LOL: What is a roaming mid laner?

Chapter 306 304: Dian within Dian (a 10,000-word chapter!)

Lin Ran went out to buy the corruption potion and used the huge body of the Colossus of Justice to reach the river.

He stood face to face with Xiaohu, danced on the spot, and flashed his team's dog tags at the same time.

"YM has a lot of offensive pressure in this game," Wawa frowned and looked at the lineups of both sides. "In terms of late-stage combat capabilities, they are obviously not as good as RNG."

"Yes," Miller also agreed with his partner. "The dual shooter system of Airplane + Xayah makes it difficult for YM to deal with it in the later stage. They'd better use Spider's early strength to enter the field with Prince and Galio to end the game as soon as possible. .”

"But YM has an advantage in the later stage, that is, this Lulu is very difficult to die," I remember saying from the side, "They have quite a lot of protection skills, and they are not too afraid of Luo's forced attack."

At this time, the two sides' military lines were handed over in the middle. Lin Ran did not step forward and continued to huddle behind.

There is no way, who makes Galio short-handed? Before the level of Q [War Gangfeng] increases, he will definitely be crushed and beaten by Xiaohu's plane in the middle.

But he chose Galio not for laning.

Midhu didn't worry when he saw Lin Ranzhi behind the soldier line. He waited until the three melee soldiers in front were about to die before using his skills to make up for them.

This is obviously not to push the line quickly.

Although he brought purification in this game, which was miraculous in dealing with Galio's taunt, spider's cocoon and Lulu's sheep transformation, Midhu had no intention of competing with Lin Ran.

In Xiaohu's view, as long as it lasts until the mid-to-late stage, his aircraft's team battle output will be invincible, as long as he doesn't die during the laning phase.

Lin Ran used the war fan to kill three melee soldiers with residual blood, and continued to stay behind.

Seeing this scene, Midhu became more vigilant and did not want to push the line.

During this year, he had played against Lin Ran several times and knew him very well.

Xiaohu knew that once Lin Ran chose a hero in the middle who could not open up the situation alone, he would like to call Xiaotian.

Now Lin Ran's positioning is very timid, and Spider happens to be a hero with very strong gank at level 3. No matter what he thinks, Xiaohu feels that his opponent will arrange a wave for him at level 3.

"Xiangguo, can you, Level 3, help me squat?" Midhu asked, pinching the drake's voice, "The spider might come to catch me."

Mala Xiangguo had just started to attack the Three Wolves at this time. He glanced at the army line and after hearing what Xiaohu said, he felt that the spider was coming to catch him.

"You stock up on the troops, and I'll counter-crouch at level three. We're not afraid of them." He burped and ate the three wolves, preparing to finish the red BUFF before heading to the middle.

Although the level 3 fighting ability of aircraft + wine barrels is not as good as YM's midfielder, fighting the mid-line in the early stage is also an extremely important part.

As long as Midhu hoards a wave of troops in the middle, and the output of these minions in one round of fire is no less than the hero's normal attack output, which is equivalent to using more to defeat fewer, then it is impossible to lose to the YM midfielder.

Xiaohu did the same thing. He operated the plane to clear out the long-range soldiers on the opposite side.

The principle of this slow line push is very simple. The body of the long-range soldiers is relatively fragile. After cleaning them out, the remaining three rough-skinned melee soldiers will help resist a lot of damage and prevent the line from continuing to push forward.

As soon as the forward push speed slows down, the next wave of soldiers will continue to rise, and over time, a huge wave of slow push lines will be formed.

Lin Ran frowned. He looked at the large wave of troops that was about to be pushed in front of the tower and felt a little troublesome.

It will be very difficult for Galio with short hands to deal with this large wave of troops pushed under the tower - when clearing the troops, the opponent's aircraft will definitely use the advantage of hand length to consume itself.

Although Lin Ran brought a corruption potion as the god of medicine in this game, it didn't mean that he wanted to be consumed by Xiaohu in vain.

Not wanting to be fooled by the enemy, Lin Ran stepped forward to withstand a basic attack from the plane, and used Q [War Wind] to blow to death the three remaining health ranged soldiers on the opposite side.

Xiaohu was secretly happy when he saw this, feeling that his previous guess was correct.

After hiding for more than a minute, the fox tail was exposed, right?

By clearing out the ranged soldiers, aren't you just paving the way for Spider Queen to gank later?

I'm afraid these long-range soldiers will prevent you from catching me, right?

Xiaohu showed an evil and savage smile while finishing his attack.

He learned that Xiangguo had finished eating the red buff and upgraded it to level 3, so he was even more careful to keep his positioning pattern consistent with before - so as not to make his opponents suspicious.

Although several long-range soldiers were cleared by Galio, Midhu was sure that the intensity of the midfield battle between himself and Xiangguo was better than that of his opponent - because the third wave of artillery soldiers had already reached the middle.

As long as the opponent dares to take action, the damage provided by this artillery soldier is infinitely higher than that of those long-range soldiers.

Moreover, he has one more purification ability than Teleport Galio that can release the control. No matter how much he thinks about it, Midhu doesn't think he will lose this midfield duel.

"Xiangguo came to the grass above the middle road," Watou said after seeing this scene. "Now the middle line of troops is in front of Garriott. It is unrealistic to grab Ran hard. Xiangguo probably wants to counter-crouch."

I remember frowning, "But..."

The director suddenly switched the camera to the top road.

Letme Rambo and Jin Gong's prince are facing off near the midline. Both of them are now level two, but the prince will definitely be stronger in the fight. Letme huddles behind the line and keeps a distance from the Xiba people, not wanting the prince to EQ smoothly. Poke yourself.

After shaking for a while, he found that a melee soldier had lost its health, and the prince happened to move a step to the side at this time, also to replenish the remaining health of the soldier.

In this way, the distance between Rambo and the prince was widened.

The steady Letme stepped forward after seeing this, preparing to use an electronic harpoon to kill this melee soldier worth 21 gold coins.

The moment he stepped forward and threw the harpoon, a ball of white cocoon suddenly shot out from the shadow corner behind the lower right wall!

The angle at which the skill was thrown was extremely tricky, and it was deliberately thrown across the entire wall at an extreme angle.

This caused letme to not notice the white goo at all. When Cocoon came out of the wall, he had no time to react, and Rambo's butt suddenly suffered!

A seductive woman wearing high heels walked out from behind the wall. The ferocious spider legs beside her made people feel cold.

"But Xiaotian wasn't in the middle at all!" After seeing this scene, I remember finally completing half of what I said before, "He came from the triangle grass on the top road behind letme and launched a surprise attack!"

"After the spider formed a cocoon and was stunned, the prince directly came up and attacked with basic attacks to reduce the blood volume," Miller commented with a smile, "Brother Gongzi is a thief!"

The prince's passive [Rhythm of War] was knocked up, and in conjunction with the Spider Queen's output, Rambo was reduced to residual health in a matter of seconds!

Letme recovered from the dizzy state, with only more than 200 drops of blood left on her body.

He knew that the prince hadn't handed over the EQ yet, so even if he used flash to return to the tower, he would still be killed.

Simply skip the flash and save it for later.

"The prince's basic attack took the first blood! Xiaotian took the lead to open up the situation!"

The moment he saw Xiaotian appear on the road, Xiaohu's originally evil smile quickly faded away, and he completed a face change at the speed of light under the gaze of the camera.

what's the situation?

Shouldn't you be here to catch me?

Xiaohu was stunned for a moment, and then felt that he had been deceived by Lin Ran, the old Yin coin opposite him.

Cunning villain!

"Li Yuanhao, please control the army line and make a push back line. I will help you capture it once." Mala Xiangguo said in a cruel tone.

Lin Ran's clearing line reached Xiaotian's level 3 capture, and the YM midfielder was simply playing with him and Xiaohu like clowns!

The spicy hot pot will definitely retaliate. I will definitely not be able to swallow this bad breath, and I will definitely come back with revenge.

He took advantage of the time before the army line came out, and went to brush a group of sharp-beaked birds to suppress the panic.

As the artillery vehicles joined the battle, the middle line of troops irreversibly advanced into Lin Ran's defense tower.

Due to Xiaohu's previous layout, the troop line advanced very slowly towards the tower, and he saw that the next wave of troop lines was about to arrive at the foot of Lin Ran Tower.

The structure of this soldier line is very familiar - it belongs to Xiaohu's pushback line.

Although Galio's line clearing speed is very fast, it will not be possible until his level increases and the damage of Q [War Wind] and passive [Colossus Slam] increases.

In the early stage, Galio is no different from an ordinary short-handed hero. He will definitely be manipulated by his opponent. Long-handed heroes can use basic attacks to interfere with the troop line. In the early stage, the speed of pushing the lane is undoubtedly better than that of Galio, who relies on skills like Galio. hero.

Lin Ran had nothing to do with the troops. He could only control the speed of the wave of troops, but he could not change the overall situation of the troops pushing forward.

Since he didn't get the location information of the spicy pot, he walked closer to the grass above - because Xiaotian was in the upper half just now, which gave Lin Ran the illusion that the wine barrel would not be on top.

But as soon as he followed the military line across the center, the big belly of the wine barrel pushed up!

"Xiangguo also launched an offensive against Ran!" Wawa's voice was very urgent at first, but gradually his tone slowed down and he didn't sound so nervous. "RNG's midfielder didn't do enough damage!"

With a barrel with pure meat talent and an aircraft with weak early combat capabilities, how can this pair of midfielders with dual AP output catch and kill a Galio with a healthy blood volume?

Lin Ran relied on the passive magic shield of W [Dulang Shield] and the damage reduction of the active effect, and ran out with his feet, with 2/3 of his health remaining.

There's just some bad news.

His position was blocked by the spicy hotpot.

Currently, Lin Ran has no teammates nearby who can help him. This huge wave of forward troops will quickly swallow up RNG's entire wave of troops.

And it’s hard for him to even gain experience.

"It's very difficult for Galio. He's going to miss a whole wave of soldiers!" Miller looked at Lin Ran standing shivering behind him. "Although we won't die, we will lose a lot of money."

Lin Ran never expected that the spicy hot pot would emerge from the grass above the river.

This unexpected surprise makes him difficult to defend.

He felt a physical pain as he watched the small soldiers that were originally his own being swallowed up by the huge army line.

As the game progressed and he studied the Spicy Hotpot style, he increasingly felt that this was an extremely difficult opponent.

This hunger strike method is so disgusting.

Originally, Lin Ran judged the opponent's jungler's movements not only by using the information provided by his field of vision, but also by relying on the refresh patterns of the jungle camp.

For example, if a jungler has all three groups of wild monsters spawned in the lower half of the jungle, which lane will he hunt?

Mid lane and bottom lane.

There is a high probability that he will not grab the top lane.

The reason is simple. The three groups of wild monsters in the lower half are worth 300 gold coins per head in terms of economic value alone.

In this case, even if you catch the top laner, you will still lose money - because of the jungle mechanism problem, if the opponent eats 3 more groups of wild monsters, he will have to eat 3 less groups, which is a gap of 6 groups of wild monsters over and over again.

Unless you can get a first-blood tower or vanguard, you can avoid losing money by grabbing the top lane this time.

As mentioned before, one of the differences between the professional arena and the pub rankings is that the frequency of blood exchanges is much lower.

Except for a certain JiTeam top laner who likes to fight for solo kills, most players are relatively calm in the lane.

The reduced frequency of blood exchanges increases the difficulty of ganking in the jungle in disguise - after all, heroes with residual health are easier to kill than heroes with full health, this is obvious.

Therefore, in many situations in the professional arena, the jungler first catches the flash of the online hero for the first time, and then uses the 5-minute flash CD vacuum period to target crazily, and then seeks to kill.

Due to the reduced efficiency of ganking, most professional junglers basically follow the wild monsters when ganking. They go to the nearest gank wherever they go in the jungle.

After all, if you catch people in the opposite direction and don't get enough benefits, you will suffer a huge loss.

Under this principle, Lin Ran would always use his powerful analytical ability to extract the information obtained from the map and determine the approximate location of the opponent's jungler.

This kind of judgment is almost accurate, and Lin Ran will basically not make mistakes.

Of course, this is just the basics, there are still exceptions.

In the summer split last year, he was well educated by Lao Gan Daddy's eimy.

This wild king inherited from the great Hunger Strike jungler and Level 4 Pan Sen, the leader of the Blame Bar generation, made Lin Ran dizzy with his unexpected and mysterious action route in the jungle.

And now Mala Xiangguo is the second exception.

Nowadays, Mala Xiangguo has created a more powerful hunger strike strategy with the help of the coaching staff. He is not shackles by the jungle refresh at all, and he can marry Gnar if he wants.

He only needs to control two groups of wild camps, Stone Beetle and Sharpbill, and let the other junglers brush the rest.

Using the experience compensation mechanism, Mala Xiangguo can catch up with the level.

This style of play made Xiangguo's whereabouts confusing, and Lin Ran couldn't guess his location using the same old judgment method before.

The mad dog-style gank made Lin Ran extremely wary.

A whole wave of soldiers was lost, but the position of the soldier line was pushed under the Little Tiger Tower by Lin Ran. It seemed that it would take some time for the soldier line to be pushed back.

Lin Ran was not idle either. If Mala Xiangguo caught him, he would catch Uzi.

It sounds very reasonable.

Just as he was told, he operated the cumbersome colossus and walked down.

"What is this for?" The doll looked surprised, "He is only level 3!"

"Level 3 Galio wants to walk to grab the bottom lane?" Miller took a breath, "Isn't this too exaggerated?"

The audience was in an uproar.

[I vomited. I went to catch the mid laner at level 3. Targeting Uzi? 】

[Are you annoyed by the incense pot? Take it down the road and pee, right? I feel cold and trembling, ADC is not a toilet! 】

[Shouldn’t it be possible to catch it? After all, Galio is not Level 2...]

Really caught it.

Uzi saw Xiaotian Spider appear on the top lane before, and began to suppress it boldly.

He and Xiao Ming relied on Xia Luo's flexibility to constantly exchange blood with the YM duo, and their style was as fierce as ever.

It's just that Jack was very cowardly. He didn't fight Uzi at all. He just used the shield given by Lulu to use two skills, fought and retreated, and kept his health very healthy.

This is exactly the opposite of his original aggressive style of play, and it looks like a bang.

Entering the second year of his career, Jack is also reflecting on his playing style.

His original style was too aggressive, from laning to team play.

Many times there will be scenes where he will jump to the opponent's auxiliary hook, and sudden death is not a rare phenomenon for him.

But on the final stage of the S6 Global Finals, he encountered the pinnacle bang, an output machine that almost never made mistakes.

That year, Bang possessed all the qualities that an ADC dreams of: he was stable in the lane without losing pressure, and was difficult to catch; his keen sense of smell in team battles could help him find the perfect position, and he could perfectly use the formed equipment to deal explosive damage.

In the 5 games, Jack was suppressed a bit miserably. Fortunately, his teammates were strong. The black technology of Flag of Command and his own high output in the late team battles helped YM win the final championship trophy.

Having seen Bang's style of play, Jack has been trying to change his sometimes overly radical thinking since the end of S6, but this aggressive style of play is deeply ingrained, as if it has seeped into his DNA and is difficult to change.

Jack originally planned to give up, but he didn't expect that Xiao Ming, who was coordinating with him, left the team and was replaced by two assistants, Prophet and Liu Qingsong.

Both of them have average laning abilities, and their cooperation with him at the beginning was not as tacit as Xiao Ming's.

Jack made a fool of himself in the early stages of the Spring Split as usual, and was badly taught by his opponents.

After several sudden deaths in a row, he came back to his senses. Now with two newcomers as assistants, he can't win against the top bot laners in the LPL with his aggressive play style.

Jack's jumping face was an attempt to gain an advantage, not to make the game more difficult for himself. The heads sent out one after another were bloody lessons. He was forced to be steady and try to fight with the opponent as little as possible during the laning.

But this steady style of play is purely due to the limitations of his auxiliary laning ability. Jack's aggressive nature has not been completely eradicated, and sometimes he will still hit his face for output.

So Jack's current lane swings between stability and aggressiveness. No one knows which style he is playing before the game starts. It's like Jack's favorite braised pork. You don't know whether it's salty or sweet before you eat it. .

This is known as Schrödinger's Jack within the YM team.

Today Jack's piece of braised pork turned over to a stable brand. He and Liu Qingsong honestly put the line in front of the tower.

After learning that the Spider Queen appeared on the top lane, RNG saw Jack shrinking in the bottom lane, and the suppression became more and more rampant.

They didn't expect that level 3 Lin Ran would come to gank, and the game time is now close to 4 minutes, which is very embarrassing at this time.

The first jewelry position of the RNG bottom duo was thrown out - Uzi and Xiao Ming looked at the triangle grass and river grass around 2 minutes and 30 seconds to prevent Xiaotian from catching it at the third level.

The initial cooling time of the accessory eye is around 150 seconds, and the duration is only 60 seconds.

In other words, when Lin Ran reaches the node near the bottom lane, the RNG duo's jewelry eyes have all disappeared and have not yet been cooled down.

Currently, in RNG's field of vision, the bottom lane is completely black.

"Gario appeared from the triangular grass in the bottom lane, made a circle, and double-teamed the RNG duo from behind!"

"Kill Uzi!" Lin Ran shouted loudly, operating the Colossus of Justice to fold its wings.

W [Dulang Shield] starts to accumulate power!

Liu Qingsong suddenly flashed forward, and W [Fantasy] turned Uzi into a Pleasant Goat!

"Spear of Revenge jumps forward to deal damage, but Galio's taunt is delayed!" I remember speaking very fast, "Ran doesn't want the controls to overlap!"

After Galio's detour, anyone with a discerning eye knew that Uzi was destined to die.

"Xiao Ming wants to sell the Uzi and escape alone, but it seems he can really escape!"

Since Lin Ran circled behind to double-team, he was still diagonally behind RNG Xia Luo, and the taunting radius of W [Dulang Shield] had reached its maximum value - 350 yards.

As we all know, flash only has a displacement distance of 400 yards. If Xiao Ming wants to escape, he cannot flash directly behind, which will expose himself to the limit of taunting.

He made a quick decision - flashed forward into the grass below, just enough to escape Galio's taunting range.

At this time, Lulu's transformation into a sheep was about to end. Lin Ran did not hesitate when he saw this, and cast Durang Shield to taunt the 200-pound Xia.

"Give me the shield!" he shouted.

Liu Qingsong completely regarded himself as a tool that obeyed orders, and the shield of E [Help, Pixar] was attached to Galio.

Upon seeing this, Lin Ran immediately handed over his flash and went after Luo!

"Ran doesn't want to let Xiao Ming go yet, is he too greedy?" Miller shouted in disbelief as he looked at Galio's movements, "Can he really kill Luo?"

Galio's 1.5-second long taunt allowed Jack to insert spears all over Uzi's body without any effort, and with one strong pull, he reaped the heads. Uzi didn't even have a chance to hand over the barrier from the beginning to the end.

Jack then used the spear in his hand to pierce the soldiers' line, and passively [Martial Arts Stance] jumped forward to pursue.

Xiao Ming originally wanted to wait for Lin Ran to hand over E [Punch of Justice] before handing over W [Grand Appearance] to escape.

But he soon realized that he had chosen the wrong escape route-the bottom path of Summoner's Rift was not straight, but had a turning arc.

This causes Galio, who is standing inside him, to be faster while running down the tower from RNG.

Just like the classic pursuit problem in the practice test, sooner or later he will be caught up.

Without further ado, Xiao Ming quickly handed over W [Grand Appearance] and moved away before Lin Ran could catch up to him.

"Gario moved downwards..." The doll couldn't help but exclaimed when he saw Lin Ran's operation, "He actually used E [Justice Strike] to push Luo down!"

"This angle is too tricky!"

The audience and the doll had the same reaction, and the audience screamed one after another!

On the big screen at the scene, when the bulky Colossus saw the landing point for Luo Shengsheng's appearance, he did not hand over E [Justice Strike] forward to use it on his way.

Instead, choose to hand over the displacement skill downwards.

Galio squatted down hard to provide momentum for his upward sprint.

And this crouching movement just happened to hit Luo, who was moving forward, and successfully interrupted his movement!

"Lulu hands over the shining spear and slows down Luo again!"

Piercing missiles were fired from Lulu and Pixar, and because Liu Qingsong had just handed over the E skill to Lin Ran, the elf Pixar was lying on Galio's broad shoulders.

This missile with a deceleration effect successfully hit, and Lin Ran hit a heavy punch with a passive effect, reducing Xiao Ming's blood volume.

"Luo refused to give up. He handed over the treatment and wanted to speed up and distance himself..." Miller's tone was also very excited, "But Jack's Q [Penetration] has already been used!"

In the hurried voice of the commentary, Kalista, who used the Spear of Champions skin, fired a long, narrow and fast light blue spear that broke through the air and aimed directly at Shi Senming.

Xiao Ming knew that he must not take this spear, otherwise he would be unable to escape due to the slowing effect of Jack's E [Tear].

He saw clearly where the spear was thrust, and wanted to take a step back to avoid the spear.

But the strong body of the Colossus of Justice behind him firmly pushed against him, actually blocking his retreating position!

At this moment, Shi Senming had ten thousand grass-mud horses galloping past in his heart.

Kill them all, right?

"The spear hits, Jack pulls out the slowdown effect, Luo will definitely die!"

"Jack, you can eat." Lin Ran was still willing to give in. After all, he was playing Galio, who was not very economical, so there was no problem in giving up his head to someone who needed it more.

"Can you give it to me? Can you give it to me?" Liu Qingsong saw that team leader Lin Ran didn't want to eat the head, so he quickly asked. Looking at Luo, who had only a trace of blood left, he was still a little greedy, and couldn't help but lick his lips. .

"You take the hammer! The keys are three yuan each and ten yuan three. Wouldn't you rather match it?" Jack saw that Lulu was still some distance away from Xiao Ming, so naturally he stopped being humble and took away Xiao Ming's life with two basic attacks. He looks more like a team leader than Lin Ran.

[Caught at the third level, this smell is too strong, it’s a classic within a classic! 】

[As expected, RNG's bottom lane will also be on the line. So what if you press 20 knives? If you die once, don't you send them all out? 】

[Isn’t this too sexy? Uzi has no defense at all? 】

"My, my, my," Midhu knew he had made a big mistake when he saw Lin Ran appearing in the bottom lane. "I didn't expect him to go to the bottom lane."

He had noticed that Lin Ran disappeared from the middle, and his first reaction was that Galio had taken the Spider Queen to capture the incense pot in the jungle, so he just reminded his jungler.

Li Yuanhao didn't expect Lin Ran to be such a tough guy. He didn't even have a pair of straw sandals, so he had to walk for 20 seconds to launch a surprise attack in the bottom lane.

He wanted to push the line quickly and try to let Lin Ran lose more soldiers.

But the artillery vehicle of the sixth wave of troops on the opposite side was stuck there. It took all the strength of Midhu and two tigers to push a large wave of troops into Lin Ran's defense tower.

But the artillery truck on our side started to resist the tower again, and now the defensive tower couldn't eat the rest of the ordinary soldiers at all!

The artillery truck resisted the output of the defense tower 7 times, delaying the defense tower for a full 10 seconds.

Lin Ran rushed back to the middle lane after the gun carriage was killed, and Q [War Gangfeng] began to scratch the lines under the tower.

“Galio’s last hit count instantly increased,” I remember staring closely at the last hit count on the data panel, “He is only 9 soldiers behind Xiaohu!”

This also included the 6 knives that Lin Ran missed because the incense pot was stuck.

In other words, Lin Ran only lost 3 soldiers when he went to the lower lane this time, including a cannon truck.

And he earned two heads and four assists for YM.

"Jack restocked his attack speed shoes when he returned to the city. These skateboard shoes are about to take off!" Miller noticed Jack's equipment column.

The high movement speed bonus combined with the two-speed shoes increased the displacement distance of Kalista's passive [Martial Arts Stance]. Now Xiao Ming's Lo can't touch Jack at all. He stepped forward and tried to consume W [Grand Appearance], but was jumped by the skateboard shoes. He pulled away and poked out half of the tube of blood with his backhand.

"With the help of the first blood assist money, Xiaotian returned to the city in advance to replenish the green jungle knife, and started to control the vision as soon as he went out." I remember watching the Spider Queen crawling quickly on eight legs, and went to the RNG Sharpbill and Stone Beetle camps to do their respective tasks. One eye, "Huh?"

He was a little confused about the two wards inserted by Xiaotian, "Would it be better to insert the wards in the river?"

I remember that I and my two colleagues still don’t know the secret of the spicy hot pot hunger strike flow, and we can’t understand Xiaotian’s idea of ​​​​inspiring.

The two eye positions of Garlic Bastard just blocked the jungle camp where Mala Xiangguo used the experience compensation mechanism to catch up with the level.

As long as Xiangguo brushes these two groups of wild monsters to replenish their levels, their movements will be exposed to YM's field of vision, and they can adjust their tactics and strategies based on the jungle position.

In the middle, Lin Ran's level gradually increased. He tried to regain control of the army line, but if he pressed forward, he would be consumed by Midhu.

Fortunately, the magic shield provided by W [Dulang Shield] helped Lin Ran share a lot of damage. He had successfully reached level 6 when he knocked down three bottles of corruption potion.

Xiaoyao's two ward positions made a great contribution. When the Xiangguo was clearing the stone beetle camp, the movement was controlled by YM.

Then he rushed to the road ahead of time and successfully crouched back to the incense pot that wanted to help Rambo relieve the pressure.

The combination of YM Ueno Spider + Prince completed the crushing of RNG. Letme couldn't escape even after handing over a flash. Xiaotian flashed and followed up and bit him to death, leaving only Mala Xiangguo alone to escape.

After Lin Ran and Xiaohu pushed back the ninth wave of soldiers, they tacitly chose to return to the city to supply equipment simultaneously.

Midhu found that the early rhythm of this game was not right, so he gave up the slower-forming equipment of Demon Sect and honestly added Yao Guang and Straw Sandals.

When he went online again, he saw Lin Ran's equipment.

"This hanging man is really disgusting..." Even a good-tempered person like Xiaohu was stunned. "What did he do?"

Mercury shoes + murder ring + magic resistance cloak.

Equipped with magic resistance equipment and talent, Lin Ran's magic resistance is now close to 100!

100 magic resistance means that Lin Ran's magic damage reduction attribute is as high as 50%.

And RNG now happens to be a lineup with mostly AP damage. Rambo, barrels and planes are basically covered in magic damage.

"Gario's magic resistance attribute is too exaggerated. He doesn't lose health at all when the plane hits him!" The doll let out a familiar scream.

Although in theory, cloth armor shoes are more restrained by heroes like Airplane who rely on basic attacks for output, the mercury shoes in this game are also disgusting enough.

Luo's charm, wine barrel's dizziness, and Xayah's imprisonment will all be controlled by the resilience provided by the mercury shoes.

Coupled with the magic resistance provided by the mercury shoes themselves, Galio evolved in the direction of a meaty man.

"With Galio's magic resistance, the planes can't control him at all. They can only watch Ran push the line." Miller saw Lin Ran using his passive punch to smash the long-range soldier who still had less than half of his health. Death, and the plane could only watch from a distance, shaking its head repeatedly, "The plane does not have three items, and its combat capability is still a bit poor."

Lin Ran pushed the line and started walking up and down. Now that he had made mercury shoes, his movement speed was guaranteed, and the range he could move around became wider without losing troops.

Uzi in the bottom lane is very uncomfortable. Although he is extremely capable in laning, he cannot make up for the economic disadvantage caused by two heads.

And as the laning progressed, he discovered that the hero Spear of Vengeance was abnormal in the current version.

The passive effect of W [Sentinel], when Jack and Liu Qingsong both hit the same target with basic attacks, they will cause a percentage of magic damage based on their maximum health.

In the previous summer games, this mechanism was not too disgusting. After all, the strong ones at that time were all short-handed and hard-assisted. As a special case, Thresh was basically not released to match with Kalista, so the number of times it was triggered was quite high. few.

But now that the incense burner system has been released, the soft assistants are all long-handed heroes, and it is easy to use Kalista's passive attack in the lane to consume.

Uzi spent two rounds with his opponent, and found that the exchange of blood was so bad that it exploded, so he could only stay under the tower and wait for the troops to enter the tower.

"RNG's bottom lane was forced under the tower, so the view in the lower half was controlled by YM." I remember watching two Kalista sentries cooperate with an accessory eye to completely lock the river view, "Little Tian and Ran can link up and travel around, but RNG has not found any solution..."

The three routes were suppressed. Except for Xiaohu in the middle, who was purified and moved and could not be easily caught, both the upper and lower routes were likely to face the coordinated raids of Lin Ran and Xiaotian.

There is a long way between the two roads, so Mala Xiangguo can only choose one road to protect it.

He still chose the bottom lane.

During the break, Firefox held a meeting and specifically told the players that the most important thing at the moment is the bottom lane, especially the auxiliary position, which must be protected.

Xiangguo originally wanted to use the sharp beak and stone beetle camps in the upper half of the area in the early and mid-term to catch up with the level and help letme at the same time. After Luo has a big move and can start a group first, he will go to the bottom lane.

But Xiaotian's reverse squat ruined his plan, and he brought letme down.

As the game progresses, bottom lane safety becomes more and more important, so Xiangguo can only sacrifice Rambo.

When he went to the lower half of the area, Lin Ran and Garlic Bastard were not polite. They caught Rambo who didn't show up and started withdrawing money.

The operation is simple and crude. Xiba's EQ doesn't even need to hit. He only needs to close the distance and use the ultimate move to frame Rambo, and Lin Ran's R [Hero Appearance] can knock him away.

Then add two skills and kill Rambo casually.

"Xiangguo doesn't want to sit still and wait for death. He also wants to use aircraft explosive packs to imitate YM and have 4 packs and 2 coordination at a time!"

Xiao Ming sticks to the big belly of the wine barrel, and cooperates with R [Jinghong Gap] and W [Grand Appearance] to instantly control YM!

Jack was a little slower and did not hand over the flash before Luo Meimei could seduce him. After being controlled, the plane threw explosive packets over the wall and reached the battlefield, and cooperated with his teammates' output to cripple Jack.

His final contribution was to open the barrier and use R [Call of Destiny] to send Liu Qingsong away.

"The head was taken by Uzi, but RNG had to go back and take down the dragon, which saved a lot of economic disadvantage!"

"Didn't I tell you to step back?" Lin Ran frowned. He had already warned the bottom lane when he went to the top lane. RNG would definitely take the opportunity to 4-pack 2. Unexpectedly, Jack still died.

"I was too slow to retreat," Jack blamed himself. He knew that his head carried a team bounty, and this death in battle was really hurtful. "I was greedy for a gun truck, mine, mine."

Lin Ran didn't say much, and he and his teammates took down the Canyon Pioneer, preparing to advance as a team after Jack was resurrected.

"The vanguard has been released, and YM's attitude is very determined. They want to take out the first tower in the middle of RNG!"

As a gate for the disadvantaged side's jungle area and vision control, the first tower must be the target of RNG's concentrated defense.

Lin Ran, who had already made an adaptive helmet, did not hesitate and pushed forward decisively, with an extremely arrogant posture.

He also has someone to rely on - Xiao Ming hasn't made a blazing incense burner yet, but Liu Qingsong has better luck today. During the laning match, he picked up some more ancient coins and synthesized the incense burner in advance.

Whether or not the auxiliary has an incense burner is a watershed, representing a huge gap in combat power.

But RNG still doesn't want to abandon the defense of the first tower. They need this defensive tower to provide them with vision protection.

Once the first tower is destroyed in advance, most of Mala Xiang Guo's hunger strike flow will be wasted in three steps.

The first two steps were unsuccessful. After the middle tower was destroyed, the wild area naturally collapsed, and the wild monsters that were originally intended to be eaten by Uzi were nowhere to be found.

They want to rely on defense towers to resist.

"Rambo and the plane deal damage, but Galio is too tough and can't be hit at all!"

Lin Ran relied on the magic shield passively provided by Durang's shield, plus a layer of shield given by Lulu, making him astonishingly frank.

Coupled with the [Adaptive Helmet]'s reduction effect on continuous magic damage, Lin Ran's blood volume is very healthy.

"Only Xayah can hit him, but Galio activated the Durand Shield and started charging up to taunt!"

Uzi smelled danger when he saw Galio starting to charge up, and quickly ran back, instructing his teammates to retreat.

Lin Ran walked forward on his own. The current version of Galio's W will not be interrupted, and combined with the damage reduction effect, it can be called a rogue.

After charging, the taunt radius of Durang Shield expands to the maximum.

Lin Ran suddenly flashed forward, and the entire stone statue rushed into a tower in RNG!

The next moment, Durang's shield was released, successfully taunting Mala Xiangguo and Letme!

In fact, there was Xiaohu in this taunting range, but he was steady and handed over the flash when he saw that the situation was not good, and the soles of his feet were slicked quickly.

"Ran rushed in while holding the tower. Did YM want to jump over the tower and force his way out?" Wawa yelled in disbelief.

"Everyone from YM has already rushed forward. It seems that they have already planned it!"

Xibaren took the lead, using the prince's EQ to fly away the two people who were in a state of ridicule, and then handed over the ultimate move [Heaven and Earth Shatter]!

"The prince's ultimate move covers Xayah, Airplane, and Luo, and Galio's ultimate move is cast with him as the center of the circle!"

With the help of the wine barrel and Rambo, who was in a state of ridicule and unable to interrupt him, Lin Ran decisively handed over R [Hero Appearance], and the Colossus of Justice rose into the air and smashed towards the Prince of Demacia on the ground!

The whistling sound passed by the summoner's ears, and RNG's double C and support had to hand over their skills and leave the prince's ultimate move!

"The plane handed over Valkyrie and dived, Xayah handed over to flash, Luo relied on Qingwu to stick to Xayah's body in pairs, and the three of them retreated to a safe position," Miller analyzed the situation on the field, "But what about the two RNG players in the jungle? "

"They were completely abandoned by their teammates, and the RNG formation was divided!"

Xiangguo and letme, in front of them are YM's three men in the field, and behind them are the two heroes of YM.

The two men, who were advancing and retreating, stayed where they were, shivering, with spears inserted all over their bodies, and were killed instantly by the YM crowd with concentrated fire!

Xiao Ming didn't even have the intention of starting a team with a backhand. Ueno died too quickly. If he rushed in with a Luo, the result would be another 300 gold coins given to a certain YM player.

"Gario was beaten to low health by RNG's double C and defense tower, but Lulu used her ultimate move to help him withstand some of the damage!"

The Canyon Herald, which had been ignored just now, played its role. It used the coordination of its troops to crash into a tower in RNG!

"The combination of Galio and the prince is unreasonable," I remember discovering the blind spot, "their effect in dividing the battle situation is too powerful!"

"This is a bit outrageous," Miller also felt something was wrong. "It's hard to find output positions for the RNG dual-shooter aircraft and Xayah!"

Things seemed different from what they thought at first.

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