in a row, just to kill Lin Ran instantly.

The three dark spheres surrounding Syndra came out of her body and poured into Ike one after another.

The policewoman's Yodel trap successfully restrained Lin Ran's body, but the headshot failed to fire her out immediately - Jin Gong's powder barrel was already connected in front of her, and she would be in big trouble if she didn't click it out. .

While Syndra continued to retreat with the weak, Liu Qingsong suddenly flashed forward and gave out a lantern and [Mikael's Crucible]!

Silver-white special effects flickered on Ike's body, and Lin Ran immediately resumed action!

R [Time and Space Fracture]!

Ike waved the Z-drive and returned to the position he had been in for 4 seconds - the center of the captain's ultimate move!

At the same time, the high amount of magic power bonus makes the blood recovery effect of his ultimate move extremely good, and the blood bar is instantly restored to 2/3!

"No one in TOP was keeping an eye on Thresh, so he was asked to save Ike!" No matter how fast Ze Yuan spoke, he couldn't keep up with the flurry of skills at the scene.

When he shouted these words, Lin Ran's Ekko had already used the push rod to press his face, and Q [Time Curler] connected with the basic attack to hit three rings on the old dream!

"The policewoman was shot dead!" Zeyuan couldn't believe his eyes.

Pushing Stick + Lich's Bane + Magic Penetration Staff + 19th Layer Murder Book + Magic Penetration Shoes, Lin Ranmiao, a policewoman without defensive equipment, is a three-ring!

The blood bar disappearing technique!

"The TOP formation was completely broken up. The wine barrel and the policewoman were killed one after another, and the remaining three people had no decent fighting ability!" Su Xiaoyan watched YM pursue and beat them hard, killing the TOP members one by one, "They were killed The group is destroyed!"

"YM will use the Baron BUFF to end this game!"

In 24 minutes, the TOP hub crystal turned into fragments!

Winning the first battle, YM leads 1:0!

It’s a 10,400-word chapter, please give me a monthly vote, please don’t go too far...

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