LOL: What is a roaming mid laner?

Chapter 298 Chapter 296: Forehand and backhand education (1.1W big chapter, added for leader ‘Chacha

Zhuo Ding stared at the post-match data panel, his eyes blank.

Lin Ran on the opposite side was immortal and superb, but his record was only 1/4/0.

Zoom smoothed his hair that was messed up by the headphones and came over to pat him on the shoulder.

"It's okay, it's okay. I didn't even say anything when I went out to fight Captain Yaoguang. What are you worried about..." Big White Bear comforted him.

Zhuo Ding's expression became even more bitter when he heard this.

Even if you play a brilliant captain, you won’t be able to kill the line; when I play Level 1 and learn W [Time Crossing], Ike is single-killed, and people treat me like a fool and walk around...

He sighed.

Back in the backstage lounge, the Korean coach Sun Dayong hired by the club was chattering to the translator beside him.

Yes, it's him again. When YM was still in the secondary league, Sun Dayong served as the head coach of another strong team EDE (later renamed IM).

There are only so many people in the League of Legends professional circle, and you can always run into them again and again.

Sun Dayong had a headache looking at the dejected Zhuo Ding.

The last person he met who had his mentality shattered when he played against Lin Ran was called Baeme. Now that kid is still controlling the Thunderbolts in the secondary league. It is estimated that when he gets older next year, he will be like 'I haven't retired, but no one wants me.' .

"You have to control your own rhythm and don't be led away by your opponent," Sun Dayong communicated with Zhuo Ding with the help of a translator, "I think you know which hero should do what, right?"

Zhuo Ding pinched the corner of his team uniform and nodded blankly.

Zoom was pretending to hold a coke next to him like a goblet, and he would take a sip from time to time, making the sad guy next to him laugh.

The loss in the first game will not make Zoom too uncomfortable, because he has been fighting in the secondary league for two years.

In his current view, entering the top league is a big breakthrough in his life.

Win YM? Give me a break.

After two seasons of hard work, veteran Zoom knows how big the strength gap between the teams is.

After playing ten training games, they can probably beat YM once.

Since he can't win, let's play happily. As long as he doesn't give him another captain who goes out to shine, Zoom can accept it.

But Zhuo Ding is different.

He came to prove himself today. After being so abused by Lin Ran in the first game, his mentality was naturally unstable.

After a short break, the staff knocked on the door and asked them to prepare for the stage.

As soon as the TOP people left the lounge, they saw the YM people walking out of the opposite room.

The two pure newcomers, Old Dream and Sadness, immediately stopped and made way for YM, the respected big brother in the league.

When Lin Ran passed by, he smiled and waved and said hello to Knight.

Zhuo Ding shuddered. No matter how he looked at it, he felt that Lin Ran's handsome smile contained evil intentions.

Sitting on the player's bench, Jack took a sip of water.

"Brother Ran, you were really ruthless in the first round. That Ike almost defeated the knight," he said while shaking his legs, "He just left our house, so you can save some face for others... …”

He saw that Lin Ran was still warming up in training mode, and he was clearly not joking with his concentration.

What Lin Ran said before the game was serious - he would go all out when facing the golden left hand.

Jack felt sad for Zhuo Ding.

It's not a good thing to live in another person's shadow since your debut.

Zeyuan and Su Xiaoyan on the commentary desk were still expressing their opinions on the previous game.

"Knight's performance was a bit abnormal," Zeyuan said in a habitual drawl, "From the lane swap to the mid-game rhythm, he was suppressed to death by Ran."

Su Xiaoyan nodded, "He didn't have an advantage in the lane with Syndra, and he couldn't restrict the opponent's roaming. It can only be said that Knight is still a bit young."

"I also hope that he will adjust well in the next game," Su Xiaoyan's voice was still calm and rational, "He is facing the strongest mid laner in the LPL. There are not many learning opportunities on the court, so seize the opportunity. , to improve your own strength, even if you suffer some setbacks, it’s not a bad thing.”

Seeing the BP panel reappearing, Zeyuan raised the volume to prepare for the commentary of the second game, "YM took the initiative to choose sides in this round. They successfully got the blue side, while TOP is on the red side!"

In the first three bans, both sides replicated the ideas of the previous game, banning Kalista, Zach, Rakan, Lucian, Digger and Piggy in sequence.

Sun Dayong obviously felt that there was nothing wrong with his BP. He lost the last game because of the gap in personal strength of the players and the poor execution of the team's tactics.

"Look at YM's first-hand selection..." Su Xiaoyan saw a silver-haired witch with purple magic appearing in the selection box, "Sindra!"

"TOP got Spider and Thresh," Zeyuan was stunned for a moment. "Not only are both sides banning people, they even chose the same heroes!"

"YM took down the wine barrel and the policewoman," Zeyuan looked at his partner, "Is this possible..."

Su Xiaoyan and Zeyuan looked at each other, and then saw a familiar black boy appearing in TOPKnight's selection column!

It's Syndra vs. Ekko again!

Only this time, the two sides changed sides, and the player operating the hero also changed!

The audience at the scene and in the live broadcast room exploded.

[Counterpoint Teaching Bureau? Something interesting is coming. 】

【What's the meaning? Want to prove that you lost the last game because Syndra is not a good hero? 】

[Syndra, no; Ike, yes! It’s great for us, Ike! 】

[I just like people who are tough and tough like this, why are you so cowardly? If you lose, just lose. Is there any shame in YM if you can't win? You are not SKT. 】

Zhuo Ding called up the rune page and clicked on the talent, while taking a deep breath and trying to adjust his condition.

His mind flashed back to the details of Lin Ran's control of Ekko in the previous game, and silently wrote them down, preparing to apply them to this game.

Ekko, like Syndra, is Zhuo Ding's unique skill. In this group match, he challenged Lin Ran with his two best heroes.

In the second round, both sides still did not change their ban positions, and the four heroes Kled, Jax, Ice, and Prince were all blocked.

But then, finally there was a different hero choice from the previous game.

"The red side's TOP locked the cannon first, Jiu Meng is very confident!"

Jin Gong shook the mouse and thought carefully about the countermeasures, "Is the crocodile enough?"

Bai Yueya responded immediately, "If you think it's okay, then choose it. This lineup won't be a big problem."

"Liu Qingsong, can I use Braum on you?" He looked at the torn wound on the other side of the player's bench.

There are not many auxiliary heroes left outside. The two strongest auxiliaries in the Thresh and Rakan versions are either selected or banned. The next level 1 choices are Braum and Tahm.

"I think..." Liu Qingsong hesitated for a moment, "Bring me Karma."

"Huh?" Bai Yueya was stunned.

Jack also tilted his head, showing a puzzled expression of 'little brother, what's wrong with you?'

Liu Qingsong took in everyone's expressions and said, "I'm training these heroes, so there's no point in playing with a strong support."

He is a very ambitious person.

Now he can hold down the Prophet and take the starting support position in YM. Most of the reasons are because Thresh and Rakan, which he is good at, are strong supports in this version, and the Prophet happens to have very low proficiency in these two heroes.

He knows this very well.

And he didn't want to follow in the footsteps of the prophet.

The versions of Thresh and Rakan are strong now, but what if the version changes?

Does the club need to find other support players to take its place?

From the moment Liu Qingsong took the position of YM's starting support, he had no intention of giving it to anyone else. He was extremely greedy for the high-spirited feeling of standing on the stage, raising his arms and shouting.

To become a qualified professional player, a broad hero pool is an essential quality. You have to resist Riot's changes to the version, rather than just relying on the weather.

This is also the reason why those unique heroes who have played tens of thousands of games with a single hero in the rankings cannot play professionally.

Without affecting the team's performance as much as possible, Liu Qingsong plans to practice more soft assistants such as Karma Lulu, who might come in handy at some point.

Seeing his insistence, White Crescent Moon had no objection. After all, the effect of Policewoman + Braum was not as good as that of Karma, a powerful support in the line.

What's more, Liu Qingsong's willingness to practice heroes is also a good thing for him. Players will have a broader hero pool, which will bring more tactical choices, and the BP pressure on him, the head coach, will be much less.

"YM chose Crocodile and Kalma, and the last spot on TOP went to Zoom's Jess!"

The lineups of both sides are confirmed.

Blue square YM: top laner Crocodile, jungler Barrel, mid laner Syndra, bottom lane policewoman + Karma.

TOP on the red side: top laner Jayce, jungler Spider, mid laner Ekko, bottom lane Cannon + Thresh.

Su Xiaoyan was a little confused about the final choice of TOP, "Jace is not very strong in the current version. Armor-piercing armor has been weakened for a long time. Zoom is likely to be unable to hit the YM front row in the mid-to-late stage. What a dilemma!”

Zeyuan pondered for two seconds and put forward his own opinion, "TOP's team fight should be based on pulling. Their lineup is limited in their ability to fight a group, but if they pull apart and pull slowly, the intensity will increase." Two levels.”

Amid the unanimous cheers of YM from the audience, the second game officially began!

Lin Ran took advantage of the 15 seconds before the spring gate was opened to think about it. Instead of buying the Dolan Ring, he chose the Dark Seal + Reusable Potion to go out.

He was sure that the determined Ekko would not threaten him during the laning phase.

"Do we want to fight as a first-level team?" Jin Gong asked his teammates for their opinions.

Lin Ran had been thinking about this problem before. The strength of the first-level team of the opposing lineup was not inferior to that of YM, or even higher. "No need, let's just start normally. Xiaotian, if you open F6, I will throw a Q for you." .”

"TOP seems to have started normally. They suffered a loss from the first-level team in the previous game, and their positioning in this game was a lot more cautious..."

Use the dark magic ball to help Xiaotian hit the sharp-beaked bird, and Lin Ran just came online.

This allows Xiaotian to wipe out several groups of wild monsters at home as quickly as possible, and then choose to gank or return to the city to resupply equipment.

But the disadvantages are equally obvious.

Lin Ran was dissatisfied with his mana after using his skills, and it was easy for his opponents to guess Xiaotian's opening position.

However, this was a battle between junglers and had little to do with Lin Ran.

What he has to consider now is how to line up.

This game is different from the previous game. Zhuo Ding learned Q [Time Curler] at level 1, and his initial last-hit ability is much stronger.

However, Lin Ran still maintained a strong aggressiveness after coming online. He stood directly on the side of the TOP line, blocking Zhuo Ding's position.

Now if Ike takes a step forward, he will be consumed by him.

Zhuo Ding looked at the dark seal lying in Lin Ran's backpack and felt angry.

He didn't know what Lin Ran was thinking.

But isn't it a little too much for you to kill someone and leave the house?

You want to start studying for the murder book when you get home, right?

Zhuo Ding felt that Lin Ran didn't take him seriously at all. It was the first time for him to experience this feeling of frustration.

In the past, in the secondary league, this kind of pain often lingered on the opponent of the golden left hand - when he was abusing food, he always went out to seal the dark seal, and after the first formed equipment was released, he synthesized the murder book, and the whole audience slaughtered pigs without taking the opponent seriously. People watch.

The young and energetic man saw Lin Ran moving so arrogantly and decided to show off himself.

Zhuoding began to try to exchange blood with Syndra.

In fact, most people who compete against mid laner Syndra at level 1 have some brain congestion, but Ekko is special.

His Q [Time Curler] has a range of over 1,000 yards, which is much longer than Syndra's Q [Dark Orb].

Although the damage of a period of Q is not as high as Syndra's Dark Sphere, Zhuo Ding can't bear the corruption potion on his body.

This thing restores blue and blood. You will be the god of medicine with it.

Lin Ran only had reusable potions that could only restore blood but not mana.

Zhuo Ding, the old Ekko, has a very simple strategy for dealing with Syndra. He constantly exchanges blood with his opponent and consumes Syndra's mana.

As long as Syndra has no mana, she is just a large ranged soldier who can only attack with basic attacks, and there is no way she can pose a threat to Ekko.

Zhuo Ding looked at Lin Ran who was leading the sprint, and felt that he was bound to win this round.

Lin Ran took advantage of the gap between Ike's time curler and successfully consumed him with the dark ball, and then moved sideways to avoid Ike's Recycle Q.

The minions of both sides were still exchanging fire at the midline. Lin Ran was consuming the health of the troops with his basic attacks while keeping a close eye on his three melee minions with residual health.

Since Ike's hands are very short, I spent a lot of time with him before.

This resulted in Zhuo Ding having to wait for the three melee soldiers to become residual health, and then use the time curler to harvest them.

At this time, Lin Ran had already used basic attacks to kill TOP's three melee minions, and then moved forward to continue blocking positions.

Now, as long as Zhuo Ding wants to use his skills to collect minions, he must take one of his QA shots.

Zhuo Ding thought it didn't matter, he had more medicine.

Moreover, if Lin Ran dared to use basic attacks to consume him, his own soldiers would not be vegetarians.

He stepped forward without any scruples, threw out the time curler, and successfully took away the remaining soldiers.

Lin Ran naturally did not miss the opportunity to consume, and QA hit Ike hard.

When the three remaining ranged soldiers on the TOP side saw their hero being attacked, they decisively turned their hatred target and began to besiege Lin Ran.

A round of concentrated fire from the long-range soldiers did not persuade Lin Ran to retreat. Instead, he refused to give up and continued to move forward.

Since Q [Dark Sphere] is cast while moving, Lin Ran's movements were almost seamless. He clicked on the floor and stepped forward to perform a basic attack.

As Syndra's basic attack hit, a thunderbolt appeared above Ekko's head, once again lowering Zhuo Ding's health by a small bar.

[Thunder Lord's Decree] is triggered, and the damage is not low!

Satisfied, Lin Ran retreated in time. Although the TOP side's melee soldiers attacked him for two rounds, after careful calculation, he still made a profit this time.

Now both sides had 3 long-range soldiers left in the first round of the army line. This time, Lin Ran did not choose to attack first and kill these three soldiers. Instead, he stuck on the side of the army line and allowed the soldiers of both sides to attack each other, watching. Their blood volume decreases little by little.

Since Lin Ran had just taken the lead in killing the three melee soldiers on the TOP side, a situation emerged where 6 YM side soldiers briefly concentrated fire on 3 TOP soldiers.

This means that if the mid laners of both sides do not interfere with the troops, the TOP's long-range troops will definitely die first.

Zhuo Ding thought so too. He could wait for Lin Ran to push away the troops, and then take them away when YM's three long-range soldiers with residual health arrived in front of him.

In this way, he will not miss any of the 6 minions in the first wave.

But Zhuo Ding immediately realized something was wrong.

The line of soldiers that reached the middle at 2 minutes and 8 seconds has continued up, trapping the opponent's three long-range soldiers with residual health stuck there!

Since both Lin Ran and Zhuo Ding did not consume much of their troops, when the second wave of troops reached the middle, the first wave of minions had not yet been cleared.

Now YM's three long-range soldiers with residual health are hidden in a new wave of soldiers, and there is no way for them under the tower to make up for them in time.

If Zhuo Ding still wants to step forward and use his skills to harvest minions, then he will have to deal with Syndra's output again.

At this time, Lin Ran casually used basic attacks to take out the 3 remaining health ranged soldiers in turn, and then continued to stand stuck on the side of the soldier line.

Zhuo Ding thought for a while and decided to stay put and continue to wait.

Now that the line of new soldiers has continued, these three long-range soldiers with residual health are no longer the target of concentrated fire. Now that the YM side's soldiers have a numerical advantage, this wave of soldiers will definitely advance to the front of their tower.

At that time, not a single soldier will be missed.

It has to be said that Zhuo Ding's wishful thinking was very loud.

Lin Ran still stood on the side, waiting for the opponent's three melee soldiers to become weak, and then used the dark magic ball to take them all away.

At this time, the confrontation between the army lines became an exaggerated 9 vs. 3, and the force line was pushing forward unstoppably.

Lin Ran raised his eyes and looked at the time in the upper right corner, 2 minutes and 27 seconds.

He used basic attacks to kill 3 long-range soldiers one by one. At this time, a total of 9 YM soldiers, 6 far and 3 near, successfully advanced into Zhuo Ding's middle tower.

Zhuo Ding used the time curler to first make up for the three remaining health ranged soldiers, and then prepared to use basic attacks to take down the three melee soldiers under the tower.

But at the moment when he made his basic attack, Lin Ran's Q [Dark Sphere] was like a tarsal maggot, hitting Ike and reducing his health again.

The first tower sounded a warning sound, but Lin Ran had already left the range of the defense tower before the attack landed.

Zhuo Ding used his normal attacks combined with the recycled time curler to take away all the melee soldiers.

At this time, the artillery troop line that should have reached the middle at 2 minutes and 38 seconds came under the tower and began to help the defense tower and Ike deal with the remaining three long-range soldiers.

Zhuo Ding finally discovered the problem - Lin Ran deliberately wasted time to push the troops into his defense tower.

TOP's artillery soldiers who join the battle in advance will push back the troop line. At that time, Syndra can firmly control the troop line in front of the tower and torture him in any way.

"Sad, come here and help me deal with the lower line of troops!" The situation of this line of soldiers would definitely be impossible to solve by the close combat hero Ekko alone, so Zhuo Ding was ready to move.

"Sadness controls the Spider Queen to go to the middle. It seems to help Knight push this wave of soldiers deeper into the opponent's defense tower," Zeyuan followed the director's camera analysis and explanation, "Xiaotian is not in the middle currently, and Ran has given up the position of the soldiers. …”

The camera turned and we were on the road again.

"But Xiaotian, who learned about Spider's movements, rushed to the road to catch a wave of Jess!" Su Xiaoyan found that Zoom suddenly abandoned the military line in front of the YM Tower and retreated. She said loudly, "But this military line is too deep. , he didn’t have time to retreat!”

The beer man operated by Xiaotian poured a sip of wine into his mouth, patted his round belly and rushed over.

Jin Gong flashes W [Cold Hunting] and stuns Zoom.

"Wuhu, chicken with meat, eggs and green onions!" Xiaotian shouted while bumping into Rose Gentleman Jace!

"There is no suspense. The red BUFF on the wine barrel is still burning Jace. Even if Zoom hands over the flash, it will be of no use. This is already a certain death situation!"

Before dying, Zoom used the QE enhanced cannon to clear out three long-range soldiers, and pushed the soldier line into the YM defense tower to stop his losses slightly - otherwise, this position of the soldier line would be firmly blocked by the crocodile.

Zoom scratched his head helplessly.

Sadness had just reminded Zoom to pay attention to Xiaotian's movements when he went to the middle lane at Zhuo Ding's request.

But he was caught anyway.

Because the Jace he was operating would definitely push the crocodile's line in the early stage, and when he just received the reminder, the line was still stuck in front of the YM tower. He had to push the line in anyway, otherwise he would suffer more losses.

There is no way, the line of troops is the lifeblood of the top laner, Sister Li.

"The troops in the middle should be pushing into Ran's defense tower..." As soon as Su Xiaoyan finished speaking, the camera cut to the middle and found that the artillery troop was still in front of the YM tower and had not been dealt with!

"What happened?" Zeyuan was very surprised. "This artillery trooper has not entered the range of YM's defense tower. Its health is very healthy!"

"This artillery truck is staying in front of the YM tower, and a pushback line will be formed later. The pressure on Ike's line of troops is still very high!"

The two commentators were very confused by this. Logically speaking, the jungler would help reset the army line, but Spider didn't seem to do so.

The director also felt that something was not right and quickly retrieved the video for playback.

Everyone could see clearly that Syndra initially allowed the opposing spiders and Ekko to advance their troops, but only used Q [Dark Sphere] to eat the minions from a distance and advance to level 3 in advance.

10 seconds later, the soldiers crowded into the YM defense tower, and the sad spider hurriedly left the middle to brush his own wild area.

But Lin Ran suddenly took action.

He used W [Driving Telekinesis] to grab the artillery soldier who was about to resist the tower, making it unselectable.

Until the 5-second duration of driving telekinesis ended, he kept holding on to the cannon cart, during which he was still finishing up the damage easily and comfortably.

The troop line under the tower was quickly dealt with, and at the last moment of the duration, Lin Ranka threw the artillery truck farthest ahead!

At this time, the next wave of troops has already arrived!

As a result, the artillery soldiers were unable to enter the YM defense tower and were stuck in front of the tower, destroying the balance of the military line. The prototype of Ike's pushback line was once again formed!

If nothing else goes wrong, after two waves of soldiers (1 minute), a large number of soldiers will flood into Zhuo Ding's first tower again, and then return to the shape of the previous army line.

Zhuo Ding's forehead broke out in cold sweat on a hot day.

He looked at Syndra who was strolling in the courtyard as if taking a walk, and he understood where the gap between himself and Lin Ran was.

Troop line.

He is too young and cannot play with Lin Ran.

As soon as the laning started, Syndra, controlled by Lin Ran, pushed the minions into the tower in a time-stuck manner, deliberately creating a pushback line, forcing Sadness to help him unlock this line of soldiers.

Xiaotian took advantage of the opportunity of Sadness appearing in the middle to catch Zoom to death.

It was equivalent to Lin Ran using his own troop layout in the middle to help his teammates establish an advantage.

Now that he had to control the military line again, Zhuo Ding didn't know what kind of offensive YM would launch with the help of Lin Ran's military line control this time.

Zhuo Ding felt that he should try to clear this wave of troops by himself, but he soon discovered that this was not realistic at all.

Ekko's hands are too short and he cannot use basic attacks. He can only rely on Q [Time Curler] to push the lane, and his speed cannot catch up with Syndra.

"The army line in the middle lane cannot be released, and YM's bottom lane is still pushing lanes and grinding towers. The advancement speed of the policewoman + Karma is much faster than the cannon," said Zeyuan from a God's perspective, "If If TOP continues to stand still like this, we will see exactly the same plot as last time!"

Sadness finally couldn't bear it anymore, and he went to the bottom lane to try to rely on the powerful combat capabilities of Thresh and Xiaopao to drive a wave of rhythm and open up the situation.

But Xiaotian happened to be on the bottom lane too.

Garlic Bastard has a very clear understanding of this game.

Keep the middle and lower lanes to play, and as for the top lane, two words: just follow the fate.

The reason he was caught at level 3 before was simply because he had gone all the way up the jungle from the Sharp Beak Camp. Seeing Jace being a little arrogant when pressing the line, he thought that if he didn't catch him, it would be useless. In the past, getting an assist for nothing was also great.

"The two sides went to the jungle for a round of fighting..." Zeyuan said loudly, "Jack used Flash to avoid Thresh's hook, and then used the acceleration given by Karma to twist off the Spider Queen's cocoon. It was a very exciting move!"

Due to Xiaotian's intimidation, TOP was forced to give up the pursuit. Jack and Liu Qingsong successfully returned to the bottom defense tower.

The audience watched carefully. The policewoman operated by Jack just twisted her waist to avoid the milky white liquid sprayed by the Spider Queen. Her movements looked exactly like the script!

[This position is wrong, is it spinning? 】

[Jack doesn’t want skills? My youth is over again! 】

[Don’t be embarrassed, JKL has always only taken Q. Cocooning is an E skill, so he definitely won’t take it. 】

While Lin Ran was replenishing troops and pushing the lane, he cut the screen to observe the bottom lane. He saw Jack's amazing positioning and raised his eyebrows.

"Jack, did you drink stimulants before the game?"

Shiba Inu wanted to grab two more lines and return to the city to replenish a storm sword. When he heard Lin Ran's words, he immediately became angry, "In your eyes, I can pick up skills, right?"

Xiaotian also started to deviate, "Jack, are you really driving something? I was just ready to rush in and help you stop the spider, but you can actually avoid the cocoon?"

"That's because your positioning is too bad," Jack waved his hand, "After all, people's physiques cannot be generalized. Naturally, you don't know how exquisite the positioning of a person like me is... These are all calculations, do you understand calculations? ?”

"If the mouse slides, just say the mouse has slipped. What kind of calculations are there?" Liu Qingsong ridiculed without mercy.

The team's voice was extremely joyful. Although the game only lasted 4 minutes, no one in YM felt that they would lose.

At this time, Lin Ran pushed all the troops he had accumulated into TOP's defense tower.

However, Zhuo Ding was not very fast at clearing the troop line without supplementary magic equipment. Then another wave of artillery troop lines came to the middle, forming Lin Ran's push-back troop line again.

Zhuo Ding felt very uncomfortable. Now the situation of the army line in the middle was completely controlled by Lin Ran. He could only follow Lin Ran's rhythm. Every time he stocked up the army line, he would miss a few soldiers.

Now that he has completed the line of troops under the tower, he is still 7 knives behind Lin Ran, which is another amazing number.

Zhuo Ding still had half a tube of blood left. He knocked down another bottle of corruption potion to restore his condition, and planned to reach level 6 before returning to the city.

In this way, he can use R [Space-Time Break] to save teleportation.

Lin Ran took his time and took his time to deal with the troop lines, always ensuring that the strength of the opponent's troop line was higher than his own - this allowed the troop line to continue to advance under his tower.

He has not used E [Retreat of the Weak] once so far. Most of the time, he only uses Q [Dark Sphere], which consumes 40 mana points.

Because of this, Lin Ran still had half of his mana, which was enough to support him in continuing to stay in lane.

At 5 minutes and 38 seconds, the ninth wave of troops arrived in the middle. The handover position of the troops at this time was in front of Lin Ran Tower.

Zhuo Ding wanted to use the time curler to quickly push this wave of soldiers into Lin Ran's defense tower. As long as he eats this wave of soldiers, he can reach level 6 and return to the city to supply supplies.

However, he was not careless as he was about to return to the city. Zhuo Ding knew that because he and Sadness had shared a wave of artillery troops before, Lin Ran's experience value was definitely higher than his own.

Although there is a wave of forward push line Syndra that has not been completely eaten, Lin Ran is definitely not far from level 6.

Level 6 was Syndra's strong period. Zhuo Ding didn't want to be caught by the opportunity before returning to the city, so he knocked down another bottle of corruption potion to ensure that he was in good condition.

On his screen, Syndra behaved normally, having just used a dark orb to eat a melee soldier with residual health.

Zhuo Ding adjusted his position to stagger himself away from the straight line between Syndra and the Dark Orb, so that he would not be stunned by the weak retreat.

He still has 500 blood, so everything looks very safe.

But the next moment, Lin Ran suddenly burst into flames!

Syndra waved her arms, which was the casting action of E [The Weak Retreat]!

Zhuo Ding frowned subconsciously. Although looking at the current positions of Syndra and the Dark Sphere, he should not be stunned, he still twisted to the side.

But when the reading of the retreat of the weak was about to end, golden light suddenly flashed!

"Ran handed over Flash... This is Syndra's E-Flash!" Zeyuan was a little confused at first when he saw Lin Ran handing over Flash, but Lin Ran on the screen successfully changed his position through Flash.

At this time, Syndra, the dark sphere on the ground and Ike formed a straight line!

The dark ball that was pushed out successfully hit Zhuo Ding, causing him to be stunned for 1.5 seconds!

At the same time, because of Lin Ran's E flash, the weaklings who changed their positions retreated and reduced a long-range soldier to residual health.

W [Driving telepathy]!

Syndra used her magic power to grab the remaining health minion, and then threw it at the stunned Ekko.

The remaining minion died in battle, and Syndra was promoted to level 6!

Lin Ran was extremely fast. He pressed V on the keyboard - this was his R skill upgrade key, and then Q [Dark Sphere] plus R [Energy Pour] were instantly thrown out!

The goddess of ice and snow, Syndra, poured balls of milky white energy into Ike's body!

5 balls in a row!

Thunder damage also exploded, and Ike's health bottomed out instantly!

Zhuo Ding never expected that Lin Ran would try to kill alone in this way. After recovering from the dizziness, he handed over the flash in a panic and wanted to run away.

But Lin Ran's basic attack had already followed up, clearing out Ekko's remaining health!

"Ike handed over Death Flash, this is so inappropriate!" Su Xiaoyan couldn't calm down anymore, "Knight is confused!"

"Single kill!" Zeyuan jumped up and down like a monkey in excitement, "This operation is too crazy. Ran got stuck in the time when he reached level 6 and killed the knight through E flash control!"

The audience cheered endlessly, and many people held Lin Ran's support signs and blushed with excitement!

The screen of the live broadcast room was filled with 666, and the barrages filled the screen to the brim.

[Syndra E flash? Guaiguai saw it. 】

[Such a ruthless Syndra, E flash + detail counts as experience card 6 single kills, no chance at all! 】

[But this guy can always play ball! 】

[Knight was in the background today. Syndra and Ekko were single-killed by Ran on both front and backhand. See you in the highlight video tomorrow. 】

Zhuo Ding tugged at his hair in distress.

He felt like he didn't know how to play the game anymore.

Lin Ran went out to kill people, and he went out to use corruption potion; Lin Ran didn't get any help from his teammates in the first 6 minutes, and he called a wave of junglers and was killed alone!

Who can withstand this?

The resurrection time passed little by little, and he watched helplessly as his own soldiers were worn away by the line of soldiers.

Lin Ran also deliberately left 4 soldiers uneaten to ensure that the position of the soldiers' line would continue to stay in front of the YM middle tower before he returned to the line again.

Now the difference between Zhuo Ding and Lin Ran is 13 CS, plus one kill, the economic gap is a full 500 gold coins!

More importantly, the experience gap is as exaggerated as the economic gap. He still lacks 1/3 experience to reach level 6, while Lin Ran's Syndra is about to reach level 7!

There is no need to talk about the invisible combat power gap caused by the poor experience at the early stage.

Using Ekko against Syndra, playing like this is basically a small collapse.

"Ike was forced to hand over the teleport and rush back to the middle. He first pushed all the troops into the YM defense tower and waited for the troops to be reset..."

After the troop line was reset, Lin Ran returned to the middle. Now he holds [Lost Chapter] + Straw Shoes + True Eyes, while Ekko on the opposite side only has [Hextech Revolver].

"He doesn't have anything to play with anymore." Lin Ran felt relieved and leaned on the backrest to start the happy game.

With just one Hextech Revolver, Ekko can't clear all the ranged soldiers at full level Q in one go.

He can only use two sets of time curlers to clear each wave of soldiers.

In this way, the speed of pushing the line is very slow, and it is impossible to control the line power.

If Zhuo Ding finishes pushing the army line and returns to the city to buy magic-powerful equipment, and then uses his ultimate move to return to the line, then Lin Ran will have another chance to kill alone.

No matter how you play, this Ekko can't take the initiative in the middle and can only be suppressed by him.

"Brother Ran is fierce, brother is banging, it feels so good to win!" The Garlic Bastard made a mean voice, while twisting his waist in disgust.

"What are you going to eat tonight? How are you, bro? I heard this hot pot is delicious." Jack turned into a factory director in the food world. Gui Jiao Qi was studying MSI's opponents in advance. He was studying what to eat for dinner in advance.

He returned to the city and made the Storm Sword, and continued to execute the tower pushing rhythm with Liu Qingsong.

"Is Jiejiadian spicy?" Jin Gong asked in advance, "I can't afford it if it's too spicy."

After that, Liu Qingsong and Xiaotian were discussing how many shrimp sliders they should put in the evening to send Jack, who is allergic to seafood, to the hospital, so that brainless Lin Weixiang would have a chance to play next.

Several referees standing behind the players' seats looked at each other helplessly. They all sounded a little hungry, but they couldn't interrupt the players' banter - it was just a chat about what to eat during the game, and it did not violate the rules of the competition.

After Lin Ran got his blue buff, he started to push the lane and roam. He frequently rushed to the bottom lane, putting pressure on Jiu Meng and ppgod.

ppgod, who has been very popular overseas recently, is quite good. He immediately found a way to deal with it after being caught by Lin Ran in the first game.

Move very far back, and then arrange the field of view in your lower jungle area, trying to see Lin Ran's movements in advance, so that he can use the lantern to pick up the cannon.

After going back and forth, although Lin Ran did not gain any kills, the first tower in the bottom lane was successfully demolished by Jack in 9 minutes.

"Jack and Crisp switched lanes and left the bottom lane, wanting to take advantage of the duo to eat this Canyon Pioneer!" Zeyuan glanced at the skill bars of both sides, "TOP seems not to want to take on this wave of team battles, Ekko's big The trick has been used to return the line!"

After successfully taking over the Canyon Herald, Lin Ran directly cast it in the middle to speed up the pace of the game.

"The Pioneer crashed down, and Ike's defense tower still had less than half of its health left, but the policewoman and Karma came over again and wanted to demolish it!"

The disadvantages of TOP's lineup finally showed up. They are suitable for pulling and pulling points, rather than defensive positional battles.

Among the 5 people, there is no strong team starting point, and they all rely on ppgod's Thresh Hook to win the prize.

For a moment, the top five people watched helplessly as Jack shot after shot, lowering the health of the middle defense tower!

Zhuo Ding tried to activate W [Time Crossing] to use the time field to persuade everyone in YM to retreat, but before he could enter the time field, Lin Ran was hit again by the weaklings hidden in the vast army line who retreated.

"Ike was pushed unconscious again. The policewoman followed up with W [Yordle Trap] and connected the control. A headshot combined with Syndra's ultimate move directly killed the knight!"

Zhuo Ding looked at his black and white screen, stunned and speechless.

Before the game, he expected that he would be suppressed today. After learning piecemeal from Lin Ran for half a year, Zhuo Ding naturally knew how outrageous Lin Ran's strength was.

But he didn't expect that he would be taught by Lin Ran's backhand and hit him hard. This was based on the fact that he was using two extremely proficient heroes, Syndra and Ekko.

Zhuo Ding couldn't even imagine how he would be tortured if he used Clockwork or other heroes.

He tried to take a sip of ice water to relieve his overly nervous mood.

But it didn't work.

"TOP mid laner died in battle, so we can only let go of the first tower in the middle lane. YM Policewoman and Karma continue to switch lanes and go up." Su Xiaoyan looked at Caitlin on the screen taking small steps to rush to the top lane with her support, I couldn't help but sigh, "It's only been less than 12 minutes, and the policewoman's tower push started too fast."

"If we keep fighting like this, TOP still won't be able to take on the baron team battle later," Zeyuan said with a helpless tone. This game was simply one-sided, and TOP didn't even gain a kill. "They have to try to find someone." Find your own rhythm, it’s sad that the spider in this game has no sound.”

Sadness made him want to sing "Ten Thousand Times of Sorrow". At 3 minutes, he originally wanted to go to the road to help Zoom, but was pulled to the middle by Zhuo Ding to release the push back line, and was beaten by the Garlic Bastard and succeeded in getting first blood.

After this wave of rhythm, the top three lanes have all fallen into a disadvantage. The jungler has no way to play in this round. It is good that he can defend his jungle area in this round. "What else do you want from me?"

At 13 minutes, the previous tower was destroyed by Jack. He returned to the city to replace the Infinity Blade + attack speed boots, and continued to demolish it with his teammates.

At 14 minutes, Lin Ran crouched in the grass in the TOP blue zone until Ekko, who was going to the second tower in the bottom lane to clear the line, QERW, rolled his face on the keyboard, and used all four skills. Zhuo Ding couldn't even use his ultimate move and was dizzy. He was sent back to the spring in such a state!

【Classic Grass Killer! 】

[No, no, no, it’s really careless to start with, leaving no gaming experience at all? 】

[How to play this? The top four players are all wiping the mid laner's butt. Their strength is not at the same level. 】

Lin Ran, who returned to the city again, suddenly found a copy of Mejia's Soul Stealing Scroll in his backpack, and the scholar who loved learning once again ruled the battlefield.

At 22 minutes, Zhuo Ding, who was defending the Highland Tower, was crippled by Jack's three shots. The policewoman's R [Let the Bullets Fly] forced him to use his ultimate move. Lin Ran had been waiting for Ike's time rewind position early, and QR poured out snowballs. Smash him to death.

His record is stuck at 0/5/0.

It can only be described as horrific.

Zhuo Ding pressed the data panel and looked at the murder books stacked in Syndra's backpack, feeling bitter and speechless.

Just like those mid laners in the secondary leagues looked up to him.

Painful realization.

"YM went to Dalong Pit and wanted to force the opponent to come out to pick up the team!"

Five people guarded the dragon pit for half a minute, but there was still no sign of the TOP people. They determined that the opponent had given up resistance, quickly killed Baron Nash, and returned to the city to replenish supplies in order to end the game.

"The TOP trapped beast still wants to struggle, at least get a human head, otherwise it will be difficult to save face!"

As soon as Zeyuan finished speaking, ppgod flashed the extreme distance and brushed back Jack who had rushed in!

"Help me, help me!" Jack felt that he could save another life.

But Lin Ran didn't plan to do this, "Sell it, sell it, just push the base!"

The four YM people did not hesitate, they smiled and bypassed the policewoman who was being targeted, and went straight to TOP's bare main crystal!

"Holy shit, are you trying to sell me a favor?" Jack was filled with grief. "Is this how you harm your teammates?"

All the players present knew that TOP wanted to get a head. When Lin Ran saw that Shiba Inu was being charged, he simply went along with the situation and gave them a favor.

The old dream cannon killed Jack with a critical hit, and the number of TOP's heads finally made a qualitative leap!

To fulfill this humble wish, they allowed YM to bulldoze the base.

"2:0! YM wins again, so powerful that you can see with the naked eye!"

Another 10,000 words, am I too strong?

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