LOL: What is a roaming mid laner?

Chapter 305 303: Hunger Strike

"YM came up with their new tactics in this game," Miller looked at his two partners, "Assisted Lulu with healing, abandoned the idea of ​​the first eye stone, and used the incense burner to improve the ADC. Combat strength..."

Remember to nod, "It is indeed effective. Whether it is the Rift Herald or the team battle that breaks out in the middle in 20 minutes, this Lulu is crucial."

Wawa wanted to add a few words, but she didn't know what she was going to say. She could only praise Liu Qingsong for her amazing milk supply.

RNG youth training base.

Many children who are pursuing their professional dreams have opened event live broadcast rooms in their spare time during daily rankings.

The ten players competing in the Grand Plaza are the ones they dream of becoming.

Listening to the continuous applause and cheers from the audience, the children's eyes showed obvious envy and admiration.

They also want to one day stand on a stage illuminated by brilliant lights and enjoy the thunderous applause of the audience.

But it takes hundreds of youth trainees to produce a player who can establish a firm foothold in the LPL. This dream is somewhat elusive for them.

They are always in the embarrassing situation of being kicked out due to declining performance in training matches, being expelled for not having enough points in the Korean server, being kicked out for being too old, and having their contracts stuck in the team. But at this moment, no one can stop them from dreaming about becoming an e-sports team that is sought after by thousands of people. star.

Able sat among them, his expression completely different from the children around him.

He is lost and helpless.

After the big account in the Korean server was banned, Able found a new account to start from scratch and climb the rankings.

As a member of the youth training team, he did not have the channels to get a super account with high hidden score points like a big anchor in the Chinese server who was good at stone men. He could only work hard to increase the score little by little.

In the past week, he played hundreds of ranked games and finally reached the second rank in the Korean server.

But this result is still far from a high score.

In this segment, he can't even meet LPL players. Most of them are youth training players, passers-by and some anchors who are about to be eliminated.

After Gao Dewei retired and picked up 98K, the only LPL professional player closest to him in rank was Sima Laothi, who liked to cry for his opponents with 6 goddess tears.

Even King Ning is now the king of Hanbok with a score of 700 under the supervision of Han Yi.

The low score also means that Able cannot rank against high-quality opponents.

At the same time, low-scoring support players have their own understandings, and often do not follow Able's ideas and choose a hard support player to wander around.

As a result, Able didn't enjoy many incense burners at all, and this style of play didn't spread.

Because the score is too low, it has little reference value.

Able now looks at the healing technique + incense burner + salvation that YM assisted Lulu to pull out, and suddenly feels that his life is bleak.

You don’t need to think about it to know that tonight, professional guys and high-scoring Korean players will use the incense burner system revealed by YM.

If this system is made public, what points will he get?

How to make a name for yourself and show off your skills in the LPL?

Able is now paying a heavy price for his previous malicious behavior of giving away people's lives.

Lin Ran took the lead and rushed into the YM lounge with a paper cup.

“The spicy hotpot’s jungle clearing route…”

Su Cheng closed the pen tightly, making a crisp clicking sound.

She handed an A4 piece of paper to Lin Ran, "Time is tight, and I can't get the OB perspective video of the last game, so I can only record it with a pen."

In his haste, Su Cheng's handwriting became less elegant and more scrawled.

The first row of paper reads: 1.38BB-1.57BW-2.19BR…

A layman might look confused, but Lin Ran could extract all the information at a glance.

In this recording method, the first number represents the time, the first letter after it represents the blue and red sides, the RNG last round is on the blue side, and the second letter represents the abbreviation of the jungle camp.

B is the blue BUFF (Blue), W is the three wolves (Wolf), and R is the red BUFF (Red).

The information represented by the first line recorded by Su Cheng is very simple: at 1 minute and 38 seconds, the blue side of the spicy hotpot is opened, at 1 minute and 57 seconds, 3 wolves are started, and at 2 minutes and 19 seconds, the red BUFF is opened.

This is Xiangguo's route to open the wild, and it is not the information Lin Ran wants.

He looked down decisively.

6.05BS (blue ashlar beetle camp), 6.25BF (blue ashlar beetle camp)

After clearing these two groups of wild areas, Mala Xiangguo returned to the city to replenish equipment, then rushed to the road to capture the Xiba people, and completed the level overtake with the help of a wave of soldiers.

Lin Ran frowned. He remembered very clearly that at 5 minutes and 30 seconds, he drove the Spicy Hotpot out of the three wolves' camp.

At that time, the spicy hot pot level was still one level behind Xiaotian.

In other words, Spicy Hot Pot has evened out the previous experience gap by relying on the two groups of wild monsters, the Sharp-Beaked Bird and the Stone Beetle.

Lin Ran had a guess in his mind during the game. He was not sure at the time, but now that he saw the jungle route recorded by Su Cheng, the answer was already clear.

"It's so weird..." Xiaotian glanced at it, tilting his head, but still didn't understand the reason.

Bai Yueyue and Lin Ran, who had been sitting in their chairs meditating, spoke at the same time, "Jungle experience compensation mechanism."

Xiaotian was stunned.

He blinked, trying to recall this strange yet familiar word in his mind.

Familiar because most junglers know this term.

The game mechanism of League of Legends is doomed that the jungler will always be the most unlucky in disadvantaged games, and the experience will be extremely poor.

Since there is no protection from defense towers in the wild area, the opponent can invade unscrupulously and wipe out all the wild monsters easily.

If they only have to bear the invasion pressure from the opponent, the jungler doesn't have to be so uncomfortable.

What's even more frightening is that his teammates can stab him in the back.

As soon as it becomes a disadvantageous situation, the opposing players who have lost their defensive towers will become unpunished green workers in the jungle, sweeping away all their own jungle areas.

Needless to say, the red and blue BUFFs must be from the two C positions. The top laner and bottom laner will eat the Stone Beetle/Magic Swamp Frog closest to them, leaving only the Sharp Beak Bird and the Three Wolves for the jungler. Two groups of campsites.

In this case, the jungler's level simply cannot keep up, and the level gap between him and his opponent widens.

You must know that disciplinary damage is linked to level, which means that it is difficult for the inferior jungler with a lower level to grab neutral resources (little dragon/baron/ancient dragon) from the opponent.

In team battles, the jungler has no economy and no level, and will lie down for a second when he enters the field; he cannot win the dragon grab, and gradually becomes a transparent person in the battle.

This is very unfriendly to jungle players.

In order to change this situation, Riot has set up a jungle experience catch-up mechanism in the past few years, so that junglers in disadvantaged games can still have a certain game experience.

This mechanism allows the inferior jungler to gain extra experience when clearing the jungle. As the level catches up, the punishment damage increases, and the possibility of grabbing the dragon and making a comeback becomes greater.

The unfamiliarity is because this mechanism has not been maturely applied in the professional arena. Everyone knows this principle, but they simply use it as a prop for their own junglers to catch up in the mid-to-late game.

"But, isn't there something wrong with this experience?" Garlic Bastard figured out the mechanism, "The experience catch-up mechanism can't be so outrageous..."

"Do you have any specific data?" Lin Ran looked at Su Cheng.

He intends to figure this out.

"...I have to look for it." Su Cheng opened his laptop and searched the database for version updates related to the experience catch-up mechanism.

Within a moment, she got the answer and let out a soft hiss of surprise.

"Come over and take a look..." Since there was no projector in the lounge, everyone in YM could only use Su Cheng's computer to take a closer look at everything.

The Garlic Bastard stretched his neck, trying to look past the tall Lin Ran in front of him.

"Each wild monster will provide you with 30 extra experience points for each level you fall behind..." He murmured, and then his eyes suddenly widened, "Oops!"

"Every wild monster?" Jack, who was relatively short, couldn't see the computer screen clearly and asked outside the crowd.

"Every wild monster." Su Cheng responded to him.

(As shown in this chapter, the previous jungle experience compensation mechanism was very old and could no longer be found. However, the clever and resourceful author found the updated content where the experience compensation mechanism was weakened, so he uncovered the specific content that had not been weakened.)

Lin Ran took a deep breath and asked, "Is there a level experience table?"

Su Cheng nodded, and her fingers as white as peeled onions moved the computer cursor and opened the document on the desktop.

The document contains the experience points required for each level of hero advancement (see this chapter).

"It takes 640 experience points to upgrade from level 4 to level 5..." Garlic Bastard looked at the table numbers in the document, "Then this experience catching up mechanism is too cerebral, right?"

All YM players realized how outrageous this was and nodded in agreement with Xiaoyao's statement.

Lin Ran calculated it silently in his mind and completely solved the mystery of the spicy hotpot level.

Previously, Xiangguo was one level behind Xiaotian at 5 minutes, which triggered the wild area experience catch-up mechanism. Each wild monster would give him 30 additional experience points.

You must know that the stone beetle camp received an update in the S7 season. The two stone beetles in the camp, one large and one small, will split after being killed. The large ones will be divided into medium, and the middle will be divided into small ones. Until the small stone beetles are eliminated, this group of wild monsters Only then is the cleanup completed (see this chapter, I mentioned this change before at the beginning of S7).

The small stone beetles that split from the ancient stone beetles are also included in the category of 'wild monsters'.

Now the camp will generate a total of 1 large, 3 medium and 6 small stone beetles, for a total of 10 wild monsters.

10 wild monsters!

What concept? If you are one level behind, Mala Xiangguo can get 300 extra experience points just by brushing this group of stone beetles!

A total of 640 experience points are used to upgrade a hero from level 4 to level 5. This experience catch-up mechanism can provide nearly half a level of additional experience for the lagging Mala Xiangguo!

Coupled with the experience points originally provided by the Stone Beetle Camp, brushing this group of wilds can almost upgrade the Spicy Hot Pot to a higher level!

Together with the 6 birds in the Sharpbill camp, these two camps have become the key for Spicy Hotpot to equal or even surpass the level.

Under extreme circumstances, farming these two groups of wild camps can even be worth the experience points provided by 6 groups of wild monsters in one round!

"Holy shit," Jack breathed out, "Why did this stone beetle split? Isn't this too disturbing?"

"Stop barking. The little stone beetle's economy is not low. I saw you didn't make any noise when you were eating me wildly." Xiaotian sneered.

"Come on stage, come on stage." Guo Hao filled everyone's paper cups with water and drinks and came over to remind them.

Lin Ran took the ice water and kept thinking on the way to the stage.

They also observed RNG's training tactics during the intercontinental competition, and Mala Xiangguo had never used this routine at that time.

In all likelihood, it was after the intercontinental game that the RNG coaching analysis team discovered this novel tactic.

To be honest, before the changes to the stone beetle camp and the razorbill camp in S7, the spicy hot pot style of play was completely unusable.

In S6, the Sharpbill was still F4, and there were only two monsters in the stone beetle camp. Due to the small number of wild monsters, the experience chasing mechanism in the wild area could not be used at all.

The tail-line play used by Mala Xiangguo in the last game was last year, and it will definitely be ridiculed by the commentators and the audience.

Wild King Eimy was a victim back then. He brushed wherever he caught, and even caught people without brushing. He could plan his jungle route as he pleased. It was common for him to be two levels behind in a match, and he was ridiculed by the commentators and the audience. Become a hunger striker and play jungle.

But now, the changes in these two groups of jungle camps have allowed Mala Xiangguo and RNG to take advantage of the loopholes and make the Hunger Strike jungle play out of control.

Riot designers obviously didn't expect that they just increased the number of wild monsters, and actually let people play this trick.

Lin Ran sat on the chair with a water glass, staring at the computer screen, his thoughts already flying far away.

He was thinking about the significance of Mala Xiangguo's jungle strategy.

With his eyes blank, Lin Ran took a sip of ice water and let his brain continue to spin rapidly, gradually coming up with ideas.

In the early stage, Mala Xiangguo keeps an eye on the opponent's jungler. After figuring out the opponent's jungle route, it can also prevent the enemy from comfortably growing in the jungle, forcing the opponent's online heroes to help relieve the pressure in the jungle - just like Lin Ran himself used Lucian to support Xiaotian in the last game.

In the early stage, if you support the wild area online, you will most likely lose troops, and the purpose of Spicy Hot Pot will be accomplished.

He successfully discovered the movements of the opponent's jungler and attracted the attention of the opponent's lane heroes, thus providing help to his three-way line in disguise.

After the opposing jungler used the online hero to get rid of Xiang Guo and widened the level gap with him, Mala Xiang Guo took the opportunity to wipe out the Sharp Beak and Stone Beetle camps, use the experience compensation mechanism to instantly increase his level, and then perform a gank unprepared. , to help get the economy online.

If he successfully drives the rhythm of the whole game in the first two steps and his teammates develop smoothly, then he only needs to start the team in a regular manner and control neutral map resources.

If the first two steps do not go smoothly and the team is still at a disadvantage in the early stage, Mala Xiangguo will give up the jungle economy to the core output position to help teammates take shape as soon as possible - just like in the last game, he eliminated the Sharp Beak Bird All the jungle areas except Stone Beetle were given to Uzi, just to let Uzi make a three-piece set as soon as possible and lead the team to victory.

This approach of Mala Xiangguo will only harm its own economy. The experience points are all provided by the two groups of wild monsters: the sharp beak bird and the stone beetle. The core output position of the team can use the wild monsters to obtain more gold coins and complete the task. Level leader.

A perfect jungle strategy.

More importantly, this hunger strike style of play is very suitable for the current version.

One of the aspects is that the number of wild monsters in the Sharpbeak and Stone Beetle camps has increased.

Another key factor is that herbivorous junglers are currently very popular, and heroes like Pig Girl, Barrel, and Zach have extremely poor dueling abilities in the jungle.

When Mala Xiangguo sees this kind of hero, he can play tail lane as much as he wants. After all, it is difficult for the opposite jungler to kill him purely by himself.

If the version of the World Championship last year was led by the big brothers and sisters in the jungle such as Blind Monk, Olaf, Spider, and Leopard Girl, if Spicy Hotpot dared to follow in the early stage, these heroes would turn around and fight each other hard.

The last point is the reduction in the refresh frequency of the wild area.

Wild monsters now have to wait 150 seconds before they are refreshed after being killed, which gives Mala Xiangguo more room to do things.

He only needs to farm two groups of wild monsters, and the rest of the time can be spent setting up visions or launching gank raids.

This was unimaginable in the version where the jungle refresh time was 100 seconds, because if you dared to do things without finishing the jungle, heroes like Male Gun and Leopard Girl could completely defeat the jungle in a matter of seconds. , by then I’m afraid even the sharp-beaked bird and the stone beetle will not be able to eat the two wild monsters.

A combination of various factors, a playing style that fits the version and players that adapt to the version, Mala Xiangguo's Hunger Strike style finally showed its supreme value.

"bsyy, how about I get a strong jungler in this game?" Xiaotian's voice in the team voice brought Lin Ran's thoughts back to the real world, "I can defeat him in the jungle."

"If you are sure, I can let you get the excavator. These are the strongest jungle heroes in the current version..." Bai Yueya, standing behind him, said after two seconds of silence.

The referee behind the players' table confirmed that everything was correct and issued the order. With a crisp sound, the second round of BP began!

The three people on the commentary desk looked refreshed, "YM chose the blue side in this round. They banned Pig Girl first!"

The red side RNG sent the ever-changing Zach to the ban position.

In the second ban position, both sides banned Kennen and Lucian respectively.

Miller looked at the BPs of both sides and said, "As expected, Lucian will not be released again. Otherwise, YM will get a two-shooter system. At present, no team can solve it."

Wawa nodded aside, "If YM can get two shooters, the incense burner will be too strong for the team. Dropping an ADC in seconds will not matter. As long as one of the two shooters can survive, it will be a devastating blow to RNG. "

"YM finally banned the big tree of letme, let's see how RNG will respond next..."

On the RNG player bench, Firefox was discussing something with the players. With the head coach's nod, a hero was placed in the ban position.

Janna, Fury of the Storm!

"Feng Nu?" Wawa was stunned for a moment. This hero has not been in the ban position for eight years, but he quickly realized, "She should be afraid of YM's incense burner system."

"That's right," I remember agreeing, "Feng Nu's shield and healing can greatly improve the team."

The focus is still on the combination of Feng Nu R [Resurrection Monsoon]'s range of blood recovery and the blazing incense burner. It can be regarded as an enhanced version of redemption. It can not only push away the enemy troops that are coming to rush, but also put the incense burner effect on all teammates. .

This is almost invincible in small-scale team battles in the early and mid-term. If you think about it carefully, all your teammates have the attack speed and blood recovery effect of the incense burner. This panel attribute alone is worth thousands of gold coins.

During the break, Lin Ran and others were studying RNG's hunger strike jungler, and RNG did not relax their vigilance. They also saw through the incense burner system that YM came up with.

Both sides experienced the shock and surprise in the previous game and were fully prepared. What was about to come was destined to be a bloody fight.

Everyone in YM breathed a sigh of relief when they saw that RNG finally banned Feng Nu.

"Let's take Kalista first, and we'll talk about the rest later." White Crescent Moon patted Jin Gong's shoulder.

Spear of Vengeance, the broken enhancement, and good adaptability with hard supports such as Tauren, Braum, Thresh, etc. allowed her to firmly occupy the throne of version T1ADC before the incense burner system was developed.

Now, after YM experimented with the incense burner system for nearly a week, they discovered the power of the treasured girl Calista.

All team members are certain that this will be the T0 hero in the Incense Burner version.

Kalista's unique laning ability makes Kalista stand out among the attack-speed ADCs assisted by the incense burner. She can even push down a tower with a soft assistant in a pure laning situation.

Of course, female police officers can do this too.

But Kalista's advantages under the Incense Burner system are not limited to laning.

R [Call of Destiny] can bring back supports who are in danger and provide protection for the undisputed core of the system - the Incense Burner Monster.

And there is another point.

W [Sentinel].

Once the incense burner support becomes popular, it will then evolve towards a competition for auxiliary equipment. Whoever has better auxiliary equipment and more milk will have a greater advantage in team battles.

In this case, the auxiliary cannot buy eyes, and the field of vision depends entirely on the jungler.

But Kalista relies on W [Sentinel] to provide vision for the lower half of the jungle and avoid ganks and various river invasions.

Now that RNG has released this hero, is there any reason not to choose him?

"RNG got Xayah + Luo with a backhand!" Miller looked at RNG's selection and was very surprised. "This is UZI's first Xayah game in his career, right?"

"That's right," remember nodded. He didn't even need to go through this hot knowledge in his mind, it just came to the chapter. "The ADCs of other teams have used the hero Xayah to some extent before, but Uzi is indeed the hero. first."

Previously, Uzi was criticized for not practicing hero-Xia had been out for two months before he started practicing.

However, after winning the Intercontinental Championship, his training attitude changed significantly. In more than half a month, he practiced a total of 50 Xia games.

Although it is not as high as the unique skill brother, it is absolutely no problem to use it.

"They reacted so quickly?" Bai Yueya looked at the choices on the other side and was a little puzzled.

After the incense burner system appeared, Xia Luo's Phoenix Legend combination also became extremely powerful. This information is known to YM and others.

Originally, Xia Luo's team strength was guaranteed when combined, but it was not the strongest, so it was barely ranked in the bottom echelon of T1 with many bot lane combinations.

the reason is simple.

The hero does not adapt to the version.

Previously, the auxiliaries used in the bottom lane combination were heroes such as Niutou, Thresh, Braum, and Japanese women. They all have one characteristic-a lot of hard control and very powerful backhand ability.

Luo, a squishy hero, relies heavily on his ultimate move [Shocking Gap] to enter the field, which means he is destined to be afraid of heroes with hard control on their backhand, such as Japanese women.

If he is controlled by a Japanese girl the moment he enters the field, the opponent's output will melt Luo in an instant.

Of course, apart from this, Rakan is also a powerful auxiliary hero in the summer games.

However, Luo's partner Xia was severely slashed in version 7.12 not long after the start of the summer split. The cooldown of W [Lethal Feather Clothes] was increased by 4 seconds. (see this chapter)

This will undoubtedly greatly weaken Xayah's output ability.

But now in the incense burner system, these small flaws can be ignored.

Soft support heroes have nothing to do against Rao's entry - at most they have two restrictive skills: Feng Nu's ultimate move and Lulu's Sheep Transformation. The former can only block Rao's entry; the latter's Sheep Transformation has a casting time, and Luo's Sheep Transformation has a casting time. You can completely use E [Qingwu Pair] to distance yourself.

Xayah's strength has also been greatly improved with the appearance of the incense burner. R [Storm Feather Blade] can protect her output environment, and E [Barb] can provide control.

Moreover, Xia Luo can be paired with each other to lengthen the displacement distance of Luo E [Light Dance in Pair].

A good AD can protect the auxiliary shooter, and the strength of Xialuo's combination instantly increases by several levels.

"Spider and Lulu," Bai Yueya responded after a brief moment of surprise, "We have to target the opposite bottom lane in this game. Xiaotian, please pay attention..."

The Garlic Bastard nodded vigorously.

"RNG finally got the wine barrel for Xiangguo in the first round, and then added another hand to start a group!"

In the second round, Firefox banned Syndra and Rock Bird in an attempt to lock down Lin Ran; White Crescent Banned Crocodile and Shen in an attempt to leave Letme with no heroes available.

"RNG directly chose Rambo. They obviously wanted to have a head-on battle with YM in this game." I remember that I was not surprised by letme's choice. Apart from a few top lane heroes banned by YM, he is best at the current version. It's Rambo.

"Prince, give me the prince!" Jin Gong was waiting for Rambo to be taken from the opposite side. He was already prepared.

"Lin Ran, what do you want?" Bai Yueya asked.

"Is Galio okay?" Lin Ran glanced at the lineups of both sides and planned to use Galio with the prince to complete the entrance.

"RNG finally decided to lock down the plane! Xiaohu is about to develop in the middle!" Miller said with a bit of ridicule, "RNG successfully won the two-shooter system in this game, and the lineup looks perfect!"

The lineups of both sides are as follows:

Blue square YM: top laner Prince, jungler Spider, mid laner Galio, bottom laner Kalista + Lulu.

Red square RNG: Top lane Rambo, jungle jungle barrel, mid lane plane, bottom lane Xialuo.

Amid the deafening cheers from the audience, the second game officially began!

I went out to watch a movie, so don't worry about it today.

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